2017 Winter-Spring SV Rec Guide

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Skagit Valley Recreation & Activity Guide winter/Spring 2017

Mount Vernon Winter Wellness Week .............................. 2 Skagit Kid Insider ........................................................... 2 Mount Vernon Parks & Recreation ................................3-5 Kiwanis Club of Mount Vernon......................................... 6 Recreation Without Borders............................................ 7 Skagit County Parks & Recreation ................................8-9 Mount Vernon City Library............................................. 10 Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve .......... 10

Burlington Parks & Recreation...................................... 11 Skagit/Island Counties Builders Association ................. 11 Skagit Conservation District ......................................... 12 Skagit Valley Family YMCA ........................................... 13 Bellingham Sportsplex.................................................. 14 Western Washington University..................................... 15 Community Calendar..................................................... 16


Photo by Andy Porter Images


Mayor’s Winter Wellness Week January 22-28, 2017

Mayor Boudreau believes a healthy community results in a greater quality of life, satisfaction, and community engagement.

R p i p

Participate in activities offered by Celtic Arts Foundation, Skagit Valley Food Co-op, Hospice of the Northwest, and Mount Vernon High School throughout the week and get your year off to a fun and healthy start! And you won’t want to miss the Third annual Illuminight event offered in cooperation with Mount Vernon Downtown Association, Tri Dee Arts and the City of Mount Vernon on Thursday, January 26th! Join us for a week with FREE activities for 7 days!


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T y t a g p r a P b g s F c c s w

Photo by Cathy Stevens, MVDA

Visit our website or like our Facebook page “Mount Vernon Wellness Challenge” for a current schedule and all the latest information. For more information, call 336-6211 or visit: www.MountVernonWA.gov. 2855-001

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T b c a w a r a g S P w e m


Mount Vernon Parks, recreation & city Works PrograM 1717 South 13th St., Mount Vernon • Parks, Programs & Reservations (360) 336-6215 • Information Line (360) 336-0631 fax (360) 336-6290 • website: www.mountvernonwa.gov • e-mail: mvparks@mountvernonwa.gov

RecReation PRoGRaMS Fee: $50, T-shirt & Participation Trophy included

Mount Vernon Parks and Recreation invites individuals with special needs to participate in our programs. Please call in advance if accommodations are necessary for successful participation.


BiG HitteR’S tee-BaLL inStRUctionaL LeaGUe

The goal for our tee-ball program is to help our youngsters develop hand-eye coordination by teaching players to hit and catch correctly. The field and the rules are modified to play indoor school gyms. Parents are encouraged to help at games and practices as needed. registration DeaDLine: Friday, March 10th ages: Boys & Girls Ages 3 – 5 years of age Practice: 2 weekday evening outdoor practices begin the week of March 27th gaMes: 6 weekly Saturday games at Elementary schools (indoors or outdoors) April 15-May 20 Fee: $50, T-shirt & Participation Trophy included coacHes: Volunteer coaches and assistant coaches needed! sPonsors: Sponsors needed! $100 per team with your business name on team t-shirts

BiG HitteR’S coacH PitcH inStRUctionaL LeaGUe

The goals of this program are to learn the basics of baseball and develop hand/eye coordination through catching and hitting the ball. Practice & games are played outdoors and may be cancelled due to weather. Parents are encouraged to help at games and practices as needed. registration DeaDLine: Friday, March 10th ages: Boys & Girls Ages 6 - 8 years. gaMes: Games April 8 through May 15th on Saturdays. Teams will play 6 games outdoors. Practice: Practices will be outdoors. Coaches will call with practice days/time. eQuiPMent: Participants should bring their own mitt.

coacHes: Volunteer coaches and assistant coaches needed! sPonsors: Sponsors needed! $100 per team with your business name on team t-shirts

3RD & 4tH GRaDe GiRLS BaSketBaLL LeaGUe Join this introductory basketball league for the opportunity to learn basketball fundamentals with fun and competitive drills designed to introduce basketball skills and emphasize team work. Girls of all abilities will practice together and be formed into teams for games. This basketball league will provide a good foundation for the game and will be great preparation for programs like the Skagit County SWISH league. League includes 6 practices, 4 games, and a T-shirt. registration DeaDLine: Friday, February 17th ages: 3rd & 4th Grade Girls Practices & gaMes: Mondays & Wednesday evening in March Fee: $50 Max: 24 coacH: Brenyn Hart

MoUnt VeRnon VoLLeYBaLL teaM Players will learn to pass, set, hit, block, serve and dig the RIGHT way! Players from beginners to those with more experience will have the chance to learn volleyball fundamentals with fun, competitive drills designed to introduce volleyball skills and emphasize team work. Participants will play other teams from Burlington, Sedro Woolley, and LaConner. Sign up as an individual to be placed on a Mount Vernon team! ages: 3rd-6th graders (must attend the Mount Vernon School District) registration: Call for registration information – 336-6215 to get on a waitlist. Bring: knee pads, water bottles and athletic shoes (white soles) to all practices/games.

Sedro-Woolley for 3rd – 6th graders. Join this volleyball league to learn the fundamentals of the game, team play, sportsmanship and meet new friends. Players of all abilities are encouraged to sign up! This is great preparation for junior high and high school volleyball teams. registering teaMs: Registering teams must provide their own coach, t-shirts, practice space & equipment. Team roster & player forms will be required at time of payment. Team fee must be made in one payment. Call MVPR with any questions: (360) 336-6215

cHiLD anD BaBYSittinG SafetY cLaSS The Child and Babysitting Safety (CABS) program is a community education program that covers child safety and basic care techniques for infants and children. CABS stresses the priority to keep the babysitter and the children you care for safe. Some of the topics covered in the program: before the parents leave, playtime, telephone calls/stranger knocks, hand washing, meal times, bedtime, and providing emergency care (first aid and CPR). Dates: January 30th or March 10th (MV non-school days) tiMe: 9am-3:00pm age: 10 years and older Location: Hillcrest Park Skylight Room Fee: $50 MiniMuM: 10 instructor: Sheila Davis, Certified First Aid/CPR Instructor American Safety & Health Institute note: Bring lunch and a drink

SkaGit SPikeRS GiRLS VoLLeYBaLL LeaGUe teaMs ForMing –Teams are currently forming in the Mount Vernon, Burlington, LaConner, Conway & 2857-001

4 YOUTH & FAMILY TRIPS Recreation Without Borders specializes in trips, tours and adventures throughout the Northwest. Registration fees include supervision, transportation and admission fees but do not include food, beverages or other purchases unless specifically noted. Participants should bring money for food and other purchases and wear weather appropriate, comfortable clothing and sturdy walking shoes. All trips depart from and return to Hillcrest Park, 1717 South 13th Street in Mount Vernon.

LeT IT SnOw…SnOwSHOeIng And LeAvenwORTH’S BAvARIAn Ice FeSTIvAL Join us on this winter wonderland adventure! Enjoy an easy to moderate snowshoe outing before heading to Leavenworth’s Bavarian Ice Festival. The evening concludes with fireworks! Snowshoes, trail passes and guides included. Supplies list available at registration. Day/Date: Sunday, January 15 time: 10:30 am–9:30 pm ages: 12 years and older (under 18 with adult supervision) Fee: $74.00 trip LeaDers: Lauren and John Woodmansee min.: 8 max.: 8 register by: Monday, January 9


Feeling lucky? Time to shake off those winter blahs and try your hand with Lady Luck! Locations include Snoqualmie Casino, Muckleshoot Casino and Tulalip Resort Casino. Day/Date: Saturday, January 28 time: 9:00 am–5:30 pm ages: 18 years and older Fee: $55.00 trip LeaDer: RWB staff min.: 8 max.: 10 register by: Monday, January 23

gATeS FOUndATIOn And MOHAI Visit two of Seattle’s iconic attractions. Enjoy a private tour at the Gates Foundation Visitor Center before venturing over to the Museum of History & Industry. Explore all of the wonderful permanent exhibits as well as the featured Seattle exhibit Edible City: A Delicious Journey. Day/Date: Thursday, February 2 time: 130-9:00 pm ages: 12 years and older (under 18 with adult supervision) Fee: $67.00 trip LeaDer: RWB Staff min.: 8 max.:10 register by: Thursday, January 26


Enjoy this one-of-a-kind night out. Explore the historic Paramount Theater and then be treated to a rare performance by the Seattle Opera. Tonight’s featured silent film is Carmen, directed by the legendary Cecil B. DeMille and loosely based on the Prosper Mérimée novella. Prior to the movie members of the opera will perform two arias from Carmen. Throughout the movie live music will be provided by the Mighty Wurlitzer Organ. Day/Date: Monday, February 27 time: 2:30-10:00 pm ages: 12 years and older (under 18 with adult supervision) Fee: $67.00 trip LeaDer: RWB Staff min.: 8 max.: 10 register by: Tuesday, February 21

OUTdOOR exPO-TRAveL, AdvenTURe, geAR, gOLF, BIkIng And MORe! Time to get ready for the great outdoors! Today you will visit three unique showcases including the Travel, Adventure and Gear Expo, the Seattle Bike Show and the Seattle Golf and Travel Show. Each event is very interactive with plenty to do and see including exhibitors, speakers and presentations, demos, free drawings, hands-on fun and so much more! Day/Date: Sunday, March 5 time: 9:00 am–5:00 pm ages: 8 years and older (under 18 with adult supervision) Fee: $67.00 trip LeaDer: John Woodmansee min.: 8 max.: 10 register by: Monday, February 27

FRencH FeST And THe cURIOUS neST Oh la la! Join us at the 5th Annual French Fest. Enjoy many activities – all with a “French” twist including live music, theater and dance performances, French cuisine, informative seminars and cooking demonstrations, “best baguette” contest and more. Then head to The Curious Nest, home to Seattle’s best assortment of found and created treasures including French antiques, curiosities and objet d’art. Day/Date: Sunday, March 19 time: 9:30 am–5:30 pm ages: 8 years and older (under 18 with adult supervision) Fee: $55.00 trip LeaDer: Lauren Woodmansee min.: 8 max.: 10 register by: Monday, March 13


Enjoy a fun day of shopping and exploring some of the NW’s best consignment and thrift stores. Time to update the wardrobe and freshen up the household at unbeatable prices. Lots of fun “treasure hunting” throughout our nifty, thrifty day! Day/Date: Saturday, April 1

time: 8:30 am–5:30 pm ages: 12 years and older (under 18 with adult supervision) Fee: $55.00 trip LeaDer: Lauren Woodmansee min.: 8 max.: 8 register by: Monday, March 27

AnnUAL ARBOReTUM And nURSeRIeS TOUR Today’s adventure starts with a visit to the Evergreen Arboretum and Gardens. After exploring the grounds and getting lots of inspiration and ideas we will then head to a variety of nurseries and garden stores including Flower World, Snohomish Garden Center and McAuliffe’s Valley Nursery. Day/Date: Friday, April 14 time: 9:00 am-5:00 pm ages: 12 years and older (under 18 with adult supervision) Fee: $55.00 trip LeaDer: RWB Staff min.: 8 max.: 8 register by: Friday, April 7 AdULT PROgRAMS

InTROdUcTORY SPAnISH FOR AdULTS A friendly and practical introduction to the Spanish language for adult learners to provide a framework on which to build foreign language knowledge and the confidence to use it, to include: Pronunciation, Noun number and gender, Adjectival position and agreement, Verb formation, Basic vocabulary and An opportunity to continue learning Spanish at the end of the course. Day/times: Feb, 7,14,21,28 Tuesdays, 6pm-7pm weekly homework / online activities Fee: $40 per adult including all materials Location: Vaux Retreat Center instructor: Giles Kilvert, Spanish teacher at MV Christian School and has International teaching experience Ongoing spanish learning opportunities available!


Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese exercise that has been a daily prescription for health and longevity for hundreds of years. Tai Chi focuses on balance, posture, relaxation, breathing, visual and mental concentration. The very graceful and fluid movements promote mind and body harmony. This class is open to new as well as experienced students. Yang Family Style Bow 52 form section 1. Wear loose fitting clothes. ongoing class- weekly sessions. session 1: Mondays Jan 9-March 6 NO class on January 30th. session 2: Mondays March 13-May 1 time: 6pm-7:15pm Min: 6 Location: Hillcrest Park Lodge ages: 15 years + Fee: $87 2858-001

Tai Chi FoundaTions For EvEry Body Participants learn a simplified series of movements based on Tai Chi principles. This is an excellent introduction for those who are interested in Tai Chi and prefer a morning class. It is also excellent for Tai Chi or Qigong practitioners who wish to deepen their understanding of Qi. 7 week series. ongoIng SeSSion 1: Fridays January 6- March 3 no Class on January 27th and February 3rd. SeSSion 2: Fridays March 10-April 21 Time: 10:45am-12pm LocaTion: Hillcrest Park Recreation building age: open to all ages Fee: $77

PiCklEBall – a liFETimE sPorT! Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports in the United States and around the world. This game can be played by folks of all ages. Elementary school children to folks in their 90’s can all enjoy this game. The game combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. The game is played on a badminton sized court with a paddle and a plastic ball. no previous experience is necessary. Court shoes and the ability to freely move around the court is required. Child care is not provided. DaTeS: Sundays, Jan 8, 15, 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar 5 Time: 10am-12pm ageS: 18 years+ LocaTion: LaVenture Middle School gym Fee: $22

sPECial EFFECTs makEuP Class

This class will teach the basics of effects make up, such as fake blood recipes, 3D wounds, creature effects, y and mold making. We will go through traditional, inexpensive options as well as cutting edge, professional materials and techniques. Students will gain an understanding of the different possibilities for achieving their desired special effect and gain skill in techniques through hands on practice. DaTeS: Friday, April 28 Time: 6:30pm-8pm LocaTion: Vaux Retreat Center Fee: $25 inSTrucTor: Daniel Salas

sPECial EFFECTs mold making This class will serve as introduction to the methods and materials used to create 3D fx. We will touch base on simple molds, life casting, and two piece molds. There will be plenty of demonstrations. DaTeS: Saturday, April 29 TimeS: 12-5pm LocaTion: Vaux Retreat Center Fee: $25 inSTrucTor: Daniel Salas

PuPPy BooT CamP Puppies 12 weeks to 8 months will learn doggie social skills, good manners, and basic commands including: sit, down, stay, leave it, give it, take it, wait at door, come when called and much more. Hand signals and verbal commands will be taught. owners will learn how to handle jumping, nipping, and biting. Learn the best potty training techniques as well as the most effective and humane ways to stop bad habits from setting in. Puppies will have fun doing confidence building exercises like tunnel runs and “walking the plank”. Clicker training will be explained, but use is optional. Well-behaved children, 10 years and older may attend this class. *Please provide a copy of current shot records* DaTeS/TimeS: Wednesdays for 6 weeks SeSSion 1: Feb. 1st-Mar. 8th SeSSion 2: Mar. 22nd-April 26th Time: 6-6:50pm LocaTion: Hillcrest Park Recreation building Fee: $87 min.: 6 max.: 10 inSTrucTor: Carmen Williams, CPDT-ka, AKC Canine good Citizen Evaluator, owner of Sunny Lane Canine Academy: www.sunnylanek9.com noTe: Please bring treats, collar, leash and mat or rug.

small BrEEd BasiCs This class is for small breed dogs that are 20lbs and under. It is designed specifically to assist owners with behaviors and problems that are specific to small breed dogs, such as house soiling and recall problems. It is safe and fun for dogs and owners! DayS/DaTeS: Wednesdays for 6 weeks SeSSion 1: March 22-April 26 Time: 7-7:50pm LocaTion: Hillcrest Park Recreation building Fee: $87 min: 6 max: 8

inSTrucTor: Carmen Williams, CPDT-ka, AKC Canine good Citizen Evaluator, owner of Sunny Lane Dog Academy: www.sunnylanek9.com noTe: Please bring treats, collar, leash and mat or rug.


doggiE middlE sChool

Does your teen-age dog or Sunny Lane Alumni need a little more “polish”? If your once well-behaved dog has become sloppy in his behavior, perhaps he is going though the dreaded Doggie Adolescent period (6-months to 2 years). This 3-week course may be just what you need to get back on track. This class is offered for socialized dogs that have been taught the basics, but need a little more training. This refresher course will help re-teach the dog and the owner to work together as a team. We will focus on recall, leash walking, focus and handling techniques while increasing the human/doggie bond. There will also be fun and surprises for you and your dog. Your dog wants to come back to school! Well-behaved children, 10 years and older may attend this class. *Please provide a copy of current shot records* DayS/DaTeS Wednesdays for 3 weeks SeSSion 1: Feb. 15, 22, Mar. 1 Time: 7-7:50pm LocaTion: Hillcrest Park Recreation building Fee: $47 min.: 6 max.: 10 inSTrucTor: Carmen Williams, CPDT-ka, AKC Canine good Citizen Evaluator, owner of Sunny Lane Canine Academy: www.sunnylanek9.com noTe: Please bring treats, collar, leash and mat or rug.

CommuniTy C EvEnTs FaThEr / daughTEr valEnTinE’s Ball All girls are invited with their fathers (or other father figure) to a Valentine’s Ball. This is an opportunity for dads and daughters to dress up and spend a night together creating lasting memories, remember to bring your camera! Tickets go on sale on January 4th. Purchase them early to reserve your spot on the dance floor! All tickets must be pre-purchased. DaTe: Saturday, February 4th Time: 6:30-8:30pm LocaTion: Mount Vernon High School Cafeteria age: girls of all ages with father /guardian (over 18 years) Fee: $22 per couple, $11 each additional girl For more information on any program or event run through mount Vernon Parks & recreation call the administration office at (360) 336-6215. 2859-001


www.kiwanisbbq.com Kiwanis Club of Mount Vernon: Building a Better Community

Kiwanis Salmon BBQ April 1-23, 2017 • Daily 11 am-7 pm 28th Annual Community Wild Salmon Barbecue Each spring during the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, the Kiwanis Club of Mount Vernon hosts a 23-day salmon barbeque at the historic Hillcrest Lodge. Locally caught salmon is grilled to perfection over the open flame fire pit and served with delicious sides. What makes this event even more special is that every cent of this effort is returned to youth and community programs.

Kiwanis Club of Mount Vernon

15 large plate $ 12 medium plate $

Alder grilled salmon Coleslaw Dessert

Baked Potato Garlic Bread Beverage

Mount Vernon Boys & Girls Club Members

• Boys & Girls Club • META • Camp Orkila (Centennial School) • Skagit Valley Herald Christmas Baskets • Adopt a Family • Summer Mobile Playground Program • YouthNet • Friendship House

• Ghana Together AXIM Project • Mount Vernon High School Key Club • Safe Kids Car Seats • Prayer Breakfast • Little Mountain Skills Center • MVPR Summer Outdoor Movies • Skagit County Community Action: WIC, Headstart & Spark


KiWAniS SupportS:


G e t I n s p i re d ! G e t C o n n e c t e d ! G e t A c t i v e ! Specializing in Trips, Tours & Adventures throughout the Northwest

Like us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

Snowshoeing • Cross Country Skiing •Wine Tours • Private Trips • Sporting Events • Canadian Adventures • Birthday Parties Theater Outings • Hiking • Youth Trips • Overnight Excursions • Museums • Family-Friendly Programs • Employee/Team Building

(Pick up may also be available near Marysville!)

Thursdays in the Parks-Weekly Walking Adventures Thursdays, January 5-February 2: Winter Series #1 Thursdays, February 9-March 9: Winter Series #2 Thursdays, March 16-April 13: Spring Series #1 Best of Georgetown Saturday, January 14 Seattle’s Chinese New Year Saturday, January 21 Vancouver Fooster: Kitsilano Brunch Crawl Sunday, January 22 Roy Robinson Subaru Outdoor Adventure Speaker Series Tuesday, January 24-The Pacific Crest Trail: A Long Walk Home Tuesday, February 28-Craig Romano: Classic Hikes in WA Tuesday, March 28-Mike Woodmansee: Real Adventures in the North Cascades Methow Valley Snowshoe Adventure Friday-Sunday, February 3-5 A Day of Wine and Chocolates Saturday, February 4 Full Moon Snowshoe Adventure Saturday, February 11 Magical Strings Celtic Gala Saturday, March 11 Harrison Lake Saturday, March 18 Triangle of Fire-Historic Puget Sound Military Forts Saturday, March 25 Seattle Mariners 2016 Home Opener Monday, April 8 Astoria Heritage and Nature Tour Friday-Sunday, April 28-30

Through Mount Vernon Parks and Recreation…

Call 360-336-6215 to register or for more information turn to page 4! (Pick up may also be available near Marysville!)

Let It Snow…Snowshoeing and Leavenworth’s Bavarian Ice Festival Sunday, January 15 Let It Roll…NW Casino Tour Saturday, January 28

Gates Foundation and MOHAI Thursday, February 2

Opera and A Movie at the Paramount Theater

Through Skagit County Senior Centers...

Call 360-293-7473 to register or for more information. Vancouver Aquarium and Afternoon Tea Wednesday, January 11 Northwest Flower and Garden Show Wednesday, February 22 Cypress Mountain Snowshoe Adventure Wednesday, March 15 Murder for Two at the ACT in Seattle Tuesday, April 18

Monday, February 27

Outdoor Expo-Travel, Adventure, Gear, Golf, Biking and More! Sunday, March 5

French Fest and The Curious Nest Sunday, March 19

Spring Has Sprung Consignment and Thrift Store Tour Saturday, April 1

Arboretum, Garden and Nurseries Tour Friday, April 14

We are the Inspiration Behind Your Destination! Call 360-766-7109 for more details and to book your trip today!

RWB offers private trips and tours for all occasions... Wine tours, theater outings, snowshoeing, sporting events, bachelorette parties, birthday celebrations, etc. We do all the planning! Lots of great ideas for family fun, employee recognition and special celebrations.

Check out all our adventures and offerings at www.recreationwithoutborders.com To register for trips or to book your private trip today call 360-766-7109


Through Recreation Without Borders…

Call 360-766-7109 to register or for more information go to www.recreationwithoutborders.com

8 The Cubbies finally overcome the curse of the Billy

them of a season once brimming with hope, until that

Goat by putting together a late rally to take the 2016

final fateful day of the season. Optimism fades or dies

World Series, as the championship trophy slid fatefully

mercifully for all but one team—the rest are destined to

from the grasp of the Cleveland Indians with one swift

fail, at least by the standard cultivated by the neurotic

late stroke of a tapered slab of hickory. With one simple

coaches, merciless media, callous owners, and turncoat

swipe, the tides of history turned and now it’s the


desolate Cleveland Indians owning the infamous scarlet L crown for lugging the longest championship dry streak

(360) 416-1350 www.skagitcounty.net/parks

“Creating Community through People, Parks and Programs”

From the Director’s Chair Director Brian Adams, Skagit County Parks and Recreation

in the major leagues. But seasons turn and hope is always with the next upcoming sport (although the Cleveland Browns may want to keep the champagne on the ice as well, after limping winless through another lackluster NFL season).

Creating situations where there is more than one winner is what we strive for at Skagit County Parks and Recreation. Our partners help us become more successful and with agencies such as the Skagit Land Trust, Skagit Valley College, School Districts, Trails Associations, Mount Vernon Parks and Recreation, Washington State Parks, Skagit Fisheries Enhancement

The tickertape parade is reserved for the winner

Group, Skagit Conservation, and so many other

while the losers go home to spend the offseason reliving

organizations that work hand in hand with us to

and agonizing over an awkward bounce, a referee’s

make sure the needs of the people who live and visit

mismanaged whistle, or a ball that inexplicably fell

Skagit County are met. We take a great deal of pride

through the glove’s webbing. One bungled play and the

in the partnerships we’ve created and look forward to

loser is sent home to wonder about what could have

developing more in 2017. When we work together to

been. Reality stalks its prey with the opportunistic sickle

build recreational infrastructure, everybody is victorious.

of the grim reaper, filching one team at a time, robbing

Now that’s a winning concept we can all embrace.

Sign up to sell your incredible things at an affordable booth space or come find new treasures for yourself! Bring your family & friends and enjoy vendors galore, food, live music & much more! Over 140 vendors and 6,000 visitors each year attend this event. Visit our website for vendor application forms.

