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General Ulysses S. Grant Revolvers

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By Seth Isaacson

Lead Historian at Rock Island Auction Company

For the North South Skirmish Association’s Skirmish Line

Photos Courtesy of Rock Island Auction Company

General Ulysses S. Grant’s historic presentation New Model Army Revolvers will be sold at Rock Island Auction Company as part of the May 13-15 Premier Firearms Auction.

Ulysses S. Grant ranks among the most famous Americans of all time and certainly of the Civil War. “Unconditional Surrender Grant’s” legacy was cemented by his important victories during the American Civil War starting with one of the first significant Union victories of the war, the capture of Fort Donelson, and ending with General Robert E. Lee’s surrender to Grant at Appomattox. His historic role as President Abraham Lincoln’s hand-picked commanding general of the U.S. Armies and as the savior of the Union during the “War Between the States” established him as a national hero. He was not everyone’s pick to lead due to accusations of drunkenness and the cost in blood of his tactics, but Lincoln liked Grant as a commander because he was aggressive. The president felt other Union commanders were too cautious and thus failed to secure victories and destroy the Confederate armies. When other Union generals called for Grant’s removal as commander of the Union Army of the Tennessee, Lincoln is famously reported to have remarked, “I can’t spare this man; he fights.”

After the war, Grant was rewarded by becoming the first “General of the Army,” and his immense popularity propelled him to the White House as the 18th President of the United States of America from 1869 to 1877. As president, Grant worked to bring the country back together while also struggling to protect the rights of freedmen and women in the South, including using federal military force to try to protect the rule of law. While many may look back and say that Grant could have and should have done more to protect African-Americans, he should be given credit for the fact that he did more than most of his contemporaries.

His autobiography, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, was completed in 1885 just before his death and was published in two volumes by his friend Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, through his new publishing firm Charles L. Webster & Company.

The company also published Adventures of Huckleberry Finn the same year. The proceeds of the book benefitted the Grant family, and the publication’s success also helped solidify Grant’s enduring legacy as the hero who led the Union to victory. The work is an American classic certainly worth the attention of any student of Civil War history. He wrote that the Confederate cause was “one of the worst for which a people ever fought, and one for which there was the least excuse,” but Grant added that he believed the Confederates truly believed in their cause and recognized their bravery and suffering in the long fight for it. His compassion for his rebellious countrymen can be seen in his terms for the surrender of Robert E. Lee that are credited as potentially saving Lee from execution for treason. Given his incredible significance as a military leader and later as president, items owned by Grant are naturally among the most desirable 19th century American artifacts, particularly those from the Civil War. They are tangible connections to one of the United States’ most iconic military leaders and to the Union cause. Ulysses S. Grant’s historic presentation engraved Remington New Model Army revolvers available for sale in Rock Island Auction Company’s May 13-15, 2022, Premier Auction are arguably the most historically significant and valuable Remington firearms of all time and certainly must be considered a “Holy Grail” for Civil War collectors. They were presented to Grant in the latter half of 1863 or early 1864 and were hidden from public view for over a century and a half until they surfaced only a few years ago when they were put on display at the Las Vegas Antique Arms Show in January 2018. The set and their history were discussed in detail in the article “General Grant’s Magnificent Set of Lost Remingtons” by the late firearms author S.P. Fjestad published in the National Rifle Association’s American Rifleman. Fjestad wrote, “Without a doubt, these cased Remingtons constitute the most elaborate and historically significant set of currently known revolvers manufactured during the Civil War.”

Remington Supplies the Union

A Remington advertisement in 1863. Similar advertisements appeared in many newspapers during the Civil War. As the latest and greatest in martial sidearms, the choice of Remington’s New Model Army revolvers is fitting, especially given Union soldiers in the western theater under Grant would have actually been among the first to be issued Remington revolvers during the war. Aside from the incredible embellishment, these revolvers are the same New Model Army revolvers used by Grant’s men. They were initially secured through Remington dealers and agents in the East and were then purchased under ever growing contracts through the end of the war. By the time Grant led the Union to victory, the Remington factory had supplied 116,765 Army revolvers (.44 caliber) and 16,736 Navy revolvers (.36 caliber) making Remington’s revolvers second in use only to Samuel Colt’s revolvers during the war. The revolvers made for Grant are serial numbers “1” and “2.” Whether these are the first two Remington New Model Army revolvers off of the production line is not known. These would be special custom order numbers given this model’s serial number range began around serial number 15000 continuing from the “Model 1861 Army” range.

