SKIRMANTE MILLINGTON ski.millington@gmail.com +44 7955 392 759
Molton Brown New Concept Stores Ih ave joine d th e com panyatth e e arl ystage s ofth e ir re b randing strate gyrol loutand h ave w ork e d on th e ne w store de sign l aunch from th e ve ryb e ggining.SIince th e n Ih e l pe d ope n or re t37 l ocations in U K and 20 Inte rnational l y .
Flagship Store in Regent Street, London Th is w as one ofth e rststore s tte d outin th e ne w conce pt w h ich m ade a h uge im pacton b rand pe rce ption and ne w custom e r b ase acq uisition.Ith as al so se ta gol d standard ofb rand l ook and fe e lfor al lth e furth e r proje cts b oth in U K and ove rse as.
Flagship Store in Regent Street, London M yrole in th e p roject includ ed a fullm easured surveyofth e store, sp ace p lanning , d evelop ing fulld etaild raw ing p ackinclud ind allF F & E, as w ell as p lanning and build ing controlap p rovals, d irect com m unications w ith contractors and sup p liers, site visits and consecutive snag g ing
Concept overview Th e essence ofth e brand -‘M ad e in Eng land , I nsp ired byth e W orld ’,‘F rag rance, Colour and Tex ture’ and ‘F usion ofnature and science’ -w ere used to d evelop a uniq ue store environm ent em bracing classic m aterials ,calm p allete and interactive ‘p lay’areas , allcreating th e environm ent focused on th e p rod uctt
Global presence Ih el ped th e com panyl aunch new l ocations in severaloverseas m ark ets such as South Korea, M iddl e Eastregion, US, Russia and Austral ia, carry ing recognisab l e b rand identityand adeq uate representation ab road.
Examples of International stores: Fl agsh ip store in M adison Avenue, New York City Sow w ah Sq uare M al l , Ab u D h ab i, UAE CO EX M al l , Seoul , South Korea
Detail Desig n One of the most enjoyable aspects of working on a luxury environment is scope for bespoke design and, most importantly, attention to detail to achieve the desired quality standard. Details are one of my passions and it was great to manage that at Molton Brown.
Materials an d n ishes The colour palete for the scheme is purposefully calm and understated to allow the colourful product to stand out and remain the main focus of the space. High quality materials, such as walnut, mirror, stainless steel, slate, white corian and LED sheet, were the main elements creating multi-layered environment which exudes con dence and authority
Technical Skills Initial survey, speci c site solutions and spacial layout development Full detail drawing pack development, both Architectural and Fixtures and Fittings parts Close communication with suppliers and contractors in furhter detail improvement and solving site speci c issues
Nottingham Store Refurbishment The existing store was completely stripped back to allow for a brand new space following the principals of the new Molton Brown concept. The main retail space was expanded to maximise available area . The windows were also fully opened up to allow vision into the store
Examples of Work: Architectural Assistant at ASTAM GBC
New Student Accommodation at Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester