Skin Aspirations | Complete Guide to Microneedling
Complete Guide to Microneedling
WHAT IS MICRONEEDLING? Microneedling, also called skin needling, collagen induction therapy (CIT), percutaneous collagen induction (PCI), or more commonly known as the dermarolling is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure that involves the use of a device that contains ne needles. Its claims and methods are perceived as simple, exciting, tempting and scary at the same time. Dermaroller has recently attained popularity because of media coverage and the fact that it can be used safely with minimal training. During the microneedling treatment, slim, ne needles push below the surface of the skin and cause what is called a micro-wound. When these wounds are created, the body’s natural defences are triggered and it begins to produce new skin cells, capillaries and collagen to repair the damage. This natural repair process caused by microneedling eventually leads to younger-looking skin which is also rmer and plumper. This is mainly the result of collagen growth of the collagen. The procedure is usually performed by a quali ed skin care specialist in a clinical setting. The needles that are used for the treatment can vary in their size, length and construction, depending on the type and the intensity of treatment that is needed. There are many brands and manufacturers of microneedling tools on the market, including Innopen, dermarollers, Dermapen, Dermastamp and multiple other in-o ce and at-home devices. At-home devices usually have shorter needles and provide signi cantly less penetration and injury, and therefore may be less effective. Many individuals who want a younger-looking skin or who want to treat the imperfections on their face or other exposed skin are turning to this treatment because it has several advantages over other types of procedures that treat the same issues.
A brief history of microneedling The earliest form of microneedling, acupuncture, traces its roots to the Chinese centuries ago. The important milestones in the development of microneedling are: Among the earliest proponents was Michael Pistor, the French doctor who is credited with having developed Mesotherapy in 1952. Dr Philippe Simonin, a Swiss French dermatologist, published the results of his Electroridopuncture (ERP) technique in 1994. His study examined 600 patients, split into two patient groups – Skin Ageing and Old Scars. After 10 treatments on all patients, 40% of the Skin Ageing group showed signi cant improvement and 22% moderate improvement. In the patient group with Old Scars, 60% improved with 5-6 treatments. The best results were obtained for old brous and depressed scars.
Skin Aspirations | Complete Guide to Microneedling
Dr Des Fernandes, a plastic surgeon and founder of the Environ skin care range, introduced skin needling using a roller for treating wrinkles at the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) congress in Taipei in 1996. In 1997, Andrea Camirand, a Canadian surgeon, used tattoo-guns to treat scars caused by plastic surgery. He reported surprising improvement in texture and colour of facial scars after camou age tattooing done on scars. The insertion of tattoo gun needles led to the breakdown of scar collagen tissue and stimulated the synthesis of new healthy collagen leading to improvement of scar texture. This microneedling technique soon disappeared from the operation rooms because it was tedious. The German inventor Professor Horst Liebl sought a new and considerably faster way of microneedling. He integrated nearly 200 nontraumatic micro needles of medical grade into a drum shaped device. Now the previous “static” needling was transformed into a “dynamic” needling process to treat larger skin areas in lesser time. He called his invention Dermaroller and patented and trademarked it in the year 2000. In 2006, Dr Des Fernandes developed Percutaneous Collagen Induction (PCI) therapy with the Dermaroller. Dermarollers gained popularity in the treatment of acne scars, stretch marks, and post-surgery scars.
How does microneedling work? Microneedling relies on the principle that growth factors are released once the needle pierces the stratum corneum (the outermost layer of the epidermis). These growth factors are believed to be responsible for the treatment of various skin conditions. At a microscopic level, proliferated skin cells, such as broblasts, migrate to the point of injury and transform into collagen bers, resulting in increased ber strength and elasticity. This treatment improves your skin by increasing the production of collagen, facilitating natural repair and growth and making the skin stronger and thicker. The new collagen lls depressed scars and wrinkles from the bottom up, lifting the depression so they are level with the surrounding skin. This process takes two to three months to produce visible results, and can also help thicken thinner, ne skin types. Microneedling leads to three major phases of natural wound healing which results in enhanced stimulation of new healthy skin:
Phase 1 (days 1-3) In ammation Activated by piercing the dermal tissue, platelets release cytokines and growth factors which act as signals for the body’s immune system. White blood cells (neutrophils and macrophages) are sent in to disinfect the wounds, clear the debris, increase the blood supply and begin the creation of fresh, new skin.
Phase 2 (days 3-5) Proliferation In this phase, the broblasts, keratinocytes and epidermal cells continue to divide to populate the areas of damage and secrete growth factors and extracellular matrices, such as elastin and collagen, will be laid down and deposited with new tissue formation.
Phase 3 (days 6-30) Remodelling During this phase, collagen and elastin producing broblasts proliferate in the puncture wounds formed by the microneedles and migrate. The collagen in the newly formed tissue is now replaced with even stronger collagen and the dermis contracts to create a youthful rm, but supple texture to the skin.
What are the most effective uses of microneedling? Microneedling can be used to treat and improve the following skin conditions:
Wrinkles Ageing skin droops and develops wrinkles, lines and furrows. The severity of these changes in an individual depends on the genetic tendency, skin type and exposure to environmental factors. Wrinkles occur when the skin loses suppleness and tightness as it ages. It is seen more commonly in areas of skin which are stretched regularly such as around the eyes (crow’s feet), forehead and mouth. By renewing the production of collagen the skin becomes plumped out, thicker and retains its elasticity.
Acne scars http://www.skinaspirations.co.uk/complete-guide-to-microneedling
Skin Aspirations | Complete Guide to Microneedling
A signi cant proportion of acne sufferers will have some form of scarring to show for it. Medical studies suggest that between 30% and 95% of patients with acne develop some form of scarring. Importantly, seeking early treatment for acne helps to reduce the risk and severity of acne scarring. Microneedling mechanically breakdowns existing scarring and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, vital components of healthy skin. This has the effect of smoothing out the skin due to the reduction of the size and depth of acne scars. Clients usually have an immediate glow to the skin, but the visible changes develop over a course of several days and weeks. Results can continue to improve for up to 6 months after the treatment as collagen production continues. Not all acne scars are well suited to treated by microneedling. In particular, microneedling is not well suited to treat keloid scars as there is mixed evidence of its effectiveness. Keloid scars are formed when scar tissue forms on the skin in excess, because of excess collagen production. Individuals with keloids scars should consider alternative treatments such as the use of steroids.
Stretch marks Stretch marks are caused by prolonged skin distension due to pregnancy and weight gain. It can also be caused by prolonged use of oral and topical corticosteroids which hinder the formation of collagen and elastin bres. There is no effective treatment to correct stretch marks as the epidermis in stretch marks is weakened and the support structure beneath it is compromised. Microneedling will improve the density of the epidermis by stimulating the epidermal growth factor but it is important not to overpromise results.
Rosacea Rosacea is most commonly seen after age 30, and may initially resemble a simple sunburn or a mysterious redness. Early treatment is key. Rosacea cannot be cured but it can be controlled. Microneedling can help control rosacea by stimulating the epidermal growth factor which increases the density of the epidermis. This lessens the appearance of vessels beneath the skin and the overall redness. It strengths collagen in both vessel walls and connective tissue that supports the vessels. It also increases the availability of cell nutrients and antioxidants.
Hair loss Hair loss can be caused due to a variety of factors such as genetics, iron de ciency, infections (bacterial, fungal and parasitic) and hypothyroidism. Microneedling can help correct hair loss by increasing the availability of cell nutrients and stimulating blood ow in the scalp. It releases vascular endothelial growth factor which promotes hair growth and increases hair follicle size. Microneedling is primarily used in combination with topical products such as Minoxidil.
Pigmentation Pigmentation occurs in two different forms - passive and in ammatory. In ammatory pigmentation occurs as a result of the activation of our skin’s natural defence mechanisms. Melanin moves up to defend against trauma caused by factors such as sun exposure, poor products or injury. Passive pigmentation results from an internal imbalance which stimulates the melanin stimulating hormone. These imbalances can be caused by pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, the contraceptive pill and various medications. Microneedling can correct pigmentation by increasing the availability of skin lightening actives. It also normalizes the cell signalling function which when overstimulated, causes overproduction of pigment.
