United Nations World Food Programme Opportunities To Help Combat World Hunger
In 2003, the World Food Programme fed 104.2 million people in 81 countries. Today, 840 million people still go hungry. We need your help!
ABOUT WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME 2 3 4 5-6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13-15 16 17
Who We Are Short Term Emergencies Long Term Strategies How Your Company Will Benefit How Your Company Can Help Examples of Where Your Funding Can Be Directed Funding Option I – Private, Corporate & Foundation Grants Funding Option II – Payroll Deduction Funding Option III – Corporate Matching Gifts Funding Option IV – Corporate Marketing Campaigns Corporate Case Study I – TPG Corporate Case Study II – International Paper World Food Programme Leadership & Contact Information Appendix A – Marketing Campaigns Appendix B – Newspaper Articles Appendix C – Countries Where WFP Operates
Who We Are
There are 840 million people on earth who are highly malnourished and without sustainable access to food. Each day, 24,000 people die from hunger and malnutrition. Every seven seconds somewhere in the world a child dies of hunger. This is why we need your help!
WFP’s response to emergencies has saved millions of lives. The global logistics operation can respond to a food crisis within 24 hours. The causes of these emergencies are natural disasters, civil conflict, disease and poor economic policies. Examples include: Darfur, Sudan Civil Conflict 2004: 1.1 million displaced people who have lost all means of sustaining a livelihood due to civil conflict.
In 2003 The World Food Program... Helped 44% more people eat than it did in 2002.
North Korean Food Crisis 2003: 6.4 million people, mainly women and children, who had no means of meeting their basic food requirements. Southern Africa Drought Crisis 2002: World Food Programme averted starvation by feeding 10.2 million people in six countries. Afghanistan Drought & Conflict 2001: World Food Programme overcame harsh winter and war to deliver 200,000 metric tons of food to 6 million Afghans in two months. Horn of Africa Drought 2000: 16 million lives at risk. World Food Programme raised awareness and helped avert famine. Mozambique Floods 2000: Floods left tens of thousands homeless. World Food Programme coordinated rescue, airlifting food aid. Kosovo Crisis 1999: World Food Programme dealt with Europe’s largest refugee crisis since WWII. Sudan Drought 1997-99: World Food Programme organized the largest humanitarian air operation (bigger than the Berlin airlift) and saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
The overall long term goal of WFP is to assist individuals in becoming self sufficient and free from hunger and disease. These longer term humanitarian operations are described below: School feeding – Into School, Out of Hunger! This program is designed to support education by providing children at school with a nutritious meal. School feeding dramatically increases enrollment and attendance, and improves school performance. School feeding is a simple but effective way to beat hunger and poverty. This program also includes take-home rations for families as it encourages them to send their children (especially girls) to school. Studies show that girls who receive an education have 50% fewer children who, in turn, tend to be healthier and better educated. Expectant and Nursing Women and Children Programs– Provides expectant and nursing mothers supplementary and therapeutic feedings to support their health and the health of their children during the early critical stages of the child’s development. In the case of children, malnourishment often causes intellectual and physical stunting. HIV/AIDS Support – WFP believes that food aid is essential in the fight against HIV/AIDS because nutritious food can delay the onset of AIDS in people who are HIV-positive and prolong the lives of those affected. Food and good nutrition can also allow them to continue to earn income and feed their families. Good nutrition is crucial for anti-retroviral therapy to be effective. Therefore, in 2003, WFP worked hard to incorporate HIV/AIDS interventions into all of its operations in 41 countries, mainly in Africa. Sustainable Food Security - WFP's development projects pay workers with food to build vital new infrastructure or to provide them with training opportunities. The special role of WFP food aid is to give people the chance to take the first steps out of the hunger trap. Food aid given to the right people, at the right time, makes it possible for them to devote time and energy to development opportunities, to learn new farming techniques or new skills and to create sustainable assets and build self-reliance.
WFP provides:
In 2003 The World Food Program... Fed 56 million children including 15 million through WFP’s School Feeding Program.
• A clean, positive image Often heralded as the most cost-effective aid agency in the U.N., WFP can lend credibility and strengthen corporate sponsors’ socially responsible image.
