SVH Job Guide September 2022

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A supplement to the Skagit Valley Herald and the Anacortes American Job Guide September 2022 Drapery Valley Farms/Perdue Legend Brands North Cascades NorthwestPhysiciansFamilyFarmFoodCo-opSkagitTransit Skagit Valley Food Co-op The Skagit Casino Resort Participating Employers: Sponsored by:

How to find a job you’ll love

Seek advice. Your friends and family know you best. Therefore, ask them for their opinions on your perfect job. They may see qualities in you that you’ve downplayed, like public speaking or cooking. Moreover, meeting with a career counselor can help you identify industries or roles you may have overlooked.

2 Skagit Valley Herald Job Guide September 2022 Inside: How to find a job you’ll love .............................................................. 2 How volunteering can land you a job 3 Entry-level position: take it or leave it? ....................................... 4 Answering Tough Questions 6 Tips for negotiating a salary proposal ......................................... 8 Immigrants: transfer your skills to boost your career 8 Moving Up Into Management ........................................................10 1215 Anderson Road, Mount Vernon, WA 98274 Advertising: 360.416.2180 | © Skagit Publishing 2022 | All rights reserved. SkagitValleyHeraldClassiVisitcareers.goskagit.comhasyoucovered.edstoday!

Know your values. If you love being outside in nature, you may not find an office job fulfilling. On the other hand, if you value having free evenings and weekends, then a Monday-to-Friday job may suit your lifestyle best.

Identify your passions. Discover your interests by asking yourself the right questions. What websites do you visit when you want to relax? What types of movies or books do you enjoy? When was the last time you put extra effort into something, personally or professionally? Your answers may provide insight into what you love.

Once you’ve identified your preferences, find ways to put them to work. Volunteer, take classes or earn certifications in those areas. Do some research into companies and job opportunities in your fields of interest.

As the saying goes: “if you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life.” If you’re looking for your dream job, here are some tips for setting you in the right direction.

Set salary and money aside. If you concentrate too much on salary expectations, you may be missing out on jobs you’d love. Pretend you don’t have any financial commitments. What would you do? You may find you’d be willing to work longer hours at reduced pay if you’re in an environment that motivates and engages you.

4.It can give you references. It’s tough to get references without work experience. However, a non-profit organization or charity reference is just as valid as one from an employer. Use your volunteering references to apply for your next job or post-secondary program. Make sure you put your volunteering experience on your resume. Include the job title and description, examples of your activities, the skills you learned and your achievements. Also, explain how your experience relates to the job you’re applying for.

3Skagit Valley Herald Job Guide September

driver’s license and criminal record check. Going through this process will ensure you know what to expect when applying for a paid gig.

information from colleagues, board members, clients and suppliers. You never know who may be able to help you find a dream job.

2.It prepares you for the application process. Most organizations require potential volunteers to fill out an application and participate in an interview. Many will also demand a

Although education and work experience are essential for landing your first job, volunteering can also give you an advantage over other applicants. Here’s how.

3.It expands your network. When you volunteer, you meet new people and broaden your network of friends and associates. It’s good to save contact

PRODUCTIONLABORERSNEEDED! Comeworkforagreatbusiness! Immediateopenings. Wages$18.90-$22.90perhour, Plus excellentbene ts. Mustbeabletolift50lbs. Applicationscanbeobtained MondaythroughFriday 8:00am – 4:00pmat: 1370SouthAnacortesStreet, Burlington,WA. Pleasecall(360)757-4225formore informationonthisopportunity. NorthwestFarmFoodCo-opisanEOE.

1.It gives you new skills and experience. When you volunteer, you may have to deal directly with clients, suppliers and board members. You may also have to learn new computer programs or give presentations. You can learn both hard and soft skills while volunteering, which you can bring to the table when you apply for a paid job.

How volunteering can land you a job

4 Skagit Valley Herald Job Guide September 2022

Are you having trouble finding a job that suits you? Consult job hunting resources in your area.

PerksofworkingattheCo-op: •Startingwageis $16/hr • Awesome,a ordableinsurance • Generoussta discount • Progressivepaidtimeo • Thepeople!Ourcommunityrocks! We’reHiring! Scanher e to apply! ’reHiring! Entry-level position: take it or leave it?

If you sincerely doubt that you’ll enjoy your everyday tasks, the job probably isn’t for you. The same applies if most of your skills and educational achievements don’t apply to the job and won’t contribute to your professional development. Finally, it may be best to refuse the position if the salary is significantly lower than your expectations or if the company has a high turnover rate.

