Skulls Unlimited Catalog XIV

Page 1

Custom Skeletal Articulations and Cleaning Skulls Unlimited International provides the finest museum quality articulated and disarticulated skeletal specimens available. Each specimen is cleaned and whitened to exceed educational standards. Meticulous craftsmanship and research provide interesting and accurate poses, which clearly illustrate the uniqueness of each species. Disarticulated skeletons make comparative anatomy easy by opening the door to side-by-side comparison of individual bones. Unassembled specimens also offer an unforgettable hands-on learning experience by illustrating the attachment of joints and muscles, as well as showing the strength and intricacy of the underlying frame of many animals. Large animals, custom skeletal orders and exhibits are available. Many skeletons and more are available for viewing on our website at

Please call us for custom articulation quotes.

1-800-659-SKULL Clark Griffith, one of our Master Skeletal Articulators, putting the finishing touches on a Lappet-faced Vulture skeleton.

(405) 794-9300 FAX: 1-800-676-5459

Skulls Unlimited “For in the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.” – Baba Dioum The evolution of Skulls Unlimited started when, at age seven, I found a dog skull in the woods near my home. When my father saw my interest, he encouraged me to find and collect other skulls, thus making it a life-long hobby. After graduating high school I collected and sold skulls in my spare time while working as an auto body technician. As sales grew, my wife Kim and I began to clean skulls in our kitchen. Starting with a onepage price list in 1986, we turned this unusual hobby into a business Four years later, Skulls Unlimited evolved from this small home-based business into a successful retail and mail-order company. In 1992, fueled by local and worldwide enthusiasm, we became Skulls Unlimited International, Inc. Currently, we’ve earned a reputation with some of the most prestigious museums and educational facilities for having the best quality, most professional services and the largest variety of natural bone specimens from around the world. Many of you have requested species that are not available in natural bone. In order to accommodate your needs, as well as our continuing efforts to protect the environment, you will find more than 500 replica skulls and skeletons of rare or endangered species throughout the catalog. All natural bone specimens are legally and ethically obtained. Suppliers worldwide send skulls that would otherwise be discarded or destroyed. We do not condone and will not support the poaching of animals, nor do we approve of destroying an animal solely for the purpose of gaining an osteological item. Our suppliers and their sources obtain osteological material from natural and predator deaths, road kills, food source by-products, legal hunting and trapping operations and from attrition in zoological gardens. You can be assured of and take comfort in knowing that your purchase conserves treasures and promotes the ethical utilization of limited resources. Skulls Unlimited continues to grow. We have now opened the Museum of Osteology, featuring thousands of skull and skeletal specimens. It is the goal of this museum to serve as an educational experience with the hopes that through education comes appreciation and conservation. Sincerely, Jay Villemarette, President Skulls Unlimited International, Inc.

Skulls Unlimited International, Inc.

10313 S. Sunnylane Rd., Oklahoma City, OK 73160 Phone: 405-794-9300 • Fax: 405-794-6985 800-659-SKULL •

Table of Contents

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Aves (continued)

Monotremata: Echidnas & Platypus...........................................6 Marsupialia: Opossum, Wombats and Kangaroos.....................6-7 Insectivora: Shrews, Moles, Hedgehogs & Solenodons................8 Macroscelidae: Elephant Shrews................................................9 Dermoptera: Flying Lemurs or Colugos.....................................9 Scandentia: Tree Shrews......................................................9 Chiroptera: Fruit Bats & Insectivore Bats............................... 10 Primates Monkeys, Apes & Humans............................. 11-29 Fossil Hominids: Australopithecus, Neanderthal, & more............ 30-36 Pilosa: Sloth & Anteaters............................................. 37 Cingulata: Armadillos...................................................... 38 Pholidota: Pangolins or Scaly Anteaters............................... 39 Lagomorpha: Rabbits & Hares............................................... 39 Rodentia: Beavers, Squirrels, Rats & Mice....................... 40-42 Tubulidentata: Aardvark........................................................ 42 Cetacea: Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises........................ 43-47 Carnivora: Domestic Dogs, Cats, Bears, Seals & more......... 48-67 Hyracoidea: Hyraxes.......................................................... 67 Proboscidea: Elephants....................................................... 68 Sirenia: Manatees & Dugong......................................... 69 Perissodactyla: Horses, Zebras & Rhinoceros.......................... 70-71 Artiodactyla: Pigs, Peccaries, Deer & more.......................... 71-78

Coraciiformes: Hornbills........................................................ 87 Piciformes: Toucans & Woodpecker...................................... 87 Trochiliformes: Hummingbird................................................. 87 Passeriformes: Crows & Ravens............................................... 88 Cuculiformes: Cuckoo........................................................... 88 Columbiformes: Pigeon........................................................... 88 Gruiformes: Cranes........................................................... 89 Extinct Bird Species: Various Aves................................................... 89 Bird Eggs: Replica..................................................... 90-91

Aves Struthioniformes: Ostriches, Kiwi................................................. 79 Casuariformes: Emu, Cassowary............................................... 79 Sphenisciformes: Penguins........................................................ 79 Procellariiformes: Albatross........................................................ 80 Pelicaniformes: Pelicans, Cormorant.......................................... 80 Phoenicopteriformes: Flamingo....................................................... 80 Ciconiiformes: Storks, Ibis & Herons......................................... 81 Anseriformes: Ducks & Geese................................................. 82 Falconiformes: Hawks & Eagles.......................................... 82-84 Galliformes: Turkey, Pheasant & Quail.............................. 84-85 Charadriiformes: Puffins & Gulls................................................. 85 Psittaciformes: Macaws......................................................... 86 Strigiformes: Owls............................................................. 86

Reptilia, Amphibia & Fish Testudines: Turtles & Tortoises....................................... 92-93 Rhynchocephalia: Tuatara.......................................................... 93 Squamata: Snakes & Lizards......................................... 94-95 Crocodylia: Alligators, Crocodiles & Gavials....................... 96-98 Amphibia: Frogs & Salamander......................................... 98 Osteichthyes: Fish............................................................... 99 Chondrichthyes: Shark Jaws.............................................100-101

Fossils Dinosaurs: Fossil Mammals: Fossil Birds:

Skulls, Claws & Teeth.................................102-103 Sabertooth Cat, Dire Wolf & Cave Bear........ 60, 50, 53 Dodo, Moa & Elephant Bird Egg........................... 89

Tools Economy Skeleton Articulations: Skeletons: Veterinary Aids: Teaching Kits & Sets: Cryptozoology: Bacula: Animal Tracks: Tools: Books: Logo Items & Acrylics: Ordering Information: Index:

.................................................................. 104 ............................................................105-110 .................................................................. 111 ............................................................112-114 Bigfoot, Alien & more...................................... 115 ............................................................115-116 Negative & Positive...................................116-118 Claws & Teeth..........................................119-120 .................................................................. 121 T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, Acrylics & more...........122-125 ............................................................126-127 ............................................................128-129



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Services & Guarantee

Gift Consultation:

Allow us to help you with your gift selection. By asking a few questions about the recipient, we can offer realistic suggestions to fit any budget.

Special Orders:

Skulls Unlimited has access to skulls not necessarily listed in this catalog. If you have an interest in an unusual specimen, please feel free to call or write concerning availability.

Custom Cleaning Service:

Available for those who have a special need of our services for their own specimens. If you have a specimen you would like to have cleaned, call for our cleaning catalog or visit Our catalog instructs you as to the best way to package and ship your skulls.

Gift Certificates:

Available for any amount over $25.00 and can be sent along with a complimentary catalog and card with your desired message.

Institutional Purchase Orders:

Gladly accepted from bona-fide educational institutions. Our terms are Net 30 days from date of invoice for any amount over $25.00.

Guarantee We are so confident of our quality that we offer a 10-day return guarantee, less the shipping charge, from the date of invoice. Quality is our first priority!


Return Policy

We at Skulls Unlimited International, Inc. believe in protecting the environment and preserving our natural resources. While we only use biodegradable or recycled packing peanuts when shipping orders, we do use new boxes to ensure orders arrive safely. It is our hope that our customers will re-use these packing materials for their shipping needs. By continuing the “cycle” we can all help to preserve the future.

We guarantee our products to be true to the description and quality presented in this catalog. Do not return merchandise without first contacting us. We will either exchange the item, issue a credit to your account or a complete refund, less shipping charges. Please enclose your invoice with your returned merchandise. Merchandise returned after 10 days from the invoice date will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Merchandise returned after 30 days or C.O.D. will not be accepted.

For up-to-the-minute information on all of our products and services, simply go to our website at: You can be assured of and take comfort in knowing that your purchases conserve treasures and promote the ethical utilization of limited resources. We do not condone and will not support the poaching of animals, nor do we approve of destroying an animal solely for the purpose of gaining an osteological item. Our suppliers and their sources obtain osteological material from natural and predator deaths, road kills, food source by-products in exotic regions, legal hunting and trapping operations, and from attrition in zoological gardens. We offer more than 500 replica skulls and skeletons of rare or endangered species throughout the catalog. These reproductions offer the chance to study and enjoy otherwise unobtainable specimens without impacting the environment. Whether meticulously preparing natural bone specimens or obtaining replicas constructed according to precise anatomical specifications, we continually strive to maintain the highest standards of excellence in our products and services.

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


MAMMALIA Tachyglossidae • Ornithorhynchidae

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}} TQ-77 Replica

}} TQ-166 Replica

}} BC-013 Bone Clones®

Short-nosed Echidna

Monotremata > Tachyglossidae > Tachyglossus aculeatus Origin: Australia | Insectivore | Skull Length: 11 cm (4.3 in) }} TQ-77

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $87

}} BC-026 Bone Clones®


Monotremata > Ornithorhynchidae > Ornithorhynchus anatinus Origin: Australia | Carnivore Skull Length: 19 cm (7.5 in) | Skeleton Length: 48.25 cm (19.0 in) }} BC-026 Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $93 }} SC-026 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton....................................................... $575 }} SC-026-AS Museum Quality Replica Skeleton with Base*..................................... $630


Didelphimorphia • Dasyuromorphia American Opossum

Marsupialia: Didelphimorphia > Didelphidae > Didelphis virginiana Origin: North America | Omnivore | Average Skull Length: 11 cm (4.3 in)

}} SM-330 Natural Bone

}} SM-330 }} TQ-330 }} NT-16

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $50 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46 Negative Footprint (8.25x6.3cm).............................................................$8

Tasmanian Devil

Marsupialia: Dasyuromorphia > Dasyuridae > Sarcophilus harrisii Origin: Tasmania | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) }} BC-013

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $145


Marsupialia: Dasyuromorphia > Myrmecobiidae > Myrmecobius fasciatus Origin: Australia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 6.5 cm (2.6 in) }} TQ-166

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $65

Tasmanian Wolf

Marsupialia: Dasyuromorphia > Thylacinidae > Thylacinus cynocephalus Origin: Tasmania | Carnivore | Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in)

}} BC-012 Bone Clones®

}} BC-012

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $165



* Shown on page 105.

The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Marsupialia: Diprotodontia > Phascolarctidae > Phascolarctos cinereus Origin: Australia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 15 cm (5.9 in) }} BC-066


}} TQ-41 Replica

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $154


Marsupialia: Diprotodontia > Vombatidae > Vombatus ursinus Origin: Australia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 19 cm (7.5 in) }} TQ-41

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $109

Long-nosed Potoroo

Marsupialia: Diprotodontia > Potoroidae > Potorous tridactylus Origin: Australia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 7.7 cm (3.0 in) }} TQ-196

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $81

Tree Kangaroo

Marsupialia: Diprotodontia > Macropodidae > Dendrolagus sp. Origin: Australia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 21.5 cm (8.5 in) }} TQ-258

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Red Kangaroo

Marsupialia: Diprotodontia > Macropodidae > Macropus rufus Origin: Australia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 21.5 cm (8.5 in) }} TQ-170

}} BC-066 Bone ClonesÂŽ

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

Red-necked Wallaby

Marsupialia: Diprotodontia > Macropodidae > Macropus rufogriseus Origin: Australia & New Zealand | Herbivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) }} SM-332

}} SM-332 Natural Bone

}} TQ-196 Replica

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $180

}} TQ-259 Replica

Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby

Marsupialia: Diprotodontia > Macropodidae > Petrogale penicillata Origin: Australia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 11.4 cm (4.5 in) }} TQ-259

}} TQ-170 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

}} TQ-258 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


Insectivora Erinaceomorpha • Soricomorpha

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Erinaceomorpha Erinaceidae

}} SM-411 Natural Bone


Insectivora: Erinaceomorpha > Erinaceidae > Various species Origin: Europe and Africa | Insectivore | Average Skull Length: 4.5 cm (1.8 in) }} SM-411 }} TQ-319

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $75 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $49


}} BC-052 Bone Clones®

Solenodontidae • Talpidae • Soricidae Cuban Solenodon

Insectivora: Soricomorpha > Solenodontidae > Solenodon cubanus Origin: Cuba | Insectivore | Skull Length: 8 cm (3.1 in) }} BC-052

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $84

Haitian Solenodon

Insectivora: Soricomorpha > Solenodontidae > Solenodon paradoxus Origin: Hispaniola | Insectivore | Skull Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} BC-053

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $84

}} BC-053 Bone Clones®

Eastern Mole

Insectivora: Soricomorpha > Talpidae > Scalopus aquaticus Origin: North America | Insectivore | Average Skull Length: 3.5 cm (1.4 in) }} SM-412 }} TQ-350

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $39 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46


Insectivora: Soricomorpha > Soricidae > Various species Origin: North America | Insectivore | Average Skull Length: 2.54 cm (1 in) }} SM-410 }} BC-79

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $29 Museum Quality Replica (Short-tailed)................................................. $35

}} SM-412 Natural Bone

}} SM-410 Natural Bone



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Red-rumped Elephant Shrew

Macroscelidea > Macroscelididae > Elephantulus rufescens Origin: Africa | Insectivore | Skull Length: 3.5 cm (1.4 in) }} SM-510 }} BC-082

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $125 Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

Golden-rumped Elephant Shrew

}} BC-082 Bone Clones®

Macroscelidea > Macroscelididae > Rhynchocyon chrysopygus Origin: Africa | Insectivore | Skull Length: 7 cm (2.8 in) }} TQ-124

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $80

}} TQ-124 Replica

Dermoptera Cynocephalidae

Philippine Flying Lemur

Dermoptera > Cynocephalidae > Cynocephalus volans Origin: Philippines | Herbivore | Skull Length: 7 cm (2.8 in) }} BC-049 }} SC-049

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $90 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton....................................................... $990

Malayan Flying Lemur

}} BC-049 Bone Clones®

Dermoptera > Cynocephalidae > Galeopterus variegatus Origin: South East Asia (Banten, West Java) | Herbivore | Skull Length: 7 cm (2.8 in) }} SM-050 }} TQ-59

Natural Bone ...................................................................................... $275 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $80

}} SM-050 Natural Bone

Scandentia Tupaiidae Tree Shrew

Scandentia > Tupaiidae > Tupaia glis Origin: Asia | Insectivore | Skull Length: 5 cm (2.0 in) }} BC-083

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

}} BC-083 Bone Clones®

Follow Skulls Unlimited on Facebook at: SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Phyllostomidae • Pteropodidae • Vespertilionidae

Vampire Bat

Chiroptera > Phyllostomidae > Desmodus rotundus Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 2.45 cm (1.0 in) }} BC-048

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $69

Straw-colored Fruit Bat }} BC-048 Bone Clones®

Chiroptera > Pteropodidae > Eidolon helvum Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 5.8 cm (2.3 in)

}} SM-650 Natural Bone

}} SM-650

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $99

Hammerhead Fruit Bat

}} SM-651 Natural Bone

Chiroptera > Pteropodidae > Hypsignathus monstrosus Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 6.2 cm (2.4 in) }} SM-651 }} TQ-343 }} TQ-345

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $99 Teaching Quality Replica (Male)............................................................ $69 Teaching Quality Replica (Female)........................................................ $69

Fruit Bat

Chiroptera > Pteropodidae > Pteropus sp. Origin: Asia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 7.5 cm (3.0 in) }} BC-007 }} TQ-46 }} KO-180

}} BC-007 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Museum Quality Replica Wing (20 in.)................................................ $160

Greater Flying Fox

Chiroptera > Pteropodidae > Pteropus vampyrus Origin: Asia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 7.62 cm (3.0 in) }} BC-312 }} SC-312-A }} SC-312-D

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $90 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton with Stand (Articulated)*...........$1,622 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)...........................$1,022

Egyptian Fruit Bat

Chiroptera > Pteropodidae > Rousettus aegyptiacus Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 4.5 cm (1.8 in) }} SM-653

}} SM-653 Natural Bone

}} BC-312 Bone Clones®


Chiroptera > Vespertilionidae > Myotis sp. Origin: North America | Insectivore | Average Skull Length: 1.6 cm (0.6 in) }} SM-025 }} TQ-025 }} AC-254

}} KO-180 Bone Clones® }} SM-025 Natural Bone



Natural Bone......................................................................................... $99

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $45 Teaching Quality Replica ...................................................................... $42 Bat in Acrylic ........................................................................................ $25

See more great acrylic products on page 125, or visit: }} AC-254 Natural Bone

* Shown on page 105.

The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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}} BC-266 Bone Clones®

}} BC-136 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $90

Brown Lemur

Primates > Lemuridae > Eulemur fulvus Origin: Madagascar | Omnivore | Skull Length: 7.5 cm (3.0 in) Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92

Ring-tailed Lemur

Primates > Lemuridae > Lemur catta Origin: Madagascar | Omnivore | Skull Length: 8 cm (3.1 in) }} BC-087

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $119

Ruffed Lemur

Primates > Lemuridae > Varecia variegata Origin: Madagascar | Omnivore | Skull Length: 10 cm (3.9 in) }} TQ-233

}} TQ-202 Replica

}} TQ-235 Replica

Primates > Cheirogaleidae > Microcebus murinus Origin: Madagascar | Omnivore | Skull Length: 3.2 cm (1.3 in)

}} TQ-235

Lorisidae • Galagonidae • Cheirogaleidae • Lemuridae

}} BC-264 Bone Clones®

Mouse Lemur }} BC-136


Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92

}} TQ-172 Replica

}} BC-087 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-233 Replica


Primates > Galagonidae > Galago senegalensis Origin: Africa | Omnivore | Skull Length: 4.5 cm (1.8 in) }} TQ-172

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Slender Loris

Primates > Lorisidae > Loris tardigradus Origin: Asia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 5 cm (2.0 in) }} BC-266

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $92

Slow Loris

Primates > Lorisidae > Nycticebus coucang Origin: Asia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 5.7 cm (2.25 in) }} BC-264 }} TQ-171

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $92 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69


Primates > Lorisidae > Perodicticus potto Origin: Africa | Omnivore | Skull Length: 6 cm (2.4 in) }} TQ-202

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Primates Daubentoniidae • Indriidae • Callitrichidae


Primates > Daubentoniidae > Daubentonia madagascariensis Origin: Madagascar | Omnivore | Skull Length: 7.3 cm (2.9 in) }} BC-163 }} KO-163

}} KO-163 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $170 Museum Quality Replica Arm ( 9.5 in)................................................. $165


Primates > Indriidae > Propithecus verreauxi Origin: Western Africa | Omnivore | Skull Length: 7.62 cm (3.0 in) }} BC-284

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $145


Primates > Indriidae > Indri indri Origin: Madagascar | Omnivore | Skull Length: 10.16 cm (4.0 in) }} BC-282 }} SC-282-A }} SC-282-D

}} BC-163 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $145 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$2900 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$2400

Pygmy Marmoset

Primates > Callitrichidae > Cebuella pygmaea Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 4 cm (1.6 in) }} BC-081

}} BC-284 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $98

Golden-headed Lion Tamarin

Primates > Callitrichidae > Leontopithecus chrysomelas Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 6 cm (2.4 in) }} TQ-160

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92

Cotton-top Tamarin

Primates > Callitrichidae > Saguinus oedipus Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 5 cm (2.0 in) }} BC-080

}} BC-282 Bone Clones®

}} BC-081 Bone Clones®

Common Marmoset

Primates > Callitrichidae > Callithrix jacchus Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 4.5 cm (1.75 in) }} BC-311

}} TQ-160 Replica

}} BC-080 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $98

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $98

}} BC-311 Bone Clones®



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Pitheciidae • Cebidae • Aotidae • Atelidae

Red Uakari

Primates > Pitheciidae > Cacajao calvus Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 9.2 cm (3.6 in) }} TQ-262

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92

Saki Monkey

Primates > Pitheciidae > Pithecia pithecia Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 5.08 cm (2.0 in) }} BC-304

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $145

Weeping Capuchin Monkey

Primates > Cebidae > Cebus olivaceus Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 10 cm (3.9 in) }} BC-263 }} TQ-242 }} SC-263-A }} SC-263-D

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $140 Teaching Quality ................................................................................... $92 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)*..............................$2250 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$1650

}} BC-304 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-262 Replica

Squirrel Monkey

Primates > Cebidae > Saimiri sciureus Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 6.5 cm (2.6 in) }} TQ-125

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92

}} TQ-125 Replica

Owl Monkey

Primates > Aotidae > Aotus trivirgatus Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 6.5 cm (2.6 in) }} BC-109

}} TQ-242 Replica

Mantled Howler Monkey

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $109

Primates > Atelidae > Alouatta palliata Origin: Central and South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 12.5 cm (4.9 in) }} BC-017

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $168

Black Spider Monkey

Primates > Atelidae > Ateles paniscus Origin: Brazil | Omnivore | Skull Length: 4.6 cm (1.8 in)

}} BC-109 Bone Clones®

}} BC-265 }} TQ-281 }} SC-265-A }} SC-265-D

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $150 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)*..............................$2250 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$1625

MORE PRIMATES! }} BC-265 Bone Clones®

}} BC-017 Bone Clones®

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 * Shown on page 107.

The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Tarsiidae • Cercopithecidae

}} BC-050 Bone Clones®

}} SM-286 Natural Bone

}} SM-285 Natural Bone

}} BC-137 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-173 Replica

Philippine Tarsier

Primates > Tarsiidae > Tarsius syrichta Origin: Philippines | Omnivore | Skull Length: 4 cm (1.6 in) }} BC-050

Primates > Cercopithecidae > Cercopithecus pygerythrus Origin: Africa | Omnivore | Average Male Skull Length: 10 cm (3.9 in) Average Female Skull Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) Natural Bone....................................................................................... $199 Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $160 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)**............................$2250 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$1650

Colobus Monkey

Primates > Cercopithecidae > Colobus angolensis Origin: Africa | Omnivore | Skull Length: 11.5 cm (4.5 in) }} TQ-102

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

Patas Monkey

Primates > Cercopithecidae > Erythrocebus patas Origin: Africa | Omnivore | Skull Length: 15 cm (5.9 in) }} TQ-243

}} TQ-243 Replica

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $82

Vervet Monkey

}} SM-286 }} BC-069 }} SC-069-A }} SC-069-D

}} TQ-102 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92



Crab-eating Monkey

Primates > Cercopithecidae > Macaca fascicularis Origin: Asia | Omnivore | Average Skull Length: 10 cm (3.9 in) }} SM-285 }} TQ-326

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $199 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

Rhesus Monkey

Primates > Cercopithecidae > Macaca mulatta Origin: Asia | Omnivore | Average Skull Length: 10 cm (3.9 in) }} BC-137 }} SC-137-A }} SC-137-D

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $160 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)*..............................$2250 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$1650

Celebes Macaque Monkey

Primates > Cercopithecidae > Macaca nigra Origin: Sulawesi | Omnivore | Skull Length: 14.5 cm (5.7 in) }} TQ-173

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

* Shown on page 107. ** Shown on page 108.

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Cercopithecidae • Hylobatidae

Mandrill Baboon

Primates > Cercopithecidae > Mandrillus sphinx Origin: Western Africa | Omnivore | M/F Skull Length: 23 cm (9.1 in) / 17.2 cm (6.75 in) }} BC-010 }} S-BC-010 }} BC-261 }} S-BC-261 }} SC-010-A }} SC-010-D

Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $228 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $263 Museum Quality Replica (Female)....................................................... $190 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $225 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$3300 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$2000

}} BC-010 Bone Clones®

Hamadryas Baboon

Primates > Cercopithecidae > Papio hamadryas Origin: Africa | Omnivore | M/F Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) / 17.5 cm (6.9 in) }} TQ-185 }} TQ-184

Teaching Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $150 Teaching Quality Replica (Female)...................................................... $150

Chacma Baboon

Primates > Cercopithecidae > Papio ursinus Origin: Southern Africa | Omnivore | M/F Skull Length: 21 cm (8.3 in) / 17.8 cm (7 in) }} BC-258 }} S-BC-258 }} BC-259 }} S-BC-259

Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $218 Museum Quality Replica with Stand (Male)........................................ $253 Museum Quality Replica (Female)....................................................... $190 Museum Quality Replica with Stand (Female)..................................... $225

Gelada Baboon

Primates > Cercopithecidae > Theropithecus gelada Origin: Africa | Omnivore | Skull Length: 18 cm (7.1 in) }} TQ-158

}} TQ-185 Replica }} BC-084 Bone Clones®

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $162

Hanuman Langur

Primates > Cercopithecidae > Semnopithecus entellus Origin: Asia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 13 cm (5.1 in) }} BC-084

}} TQ-415 Replica

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $179

White-handed Gibbon

Primates > Hylobatidae > Hylobates lar Origin: Asia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 11 cm (4.3 in) }} BC-291 }} TQ-415 }} LC-13 }} LC-14

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $180 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139 Museum Quality Replica Hand.............................................................. $70 Museum Quality Replica Foot................................................................ $70

}} BC-258 Bone Clones®


}} LC-14 Bone Clones®

Primates > Hylobatidae > Symphalangus syndactylus Origin: Asia | Omnivore | M/F Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) / 12.7 cm (5 in) }} BC-290 }} BC-047 }} SC-047-A }} SC-047-D

Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $180 Museum Quality Replica (Female)....................................................... $170 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)*..............................$2250 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$1750

}} BC-047 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-158 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 * Shown on page 109.

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Mountain Gorilla

Primates > Hominidae > Gorilla beringei Origin: Africa | Omnivore | Skull Length: 35 cm (13.8 in) }} BC-124 }} S-BC-124

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $310 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $345

Lowland Gorilla

Primates > Hominidae > Gorilla gorilla Origin: Africa | Omnivore | M/F Skull Length: 29.5 cm (11.6 in) / 22.9 cm (9 in)

}} KO-209 Bone Clones® }} S-BC-124 Bone Clones®

}} BC-001 }} S-BC-001 }} BC-036 }} S-BC-036 }} BC-035 }} S-BC-035 }} LC-21 }} LC-25 }} LC-22 }} LC-05 }} LC-01 }} LC-02 }} LC-10 }} LC-06 }} LC-09 }} KO-209 }} KO-209-D }} LC-15

Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $270 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $305 Museum Quality Replica (Male)(X-Large)........................................... $290 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $325 Museum Quality Replica (Female)....................................................... $230 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $265 Museum Quality Replica Face Cast (Male)........................................... $140 Museum Quality Replica Face Cast (Female)........................................ $140 Museum Quality Replica Face Cast (Female)........................................ $175 Museum Quality Replica Left Hand (Male).......................................... $175 Museum Quality Replica Right Hand (Male)........................................ $175 Museum Quality Replica Left Foot (Male)............................................ $175 Museum Quality Replica Left Foot (Female)........................................ $175 Museum Quality Replica Right Foot (Male)......................................... $175 Museum Quality Replica Right Hand (Female).................................... $175 Museum Quality Replica Foot Articulated........................................... $145 Museum Quality Replica Foot Disarticulated....................................... $125 Museum Quality Replica Right Hand Muscle (Male)............................ $175

}} LC-01 Bone Clones®

}} S-BC-036 Bone Clones®

}} LC-25 Bone Clones®

}} LC-21 Bone Clones®



* See page 108 for skeletons.

