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4 factors to consider when decorating with
Flowers are emblematic of spring and can make a great addition to your home. Here are four factors to consider when decorating with fl owers. 1. Think about the decor. Flowers can be used to enhance the atmosphere of a room, so refl ect on the design style you want to create. You can use fl oral arrangements as accent pieces or to draw out the colors in furnishings and other decorative pieces. 2. Choose the right size. You want to ensure you maintain a cohesive look when adding fl owers to a space. Consider whether a room would benefi t more from a single, large bouquet that draws the eye or several subtle arrangements. 3. Get creative with placement. Play around with height and texture by hanging plants in macrame holders or securing them to the wall to create a vertical fl ower garden. Make sure your fl owers get enough natural light, as this will make their colors pop. 4. Pick the right fl owers. Choose plants that don’t require more maintenance than you have time for, and consider how they grow to ensure your fl owers won’t overwhelm a space. If you want to forgo the hassle, opt for dried or artifi cial arrangements.
Finally, keep in mind that moving or replacing your fl owering plants and bouquets a few times a year is a simple way to freshen up your decor.
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Companion plants for tomatoes
Are you planting tomatoes in your garden this year? If so, here are some things you should know about companion plants.
The best companion plants for tomatoes are asparagus, carrots, celery, onions, leeks and radishes. Pairing these vegetables with your tomatoes can help increase their yield. In addition, planting herbs like basil, parsley and sage near your tomatoes can prevent diseases and repel unwanted insects.
There are several ways to plant companion herbs and vegetables to get the results you want. You can plant them in alternating rows or intersperse different plants and herbs within the same row. You can also pair each tomato plant with another compatible species.
To get the seeds and starters you need for a great growing season, visit your local garden center.
How to rotate crops in your garden
Crop rotation is the practice of growing different vegetables rather than identical or related ones in the same place every year. Here’s what you need to know.
Manydisease-carryingspores and insects overwinter in the soil near the base of their target plants. Therefore, replanting the same vegetable the following year makes it easy for these pests to infect the new crop. Planting your vegetables in a new location every growing season will prevent these parasites fromfindingahosttoinfectin spring.
Ideally, crop rotation should be done over four years because some spores can remain in the soil for up to three years. However, if you have a small garden, rotating your crops every two years works justfine.Thispracticealsoprevents nutrient depletion in your soil.
To pick up vegetable seeds and starters, visit your local garden center.
4 criteria for choosing a tree
If you want to plant one or more trees on your property, you may be wondering what species to select. Here are four criteria to consider before you decide.
Do you want the tree you choose to shelter your property from the sun or keep noise, wind and prying eyes at bay? Do you want it to increase your property’s curb appeal? Whatever your needs, it’s important to consider how the tree will affect your outdoor space.
Find out how big your tree will be once it matures. This will partially depend on where you choose to plant it. Additionally, if the tree has an aggressive root system, it may require more space.
Determine how much water and sunlight the tree needs to stay healthy. You should also investigate potential pests and diseases that could affect the tree’s growth.
Some trees require frequent pruning to stay healthy and continue to grow. You may also need to regularly trim the tree to keep it away from electrical lines and other nearby obstacles.
Don’t hesitate to contact your local nursery for suggestions and advice.
How to recognize and treat chlorosis
Chlorosis,achlorophylldeficiencythatresultsin a yellowing of normally green leaves, is a relatively common disease. It can affect many kinds of plants including roses, vines, rhododendrons and hydrangeas. Here’s an overview.
Chlorosis can be a sign that your soil is nutrient deficient.Ifyourplants are deprivedofchlorophyll,the leaves are likely to turn yellow, become dry and fall off. Themostcommonsoildeficiencyisiron. However, chlorosis can also be caused by a lack of magnesium or potassium.
The most effective way to prevent and treat chlorosis is to do a soil test. This will let you know if your soil lacks nutrients or contains too much calcium, which can prevent your plants from absorbing vitamins and minerals. Soil that’s too wet or dry can have the same effect. Once you understand the problem, you can make the appropriate adjustments.
Do your plants look sick? If so, reach out to a professional at your local garden center for help.
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5 strategies to ward off squirrels
Squirrels are agile creatures that like to snack on seeds and digupflowerbulbs.Thiscan make them quite a nuisance for gardeners. If you want to keep the squirrels in your area at bay, here arefive tricksto try.
1.Plantbulbsatleastsixinches deep, and opt for species that squirrels tend to avoid such as daffodils, hyacinths and fritillaries.
2.Coveryourflowerbeds with chicken wire. This metal mesh will keep unwanted critters at bay without disrupting the germination of your seeds.
3. After planting, cover the soil with blood meal or chicken manure fertilizer. The odor repels squirrels and helps mask the smell of bulbs.
4. Grow aromatic plants that repel squirrels such as onion, garlic and herbs. Scented geraniums (pelargoniums) and certainotherfragrantflowers will also do the trick.
5. If you have a cat or dog, let it roam near your garden. Your pet’s presence, as well as the fur and scent it leaves behind, will serve as a deterrent.
Good luck!