Design Portfolio

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PROPOSAL XL : Tie together

Linkoping city’s urban structure can be described as islands of builtup seperated spatially by landsccape and programmatically monofuntional.


these islands and establish site specific qualities for the urban landscape.

PROPOSAL L : Define clear


Landscape has becomes a barrier, isloating Campus Valla from surrounding neighbourhoods.

programs for the landscape and strategically use it to connect across infrastructure.





Campus Valla is structured around Corson, the public spine but buildings are spread out, introvert and monofunctional, with little relation to landscape.

PROPOSAL kolonilotter museum golf



service / café utbildning



sport kollektivtrafik


Braiding together to connect with surrounding neghbourhoods, densify & introduce new programs.

forskning smedstadsbäcken

OVERALL CONCEPT: Interveaving qualities of the three connections: Corson, Konwledge Link & landscape along Semsdstad swail as a startgin point for the Housing Expo: BO2016. The intersection shall form the core for the expo.

Collaboration City competition proposal

Urban Design Competition entry: Program revolved around densification of Campus Valla, Linköping with beginnings inHousing Expo ‘BO2016’.

Duration: 1 month with A-I-M Architects, Helsingborg, Sweden

design approach the propsal focused on densification of campus area through mixed use typologies and along the ‘Knowledge Link’ while minimizing the intervention into the open landscape.

Shraddha Kapri Professional work


Strategy for growth 2016


Housing Exhibition: BO2016


Linköping Campus



Dialogue and preparatory projects Develop public dialogue for collective action: culturalwalks through the area, local associations and city enthusiasts are invited together with Linköping youth to jointly shape the initial physical landscape layers.

Public Space for residents along Semdstan swail.

The open pavilion and Knowledge Portal is the fair’s core. Venues, activities, and parks established and populated by Linköping youth and community organizations shall form an important ingredient in the fair. Possible events: Exhibitions, symposiums and artistic temporary comments and confrontations on the theme “How can we live and work in the city”?

Linköping C

Possible events: Walks in the area, University Park occupied and tested with various new businesses, flea markets, plantations, to buildings, exhibitions. Children’s green laboratory, tree houses and pop-up park in Mjärdevi.






Plugin: caravan space

Corson & Knowledge Link.Central space for the Housing Expo 2016.

Office space

Studio space

Parasite: future add-ons


Evolution/ Revolution

Exhibition buildings and conversations form the basis for new discussions on the region’s development, including the development of Valla City as a Collaboration City. The evaluation of the ideas tested in Valla city makes it possible to progress and connect the network through both relational and physical connections.

Cultural incubator+ Community space

View of the public space created at the intersection of


Terraced apartment

Typological Mix

Row house

in a typical block

Multi level Apartment

Collaboration City

competition proposal

Ocean harbour

design development

This work involved the development of a series of urban structure alternatives for Oceanharbour- two piers which were part of city’s former port activities but now have huge development potential because of their proximity to city centre. The work was done in an active dialogue with various experts groups from the planning department. The first phase concluded into ‘plan program’ document.

Duration: 12 months Dept. of City planning, Helsingborg, Sweden

Shraddha Kapri Professional work


viktiga offentliga platser offentliga rummet tillg채nglighet n채tverk befintliga byggnader vy korridor

Structural plan (process work) Illustrating the key public space values that should be retained throughout the process .

Design alternatives phase 1 (process work) A scenario based work where different alteratives have been developed simultaneously as viable ways to develop the pier

Ocean harbour

design development



2035 ‘PLAN PROGRAM’ document published: March2012 scope of work: illustrations

Phases of development ( process work)

Illustrations describing the phases of projected development on the piers and along Bredgatan- retaining the existing indutrial structures and working with in the constraints set by the port authorities.

Shraddha Kapri Professional work

Imagine Helsingborg

design manual

The H+ manual describes a framework and an attitude on how to continue the urban renewal process of H+ region. Given a time frame of over three decades, the manual will be updated along the process, establishing a sense of continuity and constantly reviewing the actions against the visions of the project.

scope of work: worked in the group responsible for editing the english version and illustrating some of the digrams. Dept. of City planning, Helsingborg, Sweden



studies on urban potential

The project has been an investigation into how Planteringen, a degenerated neighbourhood, can transform and integrate holistically into the H+ development area. The project comprised of several local area studies, parallel with the ongoing discussions in the planning department.

Duration: 3 months Dept. of City planning, Helsingborg, Sweden

Shraddha Kapri Professional work

urban space


Stärk de offentliga rummen/ Strengthen the public spaces

Utveckla landskapet/ Develop the landscape


The vision A holisitc Integration of Planteringen with developments in the H+ area. To develop a positive urban identity for Planteringen by harnessing the existing potentials present in the area - Tallskogsleden, industrial heritage, proximity to city centre and sea, residents’ local knowledge.


Strengthen the public roomsthe Strengthen

Develop routes from public rooms H+ Hussar Square Develop routes from H +and Jutan Square and Jutan till Hussar Planteringen andtill connect Planteringen and connect the Strengthen theWienergatan. Wienergatan. Strengthen Plantering centrum and activateand Plantering centrum existing sites with new nodes activate existing sites with along these routes. new nodes along these routes.