Skagit County Fairgrounds

Phone: 360-416-1350 E-Mail: fairgrounds@co.skagit.wa.us Web: www.skagitcounty.net/fairgrounds

Friday, April 7th, 2017 9:00 am ~ 4:00 pm Saturday, April 8th, 2017 9:00 am ~ 4:00 pm Admission: $3.00 On site parking: $3.00

SAVE THE DATE! Skagit County Fair August 9-12, 2017 2695-001



Adult Sports Leagues & Tournaments Youth Sports Leagues & Camps Men’s WInTeR BaskeTBall league

This league is open to men 18 years and older. Games will be played Monday, Tuesday or Thursday evenings at Skagit Valley College. This 8-game season will be followed by a single elimination league tournament. Same color and numbered shirts are required. Register by: Monday, January 2 Ages: 18 years and older Days/Dates: Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays beginning January 9 Time: 6:00 – 9:30 pm Locations: Skagit Valley College (SVC) Gym Fee: $450.00 per team

WInTeR COeD VOlleyBall league

Three divisions to choose from on Wednesday or Friday night! COED teams in this league consist of 3 females and 3 males (6 on 6) aged 16 years or older. Divisions of play include OPEN & REC. Season includes an 8 - match schedule at various sites in Skagit County and conclude with a single elimination league tournament. In all divisions it is a “call your own” officiating format. Register by: Wednesday, January 4 OR Friday, January 6 Ages: 16 years and older Days/Dates: Wednesdays, beginning January 11 OR Fridays, beginning January 13 Time: 6:00 – 9:30 pm Locations: Various gym sites Fee: $215.00 per team

2017 Youth bASketbAll SkillS CAmP

Skagit County’s BEST hoops camp! Two age groups to choose from! This basketball skills camp is for boys and girls ages 5 - 13 years old. The camp focuses primarily on the development of proper basketball fundamentals. Participants are divided into small working groups for optimal skill improvement. TWO sessions at ONE location. Sessions are divided by 5 - 8 year olds and 9 - 13 year olds w/ both sessions at Mount Baker Middle School in Mount Vernon. Camp runs for five weeks and each camper receives a commemorative basketball! Register early… this camp fills up very quickly! Register by: Thursday, January 12 Ages: 5 - 13 years old Days/Dates: Saturdays, beginning January 14 Time: 9:00 – 11:30 am Locations: Mount Baker Middle School Fee: $68.00 ($5.00 discount for the second child from each family)

2017 boYS S.W.i.S.h. (4th-8th gRAdeS) BaskeTBall league

giRlS high SChool SPRing bASketbAll league Two divisions to choose from! This competitive league is for teams wanting to get a “JUMP” on the 2017-2018 season. Junior Varsity and Varsity divisions are offered. Current 8th graders (2017 freshmen) are encouraged to participate. Varsity letter winners at “1A” schools and above are not eligible for JV play. Teams are required to have same color, numbered shirts. Register by: Monday, March 14 Ages: 14 - 17 years old Day/Dates: Mondays beginning March 21 Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm Location: SVC and MVHS Fee: $460.00 per team

The Boys Basketball Leagues is set to begin on Saturday, January 7th (Boys S.W.I.S.H.). Please contact Skagit County Parks & Recreation for any available space for an individual or team – 360-416-1350 or tonyt@co.skagit.wa.us

25th AnnuAl boYS’ And giRlS’ tuliP 2017 boYS mASteRS bASketbAll leAgue BaskeTBall TOuRnaMenT

Two Divisions to Choose From! This basketball league is for boys NOT on a high school basketball team. Separate divisions are offered for 9th/10th and 11th/12th grades, though divisions may play cross-over games or be combined as needed. The season consists of a minimum of 8 games. Same colored, numbered shirts are required and each team must have a coach/manager who is 21 years or older on the bench for each game. 2017 Adult SPRing SoftbAll leAgueS EARLY NOTICE!! Spring Softball League information will be Register by: Friday, January 13 available February 1, 2017! Softball will begin with jamborees Ages: 9th – 12th grade boys Days/Dates: Sundays, beginning January 22 the week of April 3rd-7th with regular season play beginning April 14th. Keep tabs on the Spring Softball League information Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm at www.skagitcounty.net/parks or e-mail tonyt@co.skagit.wa.us Locations: Skagit Valley College (SVC) Gym with any questions or to get on a mailing list! Fee: $425.00 per team

This VERY POPULAR tournament is now in its twentieth year with 100+ teams participating annually. Eight divisions to choose from including those for 4th/5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade teams for both boys and girls. All teams are guaranteed four games using a multilevel tournament format. Individual awards to division champions with team awards to the top teams in each division. Get your entry fees in early… this tourney fills fast! Register by: Friday, March 10 Ages: 5th – 8th grade Boys & Girls Day/Dates: Friday - Sunday, March 24-26 Time: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm Locations: various area gyms Fee: $285.00 per team

For more information or to register with a VISA or MasterCard call SCPR at 360-416-1350. Skagit County Parks and Recreation • (360) 416-1350 • www.skagitcounty.net/parks “Creating Community through People, Parks and Programs”



Spotlight on Youth Programs @ MV City Library: Storytimes for children ages birth to 8: January 3-March 16 Toddler Storytime: Tuesdays, 10:30am Preschool Storytime: Wednesdays, 10:30am Baby Storytime: Thursdays, 10:30am Travels w/SKOOB: Thursdays, 4:15pm ages 6-8

Animal Science Workshop & Science Backpack Launch: fun and learning collide as we launch our “Science on the Go” backpacks at our Animal Science Workshop. Youth ages 8-12 engage in hands-on exploration activities, including Lego Building: Wednesdays 3-7:30pm & owl pellet examination, from Saturdays 2-4:30pm--all ages Play & Learn: fridays & Saturdays 10-11:30am, 4-5pm on Tuesday, January 24. ages 2-6 explore early learning activity stations Also, discover our new backpacks, available to check-out, which feature with a caregiver experiments, materials, and books on different science subjects. Tales for Tails: first Saturdays 1-2pm, Subjects include color, light, water, magnets, animal biology, sounds, ages 6-12 drop in and read to therapy dogs forces and more! Backpacks funded by a grant from Elks Lodge #1604.

Friday & Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm

Closed Sunday

www.mountvernonwa.gov 10441 Bay View-Edison Rd Mount Vernon, WA 98273 To register go to www.padillabay.gov or call 360-428-1558 For Adults Introduction to Hawks of the Skagit Learn to recognize the most common species in our area with raptor biologist and falcon aficionado, Bud Anderson. A slide presentation from 9:00AM-11:00AM will introduce you to raptor biology, field characteristics, and common behaviors. The afternoon field trip runs until around 2:00PM and is limited to 15 participants. Saturday, January 7, 10:00AM-12:00 noon. Registration is required. Community Energy Challenge Did you know there is an amazing local resource that makes it easy to create a more comfortable, durable, and energy efficient home? Experts from the Community Energy Challenge (CEC), a local energy efficiency program, will be speaking about how to make smart decisions for your home that will save you money and keep you comfy. You’ll come away understanding energy audits, how to identify cost effective projects that give the largest impact, the benefits of energy efficiency improvements, exclusive incentives, and how the CEC can help you navigate your project. The talk will also focus on renewable energy and net zero homes. There will be plenty of time for Q&A, so come with your home energy efficiency questions! Saturday, January 21, 1:00-2:00PM. Registration is required.

Our programs are free and popular. To be among the first to hear about new programs, sign up for our e-newsletter at www.padillabay.gov.

Swans in the Skagit Valley The swan as a mythical creature goes back to the earliest human cultures. Each year, the Skagit is the winter home of thousands of swans that nest in the arctic. Martha Jordan, biologist with Northwest Swan Conservation Association will present swan mythology and life history, as well as current issues and tips for finding and observing swans without disturbing them. Saturday, February 11, 1:00-2:30PM. Registration is required. Winter Botany Methuselah’s beard, teasing teasels, equisetum equalizer! Join a local naturalist to find out more about ethnobotanical uses of these plants and many more We’ll identify plants by studying their bark and buds. Bring a snack to supplement any wild edibles we might encounter. Instructors: Marlee Osterbauer and Jerome Janson. Saturday, February 25, 2:00-4:00PM. Registration is required For All Ages


Hours: Monday-Thursday 10:00am-8:00pm

315 Snoqualmie Street, Mount Vernon, WA 98273

For Children Mini Explorers For children ages 3 to 5 We look at a new topic each month, with stories, games, hands-on observations, art projects, and plenty of action. Registration is required. Each class is offered 4 times. January 18 & 19, 10:00AM & 1:00PM - Stars of the Sea February 8 & 9, 10:00AM & 1:00PM - High Tide, Low Tide March 8 & 9, 10:00AM & 1:00PM - Cnidarians: Jellies, anemones, and their friends Junior Ecologists For children ages 6 to 9 Excursions to the beach, science experiments, games, art projects, and studying life in the bay–this program is guaranteed fun! Registration is required. Each class is offered twice.

January 13 & 14, 10:30AM-12:00 noon - Echinoderms Aquarium Tour and Fish Feeding February 17 & 18, 10:30AM-12:00 noon - Forage Fish Come and find out what’s new and exciting in our aquariums. Join aquarist, Mark Olson for a behind-the-tanks March 17 & 18, 10:30AM-12:00 noon – Hawk Watch view of the system, and a close-up look at the amazing critters in the tanks. Saturday, January 28, 11:00AM. No need to register.


(360) 336-6209


Visit our Burlington Parks and Recreation website for all our upcoming programs!

www.burlingtonwa.gov/recreation 2864-001

360.755.9649 | recreation@burlingtonwa.gov

37th Annual

Tickets Online $2 discount

Skagit County Fairgrounds 1410 Virginia St Mount Vernon

use code:



Major Sponsor:


The Skagit Conservation District Presents:

Backyard Conservation Stewardship Short Course Featuring Valuable Tips For: Native Plant Landscaping Environmentally Friendly Garden Practices Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Attracting Birds to Your Backyard Composting Bees as Pollinators Building Healthy Soils Managing Invasive Plants Gardening for Wildlife Introduction to Low Impact Development/Rain Gardens Permaculture Gardens And MORE!

Training provided by local experts!

“Seeing wildlife in my garden takes me to my happy place�

- Carole Sevilla Brown, Conservation Biologist

Classes are free and will be held on Wednesday evenings, from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm, beginning Wednesday, March 22nd and continuing through Wednesday, April 26th at the Padilla Bay Research Reserve facility. Two Saturday field days are scheduled for April 8th and April 22nd.

For more information or to register, contact Kristi Carpenter: (360) 428-4313 or email: kristi@skagitcd.org


PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED Please pre-register by March 17th This program is being held in partnership with the City of Mount Vernon, City of Sedro-Woolley, City of Anacortes, City of Burlington, and Skagit County



215 East Fulton Street, Mount Vernon • 360 336 9622 • www.SkagitYMCA.org

The Oasis Daylight Center offers FREE daily activities and support for teens ages 13-17! Drop in for food, field trips, music lab, art, job search, homework help, LGBTQ support, professionally led workshops and much more. Located at 125 N. 5th Street in Mount Vernon. Open M-F 3pm-6:30pm, Saturday and Sunday noon-6:30pm. 360-419-9058 x303

SWIM LESSONS Weekday sessions are offered Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday. All sessions are 30 minutes.

Weekday Sessions (M/W or T/Th) Session I: Feb. 6/7-Mar. 1/2 Registration opens Jan. 30 Session 2: Mar. 6/7-Mar. 29/30 Registration opens Feb. 27 Session 3: Apr. 10/11-Apr. 26/27 Registration opens Mar. 27

Saturday Morning Sessions Session 1: Feb. 18-Mar. 18 Registration opens Feb. 11 Session 2: Mar. 25-Apr. 29 Registration opens Mar. 18

*Sessions fill quickly, register early*


We have added more evening fitness classes. Check our website for more details.


Childcare at our ELCs is available YEAR ROUND, part-time or full-time, for children 12 months to 5 yrs of age, Monday-Friday. We offer 5 locations throughout Mount Vernon and Anacortes. Check our website for locations or call 360-419-9058 x309


Saturdays, March 4-March 25 LOCATION: YMCA Gym


Tuesdays, March 7-March 28 (Session I) Saturdays, April 22-May 25 (Session II) LOCATION: YMCA Gym


Tuesdays, April 4-April 25 LOCATION: YMCA Sports Center

FREE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS For Mount Vernon Residents FREE Family Swim 1st & 3rd Saturday monthly, 6-8:30pm. This is a family recreational swim; children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult in the water. FREE ZUMBA 3rd Thursday monthly, 6:45-7:40pm. Drop-in rates apply for non-residents.