Remington’s three different “Army” revolvers used by the Union armies during the Civil War differed primarily in the way their cylinder pins were secured and removed. They also saw other subtle refinements as time went on such as a switch from dovetailed “cone” shaped front sights to threaded “pinched” blade front sights. The revolvers at the beginning of the war used Fordyce Beal’s September 14, 1858, patented cylinder pin and loading lever system and have been nicknamed “Beals Army” revolvers. In this design, the rear of the loading lever arm acts as a stop for the

cylinder pin preventing it from being moved unless the lever is partially lowered. In 1862, Remington shifted to supplying what collectors call the “Model 1861 Army” revolvers based on William Elliot’s patent from December 17, 1861. Elliot’s design allowed the cylinder pin to slide forward to remove the cylinder without lowering the loading lever. This proved to be less suitable for combat than Beals’ more secure system, so Remington transitioned to producing the “New Model” revolvers returning to Beals’ 1858 patented design in 1863. Ever since, many have erroneously referred to the New Model Army and New Model Navy revolvers as “Model 1858” revolvers. To this day, the Remington New Model Army revolvers remain popular with black powder shooters, and they are regularly seen at Civil War historical events. Multiple manufacturers produce versions of these revolvers, so shooters today can enjoy shooting revolvers that are essentially the same in form and function as these beautiful presentation revolvers made for General Grant. Grant’s Beautiful L.D. Nimschke Engraved Remington Revolvers

Grant’s revolvers received an incredible amount of embellishment, including beautifully carved grips with busts of Grant and patriot bald eagle and shield motifs in raised relief.

The revolvers Grant received are true works of art on “steel canvases.” While no signature has been found on this pair of revolvers, the author is confident in the identity of the engraver: iconic 19th century Master Engraver Louis D. Nimschke of New York. Aside from being in Nimschke’s style, he is confirmed as the engraver based on comparison to another pair of historic Remington revolvers recently sold at Rock Island Auction Company in the May 2021 Premier Firearms Auction: the pair identified as made for presentation following the visit of the Russian fleets to the United States in 1864. That pair was signed by Nimschke (“N”) and is recorded in his famous pull-book in detail. The patterns on both Grant’s revolvers and the Russian presentation pair are very similar overall aside from the naval motifs and arrows present on the Russian pair. The barrel engraving on Grant’s revolvers also matches other designs from Nimschke’s pull-book.

The bulk of the engraving on the revolvers consists of Nimschke’s exceptionally well-executed scroll engraving patterns with punched backgrounds and floral accents. The top straps have twisted or entwining rope patterns along the sides of the sighting grooves. Columbia’s shield is located behind the hammers followed by “FROM YOUR FRIENDS/O.N. CUTLER. W.C. WAGLEY.” down the back straps. The left grip of the first revolver and right of the second revolver features an excellent raised relief carved eagle, flags, and Columbian shield patriotic motif that was also used on the grips of the Russian presentation revolvers. The right panel of the first and the left panel of the second feature the significant and beautifully executed raised relief carved busts of General Ulysses S. Grant. This historic set comes in a deluxe rosewood presentation case with a suite of accessories.

These Remington New Model Army revolvers identified as manufactured for presentation following the Russian fleets’ visits to the U.S. in 1864 sold at Rock Island last year provided confirmation that Grant’s revolvers were also engraved by renowned engraver L.D. Nimschke.

Grant’s uniform on the carved grips displays the insignia of a two-star general (major general). Grant attained this rank in the volunteers in 1862 after he captured Fort Donelson and then became a major general in the regular army in the fall of 1863 after he secured Vicksburg. Grant was again promoted on March 2, 1864, and became the country’s second three-star general (lieutenant general) in history, after only General George Washington. These ranks and dates, plus the introduction of this model in 1863, suggest the revolvers were presented to Grant in the latter half of 1863 or early 1864 after he captured Vicksburg on the Fourth of July in 1863 and thus secured the length of the Mississippi River for the Union. The exact date, location, and circumstances of the presentation of the set remains unknown; however, the inscriptions on the back straps match the inscriptions on a pair of Colt Model 1861 Navy revolvers (11756 and 11757) also manufactured in 1863 and presented to General James B. McPherson. Together, these inscriptions provided clues about the revolvers’ history.

