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N-SSA National Officer Nominations
Candidate – Richard H. Clements 7479V
Candidate’s Qualifications
I’m currently serving as the Adjutant for the N-SSA and seeking your support for re-election for another term in office. As your Adjutant, I’ve demonstrated sound organizational skill, prepared written communications as requested, exhibited business acumen, and my personal commitment to successfully serve others.
Prior Service to N-SSA
I’ve been a member of the N-SSA since 1990 as a member of the following units: 12th Regiment US regulars, 1990-2013 Dulany Troop, 6th VA Cavalry, 2014-2019 49th Virginia Infantry, 2019 to present
I’ve held various team leadership positions, that included the positions of Deputy Commander followed by several years as Commander, 12th Regiment US regular Infantry, While also serving as the Adjutant for the Potomac Region. As the Adjutant for the Potomac Region, I accurately kept regional meeting minutes; communicated various information to unit representatives and regional officers, coordinated and distributed skirmish invitation materials, responded to various queries and maintained various records.
Additionally, I served as the Adjutant for the 140th National Skirmish where I successfully communicated with host unit representatives by relaying information, coordinated assignments, and provided timely responses to questions.
Personal Background Information:
- I grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA and after graduating college I began a career with the federal government in 1980. - Work locations included Philadelphia, PA, NYC and Washington DC. - Following the events of 9/11, I was sent back to NYC and spent serval weeks climbing among the ruins of Ground zero as part of the US governments investigation. - I retired from the CIA in 2014 and on a part-time basis, remained an independent contractor with the government until I fully retired in 2020. - I am happy married to my wife Maureen and we have six sons, four of which are members of the 49th Virginia Infantry. - I currently reside in Clifton, VA., which is located locally to fort Shenandoah. - I grew up in the N-SSA watching my father compete in the 118th PA vol. Infantry.
Candidate’s Statement
As a member of the N-SSA, my family and I have enjoyed ourselves competing in revolver, smoothbore, carbine, musket, and mortar competitions throughout my thirty-year affiliation. As we have all witnessed, the N-SSA successfully navigated several unforeseen challenges over the last two years. Despite predictions of potential loss of membership numbers due to the impact of Covid-19 the membership of the associations adapted by implementing policies and guidelines to keep us and our families safe while on the property. I believe the association has a great future ahead and I would be honored to receive your support and continue to serve the associations as adjutant of the N-SSA.
Charles L. Kindle Jr. 03316V
Prior Service to the N-SSA
Regional IG for 6 Years Regional Commander for 15 years Deputy Commander 3.5 Years National Commander 2 Years.
Personal Background Information
Graduated High School 1973 Married my wife Kathy in 1973 we have two children, six grandchildren and two great grand children. Auto Mechanic for 50 years I retired in 2017.
Candidates statement
I am running for reelection because I want to continue the effort of keeping this organization moving forward. We’ve made a lot of progress in the last couple of years, despite the set backs with Covid-19. I love this organization, and I’ll keep working hard on it’s behalf.
Deputy Commander
Prior Service to the N-SSA
Member of the N-SSA since 1999 (12th Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteers) Multiple terms as the Commander of the 12th PA Signal Officer for the N-SSA from 2011 through 2019 Assistant Signal Officer from 2019 to present. Allegheny Regional Commander from 2019 through present Member of the History Center Committee from 2021 through present. Worked almost all work skirmishes from 2001 through present. Assistant National IG from 2022 Deputy National Commander, filling the vacated position; 2022 to present
Personal Background Information
I graduated from the US Military Academy in 1977. Commissioned in the Signal Corps and served on active duty from 19771988. I served as a Reserve Officer in various assignments from 1988 until my retirement from the Army (as a Lieutenant Colonel) in 2002.
After leaving active duty I was a communications engineer in various program offices in the National Reconnaissance Office until my retirement in 2021.
I currently reside in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia with my wife Lisbeth (Lis), who is also a member of the 12th PA and an N-SSA Staff Photographer.

