Table of Contents Welcome...................................4
Youth Discovery Area...............24
Pre-Festival Activities.................5
Going Green............................25
General Festival Information......5
Experience Art.........................26
Music & Entertainment.............6
Food Vendors..........................29
Booth Artisans........................10
Art Dash.................................29
Juried Exhibition......................17
Allen Family Focus Gallery......20
Volunteer of the Year...............30
Youth Art Exhibition.................23
Festival Map...........................30
Publisher Jack Darnton Editor Rita James Advertising Director Mark Dobie Display Advertising Manager Deb Bundy
Operations Holly Chadwick, Fawn Floyd, Jody Hendrix, Julia Matylinski, Karen Sheppard
Media Consultants Stephanie Harper, Abby Jackson, Michelle O’Donnell, Kathy Schultz, Katie Sundermeyer, Paul Tinnon, John Williams
1215 Anderson Road, Mount Vernon, WA 98274 • P: 360.424.3251 • F: 360.424.5300 • ©2013 Skagit Publishing LLC | All rights reserved.
Anacortes Coast in. Hang out.
Oyster Run /September 22, 2013 Fall Boat Show /September 27-29, 2013 Fall Antique Show /November 16, 2013 Oktoberfest - Bier on the Pier /October 4-5, 2013 Spring Wine Festival /April 12, 2014 • Boat Tours • Shopping • Whale Watching • Fine Dining • Kayaking • Entertainment Things to Do
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Welcome to the 52nd
Joan Tezak
hroughout the year the Board of Director s and staff wor k to keep the F estival ne w and exciting . We hope that you will enjo y and ex perience our changes to the F estival this year. In addition to the ne w enter tainment on both the stages, we are ver y excited about the F estival Fashion S how on the KP L U stage from 2-3 p.m. S aturday, Aug. 3. T he 257 booth ar tisans who fill C ommercial A venue from Fourth to 10th streets will feature ne w and returning 2D wor k, ceramics, fiber art, food products, metal and wood crafts, and 50 glass and je welry artists. For all the festival goer s who will be purchasing w edding, bir thday, C hristmas or per sonal gifts, please bring your shopping bag to car ry them home. In the name of conser vation, please remember B.Y .O. Bag .
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
In the wor king ar tist area on S aturday and S unday, we will feature chalk ar t on the street. A group of artists will reproduce w ell-known master pieces, and we’ll have a “chalk-by-numbers” project that the audience can par ticipate in. T here will also be other ar tists demon strating a number of traditional ar t forms.
Many thanks to the committed, hard-working production cre ws who have dedicated their summer s to the Festival. T he volunteer s have and always will be a critical com ponent of the F estival’s success, but the addition of the team leader concept has fur ther improved the experience of par ticipants, and festival-goer s.
C ontinuing nor th from there, Ar ts at the Port in the Transit S hed warehouse includes 46 juried regional artists, stone sculpture in our Allen Family Focus Galler y and the e verpopular AC YA youth ar t exhibit.
T hank you also to the businesses and organizations that ha ve offered their suppor t year after year .
s I end my 22 year s with the Anacor tes Ar ts Festival, I would like to thank m y immediate “family” who I have worked with for the past 12 year s: Mar y L eone, R ita James, Kerry Allen, Don Mor ton, and Earl Hillis.
L ast, but cer tainly not least, I would like to thank all the dedicated past and present board member s who have given their time and energ y over the past 52 year s. I am con fident my successor will continue to move the Festival forw ard while providing a positive impact on the community. Joan Tezak Executive Director
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PRE-FESTIVAL ACTIVITIES at the Port of Anacortes Transit Shed Event Center Arts at the Port Fine Art Opening - Saturday, July 27 - 6-8 p.m. FREE
First chance to vie w the fine art, no-host wine and music. T he Festival’s annual Juried C ompetition features the wor k from 46 regional fine artists, the Allen F amily Focus Galler y features stone sculpture and the A C YA Youth Ar t Exhibition rounds out Ar ts at the P ort.
8th annual Art Dash - Saturday, July 27 Half marathon, 10k, 5k, star ting at C ity Hall, ending at the P ort Transit S hed. T his is a cer tified course along the beautiful Anacor tes w aterfront. R egister at www .cityofanacor or da y of the race at C ity Hall.
GENERAL FESTIVAL INFORMATION 52nd A nacortes Arts Festival Festival Dates Aug 2 - 4 General Festival Hours Friday & Saturday 10 - 6 Sunday 10 - 5 Main S tage Entertainment runs until 7:00. S ee event sections of the guide, or visit for complete infor mation. You can also find us on F acebook. Please become a friend!
T here are two F estival infor mation booths. O ne is located on C ommercial A venue at S ixth S treet and a satellite booth is on 10th S treet. Festival volunteer s are a vailable to answ er questions relating to activities, or help in emergencies. T he infor mation booth at S ixth is centrally located to repor t lost items or children, and to purchase F estival T -shirts.
