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about skirt!
Publisher Nikki Hardin publisher@skirt.com
National Art Director Caitilin McPhillips caitilin.mcphillips@skirt.com National Editor Margaret Pilarski margaret.pilarski@skirt.com Market Manager (Augusta/Aiken/Columbia) Kate Cooper Metts kate.metts@skirt.com Contributing Editor Columbia Jenny Maxwell jennymaxwell@mindspring.com Contributing Editor Augusta/ Aiken Gracie Shepherd gracie.shepherd@skirt.com
skirt! is all about women... their work, play, families, creativity, style, health and wealth, bodies and souls. skirt! is an attitude...spirited, independent, outspoken,
Sales Executive Columbia/Aiken/North Augusta Libby Salvador libby.salvador@skirt.com Sales Executives Augusta Doressa Hawes doressa.hawes@augustamagazine.com Elizabeth Jones Sisson elizabeth.sisson@augustamagazine.com Maidi McMurtrie Thompson maidi.thompson@augustamagazine.com
serious, playful and irreverent, sometimes controversial, always passionate. sheMAIL skirt! 127-A 7th Street Augusta, GA 30901 Sales: 706.823.3702 Sales Toll-Free: 800.622.6358 FAX: 706.823.6061 www.skirt.com
Mary Porter Vann mary.vann@augustamagazine.com
Melt Down
Stacy Appel.................................................................................... 11
Graphic Designer Michael Rushbrook Cher Wheeler Meaghan Pafford Photography Molly Harrell Sara Caldwell
The Hot Issue
Hot Wax
Amy Vansant.................................................................................. 13 Women make more than 80% of all purchasing decisions.
Summer Stage
Stephanie hunt............................................................................. 14
skirt.com skirt! is published monthly and distributed free throughout the greater Augusta/ Aiken/Columbia area. skirt! reserves the right to refuse to sell space for any advertisement the staff deems inappropriate for the publication. Unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Letters to the editor are welcome, but may be edited due to space limitations. Press releases must be received by the 1st of the month for the following month’s issue. All content of this magazine, including without limitation the design, advertisements, art, photos and editorial content, as well as the selection, coordination and arrangement thereof, is Copyright © 2010, Morris Publishing Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this magazine may be copied or reprinted without the express written permission of the publisher. SKIRT!® is a registered trademark of Morris Publishing Group, LLC.
Women spend almost 2 of every 3 healthcare dollars.
Women control 2/3 of the nation’s disposable income.
Women influence 80% of all car sales.
Letter from the Publisher.......................................................... 6
Letter from the Editor................................................................ 6
Feel Good....................................................................................... 19
He’s So Original........................................................................... 24
Meet.................................................................................................... 26
Skirt of the Month..................................................................... 29
XOXOnikki.................................................................................... 34
4 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
www.skirt.com june/july
2013 5
The United Skirts of America was founded on the blood, sweat
and estrogen of our
The Hot Issue
foremothers, who
Notes to My Summer Self
won us the freedom to choose...to break The Rules, to wear combat boots or high heels, to run for office or run a
1. Remember to shave my legs after long winter’s nap. 2. I will not pick my own tomatoes, I will not pick my own tomatoes, I will not pick my own tomatoes. The temptation is too great to make sauce to freeze, which means parboiling them, which means my kitchen looks like the scene of a tomato mass murder. 3. Surrender to pastels—it’s the only thing in the stores. 4. Uh-oh, winter fat doubles in pastels and quadruples when your photo
Kristen Solecki
marathon, to form our
Kristen is an illustrator who
own rock groups instead
uses paint and ink to trans-
of being groupies, to
late stories and moments
shatter Glass Ceilings
using strong changeable
and Glass Slippers, to
line work. Her work has
shoot hoops instead
9. A green smoothie every morning would be so healthy. Too bad they look like vomit.
been featured in galleries
of settling for hoop
10. Is it better to be pastry-dough pasty or self-tanning orange?
and publications across
skirts. The ones who
the country. She lives in
came before us made
Charleston, SC, with her
it possible for our
husband, who writes songs, and their grey cat who likes to walk in her paint and ink. Both are perfect studio companions. You can see more of Kristen’s work in Charleston at Flagship Gallery through July, where she
daughters to dream bigger, to have the
is taken wearing pastels. 5. The Return of Giant Flying Palmetto Bugs! 6. Remember to continue shaving legs all summer. 7. When tempted to complain about the heat, remember last winter in NYC when you had to be pried off the radiator to go outdoors. 8. Remember that expensive juicer you bought that will grind logs and build a log cabin? Try putting some fruit in it. If you can find the manual.
