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16000 Hectares of Exclusive Estates 740 Birds to Observe 320 Species to Photograph

11 Years

A new way to enjoy nature

OUR VISION A famous slogan conceived by the world’s most important conservation company says: “Conservation without money is only conversation”. To me, this stands as an invitation to face this challenge, without any reference points guiding me. What I want to achieve is giving an economic value to nature and to make people aware that a meadow in blossom full of orchids and butterflies is worth more than a parking lot or than a warehouse. When Skua was launched in 2008, I would have never thought I was creating, in a matter of a few years, a really unique project. We actually haven’t discovered anything new, as there are dozens of reserve networks run by institutions or associations, but so far no one had really created a common denominator which could link even extremely different areas, which differ in terms of management and strategic targets. Landowners, conservation associations, public institutions, large protected areas and local companies, all working together for the creation of a new concept of nature tourism. The road we’ve made so far and the road ahead are all but easy; different visions and priorities, different countries with varied cultures and habits, are only a few of the challenges we face on a daily basis, in order to keep the control of the project and guarantee that every area is run and developed with the same technical and quality standards. Nonetheless, the results obtained in only three years suggest us that we have found the right key. The network we present here is the first step of a project on global scale, whose aim is to prove that, with the right technical skills, business vision, knowledge, passion and a dedicated team, it is possible to create or restore natural areas for nature tourism, that can self-sustain while producing a positive economic impact in the local territories and supporting conservation actions. All of this of course without causing even the slightest disturbance to habitats and species... Some kind of utopia? Come visit one or more of our reserves and you will find yourself immersed in an extremely real world, tailored for you,

Merce R. Romero

Massimiliano Biasioli SKUA Nature Group Managing Director




F. Rovedo

In 2008, we created SKUA Nature, a one-of-a-kind company that is dedicated to nature conservation with an extremely practical approach and with the purpose of creating true opportunities. Our vision is simple: we aim at creating economical activities through naturalistic tourism. These activities can create linked activities that are useful for the maintenance and preservation of smaller and bigger natural areas. Nowadays, the majority of the world’s natural areas is owned by someone who can almost do whatever he wants. Forests, steppe, humid areas are either maintained or destroyed according to the moment’s economic needs. In fact, explaining to a farmer or builder that the land they own should be protected, as they are rich with biodiversity, is extremely difficult, especially without a tangible reason that can justify any loss of profit they can derive from its exploitation. It is almost an impossible task. We started our job from this crucial point; we understood that natural areas which are protected by institutions have many allies, like parks and associations who take good care of them; this does not mean that they are safe from man’s gluttony for land and economic development, but they can surely have better chances for the future. The real battle is fought in the fields dedicated to intensive farming, deciduous forests and natural areas in which, for instance, hunting is seen as an economic resource. This is our starting point! For the past seven years, we have started working and investing together with far-sighted private owners in the construction of facilities that can generate linked activities and a turnover that can cover the handling costs of big natural areas, thus creating a positive trend for profit. Easier said that done, but this is exactly what we have developed in different European countries like Romania, Spain and Italy. We have conquered relevant goals after a mere 4 years from the beginning of the first projects, but we were not fully satisfied yet, as it represented a model that was still gaunt of numbers and variables in order to be seen as a tangible and practical example that could be implemented all over the world. From there, we started to try new and complex challenges outside of Europe. For this reason, two years ago we started inspecting and working on new areas in Central America and India. These are completely different economic, cultural and environmental realities compared to those we work with in Europe. New technical and logistic challenges that really put our personality and enthusiasm to the test, but today we can proudly say we made it!


F. Rovedo M. Biasioli

O. Diez

After two years’ work we are proud to present and inaugurate our network, that, for the first time, is complete and ready to welcome you in mesmerizing areas which we surely know will grace you with unique experiences. Hundreds of thousands of euros have been invested in lodgebuilding,photographichides,buyingtools,equipmentand hiringnewpersonnel.Agigantictaskthatwefacedwithout fear and thanks to the support of an unbelievable team. In fact, people working with us know the logistic difficulties and several sacrifices we sometimes have to face: remote areas, communication difficulties, different cultures that might sometimes clash if placed under the same roof and a long series of limits and limitations that a wide-spectrum project inevitably carries. Our team is well-knit, fierce, and extremelywillingtobuildanevenbiggernetworkthattruly can make a difference.

Our goal is important and ambitious: reaching a full economic sustainability of our projects even in countries that are less fortunate or not as sensitive to the environment issue, so that to create a model that can be replicated by many more companies like us around the world. Companies that can generate employment and economic opportunities for all those farmers and owners that nowadays still prefer to have the bears that live inside their land killed instead of letting them live safely, thus generating more profit thanks tonaturalistictourism.Wecannotchangepeople’smindset, but if we can create an economic leverage that can change the current trend, we are sure that more entrepreneurs will start looking at nature with a different set of eyes.

M. Biasioli

Now that we have crafted this dream, we will promote it and open its doors to the world. From now on, you can travel through three continents finding the same quality, welcome and professionalism that we developed and perfected in Europe throughout the years.

M. Biasioli

Howcanyouhelpusfulfillingthischallengingdream?Come see us!


THE NETWORK SKUA Nature gathers a wide global network of collaborations and projects related to nature tourism in 42 countries and 5 continents. Not only esclusive reserves but several birdwatching and nature photography proposals.Wecollaborateswithlocalpublicandprivate companies and ONG which are devoted to territorial development.



F. Rovedo






Countries where we work directly Countries with active projects and partnerns Countries where we organize Nature Tours with Ornitholidays





SKUA Nature Group has created and manages the first project of Nature Reserves entirely developed for and dedicated to Nature Tourism and Nature Photography. A new kind of offer, different from a simple itinerary in a destination or a photographic session in a hide, it’s a world entirely conceived and organised for nature lovers. Our team also works in different countries in the creation of nature itineraries for territorial enhancement, independentlyorincollaborationwith local agencies and authorities, so that to provide great birding and photographic expeditions in remote and evocative places with the support of the most experienced group in this field in Europe. From North to South, from East to West, the Network aims at including the best and exclusive nature areas of all Europe and more, to gather them and strengthen their preservation. A large Network, created to photograph and observe all the target species of the different countries and to have the opportunity to develop useful and concrete conservation and research actions to preserve these beautiful but fragile areas. ROMANIA ULTIMA FRONTIERA Dobrogea - Danube Delta

p. 81


New Delhi


CASCINA SPINOLA Piedmont - Province of Vercelli

p. 85

PO RIVER & RICE FIELDS Piedmont - Province of Vercelli

p. 88

VALLI DI ARGENTA Emilia Romagna - Po Delta area

p. 92

LA MANDRIA p. 96 Piedmont - Province of Turin





FINCA LA PARRILLA Extremadura - Monfrague N.P.

p. 98

LAS VIÑAS p. 102 Extremadura - Caceres Province

PORTUGAL MONTE BARATA p. 106 Portugal - Castelo Branco





Puerto Barrios





p. 114

R.N. FINCA LOS ANDES Atitlan Volcano

p. 118


p. 122

TORTUGARIO EL BANCO Pacific Coast - Monterrico

Coming soon

INDIA THE BAGH BHARATPUR Keoladeo N.P. - Rajasthan

p. 126

THE BAGH KANHA Kanha N.P. - Madhya Pradesh

p. 130

LATVIA WILD BALTICS p.110 Latvia - Latgale Region


16000 Hectares where we work every day 14 Nature Reserves 100PhotoHides

G. Rodriguez Coloma

... So far


MORE THAN ... 200 30000

Anincrediblenumberofspeciestophotographincomfortable newgenerationhides.Ineveryreserve,thankstoexpertguides, you can find information and advice to take amazing pictures oftargetspecies,aswellastophotographlessrequiredbutstill very interesting and particular species. Depending on the season, you can plan your experience and enjoy close encounters with your favourite species.


Bird species to watch

J. Zalig

Species to photograph

M. Steenhault - Wildpix


M. Premoli

People reached each year

S. Stignani

Photographers using our hides each month

M. Laynes

All our reserves are real natural paradises where every visitor is looked after and supported with professionalism and courtesy. Even if nature photography is a very important feature in our work, in all our areas we do also organize high levelbirdwatchingandwildwatchingtours.Ourreservesoffer the opportunity to easily observe rare species or species that are otherwise difficult to find.


C. Galliani

SKUA headquarters office is now open to the public! Located in Monferrato, among vineyards and woods of maples, hawthorns and oaks, it is an ancient house restored accordingtoPiedmonttypicalarchitecture.Thesurroundingfruittreesandendemicshrubs and trees species garden hosts birds of prey, woodpeckers and passerines, which can be spotted and photographed from the new dedicated hide. A drinking water pool is just in front of the hide, allowing to take pictures of the bathing birds at a very close distance. Among the others, Sparrowhawk, Green Woodpecker, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Cirl Bunting, White Wagtail, Common Redstart. Soon, a new hide will be dedicated to Common Buzzards and Kestrels, which usually fly over the valley where the garden is. Our staff will be more than happy to welcome you and to provide you with all the informations related to Innate Network reserves.

C. Galliani


ADDRESS Via Valle 4 15020-CastellettoMerli(AL)

M. Biasioli

F. Rovedo F. Rovedo

HIDE RESERVATION Monday-Friday 9.30am-1pmand3pm-8pm

F. Rovedo

OPENING TIME Monday-Friday 9.30am-1pmand3pm-7pm

C. Pedriali

CONTACTS +39 0141/918349



M. Premoli

M. Piacentino

C. Galliani








September October November December

Sparrowhawk Turtle Dove Green Woodpeacker Great Spotted Woodpeacker Dunnock Nightingale Redstart Song Thrush Blackcap Whitetroat Moltoni’s Warbler Melodious Warbler Firecrest Long-tailed Tit Chiffchaff Jay Brambling Goldfinch Greenfinch Siskin Hawfinch Yellow Hammer Cirl Bunting Worth Watching

The Best Month

F. Rovedo

Photo Worthy

Green Woodpecker, Sparrowhawk and many more typical Monferrato species



SKUA Nature takes care of you and rewards your loyalty!


You can enjoy huge savings on your photo tours and sessions until the end of 2019 by subscribing to SKUA Card Hides or SKUA Card Travels. YouwillhavethechancetogothroughtheentireSKUANatureworld(exclusivereserves,dedicatedphotohides,workshops, birdwatching and photo tours, shortbreaks) with huge discounts on each one of these activities. Don’t miss our biggest ever promotion, get rewarded!




- 100€ discount on every SKUA Nature weekly tour (Ornitholidays and INNATE Network)

- 5% discount on shorter tours - 10% discount on every photo session in our hides - Automatic free subscription to SKUA Card - Hides - SKUA gadjet Cost: 120€


SKUA Card - HIDES - 10% discount on every photo session in our hides - 50€ discount on every SKUA Nature weekly tour (Ornitholidays and INNATE Network)

- 5% discount on shorter tours - 40€ discount on the subscription to SKUA Card – Travels SKUA gadjets Cost: 50€



M. Biasioli

O. Diez

C. Mariela Lorenzo

C. Mariela Lorenzo

Arch. Fundaeco

WhereWater,EarthandFiremeettocraftthe perfectscenarioofatripinourexclusivereserves. Comewithusdiscoveringanextraordinaryplace that will surely conquer your heart.


Floating Hide

Electric Buggy Trail

Our Reserves are exclusive and unique places rich in wildlife, developed to offer all what a nature lover looks for and to make him/her enjoying a special experience in yet lesser known biodiversity hot-spots. The Network includes reserves in several countries and that helps you to observe or photograph the main target species of the area where these are located. The freedom that such places offer allows people to explore wild lands on their own with relaxing walkings or by electric cars, or accompanied by our expert guides searching for not only birds and mammals but also butterflies, dragonflies, amphibians, reptiles, plants, etc. In addition to top birding and wildlife experiences, a special feature of our reserves is the new concept of hide photography: not only a mere daily use of a hide, but an entire world developed for photographers, where to find vehicles ad hoc modified (as boat hides or buggy hides), expeditions outside the reserve to enrich even more the portfolio and observations of species and go deeply into the atmosphere of the location; accommodation inside the reserve, to share with a limited number of people and only with people that share the same passion, and specially trained guides to make the experience memorable... And of course an high number of photographic hides to meet every photographer’s requirement (from towers to partially buied hides, from floating hides to the ones at the level of the tree canopy, and much more...) 12

Lagoon Birdwatching Observatory

4x4 Excursion

Wild Cat Hide

Walking Trail

Dragonflies Platform Observatory

Conservation Action Rollers’ Nestbox


F. Rovedo

G. Bissattini

F. Rovedo

Merce R. Romero M. Ferrari



G. Khan

M. Steenhaut

O. Diez

O. Diez

Our will to improve constantly helped us to actualize unique and innovative experiences in Nature photography field. For instance, we have created nocturnal hides to watch and photograph sp cieslikeWildCat,Badger,BarnOwl,LittleOwl,GenetandBeachMartenwithout using barriers or remote control. In these hides, you can sit down enjoying the landscape view outside and ph tographingtheanimalswithoutanyadditionalinstruments,thankstothelighting system we have created. These are the first hides in the world where it is not a detector photographing animals, but YOU.


M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli


NOCTURNAL HIDE AVAILABLE IN OUR RESERVES ULTIMA FRONTIERA - Romania Wild Cat, Badger, Little Owl, Barn Owl, Racoon Dog LA PARRILLA - Spain Genet, Beech Marten CASCINA SPINOLA - Italy Little Owl LA MANDRIA - Italy Badger, Fox

COMING SOON IN 2018/2019 THE BAGH BHARATPUR - India Cat, Jungle Cat, Civets, Indian Crested Porcupine THE BAGH KANHA - India Fishing Cat, Jungle Cat, Civets MONTE BARATA - Portugal Genet, Beech Marten

O. Diez

LAS GUACAMAYAS - Guatemala Ocelot, Tayra


BE INSPIRED BY OUR ACTIVITIES Thanks to the INNATE project, SKUA Nature has created a network based on nature conservancy: after several years we are pleased to announce that the project is ready, and we can offer you the best of naturalistic experiences in 3 continents! In order to make it easily available, we decided, in the next pages, to divide everything (or almost) you can find in our reserves in seasons and months, pointing out the highlights in our opinion for tours, experiences or particular moments of biology and ethology of species. In here, you will find a list of the activities you cannot miss, on a naturalistic and photographic standpoint. Feel free to ask any info you may have at to have all the detailed programs or clarification for the activity that most interests you, or even to create a tailor made tour around the world!