Only 7% of WFP’s budget is used to pay for administrative overhead costs.
• A simple and compelling message People can relate to hunger and can easily grasp WFP’s mission of providing lifesaving food whenever and wherever it is needed. • Cost Effective Efficient operating costs, effective global logistics and trained personnel enables WFP to spend only 7% of funds on overhead, thus maximizing the use of funds to directly benefit hungry individuals. • Shared Benefits WFP offers both parties the opportunity to grow together. The relationship is built on trust and a mutual collaboration that is beneficial to both sides. • Social Responsibility WFP enables you to give back to the world in profound ways while teaching your employees philanthropy. The perception that your company gives back to the world in which it does business – more so if it is in a particular country that WFP supports - is irreplaceable, therefore, an alignment with WFP will position you as a global leader. •Tangible Results The results that you will see from the use of your funds are immediate and widespread. Utilizing effective auditing and measuring systems, you will know that your funds had direct and immediate impact on the lives of people in need. Accountability, collaboration and transparency are the cornerstones of WFP’s work. • Media Exposure WFP receives press in significant worldwide publications like the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The London Times and many others, year round. This type of prominent exposure will inspire your Board and employees to support the work of WFP even more. • Employee Participation Staff volunteer programs or payroll deduction programs offer employees opportunities to participate in the global fight against hunger. This type of humanitarian involvement will make them more passionate and productive at work.
• Financial Leverage of Dollars Invested Opportunities can arise as a result of an involvement with a large organization like WFP that may bring additional benefits to your company.
The World Food Programme, New York Office has been established to identify new partners willing to join WFP in its fight against global hunger. Support is being sought from corporations, foundations, and individuals. We want to discuss with you a customized and unique program that is aligned with your company’s mission.
• Provides Unique, Pre-Emptive Branding Opportunities An association with WFP will create a position of status and credibility among your customer-base that will be unparallel in your industry. This will establish a major point-of-difference among your competitors. Your company could potentially launch brand personality distinctions through heart-stopping emotional campaigns utilizing WFP’s logo and messages. By capturing the hearts of your customers, you will increase product sales. In beneficiary countries, a company’s logo can be stamped on food-aid bags thereby raising awareness among local communities, businesses and governments.
• Global Outreach WFP has the capacity to operate in over 80 of the world’s poorest countries and feed millions of hungry people.
In 2003 The World Food Program... Received $30 million in donations from Private Sector Donors.
YOUR company's social responsibility to fight hunger will inspire consumers to choose your brand above others
15 2. Joint Logistics Supply Chain – the goal of this Initiative is to enhance WFP’s capacity to support and manage an interagency supply chain TPG is committed to long-term support to WFP’s role in servicing sister UN agencies and partner NGOs for better humanitarian response in emergencies. The company assists WFP in the review and optimization of the UN Humanitarian Response Network (Brindisi, Dubai). TPG is also providing support to implement WFP’s Fleet Management System in Sierra Leone, Sudan, Pakistan, Liberia and Angola. Finally, TPG is introducing a Logistics Specialist Volunteer Program to address specific Country Office needs in the area of logistics, transportation and information technology in the field.
5.Transparency & Accountability – this Initiative sets out to improve WFP’s reporting practices and make it more accountable to all its donors, while also improving overall administrative procedures The most fundamental contribution made in this initiative is TPG’s assistance in the introduction of a new budgeting process at WFP – zero-based budgeting. TPG trained WFP managers and relevant personnel on the new approach designed to make the Program more accountable and efficient in its use of funding. TPG and WFP have also found fertile ground for meaningful knowledgesharing and cross-training in the field of human resources.
3. Private Sector Fundraising - this Initiative aims to bring cash, commodities and services to WFP from the private sector
Additional campaigns that have been initiated within the company include:
In 2003, TPG introduced WFP to its second corporate partner, The Boston Consulting Group, one of three partners the company pledged to help bring on board. TPG contributed to the creation of WFP’s corporate fundraising strategy to attract targeted cooperate donors. In addition, TPG piloted two cause-related marketing campaigns, raising over $ 246,000 late in 2003. In 2004, similar campaigns will be conducted with the goal of raising $1.48 million. TGP has committed to match every dollar raised by its employees and/or partners.
