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Self-determined multimedia communications major. Thoroughbred Ambassador. Dancer. Summer Experience Fund internship recipient. Former residential assistant. Social media assistant for communications. Junior class president. SGA residential life assistant.

I am a first-generation Latina student. My parents immigrated from Nicaragua to the United States to provide a better life for my little sister and me. They never had the opportunity to go to college.

I chose Skidmore, a college where I have had opportunities to discover various academic interests to help determine my major. Originally, I wanted to double-major in theater and psychology, but that path changed as I explored different courses, and I am now a self-determined major in multimedia communication. The support I have received from my advisors and professors at Skidmore has been incredible.

I am involved in the Student Government Association as the junior class president and the Residential Life Commission chair. I enjoy serving in these leadership roles because they allow me to give back to the Skidmore community. I am also a Thoroughbred Ambassador Admissions tour guide, which has been a fun experience. I enjoy meeting prospective students and telling them about all the resources and opportunities they would have as a student at Skidmore.

After Skidmore, I plan to get a master’s degree because I want to continue studying communications and be involved in student affairs work. I want to be able to pursue a career I am passionate about, and I hope I can make a difference in the world of education.


Double major in social work and Spanish. Scribner Seminar peer mentor. President of Raíces. Member of Skidmore’s Latinx Cultural Club. Summer Experience Fund internship recipient. Residential Life assistant. Skidmore community service volunteer for underserved communities in Guatemala.

I will graduate in May 2023 with a Bachelor of Science degree. As a low-income student, paying for college was a burden I thought I would not be able to overcome. Fortunately, through the generosity of donors like you and Skidmore’s Opportunity Program, I have been able to receive a college education.

Skidmore is three hours away from my home, which is a good distance, especially since I am very close to my family. Prior to Skidmore, I never traveled farther north than Albany, and the thought of living in Saratoga Springs was a challenge for me. Despite these concerns, I knew the benefits of a Skidmore education were worth it.

The student-to-faculty ratio at Skidmore is very important to me. I am grateful for my ability to develop close relationships with my professors, including getting to know them on a personal level. At Skidmore, these working relationships are made possible and valued.

After I graduate, I hope to work with immigrants at the United States-Mexico border or in my home city of New York. Without the support of donors like you, students like me would not be able to attend Skidmore and experience the many opportunities the college has to offer.


Political science major. Economics and Spanish minor. Thoroughbred Ambassador. Chair of VoteMore. Holiday coordinator of Hillel. Member of Model United Nations and Model European Union clubs.

Skidmore has shown me my strengths, my weaknesses, and what brings me joy. Every day at Skidmore, I learn more about the world and myself. I will always be grateful to generous donors like you for allowing me the opportunity to attend Skidmore, where I am becoming the best version of myself and learning how I can best serve my community.

Last fall, I co-moderated the Honors Forum and Political Science Department’s Constitution Day Lecture with professors Akhil Reed Amar and Saikrishna Prakash. I am proud of myself for the confidence I demonstrated and my ability to inspire thought-provoking conversation about the law of our land.

My semester abroad in Madrid showed me the magic of multiculturalism. By embracing my own multicultural identity as a Cuban Jew, I was able to appreciate the many cultural identities of the amazing people I met, ultimately allowing me to better understand them and myself. As the world becomes more culturally heterogeneous, I hope to be someone who brings together people from different backgrounds so they might also grow to appreciate multiculturalism and see the beauty of cultural exchange.

Skidmore has always been there for me. When COVID prevented me from going home for Thanksgiving last year, the Skidmore community took care of me by cooking and delivering meals, calling on Thanksgiving Day, and providing thoughtful “welcome back” cookies. The generosity I experienced helped me feel at home.


Theater major. Music minor. Thoroughbred Ambassador. Musical performer. Resident assistant. Actor. Stage manager. Future teacher.

I chose Skidmore because of its focus on interdisciplinary education. I always knew I wanted to study theater and music, but I have also been able to discover other interests such as business, arts administration, and English.

At Skidmore, I am able to truly explore all my passions and find the intersections between them. I am receiving conservatory-style training in theater and music while also learning how to market myself and my work as an artist and taking classes in English and dramaturgy.

An academic achievement I am especially proud of is maintaining a 4.0 GPA during my first year at Skidmore, while adjusting to being away from home and managing the college-level workload. I am grateful I was able to integrate into Skidmore’s community, which I believe helped in my overall success.

I have acted in two productions and stage-managed a student-directed production. Being involved with the Theater Department provides me with an opportunity to constantly learn new things and push myself outside of my comfort zone.

Creative Thought Matters is truly present for me, in the classroom and beyond. In classes, I am always using creativity to look at topics through a different lens. As a theater major, I am constantly trying to understand different ideas or concepts from varying viewpoints to create something honest and meaningful.

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