1 minute read

Harriet Freiberger – Game of Life, Richard H. Alexander

Inspired by Game of Life by Richard Alexander

Harriet Freiberger

Game of Life

Living cannot be a simple game to play. Much less to understand.

Rather, show to those who sneer with doubting scorn the canvas of this thing named Alife@

Let them hear its colors speak in human voices – reverberating sounds revealing brightness of tomorrows –through clarity of seeing what has come before in countless circlings of this earth around the burning fire that centers planetary orbit.

Centuries counted and recorded reveal the process –lands and waters; humans quarreling, taking, fighting until finally learning, seeing something more; stretching, reaching, growing out of frantic youthful eagerness toward and into building – fullness.

Chisels, planes, hammers, hatchets, pliers and screws stretching, reaching, teaching, building . . . walls and bridges, highways over lands and seas, powered travel extending into vastness of all that lies beyond and underneath and in between the hidden worlds yet soon to be discovered on the canvas of this thing named Alife.@

Words and colors speak to those who will become the tools to make it happen. What has been becomes a part of what will be.

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