17 123

M. Premoli

M. Biasioli

I. Maiorano

AUTUMN September, October & November

Enjoy our Network

C. Galliani

GUATEMALA - Migration Tour GUATEMALA - Sea Turtles GUATEMALA - Macro Photo Center

EUROPE 28 28 29

LATVIA & ESTONIA - Seaducks ROMANIA - Wildcat & Co. CROATIA - Bears SPAIN - Love is inthe air SPAIN - Dehesa by night ITALY - Wild West Alps

ASIA & MIDDLE EAST 20 21 22 23 30 31

OMAN - Secret Oman INDIA - Bharatpur & Kanha INDIA - Sarus Cranes INDIA - Bharatpur Hides

20 24 25 26

M. Laynes



OMAN - 27 October / 13 November 2019


I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

Enjoy the first wildlife safari of this country


SMEW & Sea ducks

M. Valentini


M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

Arctic species come to Baltic lands for their great lakes and bays as wintering area: this is a big chance to photograph some of the most fascinatingspeciesinbiggroupslikesmews,mergusesandlong-tailducks. Aboard especially equipped boats, we will get closer to them from a stunningwaterlevelperspective.Thiswillallowtocatchthemostbeautiful pictures.

I. Maiorano

This trip will lead us to the discovery of South Oman, a country that shortly becameoneofthemostappreciatedforitsbreathtakinglandscapesandforitsgreat hospitality towards visitors. This land holds surprises for all nature lovers, thanks to its peculiar geographical position. In fact, its location between Africa and Asia shows in its diversified fauna, integrated in this season by migrators.

O. Diez

F. Rovedo

Autumn is mammal season at Ultima Frontiera! Aside from jackals, which can be photographed all year round, this season brings the possibility to photograph the wild cat from our hide. Thanks to a specific artificial light, you can photograph a confident male in its natural behavior fromeverydistance.Youcantryanythingyoudesire:from close-upstofull-bodyimages,withorwithoutaflashunit. If this was not enough, this is the best season to watch raccoondogsfromthesamehide.Duringautumnseason, these curious animals strive for food, as they get ready for hibernation.


Badgers, Raccon Dogs & Allies M. Premoli

ROMANIA - October & November 21


I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

Starting from Salalah, it is possible to plan a different excursion each day: we will find stunning oasis where desert birds come to drink, deep rocky abysses and canyons where incense trees grow and where we will get close to rare species, harder to find anywhere else. We will walk alongside sandy beaches alternated bywetlands,cliffsoverlookingtheseaandwewillevenenjoyanexcitingboattrip while looking for sea birds and cetaceans.There’s more: we will even get our feet wet by snorkeling in the warm water of the Indian Ocean among colorful fish.

We can also live an unforgettable weekend experience in our specific hides for bear photography. These hides also allow the observation of goshawks, woodpeckersandmartens.Suchplantigradesbehold a leading role as they spend a lot of time close to the hides seeking for any kind of food, while they prepare for the long hibernation. We won’t miss a chance with 3 photographic hides for this extremely lively species. From these spots located in dense beechwoods and magically colored by autumn’s warm tones, we can admire these massiveanimalswhileclimbingtreesorenjoyingmoments of relaxation in the ponds. One hide even allows us to catch bears looking for food in the mountains. Moreover, light changes throughout the day give us the opportunity to get different styles of pictures: some hides allow photos both with a classic light and with a creativebacklightwhichenhancesthethickcoatofthe Lord of the forest.

Project in Collaboration with Fotonatur

J. Zalig


before hibernation

Merce R. Romero

I. Maiorano

O. Diez


CROATIA - October & November




From an arboreal hide furnished with artificial lighting, we can photograph the wonderful genet together with some beech martens. At the drinking level, these animals will be in the best perspective for our photo, between reflections and light effects.

In a hide situated among red rocks and green oaks, you can see hundreds of cinereousandgriffonvulturesswooping in front of us. A place for all kinds of lens, with very close-range actions thanks to a drinking poll close to the hide. This and much more in the heart of the Monfrague National Park.

In the diversified landscapes of La Parrilla, red deer wander in small groups. They can be photographed in motion, from one of the many hides located in key locations that will give us the best perspective.

SPAIN & ITALY - October

LOVE is in the Air! Rutting season starts



African summers and polar winters havebeenshapingtherockymountain rangesofthisland,creatingenchanted valleys covered with wide oak forests andbloomingmeadows.Thisextremely beautiful land made of suggestive landscapesthatcanbephotographed from every corner, goes by the name of Extremadura.

Among the red and golden oak leaves, in an mix of colors and autumn fruits, we will have the chance of capturing dozens of passerines in the warm reflections of our water ponds.Take your pictures with autumn colors!

M. Lorenzo

Merce R. Romero

M. Piacentino


G. Bissattini

The love chant of deer lifts up high in the morning breeze.Ifyouwishtowitnessthisoccurrence,wesuggest two unmissable destinations. The first is in the heart of the Monfrague Park inside our La Parilla reserve. Here, in dusty arenas where males fight for females’approval, are located some of our hides. We can comfortably observe and photograph the intense fights of red deer from the perfectperspective.Thesecondlocationissituatedclose to the city ofTurin inside La Mandria Regional Park. Here, majesticmaleswillcompeteamongclearings,woodsand streams: an event we can witness from our hides, strategicallypositionedinordertoguaranteedifferentsettings and lighting conditions. This will also be the perfect way to meet fallow deer and wild boars.


INDIA - October & November


I. Khan

During the Autumn season, the big nesting colony of water birds starts to disperse in natural areas with very confident youngling followed by adults at a short distance. Local fauna becomes enriched of migratory species, among which we can find raptors like the wonderful Imperial, Steppe and Greater Spotted Eagle, which make excursions full of surprises. During these excursions, we cannot forget about the Queen of the forest. During this season, water becomes extremely scarce and tigers feel very attracted by it in order to satisfy their drinking and bathing needs. This makes them easier to watch. Limited vegetation will allow better possibilities to photograph various ungulates and above all the great Gaur. Don’t miss this experience! Enjoy it fully in our reserves between hides and tour excursions in the course of ten unforgettable days.


Merce R. Romero

M. Steenhaut/Wilpix

M. Steenhaut/Wilpix

S. Widstrand

Autumn Breeding Season Tour


INDIA - From October

SARUS CRANES Sarus Cranes & Co.

M. Apollo

M. Steenhaut/Wilpix

M. Steenhaut/Wilpix

Autumn is breeding season for the elegant Sarus Crane who, busy in its mating displays in the green Indian grassland, lets himself be seen upcloseduringdedicatedexcursionswithlocal guides. Among males’ parades and couple’s chants, we will surely catch many great occasions for exciting photos.


M. Biasioli

I. Khan


An Open Day to inaugurate the first photo hide in India: The Bagh of Bharatpur! An event to celebrate the opening of the INNATE Asia project to the public!

M. Biasioli

The opening of the first hides in India INDIA - November 25

M. Apollo

C. Galliani

C. Galliani

INDIA - October & November



I. Khan

You will find the first 7 hides of India in a historic garden that surrounds a wonderful 4-star hotel.These hides will entertain you 24 hours a day with Indian fascinating species. Imagine you are in arboreal watering and buried hides with views over wet areas or in the middle of orchards. Hides are equipped with supplementary lights and flash stations.


C. Galliani

I. Khan

M. Apollo

in Autumn

In this period, the migratory species enrichtheexistingfaunamakingitone of the best for birds photography and above all of the Nectariniidae: you can easilyphotographthemwhiletheyare feeding off flowers.

INDIA - From November 2019 26

M. Apollo

First Indian Photo Hides

M. Valentini

Merce R. Romero

M. Apollo



Autumn is one of the best times for observing real owls, even during the day.Oftentheyarestandingamongbig colonies of nesting herons and storks.

It will be possible to photograph this splendidcormorantwithdifferentlight and perspective conditions during excursions through the park.

PHEASANT-TAILED JACANA Some couples of this elegant bird are present in the national park. They are easilyobservablefromautumntoearly spring.

GUATEMALA - From October to November

DISCOVER THE CARIBBEAN SEA From Guatemala to Belize by Boat

M. Biasioli

M. Laynes

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli


Thanks to our boat we will sail from the Bay of Amatique to the southern atolls of Belize. You can enjoy several days’excursions in order to discover the wildest part of the Caribbean Sea. We could stay in small but picturesque huts on the semi-uninhabitedislets,whicharevisitedonlybyahandfulofpeopleeachyear.In suchexclusivesiteswecoulddiscovertheauthenticnatureoftheCaribbean:dolphins will accompany us while we sail the waves, colorful fish will surround you thankstooursnorkelingsessionsinluxuriantcoralreefsandduringnavigationwe will be able to offer food to pelagic birds in migration.They are numerous during this season in the atolls that they use as a stopping point. The stars of these trips areundoubtedlytheFrigatebirds,PelicansandGannets,whichcangetveryclose, allowing you spectacular photos.


M. Biasioli

A. Novales

M. Laynes

M. Biasioli

O. Diez

A new macro photography center has been developed in our reserve so that, thanks to our specialized guides, we can closely photograph the typical minor fauna of the area suchasinsects,reptilesandamphibians.Amongthereptiles we could also photograph some vipers including the famous Barba Amarilla (Bothrops atrox) and the Manos de Piedra (Atropoides nummifer), but also tarantulas and scorpions.

Every year populations of endangered sea turtles return to lay their eggs at the turtle hatchery at el Banco on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala. Join this expedition to contribute to the conservation of endangered sea turtles in Guatemala, and develop a deeper appreciation for wildlife, and connect with your true nature. Located in the community of el Banco on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala, Estaciรณn Biolรณgica el Banco is a community-based biological research station.

Arch. Indigo Exp.

Sea Turtles Conservation

Arch. Indigo Exp.


GUATEMALA - October & November 28

Arch. Indigo Exp.

M. Biasioli

Project in Collaboration with INDIGO Expeditions

GUATEMALA - October & November


M. Laynes

Las Escobas Green Caribbean


M. Laynes

M. Laynes

M. Laynes

Autumn Migration

The particular geographical position of Guatemala makes it a must for the North-South migrations of the American birdlife. Our reserves, placed from the Caribbean Sea to the Andes, will allow to fully enjoy this phenomenal moment on a dedicated tour. We will move across these areas, also with excursions through the jungle, to be able to observe a wide number of species in a few days. We are talking about a journey not only for birdwatchers but also for photographers. In fact, migratory birds are very present in feeder of our hides, they find food and refuge during their journey and allow us to photograph them in


GUATEMALA - October & November

SPAIN - From October


O. Diez

O. Diez

Nocturnal Photo Workshops

Cool autumn evenings are the best moment to try your hand at night photography and Monfrague provides a great opportunityforthis.Clearskiesandverylittlelightpollutionallow exceptional pictures of the Milky Way.

M. Piacentino

G. Bissattini

C. Galliani


O. Diez

O. Diez

Our night will not only be full of stars, but we can actually use somehidesspecificallydevelopedtophotographgenetsand beech martens, which are particularly active in the first half of the night.




The migration of the waders offers excellent possibilities to take fantastic photo from the various photographic hides of the reserve, in the period from mid-August to the end of September. Thanks to several partner structures you can easily organize a weekend and use more hides.

DuringautumnseveralBadgersattend the hide looking for food while they prepare themselves for the harsh winter. The hide, equipped with artificial lighting, will allow us to take pictures even without the use of flashes. They are now extremely confident and constant and will guarantee an excellent experience.

For the sparrowhawk, this water pond is the favorite place for a bath in the Argenta Valleys. We can comfortably wait for this predator inside our hide, from where we will have a privileged point of shooting for this animal, between water sprays and suggestive reflections.

Merce R. Romero

G. Bissattini Merce R. Romero G. Bissattini

Come on a journey that will lead you from the Po valleys to the slopes of the Alps for an excursus on the Italian fauna through breathtaking snowy landscapes. We can photograph a wide number of animal species in the best conditions thanks to the latest generation of hide and expert guides. We can photograph from the small WaterRail in the reedbeds to the Ibex on the cliffs, togetherwiththeGreenWoodpecker,Sparrowhawk,Chamois,Badgers,Foxes, Cirl Bunting, the Crested Tit and many others!


Winter Photography tour between Italy and Switzerland

M. Premoli


G. Bissattini

ITALY - November

C. Galliani

AUTUMN COLORED BUZZARDS When autumn warms up all the colors of the woods, it is the best moment to takebuzzardspictures,withnicebackgroundsmatchingwiththeirfeathering.


Merce R. Romero

WINTER December, January & February

Enjoy our Network

AMERICAS 42 42 43 43

ROMANIA - Winter Expedition BULGARIA - Black Sea Coast GREECE - Kerkini Lake SPAIN - Extremadura Winter Tour SPAIN - Iberian Lynx SPAIN - Raptors in Winter ITALY - Monferrato in Winter LATVIA - Wild Baltic Inauguration ESTONIA - Lynx Tracking LANZAROTE - BW & Photo Tour

ASIA & MIDDLE EAST 34 34 35 36 36 36 37 38 38 39

INDIA - Jungle Cat INDIA - Winter Tours INDIA - Street Photography INDIA - Eagles Time

39 40 40 41

M. Biasioli

O. Diez

Merce R. Romero

GUATEMALA - Deep Jungle GUATEMALA - Pacific Coast GUATEMALA - Birdwatching Tours GUATEMALA - Caffè Collecting



ROMANIA - February


Merce R. Romero

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

The coldest time in the Danube Delta

BULGARIA - February C. Galliani


M. Biasioli

Red Breasted Geese Expedition


Red-breasted Geese can be found around the Durankulak and Shabla lakes in North-East Bulgaria. It is a spectacular species you cannot see anywhere else. Moreover, we are going to see about 80 more species, as the Lesser White-fronted Goose, Pygmy Cormorant, Long-legged Buzzard, Rough-legged Buzzard, White-tailed Eagle, Hen Harrier, possible Saker Falcon, the Mustached Warbler and many others.

Merce R. romero

M. Biasioli

F. Rovedo M. Biasioli

When temperatures drop, life in the Danube Delta changes totally: not only do ice and snow alter the landscape, but they also force men and animals to adjust their habits, adapting to Mother Nature. Following Nature’s teachings, we decided to adjust our tours, by taking you to the famous destination Ultima Frontiera in a whole new season! During wintertime, many species leave such areas, but nonetheless we can meet extremely fascinatinganimalsthatletmengetclosermoreeasilyinthisseason,thankstoexcursionsand hide sessions. Thisway,besidesphotographingjackalsintheirthickwintercoats,seaeaglesandwoodpeckers, we will also have the chance of watching other species like the Otter, the Great Bittern, the RaccoonDogandtheBadgertogetherwithbeautifulpasserinessuchasHawfinches,Bearded Reedlings and Long-tailed Tits in the soft and magical winter atmosphere.