TPG created and sponsors Walk the World which is a series of walk held in countries around the world to raise awareness of global hunger and money for WFP’s Global School Feeding Campaign. On June 20th, 2004, the second annual event was held in 64 countries with approximately 80,000 people participating. This multi-national event series raised close to $1,000,000 in one day for WFP.
4. School Feeding Support – this Initiative aims to create School Feeding advocates and raise funds for its projects around the world
Through a Volunteer Program in which TPG employees spend three months at a WFP site (Cambodia, The Gambia, Nicaragua, Tanzania and Malawi), TPG and WFP are creating school feeding advocates. TPG volunteer activities include construction/installation of fuel efficient stoves, latrines, water tanks, school kitchens, and school gardens which are complementary to WFP School Feeding Operations. Advocates return to the work place, communicate their enthusiasm throughout the company and lend to the employee fundraising efforts. A valuable outcome of this cooperation is seen in the commitment of TPG employees. Through hundreds of fund-raising initiatives, TPG employees raised more than $1.23 million last year for WFP’s School Feeding projects. On 20 June 2004, 40,000 TPG and WFP employees, family and friends “walked the world” to raise more than $861,000 to help WFP feed more of school children around the world. In addition, TPG’s customers and suppliers have also donated funds. About US$620,500 was raised last year with 40% of it going to the construction of kitchen in Rwandan schools.
Event Marketing
Example of Exposure Generated For TNT TNT’s logo was printed on $25,000 worth of food bags that were distributed in the Dong Xiang province of China.
“Our partnership with WFP presents us all at TPG with a real opportunity to move the world and make a difference. Our initial donation is enough to feed around 30,000 children at WFP school projects for a year. Ultimately, we hope it will be possible for us to be able to help WFP feed a child for every TPG employee.” QUOTE BY CEO
International Paper
James T. Morris became the tenth Executive Director of the United Nation’s World Food Programme at the beginning of April 2002, taking over from Catherine Bertini who led the organization for ten years prior. For over 35 years, Mr. Morris has combined a distinguished career of business and organizational management in the public, private and non-profit sectors with a personal life of public service.
International Paper has significant global businesses in paper and paper distribution, packaging and forest products, including building materials. The company has operations in nearly 40 countries, employs approximately 83,000 people worldwide and exports its products to more than 120 nations. Sales of almost US$25 billion annually are derived from businesses located primarily in the USA, Europe, Latin America, Asia/Pacific and Canada. In 2003, International Paper contributed nearly US$5 million to charities. International Paper has agreed to support WFP in the following ways:
FOUNDATION SUPPORT International Paper Company conducts most of its philanthropic activities through its foundation, International Paper Company Foundation, which was incorporated in 1952. The IP Foundation will be making a substantial financial contribution to WFP for the purpose of providing meals as part of the school feeding program for 68,500 primary and pre-primary aged children in four impoverished areas in Africa. Funding from IP will provide school meals to school children in 67 schools located in Nairobi, Kenya.
EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT: Beverage Carton Bank Coins4Kids ™ To supplement the financial support provided by the International Paper Foundation, the company designed and produced printed information about WFP on a one-pint beverage bank carton to be used in collecting contributions from employees. This program, called the Coins4Kids™ program, has been rolled out to all International Paper employees and the communities where employees live, worldwide. Funds raised through the Coins4Kids™ program will be applied to WFP’s school feeding program. As additional funds are raised from IP’s employees and community members, WFP will be able expand the scope of the school feeding program in Kenya and beyond.
World Food Programme has a staff of 9,000 and most of them live and work in the harshest of conditions in order to deliver assistance to those who are in desperate need. The agency is accountable not only to the people it serves, but also to the international community which funds its operations. The agency uses its network of 82 field offices for the management and delivery of food. World Food Programme is headquartered in Rome at: Via C.G Viola 68 Parco dei Medici 00148 Rome Italy Phone 39-06-65131 World Food Programme New York: United Nations World Food Programme New York Office Two UN Plaza, Room DC2-2500 New York, New York 10017 212-963-1981
WFP’s 501 (c)(3) is called Friends of WFP