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52nd Annual Veteran’s Skirmish

What the heck is a Veteran’s Skirmish, you ask? Well, it’s a 50+ year tradition in the N-SSA, and if you haven’t been to one, you’re missing out on a great weekend! We’ve heard a lot of misinformation over the last few years - so let’s do some fact-finding first

#1) MUSKET ONLY! Yes, you heard that right Musket only. Team match on Sunday…..you guessed it - Musket! Individuals on Friday and Saturday? Give that skirmisher a prize! You guessed it - Musket!

#2) I can’t get my whole team to show up! Good news again! You don’t need your whole team to show up! This is a “Buddy” shoot! You and a partner sign up and are put on a team of 3 other “partner pairs ” Wait, what? Yes, you can shoot your father, brother, sister, wife, son, daughter, “brother from another mother” - all of the above. Don’t have a buddy? No problem, we take “singles” and add them into the teams as well!

#3) I’m a 10-year N-SSA veteran but… my kid is not can they come? Two answers to this YES - EVERYONE is welcome to come! Can they shoot? If they have 5 years in the N-SSA and you (a parent) are a N-SSA veteran - then they can sign up to shoot! If they aren’t eligiblewell - we always welcome volunteers! They are guaranteed to have a good time!

#3b) If you’re an N-SSA member with 5 years in and also a US Military Veteran, well, then you’ve done your time, and you’re eligible to sign up too! (PS - Thank you for your service!)

#4) Do you need volunteers? Why yes, yes we do This ENTIRE SKIRMISH is hosted by volunteers! We’ll need safeties on the line, help in the stat house, and more If you are available to help, please contact the Skirmish Directors (if you haven’t already, via one of our Facebook posts) Oh - and those Skirmish Directors - yup, you guessed itVOLUNTEERS!

Oh, and If you want to volunteer to host a Veteran’s Skirmish - just let us know!

#5) It’s July And hot Why yes, it sometimes is But it’s MUSKET ONLY! And we do have Back Creek running through the property In fact - after teams are drawn on Saturday afternoon, we head to the creek for a cooling-off PARTY! Bring your creek shoes (highly recommended) and your favorite beverage and a chair - and come lounge with us in the creek or on the bank!

#6) So, uh, what about food and such? Funny you should ask. Tim Scanlan, roasts a whole pig for the Friday night Welcome Dinner! Yes, a whole pig! And the meat is always excellent Everyone brings a dish to pass - which we set up on wagons at the 14th Virginia’s campsite (on

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