11. Bug spray only works if you apply enough for mosquitoes to drown in. 12. You’ll be tempted to learn how to paddleboard. Remember you can barely swim. 13. Stay home and do nothing, or travel and do nothing during layovers and delays in airports. 14. No, I’m serious, I will not pick my own tomatoes this year! 15. Well, maybe just a few.
chance to grow up to
be President and turn the Oval Office into the Ovary Office. In the United Skirts of America, every day is Independence Day!
Not to belittle our suffering, my fellow famously hot denizens, but we are not spending summer in the most miserable place on Earth. Ask any soldier who’s done a tour in the heat of an Iraqi August. Heck, I got a sissified taste of true heat misery when I went to
is exhibiting her solo show
Dubai in October. I sat in a fancy beachside restaurant and whined about the 108 degrees
of large-scale paintings. For
and 98 percent humidity at 8pm. Locals laughed and told me in July, it’s so hot they can’t
more about Kristen, please visit kristensolecki.com.
bear to swim in the sea. Ouch! This summer, I’d like to take my cue from the women we profile in this issue. Embrace the heat. Talk it up. Tango with it. “You’ve got to bloom where you’re planted,” Kyra Strasberg said when we talked about hot yoga and sweating through life changes. Maybe I can at least wilt where I’m planted—and stop grousing about it. When Hell freezes over, right?
6 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
www.skirt.com june/july
2013 7
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2013 9
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2013 www.skirt.com
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2013 11
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12 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
Mon-Sat 10-7 Sunday 1-5
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2013 13
14 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
Hot Wax
Many things seem like a good idea until they aren’t: hiring a birthday party clown; parachute pants; Justin Bieber. But this sort of disappointment doesn’t have to happen to you and your new at-home hot waxing kit! With a little patience, preparation and a phone pre-dialed to 911, you can remove unwanted hair from yourself and unsuspecting family members from the comfort of home. First, you’ll need to order your hot waxing kit, which should include the wax warmer, the tub of scented wax, gauze strips and wooden applicator sticks. Not every kit comes complete, so be sure to research your purchase. If you receive a kit without applicator sticks, your first instinct might be to use the wooden reeds from a scent diffuser. You’ll find they are much too thin. Quickly eating a Popsicle will only get you through one application. Tree branches are dirty. Lincoln Logs are unruly and doom your child to a lifetime of building sticky cabins. Be sure to order applicator sticks. Once you have the proper tools, the time has come to wax! If this is your first time waxing at home, you won’t want to test it on yourself. Executioners don’t test the sharpness of their axes on their own heads! Don’t use your kids as guinea pigs; if something goes wrong, therapy bills can be expensive. Using an actual guinea pig might seem like a no-brainer, but resist the urge. Pets, while having an abundance of hair, make poor choices for hot wax test runs. The cat shreds you to pieces for rubbing her belly. If she finds waxing unpleasant, you could end up looking like a crosshatch drawing. Instead, tell your husband that it looks like he’s growing a hedge row at the base of his neck. Depending on the vanity level of your mate, it may take a day or a week of dropping hints before he’s begging you to help with his hair problem. Tell him he’s in luck; you just bought a new at-home hot waxing kit. After the wax has warmed for the appropriate amount of time, test it on your finger to be sure it isn’t too hot. Wipe the wax off with a tissue and instead find the tissue has adhered to your skin. Open a cabinet to search for a solution that will remove the wax from your finger, only to find your finger is now attached to the cabinet. Peel your finger from the cabinet. Try and recall your high school chemistry classes: Is there some sort of solvent that dissolves wax? Are there different kinds of wax, ranging from “candle” to “weapons grade?” Is it even legal for you to own this wax? Try and use the actual hot wax gauze to remove the wax from your finger. This won’t work, but it only made sense to try. You’re getting desperate. Rub your hand on a bath towel until gathering lint makes it look like you have a tiny, fuzzy bunny perched on the tip of your finger. Finally, rub your fingers against each other until the wax and part of your finger is gone. When your husband calls in to ask what is taking so long, tell him, “Nothing.” Have your husband enter the bathroom and sit backwards on a closed toilet. Gather some wax on to your