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Michele Kelly ’72 Memorial Award
Established by Amy Eisenberg ’72 in honor of Michele Kelly ’72, and awarded to a student in the Department of Psychology on the basis of excellence in independent research within the department.
Daniel Joshua Bouchard Overton ’23
Krawiec Psychology Prize
Established in honor of Theophile S. Krawiec, professor of psychology, 1945–78, and awarded to a psychology major at the end of the junior year who has achieved excellence in work in the field.
Hayley Yun ’24
Krawiec Scholar
Established in honor of Theophile S. Krawiec, professor of psychology, 1945–78, and awarded to a graduating psychology major to support advanced study in the field.
Lindsey Dolores Raimondi ’23
Caren Lane Sass ’35 Award in Psychology
Established by Doris Hochstadter Haas ’35 in memory of her classmate Caren Lane Sass ’35, and awarded to the senior major in the Department of Psychology who shows great promise for future achievement.
Cameron Stone Angwin ’23
Religious Studies
Mary Zeiss Stange Award in Religion
Established in honor of Mary Zeiss Stange, professor of women’s studies and religion, 1990–2016, by the Religious Studies Department and awarded in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by a senior major.
Brianny Carolina Garcia ’23
Scholar Athlete Award
Tim Brown Scholar Athlete Award
Established by Professor P. Timothy Brown, Skidmore director of athletics, 1980–2002, and awarded to a senior who exhibits an outstanding level of dedication, discipline, and accomplishment in both their academic and athletic pursuits at Skidmore.
Carrie Halsey Hughes ’23