2 minute read
How a Maniac was Born
By Melissa Humphries
Guess what happened to a fellow I’ve been married to for 36 years now. I must blame my older brother for a fascinating hobby my husband accidentally got involved with 10 years ago. My older brother called him back in 2013 and said “I have this ol’ black powder gun that I want to give you” ……I’m not going to use it anymore.” The rifle my brother offered him is a Tradition’s Woodsman Hawken 50 caliber Percussion Rifle that was FREE of charge. That was it! I’ve barely seen my husband since that date. Mark has practically given up all other hobbies he once pursued for this new hobby!
In 2016, our teen-age daughter came home from high school and asked my husband Mark if he would help with a video project for her high school video editing class. He helped her with the project, and she received an “A” for her efforts. Hmmm, Mark started thinking, if she can do that, why can’t I do that for a You Tube channel focusing on black powder shooting related videos.
The Black Powder Maniac Shooter You Tube Channel was born in 2016. Mark wanted a You Tube Channel to be an entertaining channel for viewers. He didn’t want any boring videos for viewers to watch. He certainly has held up to that promise! Mark focuses on fun entertaining You Tube videos dealing with a wide variety of topics related to black powder. Mark even boasts on the channel” Stick around to watch some of the craziest, wackiest fun black powder shooting videos on the net.”
The Black Powder Maniac Shooter tackles the use of smoothbores, flintlock rifles, flintlock pistols and shares tips, tricks, “How To” videos all along the way to make your shooting experience better. Mark spends a lot of time introducing new shooters to the black powder hobby through fun You Tube playlists such as the female only playlist “ FLINTLOCK FEMALE FUN videos, 1780’s trekking videos, shooting with different black powder clubs from Texas, Missouri, Tennessee, Ohio, Kentucky and Pennsylvania. Mark is crazy enough to host an annual (usually in freezing cold weather ) New Year’s Day FREE shoot and potluck at the National Muzzle loading Rifle Association’s grounds in Friendship, Indiana.
Twice a year, Mark travels to the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association’s National Shoots in June and September and of course those video cameras go with him. He posts several shooting videos from those National Shoots every year. ( I sometimes wonder if he loves those cameras more than he does me..!! )
Since hearing about it 3 years ago, Mark’s biggest item on his bucket list is to attend a N-SSA shoot in Virginia. He wants to take all 3 cameras with a full charge of batteries on them! I’m pretty sure he will hand me one of those cameras and put me to work! That’s fine with me due to the fact I really enjoy helping him out using those cameras in previous shooting events. When he does attend the N-SSA, be sure to stop him and say Hi”. He LOVES talking about this fascinating hobby to anyone that will listen. Check out Mark’s YouTube Channel sometime. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it too. – Editors note, Mark will be becoming a regular contributor to our