The Southern Cotton Connection

The inscription on the revolvers’ backstraps connect Grant to businessmen involved in the trade in southern cotton during the Civil War.

The pair was presented by Otis Nelson Cutler and William C. Wagley, both veterans of the Mexican-American War. Wagley was a 2nd lieutenant in the 3rd Dragoons, and Cutler enlisted as an orderly sergeant in the 1st Massachusetts Volunteers in 1846 under General Taylor and was later promoted to captain. Cutler formed a company of men to explore for gold in California where he found success and then built a home on the family farm in Lewiston, Maine. He was later contracted for the building of the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad in Missouri and moved to Hannibal and became the superintendent of the railroad. Cutler was assigned as a special treasury agent stationed at New Orleans at the end of the Civil War. Wagley remained active in the river trade in Louisiana after the war and is recorded as commanding steamboats running to Mobile and Montgomery in at least 1865 and 1866.

Fjestad concluded this incredible cased pair was “a ‘thank you’ for a wartime cotton-smuggling scheme” and that Cutler and Wagley most likely ordered these revolvers through Schuyler, Hartley & Graham of New York City, the largest dealers in the country at the time. L.D. Nimschke, also of New York City, was contracted to execute the incredible embellishment on the pair. Period sources, including newspapers, Senate records, and Grant’s own papers, link Grant and McPherson to Cutler and Wagley via the cotton trade in 1863. However, Grant’s participation is likely not as nefarious as Fjestad’s comments imply. Although these beautiful presentation engraved, carved, and inscribed revolvers certainly smack of a bribe, like the claims of corruption that dogged Grant as president, the truth is more complicated and unlikely as dark as his detractors suggest.

By 1863, Grant was already a Union hero following his famous victory at Fort Donelson in February of 1862 along with the triumph of the Army of the Tennessee over the Confederacy at the bloody Battle of Shiloh in April of 1862. His victories gave the Union control of the northern stretch of the Mississippi River, and the capture of New Orleans on May 1, 1862, gave the Union control of the mouth respectively. However, the Confederacy still retained control of Vicksburg in between disrupting use of the river. The fortified city on a bend in the Mississippi became the

The river was the crucial mode of transportation for the region, including for the lucrative trade in cotton. While cotton was a leading cash crop in the South, it was also a vital raw material for northeastern industry. Grant established programs putting runaway slaves to work in camps picking cotton that could be shipped up river and sold to fund the Union war effort and to produce needed supplies. This plan, approved by President Lincoln, for moving the cotton out of the South under Union contract was also designed to help prevent the South’s most valuable cash crop from being used to fund the Confederate war effort. The runaways were compensated for their work, and some of the proceeds were also used to provide them with food, clothing, and shelter.

The legal trade provided cover for illegal trade, and there were widespread reports of bribes and corruption. Cotton in Union controlled territory was regulated by Union officers and agents of the U.S. Treasury. Grant and his officers were in charge of granting licenses for his district. The Secretary of War was told, “Every colonel, captain or quartermaster is in a secret partnership with some operator in cotton; every soldier dreams of adding a bale of cotton to his monthly pay.” Though many Union officers were corrupt and profited through involvement in both legal and illegal trade in cotton during the war, evidence shows that Grant found the whole business to be an annoying distraction from his primary military objective: capturing Vicksburg.

Grant’s own father actually came down river with two businessmen intent on getting a contract for cotton and splitting profits. Had Grant been inclined to corruption and self-dealing, he certainly could have played along. Instead, he was furious and sent the men back north as soon as he learned of their plans. In response to all of the corruption surrounding cotton in his district, Grant also gave his most controversial order in late 1862: General Order No. 11. Under this order, Jewish residents were expelled from Grant’s district because he blamed them in part for the illicit cotton trade. The two men that had travelled with his father happened to be Jewish. Lincoln eventually reversed the order after outcry, but not before many Jewish residents had been expelled. Frustrated with dealing with the cotton trade, Grant moved to significantly curtail it all together.