The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Primates > Hominidae > Pan paniscus Origin: The Democratic Republic of the Congo | Omnivore M/F Skull Length: 17.5 cm (6.9 in) / 17.8 cm (7 in) }} BC-252 }} S-BC-252 }} BC-123 }} S-BC-123

Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245 Museum Quality Replica (Female) ...................................................... $218 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $253


Primates > Hominidae > Pan troglodytes Origin: Africa | Omnivore | M/F Skull Length: 20.5 cm (8.1 in) / 19 cm (7.5in) }} BC-003 }} S-BC-003 }} BC-248 }} S-BC-248 }} BC-205 }} BC-207 }} BC-292 }} S-BC-292

Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $218 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $253 Museum Quality Replica (Female)....................................................... $208 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $243 Museum Quality Replica (Fetal).......................................................... $135 Museum Quality Replica (Infant) 11 months....................................... $170 Museum Quality Replica Male with Calvarium Cut.............................. $279 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $314

Sumatran Orangutan*

}} BC-003 Bone Clones® }} BC-207 Bone Clones®

}} S-BC-123 Bone Clones®

}} BC-205 Bone Clones®

Primates > Hominidae > Pongo abelii Origin: Indonesia | Omnivore | Male Skull Length: 27 cm (10.6 in) }} BC-002S }} S-BC-002S }} BC-206 }} BC-208 }} LC-26

Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $245 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $280 Museum Quality Replica (Fetal).......................................................... $135 Museum Quality Replica (Infant)11 months........................................ $170 Museum Quality Replica Face Cast...................................................... $140

Bornean Orangutan

Primates > Hominidae > Pongo pygmaeus Origin: Indonesia | Omnivore | M/F Skull Length: 25.5 cm (10.0 in) / 19 cm (7.5 in) }} BC-002B }} S-BC-002B }} BC-255 }} S-BC-255

Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $235 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $270 Museum Quality Replica (Female)....................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245

}} S-BC-002S Bone Clones®

}} LC-26 Bone Clones®

}} BC-208 Bone Clones®

}} S-BC-002B Bone Clones® }} BC-205 Bone Clones®

* See page 108 for skeletons.

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Human Primates Hominidae

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}} BC-215 Bone Clones®

}} BC-194 Bone Clones®

}} BC-218 Bone Clones®

}} BC-225 Bone Clones®

}} BC-220 Bone Clones®

}} BC-180 Bone Clones®

Human Fetal Skull ≈13 weeks

Skull Length: 2.54 cm (1.0 in) | Skull Width: 1.9 cm (0.7 in) }} BC-215

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

Human Fetal Skull ≈17 weeks

Skull Length: 3.81 cm (1.5 in) | Skull Width: 3.17 cm (1.2 in) }} BC-218

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

Human Fetal Skull ≈20 weeks

Skull Length: 4.5 cm (1.8 in) | Skull Width: 3.81 cm (1.5 in) }} BC-194

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

Human Fetal Skull ≈21 1/2 weeks

Skull Length: 5.7 cm (2.2 in) | Skull Width: 4.5 cm (1.8 in) }} BC-220

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

Human Fetal Skull ≈29 weeks

Skull Length: 7.62 cm (3.0 in) | Skull Width: 5.7 cm (2.2 in) }} BC-195

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

}} BC-195 Bone Clones®

}} BC-181 Bone Clones®

}} SP-05 Replica

}} BC-226 Bone Clones®

Human Fetal Skull ≈30 weeks

Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) | Skull Width: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} SP-05

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $49

Human Fetal Skull ≈30 weeks

Skull Length: 8.9 cm (3.5 in) | Skull Width: 6.35 cm (2.5 in) }} BC-225

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

Human Fetal Skull ≈31 weeks

Skull Length: 8.25 cm (3.2 in) | Skull Width: 6.365 cm (2.5 in) }} BC-180

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

Human Fetal Skull ≈32 weeks

Skull Length: 10.16 cm (4.0 in) | Skull Width: 7.62 cm (3.0 in) }} BC-181

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

Human Fetal Skull ≈34 weeks

Skull Length: 8.9 cm (3.5 in) | Skull Width: 7.62 cm (3.0 in) }} BC-226

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80



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Human Primates


}} BC-182 Bone Clones®


}} BC-227 Bone Clones®

}} BC-281 Bone Clones®

Human Fetal Skull ≈35 weeks

Skull Length: 9.52 cm (3.7 in) | Skull Width: 8.25 cm (3.2 in) }} BC-227

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

Human Fetal Skull ≈40 weeks

Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) | Skull Width: 8.9 cm (3.5 in) }} BC-182

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

}} BC-228 Bone Clones®

Human Fetal Skull ≈40 weeks (full term) w/ Calvarium Cut Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) | Skull Width: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} BC-281

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $195

Human Fetal Skull ≈40 1/2 weeks

Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) | Skull Width: 8.9 cm (3.5 in) }} BC-228

Human Fetal Skeleton ≈32 weeks

}} BC-182-SET​ Bone Clones®

Height: 38.1 cm (15.0 in) }} SC-181

}} SC-181 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton*..................................................... $649

Human Fetal Skulls Set of 3

}} BC-182-SET  Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $225

Set Includes: BC-180, BC-181, BC-182

Human Fetal Skull Set of 5

}} BC-194-SET  Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $375

Set Includes: BC-194, BC-195, BC-180, BC-181, BC-182

Human Fetal Skulls Set of 12

}} BC-228-SET  Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $910

}} BC-228-SET Bone Clones®

Set Includes: BC-215, BC-218, BC-194, BC-220, BC-195, BC-225, BC-180, BC-181, BC-226, BC-227, BC-182, BC-228

}} BC-194-SET Bone Clones®

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 * Shown on page 109.

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Human Primates



≈4-month-old Human Child

≈16-month-old Human Child

Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) | Skull Width: 10.8 cm (4.3 in)

Skull Length: 15.8 cm (6.2 in) | Skull Width: 12.7 cm (5 in)

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245

}} BC-256 }} S-BC-256

≈1-year-old Human Child

Skull Length: 15.9 cm (6.3 in) | Skull Width: 12 cm (4.75 in)

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $245

≈1-year-old Human Child Skull with Calvarium Cut

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $245

Skull Length: 16.51 cm (6.5 in) | Skull Width: 11.43 cm (4.5 in)

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $249 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $284

≈14-month-old Human Child

}} BC-275 }} S-BC-275

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $245

≈3-year-old Human Child

Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) | Skull Width: 12 cm (4.75 in)

Skull Length: 16.5 cm (6.5 in) | Skull Width: 12 cm (4.75 in)

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $245

}} BC-187 }} S-BC-187

}} BC-216 }} S-BC-216

≈2-year-old Human Child

Skull Length: 15.24 cm (6 in) | Skull Width: 12 cm (4.75 in) }} BC-280 }} S-BC-280

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $245

≈ 1 1/2-year-old Human Child

Skull Length: 15.24 cm (6 in) | Skull Width: 12 cm (4.75 in) }} BC-274 }} S-BC-274

}} BC-209 }} S-BC-209

}} BC-210 }} S-BC-210

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $245

≈15-month-old Human Child

Skull Length: 15.24 cm (6 in) | Skull Width: 11.43 cm (4.5 in) Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245

}} BC-111 }} S-BC-111

}} BC-256 Bone Clones®

}} BC-111 Bone Clones®

}} BC-274 Bone Clones®

}} BC-209 Bone Clones®

}} BC-280 Bone Clones®

}} BC-216 Bone Clones®

}} BC-187 Bone Clones®

}} BC-275 Bone Clones®

}} BC-210 Bone Clones®



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Human Primates


}} BC-247 Bone Clones®


}} BC-190 Bone Clones®

}} BC-268 Bone Clones®

}} S-BC-222 Bone Clones® }} BC-276 Bone Clones®

}} BC-277 Bone Clones®

}} BC-270 Bone Clones®

≈8-year-old Human Child

Skull Length: 18.4 cm (7.25 in) | Skull Width: 12.7cm (5 in) }} BC-276 }} S-BC-276

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $245

≈9-year-old Human Child }} BC-222 Bone Clones®

}} BC-135 Bone Clones®

≈4-year-old Human Child

Skull Length: 17.8 cm (7 in) | Skull Width: 12 cm (4.75 in) }} BC-247 }} S-BC-247

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $245

≈ 5-year-old Human Child

Skull Length: 16.51 cm (6.5 in) | Skull Width: 11.43 cm (4.5 in) }} BC-190 }} S-BC-190

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245

≈6-year-old Human Child

Skull Length: 18 cm (7.1 in) | Skull Width: 12 cm (4.75 in) }} BC-268 }} S-BC-268

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $245

Skull Length: 19.05 cm (7.5 in) | Skull Width: 12.7 cm (5 in) }} BC-277 }} S-BC-277

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $245

≈12-year-old Human Child with Dentition Exposed Skull Length: 17.78 cm (7 in) | Skull Width: 10.16 cm (4 in) }} BC-135 }} S-BC-135

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $249 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $284

≈13-year-old Human Child

Skull Length: 19 cm (7.5 in) | Skull Width: 12.7 cm (5 in) }} BC-270 }} S-BC-270

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $245

Human Adult Cradle-boarded

Skull Length: 15.24 cm (6 in) | Skull Width: 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

}} BC-222 }} S-BC-222

Museum Quality Replica (Cranium Only)............................................. $295 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $330

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Human Primates



Human Female with Multiple Gunshot Wounds Skull Length: 22.86 cm (9 in) | Skull Width: 12.7 cm (5 in)

}} BC-202 }} S-BC-202

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $295 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $330

}} BC-202 Bone Clones®

Human Female with Shotgun Wounds

Skull Length: 21.59 cm (8.5 in) | Skull Width: 12.7 cm (5 in)

}} BC-196 }} S-BC-196

}} BC-196 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $298 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $330

Human Healed Trauma

Skull Length: 19.7 cm (7.8 in) | Skull Width: 14.6 cm (5.75 in)

}} BC-303 }} S-BC-303

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $295 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $330

Human Male Skull with Hammer Blows

Skull Length: 21.6 cm (8.5 in) | Skull Width: 12.7 cm (5 in)

}} BC-217 }} S-BC-217

Museum Quality Replica (Cranium Only)............................................. $295 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $330

}} BC-303 Bone Clones®

}} BC-217 Bone Clones®

Human Male with a 32-caliber Gunshot Wound Skull Length: 19.05 cm (7.5 in) | Skull Width: 13.34 cm (5.25 in)

}} BC-152 }} S-BC-152

Human Male with Machete Wounds

Skull Length: 22.86 cm (9 in) | Skull Width: 13.97 cm (5.5 in)

}} BC-185 }} S-BC-185

}} BC-152 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $298 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $333

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $375 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $410

}} BC-185 Bone Clones®

Looking for


visit or check out pages 28-29 for more information on Real Research Quality Human Skulls



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Human Primates



Spanish Conquistador Human Skull with Broad Ax Trauma Origin: New Mexico | Omnivore }} BC-199 }} S-BC-199

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $375 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $410

Human Female African / Negroid

Skull Length: 20.32 cm (8 in) | Skull Width: 12.7 cm (5 in)

}} BC-115 Bone Clones®

}} BC-200 Bone Clones®

}} BC-178 }} S-BC-178

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $220 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $255

}} FO-101 Bone Clones® }} BC-201 Bone Clones®

}} BC-198 Bone Clones®

Human Peruvian Female Skull with Cranial Binding }} BC-200 }} S-BC-200

Museum Quality Replica (Female)....................................................... $249 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $284

}} BC-199 Bone Clones®

Human Peruvian Male w/ Cranial Binding & Trephination Skull Length: 24.76 cm (9.75 in) | Skull Width: 12.07 cm (4.75 in) }} BC-201 }} S-BC-201

Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $249 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $284

Human Rib with Embedded Bullet Length: 20.32 cm (8 in) }} FO-101

Museum Quality Replica (Forensic)....................................................... $40

Human Trephined Skull

Skull Length: 19.05 cm (7.5 in) | Skull Width: 12.7 cm (5 in) }} BC-115 }} S-BC-115

Museum Quality Replica (Cranium Only)............................................. $218 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $253

Roman Gladiator Human

Skull Length: 20.32 cm (8 in) | Skull Width: 15.24 cm (6 in) }} BC-198 }} S-BC-198

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $375 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $410

}} BC-178 Bone Clones®

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


Human Primates Hominidae

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Human Female American Indian

Skull Length: 20.3 cm (8.0 in) | Skull Width: 15 cm (5.9 in)

}} BC-213 }} S-BC-213

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $245 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $280

Human Female Asian / Mongoloid

Skull Length: 16.51 cm (6.5 in) | Skull Width: 11.43 cm (4.5 in) }} BC-059E Museum Quality Replica Economy...................................................... $135 }} S-BC-059E Museum Quality Replica Economy with Stand.................................... $170

Human Female Asian / Mongoloid

}} BC-059E Bone Clones®

}} BC-133 Bone Clones®

}} BC-110 Bone Clones®

}} BC-213 Bone Clones®

Skull Length: 20.32 cm (8 in) | Skull Width: 12.07 cm (5 in) }} BC-149 }} S-BC-149

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245

Human Female Asian / Mongoloid

Skull Length: 20.96 cm (8.25 in) | Skull Width: 12.07 cm (4.75 in) }} BC-211 }} S-BC-211

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245

Human Female European / Caucasoid

Skull Length: 19.05 cm (7.5 in) | Skull Width: 12.07 cm (4.75 in) }} BC-133 }} S-BC-133

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245

}} BC-149 Bone Clones®

}} BC-211 Bone Clones®

}} BC-016 Bone Clones®

}} BC-203 Bone Clones®

Human Female (Medical Quality)

Skull Length: 19.05 cm (7.5 in) | Skull Width: 12.07 cm (4.75 in) }} BC-150 }} S-BC-150

Museum Quality Replica with Calvarium Cut....................................... $249 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $284

Human Male African / Negroid

Skull Length: 19.67 cm (7.75 in) | Skull Width: 12.07 cm (4.75 in) }} BC-110 }} S-BC-110

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245

Human Male African-American

Skull Length: 22.86 cm (9 in) | Skull Width:13.97 cm (5.5 in) }} BC-203 }} S-BC-203

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $220 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $255

Human Male Asian / Mongoloid

Skull Length: 21.59 cm (8.5 in) | Skull Width: 12.07 cm (5 in) }} BC-016 }} S-BC-016

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245

}} BC-150 Bone Clones® Medical Quality!



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Human Primates



Human Male European Skull with Calvarium Cut Skull Length: 19.7 cm (7.8 in) | Skull Width: 14 cm (5.5 in)

}} BC-212 }} S-BC-212

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $249 Museum Quality with Stand................................................................ $284

Human Male European Skull w/ Calv Cut and Numbered Skull Length: 19.69 cm (7.75 in) | Skull Width: 13.97 cm (5.5 in)

}} BC-302 Bone Clones®

}} BC-253 Bone Clones®

}} BC-031 Bone Clones®

}} BC-287 Bone Clones®

}} BC-293 }} S-BC-293

Museum Quality Replica ..................................................................... $289 Museum Quality Replica With Stand................................................... $324

Human Male Polynesian Skull

Length: 20.32 cm (8.0 in) | Width: 14 cm (5.5 in)

}} BC-302 }} S-BC-302

}} BC-212 Bone Clones®

}} BC-107 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $290 Museum Quality Replica With Stand................................................... $325

}} BC-293 Bone Clones®

Human Male Asian / Mongoloid

Skull Length: 21.59 cm (8.5 in) | Skull Width: 12.07 cm (5 in) }} BC-253 }} S-BC-253

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245

Human Male Asian Robust

Skull Length: 21.5 cm (8.5 in) | Skull Width: 15.9 cm (6.3 in) }} BC-287 }} S-BC-287 }} SC-287-A }} SC-287-D

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $239 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $274 Museum Quality Replica Articulated Skeleton...................................$2150 Museum Quality Replica Disarticulated Skeleton..............................$1350

Human Male European / Caucasian

Skull Length: 19.05 cm (7.5 in) | Skull Width: 12.07 cm (5 in) }} BC-107 }} S-BC-107

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245

Human Male Australian Aboriginal

Origin: Lower Darling River, Australia Skull Length: 20.96 cm (8.25 in) | Skull Width: 13.34 cm (5.25 in) }} BC-031-P }} S-BC-031-P }} BC-031 }} S-BC-031

Museum Quality Replica - Stained similar to original.......................... $249 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $284 Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $220 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $255

}} SC-287-D Bone Clones®

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


Human Primates Hominidae

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}} BC-092 Bone Clones® Medical Quality!

}} BC-092-SET Bone Clones®

}} SP-02 Replica

}} SP-01 Replica

Male Human Asian (Medical Quality)

Skull Length: 21.59 cm (8.5 in) | Skull Width: 13.97 cm (5.5 in)

}} SP-07 Replica

}} BC-092 Museum Quality Replica with Calvarium Cut....................................... $220 }} S-BC-092 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $255 }} BC-092-SET Museum Quality Replica with Stand with Brain.................................. $390

Disarticulated Human Skeleton (Plastic) }} SP-14

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $359

Articulated Human Skeleton (Plastic) }} SP-19 }} SP-21

Teaching Quality Replica on Wheels.................................................... $349 Teaching Quality Replica Muscle, Origins and Insertions on stand....... $675

Human Skull with Teeth for Extraction, 4-Part Skull Length: 21 cm (8.3 in) | Skull Width: 13.5 cm (5.3 in)

}} SP-07

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $150

Human Skull - Numbered }} SP-02

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $129

Human Skull - Standard }} SP-01

}} SP-04 Replica

}} SP-19 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $99

Human Skull with Muscles }} SP-04

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $149



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585

Human Primates



Plastic Human Pelvis (Male) }} SP-33

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Replica Human Pelvis (Female) }} SP-34

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Replica Human Articulated Hand with Wire }} SP-45

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $53

Replica Human Articulated Foot with Wire }} SP-51

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $53

Replica Human Complete Arm }} SP-42

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $95

Replica Human Complete Leg }} SP-49

}} SP-33 Replica

}} SP-34 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $115

Replica Human Elbow Joint }} SP-32

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $99

Replica Human Femur }} SP-64

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $33

Replica Human Fibula }} SP-67

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $13

Replica Human Foot - Strung on Nylon }} SP-54

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $64

Replica Human Hand - Strung on Nylon }} SP-47

Teaching Quality Replica ...................................................................... $59

}} SP-40 Replica

Replica Human Hip Joint }} SP-30

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $99

Replica Human Humerus }} SP-58

}} SP-45, 42, 32, 47 and 58 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $20

Replica Human Hyoid Bone }} SP-41

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $30

Replica Human Knee Joint }} SP-31

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $99

Replica Human Radius }} SP-60

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $16

Replica Human Scapula }} SP-61

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $12

Replica Human Shoulder Joint }} SP-29

Teaching Quality Replica ...................................................................... $99

Replica Human Single Rib }} SP-57

Teaching Quality Replica .........................................................................$6

Replica Human Tibia }} SP-66

Teaching Quality Replica ...................................................................... $20

}} SP-57 Replica

Replica Human Ulna }} SP-59

Teaching Quality Replica ...................................................................... $15

Replica Single Vertebrae }} SP-40

Teaching Quality Replica ...................................................................... $10

}} SP-51, 49, 64, 67, 54 and 30 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


Research Quality NAtural Bone Human Skulls The highest quality human skulls available for medical research and educational needs

Skulls Unlimited is proud to offer Research Quality Natural Bone Human Skulls. Obtained from American body donor facilities, every specimen is meticulously prepared in our laboratories with great care and dignity. This attention to detail results in the highest quality human skulls available for medical research and educational needs. The age, gender, and race of each specimen are available upon request.

A-Quality Human Skulls Normally possesses 26 to 32 teeth. Bone quality is excellent. $1650 to $1850

B-Quality Human Skulls

Human Skull Stands SC-06 $65.00*

Normally possesses fewer than 26 teeth. Bone quality is excellent but minor imperfections may be present. $1450

C-Quality Human Skulls Few to no teeth present. Bone quality is usually suitable for teaching or study.

Skull Carrying Case SC-03 $99.00*

$1250 * Skulls not included.



Due to stringent regulations, these specimens are only available to employees of medical or educational academic institutions such as college professors, teachers, doctors, nurses, dentists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, dental assistants, optometrists, x-ray technicians, ultrasound technicians, crime scene investigators, lawyers, and students of these professions. People in similar fields may inquire to their eligibility.

Research Quality NAtural Bone Human Skulls The highest quality human skulls available for medical research and educational needs

Calvarium cut and spring held jaw SC-04 $85.00* additional

Looking for MORE




Fossil Hominids Fossil Hominidae

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585


Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae Origin: Africa | Omnivore }} MS-99-SET   Museum Quality Replica Set of 6...................................................... $405 }} MS-100-6-SET   Museum Quality Replica Set of 6...................................................... $308 }} MS-201-SET   Museum Quality Replica Set of 6...................................................... $358

Half Scale Primate Skull }} MS-201-SET Bone Clones®

}} MS-99-SET Bone Clones®

}} KAM-SET-7 Bone Clones®

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae Omnivore }} S-KAM-SET-7 Complete Set with Stand..................................................................... $553 }} KAM-SET-7 Complete Set (No Stand)..................................................................... $498 }} KAM-01 Australopithecus boisei.......................................................................... $75 }} KAM-02 Australopithecus afarensis..................................................................... $75 }} KAM-03 Chimpanzee ......................................................................................... $75 }} KAM-04 Gorilla ................................................................................................... $75 }} KAM-05 Homo erectus......................................................................................... $75 }} KAM-06 Homo s. neanderthalensis...................................................................... $75 }} KAM-07 Human.................................................................................................. $75

Hominid & Ape Comparison Set Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae Origin: Africa | Omnivore }} BH-49

Museum Quality Replica / Recreation................................................$1588

Set Includes: BC-001, BC-003, BC-016, BH-001, BH-015, BH-038 & BH-004

Hominid Skull Set of Six

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae Origin: Africa | Omnivore }} BH-KRO-2 Museum Quality Recreation .............................................................$1500

Set Includes: BH-038, BH-007, BH-009, BH-012, BH-015 & BH-021T

Hominid Skulls Set of Nine }} BH-49 Bone Clones®

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae Origin: Africa | Omnivore

}} BH-KRO-1 Museum Quality Recreation .............................................................$2122

Set Includes: BH-002, BH-038, BH-007, BH-009, BH-012, BH-015, BH-021T, BH-016 & BH-020

}} BH-KRO-2 Bone Clones®



}} BH-KRO-1 Bone Clones®

The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585

Fossil Hominids


Fossil Hominidae

Hominid Study Set

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae Origin: Africa | Omnivore }} BH-48

Museum Quality Recreation .............................................................$1795

Set Includes: : BC-016, BH-001, BH-008, BH-015, BH-038, BC-093, BH-004 & BH-009


Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Aegyptopithecus zeuxis Origin: Egypt | Omnivore) | Museum Quality Skull Length: 11.5 cm (4.5 in) Teaching Quality Skull Length: 10 cm (3.9 in) }} BH-025 }} S-BH-025 }} EM-14

Museum Quality Recreation................................................................ $149 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $184 Teaching Quality Recreation.................................................................. $89

}} BH-48 Bone Clones®

Black Skull KNM WT-1700

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Australopithecus aethiopicus Origin: Lake Turkana, Kenya | Omnivore) | Museum Quality Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in) Teaching Quality Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} BH-008 }} S-BH-008 }} EM-012

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $230 Teaching Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $132

Australopithecus afarensis

}} BH-001 Bone Clones®

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Australopithecus afarensis Origin: Ethiopia 3.2 mya | Omnivore) | Skull Length: 21 cm (8.3 in) }} BH-001 }} S-BH-001

Museum Quality Recreation (Male)..................................................... $235 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $270


}} BH-025 Bone Clones®

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Australopithecus afarensis Origin: Ethiopia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 16.5 cm (6.5 in) }} BH-021A }} S-BH-021A }} BH-021T }} S-BH-021T

Museum Quality Recreation (Light Finish).......................................... $280 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $315 Museum Quality Recreation (Dark Finish)........................................... $280 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $315

}} BH-008 Bone Clones®

}} BH-021A Bone Clones®

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585

Fossil Hominids


Fossil Hominidae

}} BH-014 Bone Clones®

}} BH-016 Bone Clones®

Mrs. Ples STS 5

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Australopithecus africanus Origin: Sterkfontein, South Africa 3-2.5 mya | Omnivore Museum Quality Skull Lgth: 18.5 cm (7.3 in) | Teaching Quality Skull Lgth: 19 cm (7.5 in) }} BH-007 }} S-BH-007 }} BH-007C }} S-BH-007C }} EM-10

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)........................................ $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $230 Museum Quality Recreation and Jaw.................................................. $280 Museum Quality Recreation and Jaw with Stand................................ $315 Teaching Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $132

Taung Child

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Australopithecus africanus Origin: South Africa 3 - 2.5 mya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 8 cm (3.1 in) }} BH-016 }} S-BH-016 }} EM-11 }} EM-16

}} BH-026 Bone Clones®

}} BH-007 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Recreation (3 pieces)................................................ $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $230 Teaching Quality Recreation (3 pieces)................................................ $132 Teaching Quality Recreation (Reconstructed)...................................... $132

}} BH-006 Bone Clones®

Piltdown Man

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Eoanthropus dawsoni Origin: England | Omnivore | Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in) }} BH-014 }} S-BH-014

Museum Quality Recreation Skull........................................................ $255 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................ $290

Zinjanthropus OH-5

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Australopithecus boisei Origin: Olduvia Gorge, Tanzania | Omnivore | Skull Length: 22.5 cm (8.9 in) }} BH-015 }} S-BH-015 }} BH-015C }} S-BH-015C }} EM-13

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................. $230 Museum Quality Recreation and Jaw.................................................. $280 Museum Quality Recreation and Jaw with Stand................................ $315 Teaching Quality Recreation................................................................ $187

Australopithecus Jaw

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Australopithecus boisei Origin: East Turkana, Kenya | Omnivore }} EM-23

Teaching Quality Recreation ................................................................. $59

KNM ER 732

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Australopithecus boisei Origin: Olduvia Gorge, Tanzani | Omnivore | Skull Length: 16.5 cm (6.5 in) }} BH-026 }} S-BH-026

Museum Quality Recreation (Female) (Cranium Only)......................... $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $230

KNM ER-406

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Australopithecus boisei Origin: Kenya 1.7 mya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 19.69 cm (7.75 in) }} BH-006 }} S-BH-006

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)........................................ $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $230

}} BH-015 Bone Clones®

}} BH-015C Bone Clones® }} EM-23 Replica



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585

Fossil Hominids


Fossil Hominidae


Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Australopithecus robustus Origin: South Africa | Omnivore | Skull Length: 17 cm (6.7 in) }} BH-003 }} S-BH-003 }} BH-003-C }} S-BH-003-C

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)........................................ $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................. $230 Museum Quality Recreation and Jaw.................................................. $280 Museum Quality Recreation and Jaw with Stand................................ $315


Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Gigantopithecus blacki Origin: China 7 mya - 250,000 ya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 21 cm (8.3 in) }} BC-140 }} S-BC-140 }} EM-17 }} BC-140-J

Museum Quality Recreation................................................................ $390 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $430 Teaching Quality Recreation Jaw........................................................... $59 Museum Quality Recreation Jaw......................................................... $187


}} BH-038 Bone Clones®

}} S-BC-140 Bone Clones®

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo erectus Origin: Georgia 1.75 mya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 18 cm (7.1 in) }} BH-028 }} S-BH-028

Museum Quality Recreation............................................................... $305 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $340


Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo erectus Origin: Java 1.6 - 300,000 ya | Skull Length: 24 cm (9.4 in) }} BC-141 }} S-BC-141

}} BH-028 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Recreation................................................................ $270 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $305

Peking Man (Sawyer/Tattersol recreation)

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo erectus Origin: Beijing, China | Omnivore | Skull Length: 21.5 cm (8.5 in) }} BH-038 }} S-BH-038 }} EM-67

Museum Quality Recreation................................................................ $349 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................. $384 Teaching Quality Recreation............................................................... $187

}} BH-003 Bone Clones®

}} BC-141 Bone Clones®

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585

Fossil Hominids


Fossil Hominidae

Sangiran 17

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo erectus Origin: Java 1.6 mya - 300,000 ya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 24 cm (9.4 in)

}} BH-018 Bone Clones®

}} BH-018 }} S-BH-018

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $200 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $235

KNM ER 3733 Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo ergaster Origin: Kenya 1.8 - 1.5 mya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 18.5 cm (7.3 in) }} BH-011 }} S-BH-011 }} EM-117

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................. $230 Teaching Quality Recreation................................................................ $187

Nariokotome Boy

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo ergaster Origin: Kenya 1.6 mya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 19.69 cm (7.75 in) }} BH-012 }} S-BH-012

Museum Quality Recreation................................................................ $280 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $315

Homo habilis Jaw

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo habilis Origin: South Africa 1.8 mya | Omnivore }} EM-24

}} BH-011 Bone Clones® }} BH-012 Bone Clones®

Teaching Quality Recreation.................................................................. $59

KNM ER 1813

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo habilis Origin: Koobi Fora, Lake Turkana, Kenya 2.3 - 1.6 mya | Omnivore Skull Length: 19 cm (7.5 in) }} BH-002 }} S-BH-002 }} EM-65

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $230 Teaching Quality Recreation................................................................ $132

OH 24

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo habilis Origin: Tanzania 2.3-1.6 mya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 18.5 cm (7.3 in)

}} BH-010 Bone Clones®

}} BH-010 }} S-BH-010

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................. $230

}} BH-002 Bone Clones® }} EM-24 Replica




The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585

Fossil Hominids


Fossil Hominidae

Atapuerca 5

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo heidelbergensis Origin: Spain 300,000 ya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} BH-022 }} S-BH-022

Museum Quality Recreation............................................................... $305 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................. $340