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
T he Festival welcomes S ervice Dogs ( ONL Y)!
the Port exhibits, ar t tours at vari ous times throughout the year and the Festival ne wsletter. Member ship information is a vailable at either of the infor mation booths, Ar ts at the Port or online at www .Anacor tesAr Please join us!
Did you know the F estival is a mem bership organization? Member ships star ting at $35 suppor t the Festival and its mission of funding the ar ts. Members receive pre-sale oppor tunities and discounts for the Ar ts at goanacor
C ome to the KP L U S tage on Eighth S treet at 2 p.m. S aturday to see the Festival Fashion S how featuring w earable attire from our booth ar tisans!
Anacor tes ar tist Jennifer Bowman is an a ward-winning artist who has wor ked professionally for 17 year s. S he has been an in vited Festival ar tisan for more than 10 year s, with her bright and bold designs attracting a lo yal collector following ( S pace 521 C ). Bowman’s wor k can be found in galleries and private and cor porate collections nationally and inter nationally, and she has been featured on numer ous magazines and poster s.
Celebrate the Art at Burton LEO E. OSBORNE LEO E. OSBORNE’S Unique Oxidation/ Patinization Paintings The culmination of 15 years experimentation in alchemy.
Together with the new bronze release HARMONY, juried into 3 International Museum Exhibitions for 2013 - 2014!!!
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Art expressed in original jewlery designs, superb gemstones, natural color diamonds, art glass and much more here in Anacortes! 620 Commercial Ave, Downtown Anacortes - (888) 293-6469 goanacor
Fine Aquamarine, 18k white Gold with Triangle Diamonds 2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT T he Festival is featuring a wide range of music and enter tainment on its Main S tage at T hird S treet and the KP L U S tage on Eighth S treet. Busk ers (street perfor mers) located on S eventh and F ifth streets pull audiences in with magic and music. MAIN ST AGE – Various high-energ y performers, including wor ld music, blues, L atin, American roots and indie rock. KPL U ST AGE – L ighter sounds of jazz, folk and swing music. A NE W addition on the KP L U S tage will be a Festival Fashion S how on S aturday from 2-3 p.m. It features w earable creations from F estival booth ar tisans.
Friday, August 2, 2013 MAIN STAGE
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Jack Mattingly and Whiskey Fever Americana, folk & rock ‘n’ roll 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Little Bill and the Blue Notes Rhythm and blues 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM The Wild Snohomians Upbeat original roots rock & Americana
Saturday, August 3, 2013
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Ryan Bart - Magic, (Magicians Without Borders)
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Pourquoi Pas (Why Not!) French jazz & Gypsy swing 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Mia Vermillion Trio Blues-jazz, sultry vocals & slide guitar
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Rivertalk Original world beat dance music
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Reilly & Maloney - Northwest folk
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Tocato Tango Hot, sultry Argentine tango 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM The Whole Bolivian Army Female-fronted, original indie rock 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Soyaya African Palmwine and Highlife music 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM The Halyards Americana
Whiskey Fever
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Island Jazz Quintet Jazz originals and standards, with vocals 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM *NEW EVENT* Festival Fashion Show Creative attire from our booth artisans 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Trish Hatley Quintet Swinging vocal jazz
Little Bill and the Blue Notes 8
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Rivertalk goanacor
Pearl Django
Trish Hatley Quintet
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Mia Vermillion
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Brian Lee And The Orbiters Stellar trip through the blues universe
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Arete Quartet Groove-oriented acid jazz
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM The Jefferson Rose Band with Alex Kitchen World music dance party