applicator and bring it to your husband’s neck, dragging with you a thin strand of wax that will remain on your bathroom counter, sink and floor until you sell your home. Slather on the wax. If your mate complains that it is too hot, tell him whining about pain is unmanly. Remember this tactic; it will come in handy later. Lay the gauze across the hot wax now bubbling on your husband’s neck. Rub it like the lady at the nail salon. Remember her? She was very good at waxing. Why did you ever leave her? Was it really so annoying that she tried to push you to wax your lip and chin? You miss her. You wonder what she is doing now. All your daydreaming has allowed the wax on your husband’s neck to cool too much. Peel away the gauze with a mighty heave and triumphantly show your man the long hairs embedded in the wax to distract him from the pain. When he asks if it looks good say, “It looks great!” When he asks if you should also do his lower back say, “Oh absolutely! …But maybe not today.” Tell your husband you’re going to finish his neck by removing a tiny bit of wax still clinging there. Instead, use this time to blot the dots of blood rising where you removed six layers of neck skin. Tell him you need the light blue shirt he was wearing for the laundry, and hand him a fresh black or dark red shirt to wear instead. Send him on an errand to keep his mind busy. Congratulations, your waxing is done! Pack up the hot wax kit to return it, only to realize the cardboard ring around the wax pot is covered with wax, rendering the warmer unreturnable. Give the makers of the hot wax warmer props for being the evil geniuses they are. Resolve to try it again on your leg hair at a later date and put the warmer in the attic for safe keeping. You deserve a treat! Consider going to the beauty salon for an eyebrow wax to celebrate. Amy Vansant has a humor blog at KidFreeLiving.com (@KidFreeLiving), and she is sure the skin on her husband’s neck will grow back any day now. www.skirt.com june/july
2013 15
16 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
Like us on facebook to see our new arrivals
139-D Davi Davis Rd Rd, Martin Martinez Mon.-Sat. 10am-5pm
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Newly expanded parking lot in the back.Back door will be open for easy access.
18  june/july
2013  www.skirt.com
2013 feelgood
Feel Good About Your Kisses CoolKiss lip balm glides on your lips cool and smooth— a breezy sensation as pleasing as the summer westerlies off Maine's Casco Bay. Lobsterman's CoolKiss is moisturizing, refreshing and pure.The soothing all-natural formula contains olive oil, sweet almond oil, beeswax, shea butter, menthol,Vitamin E and peppermint essential oil (and there’s also a version with SPF 15). Buy extra and share with some lips you love. Developed and tested in Maine and made in the USA. lbalm.com
www.skirt.com june/july
2013 19
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Stylist of the Month
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Like us on
Calaisio Pickard Skyros Designs Julia Knight Le Cadeaux Tag
Anna Weatherley Match Pewter Michael Aram Spode Simon Pearce Picnic Time
141 Laurens Street, SW Aiken, SC | 803.648.7592
20 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
www.skirt.com june/july
2013 21
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22 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
Antonia Barbato – Paciotti – Gianni Meliani – Loriblu – Luciano Padovan Luis Onofre – Mario Zamagna – Nando Muzi – Roberto Cavalli
Trenholm Plaza 4840 Forest Dr, Suite 17 Columbia, SC 29206
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2013 23
24 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
MICHAEL SIEWERT michaelsiewert.com
Have Yourself a Swank Little Summer! : e m o H w ank Ne y Center
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an The Sw
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ntil 6
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2013 25
26 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
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2013  27
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DEVINE ROBIN 28 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
Illustration by Monkey Mind Design, Unique Paper Expressions. monkeymindesign.etsy.com
Skirt of the Month
Soho, 435 highland Avenue, Augusta, 706.738.6884 www.skirt.com   june/july
2013  29
30 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
Saida XXX: Venetian Blue, Saida XXX: Venetian Blue, 2012. Acrylic on 60 canvases, 120 × 120”. Sai
The Art of of Steven Steven Naifeh Naifeh The Art Presented by Joyce Martin Hill
MAY 17 � SEPTEMBER 1 Throughout his career, Naifeh’s work has addressed the kinship between the geometric abstraction of Western art and that of the millennium-old Arab and Islamic tradition. The 26 large-scale works of modern art reveal intellectual discipline, rigorous skill and authentic joy in the process of communication.
