1 minute read

Tessher Feinberg – Night Approaches, Cristen Miller

Inspired by: Night Approaches by Cristen Miller

Tessher Feinberg (youth – age 12)

Gone to the Woods

Gone to the Woods; is the sunrise of deepest red, The lone moonbeam shining, across the lake, like a long-forgotten beam from a rundown lighthouse. While we all lie in bed, asleep under the stars, wrapped in blankets of warmth: waves of heat circling about us. A fisherman rises, and as daybreak approaches, he scrapes frozen crystals of ice from the cold, gray, frozen, river; to prepare for his loving family; a worthy meal. While he fishes the sun returns from its deep slumber piercing the sheets of ice with golden rays the frozen river cold and gray, sunshine; to melt the cold away. Gone to the Woods Gone… Gone… GONE… to the Woods. u

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