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Pearl Django Gypsy jazz
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Coco Loco Latin grooves
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Mark Lewis World-class jazz
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Booth Artisans Commercial Avenue, 10th Street to Fourth Street 250 Booth Ar tisans par ticipate either through in vitation (top seller s from the year before) or the annual F estival jury process. With approximately 400 applicants, selections are made based on quality and originality . While Festival fa vorites are in vited back, approximately 20 percent of the booth ar tisans are ne w. T he Festival honor s out standing booth ar tisans with a wards, including the W ells Fargo Best of F est A ward, C reativity A ward and Anacor tes C hamber of C ommerce Partnership A wards. 2D Work 507W Yukie Adam Studio Raven’s Nest 920W Anne Anderson & Tim Ooyman Anne Anderson Designs 920E Elena Balekha Elena Balekha Art 803W Mary Beier Metalworks Art 521C Jennifer Bowman Jennifer Bowman Studios 518W Tim & Bertina Boyer Tim Boyer Photography
718C John Ebner John Ebner Fine Arts 412E Jack & A.J. Ferrell 401E Beth Flannigan Beth Flannigan Fine Art 916E Sarah Forbes Sarah Forbes Art Youth Nolan Harris & Dexter Rothchild Over The Line Productions LLC 715E Pamela & Bill Heward Pamela Heward Fine Arts
Pamela Heward
510W Randall Hodges Randall J Hodges Photography Tim Boyer
802E Zeny Cieslikowski Zeny Cieslikowski Fine Art Photographs 811E Sue Coccia EarthArt International 903W Sarah & Guy Cox Sarah Lee Cox Studio 708E Randy Dana Randy Dana Photography 911C Barton Degraaf DeGraaf Fine Art
Randall Hodges
808W Richard Jackson Richard Jackson Photography 421W David Johnson David Johnson Photography 905W Bryce Mann Lee Mann Photography 408E Philip & Jody McCrain McCrain Photography
Barton Degraaf 10
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Philip McCrain
907C Lary McKee McKee Studio’s 916W Jerry D Mitchell Earth Arts 618E Jill Neal Jill’s Wild (Tasteful) Women 402W Hung Nguyen Hung Nguyen Watercolors 820W Kyoko Niikuni Washi Art 503C Paul Nzalamba & Lungala Rubadiri Nzalamba Artwork 405C John Peters & Mark Shander Blue Skies Photography 818E Julie Peterson Julie Peterson Oil Paintings 602E Lisa Rasmussen Designs by Lisa Inc 618W Patty Roberts 418C Chris Shreve 914W Dianna Shyne 807C Paul & Ramona Sloan Paul Sloan’s Artwork 418W John Song John Song Photography
John Song
702C Randy VanBeek Randy VanBeek Fine Art 410C Betty Vestuto & Lynda Barnes Vestuto Chart Art goanacor
Booth Artisans 509E Vicki Wickell-Stewart Vicki Wickell Watercolors 804E Tim & Nancy Wistrom Tim Wistrom Fine Art Paintings 616W Dirk Yuricich & Lisa Hori Dirk Yuricich Photography
704W Chris Sienkiewich - Peterson & Ron Peterson The Place To Bee ... Chris’s Country Essence 413C Terry Stolz Sierra Nevada Soap Co
Basketry, Gourds 503E Kate Franchimon & Laura Fraser 603W Michelle & Dale Green “O My Gourd” 706C Jane W Hyde & Martha Tottenham Anacortes Originals 514E Susanne Newbold Sweetwater Creek Farm Studio 606W Dona Reed Rainshadow Arts
Ceramics, Clay, Pottery, Tile 511C Carol Bauer & Howard Hamsa Stillfire Pottery 817E Aimee & Casey Brewer 715C James Brooke James Brooke Pottery 416C Ginny Conrow Conrow Porcelain 421C Mark & Linda Cortright Liscom Hill Pottery 814C Dian & Tim Dangler Flippers Feathers Tails 601C Gene & Beverly Freeburg Sammamish Mudworks 712C Jill & Robert Fronk Stoneware by Robert & Jill Fronk 609W Jennifer Gavlin The Playful Potter 917E Frank A & Denise D Gosar Off Center Ceramics 518E Robert Graydon Robert Graydon Pottery 404C Luis Enrique Gutierrez & Paul Devoti
Candles, Soap, Floral, Body Therapy 914C Victor Gonzales & Barbara Landbeck Victors Lavender 506C Ellyn & Craig Johnson Morning Dew Candles 516W Henry & Thelma Kaihara Bonsai by Kaihara 902W Krysteen Lomonaco Mehndi Madness Henna for the Masses 801E Karma Maclachlan Karmela Botanica 405E Laurie McClelland Scentual Nature 903E Elisabeth Moores Wonder Oil Emu Oil Products 520W Barb & Rick Owens Owens Gardens 513C Heidi Risse Soapworks Studio
Terry Stolz
Deli & Catering Try our BUMBLEBERRY COBBLER
Feeding Anacortes Since 1981
Luis Enrique Gutierrez
806E Alan Higinbotham Alan Higinbotham Pottery 412C Cynthia Jenkins Cynthia Jenkins Pottery 707E Kris & Mel Kunihiro MK Wares 906C Marc Matsui Matsui Ceramics 912E Kurt McCracken Mccrackenceramic
Original, nostalgic atmosphere Great food, Great service Just ask the locals!
