Teaser Portfolio

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Ajay CHOUDHARY Transportation designer DSKISD India

Teaser Portfolio 2012

Cirriculum Vitae My profile

Ajay Choudhary International transportation designer NationalitySchoolMob-

Internships Sep-Jan 2010Project Mar-Jun 2012 Project Jun-Oct 2012 Project

Indian DSKISD India +91 73 03 65 87 39

Faurecia design studio France. Interior for chinese car makers. Bajaj Four wheeler studio India. Future product development. Dailmer trucks studio Germany. Advance trucks and graphism.

Live projects Worked with NGO swach for waste trolley design for pune city. Professional Aim To Become Creative design manager. Co-relate cultural experiences and values to design new experiences. Passion & Interest I love to watch Sci-fiction films and take interest in their technologies. Story Sketching,Reading on Sustainable design and listening jazz music.

Address- L-305 Yash paradise sector-8 Airoli. Navi Mumbai 400708 Mail-


Qualification 2009-12 DSKISD India. Master in transportation design. Courses - Design Management. 2007-09

MIT institute of design Pune. Foundation in Product design. Courses - Co-design & system thinking. School projects Renault Trucks Vision India 2020. TVS Motors Youth Bike India 2015.

Miscallenous Work collections

Digital model by Satyajit Kulkarni Design by Ajay Choudhary

Digital model by Satyajit Kulkarni Design by Ajay Choudhary

Renault trackcar Intial sketches

Organic Identity

Renault trackcar Development

Volume Exploration Graphic definition

Volkswagen lite Intial sketches

Architectural motion

Solar energy

Volkswagen lite Development

Renault trucks Intial sketches

Genealogy Morphogenesis

Renault trucks Development

Bag storage

Hammock bed

Modular system

Eye Vision Instrumental panel.

Engine heat recovery cooking system.

Digital model by Madhur Illa. Design by Ajay Choudhary

Mercedes Chariot Intial sketches

The mercedes Chariot car is inspired to give experience like training a horse where the car evolves as you drive. The car evolves and transforms with more miles of driving. Indian Art

Chariot of God

Mercedes Chariot Development

The car can be evolved in stages which is the visually noticable. The value of the car increases better trained and evolved form it takes.

Mercedes race truck Intial sketches

The truck inspired by the wing of bees.

Mercedes race truck Digital painting

Ilustrations Imaginew

Thanking you

I am highly motivated and creative individual who likes to design inspired by various cultural observation. I believe to add my asian design values in my work and create the required catalyst for the design team. Currently looking for a job at a dynamic design studio around the world. Please feel free to contact me at

Chowdhary.ajay0@gmail.com View entire portfolio At http://issuu.com/Sketcher-aj/docs/portfolio3/1

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