Picasso: Master Prints
Now on View
A rare opportunity to marvel at the graphic work of one of the 20th century’s greatest artists up close. Sponsored by Mary Lou and Bob Burr, Mr. Robert W. Foster, Sr., Ms.Ann Marie Stieritz and Mr. John B. Carran, Dr. Caroline Whitson and Walda Wildman CPA, LLC. Pierrot and Harlequin, c. 1922, stencil on paper, ed. 29/100. 10 13/16 x 8 3/8 inches,WAM 1950.1020
1515 Main Street in downtown Columbia, SC | 803.799.2810 | columbiamuseum.org
June To-Do 1. Stop hating your body! 2. Choose the red bathing suit, not the black. 3. Be a cloud-watcher, not a clock-watcher. 4. Wear a Panama hat and big sunglasses. 5. Make Coppertone your signature scent. 6. Skinny-dip any chance you get. 7. Ride around with the windows down. 8. Be a surfer or date one. 9. Buy locally grown flowers. 10. Don’t run out of ice!
32 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
xoxonikki After what felt like a long winter slump, my brain woke up and wanted to party. I always forget that fallow periods happen for a reason, that a field that seems overworked and exhausted can be revived, that curiosity can make a comeback, that creativity doesn't have to result in a masterpiece, that changing your work venue can result in changing your viewpoint, that what we're looking for isn't always what's waiting to be found.
W h a t ’s k e e p i n g m e a w a k e a t n i g h t : Looking forward to:
Midsummer’s Eve magic The beach on a weekday Gazpacho & BLTs A solo road trip A little jogging with my walking Summer salads Wide-open windows Long, sun-streaked days
Re-imagining fridaville.com Planning political shenanigans House of Cards Reading Facebook posts Red-wine regrets Bedtime potions & lotions Searching for my nightguard Searching for my reading glasses Dietcidal Frosty cravings Fear of upcoming public speaking
W h a t ’s o n m y m i n d :
W h a t ’s o n m y i pa d :
I am jealous of:
I love the boards on Pinterest that illustrate a quote. This one is by Carrie Loves Design and you can buy the poster at Society6. I get overwhelmed by Pinterest, but I can’t deny I also get inspired. I want to learn how to make my own digital posters, so my new summer project is to learn more about Photoshop beyond Crop and Resize.
My state of mind has been boggled by the state I live in: 5th worst state to make a living in, 2nd worst graduation rate, 2nd worst in women killed by men, returning a man voted one of the worst governors in the u.S. to public office. At least there’s no place to go but up!
The BeST uSe oF
’s Moran n i l t i a C writing
GoodLife Key Tags threepotatofourshop.com
Note to self:
“What you become is what counts.” – Liz Smith
Must haves this month: The FastDiet… too good to be true?
“Aloha” by Kristi Ryba at Corrigan Gallery
The Graceless Age John Murry
Ancient Greek sandals
Nikki Hardin is the founder of skirt! Magazine and the co-founder of Project XX (projectxxsc.com). She blogs at fridaville.com. 34 june/july
2013 www.skirt.com
“VanJean’s sister boutique, Pout offers skin-care products and services that match the clothier’s high level of designer luxury. Drop in for a one-hour custom facial from in-house aesthetician, and keep the glow glowing with NARS lipsticks and a Chantecaille palette.” — Southern Living, September 2012
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