1 minute read
Wendy Lind – King of the Wild Things, Ana Rose Bain
Inspired by King of the Wild Things by Ana Rose Bain
Wendy Lind
to my wildest, to my son
What is it you will do, with this wildness in you?
All that you started with, all that is true?
As you chose who you are and what it is you will do, beware that the gilded and golden are a valued misconstrue.
So too are the entitlements, the righteousness, the polite untruths, it will be these that lead to the ultimate loss – of you.
Instead, honor that what has been, is, and will always be, the truth in laws not made by men, but by the free.
Look to the untamed, the savage, the unbroken and askew, these are the few that will teach you what is you.
Eyes rimmed with white, in chase or flight, they are driven by simple wildness, a continuation of each dawn, until their final light.
Their battles earn adaptations for the next born, often between symbiotic foes, not for what is due, but for needs well worn.
Forever let their wildness ebb and flow through you. Reconstruct it. Go forward. Build a kindness and truth, Use all that wildness to be all the good that is woven through you. u