New facility info and ways to support:




March 6-April 15; Register by Feb. 21 AGE: 5-14 years old LOCATION: YMCA Sports Center


March 13-May 6; Register by March 1 GRADES: 3-8 grade LOCATION: YMCA Sports Center


March 13-May 6; Register by Feb. 28 GRADES: 1-4 grade LOCATION: YMCA Gym

SPRING YOUTH FLAG FOOTBALL April 17-June 3; Register by April 4 AGE: 5-13 years old LOCATION: YMCA Sports Center


UPCOMING FAMILY EVENTS Valentine’s Parent’s Night Out February 11, 5:30-10pm Spring Carnival & Egg Hunt April 7, 6:30-8pm Little Gardeners Mini Camp April 3-7 (Spring Break), 1-4pm Contact Julie for more information at j.farmer@skagitymca.org


Wednesdays, 7:30-9:30pm AGE: 18+ (16+ with parent signature) FEE: $8 non–members, $2 Members LOCATION: YMCA Sports Center


LEARN. DREAM. LIVE. RUN. Girls on the Run is a transformational after school learning program for 3rd through 6th grade girls that uses the power of running to prepare girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living. Not only do we get girls moving - we also arm them with the tools necessary to effectively manage many of life’s challenges including gossip, bullying, establishing healthy friendships and standing up for themselves and others. Spring Session begins the week of March 6 at various locations throughout Skagit County. Registration opens in February. Check website for details.

COACHES NEEDED! Contact Julie at j.farmer@skagitymca.org








Shannon Point Marine Center

Kids Night Out @ Western (KNOW) GRADES K-6 Friday, Jan. 20 and Apr. 14 Enjoy a night of fun or relaxation while the kids enjoy an exciting evening of hands-on science activities in the Shannon Point Marine Center’s student lab and library.

Early Release Enrichment GRADES K-6 • Monday-Thursday, Feb. 13 – 16 Treat the kids to an experience of hands-on science and art activities at Island View Elementary and Western Washington University’s Shannon Point Marine Center.

After School Ocean STEM GRADES 5-8 Winter: Feb. – Mar. and Spring: Apr. – May Students will experience hands-on science, engineering and technology activities at Anacortes Middle School. Instruction is based on Next Generation Science Standards with the goal to support success on Science MSP.


wwu.edu/youth 1900 Shannon Point Road, Anacortes, WA • (360) 293-2188 • SPMC@wwu.edu Active Minds Changing Lives





22-28 Mayor’s Winter Wellness Challenge

Mayor Boudreau believes that a healthy community results in a greater quality of life, satisfaction, and community engagement. Get your year off to a fun and healthy start by participating in the Mayor’s Winter Wellness Week with FREE activities for 7 days! Visit our website or like our Facebook page “Mount Vernon Wellness Challenge” for a current schedule and all the latest information. For more information, call 336-6211 or visit www.mountvernonwa.gov

26 Illuminight Winter Walk

4-6 PM The Mount Vernon Downtown Association, the City of Mount Vernon, Illuminated Wildlife and Tri-Dee Arts are pleased to present the third Illuminight Winter Walk on Thursday, January 26, 2017, at 5:30 pm. Come to Tri-Dee Arts, 215 S. 1st St, between 4 and 5 pm and learn how to make a paper lantern luminary. Then, take a 15-20 minute wellness walk from Tri-Dee Arts along the Skagit Riverwalk. The Illuminight Winter Walk is a free family fun event for all ages, in conjunction with Mayor Boudreau’s Winter Wellness Week. For more information, contact Cathy Stevens, Mount Vernon Downtown Association, (360) 336-3801, dep.mvda@gmail.com.

Mount Vernon Downtown - It’s Happening!

FEBruary 3 Daddy & Daughter Sweetheart Dance

Friday, February 3rd 6:30-8:30pm Burlington Community Center – 1011 Greenleaf ave. A Night to Remember… Take your sweetheart to her first dance! Boogie down with DJ Mike Yeoman, dine on dessert, enjoy coffee or the tasty punch fountain. Plus there are prize drawings and goody bags too! Tickets $22 per couple, $6 additional sweethearts (includes one 3X5 photo per family). No sales at the door, must pre-register. Phone: (360) 755-9649 Website: www.burlingtonwa.gov/ recreation

3-5 Methow Valley Snowshoe Adventure...

reserve your spot now for our 3-day, 2-night outdoor adventure! We’ll depart Skagit County on Friday, drive to the Methow Valley and get in some wonderful afternoon snowshoeing. Saturday will be spent on the endless trails of the Methow Valley or guests may also simply relax, read a good book or explore nearby Winthrop on their own. Sunday morning we’ll again do some snowshoeing before heading home. Fee includes round trip transportation from Bow, lodging at Abbycreek Inn in Winthrop, 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch, trail passes, snowshoes and poles and two guides. Participants should bring money for additional no-host meals, snacks and for any purchases. A detailed supplies list and itinerary will be available at registration. For more info call RWB at 360-766-7109. Deadline to Register: Wednesday, January 25

4 Father/Daughter Valentine Ball Saturday, February 4th 6:30-8:30pm Mount Vernon High School Cafeteria This is an opportunity for dads and daughters to dress up and spend a night together creating special memories, dancing and

enjoying refreshments. Remember to bring your camera! $11 per person. All Tickets must be pre-purchased. 336-6215

18-19 Bucks Bulls & Boars 3D Fun Shoot

Silver arrow Bowmen 20409 East Hickox road, Mount Vernon, Wa 98273 3D Shoots are 8pm-2pm staggered start on Saturday & 8am target assignments w/ a shotgun start on Sunday. It takes place on the walk though course shooting at life sized foam animal targets. We typically have a minimum of 30 targets out on the course each day. Distances are 5-60 yards. This shoot contains only huntable animals deer, elk, and bear, and is great off season

practice for the hunter using unmarked yardages. Door prizes and awards, typically around 1pm on Sunday. No Broadheads Allowed. Adults $20-2 day / $15-1 day, Youth (12-16): $7.00, Cub (7-11): $5.00, Pee Wee (6 & under): Free w/paid adult. Price is each day. Website: www.silverarrowbowmen.com We are also on Facebook!

