Berry Cool Car Show
oin us for the 2022 Berry Cool Car Show! Car show enthusiasts love the oldies tunes and the wide range of beautiful classics to muscle cars and everything in between; this year there will be pre-1985 motorcycles! The 21st annual Berry Cool Car Show will be held on Father’s Day: Sunday, June 19 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. along E. Fairhaven Avenue. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and costs $20. On average,
the show has 150 cars on display. Dash plaques are provided to the first 200 cars.
books at the Skagit Valley College’s Auto Technology Program (two-year program).
The event is free to spectators but is organized and financially supported by the NCSRA. Raffle tickets purchased at the show along with prizes donated by local sponsors also contribute to the show’s success. The money raised helps to pay tuition and
Local merchants on E. Fairhaven Avenue sponsor the show, staying open especially for the event and donating funding for the trophies. Thank you to long-time supporter Stowe’s Shoes & Clothing who opens their store during the show.
360.707.2353 | This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Berry Dairy Days 2022
First and second place trophies will be awarded to each class, voted on by a team of judges. Show classes are 29 and Older, Best 70s and Newer, Best Truck, Best 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, and 1985 or older motorcycles. Special trophies are awarded by local car enthusiasts, handpicked the day of the show. Categories include Best Stock, Best Truck, Best Muscle Car, Best Modified, Best Paint, Best Interior, Best Engine Compartment, Best Street Rod, Best Corvette and the