7 persons

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli


Merce R. Romero

Best period to photograph Otter and Great Bittern

This is an enchanted lake that allows getting incredibly close to the big Dalmatian Pelicans. Aboard small fishing boats, we will cross the freezing waters until we reachclosertothepelicansinfullbreedingfeathering:astunningcontrastwiththe surrounding environment. Pelicans will get so close that we recommend the use of wide-angle lenses.

M. Biasioli


Dalmatian Pelicans Extension GREECE - February


SPAIN - February

EXTREMADURA February in Extremadura is a special month, in which many species start their territorial behavior, while others are still coming out of hibernation.The landscape is green and rich in flowers while temperatures start being pleasant and more typical of advanced spring. Starting from our exclusive reserve of Parrilla, at the heart of the Monfrague National Park, the tour foresees sessions inside our photographic hides for observation and close up photography of avvoltoi and passeriformi della dehesa, and excursions in areas like the steppe di santa marta, arrocampo and the broad esplanade of holm oaks in which thousands of Cranes find food and shelter in winter. Among the target species of this tour, the Spanish Imperial Eagle, Great Bustard, Little Bustard, Crane, Bonelli’s Eagle, Genet, Eagle Owl, Black -Winged Kite and the Iberian Shrike.

M. Mendi

Merce R. Romero

M. Biasioli

Winter wildlife Tour


I. Maiorano

SPAIN - January & February

During winter, many Red Kites go overwintering in the Acheuche area; in addition, this is the only site in Europe where Egyptian Vultures overwinter, with dozens of specimens grouping. So, this is the best moment to use our hides in Las Vinas, specific for these two species!

RAPTORS IN WINTER Red Kites & Voltures at Las Viñas SPAIN - From December 36

A tour based on observing the country’s most endangered mammal, the Iberian Lynx: a combinedbirdingandmammalholiday.Beingit a feline in the wild it cannot be 100% guaranteed we will see it but chances are high! The bird life in this area of rolling mountains and hills is also interesting with the Spanish Imperia Eagle, Griffons, the Hawfinch and many others.

Merce R. Romero

Merce R. Romero

Sierra de Andujar

M. Biasioli

M. Mendi M. Mendi M. Mendi

M. Premoli

M. Premoli


In Monferrato, water is always considered as precious goods, even more so in winter. For this reason, our drinking hidebecomesareferenceformanyspecies.This way, we can photograph Bramblings, Buntings andGoldfinchesinfreezingsettings,whilecomfortably staying inside our heated hide.

M. Premoli

Winter Opportunities

M. Premoli


M. Premoli

ITALY - From December to February



Merce R. Romero

F. Rovedo

F. Rovedo

We are organizing four Open Days for the start of the Wild Baltic project. It has been developed over the years with many collaborators, which will allow you to get closer to the animals of Northern Europe. Don’t miss the chance to visit our new hides and learn about the opportunities they offer.

F. Rovedo

Four open days to discover an extraordinary winter destination

M. Biasioli

LATVIA - January

ESTONIA - February

LYNX TRACKING Winter Expedition

Merce R. Romero

A new experience for winter tours is Lynx Tracking, a specific winter activity that allows the observation of thelynxthroughthesnowyEstonianforests.Thanksto expert guides, we will venture into the natural habitat of these big felines in a series of excursions that, by followingtheirfootprintsonthesnow,willleadusuntil we get closer to these elusive felines.


LANZAROTE - February

BW & PHOTO TOUR Houbara Display Tour

L. Ercoli

L. Ercoli

L. Ercoli

VisitingtheisolatedCanaryIslandswewillwalkthroughvaried habitats,sculptedbyvolcaniceruptionsandunceasingoceanic winds. These features gave origins to a big set of plants and animals, also endemic, unique in the world. Among various species we can observe Fuerteventura Stonechat, Atlantic Canary, Blue Chaffinch, Bolle’s and Laurel Pigeon. In addition, in the islands we can find a great population of Houbara Bustards and with a little luck we can witness the wonderful parades of these animals.


Sets the night on Fire

M. Steenhaut - Wilpix

M. Steenhaut - Wilpix


Wheneverythingisquiet,theJungleCatand the Indian Civet Cat silently arrive in the hide. The hide equipped with specific artificial lighting will allow you to take sensational pictures of the jungle’s predators, even in the dead of night.

S. Widstrand

A. Khan

INDIA - November 39

M. Steenhaut - Wilpix

M. Steenhaut - Wilpix

INDIA - From December until February


Tigers & Wintering Birds

INDIA - During Winter Tours


Through Indian Cities and Villages

M. Biasioli

Streets of India are among the best places for Street Photography and by visiting them wecannothelpbutbefascinated.Fromsmall dusty country roads to busy urban streets, our shots will fill up with vibrant colour of Indianlifewhilecapturingthedailybeautyof this sub-continent.


A. Khan M. Steenhaut - Wilpix

A. Khan

I. M. Steenhaut - Wilpix A. Khan

During this season, water becomes extremely scarce and Tigers feel very attracted by it in order to satisfy their drinking and bathing needs. This makes them easier to watch. Even if many birds have already finished their breeding season, this is a great moment to observe Sarus Cranes busy in their breeding parades.Inaddition,localfaunaisenrichedbymigratoryspecies,amongthose a great number of birds of prey. Don’t miss this experience! Enjoy it fully in our reserves between hides and tour excursions in an unforgettable trip.

INDIA - From December to February



At Keoladeo NP, December to February is the best moment to observe a great number of overwinteringeaglesafewmetres from the streets of the park. We can,infacts,photographImperial, Steppe, Booted, Greater Spotted and Bonelli’s Eagle in different lighting conditions and angles.

M. Steenhaut - Wilpix

A. Khan

A. Khan

Wintering Eagles in Bharatpur


GUATEMALA - December/January


Camera Trapping Tour

M. Biasioli

An unusual photographic activity, basedonseekinggreatfelines,through Cloudy Forest in dry season. With excursions in the sites daily visited by pumas and jaguars, we will utilize camera-traps and infrared barriers to photograph these elusive animals in a tour dedicated to the exploration and research in the wildest Guatemala

GUATEMALA - January & February



O. Diez

Along the coast of the Pacific Ocean, discovering the differenthumidareasandestuariesofsmallrivers,where we organize boat excursions that will allow us to photograph species like the Brown, Green Heron, Reddish Egret,Tricolored Heron, Pelican, Black Skimmer, Osprey, kingfishers and many waders up close.

Merce R. Romero

C. Galliani

O. Diez

Boat Rivers Excursions

M. Laynes

M. Laynes


M. Laynes

M. Biasioli

Birdwatching tour throughout Guatemala, through various habitats in the most fascinating corners of the country looking for endemic and rare species of Central America.

Through Guatemala … Birds and Hummingbirds

M. Biasioli

In Los Andes reserve, many local families still dedicate themselves to traditional coffee harvest on the slopes of the Atitlàn Volcano, an activity by now handed down by generationsandgenerations.Autumn months, dedicated to harvesting, are the best in order to make photographic reports of this long traditionwithwonderfulbackground given by the Volcano.


M. Biasioli

GUATEMALA - October & November

On the Atitlàn Volcano

GUATEMALA - October & November

O. Hazard


Merce R. Romero

SPRING March, April & May

Enjoy our Network

GUATEMALA - Spring Photo Tour 60 GUATEMALA - Photography in Tikal 60 GUATEMALA - Caribbean Seabirds 61

LATVIA/NORWAY - Photo Exp. NORWAY - Varangerfjord LATVIA & ESTONIA - Migration LATVIA & ESTONIA - Owls LATVIA - Spring Photo Tour ITALY - Wild West Alps SPAIN - Monfrague & Donana PORTUGAL - Monte Barata SPAIN - Spring Photo Tour ROMANIA - Spring Tour ROMANIA - Hydro Hides Weeks ROMANIA - May in Danube Delta ITALY - Hides Tour ITALY - Wild West Alps CROATIA - Bears after winter

ASIA & MIDDLE EAST 46 48 48 48 49 31 50 50 51 56 56 57 62 62 63

OMAN - Full Oman INDIA - Spring Tour

58 59

I. Maiorano


Merce R. Romero






Merce R. Romero I. Maiorano

M. Valentini

M. Biasioli

Merce R. Romero

Starting from Ivalo, we head North to visit Norway, a land still frozen among winter snow. By travelling between fjords and islands, we will meet amazing arctic species like the King of Eiders and Steller’s Eider, the Iceland Gull, Siberian Jay and Tits, Hawk Owls, Puffins, Reindeers and so on. After the exploration of the deep North we will start going South through Finland; here we will get in touch with the predators of the boreal forests. We will get closer to fascinating species, like the Golden Eagle, the Goshawk and Black Grouses, but we will also search for the majestic Great Grey Owl through the huge forests of this country. From there, we will fly to the Baltic countries, where winter has already given its way to spring. Here, we will discover species that are starting their migration towards North. In the Estonian harbors, we will meet beautiful Long-tailed Ducks. Heading towards Latvia, we will find Roe Deer, Cranes, Whooper Swans, Taiga Bean Geese and Whitefronted Geese at one click away, before getting to our reserve where White-tailed Eagles, White-backed, Middle Spotted and Greyheaded Woodpeckers, Buzzards, Foxes and Raccoon Dogs will end an unforgettable 17-days’ trip.

Merce R. Romero

M. Biasioli

Merce R. Romero

The GREAT Winter Photo Expedition

Batsfjord Vardo


M. Terenzi


Arctic Circ le

A journey through countries and seasons to discover Northern Europe and its most fascinating species! Thankstophotographicalsafaris,hide sessions and boat excursions we will get closer to both arctic species and migratoryspringonescrossingLatvia, Estonia, Finland and Norway.


Merce R. Romero

M. Libra




Tallin Apsalu



M. Piacentino



A few days of photography that will leave you with great results! In winter, we will have the possibility of meeting White-tailedEagles,Buzzards, White-backed and Middlespotted Woodpeckers, Black Grousesbusyintheirbreeding parades and Raccoon Dogs inlands, but also long-tailed ducks and smews in the bays. This experience will be provided by our comfortable hides and lodging in typical Guest Houses.



Enjoying the wonders of Latvia LATVIA & ESTONIA - March/April 47


VARANGERFJORD Winter Photo Expedition

Merce R. romero

M. Valentini

Merce R. Romero

WeofferyouanunusualVarangerfjord!Inanenvironmentstillcoveredwithsnowandice,inwhichnights are blazed by wonderful polar lights, we will get closer to typical arctic species like the King of Eiders and Steller’sEider,Long-tailedDucks,SiberianJays,Puffins,BlackandBrunnich’sGuillemotsinatourthatalternates hide sessions, photographic safaris and boat trips with expert guides. This will provide for unique and memorable experiences in a completely undiscovered Varangerfjord.

I. Maiorano



Geese, Seaducks and Swans

F. Rovedo

In this season, Baltic countries’ damp areas and lawns are occupied by hundreds of migratory species. Thanks to specific excursions, we will get closer to these huge storlings, meetingTaiga Bean Geese, White-fronted Geese but also Cranes, Whooper Swans and, with a bit of luck, also Tundra Swans whichtendtomigrateinmixedgroups together with the other two European species.

Come visit the immense Latvian forests with our excursions. We will look for the silent predators of the woods. Together with local guides, we will venture in the redfirwoodslookingforfascinatingUralOwls,thesmallPygmyandTengmalm’s Owl. We will also get the chance to meet Black, Three-toed and White-backed Woodpeckers in the habitats of the great ungulates like the Moose, the Deer and the Roe Deer.

In the Land of the Owl


C. Galliani M. Piacentino



Merce R. Romero

M. Biasioli

Merce R. Romero

Merce R. Romero Merce R. Romero





The end of winter is a great moment to meet boreal fauna. Local species are still bound to the few areas of feeding, facilitating the observation of Foxes, Racoon Dogs and Martens but also of birds of prey like the White-tailed Eagle, the Golden Eagle, the Buzzard and the Sparrow. Black Grouses and Capercaillie start their activity in the leek, making these weeks particularly attractive for photography. You can’t miss this chance!

F. Rovedo

M. Biasioli

M. Ravasini

M. Biasioli

Boreal Mammals and Birds

I. Maiorano M. Mendi C. Galliani

Merce R. Romero


Bee-eater, Kingfisher & Dehesa Birds PORTUGAL - April & May 50

M. Laynes

Merce R. Romero M. Piacentino

The new Monte Barata reserve, which will open at the beginning of the year, will be fully active in the months of April and May with hides dedicated to different species of the Dhesa. Among the best guests stars we will find Beeeater, Kingfisher and also a muladar fromwhichyoucanphotographallthe vultures of the Iberian peninsula.

M. Mendi

M. Biasioli

Monfrague & DoĂąana

This tour will make us know two of the most famous natural areas of Spain. Coto of DoĂąana includes a wonderful habitat that alternatesopenwaters,rushesandsanddunes. The other site is the beautiful Monfrague Park where Dhesa meets Mediterranean scrub.Thosetworichenvironmentalcomplex will allow us to observe species like Spanish Imperial Eagle, Purple Swamphen, Azurewinged Magpie, Red-necked Nightjar, Black Vulture, Griffon, Black Stork, Grat and Little Bustard and many others.

Merce R. Romero


I. Maiorano

SPAIN - March

Merce R. Romero

L. Nunez

A sensational tour dedicated to the photography of the most emblematic species of the dehesa extremena. Starting from the wonderful reserve of Parrilla, at the heart of the Monfrague National Park, we will have the chance to utilize daily and nightly photographic hides for species like the Black Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Griffon Vulture, Black Kite, Genet and Beech Marten and many passerines species like Blue Rock Thrush and Hawfinch. Photographic excursions in the areas surrounding the national park will also be set up during the week, while we look for the Great and Little Bustard, Black Stork, Black-Winged Kite, Lesser Kestrel, Roller, Bee-Eater and many others.




L. Nunez


M. Premoli

SPAIN - April & May

SPAIN - From March to May


Discover the best Extremadura

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

Our local guides are enthusiastic to take you, starting from the Parilla, in the heart of the Monfrague Park to the most evocative and interesting places for fauna of the Extremadura . You can visit the Monroy, Santa Marta, Arrocampo and La Serena steppes in addition to the Monfrague park.