Candidate’s Statement
I am running for the position of Deputy Commander to further and to help the N-SSA move ahead. I have had a lot of experience in leadership positions in the Army, industry and the N-SSA. I think that my experiences would be of a great benefit to the N-SSA and its member regions and teams. I look forward to serving in the position and to help the N-SSA
Mike Santarelli 03635V
Candidate’s Qualification
Certified law enforcement firearms instructor for 10 years Certified Smith & Wesson semi-automatic pistol armorer for ten years. Trained in firearm / shooting investigations and trajectory analysis Worked on Ordnance team for two national matches.
Prior Service to N-SSA:
Member of the N-SSA since 1979 Small Arms Committee Since 2014 Team Commander three times while shooting with the 150th PA Infantry Team Commander and Adjutant of Co. B, 1st PA Cavalry Skirmish Director for five Mid Atlantic Region Skirmishes Assistant Mid Atlantic Region IG for two years Current Mid Atlantic Region Inspector General Current N-SSA National Inspector General
Personal Background Information:
Age: 67 Married for 44 Years Two Daughters and three Grandchildren Police officer and Homicide Detective for 31 Years (now retired) Hunted and participated in shooting sports other than skirmishing Reloading ammunition Building Civil War era firearms Reading Civil War History.

127 Valley Forge Drive Cranberry Twp., PA 16066
National Statistics Officer Jeff Knauss
The National Statistics Office has modified and clarified the verbiage at the bottom of the Console Card used for team matches at Nationals and the Regional program. The following are two in-depth explanations for a previous and a newly added infraction:
“G. Shots fired before the horn sounded that does NOT hit a target. Rule 28.7.1 Penalty - Arm to be grounded, no time penalty.” The competitor is to ground their firearm and step back off the line for the current event. When time has been called and the safety is clearing the team’s firearms, the competitor will then step back up to the line and snap caps as instructed by the safety.
“M. Team not meeting personnel requirements. (Illegal team) Rule 4.4.1 Penalty - Disqualification. Team is not to be included in postnational reclassification.” The Rule states: When a match is designated as an 8 person match, then the minimum number of a unit’s members required is 5 members. When the match is a 5 or 4 person match then the minimum number required is 3, and lastly, if the match is a 3 person match then the minimum is 2 members of the same unit. Rule 4.1.1 If the minimum number of members from the same unit is not met, then the team shall not be eligible for any company match awards, e.g. medals, trophies, plaques, etc., and the team will not be listed on the match results. Also, the disqualified team will be omitted from the team reclassification program that is run after every National to ensure that the disqualified team stays in its original class. If the Line Judge cannot determine if the team has the minimum number of required unit members on the firing line by their uniforms and/or membership cards, then the Line Judge is to ask the Team Captain if the team is legal.
The (Timer/Line Judge) is responsible for indicating the letter of the penalty to be applied by entering the Penalty Letter from the Penalty Table in the Penalty Column on the team’s line of the Console Card.
ATTENTION UNIT COMMANDERS It is your responsibility to train your Unit’s members in the general duties of (Timer/Line Judge) and Safety Officer per Rule 4.14 and 4.15.
Many thanks to National IG Mike Santarelli and National Rules Officer Sherry Myers for their time and invaluable assistance in clarifying the rule numbers and assistance in clarifying the Rule numbers and Penalties on the bottom of the Console Card.
A. 21.7.d Failed IG trigger pull inspection
150% of time recorded B. 19.8.2.c Failure to produce SAC card 150% of time recorded C. 28.3.4.d.1 Line Judge or Company Commander failed to sign score sheet 30 second penalty D. 28.3.4.d.2 Failed to enter time in seconds 30 second penalty E. Shots fired before horn sounded that hits a target See Table 28.2 (a. b. or c) F. Shots fired after horn sounded that hits a target or fragment See Table 28.2 (a. b. or c) G. 28.7.1 Shots fired before the horn sounded that does NOT hit a target Arm grounded. No Penalty H. 18.14.1.b Not shooting in assigned position or relay Disqualified. I. 18.15.d and e Shooting down the target frame accidentally 10 second penalty J. 18.15.c Shooting down the target frame intentionally Disqualification K. 25.1.1.b and c Standing forward of the firing line 150% of time recorded L. 18.10.b Failure to comply 150% of time recorded M. 4.1.1 Team not meeting personnel requirements. (Illegal team) Disqualification

General Order 2022.1
Until such time the Board of Directors convenes to adopt a permanent resolution, from this date forward at all times uniforms are required during N-SSA competitions in accordance with Sections 23.1 and 23.2 of the Skirmish Rules, all competitors are required to wear footwear as defined in Section 23.12 of the Skirmish Rules. At no time shall the bylaws of any region or member organization supersede the governing documents of the North-South Skirmish Association. In addition to times when uniforms are required, during shooting events when uniforms are not required or due to summer weather, are relaxed, all competitors must wear closed toed footwear when forward of the safety line, in the ready area, while shooting, and when forward of the firing line hanging targets, setting stakes, or other times when on the field. Failure to comply with this order shall cause penalties to be applied in accordance with Sections 18.10.a and 18.10.b of the Skirmish Rules.