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Student Profiles
Your support
has increased access, opportunity and enhanced experiences for Skidmore students, shaping lives and futures. A few of these students’ stories are shared here.




Anthropology and International Affairs Geraldine received the Davis Peace Project Fund and the Summer Experience Fund, each of which helped her to create and develop an initiative for social good in her community in rural Indonesia . Skidmore has been a place where Geraldine is “able to learn and grow and keep learning” while preparing for a career that allows her to represent and learn about cultures and nations that have been historically underrepresented .
Management and Business Austin came to Skidmore knowing he wanted to play hockey, but unsure of what came after that . He credits the exceptional line-up of premier experiences at Skidmore for helping him discover that he’s “a hockey player, plus an economist, plus a business consultant, plus a volunteer, plus a mentor .”
Biology Access to a liberal arts education at Skidmore has opened doors to new, enriching possibilities for Stephanie who is in pursuit of a future in optometry . From collaborative research alongside their advisor and former professor, Patricia Hilleren, to participation in the Skidmore College Emergency Medical Services (SCEMS), Stephanie is building confidence and learning experiences .
Psychology and Spanish Support through scholarship and community provided Griffin with the opportunity to pursue a psychology internship and forge close connections at Skidmore . As a current Admissions Ambassador, he hopes to impact students looking for their home away from home .





Political Science and French
Leadership experience at Skidmore has prepared and empowered Peris for a future focused on social justice . Just last semester, they organized a talk with local artists and activists to discuss the connection between the art world and activism on the ground, as well as a virtual pop-up shop, hosted by the Tang, for students to showcase and sell their crafts, art pieces, and other works .
Geosciences and Theater
Only at a college where Creative Thought Matters could Tony major in geosciences and study abroad in an intensive theater program in Russia . But to him, it’s more about “the ‘do both’ mentality, and the resources and the support of people who help us pursue what we really want to do .”
Chemistry The Schupf Summer Collaborative Research Team provided Sarah the opportunity to take part in the multi-institutional MICRO project, which developed a set of materials to support more engagement through distance learning during the fall 2020 semester . This unique experience allowed her to secure engineering-based internships for the summer and gain many diverse skills beyond the traditional chemistry program .
Political Science and Media and Film Studies
Hadia, an international student from Damascus, Syria, came to Skidmore eager to tell stories others had overlooked . From the pages of the Skidmore News to the audio waves of the BBC, Hadia collected hands-on experiences, and wrote about others’experieinces, to win a post-grad award to move to Washington, D .C ., and work at NPR .
Political Science and Media and Film Studies
Immersed in art and music on and off campus, Charlotte credits pre-professional experience provided by a summer internship at a music marketing agency, a public programming internship at the Tang, and her role as WSPN manager and Falstaff’s head operating officer with fueling her passion for the arts and entertainment industry .





Management and Business Faisal, an international student from Busia, Uganda, received a job offer before graduation to work as an analyst at MUFG Bank in New York City thanks to prior Skidmore internship connections and several career-development opportunities that bolstered his resume .
— KASIA DILLON Neuroscience
Kasia graduated with as much, if not more, hands-on research experience than many graduate students . Her on-campus lab experiences helped her land life-changing research internships at Boston Healthcare for the Homeless, Baylor College of Medicine and Harvard Medical School . Now, she’s working as a research assistant at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and preparing for medical school .
Dance and Arts Administration
Silas is improving Skidmore for future generations and learning important skills along the way . He has proudly facilitated BIPOC student conversations with President Marc Conner and served on the College’s Equity Task Force and in the Title IX Working Group . Why? To “ensure equity and access for all . ”
International Affairs and Political Science
From dancing with the Breakbeats to studying abroad and taking advantage of internship funding to explore criminal law and local politics, Amy says pursuing different passions at Skidmore prepared her for her next act: working in Sabe, Japan as a language teacher with the JET Program .
Sociology and Computer Science From club leadership to meaningful mentor-professors and taking the stage to sing from her heart, NK credits the Skidmore experiences that challenged her with helping her find her voice and deepen her understanding of the world . Now, she’s a published author and public speaker helping women of all ages explore the complexities of courage .