1 minute read
The Lake Carriers Association praise Great Lakes Maritime sponsorship
The Lake Carriers' Association is thankful to the members of Congress who continue to see the value of the maritime industry in the Great Lakes and the crucial economic protection that the nation offers.
This week's huge omnibus spending bill passed by Congress requires support for a new U.S. Great Lakes Icebreaker and major investment in the Great Lakes Navigation System Coast Guard (USCG) (GLNS).
For the Department of Homeland Security, FY21 appropriations provide $4 million for the USCG to build the urgently needed heavy Great Lakes icebreaker. Over the past five years, the project has earned $18 million in total.
Together with the help of other Great Lakes Congressional delegates, Senator Tammy Baldwin has made considerable efforts to ensure that trade will continue to travel safely across the Great Lakes throughout the winter months. "Congress has a vested interest in protecting our sailors from hazardous ice conditions, coastal communities from devastating floods caused by ice jams, and the economy from major disruptions," said Jim Weakley, President of the Association of Lake Carriers. A significant problem remains the loss of over $2 billion in economic development and over 10,000 jobs over the past eight years due to insufficient icebreaking on the Great Lakes. The money allocated to the USCG this year will continue the progress already made in bringing the new heavy icebreaker from the Great Lakes forward.
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