It’s rare to get your dream job on the first try. Therefore, if you’re offered an entry-level position, it’s necessary to ask yourself if it’s a good idea to accept it. Here are some tips to help you decide.

When to refuse

If the job is related to your area of expertise and allows you to use and develop your skills, it may be worthwhile. The job may let you explore a field you’re interested in and help you obtain a better position in the future. The offer may also be attractive if there’s room for career development within the company.

When to accept

5Skagit Valley Herald Job Guide September EXCELLENTBENEFITSFOR FULL-TIMEPOSITIONS • Great Wages • ExcellentShiftPremiums/Differentials • Generous PaidTimeOff • PaidHolidays • PaidLifeInsurance • PaidAD&DInsurance • PaidDisabilityInsurance • ExcellentEmployee AssistancePlan • DentalInsurance • MedicalInsurance lowpremiumsforENTIREFAMILY Low deductible&lowmaximum out of pocket • 401kwithgenerous company match • Company sponsored pension!!! CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Day Swing Graveyard shifts available Employingstate of theartproduction technology! Production:AssemblyandMachineOperators Warehouse:MaterialandShippingAssociates Facilities: BuildingMaintenance ProductionSupport:ProductionSupervisors, EquipmentMaintenanceTechs,Equipment Manager Engineering:Manufacturing,Test, and Mechanical Engineers Recruiter/HR Customer Service Comejoinourentrepreneurialspiritedcompanyasweexpandourbusinessoperations!Ourlong-standingcompany inthebeautifulPacificNorthwestisseekingdedicated,focusedindividualstocontributetoourongoingsuccess. LegendBrandsistheindustryleaderandinadditiontoourteamatmosphere,weprovidecompetitivepayandan EXCELLENTbenefitspackage! APPLYTODAY!Visit: Located justminutesoff ofI-5 15180JoshWilsonRd,BurlingtonWA98233

a cornerstone of your long-term plan in the meantime.


the heart of that decision.

Nobody really knows where they’ll be in five years. You’ll be asked anyway.

If you’re under-qualified or engagementmaynoaVeteranprofessionalhasofbeandunder-experiencedargueyoushouldtheCEOinahandfulyears,youranswerillustratedacertainimmaturity.employeeswithlengthyjobhistorybutambitiontomoveupbesignalingalackoforworkethic.

Too often the question of where you’d like to be five years is considered from an external point of view. But the answer is about more than looking good during a job interview with a prospective employer. Set realistic sellexpectations,careerandyou’llthemonyour

Conclude by stating how this all fits into your large career arc. Don’t make a joke, imply that you don’t intend to be with the company that long or make it clear that you’ve never really considered the question before. Maybe you’ve realized that this isn’t your dream job. Or maybe you just don’t know where you’d like to be in five years. It’s OK to say that, but it won’t create the clearest pathway to being hired.

Instead, try to tailor your job search so that it fits into the real answer. If that’s not immediately possible, consider how this position can help you build needed and desired experience for later. Deeper understanding of this job, or this company, could eventually open doors to other employment opportunities that better fit your goals. Maybe it’s just a chance to grow personally, as a professional or as a manager. That can become



The question of where you see yourself in five years is meant to measure both motivation and planning skills, and to gauge how you match with the prospective role. Companies want to know what value you’ll bring as a person, beyond your experience, and how determined you are to keep learning and achieving. Your answer also frames your place in the company, as a valuable team member or perhaps an emerging leader.

Interviews allow hiring managers to get a broader idea of who you are than any resume could ever provide. This question in particular allows them to understand your goals.

Start with a key goal or two, connecting these benchmarks with qualities you’re trying to convey to the hiring manager. Then transition to how you plan to get there and why it’s important to you.

Answering Tough Questions

candidacy — while also laying out an achievable set of benchmarks for yourself.Where you see yourself in five years could, if approached the right way, become your professional destiny. For instance, if you’re a naturally ambitious person, some jobs may simply be too unfulfilling to pursue. If the position doesn’t align with or advance your larger professional goals, then you may need to keep looking.

6 Skagit Valley Herald Job Guide September 2022

People who think too little — or too much — about moving into management can find themselves on the outside looking in when a hiring decision is made. The fiveyear query goes directly to

7Skagit Valley Herald Job Guide September APPLY ONOURWEBSITE(THESKAGIT.COM) T OD AY! √401kPlan√PaidAD&DInsurance√PaidHolidays√SickDays√PaidVacation√GreatWages FOOD&BEVERAGE •Server•Dishwasher•FoodandBeverageSupervisor•Cook/LeadCook HOTEL •NightAudit•Housekeeping•FrontDeskClerk OTHERCAREERS •SecurityO •SurveillanceOcer •EVSCleaner•MaintenanceMechanic•CageCashier•SlotDepartment•RetailClerk•ConvenienceStoreClerk•Cashier/UtilityWorkercer•OnI-5atExit236• 877-275-2448 Mustbe21orolderwithvalidID.DetailsatRewardsClub.Managementreservesallrights. ©2021UpperSkagitIndianTribedbaSkagitValleyCasinoResort.CASINO • RESORT √A√MedicalInsurance√PaidLifeInsurance√DentalInsurance√EmployeeAssistancePlan√DisabilityInsuranceNDMORE!!! NEWWAGES STARTINGAT$18/HR! (ONLYFORNON-TIPPOSITIONS) •

Whatever your proposal, end it with an open question like “What do you think?” to get the discussion going.

evaluation service can analyze your non-U.S. qualifications and compare them to similar qualifications in the U.S. education system, labor market or specific profession. This’ll allow you to apply for jobs with special education or skill requirements.

8 Skagit Valley Herald Job Guide September 2022

Points to talk about

Analyze your past experiences and make a list of your skills and education. If a job posting catches your eye, read it carefully and determine how your experience matches what the company is looking for. Use this information to build

Did you receive a job offer, but the salary is too low? Here are a few tips to help you negotiate a higher salary that matches your skills.

a convincing application.

The criteria

Immigrants: transfer your skills to boost your career

The context

You’re much more likely to negotiate a higher salary if you’re the company’s first choice. If the recruitment process drags on or you feel like you’re one of many candidates on a waiting list, you may be a second or third choice. In this case, asking for a better salary could be futile.

Get your credentials recognized

Go back to school temporarily. Depending on what you want to do, you can register for a higher education course related to your field. You may also be able to obtain missing credits for a diploma or write an equivalency exam to validate your professional license.

and urgency to fill the position.

Some things, such as vacation days and working hours, are difficult to keep secret and can cause dissatisfaction or jealousy

Companies tend to set their employees’ salaries based on specific criteria. Among other things, internal equity is typically a factor. This means your salary should be reasonable in comparison to other team members who occupy the same position and level of seniority. The salary amount may also be based on the company’s budget

List your transferable skills.

It’s a good idea to get a credential evaluation. An independent credential

Tips for negotiating a salary proposal

This is especially true for certain industries and positions with specific requirements. However, you can work on transferring your skills to launch a new career without starting from scratch.

among colleagues. Therefore, you should focus on aspects of the job that’ll remain confidential, like your salary and a company computer or cell phone.

Are you unsure where to start? Meet with a career counselor or recruiter to discuss your situation.

If you’ve recently immigrated to the United States, you may not be able to practice the trade you did in your home country immediately.

9Skagit Valley Herald Job Guide September


10 Skagit Valley Herald Job Guide September 2022

If you’d like to climb the ladder into management, you’ll have to properly position yourself for the move.

Quali cations requiredtosuccessfullyperformthejob.Atypicalwaytomeetthisrequirementwouldbe:Anyequivalentcombinationofeducationandexperiencethatprovidetheknowledge,skillsandabilities•Bachelor’sdegreeinAccounting•1yearofGASBexperience•1yearofFinancialStatementCompensationexperience•Financialsoftwaresystemexpertise•5yearsofprogressivelyresponsibleaccountingexperience•3yearsofsupervisoryexperiences•Intermediate/AdvancedMSOfceWord,Excel,Access•Complexnancialanalysisexpertise•Payrollprocessingcompliance•CertiedPublicAccountantorCertiedManagementAccountantpreferred•Grantadministrationexperience•Transportationindustryexperiencepreferred•Governmentaccountingandprocurementknowledge

Let’s face it, every workplace environment comes with its own unique set of challenges. What sets good managers apart from others is the ability to problem solve rather than sitting back and complain. Those who get promoted are the ones who go further than simply identifying issues, instead offering solutions when a setback occurs. Whether it’s quality control, outside competition or communication breakdowns, the most effective managers are first and foremost looking for answers. The faster these problems can be overcome, the closer everyone will be to the success everyone is striving for. Identify issues, preferably before they become chronic, develop solutions and discuss it with company leaders. You’ll soon join them.

