A message from the Executive Director
or almost 60 years, the United Way of Skagit County has believed in the power of community. We know that when we all work together, we have the power to bring real, positive, and sustainable change to people’s lives. Whether it’s through our own initiatives, such as Welcome Baby, Cutting Hunger on Weekends (CHOW), or the Financial People’s Project, or in partnerships with our various grant recipients throughout Skagit County like Anacortes Family Center, Community Action of Skagit County, or Sea-Mar Community Health Center. We strive to ensure that quality programs are available to those who live throughout Skagit County, and we know that by working together, we can create the community that we all deserve. Throughout the pandemic, we have continued to expand our reach and help even more of our community. A major change and development in our organization came in July of 2021 when we took on the opportunity to operate the Diaper Bank of Skagit County. Since then, we have expended our partnerships within the county, and together have distributed over 160,000 diapers to families within our community who need them most. We not only look forward to seeing the positive impact of the Diaper Bank continue to grow, but also seeing some new projects emerge that are nearing fruition right around the corner! Here at the United Way, we have a bold goal that by 2025, every child entering kindergarten in Skagit County is ready to learn. Through the support of all Skagit County members who have continued to give over the years to the United Way of Skagit County, they have shown the passion to be a part of the positive change happening in our community. We invite you to be a part of this effort too. Learn how you can join the cause by visiting unitedwayskagit.org. Thank you for being a part of the change. United we give, united we win. Live United.
Craig Chambers Executive Director
May 2022