You can find yourself a few meters from impressive Griffons and BlackVulturessimplybystayinginourExtremadurahide.Youwillsee them drinking and eating in front of you. So even bring just a“short” lens with you because them can be very close! This is also a great time to photograph so many other birds in the Spanish Dhesa.


Raptor hides in La Parrilla and Las Viñas

Merco R. romero

Merco R. romero

Merco R. romero


SPAIN - From March




As the temperatures rise, the activity increases in the drinking. Do not miss theexperienceofmeeting23different bird species in a single photo session, drinkingandbathing,fromthehidesof Las Vinas.

One of our muladars, with its Kites and Vultures, stands out by our tower hide. This will lead us to the perfect perspective to photograph the air stunt of Spanish’s raptors just a few meters from our cameras. Don’t miss the chance to photograph the Black andEgyptianVulturewithbeautifuland soft backgrounds.

Orphean Warbler is with no doubts one of the most interesting species that frequent the hides of the reserve. Its presence is almost guaranteed and active from April up to the end of August.

SPAIN - From March

ORCHIDS 20 species in one day

Merco R. romero

You can photograph and observe more than 20 species of orchids in a single day with our expert guides in the Park of Monfrague, that it’s close to our reserve LaParilla..Furthermoreyoucandiscover someendemismssuchasthewonderful Matalascañas too.

SPAIN - April & May

IBERIAN IBEX Sierra de Francia

C. Galliani

M. Biasioli

From our exclusive hide you can getallthedifferentvibrantshades of the Blue Rock Thrush. What are you waiting for? Don’t miss the chancetophotographthisanimal at close range, between branches and red rocks in which the intense blue plumage will stand out.

Blue Rock Thrush SPAIN - April & May

T. D’Arcangelo


You could venture into our excursions aimed at looking for the majestic Iberian Ibex in the jagged Sierra de Francia.This animal can only be found in Spain, between cliffs and slopes where you can photograph it in beautiful landscapes.


RAPTORS CLOSE UP From this hide, we can capture all the expressions of various Spanish raptors in sensational portraits. Don’t miss the opportunity to get closer to these animals in excellent light, thanks our special hide.


SPAIN - April


I. Maiorano I. Maiorano

M. Biasioli

I. Maiorano


Youcouldjoincharacteristicexcursionstogetherwithour local guides in the Dhesa looking for the magnificent Iberian amphibian, which this season are very active between ponds and water wells. During warm April evenings we could photograph species such as Sharp-ribbed Newt, Bosca’s Newt, Marbled Newt, Iberian Midwife Toad, Western Spadefoot Toad, Natterjack Toad and Stripeless Tree Frog.

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

Nocturnal Photo Workshops




From the half of April, Ultima Frontiera is a magical place for observation and photography of dragonflies. Tens of species are reporter in the reserve’s check-list. According to the season, it is possible to observe rare species like the Dark Spreadwing, Black Pennant

When spring comes, the internal lakes of the Danube delta change into a magical scenery for landscape photography. Wide areas covered in waterlilies,channelsmadeofcenturold vegetation and old woods growing on fossildunes willserve as splendid ideas.

Ultima Frontiera is the ideal place in which to observe and photograph manyinsectsandasmallfauna,thanks to our naturalistic guides. Moths, Mantids,Spiders,AcquaticBeatlesand much more are waiting for you.

I. Maiorano L. Boscain I. Maiorano I. Maiorano

You could go out in the spring evenings looking for he marvelous amphibians of the Danube delta, always together with our guides. This is the season where begin to be very active in the whole reserve. In the evenings we could photograph species like Danube Crested Newt, Fire Bellied Toad, Common Spadefoot Toad, Green Toad, Eastern Tree Frog.


I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano


D. Giuliani

Macro Photography in Danube Delta



M. Biasioli

C. Pedriali

The beginning of the Season!

F. Rovedo


ROMANIA - April & May


Enjoy Danube Delta Through Low Perspective We will spend a week in full contact with nature thanks to our Hydro Hide! We have started a collaboration with Mr. Jan in order to provide a new experience at Ultima Frontiera. We will be able to use his new equipment to approach animals without barriers in the best low level prospective. Everything we need is in the reserve, we only have to worry about carrying our camera!


L. Nuñez

C. L. Galliani Nuñez

Project in Collaboration with MR JAN Gear

M. Premoli

M. Premoli

F. Rovedo F. Rovedo

O. Diez

C. Galliani


Fromdifferenthidesandthrough manyexcursions,youcanwitness the most romantic moment of animallife.Featheringsareattheir outmostbrilliance,malestendto bring gifts to their mates right in the roosts, a few meters close to the photographic workstations, giving us unforgettable shots.

M. Premoli

With the arrival of migrators, “Ultima Frontiera� reserve opens its doors to all intrepid photographers who want to live a full experience in nature. We could explore the Danube delta in every corner in a week. We will observe White-tailed Eagle and Jackals from the hide still wearing their thick winter hair. We will organize expeditions to photograph Black Woodpecker while digging its nests and we could take pictures of White Pelicans carrying the orange horn during our boat excursion.We will approach waders and Redfooted Falcon during our safaris on the steppes and we will watch many BeardedReedlingandKingfishersbusyontheircourtshipsamongthereeds. This and much more will wait for you in that naturalistic paradise called Ultima Frontiera!


M. Laynes

Early Breeding Season


OMAN - March


I. Maiorano A. Khan I. Maiorano


A. Khan

M. Apollo

M. Valentini

I. Khan

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

AwonderfuladventurediscoveringOman:destinationforbirdwatchingandphotography.Ourunique itinerary has been tailored thanks to different on-site inspections that allowed us to discover unique locationsofthisfascinatingandsafecountryofArabiathatcanofferamazingphotographicopportunities. From the Northern rocky deserts to the wild coasts of the South where we will photograph species like the Red BilledTropicbird, Brown Booby, Jouanin’s Petrel, Persian Shearwater, the Masked Booby. On the ground, on the other hand, we will watch and photograph several eagles in hibernation like the Great Spotted Eagle, Steppe’s Eagle and Eastern Imperial Eagle, in addition to the many endemic species or typically situated in the South. This tour will satisfy both photographers and expert birdwatchers.

I. Maiornao

From North to South

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

INDIA - March & April

A. Khan

A. Khan

I. Maiorano A. Khan

A. Khan

You could partecipate in a photo tour from north to south of India in two of the areas of great naturalistic interest. You will find a first ever hides in Bharatpur close to Keoladeo NP whereas in Khana N.P, there is an other Bagh with day and night hides. Moreover you could to visit parks and photograph Tiger, Black Necked Stork and Black Francolin during the golden period of our hides. Many birds will be involved in the construction of nests and species such as Paradise Flycatcher will be active in the hides.


SPRING TOURS Bharatpur & Kanha



M. Laynes

C. Mariela Lorenzo M. Biasioli

GUATEMALA - All Year Round



R. Quesada


March and April are ideal to explore the wonderful city of Maya di Tikal. A place rich in culture and history, but also extremely interesting for naturalistic photography. Among the Caribbean reserves and las guacamayas we suggest at least a day’s break with our expert local guide to photograph species like the Orange Breasted Falcon, Ocellated Turkey and funny Koati.

M. Laynes

M. Biasioli

Photography in Tikal

R. Quesada

We are talking about a photo tour through our reserves in Guatemala, from the Caribbean to the Andes,whereyoucanphotographfromexclusive hides, the beautiful fauna of Central America. This is also the best time to photograph the bird symbol of the country: the Quetzal! In fact in this period he will be engaged in nesting, so it will be very easy to meet and photograph him.

SPRING PHOTO TOUR The Quetzal’s Kindome GUATEMALA - March


M. Laynes


Boat Photographic Excursions

M. Laynes

GUATEMALA - March & april

Live the unbelievable experience of getting closer to the magnificent Fregat Bird and Brown Pelicans with the chance to take a picture of them up close. Thanks to our expert guides and exclusive boats, we can set up single or multiple days of photography along the Caribbean coast of Guatemala and Southern atoll of Belize.




All Italian INNATE Reserves in one Tour

G. Bissattini

C. Galliani

M. Premoli

A trip discovering hidden Italy: from East toWest, among woods, swamps and rural areas, we will venture into INNATE reserves using all the specific hides to get closer to Sparrowhawks, Little Owls, Buzzards,Woodpeckers, Squacco Herons, Bitterns, Purple Herons, Kingfishers, Eurasian StoneCurlews, Badgers, Foxes and more through photographic sessions that lastuntillatenight,inspecificlast-generationhidesaccompaniedbyexpert local guides.

ITALY - March



G. Bissattini

A trip that will guide you from the Po valleys to the slopes of the Alps for a complete excursus on the Italian fauna through breathtaking landscapes.Thankstolast-generationhidesand expertguides,youcanphotographagreatnumberofanimalspeciesinthebestconditions:from waders in migration to agile Chamoises, from Herones fishing in the swamp to Alpine Ibex on the cliffs, together with Green Woodpecker, Sparrowhawk,Badgers,Foxes,Yellowhammers, European Crested Tits and many others!

Merce R. Romero

C.G.Galliani Bissattini

G. Bissattini

Rise to the mountain

C. Pedriali A. Greoppi M. Premoli

I. Maiorano

M. Premoli

M. Piacentino

CROATIA - April & May


Project in Collaboration with Fotonatur


J. Zalig

J. Zalig

Bears begin to attend the Slovenian forests. They are hungry because of the long winter, very active and they are not alone! In fact, the females come out of the dens with their new, cute puppies that won’t let you down. This makes your photo sessions really exciting!

J. Zalig

Bears after winter sleeping


M. Valentini

SUMMER June, July & August

Enjoy our Network

M. Premoli

ALASKA - Arctic Lands ALASKA - Grizzly Extension GUATEMALA - Summer Tours GUATEMALA - Turtles Conservation GUATEMALA - Colibries Workshops

EUROPE 66 67 68 68 76

ROMANIA - Nesting Time ROMANIA - Outside the Shell ROMANIA - New Generations ROMANIA - Flying Joungs NORWAY - Spring Tour LATVIA - Breeding Time Tour LATVIA - Birdwatching Tour SPAIN - Summer Tour ITALY - Birds and Wine

ASIA & MIDDLE EAST 70 71 70 71 72 73 73 74 77

INDIA - Keoladeo National Park


M. Apollo





Unexplored Alaska


Don’t miss our first Alaska tour, where nature is wildly wonderful! When you arriveinAnchorage,wewillexplorethesurroundingareasbyexcursionsbetween parks and wetlands approaching an extremely confident fauna and, thanks to a cruise through the bays, where glaciers meet the sea, we will photograph Whales, Orcas and Sea Otters. Then, with a short flight, we will reach Barrow to photograph the Arctic animals by expeditions in the tundra looking for species such as the Spectacled Eider. It will be a journey without barriers in full contact with nature. We will surely take unforgettable photos.




M. Valentini

M. Valentini

M. Valentini

M. Valentini

M. Valentini


M. Valentini

M. Apollo M. Apollo


Photographing the powerful Alaska bears ALASKA - June

M. Valentini

M. Valentini

M. Valentini

M. Valentini


During the excursions we will meet: Greater Scaup, Ring-necked Duck, American Wigeon, Red-necked Grebe, Moose, Black Bear and many others. In addition to the cetaceans in the cruise we could meet Harlequin Duck, Auks and Goosander. In the tundra, wewillseetheKingoftheEideries,Steller’sEider,PomarineSkua,SemipalmatedSandpiper, American Golden Plover, Red-necked Phalarope, Red Phalarope and many others.

M. Valentini


We will spend two days of photography specifically dedicated to this impressive bear. We will stay in a remote bay in North America where we can meet both adult and young specimens for an unforgettable experience of wild photography!


C. Mariela Lorenzo Laynes I. M. Maiorano

230 bird species have been recorded so far


M. Laynes

I. Maiorano

I. Maiorano

Breeding Season



O. Diez


Sea Turtles Conservation



Every year populations of endangered sea turtles return to lay their eggs at the turtle hatchery at el Banco on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala. Join this expedition to contribute to the conservation of endangered sea turtles in Guatemala, and develop a deeper appreciation for wildlife, and connect with your true nature. Located in the community of el Banco on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala, Estaciรณn Biolรณgica el Banco is a community-based biological research station.


M. Biasioli

Project in Collaboration with INDIGO Expeditions

M. Laynes

G. Rodriguez


M. Rodriguez

Sailing Rio san Pedro at the national park Laguna del tigre allows the observation of many species throughout the year. July is one of the best months to observe and photograph the Agami Heron. Starting from our jungle lodge, immersed in the jungle itself, our local naturalistic guides are always at your disposal to set up photographicsafarisbothduringthedayandnight.

M. Biasioli

O. Diez


Arch. EBG

M. Laynes

C. M. Laynes

June and July are months full of photographic opportunities. Several species are in full nesting and it is possible to admire big colonies of acquatic birds and seabirds feeding their younglings. It is also a great season to catch the rareScarletMacaw,endemictoGuatemala,that nests with different couples in the Las Guacamayas Reserve. The tour develops all over the country touching the Caribbean and Pacific coast, the volcano area and the forests in the Northern part.

Boat Trips at Las Guacamayas GUATEMALA - June & July

Merce R. Romero



G. Bissattini

M. Apollo

Get the opportunity to photograph the construction of intricate nests from the comfort of our hide. Among those, there is the Pendoline Tit. Or justwatchthehatchingactivitieswhere parents exchange, or bring gifts, to the still sparkling nest in the reproductive period.


The new generation of jackals comes out of the dens! They are adventurous and pleasant exploring the world in a riot of interactions. Thanks to expert guides you can get closer to them in the best way, without disturbing the new family and obtainingunforgettablephotos.


Jackal Puppies are ready to explore the World ROMANIA - July

G. Bissattini

Merce R. Romero

F. Rovedo


M. Laynes

Preparing for the new life


E. Bosh

Photographing the most beautiful and incredible animal behaviors

M. Apollo


G. Bissattini

Come discover the feeding time at the Danube Delta! We will get closer to adults bringing insects and fish to the nests with aerial acrobatics and effusions to their newborn who are ready to explore the world. Only thanks our hide and excursions!

ROMANIA - August

F. Rovedo

I. Maiorano

M. Apollo

Conquering the Delta



Whentheyabandontheirnests,younglingsfly all over the Danube Delta, allowing us to meet them in many environments. This will allow us to take many pictures. While they are not completelyself-sufficient,younglingsarestillaccompanied by adults and helped in their daily activitiesthroughsweetparentalinteractions.