•Performspecialassignmentsandotherrelated•Coordinatephysicalassetinventoriesand•Reconcilesubsidiaryledgersanddepreciation•Maintainsvehicle•Updatedepreciationschedulemonthly•Maintain•Ensuretheintegrityof•Managetheannual•EnsurecompliancewithFTAgrantrulesandall•Monitorgrantfundedprojectsaccounting;managegrantprojectcostsforreimbursementgrantreimbursementrequirementsnancialandaccountabilityaudits,WSDOTaudits,FTAtriennialreview,andallothernancialauditsnancialsystems;integratesystemstechnologyintoallaspectsoftheAccountingDepartment;managerelatedprojectsxedassetrecordsincludingrecordingcapitalassetacquisitions,disposalsandtransfers;lesscheduletogeneralledgerupdaterecordsaccordinglydutiesasassigned$75,603.84-$85,035.39;dependentuponexperienceOpenuntillled Ensures Transitdepartmentsandoutsideauditors.andimplementsappropriateinternalcontrols.CoordinatesaccountingactivitieswithotherSkagitcompliancewithfederal,state,andlocallawsandregulations.Assessesaccountingsystemsaccountingandadministrationstaff.PreparesnancialintegrityofaccountingsystemandreportingforSkagitTransit.Supervisesnancialandoperationsreports.Ensures SalaryandBene ts 401(a)qualiMedicalinsurancewithpremiumshare;dental,vision,andlifeinsuranceallpaidbyemployerSalaryRange:$75,603.84-$85,035.39;dependentuponexperienceedand457deferredcompensationplans,125FlexibleSpendingPlanPaidHolidays ToApply Burlington,WA98233Submityourapplicationpacketandresumetohr@skagittransit.orgor600CountyShopLane, DutiesandResponsibilitiesSkagitTransitisanEqualOpportunityandDrugFreeEmployer •PrepareNTD(NationalTransportationDatabase)•Preparetheannual•Reconcilemonthlybankstatementsensuring•Monitorcash•Maintainpoliciesandprocedurestoensure•Review,modify,anddocumentbusiness•Supervisepayroll,payables,receivables,•Prepare•Ensureaccountingisinaccordancewithgenerallyacceptedaccountingprinciples(GAAP),GASB,IRS,state,andFTArequirementsnancialandoperatingreports;providenancialanalysisandnarrativeofissuesimpactingtheAgency’snancialconditiongeneralledger,andxedassetsprocessesandproceduresprocessesforoptimalefciencyandinternalcontrolcompliancewithgenerallyacceptedaccountingprinciples(GAAP),grantagreements,lawsandregulationsowentryaccuracynancialreportfortheWashingtonStateAuditor’sOfcemonthlyandannualreports

Moving Up Into Management

Supervisors are expected, first and foremost, to lead — so you’ll have to define yourself as someone who’s ready to help others succeed.

Understandably, these skills may not have been an element of your previous jobs with the company — but they’ll be key to succeeding on the next level. Your company may already have training programs. Otherwise, seek them out online, in textbooks or through area universities or community colleges. And remember that this learning process is ongoing. Effective managers continue incorporating new ideas, strategies and leadership skills into their personal management style.



Develop a timeline for your promotion. Sketching this out will help focus your work. At the same time, management may be looking for the next great leader on their staff, but they won’t necessarily understand your ambitions if you don’t voice them. Once you have a clear idea of what job you’re interested in and when, communicate those aspirations honestly and openly with the management team. That can happen through the course of a performance review, when asked about your career goals, or in conversations held in a more informal manner. But be forthright with your goals. If you’re a good candidate for future opening, they’ll remember these important discussions.


Candidacies for management are also strengthened by the ability to communicate and work with others. If your proposed solution won’t work, consider brainstorming with others to improve the idea. Help out with projects, even if they are outside of your immediate job description. Be a sounding board and offer advice when appropriate on workplace topics. Building positive professional relationships shows that you are collaborative and that you understand the broader spectrum of how the operation functions. They also show that you can be trusted. You’ll become a better leader, even if these relationships don’t immediately create a springboard with your current employer. They might open doors down the road.

