2 minute read


Farewell from a Friend

What a great tribute to Ron Dahlquist in your last issue of Steamboat Magazine! (“An Eye for Adrenaline,” Steamboat Magazine Mountain Edition 2021) Ron’s technical skills as a skier and photographer were obvious, but it was his “seeing” that mattered and his sensitivity to the nuances of light and the moment that set him apart. His image work for the ski area back in the late ‘70s and into the ‘80s was vital as we strove to build the brand and image of Steamboat from a regional ski area into a world class resort. Ron was not only a superb talent as a photographer but was also a warm and gracious person. It was always great to see Ron and his wife, Sharon, as they returned to Steamboat over the years. Ron and I would annually get together for lunch or beer and share tips and experiences as we talked photography. He will be sorely missed. – Rod Hanna, Steamboat Springs

Ron’s Legacy

While growing up in Steamboat, Ron Dahlquist was legendary, and every skier I knew wanted to work with him. Just a teenager, I would occasionally tag along on his photo shoots with an attempt to keep up. It wasn’t only about the skiing; it was the people, the cameras, the environment and the business. Ron was always so delightful and had this boundless energy while he was shooting. It was truly infectious. Unlike today, the pictures would not be seen for weeks and then months later in publications. Once they were in the public’s eye though, there was no denying who made the images. The color, the composition, the vitality, the joy and the storytelling were all Ron. Along with Sharon, it’s no wonder Ron loved Colorado and Hawaii (where I also tagged along), as they are each remarkable places for photography and for life. Fortunately, we still have the opportunity to experience the artwork he created, which ultimately reflects his vision of the world for all of us. – Nelson Carmichael, Steamboat Springs


Ron Dahlquist rides at the Steamboat Ski Area.

To Send Letters to the Editor:

Email: Dan@SteamboatMagazine.com; U.S. mail: P.O. Box 880616, Steamboat Springs, CO 80488

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