M. Valentini

M. Valentini

M. Biasioli

Spring Tour

M. Biasioli


Undoubtedly one of the most interesting destinations for photographersandbirdwatchers.VarangerfjordinJune,with 24 hours of daylight, allows the observation and photography of several tundra and Artic sea species. We will visit the best places for the observation of limicoli and strolaghe nidificanti, in addition to big colonies of Puffins, Auks and Kittiwake. Our deep knowledge of the area will give you the best opportunities for watching and photographing.

F. Rovedo

M. Biasioli

We will arrive in the period when birds will havealreadyconsolidated theirterritoriesandsome will already have even baby birds in the nest. The tour will focus on the most characteristic species of the region such as the Great Gray Owl, Tengmalm’s, Ural and Northern Hawk Owl but also Grouse and Woodpeacker. Come to enjoy a tour that will take you through the most typicaltaigaenvironments in order to discover wonderful Finland.

M. Libra



Eagles & Owls



M. Apollo

F. Rovedo

F. Rovedo

M. Apollo

The new life in Northern Europe

On this trip, a very lively Latvia will greet us! Moving among forests and lakes, in a bright green landscape, we will get closer to various animal species, right when some birds have already nested and others have just arrived withmigrations,increasingthenumberofthespeciesthat can be observed. Thanks to specific hides, we can take sensationalpicturesofspeciesliketheWhite-tailedEagle, Marsh Harrier, Whooper Swan, Roe Deer, Racoon Dog, Fox, the Beech Marten, and many others.

LATVIA - June & July


M. Ravasini


Among forests and lakes discovering the varied Latvian fauna, this is a tour that every birdwatchershouldtake.IntheLatgaleregion, around the great Lubans lake, we can visit many micro-habitats with the chance to meet the Rosefinch, Yellowhammer, Blyth’s Reed Warbler, Booted Warbler, Corn Crake, Rednecked Grebe, Whooper Swan, Crane, Pigmy Howl,White-backedWoodpecker,Three-toed Woodpecker, White-tailed Eagle, the Lesser Spotted Eagle and many others.

F. Rovedo

M. Piacentino

T. D’Arcangelo

Wetlands & Forest Birds


M. Lorenzo S. Sanchez

E. Natali E. Natali

In an extreme land like Spain in summer, water is the cornerstone of animal activity. Our drinking spots come alive with dozens of species: among those the Eurasian Golden Oriole which lands frequently to drink! At night then, the show will go on with Martens and Genets that will mirror in water. You can photograph them thanks to the specific supplementary lighting. In addition, other hides will be available to photograph Griffons, Egyptian Vultures, Black Vultures, Red Kites, Rufous-tailed ScrubRobin,IberianMagpies,Hawfinches,Eurasian Nuthatches and Foxes in the best conditions!

SUMMER TOUR Hot Extremadura SPAIN - July


GUATEMALA - July & August 74

The coasts of the Caribbean Sea in Guatemala are extremelyrichinbiodiversityandwherethejungleandmangroveforestscreatehabitatwhich,thankstoourguidesand exclusive boats, you can explore authentic corners made from Heaven. You can bathe in the crystal clear waters of the Las Ecobas reserve, spend some hours in our macro photography center, where you can observe tarantula, reptiles and amphibians, or take part in boat excursions in the mangrove forest or along the coast looking for marine birds, aironi, but also dolphins and the rare Manatee!

Arch. Fundaeco

Arch. Fundaeco

M. Laynes

Enjoy Paradise

O. Diez

Marce R. Romero

O. Diez Merce R. Romero


Heron & Stork Colonies

INDIA - August 75


M. Biasioli A. Khan

At the end of the monsoon season, herons reunite in big colonies on the trees of the Park of Keoladeo, one of the best places to observe water birds.Here,wewillorganizeseveralexcursionsthat will allow us to get closer to the Painted Stork, the Spoonbill and many other herons and to photograph them in their beautiful breeding feathering.

GUATEMALA - July & August


Make the most of Guatemala’s colours

C. Galliani

M. Laynes C. Galliani

M. Laynes C. Galliani


M. Laynes

M. Laynes

In our reserves, it is possible to photograph differentspeciesofHummingbirdinthebest possibleconditions.Thankstoasiteinwhich animals can be photographed, you can try yourhandatphotographywithandwithout flash, in scenic designs that we can adapt based on your requirements.




ThesmallStone-curlewpreferssteppe environmentstonest.Itactuallyseems that one of our hides has this exact characteristics. Don’t miss the chance tophotographthiselusivebirdamong the flowers in summer.

DuringautumnseveralBadgersattend the hide looking for food while they prepare themselves for the harsh winter.Thehide,equippedwithartificial lighting, will allow us to take pictures even without the use of flashes. They are now extremely confident and constantandwillguaranteeanexcellent experience.

For the sparrowhawk, this water pond is the favorite place for a bath in the Argenta Valleys. We can comfortably wait for this predator inside our hide, from where we will have a privileged point of shooting for this animal, between water sprays and suggestive reflections.

C. Pedriali

M. Mendi

M. Mendi

M. Mendi

We can spend 8 days of birdwatching in the land of wine. We will have the chance to observe many rare and interesting species combined with high quality wine tasting. We will in fact visit local cellars in some of the best wineries of the areas. This part of Italy shows different landscapes that we can experience: the Alps, with its rugged mountains, the Monferrato in a hilly landscape, the Po river and the rice fields in order to have a complete overview of the attractive bird species living in


Birdwatching and wine testing Tour


C. Galliani

ITALY - June

C. Galliani

MONFERRATO Many species come to bathe at the pool in the summer. It is an excellent opportunity to photograph the Green Woodpeaker, Moltoni’s Warbler, Cirl Bunting and above all the Sparrowhawk, that comes to bathe up to 3 times a day.

CASCINA SPINOLA Our hide for the Little Owl will be extremely active during this season. Adultswillbebusyteachingyounglings the world and they will often accompany them to the hide, where we can observe them cuddling as well.


OURRESERVES NETWORK In order to make a distinction and gather the reserves that present similarities, we have divided them into 3 macro-groups to differentiate usability, logistics and organization. However, each reserve has its own features that pratically lead to the fact that every project is different from the others and unique; it’s our team’s job to develop these areas in a way that guarantees and provides the same high qualitative and ethical standards, be it for hides or nature guiding or accommodation services. The 3 macro-groups show the main features of each kind of reserve; from the most exclusive one to the local little jewels passing through projects that help not only nature but also the development of a local economy. The Reserves Network represents a new and secret world to discover and new photographic opportunities not to be missed!



M. Biasioli


Public or private large reserves (more than 500 hectares) where it’s possible to stay in exclusive lodges or hotels in the middle of nature, entirely organized for nature photography and nature tourism. Main features: • • • • •

Accommodation inside the estate open only to nature tourism groups Totalfreedomtomoveinsidethereserveandchooseamongahighnumberofdifferentphotographichides,allincluded in the experience Minimum number of 15 new generation photographic hides for several target species Anumberoffacilitiesandpathsinsidethereserveandexcursionsinthesurroundingareastogetthebestofafull8-days expedition. International clientele

WIDESPREAD RESERVES Reserves that are widespread in a vast territory with the collaboration of different public or private entities or companies. These areas can include and gather single hides as well as small nature reserves or private areas. Main features: • • • •

Overnight stay close to the reserve in affiliated accommodation Minimum number of 5 new generation photographic hides Open to international groups or individuals for long week-ends or daily visits This kind of reserve is the one that is most indicated for the development of a local economy as it involves agreements with local professionals, authorities and accommodation facilities

LOCAL RESERVES Small reserves, sometimes included inside public or private areas, that reach a mainly local fruition, even if they can also be included in itineraries of photographic and nature expeditions. Main features: • • • •

Minimum number of 3 new generation photographic hides Open to individuals or small groups for daily visits or 2-days visits Some of these reserves have affiliated accommodation in nearby town or in the surroundings Mainly for a local clientele but a good opportunity also for tourists and international photographers visiting the area.



C. Pedriali

Ultima Frontiera


30 Photo Hides 1000 Hectars

Periprava - Tulcea Dobrogea - Romania

Ultima Frontiera

Closest Airports

Opening period


Bucarest (4 h.) to Tulcea Constanta (1,5 h.) to Tulcea

From April to October Special opening in February


Suggested Accommodation



In the Reserve there is a four stars lodge with 16 rooms +39 0141-918349










September October November December

Terns (Black, W. Winged & Whiskered) Cuckoo Little Owl Hoopoe Kingfisher Bee-eater Roller Black Woodpeacker Grey-headed Woodpeacker Bearded Reedling Paddyfield Warbler Penduline Tit Golden Jackal Racoon Dog Badger Otter Wild Cat Waders from floating hide

The Best Month

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Photo Gallery of this Reserve


M. Biasioli

Worth Watching

M. Biasioli

Photo Worthy

M. Biasioli

M. Andreini

Red-crested Pochard Ferruginous Duck Smew Black-necked Grebe Red-necked Grebe White Pelican Dalmatian Pelican Pygmy Cormorant Bittern Little Bittern Purple Heron Glossy Ibis White-tailed Eagle Marsh Harrier Red-footed Falcon Hobby Little Crake Avocet Collared Pratincole Pallas Gull Little Gull



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in this Reserve


M. Steenhaut

T. D’Arcangelo C. Pedriali

WILDLIFE 230 bird species have been recorded so far inside the property. 90 of themarebreedinginthearealikeRed-footedFalcon,ThrushNightingale andPaddyfieldWarbler.Fourwoodpeckerspeciesnestthere:Black,Greyheaded, Lesser Spotted and Great Spotted, with the bonus of Syrian, morecommoninthevillages.Itisanexceptionalheritageofornithological diversity for such a small area.

C. Pedriali

Furthermore,therearecolonialbreedingspecieswecanobserveduring excursions outside the reserve: Black- and Red- necked Grebes with Black and Whiskered Terns in lakes, Collared Pratincoles and Avocets in salty steppes, Great Black-headed Gulls and Sandwich Terns along the Black Sea shores. Theimmensereed-bedssupportmanyinterestingspecies,fromBittern, Little Bittern and Little Crake to various passerines like the light brown colored Savi’s, Sedge, Moustached and PaddyfieldWarbler, all breeding in Ultima Frontiera, and also the colored Bearded Reedling, a common breeder that is even more numerous during migrations. The remoteness of the property is one of the reasons why mammals live undisturbed here. Not only Jackals but also Otters and Wildcats can be observed by buggies or from the specific hides. The nearby Letea forest is a real hotspot for bats. Besides having good populations of Roe Deers, Pine Martens and Wild Horses, these are very attractive to be photographed especially when they run free in the steppes. The concert of amphibians is the soundtrack of our nights thanks to thousands of Marsh Frogs, Fire-bellied Toads and Oriental Tree Frogs. More discreet are the Common and Green Toad like also Smooth and Danube Crested Newts with the rarest Common Spadefoot. One of the most common preys of egrets, ibis and storks are snakes: the two most common species being Dice and

Merce R. Romero

Grass Snake. Regularly seen are also the native European Pond Turtles, much rarer are Smooth Snake and Sand Lizard.


230birdspecieshavebeenrecorded so far inside the property


C. Galliani

F. Rovedo

M. Apollo

M. Biasioli

Merce R. Romero

G. Bissattini

F. Rovedo

M. Premoli


M. Laynes

I. Maiorano

C. Pedriali


C. Pedriali

Cascina Spinola


Opening period

Closest Airports

30 Photo Hides 15 Hectars

Livorno Ferraris - Vercelli NW Italy



Milano Malpensa (1,5 h.) Torino Caselle (1 h.)

All year round

Suggested Accommodation










September October November December

Shelduck Shoveler Teal Little Grebe Little Bittern Night Heron Squacco Heron Little Egret Great Egret Grey Heron Purple Heron Glossy Ibis Spoonbill Marsh Harrier Hen Harrier Common Buzzard Kestrel Water Rail Spotted Crake Little Crake Black Winged Stilt Spotted Redshank Snipe Jack Snipe Ruff Common Tern Black Tern Little Owl King Fisher The Best Month

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Photo Gallery of this Reserve


M. Biasioli

Worth Watching

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

Photo Worthy


Cascina Spinola

parcoil 0141-918349

Milano Bergamo



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in this Reserve


M. Piacentino

M. Premoli

WILDLIFE Even if the restoration project has not ended yet, this oasis represents a very important support to migrations since it is located right at the entrance of the Alps. It is already attended by lots of birds all year round and some rarities, such as Red Phalarop, Little Stint and Marbled Duck have already appeared. In front of the hides that overlook the wetlands, BlackWinged Stilt, Ruffs, Spotted Redshank, Blacktailed Godwits, Sandpipers, Snipes, Jack Snipe, Spotted Crake,Water Rail, Lapwings and Cormorants can be widely seen together with the Common, Black and Wiskered Tern. The stars of this reserve surely are the herons: Little and Great Egrett, Grey, Squacco and Purple Heron, Bittern, Glossy Ibis, Spoonbill and Little Bittern can be photographed here. Among ducks, we can boast the first Piedmont Shelducks nest but also Garganey,Teals and Shoveler are normally seen in the ponds. At Cascina Spinola, many passerine, fromYellowWagtails to the Bluethroat, live among plants like chamomile, lilies, poppy, roses, willows and alders. New lines of hedges have been planted and every year the botanical importance of the area increases. The incredible biodiversity of this area is shown by the presence of several raptors like the Marsh Harrier, Common Buzzard, Hen harrier, Kestrel, Little and Barn Owl, that can be easily seen from different hides. Also mammals as European Polecat,Western Hedgehog, Eastern Cottontail and Foxes can be found. Furthermore, there are several amphibious like frogs and newts, reptiles like Grass and Western Whip Snake,dragonflieslikeIschnuraelegans,Platycnemispennipesandmany otherswho,withbutterflylikeVanessaatalanta,PapiliomachaoneInachis, fill the colorful palette of this picture called “Cascina Spinola�. Request the complete PDF for locations, prices and more info.


M. Piacentino

M. Premoli

C. Galliani

Afterjust4monthsfromtheendof therestorationworks,58couplesof Black-WingedStiltsstarted nesting in the area.