Mauer Jaw

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo heidelbergensis Origin: Africa }} EM-18

Teaching Quality Recreation ................................................................. $59

Rhodesian Man

}} BH-022 Bone Clones®

}} BH-004 Bone Clones®

}} BH-027 Bone Clones®

}} EM-68 Replica

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo heidelbergensis Origin: Zambia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 23 cm (9.1 in) }} BH-004 }} S-BH-004

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................. $230

Teshik-Tash Child

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo neaderthalensis Origin: Uzbekistan | Omnivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} BH-027 }} S-BH-027

Museum Quality Recreation................................................................ $280 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................. $315

Forbes Quarry

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo neanderthalensis Origin: Gibraitar 200,000 - 29,000 ya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in) }} EM-68

Teaching Quality Recreation................................................................ $187

La Chapelle-aux-Saints

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo neanderthalensis Origin: France | Omnivore | Skull Length: 22.86 cm (9 in) }} BH-009 }} S-BH-009

Museum Quality Recreation................................................................ $280 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $315

La Ferassie

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo neanderthalensis Origin: France | Omnivore | Skull Length: 25 cm (9.8 in) }} BH-019 }} S-BH-019

}} BH-009 Bone Clones®

}} BH-019 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Recreation............................................................... $280 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................. $315

Skhul 5

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo neanderthalensis Origin: Isreal 200,000 - 29,000 ya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in) }} EM-33

Teaching Quality Recreation................................................................ $189

}} EM-33 Replica

}} EM-18 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585

Fossil Hominids


Fossil Hominidae

KNM ER 1470

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo rudolphensis Origin: Kenya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 20.64 cm (8.125 in) }} BH-013 }} S-BH-013 }} EM-34

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................. $230 Teaching Quality Recreation................................................................ $132


Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo sapiens Origin: Europe | Omnivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in)

}} BH-013 Bone Clones®

}} BH-017 Bone Clones®

}} BC-093 }} S-BC-093 }} BC-093-C }} S-BC-093-C

Museum Quality Replica (Without Jaw).............................................. $195 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $230 Museum Quality Replica (With Jaw)................................................... $280 Museum Quality Replica with Jaw with Stand..................................... $315

Cro-Magnon -1

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Homo sapiens Origin: France 120,000 ya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in)

}} BC-093-C Bone Clones®

}} BH-023 Bone Clones®

}} BH-017 }} S-BH-017 }} BH-017-C }} S-BH-017-C }} EM-79

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $195 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................. $230 Museum Quality Recreation(With Jaw)............................................... $280 Museum Quality Recreation Cranium with Stand............................... $315 Teaching Quality Recreation................................................................ $187


Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Kenyanthropus platyops Origin: Lake Turkana, Kenya 3.5 - 3.2mya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 19.69 cm (7.75 in) }} BH-020 }} S-BH-020

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $265 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand............................................. $300


Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Proconsul africanus Origin: Lake Victoria 23 - 14 mya | Omnivore | Skull Length: 13 cm (5.1 in)

}} BH-020 Bone Clones®

}} BH-029 Bone Clones®

}} BH-023 }} S-BH-023 }} EM-15

Museum Quality Recreation............................................................... $149 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $184 Teaching Quality Recreation................................................................ $132

Sahelanthropus / Toumai

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Sahelanthropus tchadensis Origin: Chad | Omnivore | Skull Length: 18 cm (7.1 in) }} BH-029 }} S-BH-029

Museum Quality Recreation (Cranium Only)....................................... $280 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $315

Sivapithecus }} BH-024 Bone Clones®

Fossil Hominids > Fossil Hominidae > Sivapithecus indicus Origin: Pakistan | Omnivore | Skull Length: 15 cm (5.9 in) }} BH-024 }} S-BH-024

Museum Quality Recreation............................................................... $210 Museum Quality Recreation with Stand.............................................. $245



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585


Pilosa Megalonychidae • Bradypodidae • Mylodontidae Myrmecophagidae

Southern Two-toed Sloth

Pilosa > Megalonychidae > Choloepus didactylus Origin: South America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 11 cm (4.3 in) }} TQ-273

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92

Hoffmann’s Two-toed Sloth

Pilosa > Megalonychidae > Choloepus hoffmanni Origin: South America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 10 cm (3.9 in) }} BC-098 }} TQ-85

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $98 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92

}} TQ-273 Replica

}} TQ-147 Replica

Three-toed Sloth

Pilosa > Bradypodidae > Bradypus tridactylus Origin: South America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 9.5 cm (3.7 in) }} TQ-147

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92

Giant Ground Sloth

Pilosa > Mylodontidae > Catonyx tarijensis Origin: Bolivia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 50 cm (19.7 in) }} GD-100

}} BC-098 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $450

Giant Anteater

Pilosa > Myrmecophagidae > Myrmecophaga tridactyla Origin: South America | Insectivore | Skull Length: 35 cm (13.8 in) }} BC-011

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $160

Silky Anteater

Pilosa > Myrmecophagidae > Cyclopes didactylus Origin: Central and South America | Insectivore | Skull Length: 4.5 cm (1.8 in) }} TQ-106

}} TQ-106 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $59

}} BC-011 Bone Clones®


Pilosa > Myrmecophagidae > Tamandua tetradactyla Origin: South America | Insectivore | Skull Length: 13.5 cm (5.3 in) }} TQ-153

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $99

}} TQ-153 Replica

}} GD-100 Museum Quality Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585

Cingulata Glyptodontidae • Dasypodidae • Pampatheriidae


Cingulata > Dasypodidae > Euphractus sexcinctus Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 8.3 cm (3.3 in)

}} BC-283 Bone Clones®

}} SM-383 }} TQ-383

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $249 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $99

Giant Armadillo

Cingulata > Dasypodidae > Priodontes maximus Origin: South America | Insectivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} BC-089 }} TQ-399

}} TQ-126 Replica

Three-banded Armadillo

Cingulata > Dasypodidae > Tolypeutes matacus Origin: South America | Insectivore | Skull Length: 6.35 cm (2.5 in) }} TQ-126

}} GD-101 Museum Quality Replica


Cingulata > Glyptodontidae > Glyptodon clavipes Origin: Uruguay | Herbivore | Skull Length: 32 cm (12.6 in) }} GD-101

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $145 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $49

Giant Armadillo Fossil

Cingulata > Pampatheriidae > Holmesina septentrionalis Origin: Florida | Insectivore | Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in) }} GD-102

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $350

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $550

Naked-tailed Armadillo

Cingulata > Dasypodidae > Cabassous centralis Origin: Central and South America | Insectivore | Skull Length: 8 cm (3.1 in) }} TQ-297

}} SM-383 Natural Bone

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $49

Large Hairy Armadillo

Cingulata > Dasypodidae > Chaetophractus villosus Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 9.5 cm (3.7 in) }} TQ-298

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Pink Fairy Armadillo

Cingulata > Dasypodidae > Chlamyphorus truncatus Origin: Argentina | Insectivore | Skull Length: 3.6 cm (1.4 in) }} BC-283

}} GD-102 Museum Quality Replica

}} SM-010 Natural Bone

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $80

Nine-banded Armadillo

Cingulata > Dasypodidae > Dasypus novemcinctus Origin: North & South America | Insectivore | Skull Length: 9.5 cm (3.7 in) }} SM-010 }} TQ-010 }} BC-288 }} FP-06

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $59 Museum Quality Replica (with head shield).......................................... $80 Positive Footprint (14 x 9 cm)...................................................................$8



}} BC-089 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-297 Replica

}} TQ-298 Replica

The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585




Giant Pangolin

Pholidota > Manidae > Manis gigantea Origin: Africa | Insectivore | Skull Length: 15.5 cm (6.1 in) }} TQ-75

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

}} SM-380 Natural Bone

Malayan Pangolin

Pholidota > Manidae > Manis javanica Origin: Southeast Asia | Insectivore | Skull Length: 8.3 cm (3.3 in) }} TQ-261

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92


Ochotonidae • Leporidae American Pika

Lagomorpha > Ochotonidae > Ochotona collaris Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 5 cm (2.0 in) }} BC-088 }} TQ-408

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $90 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $59

}} TQ-408 Replica

Cottontail Rabbit

Lagomorpha > Leporidae > Sylvilagus sp. Origin: North America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 7.5 cm (3.0 in) }} SM-375 }} TQ-375

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $46 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46


Lagomorpha > Leporidae > Various species Origin: North America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} SM-380 }} NT-12 }} TQ-380 }} BC-145E

}} TQ-261 Replica

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $46 Negative Footprint (11.5 x 4 cm)..............................................................$8 Teaching Quality Replica (Jackrabbit).................................................... $46 Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $52

}} SM-375 Natural Bone

}} TQ-75 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Rodentia Aplodontidae • Sciuridae • Geomyidae • Castoridae


}} SM-040 Natural Bone

}} SM-005 Natural Bone

}} SM-110 Natural Bone

}} SM-450 Natural Bone

Mountain Beaver

Rodentia > Aplodontidae > Aplodontia rufa Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 7 cm (2.8 in) Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

}} SM-005 }} TQ-005

Prairie Dog

Rodentia > Sciuridae > Cynomys sp. Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 7cm (2.8 in) Natural Bone......................................................................................... $49 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46

}} SM-365 }} TQ-365


Rodentia > Sciuridae > Marmota sp. Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} SM-505 }} TQ-505 }} NT-15

Natural Bone........................................................................................ $55 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46 Negative Footprint (7.8 x 5.7 cm).............................................................$8

Ground Squirrel

Rodentia > Sciuridae > Spermophilus sp. Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 4 to 5 cm (1.6 to 2.0 in) }} SM-455

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $35

}} SM-455 Natural Bone

}} SM-365 Natural Bone

}} SM-205 Natural Bone

}} SM-505 Natural Bone


Rodentia > Sciuridae > Tamias sp. Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 4.5 cm (1.8 in) }} SM-110 }} TQ-347

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $46 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46

Tree Squirrel

Rodentia > Sciuridae > Various species Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 6.5 cm (2.6 in) }} SM-450 }} TQ-450 }} NT-14

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $39 Teaching Quality Replica (Gray Squirrel)................................................ $46 Negative Footprint (8x3cm).....................................................................$8


Rodentia > Geomyidae > Various species Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 3.2 cm (1.3 in) }} SM-205 }} TQ-348

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $35 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46

American Beaver

Rodentia > Castoridae > Castor canadensis Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) }} SM-040 }} BC-101E }} TQ-040 }} OP-06 }} NT-13

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69 Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $72 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Natural Bone Baculum (4 cm)..................................................................$8 Negative Footprint (14 cm)......................................................................$8



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Castoridae • Caviidae • Heteromyidae Nesomyidae • Muridae


Rodentia > Muridae > Various species Origin: World Wide | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 2 cm (0.8 in) }} SM-300 }} TQ-300

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $25 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46


Rodentia > Muridae > Various species Origin: World Wide | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 3.5 cm (1.4 in)

}} BC-071T Bone Clones®

}} BC-071A Bone Clones®

Giant Beaver

Rodentia > Castoridae > Castorides ohioensis Origin: North America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in) }} BC-071T }} BC-071A

}} SM-395 }} ESK-309

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $29 Natural Bone Economy Skeleton........................................................... $90


Rodentia > Muridae > Various species Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 2 cm (0.8 in) }} SM-301 }} TQ-349

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $25 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46

Museum Quality Replica (Dark Finish)................................................. $325 Museum Quality Replica (Antique Finish)............................................ $295

Guinea Pig

Rodentia > Caviidae > Cavia porcellus Origin: South America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 7.5 cm (3.0 in) }} SM-617

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $39

Kangaroo Rat

Rodentia > Heteromyidae > Dipodomys sp. Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 4.1 cm (1.6 in) }} SM-211

}} SM-395 Natural Bone

}} SM-617 Natural Bone

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $39

Giant Pouched Rat

Rodentia > Nesomyidae > Cricetomys sp. Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 7.7 cm (3.0 in) }} SM-657 }} TQ-342

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $79 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $64


Rodentia > Muridae > Mesocricetus auratus Origin: Eurasia | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 3.5 cm (1.4 in) }} SM-606

}} SM-310 Natural Bone }} SM-606 Natural Bone

}} SM-300 Natural Bone

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $25


Rodentia > Muridae > Ondatra zibethicus Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 6 cm (2.4 in) }} SM-310 }} TQ-310 }} NT-17

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $35 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46 Negative Footprint (10 x 4.75 cm)............................................................$8

}} SM-657 Natural Bone

}} SM-211 Natural Bone }} SM-301 Natural Bone

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Rodentia Hystricidae • Erethizontidae • Dasyproctidae Hydrochaeridae • Myocastoridae • Spalacidae

African Crested Porcupine

Rodentia > Hydrochaeridae > Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris Origin: South America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 26 cm (10.2 in)

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92 Natural Large Quill (each).........................................................................$3 Natural Small Quill (each)........................................................................$3

Rodentia > Erethizontidae > Coendou prehensilis Origin: South America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 8.6 cm (3.4 in)

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $190


}} SM-320

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Natural Bag of Quills (approx. 30 quills)...................................................$3

American Porcupine

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Natural Bag of Quills (approx. 30 quills)...................................................$3


Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69

East African Mole Rat

Rodentia > Spalacidae > Tachyoryctes sp. Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 4.5 cm (1.8 in) }} TQ-535

Rodentia > Erethizontidae > Erethizon dorsatum Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 10.5 cm (4.1 in)

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46

Tubulidentata Orycteropodidae Aardvark

Rodentia > Dasyproctidae > Dasyprocta sp. Origin: South America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) }} TQ-244

}} BC-061

Rodentia > Myocastoridae > Myocastor coypus Origin: The Americas | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 11 cm (4.3 in)

Prehensile-tailed Porcupine

}} SM-360 }} TQ-360 }} PQ-03

}} TQ-535 Replica


Rodentia > Hystricidae > Hystrix cristata Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in)

}} TQ-266 }} PQ-04

}} SM-320 Natural Bone

}} TQ-130 Replica

}} BC-061 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-130 }} PQ-01 }} PQ-02


Tubulidentata > Orycteropodidae > Orycteropus afer Origin: Africa | Insectivore | Skull Length: 21 cm (8.3 in)

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

}} BC-308 }} TQ-80

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $195 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $173

}} TQ-244 Replica

}} TQ-266 Replica

}} SM-360 Natural Bone

}} TQ-80 Replica



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Cetacea Platanistidae • Pontoporiidae • Iniidae • Monodontidae

Ganges River Dolphin

Cetacea > Platanistidae > Platanista gangetica Origin: India | Carnivore | Skull Length: 44 cm (17.3 in) Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $360

}} BC-184

}} BC-184 Bone Clones®

Indus River Dolphin

Cetacea > Platanistidae > Platanista minor Origin: Pakistan | Carnivore | Skull Length: 36.8 cm (14.5 in) Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $323

}} TQ-282

La Plata River Dolphin

Cetacea > Pontoporiidae > Pontoporia blainvillei Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 38.1 cm (15.0 in) Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $323

}} TQ-283

}} TQ-01 Replica

Amazon River Dolphin

Cetacea > Iniidae > Inia geoffrensis Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 48 cm (18.9 in) Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $300

}} TQ-01


Cetacea > Monodontidae > Delphinapterus leucas Origin: Northern Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 50 cm (19.7 in) }} TQ-238 }} TQ-320 }} TQ-320-D

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $520 Teaching Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)*..............................$6338 Teaching Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)...........................$4500

}} TQ-238 Replica


Cetacea > Monodontidae > Monodon monoceros Origin: Arctic, Northern Atlantic | Carnivore | Skull Length: 56 cm (22.0 in) Tusk Length: 155 cm (61.0 in) Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $520 Teaching Quality Replica & Tusk.......................................................... $889 Teaching Quality Replica Tusk (62 in)................................................... $359 Museum Quality Replica Tusk (74 in)................................................... $439

}} TQ-434 }} TQ-439 }} TQ-48 }} KO-254

}} TQ-434 Replica

}} TQ-282 Replica

}} TQ-283 Replica

}} TQ-48 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 * Shown on page 106.

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Phocoenidae • Ziphiidae • Delphinidae

Harbor Porpoise }} TQ-140 Replica

Cetacea > Phocoenidae > Phocoena phocoena Origin: Northern Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 31 cm (12.2 in) }} TQ-51

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $277

Dall’s Porpoise

Cetacea > Phocoenidae > Phocoenoides dalli Origin: North Pacific | Carnivore | Skull Length: 29.5 cm (11.6 in) }} TQ-204

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $277

Baird’s Beaked Whale

}} TQ-204 Replica

Cetacea > Ziphiidae > Berardius bairdii Origin: Pacific Ocean | Carnivore | Skull Length: 150 cm (59.1 in)

}} TQ-51 Replica

}} TQ-442

Teaching Quality Replica...................................................................$3500

Hubb’s Beaked Whale

Cetacea > Ziphiidae > Mesoplodon carlhubbsi Origin: North Pacific | Carnivore | Skull Length: 79.5 cm (31.3 in) }} TQ-140 }} TQ-314

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $693 Teaching Quality Replica Teeth (Pair)..................................................... $28

Cuvier’s Beaked Whale

Cetacea > Ziphiidae > Ziphius cavirostris Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 95 cm (37.4 in)

}} TQ-221 Replica

}} TQ-221 }} TQ-221-T

Teaching Quality Replica...................................................................$1040 Teaching Quality Replica Teeth (Pair)..................................................... $25

Short-beaked Common Dolphin

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Delphinus delphis Origin: World Wide | Carnivore | Skull Length: 39.11 cm (15.4 in) }} TQ-224

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $300

}} TQ-442 Replica }} TQ-224 Replica



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WWW.SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM Long-beaked Common Dolphin

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Dephinus capensis Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 47 cm (18.5 in) }} TQ-226

Delphinidae }} TQ-225 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $300

Short-finned Pilot Whale

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Globicephala macrorhynchus Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 56 cm (22.0 in) }} TQ-220

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $520

Risso’s Dolphin

}} TQ-219 Replica

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Grampus griseus Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 56 cm (22.0 in) }} TQ-219

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $520

Pacific White-sided Dolphin

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Lagenorhynchus obliquidens Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 39 cm (15.4 in) }} TQ-225

}} TQ-220 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $300

Northern Right Whale Dolphin

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Lissodelphis borealis Origin: Pacific Ocean | Carnivore | Skull Length: 45 cm (17.7 in) }} TQ-228

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $300

Killer Whale

}} TQ-226 Replica

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Orcinus orca Origin: Oceans World Wide | Carnivore | Skull Length: 87 cm (34.3 in) }} TQ-52 }} KO-012 }} TQ-63

Teaching Quality Replica...................................................................$1040 Museum Quality Replica Tooth (4 in)..................................................... $15 Teaching Quality Replica Tooth (4 in)........................................................$9

}} TQ-228 Replica

}} TQ-52 Replica

}} KO-012 Bone Clones®

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Melon-headed Whale

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Peponocephala electra Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 46 cm (18.1 in)

}} BC-044 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-194

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $300

False Killer Whale

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Pseudorca crassidens Origin: Temperate Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 59 cm (23.2 in) }} BC-044 }} KO-044S }} KO-244

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $590 Museum Quality Replica Half Jaw....................................................... $100 Museum Quality Replica Tooth (2.5 in)...............................................$8.50

Tucuxi Gray River Dolphin

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Sotalia fluviatilis Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in)

}} TQ-194 Replica

}} TQ-249

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $300

Pantropical Spotted Dolphin

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Stenella attenuata Origin: Tropical & Temperate Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 42 cm (16.5 in) }} TQ-250

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $300

Rough-toothed Dolphin

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Steno bredanensis Origin: Tropical and Subtropical Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 51 cm (20.1 in)

}} TQ-205 Replica

}} TQ-205

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $300

Bottle-nosed Dolphin

Cetacea > Delphinidae > Tursiops truncatus Origin: Temperate Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 49 cm (19.3 in) }} BC-033 }} KO-233 }} TQ-82

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $375 Museum Quality Replica Pectoral Fin (16 in)....................................... $165 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $300

}} BC-033 Bone Clones® }} TQ-250 Replica

}} KO-233 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-249 Replica



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Physeteridae • Balaenopteridae

}} TQ-251 Replica

}} TQ-138 Replica

}} KO-255 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-139 Replica

Pygmy Sperm Whale

Cetacea > Physeteridae > Kogia breviceps Origin: World Wide | Carnivore | Skull Length: 44 cm (17.3 in) }} TQ-139 }} TQ-316-A }} TQ-316-D

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $693 Teaching Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)*..............................$5200 Teaching Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)...........................$3875

Dwarf Sperm Whale

Cetacea > Physeteridae > Kogia simus Origin: World Wide | Carnivore | Skull Length: 29.5 cm (11.6 in) }} TQ-138

Minke Whale

Cetacea > Balaenopteridae > Balaenoptera acutorostrata Origin: World Wide | Carnivore | Skull Length: 152 cm (59.8 in) }} TQ-251

Teaching Quality Replica...................................................................$3450

Humpback Whale

Cetacea > Balaenopteridae > Megaptera novaeangliae Origin: World Wide | Carnivore | Height: 23 cm (9.1 in) | Width: 33 cm (13.0 in) }} KO-255

Museum Quality Replica Vertebrae..................................................... $650

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $462

Sperm Whale

Cetacea > Physeteridae > Physeter catondon Origin: Oceans World Wide | Carnivore | Tooth Length: 17 cm (6.7 in) }} KO-213

Museum Quality Replica Tooth (8 in)..................................................... $24

}} KO-213 Bone Clones®

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 * Shown on page 106.

The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


Domestic Dog Canidae

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585


Carnivora > Canidae > Canis familiaris Origin: World Wide | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} SM-130 }} SM-130BIS }} SM-134 }} SM-133 }} SM-131

Natural Bone (Large)............................................................................. $85 Natural Bone (Bisected)........................................................................ $95 Natural Bone (Small)............................................................................. $69 Natural Bone (Puppy)............................................................................ $39 Natural Bone Skull with Periodontal Disease......................................... $59

Domestic Dog & Puppy Set

Carnivora > Canidae > Canis familiaris Origin: World wide | Carnivore }} SK-404

}} SM-130 Natural Bone

Natural Bone Set................................................................................. $104

English Bulldog

Carnivora > Canidae > Canis familiaris Origin: World Wide | Carnivore | Skull Length: 17 cm (6.7 in) }} BC-128 }} TQ-432

Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $160 Teaching Quality Replica (Female)........................................................ $92

}} SM-133 Natural Bone

}} SM-134 Natural Bone

}} BC-128 Bone Clones®

}} SM-130BIS Natural Bone

}} SK-404 Natural Bone



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Domestic Dog



Domestic Dog Post Cranial Elements

Carnivora > Canidae > Canis familiaris Origin: World Wide | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} SK-130 }} ESK-321 }} SK-401 }} SK-402 }} SM-613-D }} SM-614-D }} OP-09 }} CW-17 }} SK-1021 }} SK-1020 }} SM-664

Natural Bone Articulated Skeleton (Large)*......................................$1170 Natural Bone Articulated Skeleton (Small) Economy........................... $240 Natural Bone Disarticulated Skeleton (Small)..................................... $450 Natural Bone Disarticulated Skeleton (Medium)................................. $550 Natural Bone Disarticulated Dog Forelimb.......................................... $195 Natural Bone Disarticulated Dog Hind limb......................................... $195 Natural Bone Baculum (10 cm)............................................................. $10 Natural Bone Claw (3 cm).........................................................................$3 Natural Bone Loosely Strung Spine with Sacrum and Pelvis................ $299 Natural Bone Loosely Strung Spine without Sacrum and Pelvis........... $225 Natural Bone Pelvis............................................................................. $125

}} SK-130 Natural Bone

}} SM-613-D Natural Bone

}} SK-1020 Natural Bone

}} SM-614-D Natural Bone

}} SM-664 Natural Bone

}} SK-1021 Natural Bone

}} CW-17 Natural Bone

}} OP-09 Natural Bone

}} SK-208 Natural Bone

Dog & Cat Skull Special }} SK-208

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $140

Puppy & Kitten Skull Set

}} SK-210 Natural Bone

}} SK-210

Natural Bone Set................................................................................... $59

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 * Shown on page 105.

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Dire Wolf

Carnivora > Canidae > Canis dirus Origin: North & South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in) }} BC-020T }} S-BC-020T }} BC-020A }} S-BC-020A }} RB-105

Museum Quality Replica (Tar Finish)................................................... $225 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $265 Museum Quality Replica (Antique Finish)............................................ $205 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $245 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (18 cm)............................................ $20

Maned Wolf

Carnivora > Canidae > Chrysocyon brachyurus Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 24 cm (9.4 in) }} BC-024

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $160


Carnivora > Canidae > Canis latrans Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 19 cm (7.5 in)

}} S-BC-020T Bone Clones®

}} SM-105 }} BC-143E }} TQ-105 }} OP-04 }} CW-05 }} K9-01 }} FP-07 }} NT-05

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69 Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $72 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Natural Bone Baculum (7 cm)..................................................................$3 Natural Bone Claw 2 cm...........................................................................$3 Natural Bone Canine (Set of 4).............................................................. $10 Postive Footprint (14 x 9 cm)....................................................................$8 Negative Footprint (8.5 x 7 cm)................................................................$8

Gray Wolf

Carnivora > Canidae > Canis lupus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 29 cm (11.4 in)

}} SM-105 Natural Bone

}} SM-495 }} BC-004 }} MO-17 }} OP-10 }} RB-137 }} MO-16 }} FP-10 }} NT-27

}} SM-495 Natural Bone

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $285 Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $190 Museum Quality Replica Canine............................................................ $10 Natural Bone Baculum (12 cm)............................................................. $35 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (13 cm)............................................ $12 Museum Quality Replica Claw (4 cm).......................................................$8 Postive Footprint (22 x 16.5 cm)............................................................ $17 Negative Footprint (10 x 13 cm) ........................................................... $12

}} BC-024 Bone Clones®



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Mexican Gray Wolf

Carnivora > Canidae > Canis lupus baileyi Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 24 cm (9.4 in) }} BC-172

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $190

}} BC-172 Bone Clones®

Red Wolf

Carnivora > Canidae > Canis rufus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 23.5 cm (9.3 in) }} BC-147

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $158

African Hunting Dog

Carnivora > Canidae > Lycaon pictus Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 19.5 cm (7.7 in) }} TQ-152

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $104

Raccoon Dog

Carnivora > Canidae > Nyctereutes procyonoides Origin: Asia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) }} TQ-146

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Bush Dog

}} BC-147 Bone Clones®

Carnivora > Canidae > Speothos venaticus Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 13 cm (5.1 in) }} TQ-278

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $81

}} TQ-278 Replica

}} TQ-152 Replica

}} TQ-146 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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}} SM-185 Natural Bone

Red Fox

Carnivora > Canidae > Vulpes vulpes Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14.5 cm (5.7 in) }} SM-185 }} TQ-428 }} OP-05 }} NT-09

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Natural Bone Baculum (6.5 cm)...............................................................$3 Negative Footprint (7.1 x 6 cm)................................................................$8

Arctic Fox

Carnivora > Canidae > Vulpes (Alopex) lagopus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 13 cm (5.1 in) }} TQ-216

}} SM-175 Natural Bone

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

}} TQ-216 Replica

Fennec Fox

}} TQ-157 Replica

Carnivora > Canidae > Fennecus zerda Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} TQ-157

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

}} SM-180 Natural Bone

Gray Fox

Carnivora > Canidae > Urocyon cinereoargenteus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) }} SM-175 }} BC-144E }} TQ-175 }} FP-02S }} FP-02L

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69 Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $69 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Positve Footprint Small (14 x 9.5 cm)......................................................$8 Postive Footprint Large (22 x 17 cm)..................................................... $17

Kit Fox

Carnivora > Canidae > Vulpes macrotis Origin: North America | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 11.5 cm (4.5 in) }} SM-180

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $82

Swift Fox

Carnivora > Canidae > Vulpes velox Origin: North America | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 11.5 cm (4.5 in) }} SM-181

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $82

}} SM-181 Natural Bone



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Cave Bear

}} TQ-112 Replica

Carnivora > Ursidae > Ursus spelaeus Origin: Europe | Omnivore | Skull Length: 51 cm (20.1 in) }} BC-132 }} S-BC-132 }} RB-102

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $375 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $415 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (10 in)............................................. $18

Short-faced Bear

Carnivora > Ursidae > Arctodus simus Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 50.75 cm (20.0 in) }} BC-114 }} S-BC-114

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $575 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $615

Spectacled Bear

}} TQ-110 Replica

}} TQ-99 Replica

Carnivora > Ursidae > Tremarctos ornatus Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 27 cm (10.6 in) }} TQ-99

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $185

Sun Bear

Carnivora > Ursidae > Ursus malayanus Origin: Asia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in) }} TQ-112

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $185

Asiatic Black Bear

Carnivora > Ursidae > Ursus thibetanus Origin: Asia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 27 cm (10.6 in) }} TQ-110