What should I do to prepare for my rst microneedling treatment? To make microneedling treatment more effective and reduce the risk of side effects, few things must be done before starting microneedling procedures. Clients with a history of cold sores should take medication before the treatment. Microneedling could activate the immune system, leading to a cold sore breakout. For at least a month before the treatment, you should use Vitamin A and C serums twice a day to maximize dermal collagen formation. Excessive sun exposure should be avoided two weeks before treatment.
What is the process involved in carrying out microneedling? The rst step is to cleanse the client’s face to ensure the skin is entirely makeup and dirt free. Microneedling is usually performed under the in uence of a topical anaesthetic cream which is applied for a minimum of 45 minutes before the procedure is started. After 45 minutes, the http://www.skinaspirations.co.uk/complete-guide-to-microneedling
Skin Aspirations | Complete Guide to Microneedling
area to be treated is washed with saline and then an ethanol solution. The depth of penetration, the number of passes, and degree ofoverlap is highly dependent on the underlying condition, the area being treated, the brand of device used, and the length and frequency of the needle insertion. For treating acne and other scars, the needle length should be selected on the basis of the depth of the scars present. A needle length of 1.5-2 mm is usually used for acne and other scars. To treat ageing and wrinkles, 0.5-1.0 mm needles are usually recommended. Once the microneedling is complete, the treated skin is cleaned with a saline solution. This is usually followed by the application of a serum containing Vitamin A, C or E.
What is the microneedling recovery time and what does recovery entail? The recovery is not more than 7 days and for most patients typically around 3-4 days. The recovery process entails avoiding direct sun exposure, using serums (Hyaluronic acid, Vitamin A, C & E) and no hot showers. A day after the treatment, pure mineral makeup may be worn to cover the redness and also to assist healing. It is recommended to use physical sunscreen (ideally zinc based) products. For a few days, individuals should avoid chlorinated swimming pools and activities that cause excessive perspiration. Immediately post-treatment, there is a redness to the skin like that of mild sunburn. A puffy facial appearance or slight bruising is common on day 1. For the rst 3-5 days, the skin may feel dry and tight. By day 4-6, there is minimal swelling and any bruising is close to disappearing. Skin aking is common at this point. By day 7, there are very little visible signs of the procedure and individuals can appear in public in con dence.
What are the bene ts of microneedling? Microneedling is becoming very popular treatment as it has a number of bene ts: The microchannels created by microneedling increase the absorption rate of serums, increasing their overall e cacy. Medical studies have shown that microneedling can increase serum absorption by as much as 1,000 times. It can be performed on all skin types and most areas on the body. Microneedling can be combined with other acne scar treatments like subcision, chemical peeling, microdermabrasion and fractional resurfacing giving maximum bene ts. It leads to regenerative healing, as opposed to cicatricial healing (with a risk of scar tissue formation) with most other alternative treatments. It is more affordable than laser resurfacing and does not have the associated risks. Six to ten sessions at a gap of four weeks are generally su cient. Can be easily personalized by going deeper in some areas where skin damage requires a more aggressive approach.
Microneedling vs lasers vs chemical peels vs microdermabrasion. Which is better? Treatments such as laser resurfacing or dermabrasion, offer a signi cant improvement in facial scars but are invariably associated with considerable downtime and longer recovery time. This interferes with the individuals’ daily activities. Treatments with microdermabrasion and non-ablative lasers are associated with minimal downtime but do not show the same level of e cacy as microneedling. Microneedling can be used on areas that chemical peels or laser resurfacing cannot, such as around the eyes. With a lower risk of hyperpigmentation and scarring, it’s safer for darker skin tones than lasers. Deep chemical peeling used for the treatment for scars may render the skin more sensitive to photo damage and dyschromia. In contrast, microneedling preserves and thickens the epidermis over time.
Are there any side effects from microneedling? The biggest challenge is the pain resulting from aggressive treatments with longer needles 2-3 mm. It is important to have adequate anaesthesia to alleviate the pain. Another disadvantage is that microneedling takes time and money to see the results. It is recommended for most clients to receive between 2 and 4 treatments spaced approximately 6 weeks apart.
If you live in London or visiting London, schedule an appointment with us. We help our clients achieve their skin aspirations out of a discreet but relaxing setting in Chelsea, London. http://www.skinaspirations.co.uk/complete-guide-to-microneedling
Skin Aspirations | Complete Guide to Microneedling
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