News reports from the period provide important evidence for both Grant’s efforts to limit the cotton trade and his connection to the men who presented the revolvers. The Daily Missouri Republican on February 18, 1863, noted: “It is unfortunately too true that many of our officers have been unable to resist the wonderful temptation of the cotton trade. The demoralization has been well nigh checked below by the orders of Gen. Grant, which will not allow any cotton to be shipped North, nor even bought, until Vicksburg is taken.” Coincidentally, this article appears next to one of the advertisements for “Remington’s Army & Navy Revolvers.” The Nashville Daily Union on April 25, 1863, in an article from “Correspondence of the Cincinnati Gazette. Young’s Point, LA., April 7.” about “King Cotton” directly references both Grant and one of the men who presented these revolvers. The article notes that Grant had announced he would not allow cotton to go upriver until Vicksburg was taken but that some cotton was being shipped nonetheless. “ A Breckenridge Democrat, whose loyalty is like that of the Enquirer, has had a contract for picking and bailing cotton in the vicinity of Lake Providence, - This gentleman, Wagley by name, who hails from Warsaw, Ill. Has most emphatically ‘struck ile.’ How much cotton he has sent North, I do not know, but I do know that five hundred bales are now awaiting shipment at Lake Providence and Berry’s Landing. It is a matter of comment that his cotton has been gathered already baled, from the plantations in the vicinity, and that not one-tenth of it is really picked and ginned under his superintendence. Another individual of the same stripe had nearly succeeded in getting a similar contract for the region in the vicinity of Gen. McClernand, but his plan was overthrown by that officer himself. He is now endeavoring to obtain an order from Gen. Grant over Gen. McClernand’s head, and it is feared that he will succeed.”

Grant’s own papers provide more details of direct cooperation with McPherson and Wagley: “On April 1, [Grant] wrote to Capt. Ashley R. Eddy. ‘The cotton detained by you one half of which was for Government and the other for Mr. Wagley is a part of some cotton abandoned in the field and picked by Mr. Wagly [sic] under an arrangement made with him by Genl McPherson. The one half can be released to Mr. Wagley.’…When William C. Wagley wrote that Col. William S. Hillyer, provost marshal at Memphis, threatened to seize his cotton, Rawlins endorsed the letter. ‘This contract was made by with Mr. Wagely [sic] in the utmost good faith and must be respected. You will therefore not interfere with shipment of cotton by seizures or otherwise, unless you pass satisfactory evidence of a violation of the contract on Mr Wagely’s [sic] part, mere suspicions will not suffice.’”

This clearly provides a link between Grant and McPherson and Wagley’s role in the cotton trade, but what about Cutler? Senate documents include an additional important report for the context of this cased set that ties all of the men together: “The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the claim of O.N. Cutler, have examined the same and submit the following as their report:” It states that William C. Wagley later identified as a citizen of Illinois had a March 5, 1863, contract signed by Assistant Quartermaster John G. Klinck “for picking, ginning, and bailing of cotton then growing on the lands about Lake Providence, in the State of Louisiana, which had been abandoned by the rebel owners and occupants, and then lately brought within permanent Union lines by the advance and occupancy of the federal forces. This contract was approved by Major General McPherson, commanding that district.” The report notes that half of the cotton was to be government property and the other half Wagley’s and that Wagley would be allowed to have his cotton shipped by the government to Memphis. On April 3, Wagley assigned his interest over to O.N. Cutler of Hannibal, Missouri. Cutler then delivered “a large amount of cotton” at Lake Providence and took his assigned half. General Grant had his quartermaster seize Cutler’s cotton to use it to protect the machinery on the steamer Tigress for a run of the Confederate blockade at Vicksburg. Captain Benjamin F. Reno recorded this amounted to 268 bales. Cutler claimed they weighed 113,900 pounds in total and had a total value of $62,645. The report concludes with a recommendation that $50,000 be appropriated

This evidence clearly demonstrates that Grant and McPherson were involved in at least one valuable contract for southern cotton that served to net Wagley and Cutler considerable profits. It also shows that Grant actually seized at least one shipment of cotton as part of his efforts to capture Vicksburg. Grant’s revolvers may have been specifically presented in response to his capture of Vicksburg which gave the Union essentially full command of the Mississippi River and would have opened the river up to more trade and reduced the risks for men like Wagley and Cutler shipping cotton and other goods up and down the river. While no documentation has been found detailing when and where Grant and McPherson were presented their sets of revolvers, the information at hand certainly suggests that Wagley and Cutler presented the Union generals their respective pairs as a thank you for their assistance in the cotton trade.