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $185

}} TQ-113 Replica

Sloth Bear

Carnivora > Ursidae > Ursus ursinus Origin: Asia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 34 cm (13.4 in) }} TQ-113 }} KO-062

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $185 Museum Quality Replica Claw............................................................... $16

}} BC-132 Bone Clones®

}} S-BC-114 Bone Clones®

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Giant Panda

Carnivora > Ursidae > Ailuropoda melanoleuca Origin: China | Omnivore | Skull Length: 26.5 cm (10.4 in) }} BC-025

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $270

American Black Bear

Carnivora > Ursidae > Ursus americanus Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 28 cm (11.0 in)

}} BC-025 Bone Clones® }} BC-099E Bone Clones®

}} BC-099E }} KO-075 }} MO-06 }} MO-07 }} MO-08 }} RB-118 }} MO-09 }} FP-08 }} NT-06 }} NT-26 }} NT-25

Museum Quality Replica ..................................................................... $158 Museum Quality Replica Articulated Forepaw..................................... $140 Museum Quality Replica Claw (Large - 9 cm)........................................ $10 Museum Quality Replica Claw (Medium - 5 cm).......................................$8 Museum Quality Replica Claw (Small - 2.5 cm)........................................$7 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (15 cm)............................................ $12 Museum Quality Replica Canine (7 cm)................................................. $10 Postive Footprint (22 x 18 cm)............................................................... $17 Juvenile - Negative Footprint (17.5 x 10.5 cm)...................................... $12 Front - Negative Footprint (25 x 21 cm)................................................. $17 Rear - Negative Footprint (27 x 27 cm).................................................. $17

Grizzly Bear

}} KO-075 Bone Clones®

Carnivora > Ursidae > Ursus arctos Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 49.5 cm (19.5 in) }} BC-021 }} S-BC-021 }} TQ-318 }} RB-127 }} MO-35 }} MO-03 }} MO-04 }} MO-05 }} MO-02 }} MO-01

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $375 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $415 Teaching Quality Replica (15 in).......................................................... $260 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (17 cm)............................................ $18 Museum Quality Replica Tooth.............................................................. $14 Museum Quality Replica Claw, X-Large (11.5 cm)................................. $14 Museum Quality Replica Claw, Large (11.5 cm)..................................... $14 Museum Quality Replica Claw, Medium (9 cm)..................................... $14 Museum Quality Replica Kodiak Claw, Straight (12 cm)........................ $22 Museum Quality Replica Kodiak Claw, Curved (15 cm).......................... $22

Polar Bear

Carnivora > Ursidae > Ursus maritimus Origin: North America | Carnivore Museum Quality Skull Length: 46 cm (18.1 in) | Teaching Quality Skull Length: 39 cm (15.4 in)

}} BC-021 Bone Clones®

}} BC-063 }} S-BC-063 }} TQ-401 }} MO-10 }} RB-101

}} BC-063 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $375 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $415 Teaching Quality Replica (15.4 in)....................................................... $289 Museum Quality Replica Claw............................................................... $14 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (21.8 cm)......................................... $18

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Red Panda


Carnivora > Procyonidae > Ailunis fulgens Origin: Nepal | Omnivore | Skull Length: 11.5 cm (4.5 in) }} BC-086

Carnivora > Procyonidae > Nasua narica Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 13 cm (5.1 in)

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $145


Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69 Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $69 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

}} TQ-141 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Postive Footprint (13 x 9.5 cm).................................................................$8


Carnivora > Procyonidae > Bassariscus astutus Origin: North America | Omnivore | Average Skull Length: 8 cm (3.1 in) }} SM-405 }} BC-158E }} TQ-405

}} TQ-141 }} FP-05

Carnivora > Procyonidae > Procyon lotor Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) }} SM-385 }} BC-142E }} TQ-385 }} OP-01 }} OP-02 }} FP-04L }} FP-04S }} NT-04

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69 Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $72 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Natural Bone Baculum (Large - 13 cm).....................................................$6 Natural Bone Baculum (Small - 9 cm)......................................................$3 Positive Footprint Large (22 x 17 cm).................................................... $17 Positive Footprint Small (12 x 10 cm)......................................................$8 Negative Footprint (7.75 x 7.75 cm).........................................................$8

}} SM-405 Natural Bone

}} SM-385 Natural Bone

Visit our Red Panda and over 300 more real skeletons at the

}} BC-086 Bone Clones® SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585

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Carnivora Hyaenidae

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}} TQ-277 Replica }} TQ-145 Replica

}} TQ-427 Replica

}} BC-223 Bone Clones®

}} BC-032 Bone Clones®

Giant Hyena Fossil

Carnivora > Hyaenidae > Dinocrocuta gigantea Origin: China | Carnivore | Skull Length: 45.3 cm (17.8 in) }} BC-223 }} S-BC-223

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $390 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $430

Spotted Hyena

Carnivora > Hyaenidae > Crocuta crocuta Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 25 cm (9.8 in) }} BC-032

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $210

Striped Hyena

Carnivora > Hyaenidae > Hyaena hyaena Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 21 cm (8.3 in) }} TQ-277

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $162

Brown Hyena

Carnivora > Hyaenidae > Parahyaena brunnea Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 26.7 cm (10.5 in) }} TQ-427

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $162


Carnivora > Hyaenidae > Proteles cristatus Origin: Africa | Insectivore | Average Skull Length: 13.5 cm (5.3 in) }} TQ-145

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69



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Carnivora > Felidae > Acinonyx jubatus Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 19 cm (7.5 in) }} BC-079 Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $190 }} S-BC-079 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $225 }} TQ-403 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $185 }} FP-15 Positive Footprint (22 x 16 cm).............................................................. $17


Carnivora > Felidae > Caracal caracal Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) }} TQ-254

}} TQ-325 Replica

}} BC-079 Bone ClonesÂŽ

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92

Domestic Cat

Carnivora > Felidae > Felis catus Origin: World Wide | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 9.5 cm (3.7 in) }} SM-090 }} SM-090BIS }} SM-091 }} SM-093 }} CW-16 }} ESK-318 }} SK-403D }} SM-615-D }} SM-616-D }} SK-406

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69 Natural Bone (Bisected)........................................................................ $79 Natural Bone with Periodontal Disease................................................. $39 Natural Bone (Kitten)............................................................................ $32 Natural Bone Claw (2 cm).........................................................................$3 Natural Bone Skeleton (Articulated) Economy..................................... $140 Natural Bone Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................................... $325 Natural Bone Disarticulated Forelimb.................................................. $130 Natural Bone Disarticulated Hind Limb............................................... $130 Natural Bone Skeleton (Articulated)*.................................................. $995

}} TQ-254 Replica

}} TQ-154 Replica

Domestic Cat & Kitten Skull Set Carnivora > Felidae > Felis catus Origin: World wide | Carnivore }} SK-405

Natural Bone Set................................................................................... $95


Carnivora > Felidae > Leopardus pardalis Origin: North and South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 13.5 cm (5.3 in) }} TQ-154

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

}} SM-090 Natural Bone

}} TQ-437 Replica


Carnivora > Felidae > Puma yagouaroundi Origin: North and South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 15 cm (5.9 in) }} TQ-437

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69


Carnivora > Felidae > Leopardus wiedii Origin: North and South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 9.5 cm (3.7 in) }} TQ-325

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

}} SK-405 Natural Bone

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 * Shown on page 105.

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Canadian Lynx

Carnivora > Felidae > Lynx canadensis Origin: North America | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 13 cm (5.1 in) }} SM-265 }} TQ-265 }} MO-20

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $89 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $89 Museum Quality Replica Claw (4.5 cm)....................................................$7


Carnivora > Felidae > Lynx rufus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 12.5 cm (4.9 in) }} SM-065 }} BC-146E }} TQ-065 }} CW-06 }} FP-03 }} NT-07

}} BC-054 Bone Clones®

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $79 Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $75 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Natural Bone Claw....................................................................................$4 Positive Footprint (15 x 10 cm).................................................................$8 Negative Footprint (8 x 7.5 cm)................................................................$8

Clouded Leopard

Carnivora > Felidae > Neofelis nebulosa Origin: Asia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 15 cm (5.9 in) }} BC-005 }} S-BC-005

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $150 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $185

African Lion

Carnivora > Felidae > Panthera leo Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 36 cm (14.2 in) | Claw Length: 8 cm (3.1 in)

}} SM-265 Natural Bone

}} SM-065 Natural Bone

}} BC-054 }} S-BC-054 }} MO-19 }} FP-18 }} KO-216-4 }} KO-216

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $295 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $335 Museum Quality Replica Claw (8 cm).................................................... $15 Positive Footprint (22 x 18.5 cm)........................................................... $17 Museum Quality Replica Canine Set of 4............................................... $58 Museum Quality Replica Single Canine................................................. $15

Extra Large African Lion

Carnivora > Felidae > Panthera leo Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 39.4 cm (15.5 in) | Skull Width: 28 cm (11.0 in) }} BC-286 }} S-BC-286

}} BC-286 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $310 Museum Quality Replica on Stand....................................................... $350

}} BC-005 Bone Clones®



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}} BC-015 Bone Clones®

}} BC-060 Bone Clones® }} BC-289 Bone Clones®

}} BC-056 Bone Clones®

}} BC-057 Bone Clones®


Carnivora > Felidae > Panthera onca Origin: North & South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 27 cm (10.6 in) }} BC-057 }} S-BC-057 }} TQ-402 }} KO-072

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $195 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $230 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $173 Museum Quality Replica Claw............................................................... $15

African Leopard

Carnivora > Felidae > Panthera pardus Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 23 cm (9.1 in) }} BC-060 }} S-BC-060 }} FP-19

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $195 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $230 Positive Footprint (22 x 18 cm).............................................................. $17

Siberian Tiger

Carnivora > Felidae > Panthera tigris Origin: Asia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 36 cm (14.2 in) | Claw Length: 8.25 cm (3.2 in) }} BC-008 }} S-BC-008 }} KO-071 }} KO-217-4 }} KO-217

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $295 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $335 Museum Quality Replica Claw (3.25 in)................................................. $15 Museum Quality Replica Canine Set of 4............................................... $58 Museum Quality Replica Single Canine................................................. $15

}} BC-008 Bone Clones®

Bengal Tiger

Carnivora > Felidae > Panthera tigris Origin: Asia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in) }} BC-289 }} S-BC-289 }} TQ-315 }} FP-11

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $295 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $335 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $323 Positive Footprint (22 x 18 cm).............................................................. $17

Snow Leopard

Carnivora > Felidae > Panthera uncia Origin: Asia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 18 cm (7.1 in) }} BC-056 }} S-BC-056

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $190 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $225

Mountain Lion

Carnivora > Felidae > Puma concolor Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 21 cm (8.3 in) }} BC-015 }} S-BC-015 }} MO-18 }} FP-09 }} NT-08

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $195 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $230 Museum Quality Replica Claw (6.5 cm)................................................. $13 Positive Footprint (22.5 x 17.5 cm)........................................................ $17 Negative Footprint (9 x 9 cm)...................................................................$8

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Sabertooth Cat, Xenosmilus hodsonae

Carnivora > Felidae > Xenosmilus hodsonae Origin: Florida | Carnivore | Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in) }} BC-113 }} S-BC-113

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $475 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $515


}} BC-030 Bone Clones®

Carnivora > Felidae > Dinictis felina Origin: Brule Formation, South Dakota | Carnivore | Skull Length: 18 cm (7.1 in) }} BC-030

Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $210

American Lion }} S-BC-113 Bone Clones®

Carnivora > Felidae > Panthera spelaea Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 48 cm (18.9 in) }} BC-019T }} S-BC-019T }} BC-019A }} S-BC-019A

Museum Quality Replica Tar Finish...................................................... $425 Museum Quality Replica Tar Finish with Stand................................... $465 Museum Quality Replica Antique Finish.............................................. $370 Museum Quality Replica Antique Finish with Stand........................... $410

}} S-BC-019T Bone Clones®

Sabertooth Cat, Deluxe Smilodon fatalis

Carnivora > Felidae > Smilodon fatalis Origin: La Brea Tar Pits, Los Angeles, CA | Carnivore | Skull Length: 35 cm (13.8 in) }} BC-067A }} S-BC-067A }} BC-067T }} S-BC-067T

}} BC-067A Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica Antique Finish.............................................. $285 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $325 Museum Quality Replica Tarpit Finish.................................................. $300 Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $340

}} S-BC-067T Bone Clones®

Sabertooth Cat, Smilodon californicus

Carnivora > Felidae > Smilodon californicus Origin: La Brea Tar Pits, Los Angeles, CA | Carnivore | Skull Length: 37 cm (14.6 in) }} BC-018A }} S-BC-018A }} BC-018T }} S-BC-018T }} KO-212P }} KO-212 }} SC-018T }} SC-018A

Museum Quality Replica Antique Finish.............................................. $275 Museum Quality Replica Antique Finish with Stand............................ $315 Museum Quality Replica Tar Pit Finish................................................. $295 Museum Quality Replica Tar Pit Finish with Stand............................... $335 Museum Quality Replica Saber (Pair).................................................... $32 Museum Quality Replica Saber (Single)................................................ $17 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Tar).............................................$7800 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Antique).....................................$6800

}} S-BC-018A Bone Clones®

}} BC-018T Bone Clones®



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}} TQ-212 Replica

Small-clawed Otter

Carnivora > Mustelidae > Aonyx cinerea Origin: Asia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 10 cm (3.9 in) }} TQ-212

}} SM-335 Natural Bone

}} BC-014 Bone ClonesÂŽ

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Sea Otter

Carnivora > Mustelidae > Enhydra lutris Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14.5 cm (5.7 in) }} BC-014 }} TQ-404 }} RB-135

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $145 Teaching Quality Replica .................................................................... $116 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (12.5 cm)......................................... $15

American River Otter

Carnivora > Mustelidae > Lontra canadensis Origin: North America | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 11.5 cm (4.5 in) }} SM-335 }} TQ-335 }} OP-12

}} SM-500 Natural Bone

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Natural Bone Baculum (11 cm)............................................................. $15


Carnivora > Mustelidae > Gulo gulo Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 15 cm (5.9 in) }} SM-500 }} BC-090 }} OP-11

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $275 Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $155 Natural Bone Baculum (8.5 cm)............................................................ $25

American Marten

Carnivora > Mustelidae > Martes americana Origin: North America | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} SM-275 }} TQ-109

}} SM-275 Natural Bone

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $49 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69


Carnivora > Mustelidae > Martes pennanti Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 12.5 cm (4.9 in) }} SM-167 }} TQ-167 }} OP-07

}} SM-167 Natural Bone

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $69 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Natural Bone Baculum (9 cm)............................................................... $11

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}} TQ-422 Replica

}} TQ-301 Replica

}} SM-160 Natural Bone

}} SM-020 Natural Bone

European Badger

Carnivora > Mustelidae > Meles meles Origin: Eurasia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14.5 cm (5.7 in) }} TQ-301

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Honey Badger

Carnivora > Mustelidae > Mellivora capensis Origin: Africa and Eurasia | Carnivore: | Skull Length: 13 cm (5.1 in) }} TQ-422

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92


Carnivora > Mustelidae > Mustela sp. Origin: North America | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 4.2 cm (1.7 in) }} SM-160 }} TQ-128 }} NT-01

}} SM-280 Natural Bone

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $35 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46 Negative Footprint (5 x 4 cm)...................................................................$8

American Mink

}} TQ-95 Replica

Giant Otter

Carnivora > Mustelidae > Pteronura brasiliensis Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 17 cm (6.7 in) }} TQ-95

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

American Badger

Carnivora > Mustelidae > Taxidea taxus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 12.5 cm (4.9 in) }} SM-020 }} TQ-020 }} OP-08 }} CW-07

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $75 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69 Natural Bone Baculum (10 cm)............................................................. $10 Natural Bone Claw (4.5 cm)......................................................................$4

Black-footed Ferret

Carnivora > Mustelidae > Mustela nigripes Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 7 cm (2.8 in) }} BC-055 }} TQ-413

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $94 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Carnivora > Mustelidae > Mustela vison Origin: North America | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 8 cm (3.1 in) }} SM-280 }} TQ-280 }} OP-03 }} NT-11

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $35 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46 Natural Bone Baculum (5 cm)..................................................................$3 Negative Footprint (7 x 5.75 cm)..............................................................$8

}} BC-055 Bone ClonesÂŽ



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Mephitidae • Viverridae • Herpestidae

Hog-nosed Skunk

}} SM-415 Natural Bone

Carnivora > Mephitidae > Conepatus leuconotus Origin: North America | Omnivore | Average Skull Length: 7.2 cm (2.8 in) }} SM-415 }} TQ-296

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $99 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46

Striped Skunk

Carnivora > Mephitidae > Mephitis mephitis Origin: North America | Omnivore | Average Skull Length: 8.2 cm (3.2 in) }} SM-430 }} BC-148E }} TQ-430 }} OP-14 }} NT-10

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $39 Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $50 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46 Natural Bone Baculum (1.5 cm)...............................................................$4 Negative Footprint (6.5 x 6 cm)................................................................$8

}} SM-430 Natural Bone

Spotted Skunk

Carnivora > Mephitidae > Spilogale putorius Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 5.5 cm (2.2 in) }} SM-425 }} TQ-338

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $49 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $48


Carnivora > Viverridae > Arctictis binturong Origin: Asia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14.3 cm (5.6 in) }} TQ-116

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $104


Carnivora > Viverridae > Cryptoprocta ferox Origin: Madagascar | Carnivore | Skull Length: 13 cm (5.1 in) }} TQ-195

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $79

}} BC-042 Bone Clones®


Carnivora > Herpestidae > Suricata suricatta Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 6.6 cm (2.6 in) }} BC-042

}} SM-425 Natural Bone

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $84

}} TQ-116 Replica

}} TQ-195 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Odobenidae • Otariidae


Carnivora > Odobenidae > Odobenus rosmarus Origin: N. Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 44 cm (17.3 in) }} TQ-61 }} TQ-61S }} TQ-62 }} TQ-74 }} KO-215 }} CFM-05

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $935 Teaching Quality Replica with Stand.................................................$1050 Teaching Quality Replica Tusks (Pair) (37.75 in)................................... $275 Teaching Quality Replica Tusk (Single) (37.75 in)................................ $143 Museum Quality Replica Pathological Baculum/Oosik (23.8 in)........... $65 Museum Quality Replica Baculum / Oosik (24 in).................................. $65

Subantarctic Fur Seal

Carnivora > Otariidae > Arctocephalus tropicalis Origin: Antarctic Ocean | Carnivore | Skull Length: 17 cm (6.7 in) }} TQ-313

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $185

Northern Fur Seal

Carnivora > Otariidae > Callorhinus ursinus Origin: Pacific and Arctic Ocean | Carnivore Male Skull Length: 24 cm (9.4 in) | Female Skull Length: 24 cm (9.4 in) }} TQ-54 }} TQ-57 }} RB-136

Teaching Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $173 Teaching Quality Replica (Female)...................................................... $185 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (12.2 cm)......................................... $15

Steller Sea Lion }} TQ-61S Replica

*Stand may vary

}} TQ-57 Replica

}} TQ-53 Replica

Carnivora > Otariidae > Eumetopias jubatus Origin: Pacific and Arctic Ocean | Carnivore Male Skull Length: 37 cm (14.6 in) | Female Skull Length: 28 cm (11.0 in) }} TQ-53 }} TQ-240 }} RB-126

Teaching Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $404 Teaching Quality Replica (Female)...................................................... $208 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (18.5 cm)......................................... $18

}} TQ-54 Replica

}} TQ-313 Replica



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Otariidae • Phocidae

Southern Sea Lion

Carnivora > Otariidae > Otaria flavescens Origin: South America | Carnivore Male Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in) | Female Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in) }} TQ-284 }} TQ-285

Teaching Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $277 Teaching Quality Replica (Female)...................................................... $208

California Sea Lion

Carnivora > Otariidae > Zalophus californianus Origin: Pacific Ocean | Carnivore Male Skull Length: 30 cm (11.8 in) | Female Skull Length: 24.5 cm (9.6 in) }} TQ-55 }} TQ-192 }} RB-130

}} TQ-192 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $208 Teaching Quality Replica (Female)...................................................... $185 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (19.5 cm)......................................... $18

}} TQ-55 Replica

Hooded Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Cystophora cristata Origin: North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans | Carnivore | Male Skull Length: 25.5 cm (10.0 in) }} TQ-174 }} RB-121

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $208 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (18 cm)............................................ $15

Bearded Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Erignathus barbatus Origin: Arctic Ocean | Carnivore | Skull Length: 21 cm (8.3 in) }} TQ-218 }} RB-119

}} TQ-174 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $208 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (14 cm)............................................ $15

}} TQ-218 Replica

Gray Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Halichoerus grypus Origin: North Atlantic | Carnivore | Skull Length: 27 cm (10.6 in) }} TQ-100 }} RB-120

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $173 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (19.5 cm)......................................... $15

}} TQ-100 Replica

Leopard Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Hydrurga leptonyx Origin: Antarctic Ocean | Carnivore | Skull Length: 35 cm (13.8 in) }} TQ-393

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $208

}} TQ-393 Replica

}} TQ-284 Replica

}} TQ-285 Replica

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Weddell Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Leptonychotes weddellii Origin: Antarctic Ocean | Carnivore | Skull Length: 28 cm (11.0 in) }} TQ-118

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $208

Crabeater Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Lobodon carcinophagus Origin: Antarctic Ocean | Carnivore | Skull Length: 28.5 cm (11.2 in)

}} TQ-118 Replica

}} TQ-210

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $173

Northern Elephant Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Mirounga angustirostris Origin: Pacific Ocean | Carnivore Male Skull Length: 61 cm (24.0 in) | Female Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in)

}} TQ-78 Replica }} TQ-210 Replica

}} TQ-37 }} TQ-239 }} RB-133 }} TQ-38

Teaching Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $549 Teaching Quality Replica (Female)...................................................... $349 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (28 cm)............................................ $18 Teaching Quality Replica Canine Tooth.....................................................$9

Mediterranean Monk Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Monachus monachus Origin: Mediterranean Sea | Carnivore | Skull Length: 31.75 cm (12.5 in) }} TQ-435

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $209

Hawaiian Monk Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Monachus schauinslandi Origin: Hawaiian Islands | Carnivore | Skull Length: 28 cm (11.0 in)

}} TQ-199 Replica

}} TQ-177 }} RB-122

}} TQ-435 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $208 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (16.5 cm)......................................... $16

Caribbean Monk Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Monachus tropicalis Origin: Southern Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico | Carnivore | Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in) }} TQ-78

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $173

Ribbon Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Phoca fasciata Origin: North Pacific and Arctic Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 19 cm (7.5 in) }} TQ-199 }} RB-123

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $162 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (14.1 cm)......................................... $15

}} TQ-37 Replica }} TQ-177 Replica



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Harp Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Phoca groenlandica Origin: North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} TQ-36 }} RB-142

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (17.3 cm)......................................... $15

Spotted Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Phoca largha Origin: North Pacific and Arctic Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 20.4 cm (8.0 in) }} TQ-429 }} RB-125

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $185 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (13.3 cm)......................................... $15

}} TQ-36 Replica

Harbor Seal

}} TQ-429 Replica

Carnivora > Phocidae > Phoca vitulina Origin: N. Atlantic, N. Pacific and Arctic Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} BC-085 Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $180 }} RB-128 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (14.7 cm)......................................... $11 }} KO-285 Museum Quality Replica Forelimb....................................................... $290

}} BC-085 Bone Clones®

Ringed Seal

Carnivora > Phocidae > Pusa hispida Origin: North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans | Carnivore | Skull Length: 15.3 cm (6.0 in) }} TQ-156 }} RB-124

}} KO-285 Bone Clones®

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $185 Teaching Quality Replica Baculum (10.9 cm)......................................... $15

Hyracoidae Procaviidae

Southern Tree Hyrax

Hyracoidea > Procaviidae > Dendrohyrax arboreus Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 9.7 cm (3.8 in) }} TQ-289

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Bush Hyrax

Hyracoidea > Procaviidae > Heterohyrax brucei Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 7.6 cm (3.0 in) }} TQ-290

}} TQ-289 Replica

}} TQ-156 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Rock Hyrax

Hyracoidea > Procaviidae > Procavia capensis Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} BC-070

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $115

Follow Skulls Unlimited on Facebook at:

}} TQ-290 Replica

}} BC-070 Bone Clones®

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Asian Elephant

Proboscidea > Elephantidae > Elephas maximus Origin: Asia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 96.5 cm (38.0 in) }} TQ-161 }} TQ-136

Teaching Quality Replica...................................................................$1980 Teaching Quality Replica Tooth (27 cm)................................................. $69

African Elephant

Proboscidea > Elephantidae > Loxodonta africana Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 90 cm (35.4 in) }} TQ-32 }} TQ-32A }} TQ-86 }} KO-045 }} TQ-05

Teaching Quality Replica Skull...........................................................$2330 Teaching Quality Replica Skull with Stand.........................................$2630 Teaching Quality Replica Tooth (19 cm x 18 cm).................................... $69 Museum Quality Replica Tooth (12 in)................................................. $150 Teaching Quality Replica Foot.............................................................. $165

Woolly Mammoth Tooth

Proboscidea > Elephantidae > Mammuthus primigenius Origin: North America | Herbivore | Length: 28 cm (11.0 in)

}} TQ-161 Replica

}} TQ-234

Teaching Quality Replica Tooth.............................................................. $69

Mastodon Tooth

Proboscidea > Elephantidae > Mammut americanun Origin: North America | Herbivore | Average Length: 18 cm (7.1 in) }} TQ-236

Teaching Quality Replica Tooth.............................................................. $69

}} TQ-236 Replica

}} TQ-86 Replica

}} TQ-136 Replica

}} TQ-234 Replica

}} TQ-05 Replica

}} TQ-32A Replica



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Dugongidae • Trichechidae

}} BC-097 Bone Clones® }} TQ-176 Replica


Sirenia > Dugongidae > Dugong dugon Origin: Asia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 38 cm (15.0 in) }} BC-097

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $375

}} TQ-101 Replica

Steller’s Sea Cow

Sirenia > Dugongidae > Hydrodamalis gigas Origin: North Pacific | Herbivore | Skull Length: 62.23 cm (24.5 in) }} TQ-176 }} S-TQ-176

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $851 Teaching Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $976

Amazon Manatee

Sirenia > Trichechidae > Trichechus inunguis Origin: South America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in) }} TQ-101

}} BC-046 Bone Clones®

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $347

Florida Manatee

Sirenia > Trichechidae > Trichechus manatus Origin: North America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 35cm (13.8in) }} BC-046 }} SC-046-A }} SC-046-D }} KO-146 }} KO-146-B }} KO-146-H }} KO-146-R }} KO-146-S

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $375 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)*..............................$8900 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$7700 Museum Quality Replica Complete Manatee Forelimb........................ $300 Museum Quality Replica Humerus........................................................ $95 Museum Quality Replica Flipper, Ulna, Radius..................................... $145 Museum Quality Replica Rib.................................................................. $60 Museum Quality Replica Scapula.......................................................... $90

}} KO-146 Bone Clones®

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 * Shown on page 109.

