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How to protect plants during a heat wave

Hot weather can wreak havoc on your garden. Here’s how to protect your plants during a heat wave. Apply mulch

High temperatures can dehydrate your garden, so apply a liberal layer of mulch to reduce evaporation. Opt for light-colored mulch such as dry grass clippings, as this will refl ect sunlight and help keep the ground cool.

Water early

If you water your plants early in the morning, you’ll give them more time to absorb the water before it evaporates. This will help protect shallow roots from dehydration and reduce the risk of heat stress, which is essentially a plant sunburn.

Provide shade

Install shade cloth over your plants to protect them from the sun during periods of extreme heat. You can fi nd this product in various sizes at your local garden center. Just be sure not to enclose the plants, as this will trap heat and reduce air circulation.

Finally, remember to protect yourself as well. Wear sunscreen and a widebrimmed hat when you garden, and avoid strenuous outdoor work during heat waves.

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