On the Fourth of July, 1863, Grant’s forces captured Vicksburg and General John C. Pemberton’s approximately 30,000 strong army. The day prior, Pickett’s charge had been repulsed at Gettysburg, and Robert E. Lee’s army limped back to Virginia. Together, the Union victories in the East and West marked the ascent of the Union’s fortunes and the decline of the Confederate cause. Grant was promoted by President Lincoln to major general in the regular army and given command of the new Division of the Mississippi on October 16, 1863. His decisive victory in the Chattanooga Campaign in November opened the South up for attack. On March 2, 1864, Grant was promoted to lieutenant general and given command of all of the Union armies. Grant was formally commissioned by Lincoln on March 8 in a Cabinet meeting and worked more closely with the president for the remainder of the war. With Grant in charge, Lincoln expected Union forces to relentlessly pursue and defeat the Confederacy and finally bring the bloody war to a close.

Grant directed the Union armies in pursuit of Robert E. Lee into Virginia and worked towards capturing the Confederate capital at Richmond and Petersburg to the South. He kept his men in near continual contact with the Confederate lines and slowly wore them down at a great cost in blood on both sides. Petersburg and Richmond finally fell into Union hands on April 3, 1865. Lee retreated with part of his army to fight another day, but Union victory in the war was close at hand, and Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House less than a week later on April 9. Grant’s terms of surrender were rather lenient for Lee and his men, including parole and a guarantee that the men were “not to be disturbed by U.S. authority so long as they observe their paroles and the laws in force where they may reside.” Grant saw this as the end of the war. As such, the former Confederates were now their countrymen again not the enemy. He even allowed the Confederates to keep their sidearms and horses and helped provide Lee’s bedraggled men with much needed provisions.

Most of the remaining Confederate resistance ceased by the end of the month with Joseph E. Johnston’s surrender on April 26, 1865. The final surrenders were completed a month later. By securing victory for the Union, Ulysses S. Grant provided the basis for national reunification and established himself as a national hero. He remained commander of the armies as the country began reconstruction. Grant was further honored on July 25, 1866, when Congress promoted him to the newly created rank of General of the Army of the United States. Grant broke with President Andrew Johnson over the latter’s “Presidential Reconstruction” policies that were soft on former Confederates and did not protect the rights of African Americans and Republicans in the South, but Congress stepped in and guaranteed Grant’s control of the U.S. Army by passing the Command of the Army Act. After Secretary of War Edwin Stanton was illegally fired by Johnson, Grant was briefly appointed as interim Secretary of War but stepped aside when Congress reinstated Stanton, and Johnson was soon impeached in relation to the whole affair and narrowly escaped conviction.

In 1868, Grant was unanimously nominated by the Republican National Convention as the party’s candidate for president and won the election. As president, he oversaw “Congressional Reconstruction” and the ongoing Indian Wars in the West. He sought to protect southern Republicans and African-Americans through additional legal protections and by deploying the cavalry back into the South to counteract the Ku Klux Klan and other lawless groups. Though he succeeded in winning a second term in office, claims of corruption and other scandals diminished Grant’s power in the South. Renewed conflict with Native Americans following their mistreatment also undermined his earlier peace efforts in the West. He initially declined to run for a third term and instead returned to civilian life in 1877 for the first time since the outbreak of the Civil War, but he made an unsuccessful run for the Republican nomination in 1880.


After the presidency, failed business ventures destroyed Grant’s finances, and he sold many of his valuable Civil War relics in the 1880s to pay his debts. However, these incredible Remington New Model Army revolvers remained with the Grant family for decades. Grant may have already given the pair to one of his sons. They are believed to have been brought to California in the late 19th century by either Ulysses Grant Jr. or Jesse Grant II. The two brothers ran the U.S. Grant Hotel in San Diego together in the early 20th century. Jesse Grant II was the last surviving child of General Grant and died in 1934. His second wife, Lillian Grant, saved many of the Ulysses S. Grant artifacts and passed them on to Ulysses Simpson Grant V, likely including the cased pair.

The cased set left the family’s possession when it was reported to have been given as payment by U.S. Grant V to a handyman who worked on the Jesse Grant II home (also known as the Julia Grant home since his mother also lived there). The handyman kept the revolvers for many years. His family was eventually convinced to sell the revolvers in 1976 after many years of pursuit by a collector. Documentation from the sale of the revolvers by the Reynolds family to Frank L. Hatch are included with the revolvers, and an affidavit from Richard Hatch, the former’s son who was present for the sale, is also included stating that the revolvers had been received as payment by Bill and Mel Reynold’s father for work on the “Grant House” in San Diego. He identified the house as the Grant house at 6th and Quince. This historic home was sadly demolished in 2000.

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