C. Pedriali

M. Biasioli

C. M.Galliani Biasioli

M. Biasioli

C. Galliani L. Zuntini M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli


A. Piglia

M. Premoli

M. Premoli

In collaboration with:


M. Piacentino

Po River & Ricefields


Opening period

Closest Airports

10 Photo Hides 50 Hectars

Fontanetto Po VC Tricerro VC


Milano Bergamo


Milano Malpensa (1,5 h.) Torino Caselle (1 h.)

All year round

Suggested Accommodation


Po River & Ricefields

parcoil +39 0141-918349









September October November December

Little Grebe Bittern Little Bittern Night Heron Squacco Heron Little Egret Grey Heron Purple Heron Marsh Harrier Water Rail Spotted Crake Little Crake Stone Curlew King Fisher The Best Month

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R. Lucietti

Worth Watching

R. Lucietti

M. Premoli

Photo Worthy




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in this Reserve

89 55

WILDLIFE M. Piacentino

This reserve offers the chance to photograph species like the Common Kingfisher, Bittern, Little Bittern, Purple Heron, Little Crake, Water Rail, Great Reed Warbler, Marsh Warbler, Little Egret, Night Heron and more. The Marsh Harrier often decides to nest close to the hides, like the Stone-curlew, allowing amazing photos of those animals.

Inside the Po and Orba Park, there are many habitats: woods, wetlands, long river-banks, meadows and fields. For this reason, the number of fauna and flora species is elevated and some of them are locally emblematic: the Swamp of San Genuario Reserve is a hotspot for dragonflies and damselflies, with over 30 species in the checklist; Red Squirrell, Roe Deer, Polecat, and different species of Bats are included in themammalscheck-list;amongreptilesandamphibians,ItalianAgileFrog, European Pond Turtle and Italian Crested Newt are common throughoutthearea.Entomologistscanappreciatemanydifferentspecies,among whichLycaenadispar,Zerynthiapolixena,Sagapedo.Tothisregard,flora Orchids are certainly the most emblematic among local plants, since the area is rich of rare species that can be identified and photographed.

Request the complete PDF for locations, prices and more info.


M. Premoli

A. Greppi

M. Premoli


M. Biasioli

L. Zuntini M. Biasioli Piacentino

M. Premoli


M. Premoli

M. Premoli

M. Biasioli

In collaboration with:


M. Piacentino

Valli di Argenta


Opening period

Closest Airports

10 Photo Hides 1200 Hectars

Argenta - Ferrara Emilia Romagna


Bologna (1 h.) - Treviso (2 h.) Milano-Bergamo (3,5 h.)

All year round


Suggested Accommodation


Agriturismo Vallesanta (Campotto) +39 0141-918349








Valli di Argenta



September October November December

Shelduck Teal Great Crested Grebe Pygmy Cormorant Bittern Night Heron Squacco Heron Little & Great Egret Spoonbill Common Buzzard Sparrowhawk Black-winged Stilt Black-tailed Godwit Snipe Whiskered Tern Wood Pigeon Kingfisher Great Spotted Woodpecker Jay Red Fox Roe Deer Red Squirrel The Best Month

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S. Stignani

Worth Watching

S. Stignani

S. Stignani

Photo Worthy


Milano Bergamo



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in this Reserve



The Po Delta area is well known as one of the most famous Italian birding hotspots, with more than 300 bird species, as well as a good number of other groups of animals and plants too (i.e. 41 species of mammals, 15 species of reptiles, 1000 plant species, etc.). The National Park is divided into six “stations� around the southern area of the Po Delta and the reserve is the sixth station.

S. Stignani

The Valli di Argenta reserve, with its 1650 hectares of fresh water valleys, wet meadows and a strip of hygrophilous wood (150 hectares) represents one of the most important and extended fresh water wetlands of Northern Italy. In 1976 this area has been declared as wetland of international importance as defined by the Ramsar Convention. This is the only inland part of the Po Delta National Park to present fresh waters, that come from the early XXth century’s reclamation, now concentrated temporarily in overflow basins before being poured out into the Reno river; this is made in order to allow the area not to be hit again by disastrous floods, as it happened in the past. From the Reno river the water follows its way to the Adriatic Sea. Themainhydraulicfunctionofthesevalleysisundeniableandfundamental to guarantee the safety of the Bologna lowland. But these wetlands also have a very high value in terms of biodiversity and are very important for the conservation of numerous water species: for example in our reserve there is one of the most important Italian colonies of Whiskered Terns, nesting among the widespread water lillies, that are abundant in the area. The Valli di Argenta reserve is private: visits and the use of its available hides are upon reservation. Request the complete PDF for locations, prices and more info.


Oneofthebestareaswhereto photographkingfisherusingdifferent photo techniques

C. Pedriali

C. Pedriali

S. Stignani


M. Biasioli

C. M.Pedriali Biasioli

M. Biasioli

L. Stignani S. Zuntini M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

S. Stignani


M. Gagliardone

M. Biasioli

S. Stignani

G. Bissattini

La Mandria In collaboration with:




Opening period

Closest Airports

La Mandria

4 Photo Hides 3000 Hectars

Venaria Reale, Turin Piedmont - Italy


Turin - Caselle (0,30’) Milano - Malpensa (1,5 h.)

All year round


ITALY Bologna

Suggested Accommodation


In La Mandria Regional Park, history and nature intertwine creating a perfect combination of emotions and culture. In XIX Century this was one of King Vittorio Emanuele II’s game reserves. He asked to build a high bundary wall that surrounds this 3000 hectares estate and this allowed to preserve this portion of flat forest that used to be so properous in all Padana lowlands. La Mandria is just a few kilometres from Turin, so it is a real privilege to observe birds of prey, Black Storks, Cranes, Great Egrets, Curlew and much more species so close to such a big city. Osprey, European pond turtles, Grey herons’ heronry, tufted duck can be seen close to the inner lakes. As a former game reserve, this estate hosts many mammals, like Deer, Doe and Wild Boar. Several dedicated hides will be built inside the estate and it will become another photographic destination among Innate reserves. Januari








September October November December

Great Spotted Woodpeacker Dunnock Robin Marsh Tit Nuthatch Treecreeper Jay Brambling Hawfinch Red Fox Badger Wild Boar Fallow Deer Red Deer Roe Deer Worth Watching

The Best Month

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Photo Gallery of this Reserve


M. Biasioli

G. Bissattini

G. Bissattini

Photo Worthy


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on Socials @skuanature

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in this Reserve



I. Maiorano

Finca La Parrilla


10 Photo Hides 900 Hectars

Serrejon - Caceres Extremadura - Spain

Closest Airports

Opening period


Madrid Barajas (3 h.)

All year round



Suggested Accommodation




In the Reserve there is a lodge with 8 rooms +39 0141-918349








La Parrilla


September October November December

Red-legged Partridge Black Stork Griffon Vulture Black Vulture Egyptian Vulture Golden Eagle Spanish Imperial Eagle Short-toed Eagle Booted Eagle Bonelli’s Eagle Red Kite Black Kite Black-winged Kite Pourple Swamphen Great Spotted Cuckoo Eagle Owl Red-necked Nightjar Hoopoe Red-rumped Swallow Blue Rock Thrush Nuthatch Woodchat Shrike Azure-winged Magpie Spotless Starling Golden Oriole Rock Sparrow Hawfinch Red Fox Beach Marten Common Genet Red Deer The Best Month

M. Biasioli

Worth Watching

L. Nunez

M. Biasioli

Photo Worthy

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This estate stands for its biodiversity and you can find even the biggest CinereousVulture colony and the second GriffonVulture colony in the world. Raptors are not the only species present: Eagle Owl sings from the rocky cliffs in front of the lodge where also the Spanish imperial Eagle has its nest; Red Kites, Golden Eagles, Bonelli’s Eagle and Sparrowhawks fly over the area almost every day. Typical Mediterranean species such as Thekla Lark, Red-rumped Swallow, Blue Rock-thrush, Woodchat Shrike and Spotless Starling can be seen in the open areas. The shrubby sites host numerous Warblers like the Western Orphean and the Iberian Chiffchaf. Furthermore, we can also discover Golden Orioles,andLesserSpottedWoodpecker,GreyWagtail,Azure-winged Magpies and Hawfinches in humid areas.

M. Mendi

WILDLIFE It is possible see many mammals in the estate like Fox, Wild Cats, EgyptianMongooses,OtterandBadgerbuttheeasiesttophotograph are: Deer in the rutting season and Common Genet and Beech Marten, from the night hide, all year round. Last year we have found the presence of the“Iberian Lynx”inside the Park of Monfrague, who was extinct from the 70s.

M. Mendi

The main attraction as far as flora is concerned are the extraordinary blooming of Common Gum Cistus and Broteroi Peony in the fields, alongside other Mediterranean species like Spanish Foxglove or Tongue Orchid, among which fly elegant butterflies like Spanish Festoon, Spanish Swallowtail and Two-tailed Pasha.

Request the complete PDF for locations, prices and more info.

L. Garcia

M. Mendi

Insidetheestateoneofthebiggest europeanBlackVulturecolonies



M. Mendi

C. Galliani

Merce R. Romero

Merce R. Romero

C. Galliani

C. Romano


O. Diez

T. D’Arcangelo


M. Biasioli

Las ViĂąas


4 Photo Hides 15 Hectars

Acehuche - Caceres Extremadura - Spain

Closest Airports

Opening period




All year round

Madrid Barajas (3 h.) Lisbona Portela (3,5 h.)


Suggested Accommodation



Our lodge at La Parrilla is just 1 hour far from the Reserve. In the surroundings there are other accommodation too +39 0141-918349









Las ViĂąas

September October November December

Red-legged Partridge Griffon Vulture Black Vulture Egyptian Vulture Short-toed Eagle Booted Eagle Red Kite Black Kite Hoopoe Bee-eater Crested & Thekla Lark Rufous Bush Robin Stonechat Orphean Warbler Sardinian Warbler Nuthatch Woodchat Shrike Azure-winged Magpie Spotless Starling Golden Oriole Cirl Bunting Spanish Sparrow Rock Sparrow Hawfinch Red Fox Badger Egyptian Mongoose The Best Month

Merce R. Romero

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Photo Gallery of this Reserve


Merce R. Romero

Worth Watching

Merce R. Romero

Photo Worthy



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WILDLIFE The number of species that can be photographed in this reserve dependsontheseason:springisabsolutelythebesttimeoftheyear.During thistime,Griffon,BlackandEgyptianVultures,BlackandRedKites,Rufous Bush Robins, Golden Orioles, Shrikes and Hawfinches become the stars of the hides offering many chances to take awesome pictures. Rufous Bush Robin prefers specific

areas for nesting and living and it seems that one of our drinking hide has all the features that bring him back from May to September every year. From April to November, drinking hides become a unique place where many birds can find water and many passerines come in large numbers, delightinguswiththeirbehavior.Ontheotherhand,BlackStorks,Golden Eagles,SpanishImperialEaglesandBootedEagleschoosethisterritoryto live and grow their chicks.Together with vultures, they come to the hides for food. In addition to this, it is also possible to observe the low flight of the Short-toed Eagle but also Foxes can be seen.

Merce R. Romero

Among mammals, we can usually see Badger, Mongoose, Genet, Stone Marten at sunset and, in open spaces, Deer. Forthereptilesandamphibiansfamily,therearemanyinterestingspecies likeOcellatedLizard,LadderSnake,WesternMontpellierSnake,Viperine Snake,MarbledNewtandIberianspadefoottoad.Amongallspringflora, orchids are the guest star. They also serve as shelter and food to lots of insects, among which it is worth naming the Nemoptera bipennis. Thehighnumberofspecies,theweatherandstunninglandscapesmake this land a Sacred Natural Temple nobody can miss.

Request the complete PDF for locations, prices and more info.


Twodrinkinghidescanproduce upto27speciesinlessthan3hours

Merce R. Romero

Merce R. Romero

Merce R. Romero


R. Lucietti

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

A. Rodriguez

M. Biasioli

A. Rodriguez L. Zuntini M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli


M. Rodriguez

Merce R. Romero

M. R. Romero

Monte Barata In collaboration with:




Monforte de Beira Castelo Branco - Portugal

Opening period

Castelo Branco

10 Photo Hides 400 Hectars


Closest Airports


Madrid (4 h.) Lisbona (2,5 h.)

Inauguration before the end of 2019


Suggested Accommodation











September October November December

Black Stork Griffon Vulture Black Vulture Egyptian Vulture Golden Eagle Short-toed Eagle Booted Eagle Red Kite Black Kite Common Buzzard King Fisher Bee-eater Great Spotted Woodpeacker Orphean Warbler Sardinian Warbler Nuthatch Shrike Hawfinch Red Fox Beach Marten Common Genet Egyptian Mongoose Red Deer Worth Watching

The Best Month

Stay Tuned

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M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

Merce R. Romero

M. R. Romero

Photo Worthy


In the Reserve there will be a new lodge with 8 rooms +39 0141-918349

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Monte Barata

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C. Galliani

M. Mendi

M. Premoli

Completely wild, an elevated number of Deer and Wild boar live inside the reserve. During the breeding season, Deer cry their roaring during the last summer evenings, when the first rains announce the arrival of the Autumnal season. This period (September), even if short, gives the great chance to take stunning pictures. On the other hand, the big Birds of Prey like Golden Eagles, Short-toedSnakeEagles,BootedEagles,KitesandBuzzards have chosen this place as their nesting sacred temple as they can nest in a safe and sheltered place here. This is the real exclusive issue that other reserves don’t have, due to the intrusion of the humans. AlsoBlackSorks,Vultures,EurasianGriffons,CinereusVultures, EgyptianVultures,andthepecualiarBlack-shoulderedKiteshave chosen this place to feed. Black-shouldered Kites and Kestrels like the reserve wide open areas where they can find food and can be spotted easily. On the other hand, Kingfishers are the star of the stream that mark the border of the estate. On the higher lands, where old Pines still exist, the Eurasian Green Woodpecker finds its daily portion of food. Close to the lodge, Olive trees are home to Tawny Owls and Little Owls and during the summer nights they can be heard singing to the full moon. The reserve never sleeps: Genets and Martens come to visit us, until the sun rises. That is the moment when the Mangoose wakes up and starts wandering around the estate looking for food.

Campanarios de Azaba - G. GrandÄ ns

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On the other hand, together with hides dedicated to peculiar species like the Kingfisher, close to the stream, a special hide, made up of a tower sheltered by trees, is dedicated to the Golden Eagle and its majestic flight. It has been placed in a strategic position, among the trees, perfeclt thought to catch the arrival of the real queen of Monte Barata, the Golden Eagle. The Muladar can host four people, with a ground level perspective. This is where the Lavandula plants grow tight, giving to the Kites and the Egyptian Vultures pictures a lilac backgorund. We have not forgotten about the smallest ones, the paserines: very close to the lodge, there is a 4 places drinking hide which is completely dedicated to them. It is north-oriented, to get as much light as possible and surrounded by lots of Securinega plants, which give a reddish shade to the hide background.

