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Real vs. fake Christmas trees

Are you looking forward to putting up your Christmas tree and decorating your home for the holidays? If so, you may be wondering whether a real or artifi cial tree is best. Here’s a short guide to help you make the right choice.


A real tree is an eco-friendly option, especially if it’s grown locally. When properly disposed of at the end of the holiday season, it can be used to make compost and mulch or feed farm animals. Keep in mind you must regularly water a real tree and vacuum any fallen needles. While pine trees smell great, they have a limited lifespan and aren’t ideal if you enjoy decorating early for Christmas.


ough artifi cial trees are manufactured in large facilities that produce pollution, they can last several years. If you reuse your tree for at least 15 years, it may be the more ecological choice. However, you must carefully store your fake tree to keep it in good condition. is means you must set aside space for it in your home. Make sure to purchase a high-quality tree to ensure the branches and needles don’t fall out prematurely. To fi nd a Christmas tree for your home, visit a local farm, market or retailer in your area.

Getyoursigni cantothersomething thatwilllastbeyondtheholidayseason

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