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360.293.7383 2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Booth Artisans
Cynthia Jenkins
Paddy McNeely
710C Paddy McNeely Paddy McNeely Porcelain 801C Daniel Minard & Mickael Mann Bluff Cove Pottery 613E Marcia Peterson Garden Fairies 904E Steven Provence & Laura Mitchell Steven Provence Pottery 406E Charan Sachar Creative with Clay 719E Deborah & Andre Shapiro Shapiro Porcelain 918W Rick Stafford & Laura Sperling Stafford Ceramics 907E Jeff Tinius & Debbie Biebel Storm Lake Pottery 819C Patrick & Corrie Tutt Contemporary Pottery 403W Jon Winter Jon Winter Pottery 508C Jeffrey Zigulis
Jeffrey Zigulis 12
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Fiber Art, Paper Art 705W Jennifer Armstrong & David Halpern 815W Cleo Bouffiou Dragonfly Moon Designs 410W Kim Brooke Northstar Wool Design 608W Niko Culevski PJ Niche 903C Geri Flynn Jeri-oh’s 814E Amy Gibson colorstory designs 519C Andre & Priscila Jourdan MD Provence 910C Arlyne & Richard Julao Learn and Play 410E Joanna Lynam Siren Silks 417E Gina McCauley Snooter-doots 507E Dennis & Jane Moore NW Gyotaku 811C Jo Marie Richman Rose Marie Designs 605E Jackie Scott Sew Nice Designs 508E Deneen Shank Acha 412W Adam Stare Pterylae Designs Food Products 404W Leigh Bloom & Neal Mobley Mr Mobley’s Food Specialties LLC 708W Ardell Brandenburg & Jill Cramer Walden Lane Gourmet 521E Chris Gould-Hill Petstuff! LLC 703W Shirley Johnson & Zach Kuper Garlic Gourmay 414W Ray & Monik Lansing Papa Ray’s MarketPlace 921W Jan & Doug Latta Sound Ideas Fudge Kitchen 912W Elaine Mandato Just Toffee 702E Ronald & Pam Maurer Maurer’s Foods/ Retco, Inc. 516C Andrew Mumford Olive Branch
0802C Gloria Shelton Burrows Bay Herbs And Spices 716W Rita & Jack Van Arnam Whidbey Island Fudge Company 819W Marilee & Christo Weber Trilby’s BBQ Sauce 519W Ken & Stacy Weisner Weisner’s Finest Smoked Meats Glass, Jewelry 512E Robert Adamson & Janis Swalwell Island Art Glass
Robert Adamson
711C Pam Amputh & Bo Wang Forkedelic 402E Gordon & Christine Anderson Anderson Glass 421E Tina Barry Tina Barry Designs 711W Hwei Hwei Brown 818C Maria & Bryan Chapin Pearls by Nature 601E Jana Cooper Jana Cooper Jewelry 611W Beate Degen EarthWorth Jewels 720W Jocelyne Doyon & Jacques Perreault C A Brille 415E Diana & Pat Dunn Nexappeal 609E Katie Enewold Katie Enewold Jewelry 611E Barbara Gardner Barbara Gardner Jewelry Designs 815E Suzanne Garofalo Suzanne Garofalo Design 501E Elizabeth Haughton & Michel Tsouris Karthia Design 809E Andrew Holmberg goanacor
Booth Artisans Andrew Holmberg Glass 405W Marja Huhta Glass Elements 717C Darlene F & John S Johnson Dog and Pup Studios 921E Dehanna Jones Totally Blown Glassworks Inc 704E Michael Kenney Michael’s Designs 508W Heidi Klepper Klepper Glass 808E Pamela Larsen Beading from the Heart 505W Patricia Larzelier The Mermaid’s Tears 610E Sarah Leonard Crawsister Jewelry 604E Larry & Amber Manning Nubians Sun Jewelry 420C Brenda Mattson
Michele Raney
812C 521W
Steampunkjunq Zena McCoy Semilla Designs Kaylaa Milaine Wireweaver
Elisa Saucy
411E Barbara Mundell Shadowfax Jewelry/Bella Terra Silver 714E Melinda Navarro Danilo Navarro Inc 415W Penny Niemi & Ernie Elmer Second Wind Jewelry 407C Darleen Nixon Darleen’s Designs goanacor
615C Stan O’Neil O’Neil’s Arts
Marlene VanBeek
Stan O’Neil
914E Donna Pioli Kap-Oli Studios 710E Michele Raney & Gloria Shannon 614E Christy & Mark Rommel 714W Sheila Rood She-Ra Creations 510C Elisa Saucy Saucy Jewelry 911W Sabine Schran-Collings & David Collings Sabine Schran-Collings Contemporary Jewelry 606C Riki Schumacher Riki Schumacher Designs 810W Andrea Silverman 707C Elfried Somberg & Thomas Harp Hang In There 805C Chaum & April Spehar Northwest Goods 409W Carolyn Sproul Faery Myst Creations 917C Ms Michael Stewart Black Coral 515W Martin & Robert Taber Taber Studios 404E Nicole Thiffault Nicole Annette Jewelry 902E Thomas Tucker ‘Anything Found’ 701C Marlene VanBeek Beaded Jewelry by Marlene VanBeek 517C Jane Wen Jane’s Treasures 805W Janet Wight Jewelry for the Soul
Metal, Sculpture, Yard Art 418E Ian Beyer Ian Beyer Metals 901E Casey & Deborah Bridges Sacred Stone 616E Natalie & Kathy Brown Steel Coyote 505E Dennis Cant Dennis Cant Artist 510E Alana Coleman & Kent Jarvis Mr Jacks Unlimited 805E Jay & Madeleine Crowdus Elegant Garden Design 409C Bob & Melanie Delaney Blackwaters Metal 820E Carol Deutsch Dragonfly Rocks
Carol Deutsch