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Equidae • Tapiridae

}} TQ-368 Replica

}} TQ-89 Replica }} TQ-163 Replica }} SM-230 Natural Bone }} TQ-96 Replica


Perissodactyla > Equidae > Equus burchelli Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 51.5 cm (20.3 in) }} TQ-368

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $277

Perissodactyla > Tapiridae > Tapirus bairdii Origin: South America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 34 cm (13.4 in) }} TQ-89

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $400

Malayan Tapir


Perissodactyla > Equidae > Equus caballus Origin: World Wide | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 60.96 cm (24.0 in) }} SM-230 }} BC-125 }} TQ-288 }} SM-609 }} SM-609D }} SM-610 }} SM-610D }} SC-125

Baird’s Tapir

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $375 Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $325 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $277 Natural Bone Forelimb (Articulated)................................................... $695 Natural Bone Forelimb (Disarticulated)............................................... $325 Natural Bone Hind Limb (Articulated)................................................. $695 Natural Bone Hind Limb (Disarticulated)............................................. $325 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton..................................................$12,000

Perissodactyla > Tapiridae > Tapirus indicus Origin: Asia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 42 cm (16.5 in) }} TQ-96

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $400

Brazilian Tapir

Perissodactyla > Tapiridae > Tapirus terrestris Origin: South America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 32 cm (12.6 in) }} TQ-163

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $400



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}} BC-051 Bone Clones®

}} BC-041 Bone Clones® }} KO-221 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-241 Replica

}} BC-251 Bone Clones®

}} BC-058 Bone Clones®

}} KO-252P Bone Clones®

White Rhinoceros

Perissodactyla > Rhinocerotidae > Ceratotherium simum Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 80 cm (31.5 in) }} BC-058 }} KO-221

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $950 Museum Quality Replica Pair of Horns (24" large, 11" small).............. $318

Sumatran Rhinoceros

Perissodactyla > Rhinocerotidae > Dicerorhinus sumatrensis Origin: Sumatra | Herbivore | Skull Length: 55 cm (21.7 in) }} BC-051 }} KO-251 }} KO-251L

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $650 Museum Quality Replica Pair of Horns (4.5" large, 2.5" small)............ $170 Museum Quality Replica Horn Large................................................... $110

Black Rhinoceros

Perissodactyla > Rhinocerotidae > Diceros bicornis Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 57 cm (22.4 in) }} TQ-241 }} KO-252P }} TQ-443

Teaching Quality Replica...................................................................$1040 Museum Quality Replica Pair of Horns (18¼" large, 9" small)............. $290 Teaching Quality Replica Pair of Horns (F - 85 cm, R - 35 cm).............. $250

}} SM-060 Natural Bone

Artiodactyla Suidae Babirusa

Artiodactyla > Suidae > Babyrousa babyrussa Origin: Sulawesi | Omnivore | Skull Length: 29 cm (11.4 in) }} BC-251 }} TQ-60

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $325 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $277


Artiodactyla > Suidae > Phacochoerus aethiopicus Origin: Africa | Omnivore | Skull Length: 36 cm (14.2 in) }} BC-041 }} KO-224-4

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $370 Museum Quality Replica Set of Tusks (Painted)................................... $150

Domestic Pig

Artiodactyla > Suidae > Sus scrofa Origin: World Wide | Omnivore | Average Skull Length: 30 cm (11.8 in) }} SM-060 }} TQ-060

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $189 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $162

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Artiodactyla Tayassuidae • Hippopotamidae • Camelidae


Artiodactyla > Tayassuidae > Tayassu tajacu Origin: North America | Omnivore | Average Skull Length: 23 cm (9.1 in) }} SM-340 }} BC-157E }} TQ-340

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $199 Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $140 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

Pygmy Hippopotamus

}} SM-340 Natural Bone

Artiodactyla > Hippopotamidae > Choeropsis liberiensis Origin: West Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 35 cm (13.8 in)

}} BC-076 Bone Clones®

}} BC-076

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $400


Artiodactyla > Hippopotamidae > Hippopotamus amphibius Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Average Length: 76.2 cm (30.0 in) }} BC-037

Museum Quality Replica....................................................................$1350

Dromedary Camel

Artiodactyla > Camelidae > Camelus dromedarius Origin: Old World | Herbivore | Skull Length: 46 cm (18.1 in) }} TQ-168

}} TQ-168 Replica

}} SM-520 Natural Bone

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $289


Artiodactyla > Camelidae > Vicugna pacos Origin: South America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 24 cm (9.4 in) }} SM-520

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $225


Artiodactyla > Camelidae > Lama glama Origin: South America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 46 cm (18.1 in) }} SM-387 }} TQ-387

}} BC-037 Bone Clones®

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $225 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

}} SM-387 Natural Bone



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Giraffidae • Tragulidae • Cervidae


Artiodactyla > Giraffidae > Giraffa camelopardalis Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 70 cm (27.6 in) }} BC-034 }} TQ-414 }} KO-225 }} KO-225-7

}} TQ-305 Replica

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $650 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $499 Museum Quality Replica Vertebrae..................................................... $120 Museum Quality Replica Vertebrae (Set of 7)...................................... $750


Artiodactyla > Giraffidae > Okapia johnstoni Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 45 cm (17.7 in) }} BC-039

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $400

Asiatic Mouse Deer

Artiodactyla > Tragulidae > Tragulus napu Origin: South East Asia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} TQ-169

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

}} BC-034 Bone Clones®

American Moose

Artiodactyla > Cervidae > Alces alces Origin: North America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 62 cm (24.4 in) }} TQ-306

Teaching Quality Replica (Female)...................................................... $299

}} BC-039 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-306 Replica

American Elk Cow

Artiodactyla > Cervidae > Cervus canadensis Origin: North America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 45.5 cm (17.9 in)

}} TQ-169 Replica

}} TQ-191 }} MO-26

Teaching Quality Replica (Female)...................................................... $219 Museum Quality Replica Canine (Ivory Tooth)..........................................$3

Tufted Deer

Artiodactyla > Cervidae > Elaphodus cephalophus Origin: Burma & China | Herbivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} TQ-305

}} TQ-191 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $116

Follow Skulls Unlimited on Facebook at: SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585

The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


Artiodactyla Cervidae • Antilocapridae

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Artiodactyla > Cervidae > Hydropotes inermis Origin: Asia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 17 cm (6.7 in) }} BC-091 }} TQ-381 }} TQ-121

Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $150 Teaching Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $116 Teaching Quality Replica (Female)........................................................ $69

Reeve’s Muntjac

Artiodactyla > Cervidae > Muntiacus reevesi Origin: Asia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 16.5 cm (6.5 in)

}} BC-091 Bone Clones®

}} BC-164 Bone Clones®

}} BC-164 }} TQ-307

Museum Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $180 Teaching Quality Replica (Male).......................................................... $185

Whitetail Deer Doe

Artiodactyla > Cervidae > Odocoileus virginianus Origin: North America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 28 cm (11.0 in) }} BC-100E }} NT-03

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $135 Negative Footprint (8.8 x 7.1 cm).............................................................$8


Artiodactyla > Cervidae > Rangifer tarandus Origin: North America / Eurasia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 39 cm (15.4 in) }} TQ-444

Teaching Quality Replica (No antlers).................................................. $250

American Pronghorn }} TQ-370 Replica

Artiodactyla > Antilocapridae > Antilocapra americana Origin: North America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 27 cm (10.6 in) Horn Length: 29 cm (11.4 in) }} TQ-370

}} BC-100E Bone Clones®

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $185

}} TQ-444 Replica



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Artiodactyla Bovidae


Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Aepyceros melampus Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 26 cm (10.2 in) | Horn Length: 50 cm (19.7 in) }} AM-245

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $210

}} AM-245 Natural Bone

Red Hartebeest

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Alcelaphus buselaphus Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 50 cm (19.7 in) | Horn Length: 52 cm (20.5 in) }} AM-215

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $275


Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Antidorcas marsupialis Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 23 cm (9.1 in) | Horn Length: 35 cm (13.8 in) }} AM-440

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $210

American Bison

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Bison bison Origin: North America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 56 cm (22.0 in) Horn Length: 40 cm (15.7 in) }} SM-045L }} SM-045

Natural Bone (Large)........................................................................... $349 Natural Bone (Average)....................................................................... $260

Domestic Cow

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Bos taurus Origin: World Wide | Herbivore | Skull Length: 54.36 cm (21.4 in) }} SM-461 }} TQ-461 }} SM-607 }} SM-607D }} SM-608 }} SM-608D

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $289 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $277 Natural Bone Forelimb Articulated...................................................... $695 Natural Bone Forelimb Disarticulated.................................................. $325 Natural Bone Hind Limb Articulated.................................................... $695 Natural Bone Hind Limb Disarticulated............................................... $325

}} AM-440 Natural Bone

}} SM-045 Natural Bone

}} AM-215 Natural Bone

}} SM-608 Natural Bone }} SM-607 Natural Bone

}} SM-461 Natural Bone

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!



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Steer / Cow

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Bos taurus Origin: World Wide | Herbivore | Skull Length: 51 cm (20.1 in) }} SM-460

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $195

Texas Longhorn Steer

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Bos taurus Origin: Texas, USA | Herbivore Skull Length: 51 cm (20.1 in) | Average Horn Length: 75 cm (29.5 in) }} SM-465L }} SM-465S

Natural Bone (Large)........................................................................... $365 Natural Bone (Small)........................................................................... $249

Two-Headed Calf }} AM-520 Natural Bone

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Bos taurus Origin: World Wide | Herbivore | Skull Length: 22.9 cm (9 in) | Skull Width: 20.3 cm (8 in) }} BC-246

Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $675

Red Duiker

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Cephalophus natalensis Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 15 cm (5.9 in) }} TQ-309

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $116

Black Wildebeest

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Connochaetes gnou Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 50 cm (19.7 in) | Horn Length: 52 cm (20.5 in) }} AM-520

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $275

}} SM-460 Natural Bone

}} TQ-309 Replica

}} BC-246 Bone Clones®

}} SM-465L Natural Bone



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Blue Wildebeest

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Connochaetes taurinus Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 50 cm (19.7 in) | Horn Length: 52 cm (20.5 in) }} AM-490

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $249

Gunther’s Dik-dik

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Madoqua guntheri Origin: Africa | Herbivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) | Horn Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} TQ-257

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $116

}} TQ-257 Replica }} TQ-252 Replica

Mountain Goat

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Oreamnos americanus Origin: North America | Herbivore Skull Length: 25 cm (9.8 in) | Average Horn Length: 19 cm (7.5 in) }} TQ-215

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $208

Musk Ox

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Ovibos moschatus Origin: North America | Herbivore Skull Length: 45 cm (17.7 in) | Average Horn Length: 60 cm (23.6 in) }} TQ-252

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $650

Marco Polo Argali Sheep

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Ovis ammon polii Origin: Eurasia | Herbivore Right Horn Length: 177.2 cm (69.8 in) | Left Horn Length: 175.9 cm (69.3 in) }} AA-02

}} AM-490 Natural Bone

}} TQ-215 Replica

Museum Quality Replica....................................................................$2500

Altai Argali Sheep

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Ovis ammon ammon Origin: Eurasia | Herbivore Right Horn Length: 144.2 cm (56.8 in) | Left Horn Length: 145.7 cm (57.4 in) }} AA-01

Museum Quality Replica....................................................................$2500

}} AA-01 Replica

}} AA-02 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Domestic Goat

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Capra hircus Origin: World Wide | Herbivore Skull Length: 18 cm (7 in) Average Horn Length: 15-50 cm (6-20 in.) }} SM-391

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $249

Domestic Ram

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Ovis aries Origin: World Wide | Herbivore Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in) | Horn Length: 60 cm (23.6 in) }} SM-390 }} TQ-373 }} TQ-373-H

}} TQ-308 Replica

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $249 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $240 Teaching Quality Replica Horns (Replica)............................................ $100

Sheep, Ewe

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Ovis aries Origin: World Wide | Herbivore | Skull Length: 30 cm (11.8 in) }} SM-392 }} TQ-392

Natural Bone...................................................................................... $159 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

Bighorn Sheep

Artiodactyla > Bovidae > Ovis canadensis nelsoni Origin: North America | Herbivore Male Skull Length: 30 cm (11.8 in) | Male Horn Length: 83 cm (32.7 in) Female Skull Length: 27 cm (10.6 in) | Female Horn Length: 27 cm (10.6 in) }} TQ-308 }} TQ-389

Teaching Quality Replica (Male) ......................................................... $349 Teaching Quality Replica (Female)..................................................... $260

}} TQ-389 Replica }} SM-392 Natural Bone }} SM-391 Natural Bone

}} SM-390 Natural Bone



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Struthioniformes Apterygidae • Struthionidae

Brown Kiwi

Struthioniformes > Apterygidae > Apteryx australis Origin: New Zealand | Omnivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} BC-165 }} KO-182 }} SC-165

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $150 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $38 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton with egg....................................... $960

}} BC-165 Bone Clones®


Struthioniformes > Struthionidae > Struthio camelius Origin: Africa | Omnivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} AB-020 }} KO-203 }} TQ-200

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $149 Museum Quality Replica Foot.............................................................. $115 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $149

Casuariformes Casuariidae Cassowary

}} TQ-107 Replica

Casuariformes > Casuariidae > Casuarius casuarius Origin: Australia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 15 cm (5.9 in) }} TQ-107

}} AB-020 Natural Bone

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $116


Casuariformes > Casuariidae > Dromaius novaehollandiae Origin: Australia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 17 cm (6.7 in) }} SB-045

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $149

Sphenisciformes Spheniscidae King Penguin

Sphenisciformes > Spheniscidae > Aptenodytes patagonicus Origin: Antarctica | Carnivore | Skull Length: 21 cm (8.3 in) }} TQ-189 }} KO-181

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $116 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $39

}} BC-062 Bone Clones® }} SB-045 Natural Bone

Magellanic Penguin

Sphenisciformes > Spheniscidae > Spheniscus magellanicus Origin: Antarctica | Carnivore | Skull Length: 12.5 cm (4.9 in) }} BC-062

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $140

Discover more birds great and small at:

}} TQ-189 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


Procellariiformes Diomedeidae

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Procellariiformes > Diomedeidae > Thalassarche carteri Origin: South Atlantic | Carnivore | Skull Length: 17.5 cm (6.9 in) }} TQ-231

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $116


}} TQ-231 Replica

Pelecanidae • Phalacrocoracidae White Pelican

Pelecaniformes > Pelecanidae > Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 43 cm (16.9 in) }} BC-065 }} TQ-312

}} TQ-293 Replica

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $155 Teaching Quality Replica with Breeding Beak Crest............................. $139

Brown Pelican

Pelecaniformes > Pelecanidae > Pelecanus occidentalis Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 43 cm (16.9 in) }} TQ-294

}} TQ-144 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

Brandt’s Cormorant

Pelecaniformes > Phalacrocoracidae > Phalacrocorax penicillatus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 13 cm (5.1 in) }} TQ-293

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46

Phoenicopteriformes Phoenicopteridae Caribbean Flamingo

Phoenicopteriformes > Phoenicopteridae > Phoenicopterus ruber Origin: Subtropical | Omnivore | Skull Length: 16 cm (6.3 in)

}} BC-065 Bone Clones®

}} BC-306 }} TQ-144

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $150 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $125

}} TQ-294 Replica



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Ciconiiformes Ciconiidae • Threskiornithidae

}} BC-161 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-104 Replica

Roseate Spoonbill

Ciconiiformes > Ciconiidae > Ajaia ajaia Origin: North and South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 19 cm (7.5 in) }} BC-177 }} TQ-237

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $180 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

}} BC-177 Bone Clones®

Great Blue Heron

Ciconiiformes > Ciconiidae > Ardea herodias Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in) }} BC-161 }} KO-419

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $140 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $25

Marabou Stork

}} BC-192 Bone Clones®

Ciconiiformes > Ciconiidae > Leptoptilos crumeniferus Origin: Africa | Omnivore | Skull Length: 37 cm (14.6 in) }} TQ-104

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

Sacred Ibis

Ciconiiformes > Threskiornithidae > Threskiornis aethiopicus Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} BC-192

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $180

Scarlet Ibis

Ciconiiformes > Threskiornithidae > Eudocimus ruber Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} BC-176 }} TQ-148

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $180 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

}} BC-176 Bone Clones®

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Anseriformes > Anatidae > Anas domesticus Origin: World Wide | Omnivore | Skull Length: 11 cm (4.3 in)

}} SB-010 Natural Bone

}} SB-010 }} TQ-127 }} KO-409 }} MO-27 }} MO-27S }} MO-28 }} MO-28S }} NT-18

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $49 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $27 Museum Quality Replica Pair of Standing Feet...................................... $25 Museum Quality Replica Single Standing Foot...................................... $15 Museum Quality Replica Pair of Swimming Feet................................... $25 Museum Quality Replica Single Swimming Foot................................... $15 Wood Duck - Negative Footprint (7.5 x 5.75 cm)......................................$8


Anseriformes > Anatidae > Anser domesticus Origin: World Wide | Omnivore | Skull Length: 13.5 cm (5.3 in) }} SB-015 }} TQ-015 }} KO-417 }} NT-23

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $49 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46 Museum Quality Replica Canada Goose Egg.......................................... $27 Negative Footprint (11.25 x 9 cm)............................................................$8


}} SB-015 Natural Bone

Accipitridae • Phalacrocoracidae Red-tailed Hawk

Falconiformes > Accipitridae > Buteo jamaicensis Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} BC-078 Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $125 }} KO-418 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $27 }} BC-078-SET  Museum Quality Replica Set (Skull, Talon, Egg)................................... $145

Golden Eagle

Falconiformes > Accipitridae > Aquila chrysaetos Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in)

}} BC-078 Bone Clones®

}} BC-073 }} BF-03 }} KO-411 }} BC-073-SET

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $130 Economy Quality Replica....................................................................... $79 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $29 Museum Quality Replica Set (Skull, Talon, Egg)................................... $155

}} MO-27 Museum Quality

}} BC-073 Bone Clones®



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Falconiformes > Accipitridae > Haliaeetus leucocephalus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) }} BC-068 }} KO-410 }} BC-068-SET }} BF-04 }} BF-05 }} MO-13 }} MO-11 }} MO-12 }} NT-24

}} BC-068 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $130 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $29 Museum Quality Replica Set (Skull, Talon, Egg)................................... $155 Teaching Quality Replica Foot with feathers - Open.............................. $45 Teaching Quality Replica Foot with feathers - Closed............................ $45 Museum Quality Replica Foot without feathers- Open.......................... $45 Museum Quality Replica Large Talon..................................................... $10 Museum Quality Replica Small Talon........................................................$8 Negative Footprint (25 x 16 cm)............................................................ $17

Harpy Eagle

Falconiformes > Accipitridae > Harpia harpyja Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) }} BC-043 }} SC-043-A }} KO-243

Accipitridae • Cathartidae

}} BF-04 Replica }} BF-05 Replica

}} MO-13 Replica

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $155 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$1690 Museum Quality Replica Leg............................................................... $160


Falconiformes > Accipitridae > Pandion haliaetus Origin: World Wide | Carnivore | Skull Length: 7 cm (2.8 in) }} BC-166 }} KO-432

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $110 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $31

}} BC-166 Bone Clones®

}} BC-043 Bone Clones®

Secretary Bird

Falconiformes > Accipitridae > Sagittarius serpentarius Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) }} BC-254

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $150

Lappet-faced Vulture

Falconiformes > Accipitridae > Torgos tracheliotus Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 15.5 cm (6.1 in) }} TQ-179

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

}} TQ-229 Replica

}} TQ-179 Replica

Turkey Vulture

Falconiformes > Cathartidae > Cathartes aura Origin: North and South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 9.5 cm (3.7 in) }} TQ-229

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $79

California Condor

Falconiformes > Cathartidae > Gymnogyps californianus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 16 cm (6.3 in) }} BC-077 }} KO-017

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $150 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $40

}} BC-254 Bone Clones® }} BC-077 Bone Clones®

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Cathartidae • Falconidae

Andean Condor

Falconiformes > Cathartidae > Vultur gryphus Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 15.5 cm (6.1 in) }} BC-297

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $150

King Vulture

}} BC-297 Bone Clones®

Falconiformes > Cathartidae > Sarcorhamphus papa Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 11.5 cm (4.5 in) }} TQ-162

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $116

Peregrine Falcon

Falconiformes > Falconidae > Falco peregrinus Origin: World Wide | Carnivore | Skull Length: 7 cm (2.8 in) }} BC-096 Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $125 }} KO-413 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $27 }} BC-096-SET Museum Quality Replica Set (Skull, Talon, Egg)................................... $147

}} BC-096 Bone Clones®

American Kestrel

Falconiformes > Falconidae > Falco sparverius Origin: North and South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 3.8 cm (1.5 in) }} BC-242 }} KO-422

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $100 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $21

}} KO-024 Bone Clones® Set

}} BC-242 Bone Clones®

Raptor Talons

Falconiformes > Various Falconiformes > Assorted species Origin: North & South America | Carnivore }} KO-024

}} TQ-162 Replica

Museum Quality Replica Set.................................................................. $45

Set includes replica talons from the great horned owl, the golden eagle, the bald eagle, the red-tail hawk, peregrine falcon, and harpy eagle.

Galliformes Meleagrididae Turkey

Galliformes > Meleagrididae > Meleagris gallopavo Origin: World Wide | Omnivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in)

}} SB-030 Natural Bone

}} SB-030 }} TQ-030 }} KO-435

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $49 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $27



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Galliformes > Phasianidae > Alectoris chukar Origin: World Wide | Omnivore | Skull Length: 5 cm (2.0 in) }} SB-057

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $25


}} SB-057 Natural Bone

Galliformes > Phasianidae > Coturnix coturnix Origin: World Wide | Omnivore | Skull Length: 3.5 cm (1.4 in) }} SB-035

}} TQ-131 Replica

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $25


Galliformes > Phasianidae > Phasianus colchius domestic Origin: World Wide | Omnivore | Skull Length: 7.5 cm (3.0 in) }} SB-025 }} NT-22

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $29 Negative Footprint (7.7 x 5.3 cm).............................................................$8


}} SB-060 Natural Bone

Galliformes > Phasianidae > Gallus gallus domesticus Origin: World Wide | Omnivore | Skull Length: 7.5 cm (3.0 in) }} SB-060

}} SB-025 Natural Bone

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $29


Alcidae • Laridae • Rynchopida Scolopacidae

}} BC-162 Bone Clones®

Horned Puffin

Charadriiformes > Alcidae > Fractercula corniculata Origin: Northern Pacific | Carnivore | Skull Length: 8.5 cm (3.3 in) }} BC-162 }} KO-438

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $140 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $30

}} BC-244 Bone Clones®

California Gull

Charadriiformes > Laridae > Larus californicus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) }} TQ-131

Black Skimmer

Glaucous Gull

Charadriiformes > Rynchopidae > Rhynchops niger Origin: North & South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in)

Charadriiformes > Laridae > Larus hyperboreus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) }} BC-244

}} TQ-133 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $89

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $130

}} TQ-133

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Common Snipe

}} SB-035 Natural Bone

Charadriiformes > Scolopacidae > Gallinago gallinago Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} BC-171

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $79

}} BC-171 Bone Clones®

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Psittaciformes Psittacidae

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Psittaciformes > Psittacidae > Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Origin: South America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 12.5 cm (4.9 in) }} BC-029

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $165

Scarlet Macaw }} BC-029 Bone Clones®

Psittaciformes > Psittacidae > Ara macao Origin: Central and South America | Herbivore | Skull Length: 11 cm (4.3 in) }} BC-310 }} TQ-117

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $165 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

Strigiformes Strigidae

}} TQ-117 Replica

Short-eared Owl

Strigiformes > Strigidae > Asio flammeus Origin: North America & Eurasia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 5.7 cm (2.2 in) }} BC-245

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $100

Burrowing Owl

Strigiformes > Strigidae > Athene cunicularia Origin: North and South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 4.5 cm (1.8 in) }} BC-155

}} BC-155 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $105

Great Horned Owl

Strigiformes > Strigidae > Bubo virginianus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 8.5 cm (3.3 in) }} BC-072 }} TQ-03 }} KO-429 }} BC-072-SET }} NT-02

}} BC-245 Bone Clones®

}} BC-072 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $115 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $115 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $25 Museum Quality Replica Set (Skull, Talon, Egg)................................... $135 Negative Footprint (11 x 7.5 cm)..............................................................$8

Barred Owl

Strigiformes > Strigidae > Strix varia Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 3.25 cm (1.3 in) }} BC-154

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $105

Barn Owl

Strigiformes > Strigidae > Tyto alba Origin: World Wide | Carnivore | Skull Length: 7.6 cm (3.0 in)

}} BC-153 Bone Clones®

}} BC-154 Bone Clones®

}} BC-153 }} TQ-441 }} BC-153-SET }} KO-428 }} KO-065

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $105 Teaching Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)*................................ $595 Museum Quality Replica Set (Skull, Talon, Egg)................................... $132 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $24 Museum Quality Replica Talon.................................................................$7



* Shown on page 109.

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Alcedinidae • Bucerotidae


Coraciiformes > Alcedinidae > Dacelo novaeguineae Origin: Australia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 11.5 cm (4.5 in) }} TQ-149

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $116

Great Indian Hornbill

Coraciiformes > Bucerotidae > Buceros bicornis Origin: South and East Asia | Herbivore | Skull Length: 30 cm (11.8 in) }} TQ-103

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139


}} TQ-103 Replica

Picidae • Ramphastidae Pileated Woodpecker

Piciformes > Picidae > Dryocopus pileatus Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 9.5 cm (3.7 in) }} BC-112 }} NT-20

}} TQ-149 Replica

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $118 Negative Footprint (6 x 5 cm)...................................................................$8

Keel-billed Toucan

Piciformes > Ramphastidae > Ramphastos sulfuratus Origin: Central and South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in) }} TQ-29

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $149

}} BC-112 Bone Clones®

Toco Toucan

Piciformes > Ramphastidae > Ramphastos toco Origin: Central and South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in) }} BC-173

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $180

Trochiliformes Trochilidae

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

}} TQ-29 Replica

Trochiliformes > Trochilidae > Archilochus colubris Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 2.9 cm (1.1 in) }} BC-151 Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $69 }} KO-030 Museum Quality Replica Egg with Nest....................................................$9 }} BC-151-SET Museum Quality Replica Set (Skull, Egg)............................................... $75

}} BC-151 Bone Clones®

}} BC-173 Bone Clones®

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Passeriformes Corvidae • Emberizidae • Turdidae

}} BC-074 Bone Clones®

}} BC-168 Bone Clones®

}} BC-169 Bone Clones®

Passeriformes > Corvidae > Corvus brachyrhynchos Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 9.5 cm (3.7 in) Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $100 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $22 Negative Footprint (8.8 x 4.8 cm).............................................................$8


Passeriformes > Corvidae > Corvus corax Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) }} BC-074 }} SC-074 }} SC-074-D

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $115 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$1270 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated).............................. $920

Blue Jay

Passeriformes > Corvidae > Cyanocitta cristata Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 7.9 cm (3.1 in) }} BC-170 }} KO-420 }} NT-19

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $79 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $18 Negative Footprint (6.5 x 5.5 cm).............................................................$8

Northern Cardinal

Passeriformes > Emberizidae > Cardinalis cardinalis Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 3.5 cm (1.4 in) }} BC-167 }} KO-402

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $79 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $18

American Robin

Passeriformes > Turdidae > Turdus migratorius Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 5 cm (2.0 in) }} BC-168 }} KO-427


}} BC-075 Bone Clones®

American Crow }} BC-075 }} KO-406 }} NT-21

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Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $79 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $19

}} BC-167 Bone Clones®

}} BC-170 Bone Clones®

}} BC-243 Bone Clones®

}} SB-040 Natural Bone

Cuculiformes Cuculidae

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Cuculiformes > Cuculidae > Coccyzus americanus Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 5 cm (2.0 in) }} BC-169

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $79


Cuculiformes > Cuculidae > Geococcyx californianus Origin: North and Central America | CarnivoreSkull | Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} BC-243 Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $115 }} KO-113 Museum Quality Replica Foot................................................................ $35 }} BC-243-SET Museum Quality Replica (Skull and Foot)............................................ $149

Columbiformes Columbidae

Pigeon (Rock Dove)

Columbiformes > Columbidae > Columba livia Origin: World Wide | Omnivore | Skull Length: 5.5 cm (2.2 in) }} SB-040 }} KO-408

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $35 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $20

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Gruidae • Otididae

Sandhill Crane

Gruiformes > Gruidae > Grus canadensis Origin: North America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 20.3 cm (8.0 in) }} BC-134

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $138

}} BC-221 Bone Clones®

Kori Bustard

Gruiformes > Otididae > Ardeotis kori Origin: Africa | Omnivore | Skull Length: 22.8 cm (9.0 in) }} BC-221 }} KO-439

}} BC-134 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $160 Museum Quality Replica Egg................................................................. $30

Extinct Bird Species Moa

Struthioniformes > Dinornithidae > Pachyornis elephantopus Origin: New Zealand | Omnivore | Skull Length: 16 cm (6.3 in) }} TQ-151

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $116

Dodo Bird

}} TQ-151 Replica

}} TQ-302 Replica

Columbiformes > Columbidae > Raphus cucullatus Origin: Mauritius | Omnivore | Skull Length: 19 cm (7.5 in) }} TQ-302

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $189


Cariamae > Phorusrhacidae > Phororhacos inflatus Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 38 cm (15.0 in) }} DS-10

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $208

Elephant Bird

}} DS-11 Replica

Aepyornithiformes > Aepyornithidae > Aepyornis maximus Origin: Madagascar | Herbivore | Skull Length: 31.7 cm (12.5 in) }} BC-241 }} KO-005

}} KO-005 Bone Clones®

}} BC-241 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $360 Museum Quality Replica Egg (Length 12", Width 9")........................... $195


Falconiformes > Teratornithidae > Teratornis merriami Origin: North and South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 23 cm (9.1 in) }} DS-11

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

Great Auk

Charadriiformes > Alcidae > Pinguinus impennis Origin: Northeast Atlantic | Omnivore | Skull Length: 14.6 cm (5.7 in) }} TQ-207

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $154

}} TQ-207 Replica

}} DS-10 Replica

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Bird Eggs



Elephant Bird }} KO-005

Museum Quality Replica Egg (350 mm).............................................. $195

Eastern Bluebird }} KO-401

Museum Quality Replica Egg (21 mm).................................................. $18

Northern Cardinal }} KO-402

}} KO-401

}} KO-402

Museum Quality Replica Egg (27 mm).................................................. $18

Grey Catbird }} KO-403

Museum Quality Replica Egg (22 mm).................................................. $18

Brown-headed Cowbird }} KO-404

Museum Quality Replica Egg (23 mm).................................................. $20

Whooping Crane }} KO-405

Museum Quality Replica Egg (98 mm).................................................. $32

American Crow }} KO-406

}} KO-005

}} KO-403

}} KO-404

Museum Quality Replica Egg (42 mm).................................................. $22

Mourning Dove }} KO-407

Museum Quality Replica Egg (23 mm).................................................. $18

Pigeon (Rock Dove) }} KO-408


}} KO-409

Bald Eagle }} KO-405

}} KO-406

}} KO-407

}} KO-408

}} KO-410

Museum Quality Replica Egg (39 mm).................................................. $20 Museum Quality Replica Egg (60 mm).................................................. $27 Museum Quality Replica Egg (70 mm).................................................. $29

Golden Eagle }} KO-411

Great Egret }} KO-412

Museum Quality Replica Egg (74 mm).................................................. $29 Museum Quality Replica Egg (59 mm).................................................. $27

Peregrine Falcon }} KO-413

}} KO-409

}} KO-410

}} KO-411

}} KO-412

Museum Quality Replica Egg (53 mm).................................................. $27

House Finch }} KO-414

Museum Quality Replica Egg (20 mm).................................................. $18

Northern Flicker }} KO-415

Museum Quality Replica Egg (29 mm).................................................. $20

American Goldfinch }} KO-416

Museum Quality Replica Egg (17 mm).................................................. $18

Canada Goose }} KO-417

}} KO-413

}} KO-414

}} KO-415

}} KO-416

Museum Quality Replica Egg (72 mm).................................................. $27

Red-tailed Hawk }} KO-418

Museum Quality Replica Egg (59 mm).................................................. $27

Great Blue Heron }} KO-419

Blue Jay }} KO-420

}} KO-417

}} KO-418

}} KO-419

}} KO-420

Museum Quality Replica Egg (63 mm).................................................. $25 Museum Quality Replica Egg (29 mm).................................................. $18

As in nature, shape and color of replica eggs may vary slightly. Eggs not shown to scale.



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Bird Eggs



Western Scrub-jay }} KO-421

Museum Quality Replica Egg (26 mm).................................................. $18

American Kestrel }} KO-422


}} KO-423

Museum Quality Replica Egg (34 mm).................................................. $21 Museum Quality Replica Egg (38 mm).................................................. $20

Common Loon }} KO-424

Museum Quality Replica Egg (84 mm).................................................. $27

}} KO-421

}} KO-422

}} KO-423

}} KO-424

Western Meadowlark }} KO-425

Museum Quality Replica Egg (28 mm).................................................. $18

Northern Mockingbird }} KO-426

Museum Quality Replica Egg (24 mm).................................................. $19

American Robin }} KO-427

Barn Owl }} KO-428

Museum Quality Replica Egg (29 mm).................................................. $19

}} KO-425

}} KO-426

}} KO-427

}} KO-428

Museum Quality Replica Egg (42 mm).................................................. $24

Great Horned Owl }} KO-429

Museum Quality Replica Egg (54 mm).................................................. $25

Eastern Screech Owl }} KO-430

Snowy Owl }} KO-431


}} KO-432

Museum Quality Replica Egg (33 mm).................................................. $21 Museum Quality Replica Egg (57 mm).................................................. $24

}} KO-429

}} KO-430

}} KO-431

Museum Quality Replica Egg (60 mm).................................................. $31

European Starling }} KO-433

Museum Quality Replica Egg (34 mm).................................................. $19

Whip-poor-will }} KO-434


}} KO-435

Museum Quality Replica Egg (28 mm).................................................. $19 Museum Quality Replica Egg (61 mm).................................................. $27

House Wren }} KO-436

}} KO-432

}} KO-433

}} KO-434

}} KO-435

}} KO-436

}} KO-437

}} KO-438

}} KO-439

}} KO-017

}} KO-030

}} KO-181

}} KO-182

Museum Quality Replica Egg (18 mm).................................................. $19

Marbled Murrelet }} KO-437

Museum Quality Replica Egg (50 mm).................................................. $29

Horned Puffin }} KO-438

Museum Quality Replica Egg (60 mm).................................................. $30

Kori Bustard }} KO-439

Museum Quality Replica Egg (76 mm).................................................. $30

California Condor }} KO-017

Museum Quality Replica Egg (120 mm)................................................ $40

Ruby-throated Hummingbird }} KO-030

Museum Quality Replica Egg with Nest (15 mm).....................................$9

King Penguin }} KO-181

Brown Kiwi }} KO-182

Museum Quality Replica Egg (10.8 mm)............................................... $39 Museum Quality Replica Egg (12.1 mm)............................................... $38

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Chelidae • Chelydridae • Cheloniidae

Matamata Turtle

Testudines > Chelidae > Chelus fimbriatus Origin: South America | Carnivore Skull Length: 11 cm (4.3 in) | Hyoid Length: 19 cm (7.5 in) }} TQ-186

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $104

Snapping Turtle

Testudines > Chelydridae > Chelydra serpentina Origin: North America | Carnivore Natural Bone Length: 10 cm (3.9 in) | Teaching Quality Skull Length: 13 cm (5.1 in)

}} ST-521 Natural Bone }} TQ-186 Replica

}} ST-521 }} TQ-521 }} ST-110

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $59 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $46 Natural Bone Shell................................................................................ $55

Alligator Snapping Turtle

Testudines > Chelydridae > Macrochelys temminckii Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in) }} BC-271 }} TQ-72

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $185 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $150

Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Testudines > Cheloniidae > Caretta caretta Origin: Tropical Seas | Carnivore | Skull Length: 28 cm (11.0 in) }} BC-064

}} TQ-72 Replica

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $185

Green Sea Turtle

Testudines > Cheloniidae > Chelonia mydas Origin: World Wide | Omnivore | Skull Length: 16 cm (6.3 in) }} TQ-164

}} TQ-164 Replica

Hawksbill Sea Turtle

Testudines > Cheloniidae > Eretmochelys imbricata Origin: Tropical Seas | Carnivore | Skull Length: 18 cm (7.1 in) }} TQ-40

}} BC-064 Bone Clones®

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $142

}} TQ-40 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $92

}} ST-110 Natural Bone

(Size, shape, and color will vary)



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Testudines Cheloniidae • Dermochelyidae • Emydidae • Testudinidae

Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

Testudines > Cheloniidae > Lepidochelys olivacea Origin: Tropical Seas | Omnivore | Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) }} TQ-178

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $139

Leatherback Sea Turtle

Testudines > Dermochelyidae > Dermochelys coriacea Origin: Tropical Seas | Carnivore | Skull Length: 24 cm (9.4 in) }} TQ-115

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $150

Pond Turtle

}} TQ-178 Replica

Testudines > Emydidae > Various species Origin: North America | Omnivore Average Skull Length: 6 cm (2.4 in) | Average Shell Length: 13 cm (5.1 in) }} ST-525 }} TQ-525 }} ST-135-L-A }} ST-135-S-A

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $39 Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $39 Natural Bone Shell (Large) (7+ in)........................................................ $39 Natural Bone Shell (Small) (4-7 in)....................................................... $29

Aldabra Tortoise

}} TQ-115 Replica

Testudines > Testudinidae > Geochelone gigantea Origin: Aldabra Islands | Herbivore | Average Skull Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) }} TQ-108

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $127

Galapagos Tortoise

Testudines > Testudinidae > Geochelone nigra Origin: Galapagos Islands | Herbivore | Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) }} BC-317 }} TQ-56

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $215 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $129

Rhynchocephalia Sphenodontidae

}} ST-525 Natural Bone


}} TQ-108 Replica

Rhynchocephalia > Sphenodontidae > Sphenodon punctatus Origin: New Zealand | Carnivore | Skull Length: 6.5 cm (2.6 in) }} BC-028

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $120

}} BC-028 Bone Clones®

}} ST-135-L-A Natural Bone

(Size, shape, and color will vary)

}} TQ-56 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


Squamata Boidae • Colubridae • Viperidae Elapidae • Pythonidae

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585


Squamata > Elapidae > Ophiophagus hannah Origin: Asia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 8 cm (3.1 in) }} BC-179

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $195

Burmese Python

}} SS-505 Natural Bone

Squamata > Pythonidae > Python molurus bivittatus Origin: Asia | Carnivore

}} BC-119 Bone Clones®

}} SS-502 }} SS-503 }} SS-504 }} SS-506

Natural Bone Small (2 in)..................................................................... $89 Natural Bone Medium (2.4 in)............................................................ $139 Natural Bone Large (3.9 in)................................................................. $199 Natural Bone X-Large (3.9+ in).......................................................... $249

Reticulated Python

Squamata > Pythonidae > Python reticulatus Origin: Southeast Asia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) }} BC-118

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $195

}} BC-118 Bone Clones®

}} SS-503 Natural Bone }} SS-500 Natural Bone


Squamata > Boidae > Eunectes murinus Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14.5 cm (5.7 in) }} BC-119

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $195

Non-venomous Snake

Squamata > Colubridae > Various species Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 4.5 cm (1.8 in) }} SS-505

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $59

}} BC-121 Bone Clones®

Gaboon Viper

Squamata > Viperidae > Bitis gabonica Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 9 cm (3.5 in) }} BC-121

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $195

Western Diamondback Rattlesnake

Squamata > Viperidae > Crotalus atrox Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 4 cm (1.6 in) }} SS-500

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $59

}} BC-179 Bone Clones®



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Helodermatidae • Iguanidae Chamaeleonidae • Varanidae

Gila Monster

Squamata > Helodermatidae > Heloderma horridum Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 8 cm (3.1 in) }} BC-006

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $125

Galapagos Land Iguana

Squamata > Iguanidae > Conolophus subcristatus Origin: Galapagos Islands | Herbivore | Skull Length: 11 cm (4.3 in) }} TQ-537

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $162

}} BC-006 Bone Clones®

Rhino Iguana

Squamata > Iguanidae > Cyclura cornuta Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 14.5 cm (5.7 in) }} TQ-45

}} TQ-537 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $162


Squamata > Iguanidae > Iguana iguana Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 11.4 cm (4.5 in) }} SR-536 }} SR-537 }} SR-538 }} TQ-536

Natural Bone Medium (8 cm)................................................................ $99 Natural Bone Large (10 cm)................................................................. $149 Natural Bone X-Large (10+ cm).......................................................... $199 Teaching Quality Replica (11.7 cm)..................................................... $104

}} BC-138 Bone Clones®

Parson’s Chameleon

Squamata > Chamaeleonidae > Chamaeleo parsonii Origin: Madagascar | Carnivore | Skull Length: 7.5 cm (3.0 in) }} BC-138

}} TQ-45 Replica

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $48

Komodo Dragon

Squamata > Varanidae > Varanus komodoensis Origin: Komodo Islands | Carnivore | Skull Length: 21 cm (8.3 in) }} BC-027 }} SC-027-A }} SC-027-D

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $230 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$4200 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$3000

Water Monitor

Squamata > Varanidae > Varanus salvator Origin: Asia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) }} TQ-213

}} SR-536 Natural Bone

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $116

}} TQ-213 Replica

}} BC-027 Bone Clones®

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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American Alligator

Crocodylia > Alligatoridae > Alligator mississipiensis Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 75 cm (29.5 in) }} BC-105 }} BC-129 }} BC-262 }} TQ-83

}} TQ-120 Replica

}} TQ-491 Replica

Museum Quality Replica (11.5 in)....................................................... $185 Museum Quality Replica (20 in).......................................................... $340 Museum Quality Replica (29.5 in)....................................................... $580 Teaching Quality Replica (26 in).......................................................... $508

Chinese Alligator

Crocodylia > Alligatoridae > Alligator sinensis Origin: China | Carnivore | Skull Length: 20.3 cm (8.0 in) }} TQ-491

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $160

Broad-snouted Caiman

Crocodylia > Alligatoridae > Caiman latirostris Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 25 cm (9.8 in) }} TQ-120

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $162

Black Caiman

Crocodylia > Alligatoridae > Melanosuchus niger Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 62 cm (24.4 in)

}} TQ-182 Replica

}} TQ-182

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $531

Dwarf Caiman

Crocodylia > Alligatoridae > Paleosuchus palpebrosus Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in) }} TQ-70

}} TQ-70 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $162

Smooth-fronted Caiman

Crocodylia > Alligatoridae > Paleosuchus trigonatus Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 27 cm (10.6 in) }} TQ-71

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $162

}} TQ-71 Replica

}} BC-105 Bone Clones®



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}} TQ-81 Replica

}} BC-009 Bone Clones® }} BC-273 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-90 Replica }} BC-038 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-269 Replica

American Crocodile

Crocodylia > Crocodylidae > Crocodylus acutus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 85 cm (33.5 in) Skull Width: 35 cm (13.8 in) }} BC-272 }} TQ-81 }} TQ-372

Museum Quality Replica (33.5 in)....................................................... $580 Teaching Quality Replica (30.3 in)....................................................... $531 Teaching Quality Replica (21 in).......................................................... $280

Slender-snouted Crocodile

Crocodylia > Crocodylidae > Crocodylus cataphractus Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 41 cm (16.1 in) }} TQ-90

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $277

Nile Crocodile

Crocodylia > Crocodylidae > Crocodylus niloticus Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 66 cm (26.0 in) | Skull Width: 35.6 cm (14.0 in) }} BC-038 }} TQ-193

Museum Quality Replica (26 in).......................................................... $560 Teaching Quality Replica (18 in).......................................................... $277

}} TQ-371 Replica

Nile Crocodile (30")

Crocodylia > Crocodylidae > Crocodylus niloticus Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 76 cm (30 in) | Skull Width: 43.2 cm (17.0 in) }} BC-273

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $580

Mugger Crocodile

Crocodylia > Crocodylidae > Crocodylus palustris Origin: India | Carnivore | Skull Length: 29.21 cm (11.5 in) }} TQ-371

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $184

Saltwater Crocodile

Crocodylia > Crocodylidae > Crocodylus porosus Origin: Australia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 82 cm (32.3 in) | Skull Width: 40.6 cm (16.0 in) }} BC-229 }} TQ-269

Museum Quality Replica (33 in).......................................................... $630 Teaching Quality Replica (28 in).......................................................... $554

African Dwarf Crocodile

Crocodylia > Crocodylidae > Osteolaemus tetraspis Origin: Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in) }} BC-009

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $165

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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}} BC-045 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-44 Replica

Indian Gavial

Crocodylia > Gavialidae > Gavialis gangeticus Origin: India | Carnivore | Skull Length: 76.5 cm (30.1 in) }} BC-045

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $575

False Gavial

Crocodylia > Gavialidae > Tomistoma schlegelii Origin: Asia | Carnivore }} TQ-44 }} TQ-367

}} BC-094 Bone Clones®

Teaching Quality Replica (20 in).......................................................... $277 Teaching Quality Replica (32.3 in)....................................................... $528


Caudata • Anura Giant Salamander

Caudata > Cryptobranchidae > Andrias davidianus Origin: China | Carnivore | Skull Length: 12.07 cm (4.75 in) }} BC-122

}} BC-122 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $98

Brazilian Horned Frog

Anura > Leptodactylidae > Ceratophrys cornuta Origin: South America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 6 cm (2.4 in) }} TQ-187

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $69

Goliath Frog }} TQ-187 Replica

Anura > Ranidae > Conraua goliath Origin: West Africa | Carnivore | Skull Length: 12.7 cm (5.0 in) }} BC-094 }} SC-094-A

Museum Quality Replica........................................................................ $95 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton....................................................... $525



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Osteichthyes Anguilliformes • Perciformes • Characiformes Lepisosteiformes • Teuthida

Moray Eel

Anguilliformes > Muraenidae > Lycodontis funebris Origin: Oceans World Wide | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14.5 cm (5.7 in) }} TQ-119

Teaching Quality Replica....................................................................... $81

Wolf Eel

Perciformes > Anarhichadidae > Anarrhichthys ocellatus Origin: Pacific Ocean | Carnivore | Skull Length: 14 cm (5.5 in) }} TQ-111

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $116


}} TQ-119 Replica

Characiformes > Characidae > Colossoma macropomum Origin: South America | Omnivore | Skull Length: 20.5 cm (8.1 in) }} BC-120

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $295

}} BC-120 Bone Clones®


Characiformes > Characidae > Hydrolycus scomberoides Origin: Amazon & Orinoco River Basin | Carnivore | Skull Length: 20.6 cm (8.1 in) }} TQ-223

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $200


Characiformes > Characidae > Pygocentrus sp. Origin: South America | Carnivore | Average Skull Length: 7.6 cm (3.0 in) }} PF-402 }} PF-403 }} PF-01

Natural Bone Large............................................................................... $99 Natural Bone Small............................................................................... $75 Natural Bone Economy Sun-dried......................................................... $25

Alligator Gar

}} PF-402 Natural Bone

Lepisosteiformes > Lepisosteidae > Atractosteus spatula Origin: North America | Carnivore Skull Length: 38.1 cm (15.0 in) | Skull Width: 16.5 cm (6.5 in) }} TQ-354

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $250

}} TQ-111 Replica

Giant Squid Beak

Teuthida > Architeuthidae > Architeuthis dux Origin: Oceans World Wide | Carnivore | Size: 6.3 cm (2.5 in) }} KO-222

Museum Quality Replica Beak............................................................... $95

}} TQ-223 Replica }} KO-222 Bone Clones®

}} TQ-354 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Chondrichthyes Carcharhiniformes • Heterodontiformes • Lamniformes


Heterodontiformes > Heterodontidae > Heterodontus portusjacksoni Origin: South Pacific, Antarctic | Carnivore | Width: 15 cm (5.9 in)

}} TQ-08 Replica

}} BC-250

Museum Quality Replica Jaw............................................................... $145

Great White Shark Jaw

Lamniformes > Lamnidae > Carcharodon carcharias Origin: Oceans Worldwide | Carnivore | Height: 16.5 cm (6.5 in) | Width: 24 cm (9.4 in)

}} BC-250 Bone Clones®

}} BC-249

Museum Quality Replica Jaw............................................................... $240

Great White Shark Tooth }} KO-223 }} TQ-64

Museum Quality Replica Tooth (2.5 in)...............................................$8.50 Teaching Quality Replica Tooth (2.5 in)...............................................$8.50

Megalodon Shark Tooth }} KO-218

}} BC-249 Bone Clones®

Museum Quality Replica Tooth (6 in)..................................................... $39

}} TQ-06 Replica

}} KO-223 Bone Clones®

Bull Shark Jaw

Carcharhiniformes > Carcharhinidae > Carcharhinus leucas Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans | Carnivore Height: 35.56 cm (14 in) | Width: 48.26 cm (19 in) }} TQ-08

Teaching Quality Replica Jaw.............................................................. $299

Sandbar Shark Jaw

}} KO-218 Bone Clones®

}} BC-231 Bone Clones®

Carcharhiniformes > Carcharhinidae > Carcharhinus plumbeus Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans | Carnivore Height: 9.5 cm (3.7 in) | Width: 28 cm (11.0 in) }} BC-231

Museum Quality Replica Jaw............................................................... $240

Tiger Shark Jaw

Carcharhiniformes > Carcharhinidae > Galeocerdo cuvier Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans | Carnivore Height: 51 cm (20.1 in) | Width: 52 cm (20.5 in) }} TQ-07

Teaching Quality Replica Jaw.............................................................. $325

Smooth Hammerhead Jaw

Carcharhiniformes > Sphyrnidae > Sphyrna zygaena Length: 12 cm (4.7 in) | Height: 9 cm (3.5 in) | Width: 32 cm (12.6 in) }} TQ-06

Teaching Quality Replica on Stand...................................................... $188

}} TQ-07 Replica



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Chondrichthyes Lamniformes • Orectolobiformes • Rajiformes

}} BC-230 Bone Clones®

}} BC-236 Bone Clones® }} BC-238 Bone Clones® }} BC-234 Bone Clones®

Mako Shark Jaw

Lamniformes > Lamnidae > Isurus oxyrinchus Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans | Carnivore Average Height: 25 cm (9.8 in) | Average Width: 23 cm (9.1 in) }} BC-236 }} SJ-04 }} SJ-03 }} SJ-02 }} SJ-01

Museum Quality Replica Jaw............................................................... $240 Natural Bone X-Large (17 in)............................................................... $249 Natural Bone Large (14 in).................................................................. $189 Natural Bone Medium (10 in).............................................................. $129 Natural Bone Small (8 in)...................................................................... $99

Zebra Shark Jaw

Orectolobiformes > Stegostomatidae > Stegostoma fasciatum Origin: Pacific and Indian Oceans | Carnivore Width: 10.2 cm (4.0 in) | Height: 7.6 cm (3.0 in) }} BC-237

Museum Quality Replica Jaw............................................................... $125

}} BC-237 Bone Clones®

Stingray Jaw, Spine

Rajiformes > Dasyatidae > Dasyatis sp. Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans, Tropical Rivers | Carnivore Height: 11.43 cm (4.5 in) | Width: 16.51 cm (6.5 in) }} BC-230 }} KO-098

Museum Quality Replica Jaw............................................................... $125 Museum Quality Replica Tail Spine........................................................ $39

Bat Ray Jaw

Rajiformes > Myliobatidae > Myliobatis californica Origin: Pacific Ocean | Carnivore Height: 12.7 cm (5.0 in) | Width: 10.2 cm (4.0 in) }} BC-238

Museum Quality Replica Jaw............................................................... $115

Shark Ray Jaw

Rajiformes > Rhinobatidae > Rhina ancylostoma Origin: Indian and Pacific Oceans | Carnivore Height: 13.97 cm (5.5 in) | Width: 20.32 cm (8 in) }} BC-234 }} TQ-09

Museum Quality Replica Jaw............................................................... $125 Teaching Quality Replica Jaw................................................................ $75

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Fossils Dinosaur Claws & Teeth • Dinosaurs


Teaching Quality Recreation (17 cm / 6.7 in)......................................... $15

Archaeopteryx }} CR-23 Recreation

Archaeopterygiformes > Archaeopterygidae > Archaeopteryx lithographica Origin: Solnhofen, Germany | Carnivore | Skull Length: 5 cm (2.0 in)

}} CR-16 Recreation

}} DS-25

Teaching Quality Recreation (Actual Size)............................................. $49


Dinosauria > Allosaurus fragilis Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 84 cm (33.1 in) }} DS-19 }} DS-19S }} DS-06 }} CR-16

}} CR-10 Recreation

Teaching Quality Replica (Actual Size - 84 cm)..................................$1964 Teaching Quality Replica (Actual Size - On Stand).............................$2164 Teaching Quality Recreation (¼ Size) (22 cm)..................................... $219 Teaching Quality Recreation Claw (18 cm / 7 in) ......................................$9

}} CR-17 Recreation

}} CR-20 Recreation

}} CR-22 Recreation

}} DS-25 Recreation

}} TR-08 Recreation

Deinonychus Claw }} CR-23

Teaching Quality Recreation (13 cm / 5.1 in)............................................$9

Allosaurus Claw }} CR-16

Teaching Quality Recreation (18 cm / 7 in)...............................................$9

Velociraptor Claw }} CR-20

Teaching Quality Recreation (7.5 cm / 3 in)..............................................$9

Megaraptor Claw }} CR-10

Teaching Quality Recreation (36 cm / 14.2 in)....................................... $16

Therizinosaurus Claw }} CR-22

Teaching Quality Recreation (56 cm / 22.1 in)....................................... $33

Utahraptor Claw }} CR-17

Teaching Quality Recreation (18 cm / 7 in)...............................................$9

}} DS-19 Replica



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Dinosaur Claws & Teeth • Dinosaurs


Dinosauria > Avimimus portentosus Origin: Mongolia | Omnivore | Skull Length: 7.5 cm (3.0 in) }} DS-66 Teaching Quality Recreation (Actual Size)........................................... $104


Dinosauria > Carnotaurus sastrei Origin: Argentina | Carnivore | Skull Length: 23 cm (9.1 in) }} DS-08 }} DS-05

Teaching Quality Recreation1/4 size.................................................... $312 Teaching Quality Recreation1/8 size (12 cm)......................................... $46

}} DS-66 Recreation }} DS-08 Replica

Deinonychus (Actual Size)

Dinosauria > Deinonychus antirrhopus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 24 cm (9.4 in) }} DS-24 }} CR-23

Teaching Quality Recreation Skull....................................................... $289 Teaching Quality Recreation Claw (13 cm / 5.1 in)....................................$9


Dinosauria > Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis Origin: Argentina | Carnivore | Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in) }} DS-09

Teaching Quality Recreation (Actual Size)........................................... $277

}} DS-24 Replica

Tyrannosaurus rex

Dinosauria > Tyrannosaurus rex Origin: North America | Carnivore }} TR-02 }} PR-18

Teaching Quality Recreation Tooth (14 cm / 5.5 in)...................................$9 Teaching Quality Recreation Plaque (12 cm / 5.5 in)................................$9


Dinosauria > Velociraptor mongoliensis Origin: Mongolia | Carnivore | Skull Length: 21.5 cm (8.5 in) }} DS-07 }} CR-20

}} DS-09 Replica

Teaching Quality Recreation Skull....................................................... $139 Teaching Quality Recreation Claw (7.5 cm / 3 in)......................................$9


Pelycosauria > Sphenacodontidae > Dimetrodon limbatus Origin: North America | Carnivore | Skull Length: 43 cm (16.9 in) }} DS-21

}} PR-18 Replica

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $650

}} DS-07 Replica

}} DS-21 Replica

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


Economy Skeletons

Bat Skeleton Pipistrellus abramus }} ESK-300 }} SK-300-D

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton......................................... $90 Natural Bone Economy Disarticulated Skeleton..................................... $90

Turtle Skeleton Trachemys scripta }} ESK-301 }} SK-315

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton...................................... $100 Natural Bone Articulated Skeleton (Turtle with Scoots)...................... $140

Non-venomous Snake Skeleton Dinodon rufozonatum }} ESK-302

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton......................................... $90

Common Toad Skeleton Bufo sp. }} ESK-303

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton......................................... $80 Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton........................................ $80 Natural Bone Economy Disarticulated Skeleton.................................... $80

Domestic Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus }} ESK-305 }} SK-305-D

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton....................................... $100 Natural Bone Economy Disarticulated Skeleton................................... $100

Pigeon Skeleton Columba livia }} ESK-306 }} SK-306-D

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton....................................... $100 Natural Bone Economy Disarticulated Skeleton................................... $100

Venomous Snake Skeleton Agkistrodon halys }} ESK-307

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton......................................... $90

Lizard Skeleton Eumeces chinensis }} ESK-308 }} SK-308-D

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton......................................... $80 Natural Bone Economy Disarticulated Skeleton..................................... $80

Rat Skeleton Rattus sp. }} ESK-309 }} SK-309-D


Skull Comparative Set }} ESK-310

Natural Bone Economy (Set of 5 skulls)................................................ $90

Set Includes: Rabbit, Pigeon, Turtle, Frog or Toad, and Fish

Common Bullfrog Skeleton Rana catesbeiana }} ESK-311

Natural Bone Economy.......................................................................... $80

Front Limb Comparison Set }} ESK-312

Natural Bone Economy (Set of 5 limbs)................................................. $90

Set Includes: Rabbit, Pigeon, Turtle, Frog or Toad, and Fish

Hind Limb Comparison Set }} ESK-314

Natural Bone Economy (Set of 5 limbs)................................................. $90

Set Includes: Rabbit, Pigeon, Turtle, Frog or Toad, and Fish

Carp Fish Carassius auratus }} ESK-304 }} SK-304-D

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton......................................... $90 Natural Bone Economy Disarticulated Skeleton..................................... $90

Vertebral Column Comparison Set }} ESK-316

Natural Bone Economy (Set of 5 vertebral columns)............................. $90

Set Includes: Rabbit, Pigeon, Turtle, Frog or Toad, and Fish

Cat Skeleton Felis catus }} ESK-318 }} SK-318-D

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton....................................... $140 Natural Bone Economy Disarticulated Skeleton................................... $140

Frog Skeleton Rana sp. }} ESK-319 }} SK-319-D

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton......................................... $80 Natural Bone Economy Disarticulated Skeleton..................................... $80

Chicken Skeleton Gallus gallus }} ESK-320 }} SK-320-D

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton....................................... $210 Natural Bone Economy Disarticulated Skeleton................................... $210

Dog Skeleton Canis familiaris }} ESK-321 }} SK-321-D

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton....................................... $240 Natural Bone Economy Disarticulated Skeleton................................... $240

Quail Skeleton Coturnix coturnix }} ESK-313

Natural Bone Economy Articulated Skeleton....................................... $100



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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WWW.SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM Domestic Dog Canis familiaris }} SK-130 }} SK-401 }} SK-402

Natural Bone Articulated Skeleton (Medium/Large).........................$1170 Natural Bone Disarticulated Skeleton (Small)..................................... $450 Natural Bone Disarticulated Skeleton (Medium)................................. $550

Domestic Cat Felis catus }} SK-406 }} SK-403

Natural Bone Skeleton (Articulated).................................................... $995 Natural Bone Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................................... $325


Ornithorhynchus anatinus }} SC-026 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton....................................................... $550 }} SC-026-AS Museum Quality Replica Skeleton with Base....................................... $575

}} SK-130 Natural Bone

Greater Flying Fox Pteropus vampyrus }} SC-312-A }} SC-312-D

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$1622 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$1022

}} SK-406 Natural Bone

}} SC-026-AS Bone Clones®

}} SC-312-A Bone Clones® }} SK-403 Natural Bone

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}} TQ-320 Replica


Delphinapterus leucas }} TQ-320 }} TQ-320-D

Teaching Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated - Length: 10.9')........$6338 Teaching Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)...........................$4500

Pygmy Sperm Whale Kogia breviceps }} TQ-316-A }} TQ-316-D

Teaching Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated - Length: 8.9')..........$5200 Teaching Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)...........................$3875

}} TQ-316-A Replica

Love skeletons? See over 300 real skeletons at the Museum of Osteology! SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585


The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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}} SC-265-D Bone Clones®

}} SC-263-D Bone Clones®


}} SC-137-D Bone Clones®

Black Spider Monkey Ateles paniscus }} SC-265-A }} SC-265-D

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$2250 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$1625

Weeping Capuchin Monkey Cebus olivaceus }} SC-263-A }} SC-263-D

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$2250 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$1650

Rhesus Monkey Macaca mulatta }} SC-137-A }} SC-137-D

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$2250 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$1650

}} SC-137-A Bone Clones®

Follow Skulls Unlimited on Facebook at: SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!