Merce R. Romero

M. Premoli

Merce R. Romero

Thanks to the high variety of species, the photographic opportunities are endless. This is where the Innate Network first night hide complete of bed and bathroom has been placed. With two places, it is dedicated to Genets, Martens, Tawny Owls and the real duke of the estate, The Eagle-Owl. The chance to sleep inside the hide, surrounded by the Oaks forest, makes this experience unique and similar to a real unforgettable adventure.



M. Piacentino

M. Biasioli

Wild Baltics



Opening period

Closest Airports


Suggested Accommodation

6 Photo Hides 4 Hectars Riga


Riga Airport (3 h.)

All year round


Wild Baltics

Affiliated accommodation close to the estate with 4 rooms. +39 0141-918349









September October November December

Whooper Swan White-fronted Goose Bean Goose Barnacle Goose Long-tailed Duck Goldeneye Smew Goosander Capercaillie Black Grouse Grey Partridge Corncrake Slavonian Grebe White-tailed Eagle Osprey Golden Eagle Lesser Spotted Eagle Marsh Harrier Rough-Legged Buzzard Crane Great Black-backed Gull Ural Owl Pygmy Owl Grey-headed Woodpeacker Middle Spotted Woodpeacker White-backed Woodpeacker Three-toed Woodpeacker Waxwing Thrush Nightingale Barred Warbler Sedge Warbler Blyth’s Reed Warbler Booted Warbler Collared Flycatcher Crested Tit Marsh Tit Nuthatch Greenfinch Bullfinch Common Rosefinch Yellowhammer Racoon Dog Badger Red Fox Moose Roe Deer Waders (ruff, godwith, sandpiper) Photo Worthy

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Nagly - Madona Latgale - Latvia

The Best Month

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M. Piacentino

F. Rovedo

WILDLIFE The reserve is situated on the banks of a group of lakes part of the hydric complex of Lubans Lake, one of the biggest lakes in Latvia and important site for migration. In spring and autumn, thousands of Greater White-fronted Goose and Tayga Bean Goose but also Barnacle Goose, Red-breasted Goose, Whooper Swan, Lesser Swan and Cranes fly above this area occupying the nearby fields looking for food and rest. Towards the summer, on the same fields, the loud Corn Crake arrive while, among canes and bushes, we can meet the Bearded reedling, Pendulain tit, Blyth’s Reed Warbler, Booted Warbler, Common Rosefinch, Marsh Tit, Nuthatch and many others. Among the lake waters, as seasons change, beautiful species of anatidae come here like the Smew, Goldeneye, Goosander, Long Tailed Duck, Tufted Duck, Great-creste Grebe and Red-necked Grebe, some of them even nest. The difference of habitat, the most common is the mixed forest of Fir and Birch, and the general anthropic low pressure, allow the survival of a great deal of resident species. Among the forests and fields the Capercaillie, Hazel Grouse and Black Grouse live. They often organize Leek in easily accessible areas. We also cannot miss in the forests the Black,White-backed, Grey-headed, Middle-spotted, Lesser-spotted and Three-toed Woodpeacker but also Owls like the Ural Owl, Pygmy Owl, Boreal Owl and Tawny Owl. The number of predators is very high, and we can often meet during the different seasons, the White-tailed, Golden and Lesser Spotted Eagle, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Rough-legged Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Osprey. As far as mammals are concerned, the area has 3 types of Cervidae, the most common being the Roe Deer but we can also spot the Red Deer and Elk. Latvia also hosts all the big European predators: Wolf, Lynx, Bear and recently the Golden Jackal has been seen. But also the Fox, Badger, Beech Marten, Beavers, Otters and Raccon Dog can be observed.


M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

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M. Biasioli

L. Zuntini M. Biasioli

F. Rovedo


O. Diez

F. Rovedo

Merce R. Romero

F. Rovedo

M. Biasioli

Las Guacamayas In collaboration with:


Las Guaquamayas Reserve


Paso Caballo - Flores Peten - Guatemala

5000 Hectars


Opening period

Closest Airports



Puerto Barrios


Flores (2h.)

All year round


In the Reserve there is a lodge with 8 rooms +39 0141-918349






Guatemala City



August September October November December

Plain Chachalaca Strip Throated Hermit Green Breasted Mango Scaly Breasted Hummingbird Wedge Tailed Sabrewing Rudy Crake Bare Thoated Tiger Heron Agami Heron King Vulture White Tailed Kite Black Collared Hawk Black and White Owl Gartered Trogon Belted Kingfisher Amazon Kingfisher Rufous Tailed Jacamar Chestnut Colored Woodpecker Laughing Falcon Bat Falcon Scarlet Macaw White collared Manakin Red Capped Manakin Yellow Tailed Oriole Crimson Tanager Jaguar Spider Monkey Black Howler Crocodile (Mesaspis Moreletii) Worth Watching

The Best Month

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M. Biasioli

Arch, EBG

Merce R. Romero

Photo Worthy



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The Scarlet Macaw is the undisputed king of the estate as this is the only place in Guatemala where it can nest. The best place to observe him is only 7 km away, easy to visit with an amazing excursion. However, this is just one of the hundreds birds nesting here. The forest situated north of RĂ­o San Pedro is home to more than 300 bird species of lowland rainforest. The extensive forest provides habitat to a number of forest raptors including Ornate Hawk- Eagle and Gray-headed Kite. In the forest an observation tower allows views into the surrounding environment and, with some good luck, the Lovely Cotinga can be seen. In the late morning, the tower allows us toseeraptorslikePlumbeousKite,Swallow-tailedKite,Broad-winged,Shorttailed, Black-collared and Crane Hawk, Bat- and Laughing Falcon, as well as Turkey, King, Lesser Yellow-headed and Black Vulture. Common owls that you can see are the Mottled and Guatemalan Screech Owl, but also the Spectacled and Crested Owl have been recorded in the National Park. Along the river, five species of night hawks have been recorded including the Northern Potoo. In scrub vegetation along the rivers and in open oak savannah, some birds from the Yucatan peninsula can be observed, such as Yucatan Woodpecker and Nightjar, Caribbean Dove, and Northern Cardinal. A boat tour along the San Pedro and Sacluk rivers provides good chances to spot Agami Heron, while the vegetation around hosts many other species like Yucatan JayandFlycatcher,Grey-throatedChat,White-collaredManakin,Red-capped Manakin, Tody Motmot.

Request the complete PDF for locations, prices and more info.

Arch. EBG

M. Biasioli

Merce R. Romero

M. Biasioli


C. Chablè

J. Such

J. Such

M. Biasioli

M. Rodriguez

O. Diez


Merce R. Romero


F. Fernandez

J. Such

M. Biasioli

Merce R. Romero

Merce R. Romero

Laguna del Tigre National Park and its primary forest are home of different mammals and some of them are among the most charming species in the world, like the Jaguar. Since pre-Hispanic times, this predator has been very important in Guatemalan culture. Despite the fact that this species is now endangered, the Puma is more adaptable and has a wide distribution. The Puma,astheJaguar,islegallyprotectedbyGuatemalan law, however it faces serious threats such as habitat loss, prey hunting and direct prosecution by humans. Laguna del Tigre National Park hosts other beautiful mammals,reptilesandamphibians:Wildpigs(Tayassu Pecari) and Tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) can always be seen, while the river just in front of the lodge hosts the PetĂŠn Crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii), an endemic species, as well as the white turtle (Dermatemys Mawii).


M. Laynes

Finca Los Andes In collaboration with:



4 Photo Hides 600 Hectars

Santa Bárbara - Suchitepéquez Guatemala


Closest Airports

Opening period

Puerto Barrios


Guatemala City (4h.)

All year round



Finca Los Andes


In the Reserve there is a lodge with 8 rooms +39 0141-918403349







Guatemala City



September October November December

Violet Sabrewing Rufous Sabrewing Blue Tailed Hummingbird Ruby Throated Hummingbird Stygian Owl Resplendent Quetzal Collared Trogon Lesson’s Motmot Tody Motmot Green Kingfisher Emerald Toucanet Collared Aracari Golden Fronted woodpeker Crested Caracara Spotted nightingale thrush Blue Crowned Chlorophonia Yellow Throated Euphonia Azure Rumped Tanager Blue gray tanager Long Tailed Manakin Red Legged Honey creeper Westner tanager Sumer tanager Rose Brasted Grosbeak Spot Breadsted Oriole Baltimore Oriole Altamira Oriole Coyote Puma Margay Tayra Coati The Best Month

M. Laynes

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M. Biasioli

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M. Biasioli

Photo Worthy



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R. Fernandez Ravelo



Merce R. Romero



M. Laynes

Visited by birders and conservation scientists from around the world, Los Andes is part of one of the first cloud forests dedicated to the protection of the Resplendent Quetzal. Los Andes is also home to the rare Cabanis Tanager, whose distribution is limited from the east of Chiapas to the west of Guatemala along the Pacific watershed. Other species including King Vulture, Crested Caracara, Emerald Toucanet, Mountain Trogon and Common Bush-tanager, Green-throated Mountain-gem,Blue-throatedMotmot,White-throated Magpie-jay, Spot-breasted Oriole, Baltimore Oriole, OrchardOriole,Red-leggedHoneycreepers.Youwillalso seehummingbirdssuchastheRufousSabrewingandthe VioletSabrewing,Azure-crownedHummingbirdandthe BeryllineHummingbirdandtheBeryllineHummingbird.

M. Laynes


M. Laynes


Request the complete PDF for locations, prices and more info.


Merce R. Romero

M. Laynes

40 species of mammals are present at the reserve. The main group belongs to Chiroptera orden, followed by Rodents and Carnivores. Among the others: Red Brocket, Grey Fox, Puma, JaguarJaguarundi and Ocelot. Among the Amphibian species living in the reserve, Craugastor rodophis and Craugastor rupinius state that the Coffee coltivation is good. Others are: Craugastor loki, Craugastor stuarti , Lepdactylus fragilis, Dermophis mexicana, Lithobates maculatus, Agalychnis moreletii,Plectrohylamatudai,Duellmanohylaschmidtorum,Plectrohylaavia,Ptychohylaeuthysanota and a new salamander species belonging to Oedipina that has not been classified. Amongreptiles,Anolisdollfusianus,Ameivaondulata,Sphenomorphusassatus,Adelphicussargii, Coniophanes fissidens, Geophis nasalis, Tropidodipsas fischeri, Ninia sebae, Imantodes cenchoa, Drymobius margaritiferu, Leptodeira septentrionalis, Pliocercus elapoides and the poisonous Micrurus nigrocinctus. Around the areas, woods act as a shelter for protected species. Quercus skinneri, Brosimun costaricanum and Elaeodendron trichotomum.


In collaboration with:


M. Laynes

The Green Caribbean



3 Photo Hides 800 Hectars

Guatamala Caribbean Coast Puerto Barrios


Closest Airports

Opening period

Puerto Barrios

Puerto Barrios (0,5 h.) Guatemala City (4/5 h.)

Opening March 2019


GUATEMALA Quetzaltenango +39 0141-918349

Caribbean Reserves









September October November December

Squirrel Cuckoo White Necked Jacobin Long Billed Hermit Purple Crowned Fairy Crowned Woodnymph Rufous Tailed Hummingbird Royal Tern Magnificent Frigatebird Brown Palican Great Blue Heron Boat Billed Heron Osprey Common Black Hawk Crested Owl Black Headed Trogon Lesson’s motmot Keel Billed Motmot Keel Billed Toucan Pale Billed Woodpecker Lineated Woodpecker Ringed Kingfisher Collared Forest Falcon Red Capped Manakin Olive Backed Euphonia Montezuma Oropendola Golden Winged Warbler Blue Winged Warbler Red Crowned Ant-Tanager Prothonotary Warbler Anfibios Serpientes Insectos The Best Month

M. Biasioli

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Merce R. Romero

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Merce R. Romero

Photo Worthy


Guatemala City

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BIRDS The avifauna of the Guatemalan Caribbean Coast is the richest and most diverse in the country. The studies carried out in the region have detected 48 families, 504 residentandmigratoryspeciesthatrepresentmorethan 70% of the total bird species of Guatemala. Of the 504 species of birds, 11 are regional endemics. These forests are an important migratory corridor: more than 90 migratory species use them as hibernation or resting sites. Among the most interesting species thereare:CollaredAracari,EmeraldToucanet,Keel-billed Toucan, Ringed Kingfisher, Long-tailed Hermit, Brown Violet-Ear, Montezuma oropendola, Slaty-tailedTrogon, Osprey, Solitary Eagle, Tody Motmot, Lesson’s Motmot, MagnificentFrigatebird,Blue-footedBooby,Red-footed Booby, Crowned Woodnymph, Vireo pallens,Little Blue Heron, Great Blue Heron, White Ibis, Brown Pelican, Lovely Cotinga, Mealy Parrot, Jacana Spinosa.

Request the complete PDF for locations, prices and more info.


M. Laynes

A. Novales

M. Biasioli

A. Novales

M. Valentini


A. Novales

The Green Caribbean as a region sustains a large number of endemic mammals worldwide with more than 160 species. Species threatened worldwide: as ocelote and jaguar,termitebear,armadillos,manatee,bottlenose dolphins and sea turtles (all the emblematic species of the tropical rainforest and the coral reef system!) The Green Caribbean is characterized by the production of water sources, genetic resources and the varied animal and plant diversity it harbors. Within all this wealth stand out as a group the amphibians. The Region has a diversity of stunning salamanders and beautiful frogs nationally and globally threatened: Bolitoglossa odonnelli, Bolitoglossa dunni, Agalychnis moreleti, Bromeliohyla bromeliacia, Duellmanohyla soralia, Bolitoglossa Mexicana y Bolitoglossa rufescen. Five critically endangered species of amphibians are reported: Agalychnis moreletii, Duellmanohyla soralia, Nototriton brodiei and Cryptotriton wakei. Look for the -Corytophanes- species of lizard endemic to the New World. This variety of ecosystems is reflected in the studies of specialists Entomologists in insects, nocturnal /diurnalbutterfliesandinvertebrates,amonghundreds we can mentioned some: Adeloneivaia jason, Dysschemaurioides,Eviushippia,Pachylioidesabstracts, Phillophyllia guttulata, Xylophanes zurcheri, Letis hypnois,Madoryxplutonius,Napatawalkeri,Automeris zozine, Dysdaemonia boreas, Enyo ocypete.