Highlight existing and introduce new Highlight existing social programs

social Lyft fram befintliga och introducera nya sociala program/ Highlight existing and introduce new social programs

and De v e l introduce o p p r o g r anew ms in dialogue the residents in social with programs Develop programs in dialogue Planteringen and place them with the residents in Planteringe soand as place to enhance the existing them so as to enhanc the existing public spaces. public spaces. Develop landscape

The process

Several ‘local area studies’ were done which followed the ideas set in the overall vision and strategy for the area. All ‘local area studies’ attempt to discuss the consequences of larger planning strategy on the spatial and experiential qualities of urban places. offentliga område omkring Jutan/public place around Jutan


Let the pines ”invade” Planteringen and develop the unique identity of area Develop landscap with a landscape of dunes, Let the pines ”invade” Plantering p iand n edevelop t r e e sthe , hunique e a t hidentit er and area with a landscape of dunes, more. trees, heather and more.



? nyckelfrågor/ key questions

vision urbana område studier/ urban area studies

utvecklingspotential för Planteringen / development potential for Planteringen integrering mellan H+ och Planteringen/ integration between H+ and Planteringen



lokala områdes studier + scenarier/

verktygslåda nyckleprinciper/

local area study + scenarios

tool box design principles


was seen as an integration of landscape, urban and programmatic interventions which were anchored in existing qualities of the place.

strategi V2/ strategy V2

Planteringen effekterna av Hamnleden/ impact of Hamnleden Planteringen centrum



studies on urban potential

re-utilize : retaining the north part of old flyover to use it creatively as an outdoor shelter for public activities

maximize public space

in front of Jute mill by planning the new flyover connection on the western edge. t wo sperate gradients for car and pedes t ra i n t raf f i c on new viadukt so as to maximize the public front of Jute mill.

cluster of new public activities in and around Jute mill is potentially possible, which can complement the existing context and uses.

shrink Planteringsv채gen

A tighter connection between Jute mill and Planteringen can transform the infrastructure barrier into a connector.

pine landscape

The southern pine landscape of Planteringen should have a distinct identity from the bluegreen connection of H+

Vision Holistic integration of Planteringen into the proposed H+ development area.

Tool box -key principles: Jutan

The studies concluded with design recommendations in the form of a tool box. The tool box combine the overall strategies with context of the jute mill (Jutan)

Shraddha Kapri Professional work


2 1

fluid urban space: a spatial dialogue between street and suqare is suggested which are presently compartmentalized.

tool box : Planteringen’s neighbourhood centre

public spce identity

can develop a sense of place and ownership amongst locals

pine landscape

building up on the green identity of Planteringen + local engagement in landscaping

concetrated development

towards making an impactful change in the urban experience


phases of growth

detailed study: Urban development around the old Jute mill (Jutan)

Various alternatives were developed around how the flyover from 80’s could be integrated with development around Jutan( refurbished jute mill which is now a play & bowling centre). The studies were done in the form of sections.

detailed study: neighbourhood Planteringen

design proposal ,developed from the overall strategies, to illustrate the potential of the place.

basketball facility combined with existing parking

existing: Lund University’s Campus Helsingborg in the SHIP

movie screening for campus students

Bredgatan_ temporary interventions outdoor playspots mobile landscape +furniture

The project looked at design+strategy behind temporary interventions . The interventions were planned in conjunction with the construction of an underground railway tunnel. The interventions were aimed at bringing livability to street spaces during the construction phase and help develop the strategic sights based on the overall structural plan. Duration: 2 months Dept. of City planning, Helsingborg, Sweden

mobile greens shared space between the bus stops. pattern also be indicative of planned canal that would replace the road as per the H+ strucutral plan.

Shraddha Kapri Professional work



layers of intervention


mobile allotments as a way of greening asphalt roads for a short term





mobile furniture with artificial turf to enliven the campus area


commercial spaces




public space lighting

hang-out play!!

use of lighting to bring life to barren road sides.

urban landscape

transit get-to-know transit pause

using color to give clear orientation& to highlight shared space.


urban nodes transit

quality program

defining the background for temporary interventions:






- Interventions are clearly temporarily in the expression not of the quality - These configurations can be moved, deleted, or their parts can be reused. - The interventions should be both functional solutions and attractive in their expression , which attract people and activities to H+ area during the development phases.

detailed study

Schematic plan illustrating a temporary make-over of parking space in front of SHIP during the tunnel construction phase.


temporary interventions


urban revival through reuse

Strategy based approach towards urban design. The design project is an investigation into how an urban area can transform from within through adaptive-reuse of its resources - infrastructure and urban energy.

Masters’ degree work individual design project

Shraddha Kapri Academic work


Delhi: the ‘motor’ behind the growth of the region

Faridabad: the city for design investigation

context The project is based in Faridabad a satellite town to Delhi, the capital of India. The city’s most urgent need is to re-define its role in the region and strengthen its urban identities.

vision Facilitating the local scale activities for a better urban environment, through acupuncture strategy, which people can identify with. The design project addresses: - reuse of existing infrastructure - possibilities of including informal activities in urban revival

Adaptations: urban revival through re-use Faridabad, Delhi region, India

heat space diagram indicating actual sites of urban intensity.

implementing the strategy:

urban acupuncture

Identifying key locations

public place network based on utilizing the existing urban condition

Strategic interventions

Resultant change

strategic plan for the urban area



showing implementation of strategy


120 mt

Shraddha Kapri Academic work


upgrading typologies

the edge condition: Converting the backyard into a new public realm

the corner condition: combining the backyards to form a smaller scale public space and introducing mixed use.

shared space the design of intersection expresses - the slow change of upgrading typologies

and ideas of minimal interventions for uplifting the existing urban qualities. The project acknowledges the potential of BOTH the designed/ deliberate and the unexpected/ emergent in making of public places

the street edge: activating the corners to establish better contact between neighbourhood and city scale activities.

bringing together

the local and the global

strategies for a post event site _Beijing Olympic park Vision based approach towards urban design. The program is based on shifting relation between nature and culture such that the design project eventually focuses on an environmental theme in relation to crucial urban issues for Beijing Olympic Park, China.

Masters’ studio 3: Urban dynamics individual design project

Shraddha Kapri Academic work


A blend between local values and global dynamics where urban landscape utilizes environmental processes.



strengthening lateral connections which shall bring in urban intensity from the surrounding, enable the park to assimilate local values

bringing together

the local and the global

strategies for a post event site _Beijing Olympic park

site studies After the Olympics, the site is globally associated with the Athletics Stadium and the Aquatic centre. The presence of these landmarks in close proximity and on the south side of the site generate imbalance in the utilization of the Olympic park as a whole. Differences in character of the northern and southern part is proposed such that both can have distinct but complementary identity.

2 domains





+ change in the scale and activities along the imperial axis

24/7 utilization urban living can coexist with city scale events and business facilities which shall optimize the use of public spaces and allow for multiple uses of infrastructure.

A series of east west connections comprising of green corridors and finer road network which shall activate the site

Shraddha Kapri Academic work

sludge collection & &d &drying (off site)

water for urban farming



The green structure not only becomes one kind of lateral connector though the park but also gives structure in organizing public spaces both at the community and larger scale. The green also becomes the site for final stage of waste water cleaning and storage.


showing relation between urban fabric and the wetland


collection & redistribution

water for sanitation

water extraction at building level

overflow Wetland final treatment of water


The project focuses on the relationship between a specific public place and its users- the judiciary buildings in India. The core and periphery relationship is explored in the operation of a the given system, its architectural expression and public spaces

the flexible interface

redesigning the public realm of a judiciary building, delhi

undergraduate studio 9 individual design project

introduction The Indian judiciary buildings are almost always complemented with a paraphernalia of public functions which grow around the main court buildings out of sheer necessity and yet are ironically enough never part of the larger design. These public functions include sheltered place for typists and stamp vendors, offices for lawyers, public facilities of making photocopies, phone calls etc, public toilets etc. The project strives to understand the relation between a public place and its users in and at the same time sought for specific solutions related to the functioning of judiciary building.

Shraddha Kapri Academic work


1. thinking about an anchored core and a free floating periphery through models

2. initial architectural expression to develop a free flowing and organic envelope around the rigid central mass.

3. thinking of connections and developing the ‘in-between’ spaces between built volumes.


concept centre- periphery

14 M

architectural concerns

- user friendly interface: Developing the body of these peripheral functions as a transparent envelope which also becomes a user friendly interface to outside public. - decentralization: Introducing multi layered public realm which shall complement the exhaustive usage of the main building. - customization: A need for customization with in a larger framework so as to enable a more efficient utilization of available space for offices and storage space.

design approach The existing coconut plantation on the site required a building design that would harmoniously sit amongst the trees. programmatically, the guest house required self sufficient units which were also loosely connected with certain common facilities.

guest house for gummi metall teknik group professional work at L&S architects, Bangalore ( 2007-08) responsibility: Overall project architect

Shraddha Kapri Built projects


4 8 5

9 11

6 2

5 5 6


6 9




3 1








1. Entrance 2. Living Room 3. Dining Hall 4. Bed Room 5. Lounge 6. Pantry 7. Kitchen 8. Courtyard 9. Toilet 10. Utility area 11. Verandah

The diagram gave a structure to the overall design.


Lounge + Pantry







grade level plan

design approach The program of a diganostic centre involved meticulous planning and following strict medical standards for organization of various equipment & programs. Intention was to define a central connecting space inspite of various programmatic consraints & maximizing its use of natural light& ventialtion.

diagnostic centre

for ragav diagnostics ongoing project for SKA Architects, Bangalore responsibility: design development

design approach The program of a digital color correction lab required a controlled lighting environment, which set the design focus for this low budget interior rennovation project. Light was integrated with the wall plane in different ways.

digital lab& office for prasad films pvt. ltd. for SKA architects, Bangalore ( 20011) responsibility: Overall incharge

Shraddha Kapri sketches

travel sketches


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