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Vervet Monkey

Cercopithecus pygerythrus }} SC-069-A }} SC-069-D

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$2250 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$1650

Sumatran Orangutan Pongo abelii }} SC-002-A }} SC-002-D

Museum Quality Replica Male Skeleton (Articulated)........................$4800 Museum Quality Replica Male Skeleton (Disarticulated)...................$3100


Pan paniscus }} SC-123-A }} SC-123-D

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$3300 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$2000


Pan troglodytes }} SC-003-A }} SC-003-D

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$3000 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$2000

}} SC-069-D Bone Clones®

}} SC-002-D Bone Clones®

Gorilla Skeleton Gorilla gorilla

}} SC-028-A Museum Quality Replica (Articulated)...............................................$4800 }} SC-028-BP Museum Quality Replica (Articulated Bipedal)..................................$4500 }} SC-028-D Museum Quality Replica (Disarticulated)..........................................$3200

}} SC-003-A Bone Clones® }} SC-028-D Bone Clones®

}} SC-003-D Bone Clones®

}} SC-123-A Bone Clones®



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Symphalangus syndactylus }} SC-047-A }} SC-047-D

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$2250 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$1750

Florida Manatee Trichechus manatus }} SC-046-A }} SC-046-D

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$8900 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$7700

Barn Owl Tyto alba }} SC-181-A Bone Clones®

}} TQ-441

Teaching Quality Replica Skeleton....................................................... $595

Human Fetal Skeleton Homo sapiens }} SC-181-A

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (32 Weeks)..................................... $649

Conjoined Fetal Skeleton (A-Baby) Homo sapiens

}} FET-200-A Museum Quality Replica Skeleton....................................................... $695

}} SC-047-D Bone Clones®

Two-headed Fetal Skeleton (Y-Baby) }} TQ-441 Replica

Homo sapiens

}} FET-100-Y Museum Quality Replica Skeleton....................................................... $695

}} FET-100-Y Replica

}} FET-200-A Replica

}} SC-046-D Bone Clones®

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!



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Brown Kiwi

Apteryx australis }} SC-165-A

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton....................................................... $960

Komodo Dragon

Varanus komodoensis }} SC-027-A }} SC-027-D

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$4200 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated)............................$3000

Goliath Frog

Conraua goliath }} SC-094-A

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton....................................................... $525

}} SC-165-A Bone Clones®


Corvus corax }} SC-074-A }} SC-074-D

Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Articulated)................................$1270 Museum Quality Replica Skeleton (Disarticulated).............................. $920

}} SC-074-D Bone Clones®

}} SC-074-A Bone Clones®

}} SC-094-A Bone Clones®

}} SC-027-A Bone Clones®



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Veterinary Aids


Dog & Cat Skull Special }} SK-208

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $140

Periodontal Disease Dog & Cat Skull Set }} SK-209

Natural Bone......................................................................................... $95

Puppy & Kitten Skull Set }} SK-210

Natural Bone Set................................................................................... $59

Osteological Veterinary Models

}} SK-208 Natural Bone

}} VT-110 }} VT-111 }} VT-104 }} VT-100 }} VT-106 }} VT-105 }} VT-102 }} VT-108 }} VT-107 }} VT-103 }} VT-101 }} VT-109

}} SK-209 Natural Bone

Feline (Cat) Pelvis.................................................................................. $84 Feline (Cat) Elbow / Shoulder................................................................ $78 Canine (Dog) Pelvis............................................................................. $113 Canine (Dog) Knee................................................................................ $86 Canine (Dog) Elbow............................................................................... $82 Canine (Dog) Shoulder.......................................................................... $86 Canine (Dog) 5 Piece Vertebrae............................................................. $84 Feline (Cat) Jaw..................................................................................... $82 Clear Feline (Cat) Jaw............................................................................ $85 Canine (Dog) Jaw.................................................................................. $88 Clear Canine (Dog) Jaw......................................................................... $91 Canine (Dog) Osteoarthritis knee model............................................. $107

}} VT-109 Replica }} VT-102 Replica }} VT-100 Replica

}} VT-101 Replica }} VT-111 Replica }} VT-105 Replica

}} VT-110 Replica

}} VT-104 Replica

}} VT-107 Replica

The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!



Teaching Kits & Sets

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585


}} SK-100-N Natural Bone

}} SK-105-N Natural Bone

}} SK-115-N Natural Bone

}} SK-120-N Natural Bone

Comparative Mammal Skull Set

Comparative Skull Set

Set Includes: Mink, Gopher, Marten, Skunk, Muskrat and Rabbit

Set Includes: Turtle, Fox, Turkey, Rabbit, Bobcat, Skunk and Porcupine

North American Furbearers Skull Set

Predator & Prey Skull Set

Set Includes: Bobcat, Porcupine, Beaver, Coyote, Mink, Fox, Raccoon, Muskrat, Marten and Skunk

Set Includes: Coyote, Bobcat, Rabbit, Squirrel & Turkey

}} SK-100-N }} SK-100-R

}} SK-105-N }} SK-105-R

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $227 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $314

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $552 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $570

}} SK-115-N }} SK-115-R

}} SK-120-N }} SK-120-R

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $390 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $374

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $268 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $262



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Teaching Kits & Sets

}} SK-201 Bone Clones® }} SK-125-N Natural Bone

}} SK-204 Bone Clones® }} SK-203 Replica

Dietary Skull Set }} SK-125-N }} SK-125-R

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $300 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $338

Set Includes: Coyote, Beaver, Raccoon, Mink, Muskrat and Skunk

Bird of Prey Skull Kit }} SK-201

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $491

Kit Includes: Curriculum & teaching guide, Red-tailed hawk, Great-horned owl, Peregrine falcon, & Bald eagle skulls

Rainforest Skull Kit }} SK-203

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $382

Kit Includes: Curriculum & teaching guide, Spider monkey, Sloth, Toucan, and Ocelot skulls

Animal Adaptation Skull Kit - Mammals }} SK-204

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $388

Kit includes: Curriculum & teaching guide, Owl monkey, Giant anteater, and Sea otter skull replicas

Deluxe Dietary Kit }} SK-206

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $492

Kit includes: Curriculum & teaching guide, cougar, deer, and bear skull replicas

}} SK-206 Bone Clones®

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


Teaching Kits & Sets

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585


Natural Bone....................................................................................... $223 Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $213

Kit Includes: a raccoon, beaver, and bobcat skull (All Natural Bone), the book: “Key Guide to Mammal Skulls and Lower Jaws”, curriculum and teaching ideas, and a ruler

Desert Skull Kit }} SK-202

Natural Bone....................................................................................... $316

kit includes: Curriculum and teaching guide, Badger, Gray fox, Ringtail, Jackrabbit, Kangaroo rat, and Ground squirrel natural Bones

Animal Adaptation Skull Kit - Birds }} SK-205

Teaching Quality Replica..................................................................... $514

Kit includes: Curriculum and teaching guide, Toucan, Ibis, Great-horned owl, and Spoonbill skull replicas

Deluxe Predator and Prey Kit }} SK-207

}} SK-200-R Replica

Museum Quality Replica...................................................................... $309

Kit includes: Curriculum and teaching guide, wolf, and deer skull replicas

}} SK-202 Natural Bone }} SK-207 Bone Clones®

}} SK-205 Replica



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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WWW.SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM Bigfoot Footprints }} FP-17 }} FP-16L }} FP-16R }} KO-043L }} KO-043P }} KO-043R


}} CC-05

Teaching Quality Replica Pair................................................................ $90 Teaching Quality Replica Single Footprint (40 x 18 cm) Left.................. $48 Teaching Quality Replica Single Footprint (40 x 18 cm) Right................ $48 Museum Quality Replica Single Footprint (Left).................................... $58 Museum Quality Replica Pair............................................................... $105 Museum Quality Replica Single Footprint (Right).................................. $58

Museum Quality Replica with Stand................................................... $195

}} CC-05 Replica

}} KO-043P Bone Clones®

}} FP-17 Replica


}} CFM-05 Bone Clones® }} KO-215 Bone Clones®

Reproductive Tools

}} OP-05

Walrus Bacula

}} OP-04

}} CFM-05 }} KO-215

Museum Quality Replica (Straight - 24 in)............................................. $65 Museum Quality Replica (Pathological - 23.8 in).................................. $65

Natural Bone Bacula

}} OP-01 Raccoon, Large (13 cm)............................................................................$6 }} OP-03 American Mink (5 cm)..............................................................................$3 }} OP-04 Coyote (7 cm)...........................................................................................$3 }} OP-05 Fox (6.5 cm).............................................................................................$3 }} OP-06 American Beaver (4 cm)...........................................................................$8 }} OP-07 Fisher (9 cm)......................................................................................... $11 }} OP-08 American Badger (10 cm)...................................................................... $10 }} OP-09 Domestic Dog (10 cm)........................................................................... $10 }} OP-10 Gray Wolf (12 cm).................................................................................. $35 }} OP-11 Wolverine (8.5 cm)................................................................................ $25 }} OP-12 American River Otter (11 cm)................................................................ $15 }} OP-14 Striped Skunk (1.5 cm).............................................................................$4

}} OP-06

}} OP-02

}} OP-01 }} OP-03

}} OP-07 }} OP-09

}} OP-12

}} OP-08

}} OP-11 }} OP-10

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Reproductive Tools

Replica Bacula }} RB-101 }} RB-123 }} RB-120 }} RB-130 }} RB-125 }} RB-124 }} RB-119

}} RB-122

}} RB-121

Polar Bear (21.8 cm).............................................................................. $18 Cave Bear (10 in)................................................................................... $18 Dire Wolf (18 cm).................................................................................. $20 American Black Bear (15 cm)................................................................ $12 Bearded Seal (14 cm)............................................................................ $15 Gray Seal (19.5 cm)............................................................................... $15 Hooded Seal (18 cm)............................................................................. $15 Hawaiian Monk Seal (16.5 cm).............................................................. $16 Ribbon Seal (14.1 cm)........................................................................... $15 Ringed Seal (10.9 cm)........................................................................... $15 Spotted Seal (13.3 cm).......................................................................... $15 Steller Sea Lion (18.5 cm)...................................................................... $18 Grizzly Bear (17 cm).............................................................................. $18 Harbor Seal (14.7 cm)........................................................................... $11 California Sea Lion (19.5 cm)................................................................. $18 Northern Elephant Seal (28 cm)............................................................ $18 Sea Otter (12.5)..................................................................................... $15 Northern Fur Seal (12.2 cm).................................................................. $15 Gray Wolf (13 cm).................................................................................. $12 Harp Seal (17.3 cm)............................................................................... $15

}} RB-101 }} RP-102 }} RB-105 }} RB-118 }} RB-119 }} RB-120 }} RB-121 }} RB-122 }} RB-123 }} RB-124 }} RB-125 }} RB-126 }} RB-127 }} RB-128 }} RB-130 }} RB-133 }} RB-135 }} RB-136 }} RB-137 }} RB-142

animal feet and tracks Whitetail Deer }} NT-03

Negative Footprint (8.8 x 7.1 cm).............................................................$8

Gray Fox

}} RB-135

}} FP-02L }} FP-02S


}} FP-07 }} NT-05

Positive Footprint (8 x 7.5 cm)..................................................................$8 Negative Footprint (8.5 x 7 cm)................................................................$8

Gray Wolf }} FP-10 }} NT-27

}} FP-02L

}} NT-03

}} FP-07

Red Fox }} NT-09

Positive Footprint (22 x 17 cm) Large.................................................... $17 PositiveFootprint (14 x 9.5 cm)Small........................................................$8

Positive Footprint (22 x 16.5 cm)........................................................... $17 Negative Footprint (10 x 13 cm)........................................................... $12

Negative Footprint (7.1 x 6 cm)................................................................$8

Mountain Lion }} FP-09 }} NT-08

Positive Footprint (22.5 x 17.5 cm)........................................................ $17 Negative Footprint (9 x 9 cm)...................................................................$9

North American Predator }} NT-08

}} FP-10

}} NT-09

}} FP-01

Positive Footprint (29.5 x 23 cm)........................................................... $17

}} FP-01



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Animal Feet & Tracks Replica Feet • Animal Tracks

Positive Footprint (22 x 16 cm).............................................................. $19

African Lion }} FP-18

Positive Footprint (22 x 18.5 cm)........................................................... $19

African Leopard }} FP-19

Bobcat }} FP-03 }} NT-07


}} FP-11

Positive Footprint (22x18cm)................................................................ $19

}} FP-15

}} FP-18

}} FP-19

}} FP-03

}} FP-11

}} NT-10

}} NT-01

}} NT-11

}} FP-04L

}} FP-05

}} FP-08

}} NT-25

}} NT-12

}} NT-16

}} NT-13

Positive Footprint (15 x 10 cm).................................................................$9 Negative Footprint (8 x 7.5 cm)................................................................$9

Positive Footprint (22 x 18.5 cm)........................................................... $19

Striped Skunk }} NT-10

Weasel }} NT-01

Negative Footprint (6.5 x 6 cm)................................................................$9

Negative Footprint (5 x 4 cm)...................................................................$9

American Mink }} NT-11

Raccoon }} FP-04L }} FP-04S }} NT-04

Coatimundi }} FP-05

Negative Footprint (7 x 5.75 cm)..............................................................$9

Positive Footprint (22 x 17 cm) Large.................................................... $19 Positive Footprint (12 x 10 cm) Small.......................................................$9 Negative Footprint (7.75 x 7.75 cm).........................................................$9

Positive Footprint (13 x 9.5 cm)................................................................$9

American Black Bear }} FP-08

Positive Footprint (22 x 18 cm).............................................................. $19

American Black Bear }} NT-06 }} NT-25 }} NT-26


}} NT-12

Juvenile - Negative Footprint (17.5 x 10.5 cm)...................................... $14 Rear - Negative Footprint (27 x 27 cm).................................................. $19 Front - Negative Footprint (25 x 21 cm)................................................. $19

Negative Footprint (11.5 x 4 cm)..............................................................$9

American Opossum }} NT-16

Negative Footprint (8.25 x 6.3 cm)...........................................................$9

American Beaver }} NT-13

Negative Footprint (8.7 x 6.6 cm).............................................................$9

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


Animal Feet & Tracks Replica Feet • Animal Tracks

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585


Woodchuck }} NT-15

Negative Footprint (10 x 4.75 cm)............................................................$9

Negative Footprint (7.8 x 5.7 cm).............................................................$9

Tree Squirrel }} NT-17

}} NT-15

}} NT-14

}} NT-14

Nine-banded Armadillo }} FP-06

Wood Duck }} NT-18


}} NT-23

}} FP-06

}} NT-18

}} NT-23

Negative Footprint (8 x 3 cm)...................................................................$9

Bald Eagle }} NT-24

Pheasant }} NT-22

Positive Footprint (14 x 9 cm)...................................................................$9

Negative Footprint (7.5 x 5.75 cm)...........................................................$9

Negative Footprint (11.25 x 9 cm)............................................................$9

Negative Footprint (25 x 16 cm)............................................................ $19

Negative Footprint (7.7 x 5.3 cm).............................................................$9

American Crow }} NT-21

}} NT-24

}} NT-22

}} NT-21

Blue Jay }} NT-19

Negative Footprint (8.8 x 4.8 cm).............................................................$9

Negative Footprint (6.5 x 5.5 cm).............................................................$9

Pileated Woodpecker }} NT-20

Negative Footprint (6 x 5 cm)...................................................................$9

Great Horned Owl }} NT-02

}} NT-19

}} NT-20

Negative Footprint (11 x 7.5 cm)..............................................................$9

}} NT-02

Track down over 300 real skeletons at the Museum of Osteology! SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585


The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Tools Natural and Replica Claws & Teeth

Domestic Dog Claw }} CW-17

Natural Bone Quality A Claw (3 cm).........................................................$3

Coyote Claw }} CW-05

Natural Bone Quality A Claw (2 cm).........................................................$3

}} CW-16

Bobcat Claw }} CW-06

Natural Bone Quality A Claw (2.5 cm)......................................................$4

}} MO-19

Domestic Cat Claw }} CW-16

Natural Bone Claw (2 cm).........................................................................$3

American Badger Claw }} CW-07

Natural Bone Quality A Claw (4.5 cm)......................................................$4

}} MO-18

Coyote Canine Set }} K9-01

Natural Bone Canine (Set of 4).............................................................. $16

}} MO-20

Gray Wolf Claw }} MO-16

Museum Quality Replica Claw (4 cm).......................................................$8

Canadian Lynx Claw }} MO-20

Museum Quality Replica Claw (4.5 cm)....................................................$7

Mountain Lion Claw }} MO-18

Museum Quality Replica Claw (6.5 cm)................................................. $13

}} KO-072

African Lion Claw }} MO-19

}} K9-01

Museum Quality Replica Claw (8 cm).................................................... $15

Jaguar Claw }} KO-072

Tiger Claw }} KO-071

Museum Quality Replica Claw (7 cm).................................................... $15

}} CW-06 }} MO-16

Museum Quality Replica Claw (8.2 cm)................................................. $15

American Black Bear Claw }} MO-06 }} MO-07 }} MO-08

Museum Quality Replica Claw (Large - 9 cm)........................................ $10 Museum Quality Replica Claw (Medium - 5 cm).......................................$8 Museum Quality Replica Claw (Small - 2.5 cm)........................................$7

}} MO-07

}} CW-17

}} CW-07

}} MO-06 }} CW-05

}} KO-071

}} MO-08

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Natural and Replica Claws & Teeth

Grizzly Bear Claw }} MO-01 }} MO-02 }} MO-03 }} MO-04 }} MO-05

}} MO-01 }} TQ-38

Polar Bear Claw

}} MO-09

}} MO-10

}} MO-02 }} MO-17

Museum Quality Replica Claw (9 cm).................................................... $14

American Elk Tooth }} MO-26

Museum Quality Replica Canine Ivory Tooth (3 cm)..................................$3

Gray Wolf Tooth }} MO-17

}} MO-04

}} KO-216 }} KO-216-4 }} KO-217 }} KO-217-4

}} MO-35

}} MO-10

Museum Quality Replica Canine (5 cm)................................................. $10

African Lion Tooth Tiger Tooth

}} MO-26

Museum Quality Replica Kodiak Claw, Curved (15 cm).......................... $22 Museum Quality Replica Kodiak Claw, Straight (12 cm)........................ $22 Museum Quality Replica Claw, X-Large (11.5 cm)................................. $14 Museum Quality Replica Claw, Large (11.5 cm)..................................... $14 Museum Quality Replica Claw, Medium (9 cm)..................................... $14

Museum Quality Replica Single Canine (10 cm).......................................$8 Museum Quality Replica Canine Set...................................................... $30 Museum Quality Replica Single Canine (13 cm).......................................$8 Museum Quality Replica Canine Set...................................................... $30

Northern Elephant Seal Tooth }} TQ-38

Teaching Quality Replica Canine Tooth (11.5 cm).................................. $12

Killer Whale Tooth }} KO-012 }} TQ-63

Museum Quality Replica Tooth (12 cm)................................................. $15 Teaching Quality Replica Tooth (12 cm)....................................................$9

Sperm Whale Tooth

}} KO-216-4

}} KO-213

Museum Quality Replica Tooth (17 cm)................................................. $24

Great White Shark Tooth }} TQ-38

}} KO-012

}} KO-213

}} KO-223 }} TQ-64

Museum Quality Replica Tooth (6 cm)................................................$8.50 Teaching Quality Replica Tooth (6 cm)................................................$8.50

American Black Bear Tooth }} MO-09

}} KO-217-4

Museum Quality Replica Canine Tooth (7 cm)........................................ $10

Grizzly Bear Tooth }} MO-35

}} KO-024

Eagle Talon }} MO-11 }} MO-12

Museum Quality Replica Canine Tooth (11 cm)...................................... $14

Museum Quality Replica (Large - 9 cm)................................................. $10 Museum Quality Replica (Small - 6.5 cm).................................................$8

Raptor Talon Set of 6 }} KO-024

Museum Quality Replica (Set of 6)........................................................ $45

Set includes replica talons from the great horned owl, the golden eagle, the bald eagle, the red-tail hawk, peregrine falcon, and harpy eagle. Each talon is also available individually. }} MO-11



}} MO-12

}} KO-233

The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

ORDER TODAY! 1-800-659-7585



Reference and Educational Books

Articulations of a Porpoise Skeleton }} BK-020

Bone Building Book Vol. 1..................................................................... $34

The Sperm Whale Engineering Manual }} BK-024

Bone Building Book Vol. 2..................................................................... $34

The Whale Building Book }} BK-027

Bone Building Book Vol. 3..................................................................... $34

}} BK-020

}} BK-024

}} BK-027

}} BK-025

}} BK-026

}} BK-023

}} BK-022

}} BK-021

Pinniped Projects }} BK-025

Bone Buiilding Book Vol. 4.................................................................... $34

The Bird Building Book }} BK-026

Bone Building Book Vol.5 ..................................................................... $34

The Moose Manual }} BK-023

Bone Building Book Vol. 6..................................................................... $34

Building Bear Bones }} BK-022

Bone Building Book Vol. 7..................................................................... $34

Canine Construction }} BK-021

Bone Building Book Vol. 8..................................................................... $34

The Small Mammal Manual Manuscript }} BK-028

Bone Building Book Vol. 9..................................................................... $34

Bone Builder’s Notebook }} BK-029

Bone Building Book Vol. 10................................................................... $50

}} BK-028

}} BK-029

}} BK-035

}} BK-008

Animal Skulls - A Guide to North American Species

}} BK-035 Book...................................................................................................... $45

A Key to the Skulls of North American Mammals

}} BK-004 Book...................................................................................................... $30

Mammalian Osteology

}} BK-006 Book...................................................................................................... $30

Illustrated Key to the Skulls of North American Mammals

}} BK-013

}} BK-004

}} BK-009 Book...................................................................................................... $20

A Key Guide To Mammal Skulls and Lower Jaws

}} BK-008 Book...................................................................................................... $15

The Skull Alphabet Book

}} BK-013 Book.........................................................................................................$8

Browse online at

}} BK-006

}} BK-009

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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SUI Logo Items


Hats • Keychains • Drinkware • Etc

}} SG-04-SET

}} BM-01 / CM-07

}} BM-02 / CM-06

}} CM-03

}} LP-03 / LP-02 }} CM-04

}} CM-05

}} KC-01

Shot Glasses }} SG-04-SET }} SG-01 }} SG-03 }} SG-02

}} KC-02

Set of 3.................................................................................................. $10 Skulls Unlimited Logo..............................................................................$4 Est 1986...................................................................................................$4 Museum of Osteology..............................................................................$4

Museum of Osteology Frosted Mugs }} BM-01 }} CM-07

Tall Glass 17 oz...................................................................................$7.95 Short Glass 11 oz................................................................................$6.95

Skulls Unlimited International Frosted Mugs }} BM-02 }} CM-06

Tall Glass 17oz....................................................................................$7.95 Short Glass 11oz.................................................................................$6.95

Skulls Unlimited Skeleton Crew Marbled Coffee Mug

}} HT-04

}} KC-03

}} LP-04

Museum of Osteology Campers Mug

}} CM-05 Mug...................................................................................................$6.95

Museum of Osteology Ball Cap

}} HT-04 Hat........................................................................................................ $20

Keychains }} KC-01 }} KC-02 }} KC-03

Skulls Unlimited 4cm.........................................................................$3.95 Museum of Osteology 4 cm................................................................$3.95 Museum of Osteology 6 cm (Black Leather)........................................$3.95

Skulls Unlimited Lapel / Hat }} LP-04

Logo Pin...................................................................................................$3

Museum of Osteology Lapel / Hat Pin

}} CM-03 Mug...................................................................................................$5.95

}} LP-02 }} LP-03

Museum of Osteology Marbled Coffee Mug

Museum of Osteology Acrylic Tumbler

}} CM-04 Mug...................................................................................................$5.95

}} CM-10

}} CM-10

Antique Silver...........................................................................................$3 White Enamel...........................................................................................$3

Acrylic Tumbler...................................................................................$8.50



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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T-Shirts Skulls Unlimited and Museum of Osteology Shirts

Skulls Unlimited Original T-Shirt }} TS-105 }} TS-100 }} TS-101 }} TS-102 }} TS-103 }} TS-104 }} TS-106

Childrens Medium................................................................................. $15 Adult Small........................................................................................... $15 Adult Medium....................................................................................... $15 Adult Large........................................................................................... $15 Adult X-Large........................................................................................ $15 Adult XX-Large...................................................................................... $18 Adult XXX-Large.................................................................................... $20

Skulls Unlimited Skeleton T-Shirt (Black) }} TS-1500 }} TS-1501 }} TS-1502 }} TS-1503 }} TS-1504 }} TS-1505 }} TS-1506

Childrens Medium................................................................................. $15 Adult Small........................................................................................... $15 Adult Medium....................................................................................... $15 Adult Large........................................................................................... $15 Adult X-Large........................................................................................ $15 Adult XX-large....................................................................................... $18 Adult XXX-large..................................................................................... $20

}} TS-100

Skulls Unlimited’s “Skeleton Crew” T-Shirt }} TS-1200 }} TS-1201 }} TS-1202 }} TS-1203 }} TS-1204 }} TS-1205 }} TS-1206

Childrens Medium................................................................................. $15 Adult Small........................................................................................... $15 Adult Medium....................................................................................... $15 Adult Large........................................................................................... $15 Adult X-Large........................................................................................ $15 Adult XX-Large...................................................................................... $18 Adult XXX-Large.................................................................................... $20

}} TS-1200


}} TS-1500

Check out the newest shirts and other gifts at SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585

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T-Shirts & Acrylic T-Shirts, Acrylic Paperweights and Displays

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SKULLS UNLIMITED INTERNATIONAL Museum of Osteology Logo T-Shirt (Black) }} TS-1107 }} TS-1101 }} TS-1102 }} TS-1103 }} TS-1104 }} TS-1105 }} TS-1106

Childrens Small..................................................................................... $15 Adult Small........................................................................................... $15 Adult Medium....................................................................................... $15 Adult Large........................................................................................... $15 Adult X-Large........................................................................................ $15 Adult XX-Large...................................................................................... $18 Adult XXX-Large.................................................................................... $20

Museum of Osteology Giraffe T-Shirt (Navy) }} TS-1600 }} TS-1601 }} TS-1602 }} TS-1603 }} TS-1604 }} TS-1605

}} TS-1101

Childrens Small..................................................................................... $15 Childrens Medium................................................................................. $15 Adult Small........................................................................................... $15 Adult Medium....................................................................................... $15 Adult Large........................................................................................... $15 Adult X-Large........................................................................................ $15

}} AC-336

}} AC-293

}} TS-1604 }} AC-323

}} AC-251

Looking for

}} AC-109

}} AC-264



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Acrylic Paperweights and Displays

Acrylic Displays* }} AC-275 }} AC-277 }} AC-278 }} AC-298 }} AC-299 }} AC-300 }} AC-251 }} AC-254 }} AC-265 }} AC-272 }} AC-337 }} AC-258 }} AC-279 }} AC-280 }} AC-281 }} AC-267 }} AC-271 }} AC-350 }} AC-351 }} AC-273 }} AC-290 }} AC-303 }} AC-336 }} AC-264 }} AC-323

Small Creature Acrylic Displays Walking Stick........................................ $15 Small Creature Acrylic Displays Mantis.................................................. $15 Small Creature Acrylic Displays Spotted Longhorn................................ $12 Small Creature Acrylic Displays Striped Neck Turtle............................... $15 Small Creature Acrylic Displays Whip Scorpion...................................... $12 Small Creature Acrylic Displays Stag Beetle........................................... $15 Real Bat in Acrylic Block........................................................................ $55 Real Bat in Acrylic Block - Small............................................................ $25 Real Bat Skeleton in Acrylic Block.......................................................... $50 Real Whip Scorpion in Acrylic Display.................................................... $35 Acrylic Scorpion Set of Three................................................................. $40 Real Tarantula in Acrylic Display............................................................ $35 Spider in Acrylic Display........................................................................ $10 Antler Horned Beetle in Acrylic Display................................................. $10 Longhorn Beetle with Fern in Acrylic Display........................................ $10 Life Cycle of Frogs in Acrylic Block.......................................................... $20 Life Cycle of a Silkworm......................................................................... $20 Life Cycle of a Locust.............................................................................. $20 Life Cycle of a Honeybee........................................................................ $20 Real Turtle in Acrylic Block..................................................................... $25 Real Lizard in Acrylic Block.................................................................... $35 Real Octopus in Acrylic Block................................................................. $32 Acrylic Ocean Series Paperweight.......................................................... $12 Real Scorpion USB Computer Mouse..................................................... $25 Acrylic Seahorse Necklace..................................................................$5.50

}} AC-275

}} AC-299

}} AC-277

}} AC-300

}} AC-254 }} AC-350

}} AC-337

}} AC-351

}} AC-271

}} AC-279

}} AC-267

}} AC-272

}} AC-278

}} AC-273

}} AC-298

}} AC-265

}} AC-280

}} AC-281

}} AC-290

}} AC-258

}} AC-303

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 * Dimensions are listed on our website.