MINIMUMQUALIFICATIONS: successfullyperformthejob.Atypicalwaytomeetthisrequirementwouldbe:Anyequivalentcombinationofeducationandexperiencethatprovidetheknowledge,skillsandabilitiesrequiredto•Highschooldiplomaorequivalent•5yearsofdrivingexperience•1yearofexperienceincustomerserviceorrelatedeld•ValidWashingtonStateCommercialDriver’sLicense (SkagitTransitprovidestraining&testingtoobtain) •Maintainanacceptabledrivingrecord  Nomovingviolationswithinthelast2years  Nomorethan2movingviolationswithinthelast5years  Nomorethan2accidents,atfaultornotatfault,withinthelast5years  NoDUIviolationsorrevocationoflicensewithinthelast10years SELECTIONPROCESS&TIMELINE: 391.41-391.349.ofTransportation(DOT)physicalexamcertiAfteranofferofemploymenthasbeenmade,anapplicantmustpassapre-employmentdrugtestandpre-employmentDepartmentthelastIfselectedforaninterviewyoumustsubmita•September26Applicantsmustbeavailableforthefollowingrecruitmentdates:th-30th:Interview•October3rd-7th:DOTPhysicalExam•October10th-14th:CDLPermitTesting•October31st:StartDateve-yeardrivingabstractfromallstatesinwhichyouhavebeenlicensedtodriveinveyears.edbyamedicalexaminerinaccordancewiththeMotorCarrierSafetyRegulationsparts TOAPPLY: Submitapplicationpacket.Anapplicationpacketisavailableonlineat orinpersonat Pleasereadapplicationpacketthoroughlyand600CountyShopLane,Burlington,WA98233. lloutpacketcompletely.Incompletepacketswillnotbeconsidered. RecruitmentClosesSeptember23rd SkagitTransitisanEqualOpportunityEmployerandDrugFreeBusiness BENEFITS: BeneAllReliefTransitOperatorsareeligibletoreceive:•Medical•Vision•Telemedicine•PaidHolidays•EmployeeAssistanceProgram•FreeBusPass•Dental•LifeInsurance•GeneralLeave•401(a)RetirementPlanwithMatch•457DeferredCompensationPlan•VoluntaryFlexibleSpendingAccounttsbegintherstdayofthemonthfollowingthedateofhire. JOBDUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES: •Operateapassengercoachonspeci •Promotegoodpassengerrelationsbypositiveupanddeliveringpassengersandoperationalpoliciesandprocedureswhilepickingtimeschedulesinaccordancewithestablishedsafetyedroutesandtreatmentofpassengers;greetpassengersinacourteousmanner;assistpassengerswithboarding,seating,questionsandrelatedmatters •Preparevehicleforoperationbyfollowingrequired•Assistpassengersboardinganddisembarkingfrom•Operatetwo-wayradioforprofessionalroutinecommunicationwithdispatchcenterandothercoachesvehicles;properlysecurepassengersandmobilitydevices;operateliftforpersonswithandwithoutmobilityaidspre-tripinspectionasinstructed


11Skagit Valley Herald Job Guide September POSITIONSUMMARY:EMPLOYMENTOPPORTUNITYReliefTransitCoachOperatorsFixedRoute&$22.42-$29.95/hr.



Ouroperatinghoursbeginat4:20a.m.andcontinueuntil9:30p.m.ReliefOperatorsareexpectedtodriveanyshift andanyrouteincludingnights,holidays,weekends,mornings,splitshifts,andon-call.

Moving into a management role is more than supervising. You’ll also be expected to inhabit a larger leadership role, inspiring others and sharing a vision for future success. If you feel under-prepared for this shift, or simply want to better position yourself for a promotion, consider pursuing professional development training in motivating others, problem solving or performance evaluation.

12 Skagit Valley Herald Job Guide September 2022 TOGETHERFORYOU. Fulltime-DayandNightshi AtPerduewetakePRIDEintakingcareof ourassociates,positionsstartingat$16.30/Hr. ••ClínicadesaludsemanalGRATIS•Pagodehorasextrasdiarias(soloproducción)•Medical,Dental,andVisionInsurance•H.I.Ptesting•Nightshi•FREEweeklyhealthclinic•OnsiteNurse•Dailyovertimepay(productiononly)•$3,000SignonBONUSandDepartmentPremiums•Paidtimeo Enfermeraenelsitio • Primasporturnodenocheydepartamentales • Tiempolibrepagado ••SeguroMedico,Dental,yVision PruebadeH.I.P. JuntosParaTi. Tiempocompleto-TurnosdeDiayNoche EnPerduenosenorgullecemosdecuidarnuestros asociados,posicionesdesde$16.30/hora DraperValleyFarmso ers DraperValleyFarmsofrece 401(k)-5%Companymatch401(k)-5%decoincidencia $3,000Bonodeiniciodesesión Paidout-Pagado $600@30days/dias $600@60days/dias $600@90days/dias $1,200@6months/meses 1000JasonLane,MountVernon,WA • (360)419-7880

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