916C Don Dye Wildlife Images 609C Ron & Mary Ann Hinshaw Hinshaws Art Quest 417W Val & Nancy Jackson Whimsical Woods 913E Mary Johnson 1894 Tin Works 414E Will & Celia Johnson Glyptic Concepts 619C Eric Langeliers Langeliers Studio 815C Doug Mader Courtyard Art 910E Bill Matheson Matheson Metal Sculpture 402C Chris Moench Axis of Hope Prayer Wheels 2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Booth Artisans 613W Sarah Neal-Kittelson Sara Neal Design 910W Patricia Nelson 501C Steve & Maryann Nowicki Shock-N-Awe Metal Works 611C Jill & Joe Nymeyer Bayside Treasures 522E Arunas Oslapas Red Rivet Studios 602W Kelly Phipps Kelly Phipps Metalworks 604C Mark & Jeanne Priest Tecweld 620E Gunter Reimnitz Abraxas Crow Company 607E Garry & Eileen Rigg Paradise West Metal Arts 703E T. C. & Lin Robertson Due Vetro Studio 814W David & Karyn Roseburg Blink in Time 515E Robert Thomas Sunset Forge, LLC 813E Linda Thorson Linda Thorson Design 717E Briston Trapp Trapp Industries 401C Johnathan & Jandellyn Ward Winfield Designs 915W Thomas Williams Bayview Welding & Art Music, Instruments 706E Philip Boulding Magical Strings 608E Dean & Dudley Evenson Soundings of the Planet 913C Rick & Louann Faist Thumb Fun Kalimbas 520E Mark Gould Windcage Windchimes LLC 513W Gary Jess Gary Jess Productions 709E Matthew Stewart Stellar Flutes Inc 607C David Templeton David Templeton Music
Wearable Art, Leather 811W Lorena & Jason Ashton Lashton Inc 716E Patti Barker Surigirl 511E June Blout JEBE Designs
June Blout
921C Betsy Cassell Thomas Intertwined Designs 809C Marie Crouchet & Julie Oleson MA Graphics 913W Suzanne de la Torre & Stanley Avila Suzanne de la Torre Knitwear 906E Artis Dick Originals By Mrs D 911E Laurie Kalesse Dokken Eulogia Studio Llc 504E Nan Drye Drye Goods 603E Angela Ehrig Engayla’s Designs 803E Victor Field & Megan Huston Ataraxia Designs 901C Andrew & Kathleen Gilkerson Ace Leather Goods 416E Michael Green Michael Green Essential Design 610C Susan Ieronemo Gypsy Camp Creations
Susan Ieronemo 14
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
705E Tyler Jarvik Wayward Starfish 918E Jo Kaseter Me & Mom’s Hats Inc 817W Paulina Kriebel Brie Kriebel Clothing 919C Meadow Lacy & Amanda White
Paulina Kriebel
Sunday Afternoons 819E Anna Lawrence Anna’s Haute Aprons 615E Jessica & Kevin Leiblein Polar Babies 908W Sandra Loeffelmann & Kuros Zahedi VERMILIO 602C Michael Loeffler Hatterdashery 606E Margot McDowell Tidal Totes & Bags 618C Nancy Meldrich Sophiana 709C Birgit & Dieter Moenig Birgit Moenig Designs 504W Sheila Saxon Felted Fantasies 919W Judith Smith Eugene Leather Works 709W Lee Watrous & Ronia Grillos Head ‘N Home Hats 407W Barbara Weissman Barbara Weissman Handwoven
Barbara Weissman goanacor
Booth Artisans Wood, Furniture, Mirrors 812W Jerry & Sue Ableidinger Able Wood Design 712W Neil Austin Evergreen Fine Woodworking 718W Ian Balsillie & Karen Bean Brookfield Farm 706W Thomas & Teresa Borener Muse Woodcraft 610W Susan & Ellen Busteed Brielle Designs 919E Bob Crawford Bob Crawford Woodworking 514C Rick & Bev Davenport NotsoDull! WoodTurning
Rick Davenport
Terry Jones
419E Fernando Flecha-Santana Arrows Woodcraft 712E Sandy Gielish
702W David Harris Wood Turning By Design 915E David Hentzel 917W Marvin & Margaret Jack Handpainted Wood Puzzles 506W Terry & Betty Jones 605W Paul Kaase P.K. Design 806W Jeffrey Nelson & Ed Coffman Hudson River Inlay 812E Stephanie Roman-Olvera & Hector Olvera Olvera Design Mosaic Mirrors 503W Jay Saxon Bowled Eagle 804C Don & Leslie Seaman Orcas Wood Turning 516E Raquel Stanek Raquel’s Mosaics 714C Nancy & Rick Stewart Scholfield Valley Wood Products 519E Jake Szramek 0Jake Toys
Raquel Stanek
704C 615W 517E
Jeremy Vanbeek Liontree Woodworking Marguerite Wagner Imagine If Woodworks John Wehman Laughing Creek Productions
John Wehman
Michael & Joyce Young Young’s Wood Art
Anacortes’ “Best Kept Secret” Come visit our beautifully remodeled and expanded thrift shop at the corner of Third Street and “O” Avenue in Anacortes. We have everything you need including: • Small Appliances/Kitchen Wares • Hardware Items
• Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Clothing • Jewelry • A “Boutique” Section of Designer Clothing The shop is owned and operated by Soroptimist International of Anacortes, an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization committed since 1948 to supporting local charities as well as world wide organizations and providing scholarships for local high school and college students. Our Hours Are: Tuesdays, 1:30 - 8PM and Fridays, 11AM-8PM.