The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


Ordering Information

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Telephone Orders:

Order information and customer service hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. We encourage telephone orders for immediate service and to verify availability of your specimens. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-659-SKULL (7585) or 405-794-9300.

Mail Orders:

Use the handy order form in the back of the catalog to place your order, as well as for any comments or requirements you may have.


The Skulls Unlimited showroom is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays, and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays. We are located at: 10301 South Sunnylane Rd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73160.


Because of the constant fluctuation of costs of materials, prices are subject to change without notice.

Shipping Address:

We ship by Federal Express ground whenever possible, so please be sure that you include your proper street address ( No P.O. Boxes) and your correct zip code. Please keep us informed of address changes so that you can receive future catalogs and information.

Sales Tax:

Oklahoma residents please include current sales tax with your order, unless your organization is tax exempt.


We accept checks, money orders, American Express, Discover, Master Card and Visa. For Canadian and other foreign orders, bank transfers are most convenient and preferred, however checks and money orders must be drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars. Personal checks will delay shipping 10 days to allow checks to clear. Sorry we cannot ship C.O.D.


Orders are normally shipped within 24 hours. We will not hold up your order for an out of stock item, unless we expect it within a few days. Beyond that point we will notify you of any delays. We ship Fed Ex ground service which is normally no more than 5 delivery days in the U. S. Next-Day, Second-Day Air and Three-Day delivery is available for rush orders at an additional shipping cost.


All skulls are in individually labeled boxes or bags for easy identification, shipping and storage.

Since these are natural bone specimens and no animals are destroyed for our purposes, occasionally even common specimens will be back ordered. These orders are normally filled within a reasonable amount of time. You will be notified of delays over 30 days.

Back Orders:

PLEASE NOTE All items offered by Skulls Unlimited are legally obtained by-products and can be legally sold according to the laws of the State of Oklahoma. We assume when you order an item from us that you can legally possess the item(s) according the laws of your state or country. Please note, if you order any item(s) from us that you cannot possess according to the laws of your state or country, Skulls Unlimited accepts no responsibility for this act and will hold you responsible for any penalties and legal fees incurred by Skulls Unlimited. Please be aware of your local laws before purchasing specimens that you may be in doubt of. Bone Clones® and BC® are registered trademarks.



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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Ordering Information

Shipping and Handling Charges:

This covers the cost of processing, packaging and shipping your order by Fed Ex ground service and guaranteed delivery. Use table below to determine the approximate amount. These amounts are only an estimate. Actual cost may be higher or lower. Merchandise Total: under $25.00 - $8.95 minimum $25.01 to $100.00 - $11.95 minimum $100.01 to $150.00 - 10% of total order $150.01 to $400.00 - 7% of total order $400.01 and up - 6% of total order Rush Orders: Next-Day, Second-Day Air and Three-Day shipping is available at an additional $10 above normal shipping charges. Orders must be received before 10:30 a.m. C.S.T. to be shipped the same day. Shipments other than in the Continental U.S. will be shipped the most cost effective way.

Return Policy:

We guarantee our products to be true to the description and quality presented in this catalog. Do not return merchandise without first contacting us. We will either exchange the item, issue a credit to your account or provide a complete refund, less shipping charges. Please enclose your invoice with your returned merchandise. Merchandise returned after 10 days from the invoice date will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Merchandise returned after 30 days or C.O.D. will not be accepted.


If you wish, you may fax your order by calling 1-800-676-5459 or 405-794-6985. This is a 24 hour dedicated line. When faxing, please use the order form in this catalog or a bonafide purchase order. Please mark mailed orders that have been previously faxed to us to prevent duplication.

There are additional fees to be expected when we ship your order. U.S. law requires that every wildlife product must leave through a designated port for visual inspection. The closest port to Skulls Unlimited is Dallas, Texas this fee is $94.00. There will be a transportation fee assessed to expedite your shipment for clearance. This transportation fee is normally about $75 depending on the size and weight of your shipment. Transportation from Dallas, Texas to the destination country will be charged separately. In addition to the transportation fee, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has an inspection fee of $94 to clear your shipment. If any of the items in your order are listed in CITES, an additional fee will also be assessed. See CITES information below. All international shipments also require a $49 U.S. Department of Agriculture export license.

International Orders:

CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna. Some specimens throughout the catalog bear the symbol of the CITIES Convention. These items require export permits from the United States and in many cases an import permit from the country of destination. An additional $163.00 will be assessed to cover the cost of the permit. This charge is per order (not per item). These fees are charged by the USFWS and NOT Skulls Unlimited. Certain CITIES animals require an application for export from Washington DC and it may take 60 to 90 days to receive these documents. Certain CITIES animals offered in this catalog are not available for export, due to stringent export requirements from the United States. CITES specimens sold within the United States require no special permits and may travel freely without any restrictions. CITES only applies to specimens leaving the United States. Although some items offered require CITES permits, no specimens sold by Skulls Unlimited International are endangered species.

SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM 1-800-659-7585 The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!


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Aardvark..........................................................................................42 Aardwolf..........................................................................................56 Aegyptopithecus..............................................................................31 African Crested Porcupine................................................................42 African Dwarf Crocodile....................................................................97 African Elephant...............................................................................68 African Leopard..............................................................................117 African Lion...............................................................58, 117, 119, 120 Agouti..............................................................................................42 Aldabra Tortoise...............................................................................93 Alien..............................................................................................115 Alligator Gar.....................................................................................99 Alligator Snapping Turtle.................................................................92 Allosaurus......................................................................................102 Altai Argali Sheep............................................................................77 Amazon Manatee.............................................................................69 Amazon River Dolphin......................................................................43 American Alligator...........................................................................96 American Badger............................................................. 62, 115, 119 American Beaver.............................................................. 40, 115, 117 American Bison................................................................................75 American Black Bear...............................................116, 117, 119, 120 American Crocodile..........................................................................97 American Crow................................................................... 88, 90, 118 American Elk..................................................................................120 American Elk Cow.............................................................................73 American Goldfinch.........................................................................90 American Kestrel........................................................................84, 91 American Lion..................................................................................60 American Marten.............................................................................61 American Mink................................................................. 62, 115, 117 American Moose..............................................................................73 American Opossum....................................................................6, 117 American Pika..................................................................................39 American Porcupine.........................................................................42 American River Otter......................................................................115 American Robin.........................................................................88, 91 Anaconda.........................................................................................94 Andean Condor................................................................................84 Animal Adaptation Skull Kit...........................................................113 Archaeopteryx................................................................................102 Arctic Fox.........................................................................................52 A. robustus SK-54.........................................................................6, 33 Asian Elephant.................................................................................68 Asian Golden Cat..............................................................................57 Asian Jungle Cat...............................................................................57 Asiatic Black Bear.............................................................................53 Asiatic Mouse Deer...........................................................................73 Atapuerca 5......................................................................................35 Australopithecus afarensis...............................................................31 Australopithecus africanus Sts 52.....................................................31 Australopithecus Jaw.......................................................................32 Avimimus.......................................................................................103 Aye-Aye............................................................................................12 Babirusa...........................................................................................71 Bacula............................................................................................115 Baird’s Beaked Whale.......................................................................44 Baird’s Tapir......................................................................................70 Bald Eagle................................................................................ 90, 118 Barn Owl....................................................................................86, 91 Barred Owl.......................................................................................86 Bat...................................................................................................10 Bat Ray...........................................................................................101 Bearded Seal............................................................................ 65, 116 Beluga..................................................................................... 43, 105 Bengal Tiger.....................................................................................59 Bigfoot...........................................................................................115 Bighorn Sheep.................................................................................78 Bird of Prey Skull Kit.......................................................................113 Black Caiman...................................................................................96 Black-footed Cat...............................................................................57 Black Rhinoceros..............................................................................71 Black Skimmer.................................................................................85 Black Skull KNM WT-1700................................................................31 Black Spider Monkey................................................................ 13, 107 Black Wildebeest..............................................................................76 Blue Jay.............................................................................. 88, 90, 118

Blue Wildebeest...............................................................................77 Boat-billed Heron.............................................................................81 Bobcat.................................................................................... 117, 119 Bonobo..........................................................................................108 Bornean Orangutan.........................................................................17 Brandt’s Cormorant..........................................................................80 Brazilian Horned Frog.......................................................................98 Broad-snouted Caiman....................................................................96 Brown-headed Cowbird...................................................................90 Brown Hyena...................................................................................56 Brown Kiwi......................................................................................79 Brown Lemur...................................................................................11 Brown Pelican..................................................................................80 Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby.................................................................7 Bull Shark.......................................................................................100 Burmese Python..............................................................................95 Burrowing Owl.................................................................................86 Bushbaby.........................................................................................11 Bush Dog..........................................................................................51 Bush Hyrax.......................................................................................67 California Condor.......................................................................83, 91 California Gull..................................................................................85 California Sea Lion................................................................... 65, 116 Canada Goose..................................................................................90 Canadian Lynx................................................................................119 Capybara..........................................................................................42 Caracal.............................................................................................57 Caribbean Monk Seal.......................................................................66 Caribou............................................................................................74 Carp Fish........................................................................................104 Cassowary........................................................................................79 Cat.................................................................................................104 Cave Bear................................................................................. 53, 116 Celebes Macaque Monkey................................................................14 Chacma Baboon...............................................................................15 Cheetah................................................................................... 57, 117 Chicken.................................................................................... 85, 104 Chimpanzee............................................................................. 17, 108 Chinese Alligator..............................................................................96 Chinese Water Deer..........................................................................74 Chipmunk........................................................................................40 Chukar.............................................................................................85 Clouded Leopard..............................................................................58 Coatimundi.............................................................................. 55, 117 Colobus Monkey...............................................................................14 Commom Bullfrog..........................................................................104 Common Loon..................................................................................91 Common Snipe.................................................................................85 Common Toad................................................................................104 Comparative Mammal Skull Set.....................................................112 Comparative Skull Set....................................................................112 Coyote.......................................................................50, 115, 116, 119 Crabeater Seal..................................................................................66 Crab-eating Monkey........................................................................14 Cro-Magnon.....................................................................................36 Cro-Magnon -1.................................................................................36 Cuvier’s Beaked Whale.....................................................................44 Dall’s Porpoise..................................................................................44 Dama Gazelle.................................................................................116 Deinonychus.......................................................................... 102, 103 Deluxe Predator and Prey Kit..........................................................114 Dietary Skull Set.............................................................................113 Dimetrodon....................................................................................103 Dinictis.............................................................................................60 Dire Wolf........................................................................................116 Dmanisi............................................................................................33 Dodo Bird.........................................................................................89 Dog................................................................................................104 Dog & Cat Skull Special............................................................ 49, 111 Domestic Cat.......................................................................... 105, 119 Domestic Cat & Kitten Skull Set........................................................57 Domestic Cow..................................................................................75 Domestic Dog........................................................48, 49, 50, 104, 115 Domestic Dog & Puppy Set...............................................................48 Domestic Goat..................................................................................78 Domestic Pig....................................................................................71 Domestic Rabbit.............................................................................104

Domestic Ram..................................................................................78 Dromedary Camel............................................................................72 Duck................................................................................... 82, 91, 118 Dugong............................................................................................69 Dwarf Caiman..................................................................................96 Dwarf Sperm Whale.........................................................................47 East African Mole Rat.......................................................................42 Eastern Bluebird...............................................................................91 Eastern Mole......................................................................................8 Eastern Screech Owl.........................................................................91 Egyptian Fruit Bat......................................................................10, 11 Elephant Bird.............................................................................89, 90 Emu.................................................................................................79 European Badger.............................................................................62 European Starling............................................................................91 Ewe..................................................................................................78 False Gavial......................................................................................98 False Killer Whale.............................................................................46 Fennec Fox.......................................................................................52 Fisher....................................................................................... 61, 115 Florida Manatee....................................................................... 69, 109 Forbes Quarry...................................................................................35 Fossil Hominids................................................................................31 Fossil Hominid Tools.........................................................................30 Fox.................................................................................................115 Frog................................................................................................104 Front Limb Comparison Set............................................................104 Fruit Bat...........................................................................................10 Gaboon Viper...................................................................................94 Galapagos Tortoise...........................................................................93 Gelada Baboon.................................................................................15 Giant Armadillo Fossil......................................................................38 Giant Beaver....................................................................................41 Giant Flying Squirrel.........................................................................40 Giant Ground Sloth...........................................................................37 Giant Hyena Fossil............................................................................56 Giant Otter.......................................................................................62 Giant Panda.....................................................................................54 Giant Pangolin.................................................................................39 Giant Pouched Rat............................................................................41 Giant Salamander............................................................................98 Giant Squid......................................................................................99 Gigantopithecus...............................................................................33 Gila Monster.....................................................................................94 Giraffe..............................................................................................73 Glaucous Gull...................................................................................85 Golden Eagle..............................................................................82, 90 Golden-headed Lion Tamarin...........................................................12 Golden-rumped Elephant Shrew........................................................9 Goliath Frog............................................................................. 98, 110 Goose....................................................................................... 82, 118 Gopher.............................................................................................40 Gray Fox................................................................................... 52, 116 Gray Seal.................................................................................. 65, 116 Gray Wolf..........................................................50, 115, 116, 119, 120 Great Auk.........................................................................................89 Great Blue Heron........................................................................81, 91 Great Egret.......................................................................................90 Great Horned Owl............................................................... 86, 91, 118 Great White Shark..........................................................................100 Green Sea Turtle...............................................................................92 Grey Catbird.....................................................................................90 Grizzly Bear...................................................................... 54, 116, 120 Ground Squirrel................................................................................40 Guinea Pig........................................................................................41 Gunther’s Dik Dik..............................................................................77 Haitian Solenodon.............................................................................8 Half Scale Primate Skull...................................................................30 Hamadryas Baboon..........................................................................15 Hammerhead Fruit Bat.....................................................................10 Hamster...........................................................................................41 Hanuman Langur.............................................................................15 Harbor Porpoise...............................................................................44 Harbor Seal.............................................................................. 67, 116 Harp Seal................................................................................. 67, 116 Hawaiian Monk Seal................................................................ 66, 116 Hawksbill Sea Turtle.........................................................................92

Herrerasaurus.................................................................................103 Hind Limb Comparison Set.............................................................104 Hippopotamus.................................................................................72 Hobbit..............................................................................................34 Hoffmann’s Two-toed Sloth..............................................................37 Hominid & Ape Comparison Set.......................................................30 Hominid Skulls Set...........................................................................30 Hominid Study Set...........................................................................31 Homo habilis Jaw.............................................................................34 Honey Badger..................................................................................62 Hooded Seal............................................................................. 65, 116 Hoolock Gibbon................................................................................15 Horned Puffin...................................................................................91 Horse........................................................................................ 70, 107 House Finch......................................................................................91 House Wren......................................................................................91 Hubb’s Beaked Whale.......................................................................44 Human............................................................................... 18, 27, 109 Human Adult Cradle-boarded..........................................................21 Human Female Scaphocephalic.......................................................22 Human Female with Multiple Gunshot Wounds...............................22 Human Female with Shotgun Wounds.............................................22 Human Male Skull with Hammer Blows...........................................22 Human Male with a 32-caliber Gunshot Wound...............................22 Human Male with Machete Wounds................................................22 Human Peruvian Female Skull with Cranial Binding.........................23 Human Peruvian Male w/ Cranial Binding & Trephination................23 Human Rib with Embedded Bullet...................................................23 Human Trephined Skull....................................................................23 Humpback Whale.............................................................................47 Hyacinth Macaw..............................................................................86 Iguana..............................................................................................95 Impala.............................................................................................75 Indian Gavial....................................................................................98 Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross.........................................................80 Indri.................................................................................................12 Indus River Dolphin..........................................................................43 Island Gray Fox.................................................................................52 Jackrabbit........................................................................................39 Jaguar...................................................................................... 59, 119 Jaguarundi.......................................................................................57 Kangaroo Rat...................................................................................41 Keel-billed Toucan............................................................................87 Kenyanthropus.................................................................................36 Killdeer............................................................................................91 Killer Whale......................................................................................45 King Cobra........................................................................................94 King Penguin.............................................................................79, 91 King Vulture.....................................................................................84 Kirk’s Dik Dik....................................................................................77 Kit Fox..............................................................................................52 KNM ER-406.....................................................................................32 KNM ER 732.....................................................................................32 KNM ER 1813...................................................................................34 Koala..................................................................................................7 Komodo Dragon....................................................................... 95, 110 Kookaburra......................................................................................87 Kori Bustard...............................................................................89, 91 La Chapelle-aux-Saints....................................................................35 La Plata River Dolphin......................................................................43 Lappet-faced Vulture.......................................................................83 Large Hairy Armadillo......................................................................38 Leatherback Sea Turtle.....................................................................93 Leopard Seal....................................................................................65 Lizard.............................................................................................104 Llama...............................................................................................72 Loggerhead Sea Turtle.....................................................................92 Long-beaked Common Dolphin.......................................................45 Long-nosed Potoroo...........................................................................7 Lowland Gorilla................................................................................16 Lucy.................................................................................................31 Magellanic Penguin.........................................................................79 Mako Shark....................................................................................101 Malayan Flying Lemur........................................................................9 Malayan Pangolin............................................................................39 Malayan Tapir...................................................................................70 Mandrill Baboon..............................................................................15



The World’s Leading Supplier of Osteological Specimens!

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WWW.SKULLSUNLIMITED.COM Maned Wolf......................................................................................50 Mantled Howler Monkey..................................................................13 Marabou Stork.................................................................................81 Marbled Murrelet.............................................................................91 Marco Polo Argali Sheep..................................................................77 Margay.............................................................................................57 Mastodon.........................................................................................68 Matamata Turtle..............................................................................91 Mauer Jaw.......................................................................................35 Mediterranean Monk Seal................................................................66 Meerkat...........................................................................................63 Megalodon Shark...........................................................................100 Meganthropus.................................................................................33 Megaraptor....................................................................................102 Melon-headed Whale......................................................................46 Mexican Howler Monkey..................................................................13 Minke Whale....................................................................................47 Moa..................................................................................................89 Moray Eel.........................................................................................99 Mountain Goat.................................................................................77 Mountain Gorilla..............................................................................16 Mountain Lion.................................................................. 59, 116, 119 Mourning Dove................................................................................90 Mouse..............................................................................................41 Mouse Lemur...................................................................................11 Mrs. Ples STS 5.................................................................................32 Mugger Crocodile.............................................................................97 Musk Ox...........................................................................................77 Muskrat.................................................................................... 41, 118 Naked-tailed Armadillo....................................................................38 Nariokotome Boy.............................................................................34 Narwhal...........................................................................................43 Nile Crocodile...................................................................................97 Nine-banded Armadillo........................................................... 38, 118 Non-venomous Snake......................................................................94 Non-Venomous Snake....................................................................104 North American Furbearers Skull Set..............................................112 Northern Cardinal......................................................................88, 90 Northern Elephant Seal.................................................... 66, 116, 120 Northern Flicker...............................................................................90 Northern Fur Seal..................................................................... 64, 116 Northern Mockingbird......................................................................91 Northern Right Whale Dolphin.........................................................45 Numbat..............................................................................................6 Nutria...............................................................................................42 Ocelot..............................................................................................57 OH 24...............................................................................................34 Okapi...............................................................................................73 Olive Ridley Sea Turtle......................................................................93 Osprey........................................................................................83, 91 Osteological Veterinary Models......................................................111 Ostrich..............................................................................................79 Oviraptor........................................................................................102 Owl Monkey.....................................................................................18 Pacific White-sided Dolphin.............................................................45 Pacu.................................................................................................99 Pantropical Spotted Dolphin............................................................46 Parson’s Chameleon.........................................................................95 Patas Monkey...................................................................................14 Payara..............................................................................................99 Peccary.............................................................................................72 Peking Man......................................................................................33 Peregrine Falcon.........................................................................84, 90 Periodontal Disease Dog & Cat Skull Set................................... 49, 111 Pheasant.................................................................................. 85, 118 Philippine Tarsier..............................................................................12 Phororhacos.....................................................................................89 Pigeon...................................................................................... 90, 104 Pileated Woodpecker.....................................................................118 Piltdown Man..................................................................................32 Pink Fairy Armadillo.........................................................................38 Piranha............................................................................................99 Platypus.............................................................................................6 Platypus Skull....................................................................................6 Polar Bear........................................................................ 54, 116, 120 Pond Turtle.......................................................................................93 Port Jackson Shark.........................................................................100

Potto................................................................................................11 Prairie Dog.......................................................................................40 Predator & Prey Skull Set................................................................112 Prehensile-tailed Porcupine.............................................................42 Proconsul.........................................................................................36 Przewalski’s Horse............................................................................70 Puppy & Kitten Skull Set.......................................................... 49, 111 Pygmy Hippopotamus.....................................................................72 Pygmy Marmoset.............................................................................12 Pygmy Sperm Whale................................................................ 47, 106 Quail........................................................................................ 85, 104 Rabbit............................................................................................117 Raccoon................................................................................... 55, 117 Raccoon Dog....................................................................................51 Rainforest Skull Kit.........................................................................113 Raptor Talons...................................................................................84 Rat........................................................................................... 41, 104 Raven...............................................................................................88 Red Duiker.......................................................................................76 Red Fox.................................................................................... 52, 116 Red Hartebeest................................................................................75 Red Kangaroo.....................................................................................7 Red-necked Wallaby...........................................................................7 Red Panda........................................................................................55 Red-rumped Elephant Shrew.............................................................9 Red-tailed Hawk..............................................................................90 Red Uakari.......................................................................................12 Red Wolf...........................................................................................51 Reeve’s Muntjac...............................................................................74 Reticulated Python..........................................................................94 Rhesus Monkey..............................................................................107 Rhino Iguana...................................................................................95 Rhodesian Man................................................................................35 Ribbon Seal.............................................................................. 66, 116 Ringed Seal.............................................................................. 67, 116 Ringtail............................................................................................55 Risso’s Dolphin.................................................................................45 Roadrunner......................................................................................88 Rock Hyrax.......................................................................................67 Roman Gladiator Human..................................................................23 Roseate Spoonbill............................................................................81 Rough-toothed Dolphin...................................................................46 Ruby-throated Hummingbird...........................................................92 Ruffed Lemur...................................................................................11 Sabertooth Cat.................................................................................60 Sacred Ibis........................................................................................81 Sahelanthropus / Toumai.................................................................36 Saki Monkey.....................................................................................13 Saltwater Crocodile..........................................................................97 Sandbar Shark................................................................................100 Sandhill Crane..................................................................................89 Sangiran 17......................................................................................34 Scarlet Ibis.......................................................................................81 Scarlet Macaw..................................................................................86 Sea Otter.................................................................................. 61, 116 Secretary Bird...................................................................................83 Shark Ray.......................................................................................101 Sheep...............................................................................................78 Short-beaked Common Dolphin.......................................................44 Short-faced Bear..............................................................................53 Short-finned Pilot Whale.................................................................45 Short-nosed Echidna..........................................................................6 Shrew.................................................................................................8 Siamang................................................................................... 15, 109 Siberian Tiger...................................................................................59 Side-striped Jackal...........................................................................52 Sifaka...............................................................................................12 Sivapithecus.....................................................................................36 Six-banded Armadillo......................................................................38 SK-48...............................................................................................33 Skeleton.........................................................................................108 Skhul 5.............................................................................................35 Skull Learning Kit...........................................................................114 Slender Loris....................................................................................11 Slender-snouted Crocodile...............................................................97 Sloth Bear........................................................................................53 Slow Loris.........................................................................................11

Small-clawed Otter..........................................................................61 Smooth-fronted Caiman..................................................................96 Smooth Hammerhead....................................................................100 Snapping Turtle................................................................................92 Snow Leopard..................................................................................59 Snowy Owl.......................................................................................91 Soricomorpha....................................................................................8 Southern Sea Lion............................................................................65 Southern Tree Hyrax.........................................................................67 Southern Two-toed Sloth.................................................................37 Spanish Conquistador Human Skull with Broad Ax Trauma..............23 Spectacled Bear...............................................................................53 Sperm Whale...................................................................................47 Spotted Hyena.................................................................................56 Spotted Seal............................................................................. 67, 116 Spotted Skunk..................................................................................63 Springbok........................................................................................75 Squirrel Monkey...............................................................................13 Steer / Cow.......................................................................................76 Steller Sea Lion........................................................................ 64, 116 Steller’s Sea Cow..............................................................................69 Stingray.........................................................................................101 Straw-colored Fruit Bat....................................................................10 Striped Hyena..................................................................................56 Striped Skunk................................................................... 63, 115, 117 Subantarctic Fur Seal.......................................................................64 Sumatran Orangutan............................................................... 17, 108 Sumatran Rhinoceros.......................................................................71 Sun Bear..........................................................................................53 Swift Fox..........................................................................................52 Talon..............................................................................................120 Tasmanian Devil.................................................................................6 Tasmanian Wolf..................................................................................6 Taung Child......................................................................................32 Tayra................................................................................................61 Teratorn...........................................................................................89 Teshik-Tash Child..............................................................................35 Texas Longhorn Steer.......................................................................76 Therizinosaurus..............................................................................102 Three-banded Armadillo.......................................................... 38, 109 Three-toed Sloth..............................................................................37 Tiger............................................................................... 117, 119, 120 TKNM ER 1470..................................................................................36 Tree Kangaroo....................................................................................7 Tree Shrew.........................................................................................9 Tree Squirrel............................................................................. 40, 118 Tuatara.............................................................................................93 Tucuxi Gray River Dolphin.................................................................46 Tufted Deer......................................................................................73 Turkey..............................................................................................91 Turkey Vulture..................................................................................83 Turtle.............................................................................................104 Two-Headed Calf..............................................................................76 Tyrannosaurus rex..........................................................................103 Utahraptor.....................................................................................102 Velociraptor........................................................................... 102, 103 Venomous Snake............................................................................104 Vertebral Column Comparison Set..................................................104 Vervet Monkey.................................................................................13 Vole..................................................................................................41 Walrus..............................................................................................64 Warthog...........................................................................................71 Water Monitor..................................................................................95 Wattled Crane..................................................................................89 Weasel...........................................................................................117 Weddell Seal....................................................................................66 Weeping Capuchin Monkey...................................................... 13, 107 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake..................................................94 Western Meadowlark.......................................................................91 Western Scrub-jay............................................................................90 Whip-poor-will................................................................................90 White-handed Gibbon.....................................................................15 White Pelican...................................................................................80 White Rhinoceros.............................................................................70 Whitetail Deer................................................................................116 Whitetail Deer Doe...........................................................................74 Whooping Crane..............................................................................91

Wildcat.............................................................................................57 Wolf Eel............................................................................................99 Wolverine................................................................................. 61, 115 Wombat.............................................................................................7 Woodchuck.............................................................................. 40, 118 Woolly Mammoth............................................................................68 Woolly Monkey................................................................................12 Woolly Spider Monkey.....................................................................12 Zebra Shark....................................................................................101 Zinjanthropus OH-5..........................................................................32

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For Skulls Unlimited, “museum quality work” takes on a whole new meaning. In addition to preparing specimens for museums, zoos, and other institutions worldwide, Skulls Unlimited has painstakingly and lovingly cleaned and articulated the over 300 skeletons on display in Oklahoma City’s Museum of Osteology. Come by and see for yourself why Skulls Unlimited is the world’s leading (and most trusted) supplier of osteological specimens!

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