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Entertainment Schedule
Red Yarn (Fami ly) 11:15 a .m. – Noon
Red Yarn (aka Andy Furgeson) is a Texas-born, Oregon-based family performer who weaves folk-songs and puppetry into high-energy shows for all ages. With his engaging performances, this red-bearded bard reinvigorates American folklore for younger generations. RED YARN
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En Can to Brazi lian Orches tra (Brazi lian ) 12:10 – 1:40 p.m.
En Canto’s music is a combination of swirling Brazilian rhythms and irresistible melodies. The sound is fueled primarily by twin accordions and tinged with the jazz backgrounds of several of the musicians.
A multi-ethnic female-led sextet, En Canto is Seattle’s only Forró band. Forró music is a combination of multiple Brazilian rhythms including baião, xote and arrasta-pé. The word refers to both the musical genre and the accompanying partner dance party events where it is heard.
Sardi Raptor Center
goskagit.com Skagit Publishing Sardis Rap tor Cen ter 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m.
The Sardis Raptor Center presents the Hunters of the Sky raptor show with an introduction to birds of prey. It’s a chance to see these magnificent birds up close and learn about their natural history, species identification, environmental issues and the roles raptors play in our watershed.
The Woods Sis ters (Indie Roc k) 1:50 – 2:20 p.m. 3:55 – 4:25 p.m.
The Woods Sisters are a powerful Indie trio that bring soulful harmonies to life in the ethereal way that only siblings can. They write deep yet catchy tunes, and cover a range of crowd-pleasing classics with their own personal flair. Savanna, Ireland and Paige have been singing together for 20 years, giving them years to develop their own unique styles that blend together beautifully. Th e wood i ter
Marina & the Dreamboa ts (Jazz Blues ) 2:30 – 3:45 p.m.
After being diagnosed with a tumor that threatened her right arm, Marina Christopher felt a fire to launch her dream project. Writing and recording between surgeries and radiation therapy resulted in ‘Marina and the Dreamboats’, a sassy and soulful band performing songs with depth, humor, and a contagious amount of pure joy. Marina and the Dreamboats deliver an addictive blend of jazz, soul and classic pop, and aren’t afraid to throw in a New Orleans second line for good measure. MARINA & THE DREA MBOAT S
The Warren G. Hardings (Bluegrass ) 4:35 – 6 p.m.
The Warren G. Hardings, an award-winning dance string band from Seattle, hearken back to their forefathers with a unique brand of up-tempo bluegrass. Playing organic, handmade traditional bluegrass infused with infectious influences of Pop and Americana, they entertain with highenergy tunes you can’t help but dance to. THE WARREN G. HARDIN GS
10-15 minutes before they become part of the waste stream. For example, single use plastic bags like those from the grocery store are only used for an average of 12 minutes!
Plastic in the oceans. Eight million metric tons of plastic waste flows into the oceans every year. Eighty percent of the plastic waste entering the oceans is from landbased sources, washed into the ocean after it is washed into rivers and streams. Plastic released at sea from fishing, shipping, and other maritime activities accounts for only 20% of the plastic entering the ocean. Animals get entangled in ocean plastics and they ingest it along with the toxics that adhere to it. It has been estimated that each year plastic waste is PLASTICS | continued from page11
killing one million seabirds, 100,000 marine mammals, large numbers of sea turtles and sharks, and countless fish. Nearly half of the world’s most important fish stocks for human consumption have been reported to contain plastic.
Microplastics, tiny fragments causing
big problems. Microplastics are tiny fragments of plastic that are less than 5 mm in length. Some microplastics, like microbeads, are purposely manufactured while other microplastics are the result of the degradation of larger plastic debris. Ocean plastics eventually break down into microplastics, which have been found literally everywhere in the ocean where they have been looked for.
On some beaches on the Big Island of Hawaii, as much as 15% of the sand is actually grains of microplastic. When consumed by marine organisms these microscopic pieces of plastic can cause physical damage and release toxins. Plastics have a natural affinity for toxicants and acts as a toxic conveyor belt, sponging up pollutants transferring it to everything that eats it.
Plastics on our plates. Not only are marine organisms being directly impacted, humans may be impacted by consuming contaminated fish and shellfish. Research on the impacts of human consumption of microplastics through the food chain is growing but little is known about the impact on human health. Recent research conducted in the Salish Sea has shown that small plastics are widespread along shorelines and that filter feeding organisms like mussels, clams, and oysters are contaminated by plastics they have ingested from the surrounding waters.
What to do, what to do? Reduce your use of plastics, especially single use plastics! Adopt some “simple swaps” to reduce single use plastics in your life. Carry your own water bottle instead of using single-use plastic water bottles. Bring reusable shopping bags instead of using plastic grocery bags. Bring your own cutlery when you are eating away from home instead of relying on plastic cutlery. Use your reusable coffee cup instead of buying a single use cup. These simple habits can have a big impact when included in our daily routine. Plastics are all around us in our daily lives, so it can seem like a daunting task to reduce plastics in our lives. Just think of it as a journey to transition away from a “ThrowAway” lifestyle to one that is better for our environment and health.
The Skagit Plastic Reduction and Recycling Coalition is a partnership between Friends of Skagit Beaches, Skagit County Solid Waste, and the Washington Department of Ecology.