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Arts at the Port Port of Anacortes Transit Shed Event Center July 29 - Aug. 1 First S treet and C ommercial A venue Friday and S aturday 10 a.m-6 p.m. S unday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Festival week hours Monday through T hursday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Arts at the P ort, in the w aterfront Port of Anacor tes Transit S hed, is the crown je wel of the F estival. It consists of three unique exhibi tions: the Annual Juried C ompetition, the Allen F amily Focus Galler y and the Youth Ar t Exhibition pre sented b y Anacor tes C ommunity and Youth Ar ts. Arts at the P ort will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monda y through T hursday during Festival w eek and during regular F estival hour s Friday, S aturday and S unday.
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2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
FREE Opening Event T he show begins with a free O pening Event on S aturday, July 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. Ar tists and guests will mingle and enjoy no-host wine, light snacks, enter tainment, and of cour se all the ar t.
EBT Accepted
Arts at the Port Annual Juried Competition, “Environments”
T he Juror : T his year’s juried exhibition w as selected b y Jake S eniuk, an ar tist and director emeritus of the P ort Angeles F ine Ar ts C enter. T here he originated some 150 diver se exhibitions and guided the transfor mation of the adjoining Webster W oods Ar t Park, an outdoor museum without w alls. Also an ar tist, S eniuk’s wor k combines photograph y, text and sculptural elements. He has exhibited at museums and public venues throughout the U. S . S eniuk selected wor k for this exhibit that has a collective resonance and shows a range of styles and mediums while being representative of the culture at large. T he Juried C ompetition includes 46 regional ar tists.
Juried Exhibition Painting
Karen Hackenberg, Port Townsend
Patty Haller Kat Houseman
Kate Dwyer
Patty Haller, Seattle
Kat Houseman, Bellingham
Ria Harboe, Lummi Island
Sonja Kobrehel, Vancouver, B.C.
Kate Dwyer, Port Townsend Cathy Fields, Seattle
At the Framemaker
Regional Fine Art And Custom Picture Framing Rebecca Fletcher
Rebecca Fletcher, Sedro-Woolley goanacor
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Juried Exhibition Mixed Media Eve Deisher, Anacortes
Dawn Sagar
Barbara Silverman Summers, La Conner Alissa Johnson
Alissa Johnson, Anacortes Jan Lor, Bellingham
Keith Sorenson
Keith Sorenson, Anacortes Stephen McMillan
Cameron Anne Mason
Cameron Anne Mason, Seattle
Stephen McMillan, Bellingham Natalie Niblack, Mount Vernon Janie Olsen, Monroe Susan Cohen Thompson
Leo E. Osborne, Anacortes
Susan Cohen Thompson, Camano Island Dederick Ward, Anacortes
Mare Tietjen
Mare Tietjen, Port Townsend
Frank Renlie
Frank Renlie, Lake Forest Park Dawn Sagar, Port Townsend 18
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Eve Deisher al
Juried Exhibition Photography
Fiber Art
Jane Alynn, Anacortes Kathy Hastings, Snohomish
Ned Block
Ned Block, Camano Island Michael Creger, Portland, Ore. Chuck Johnson Louise Harris
Chuck Johnson, Kirkland
Louise Harris, Sedro-Woolley
James Lapp
Eva Funderburgh
Eva Funderburgh, Seattle
James Lapp, Mount Vernon
Polly Purvis, Seattle
David McCrae, Seattle
Dorothy McGuinness
Dorothy McGuinness, Everett
Lin McJunkin
Graham Schodda Dan Patch
Dan Patch, Gig Harbor
Lin McJunkin, Conway Graham Schodda, Bellingham
Dale Reiger, Greenbank
Annette Tamm, Anacortes
Eva Skold Westerlind, Kirkland
Gretchen Fuller, Seattle
Brian Smith, Goodyear, Ariz.
Jane Penman, La Conner
David Halpern, Friday Harbor
Cut Paper Ann Chadwick Reid, Bow
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Focus Gallery We’d like to w elcome the Allen F amily as the ne w sponsor of the F ocus Galler y. T his year’s galler y focuses on stone sculpture as inter preted by three diver se regional ar tists, Tracy Powell, Deloss W ebber and S ue Taves.
Tracy Powell
kagit ar tist Tracy Powell creates wor k narrative in nature - often relating to universal themes of interconnectedness. His stone sculptures grace public spaces throughout S kagit C ounty. Working in a variety of materials, he also cre ated the iconic Maiden of Deception P ass at R osario Beach. P owell will also be demonstrating his craft in the F estival W orking Ar tist Area.
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Focus Gallery
Sue Taves
hidbey S culptor S ue Taves expresses various themes in her wor k, often letting the natural essence of the stone itself set the direction. S he finds inspiration in the poetr y in the lines of the human body as w ell as in the beauty and rh ythms found in nature. Taves’ wor k ranges from small, intimate pieces to large garden sculpture.