MarCH 18-19 Traditional Archery 3D

Silver arrow Bowmen 20409 East Hickox rd, Mount Vernon 8am-2pm Staggered start Sat & 8am target assignments on

Sunday 3D Shoots are on our walk though course shooting at life sized foam animal targets. Our traditional Archery shoot is tailored to stick shooters, bring out your recurve or long bow. There will be a String Walk shoot with an unknown number of targets hidden in the foliage. Points are achieved by the quality of the shot AND the number of targets you are able to find. Demonstrations of traditional style crafts including a bowyer demonstrating how to carve your own bow. This event is archery at its core, Fingers and Strings. No Broadheads Allowed. Adults $20-2 day / $15-1 day, Youth: $7.00 12-16 Cub $5.00 7-11 Pee Wee FREE! Website: www.silverarrowbowmen.com We are also on Facebook!

Mar. 22 - Apr. 26 Backyard Conservation Stewardship Course

7 Spring Carnival and Egg Hunt Skagit Valley Family yMCa 6:30pm; yMCa Sports Center in Bakerview Park Gather your family and join us for an Egg Hunt at our Spring Carnival! Located at our INDOOR Sports Center in Bakerview Park. Get pictures with the Easter Bunny, play carnival games, win prizes, and much more! There will be two separate egg hunts; one for preschoolers (ages 3-5 only please) and for kids ages 6-10 there will be a flashlight egg hunt. Remember to bring your own basket and flashlight. Admission by ticket ONLY. Tickets go on sale at the Y March 24. Volunteers are also needed. www.skagitymca.org AGES: 3-10 years old, must be accompanied by a parent FEE: $5 per child CONTACT: Youth & Family Director, Julie Edwards

15 Kids Giant Garage Sale Saturday, april 15, 9am-12pm Burlington Parks & recreation – 900 East Fairhaven ave. Kids looking to earn some money? Clean out those rooms & garages! Sell some of your extra “stuff.” Or are you looking for some “newish” things for the kids, grandkids, daycare or classroom? Books, toys, games, puzzles, you name it and we bet you can find it here! Phone: (360) 755-9649 Website: www.burlingtonwa.gov/recreation

Wednesdays 6:00pm - 8:30pm Padilla Bay research reserve 10441 Bay View Edison road, Mount Vernon Bring your backyard to Life! The Skagit Conservation District is now taking applications from interested community residents, age 17 and up, for participation in the Backyard Conservation Stewardship Course. The upcoming program will feature tips for native plant landscaping, environmentally friendly gardening practices, composting, attracting birds to your backyard, bees as pollinators, landscaping for wildlife, water conservation tips, introduction to Low Impact Development, stormwater runoff, and more! Training is provided by local experts. Whether you have acres in the country, an average-size suburban yard, or a tiny plot in the city, learn how you can protect the environment, and add beauty and interest to your backyard. Phone: (360) 428-4313 Website: www.skagitcd.org

21-23 33rd Annual Tulip Festival Street Fair

24-26 Home & Garden Show

8am-2pm staggered start on Saturday & 8am target assignments on Sunday 3D Shoots are on our walk though course shooting at life sized foam animal targets. This 3D shoot uses marked yardage and the same rules as the Western Trail Classic which is the largest marked 3D shoot on the West Coast. Our event is great practice for those who are traveling to Redding California, or a taste of the event for those who are staying closer to home. No Broadheads Allowed. Adults $20-2 day / $15-1 day, Youth (12-16): $7.00, Cub (7-11): $5.00, Pee Wee (6 & under): FREE! Website: www.silverarrowbowmen.com We are also on Facebook!

Skagit/Island Counties Builders association Skagit County Fairgrounds Over 120 Home and Garden Vendors. Intriguing seminar speakers all 3 days. Adult & Child Lego Build Contest, Playhouses for Charity. Information and tickets available online. Phone: (360) 757-6916 Website: www.SICBAHomeShow.com

aPrIL 1-23 Kiwanis Salmon Barbecue Hillcrest Park Lodge: 1717 S. 3rd St., Mount Vernon The Kiwanis Club of Mount Vernon is hosting a salmon barbecue at the Hillcrest Lodge, featuring indoor and outdoor dining from 11am-7pm daily. Locally caught salmon is grilled to perfection over the open flame fire pit then served with a smile! See page 6 for more details! www.kiwanisbbq.com

6 First Thursday Art Walk

First Thursday art Walks, 5-8pm The Mount Vernon Downtown Association (MVDA) First Thursday Art Walks run April-September, 5-8 pm and include 15-20 downtown venues featuring work by local and regional artists. For more information or to inquire about participating in future art walks, contact Cathy Stevens, dep.mvda@gmail.com or call (360) 336-3801. Mount Vernon Downtown - It’s Happening!

Friday & Saturday, 10am-6pm, Sunday, 10am-5pm South 1st Street, Downtown Mount Vernon Stroll among hundreds of new and returning Arts & Crafts Vendors for the best art, photography, jewelry, clothing, gourmet food stuffs, unique gifts, delicious food court offerings, live entertainment, and fun for the whole family. Make it a family tradition to meet at the Tulip Festival Street Fair! Visit www.mountvernondowntown.org, email dep.mvda@gmail.com, or call (360) 336-3801

Mount Vernon Downtown It’s Happening!

22-23 Redding Warm Up - Marked 3-D Fun Shoot Silver arrow Bowmen 20409 East Hickox road, Mount Vernon, Wa 98273

29 Scapbooking & More Swap Meet Saturday, april 29, 9am-12pm Burlington Parks & recreation – 900 East Fairhaven ave.

How are those scrapbook projects coming along? Need inspiration? Need to get rid of stuff? Do you have art supplies that aren’t being used? Anything artsy and craftsy might be found at this sale! Great event for bargain shopping and selling! Booths are $25 includes tables and chairs. Phone: (360) 755-9649 Website: www.burlingtonwa.gov/recreation



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