A. Novales

A. Novales

Arch. Fundaeco



In collaboration with:


G. Khan

The Bagh - Bharatpur

New Delhi


Closest Airports












In the Reserve there is a lodge with 30 rooms


INDIA Kanha Tiger Reserve

New Delhi (4,5h.) +39 0141-918349

Keololeo National Park

The Bagh Reserve

Opening period All year round



7 Photo Hides 7 Hectars

Bharatpur - Rajastan India



September October November December

Grey Francolin Painted Stork Shikra Greater Spotted Eagle Steppe Eagle Greater Painted-snipe Yellow-footed Green Pigeon Greater Coucal Sarus Crane White-throated Kingfisher Green Bee-eater Grey Hornbill Coppersmith Barbet Long-tailed Shrike Indian Golden Oriole Paradise Flycatcher Rufous Treepie Bluethroat Oriental Magpie Robin Golden Jackal Indian Civet Common Palm Civet Indian Grey Mongoose Jungle Cat Five-striped Palm Squirrel Water Birds Breeding Ground Birds Breeding The Best Month

M. Biasioli

Worth Watching

G. Khan

G. Khan

Photo Worthy

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M. Biasioli

Merce R. Romero

A. Khan

A. Khan


A. Khan A. Khan

A. Khan A. Khan

Depending on the rain, an area of around 11 sq. km of Keoladeo National Park is covered with water. The remaining portion is rich in Kingfisher, Red Vented and White Cheeked Bulbuls, Babblers, Quails, Partridges, Sun Birds, Sparrows, Parakeets and Orioles, which live in bushes and burrows. This dry area is covered by extensive grassland and dry deciduous forests where the often large mixed colonies of residentwaterbirdscannest-aspectacularsightduringthemonsoon. There are hundreds of Large, Medium and Little Cormorant, Darter, Purple and Grey Heron, various species of Egret, Painted, Open-Billed, White-Necked and Black-necked Stork, White Ibis, Spoonbill, Night Heron and other birds get busy with courting and mating.

G. Khan

A. Khan

G. Khan

M. Biasioli


The gracious Sarus Cranes nest in exposed and open areas, both partners share the duty of hatching: while changing incubating duties, they come together, raise their neck and give out shrill unison triumphant calls while, at the same time, fanning their feathers. The migratory waterfowl is incredible as well. There are also more than 20 species of Ducks coming to this park like the Bar Headed and Greylag Geese, Pintail, Widgeon, Common Shelduck, Shoveler, Garganey, and the Teal. Predatory birds likeTawny, Spotted, Short-toed, Imperial andFishingEagles,attractedbythewaterfowlarrive in the area. Moreover, the Bagh estate, with over fifty species of floraincludingfruitingtreesandfloweringplants,is agreatattractionforbirds,smallanimalsandinsects thatcanbeeasilyenjoyedbyguestsbysimplygoing out of their rooms. In the area, there are not only birds! We are likely to encounter the Black Buck, Sambhar, Spotted deer and Nilgais, Chital, Wild boar, Common Palm Civet, Striped Hyena and Fishing Cat. Other species like the Small Indian Civet, Jungle Cat and the Golde Jackal usually come at a specific hide in search of food. The Five-striped Palm Squirrel is ubiquitous, and both the Common and Small Indian Mongoose are likely along the bunds. The Smooth Indian Otter may turn up on any marsh and also the Indian Porcupine is not uncommon. In representation of the reptiles’ world, the Indian RockPythonscanoccasionallybeseensunbathing.

Request the complete PDF for locations, prices and more info.


M. Apollo

G. Khan

M. Valentini

M. Steenhaut/Wilpix


In collaboration with:


M. Biasioli

The Bagh -Kanha NP

New Delhi


Keololeo National Park

Opening period

Closest Airports



INDIA Nagpur


In the Reserve there is a lodge with 24 rooms +39 0141-918349







Kanha Tiger Reserve

Raipur (4 h.)

All year round



4 Photo Hides 6 Hectars

Kanha N.P. Madhya Pradesh - India





The Bagh Kanha Reserve

September October November December

Red Jungleflow Indian Pomd Heron Grey-headed Fish Eagle Crested Serpent Eagle Brown Fish Owl Southern Coucal Stork-billed Kingfisher White-throated Kingfisher Green Bee-eater Greater Racket-tailed Drongo Indian Roller Golden-fronted Leafbird Purple Sunbird Flying Fox Golden Jackal Tiger Jungle Cat Indian Muntjac Swamp Deer Gaur The Best Month

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M. Biasioli

Worth Watching

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

Photo Worthy



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S. Widdstrad

S. Widdstrad

Merce R. Romero

A. Khan

M. Biasioli

A. Khan

M. Biasioli


It is conveniently located towards the Mukki Gate, which is the quieter side of Kanha National Park. It is amongst the top Tiger reserves in India with a good Tiger density and common sittings. Together with them, there are wonderful Cheetal, Sambar Deer, Nilgai and birds such as the Crested Hawk Eagle, Vultures and Painted Francolin. The Phen Sanctuary, known for Leopard sightings, is also nearby and is an annex ofKanhaNationalParkfeaturinglusciousvegetationandruggedterrain. The Bagh offers us Jungle safaris into the deep forests dominated by Sal and Bamboo, good for species such asWhite-napedWoodpecker, Red JunglefowlandPaintedSpurfowl.Thehabitatisenrichedbyriverforest, open grasslands and marshy areas. This system hosts more than 300 birdspeciesliketheTicklesThrush,BlackBackedWoodpecker,BlackIbis, JungleOwlet,BlueBeardedBee-eater,CrestedBunting,MottledWood Owl, Painted Partridge and the Shaheen Falcon. This 1005 kilometers square park is home to the most diversified flora and fauna, including also the Jackal, Wild Dogs, Indian Bison, Wild Pigs and Monkeys. Kanha has two main grassy valleys harbor containing a large number of herbivores such as the Gaur and the Four-horned antelope. The Tiger’s main prey, the Chital, is abundant there, but we can also see the GreyLangur,FlyingFox,Sambar,MuntjacandtheWildBoar.TheRhesus Macaques,Nilgai,Chinkara,JungleCat,RuddyandCommonMongoose can be seen as well.There is a possibility for the Sloth Bear, Black-naped Hare, Indian Fox, Wolf and Dhole. Request the complete PDF for locations, prices and more info.

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli



NATURE CONSERVATION SKUA Nature is a private company with unique characteristics. The team is made up highly motivated naturalists, who strongly believe that the worldwide projects carried on by SKUA can give importantcontributionstonatureconservancy,throughconcrete actionsandbyraisingmoneyforlocalresearchstudiesandactions. In all the reserves we develop, we activate actions dedicated to nature conservancy and biodiversity studies using funds coming from nature tourism activities and in collaboration with various public or private organizations from all over the world. We have proved, in these last few years, that if the work is done fully respecting all different habitats and species ecology, and adopting dedicated actions to improve feeding, stop over or breeding sites, the results are immediate and positive also for rare or very localized species. And so our many Network’s hides and reserves in many different countries all over the world indeed broadens the range of opportunities and create an ever-growing laboratory on the relation between nature and human activities. Request the complete PDF for more info.


135 123

M. Premoli

M. Laynes

BEAPARTOF THENETWORK Our Network regularly adds new reserves and nature areas, that we carefully select among the several proposals of collaboration that we receive, on a weekly basis, from landowners or public institutions from all over the world. Our idea to develop exclusive reserves entirely dedicated to nature tourism has proved to be a successful project, as it allows nature areas, private or public, to have a specific connotation and become points of reference for this kind of responsible and respectful tourism. Networking indeed is the best way for a project to be successful and it leads to several other opportunities in terms of international collaborations.



M. Biasioli

Arch. EBG

F. Rovedo

events and with direct links on our main website and more. Obviously, such a collaborationagreementcouldbesigned only if some necessary requirements are reached: SKUA will be happy to promote a certain destination, provided it can guarantee our standards in term of quality.

M. Biasioli

L. Nunez

SKUA Nature’s consultancy work can basically be described as follows: we come to see your areas, your locations, what you have to offer in terms of wildlife species and photo opportunities, which is the standard of food and accommodation on offer. After having seen and checked all of this, SKUA will be able to make a development plan for the area, which will obviously be very different from place to place, depending on which are the real opportunities for each area. In some cases there will hopefully be the chance of setting up a photographic reserve, while in other cases SKUA will only offer its consultancy work, consisting in the realization of the dedicated website, leaflets, and in the chance of being part of our network, therefore being promoted in various fairs and

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli



M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli


Creating a photo hide or an area for watching wildlife is not difficult; on-line you can find plenty of examples with a multitudeofphotosandtechnicalbasicstocopy.Oneofthe differences that make our work unique is the deep knowledge, not only in terms of the technical skills which allow us to build different kinds of facilities, but also of the ecologicaldynamicswhichregulatewildlife’smovementsand behaviours. Our intervention is not limited to the construction of a hide, but above all we locate the very best crossing points for wildlife and we restore small or big habitatsinordertofacilitatethestopoverofmigratingbirds. Thanks to our skilled and highly experienced team, we manage to work in every possible condition, always finding the best technical solutions in order to realize works with a minimumenvironmentalimpactbutatthesametimehighly efficient.The best logistic solutions for a fast job and with an optimisation of the costs are guaranteed. In desert areas, in wetlands, in dense forests or highly anthropized areas, we always operate with outstanding expertise and dedication, making use of all the necessary means for a correct execution of the works. Ourknow-howaboutmaterials,technologies,equipments and working tools allows us to make very detailed pre-working plans and subsequently extremely accurate interventions, without wasting material, time or energies.


The SKUA team is composed of more than 25 people among which there are technicians, hide-keepers, reserve’s coordinators, photographers and biologists. Our team share a strong passion for nature, itsconservationandcommunication.Wehave chosen an ambitious and not trouble-free project to develop,in which we strongly believe, and our work in these years has proved that with such a motivated and dynamic team even the most unimaginable aims can be achieved.


MERCE R. ROMERO AGNIESZKA LIWINSKA Iberia & Latin America Chief SKUA Assistant Director Photographer&PhotoScauter Estates Technical Coordinator

FRANCESCO ROVEDO Produtc Development Chief Photographer & Guide

PAOLO FUMAGALLI Technical Department Chief

IGOR MAIORANO Photographer & Guide

M. Biasioli

VALENTINA BERTOLUZZO LINDA PREATONI Marketing & Promotion Chief Logistic & Operations

NICOLA SCATASSI InternationalProjects&Guide

GIULIA GUIDOBALDI Promotion Assistant


MARVIN LAYNES Wild Guatemala Hide Keeper Photographer & Guide

LAURA NUNEZ La Parrilla Reserve Coordinator Photographer & Guide

EUGENIA DELLA BELLA IFTKHER KHAN JACOPO CANTONI Vercelli’s Reserve Coordinator WildBalticHideKeeper&Guide BharatpurHideKeeper&Guide

M. Rodriguez

M. Biasioli M. Biasioli

Following our goals without worrying about what time or day it is, never giving up when faced with logistic and technical difficulties and also, despite being tired, being able to smile, bring joy and safety to those we take with us to the discovery of natural beauty in the world: this is what we are and what we stand for. A group of passionate people who love their jobs, who try to give their best all over the world making traveling something unique. How is this possible? Simply by having fun! An informal atmospherethatenhancesindividual’sinitiative, a wide accountability and independence makes our difficult job easier to perform. We have a mission towards nature conservation through the disclosure and development of a type of awareness towards nature as economic value on which to invest. For this reason, we do not simply go to work every morning, but we proudly are part of a one-ofa-kind company whose purpose is to “infect” as many people and realities as possible by making them part of our philosophy. Come see us in one of the numerous areas managed by us and you will certainly realize how such noble ideals can become more accessible with our enthusiasm.

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli M. A.Biasioli Mancuso

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli





We know how to communicate to this quite demanding target of clientele and prepare ad hoc promotional materials;

All our projects always follow the highest ethical and environmental standards;

We participate to the most important international fairs of this field;

We have contacts with a huge number of tour operators and professionals from different countries;

Our team deals entirely with the development and long term management of the project;

Calibrated initial investment;

SKUA Nature starts to receive benefits at the same time when the owner/manager of the area receives the first incomes from the project;

The fact that we manage a Network allows our company to offer the greatest percentage of the profits to the local partner, be it a land owner or public institution (on average the 60-70%);

Our Network is already a success and it helps new projects to accelerate the achievement of their goals

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

G. Bissattini

SKUA Nature is a world leader in the development and management of natural areas. Our international experience allows us to detect the right strong points to be enhanced, in order to develop projects that have all the necessary features to access the most important nature tourism networks. Our great experience in the field allows us to have a very good and intimate knowledge of nature and wildlife, which is of course necessary in order, for instance, to know how, where and when to build a new hide for taking photos of a particular species and which are the target species for each country. Our work is not “only” the hides construction, it’s the creation of the whole system from the first recce of the area to the creation of a solid long term business plan, from the construction or renewal of specific facilities dedicated to this kind of tourism to the training of the staff, from the promotion and marketing through international fairs and contacts with the main worldwide tour operators of this market to the touristic groups management, from the creation of ad hoc promotional material (website, brochures, etc.) to the administration office, technical team, and lot more. In every SKUA activity, the most important thing is obviously the well-being of the wildlife. We all are naturalists, biologists and conservationists, therefore we have always very clear in mind that we must NOT in any way have a negative impact on the nature’s delicate balance. Our attention is always very high in this regard and dealing with wildlife we all have to be very careful. • SKUA Nature is leader in the development and management of natural areas;


2019 - 2020

2019 - 2020



Wildlife Experiences Photographic Expeditions Birdwatching Tours Exclusive Nature Estates New Destinations



Our Fifty-Five Year


M. Biasioli

M. Biasioli

M. Apollo

M. Biasioli

M. Apollo

Thousandsofyearsworthoffascinatingandanextraordinary biodiversitymakeatriptoIndiasimplyunforgettable. Thankstoourexclusivereserves,youwillliveaunique experience full of emotions!

INNATE Network is a Project developed by SKUA Nature Group General Headquarters

Cascina Picus - Via Valle 4 - 15020 - Castelletto Merli (AL) Piedmont - North West of Italy - Italy Tel/Fax: from UK 020 81449814 other Countries +39 0141918349

Main Technical Sponsor

Cover Photo: Golden Eagle - M. Biasioli

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