Peoples Bank proudly supports the arts. The rewards are immeasurable. Regardless of the form, art is the expression of self that touches many. That’s why Peoples Bank proudly and passionately supports the Anacortes Arts Festival. • (360) 588-0153 Inside Safeway Foods • 911 11th Street, Anacortes
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Focus Gallery Deloss Webber
eattle ar tist Deloss W ebber is a second-generation rattan w eaver who unites the organic and inorganic. He begins with the natural for m of stone and wraps it in wo ven fibers. T he rocks come from nature, while his knotting techniques are influenced by traditional Japanese, N ative American bask etry, wicker furniture, loom weaving, fly tying and nautical knotting.
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Youth Art Exhibition
For many years, Anacor tes C ommunity and Y outh Arts has tak en on the task of curating and hanging the Festival Y outh Ar t Exhibition, a popular par t of Arts at the P ort. It includes wor k in a variety of me diums from students in elementar y school through high school. T his is a non-juried exhibition and showcases exceptional creativity b y young ar tists.
Youth volunteer button designed by Morgan Berard from Fidalgo Elementary School.
Festival Giving Back Program T he Festival is the largest financial supporter of the ar ts in the communi ty through its annual Giving Back Program. In the past 20 year s, we have given back o ver a half million dollar s! T he Festival board increased giving in 2013 to its largest le vel ever - $33,500. Much of this suppor ts ar ts programming for children. Help us do more b y becoming an AAF member . T he Festival will spend up to an additional $4,000 in ar t purchases from the Ar ts at the P ort Exhibition for its 2013 Anacor tes C ollects (public ar t placement) par tner, Island Hospital.
Anacortes School District K-12 Cultural Arts Program Anacortes Farmers Market Music at the Saturday Farmer’s Market Anacortes High School Art Department A potter’s wheel for ceramic instruction Anacortes School District -Brodniak Hall Stage curtain improvements Anacortes Seahawks Music Boosters Percussion instruments for youth band Anchor Art Space Art education and workshops Anacortes Boys & Girls Club Art supplies and field trips Class ACT Stage improvements, costumes and makeup for youth performance classes Fidalgo Danceworks Dance workshops Fidalgo Island Quilters Support for quilt displays Museum of Northwest Art MONA Link arts education program 2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Youth Discovery Area SEVENTH STREET FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 10 A.M.-5 P.M. With the help of organizational partners, the Disco very Area offers creative ar t projects and activities for children. T his vibrant area is a place to let the kids be themselves in a safe, creative environment. T he Festival appreciates the par tnership with the following organi zations: Anacortes Community and Youth Arts Children’s Museum of Skagit County Museum of Northwest Art Anacortes Arts Commission Anacortes Parks & Recreation Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County
Voted Anacortes’ Best Restaurant and Best Vegetarian Restaurant Open for breakfast, lunch & dinner in Old Town Anacortes. 510 Commercial Ave. Anacortes WA 98221 360.588.0653 Follow us on FACEBOOK 24
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
ADRIFT is a reflection of all that is important to our community: farm fresh food, reviving drinks, outstanding art, and the camaraderie of friends.
Anacortes Sister Cities Association Skagit Conservation Education Alliance YMCA Preschool Zig Zag & Ragz
Going Green
T he Festival is doing its par t to be en vironmentally responsible with a recycling program sponsored by S hell R efinery. In addition to recycling food w aste and grease, we are requiring food vendor s to use bio-degradable products and respon sible practices. T hanks to W aste Management, S kagit C ounty S olid Waste Division and S tandard BioDiesel who are helping with these efforts. T his year w e are adding a request that shopper s bring their own bags (BY O B) to fur ther reduce the environmental footprint.
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2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Experience Art 2nd Street to the Port - Saturday and Sunday - 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. T he Festival in vites the public to see ar tists in action in the Experience Ar t Area nor th of the food cour t S aturday and S unday. T his area features an inspiring group of ar tists demonstrating a variety of traditional and contempo rary ar t forms.
demonstrating Artists Chalk Painting Brian Majors, Ron Pattern and Laurie Potter (see highlight)
Stone Sculpture Tracy Powell (also featured in Ar ts at the P ort)
Chainsaw Sculpture Steve Baccus
Weaving and Spinning Fleece to S hawl Skagit/Whidbey Weaver Guild
Ryan Bart
Magic Magicians without Border s performer Ryan Bart
Traditional Basketry Katherine Lewis
Wood Turning Northwest Washington Woodturners
Plein Air Painting Plein Air Washington
Plein Air Washington 26
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Experience Art
Skagit/Whidbey Weaver Guild
Northwest Washington Woodturners
Katherine Lewis
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Experience Art Highlights
Chalk Art Bellingham Ar tist Brian Major s along with wife Diane and ar tists R on Pattern and L aurie Potter will create large-scale chalk paintings of w ell-known ar t master pieces. Applied directly to the street surface, these paintings will visually dominate the walk through the Experience Ar t area. T he audience will also ha ve the oppor tunity to participate in recreating “ T he Great W ave off Kanagawa� through an instr uctional chalk-by-numbers process.
Festival Mural S kagit ar tist Gusta vo Vargas is creating the 2013 F estival Mural. He will be the seventh ar tist in the Tommy T hompson Mural Project displa yed along the popular Anacor tes w aterfront walkway. Vargas is a young ar tist who has pre viously delighted audiences with his bold and colorful paintings in the Experience Art area. His design will incor porate L atino cultural influences and imagery relating to our regional en vironment. T he mural project is funded through the annual Ar t Dash.
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Food Vendors Second to Fourth streets
Island Eatery offers a diver se variety of culinar y offerings including both regional and ethnic foods. T he Food C ourt is a good place to sit and recharge with a full meal, snack or tasty desser t. T he Festival Beer Garden is located in front of Main S tage and features N orthwest microbre ws and wines, including Anacor tes Bre wing Festival L ager. A second wine and beer garden, featuring Tulip Valley wines and F estival L ager, is located near the KP L U S tage own Eighth S treet. T here are also food offerings on Eighth S treet, and ice cream on S eventh S treet across from the Y outh Area. Absolutely Nuts! LLC Fresh cinnamon-roasted nuts Eighth Street Alpine Coffee Catering Espresso and blended drinks Eighth Street ASD High School Key Club Sno-cones and popcorn B & M Italian Concessions New York-style Italian sandwiches, elephant ears
Gypsy Coffeehouse Coffee and tea
Pioneer Popcorn Inc. Kettle Korn - Eighth Street
India Grill Restaurant Regional Northern Indian cooking
Shishkaberry’s Fruit dipped in chocolate milk, dark and white Eighth Street
Kokopelli Grill Handcrafted Northwest food with Southwest flair La Jitana Lebanese Lebanese cuisine made with the freshest ingredients
Bangkok Bistro Fine Thai Cuisine Authentic Thai cuisine
La Jitana Salmon Wild Salmon made to perfection
Chocolate Delitez Hand-dipped treats
Lopez Island Ice Cream Gourmet ice cream and root beer floats Seventh Street
Cousins Gourmet Specializing in Northwest seafood Crepealicious Sweet and savory French crepes Giggling Greek Gourmet Greek food
Smokey’s BBQ Grill Hickory-smoked BBQ with a Northwest flair The Surfing Pig Fresh and festive American comfort food Vivi’s Kitchen Mexican
Nadya’s Greek Cuisine Gyros, lamb, beef, chicken falafel, dolmathes, baklava Northwest Chowder House Gourmet Northwest chowder
The Whim Of The Chef’s Raging Cajun with a Southern flair Wild West BBQ Slow-cooked BBQ You Found Us! Concessions Good old-fashioned American fair food Zieglers Bratwurst Haus Authentic German sausages
Art D ash ART DASH - 9 A.M. SATURDAY, JULY 27 (STARTING AT ANACORTES CITY HALL) The popular 8th annual Art Dash halfmarathon, 10k and 5k takes place on Saturday, July 27 starting at 9 a.m. at Anacortes City Hall and ending at the Port warehouse. It takes runners along the waterfront on the Tommy Thompson Parkway and across the trestle to March Point. It is a certified, fast run that draws hundreds of participants from throughout the region. Shidaa, a local drum group, will set the beat as goanacor
runners cross the finish line. The race is a partnership between the Festival and Anacortes Parks & Recreation and profits fund the Tommy Thompson Mural Project and support public art. Runners can register online at, or through Anacortes Parks & Recreation. More information is available on the Festival website or Anacortes Parks & Recreation at 293-1918. 2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
Volunteers N
Arts at the Port
Experience Art (Sat & Sun)
2nd Main Stage
3rd Beer Garden T he Festival lo ves its volunteer s! T his force of about 180 energetic people helps the F estival r un smoothly and offer s ready assistance to visitor s. L ook for their friendly faces and Festival T -shirts with name badges at the P ort Transit S hed, the stages, the beer gardens and the infor mation booths, and helping booth ar tisans.
2013 | An acortes Arts Festiv
4th 400
5th 500
Cindy Morton
Info Booth
Handicapped Parking
Booth 600 Youth Artisans Activities
7th 700
KPLU Stage
8th Commercial
"O" Ave
A sparkling personality with a quick wit would make Anacor tes Arts Festival Volunteer of the Year, C indy Morton, a standout anywhere. T hrow in a pinch of “innovative and highly efficient“ and you begin to see her potential. T he AAF Board cited C indy’s more than 15 years of involvement with the Festival in numerous capacities: as office staff, as one of the Festival’s highestselling booth vendors, as an AAF board member, and most recently as a volunteer in the lunch room, wine garden, Fine Art S how and office. “After being a booth vendor in the Arts Festival for 10 years, it is gratifying to give back to the organization as a volunteer,” she said. “Everyone has something to give, so help your self - VOL UNTEER !”
Wine Garden "Q" Ave
2013 Volunteer of the Year
Food Booths
Happens. Don’t miss it at the Anacortes Arts Festival August 2nd through the 4th.
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