Pandit mahesh shastriji hevilambi panchang

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ॐ श्री गणेशाय नमः वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूययकोटि समप्रभ । ननर्वयघ्नं कु रु मे देव सवयकायेषु सवयदा ॥

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 Vikarmi Saadharana 2074 Prepared by

Pundit Mahesh Shastriji Panchang siddhanti & Panchang Ganita

Celestial Portfolio for Hevilambi Nama Samvatsara 1939 Vikarmi: Saadharana 2074 Portfolio

Celestial Minister Name USA/Canada India

Raja (King) Pradhan Mantri (PrimeMinister) Senadhipati (Commander of Armed Forces) Sayadhipati (Lord of Paddy Crops) Meghadhipati (Lord of Clouds) Rasadhipati (Lord of Fruits and Vegetation) Arguadhipati (Lord of Fluids) Dhanyadhipati (Winter Crops) Koshadhipati (Treasurer) Nirasadhipati (Lord of minerals) Vyaparesh (Lord of Business)

Kuja (Mangal)

Kuja (Mangal)





















Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 ď Ź Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 ď Ź Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

Agamana (Coming from) Gamana (Going to) Mukh (Facing) Dristhi (Looking at) Sankranti Name Whom it will bestow happiness Vahana (Vehicle riding on) Upavahana (Secondary Vehicle) Attire color Tilak Jaati (Cast) Flower Age Eating / Drinking Wearing Jewels Eating Plate made of Blouse / Shirt Color Condition Ayudha (Weapon)

Makara Sankranti Phalam USA/Canada South North Facing West Looking at North East Rakshasi Chandala Mahish (Buffalo) Camel Black Lac Dye Deer Mandar (Calotropis gigantean) Mature Curd / Yogurt Blue Sapphire (Neelam) Alloy of tin & lead (Rangi Hindi) White Seating Tomar (Spear Like Weapon)

India North South Facing East Looking at South West Rakshashi Chandala Mahish (Buffalo) Camel Black Lac Dye Deer Mandar (Calotropis gigantean) Mature Curd / Yogurt Blue Sapphire (Neelam) Alloy of tin & lead (Rangi Hindi) White Seating Tomar (Spear Like Weapon)

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 ď Ź Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 ď Ź Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

USA Varsha Pravesha Plantary Positions

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 ď Ź Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 ď Ź Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

USA Varsha Pravesha Kundli

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

USA Varsha Pravesha Kundli

August 7th 2017 Lunar Eclipse occurring in Makara Rashi, Sravana Nakshatra August 21st Solar Eclipse occurring in Simha Rashi, Magha Nakshatra January 31st Lunar Eclipse Eclipse Occuring in Karka Rashi, Pushya Nakshatra Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

USA Jagatlagna Plantary Positions

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 ď Ź Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 ď Ź Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

USA Jagatlagna Kundli

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 ď Ź Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 ď Ź Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

USA Jagatlagna Kundli

August 7th 2017 Lunar Eclipse occurring in Makara Rashi, Sravana Nakshatra August 21st Solar Eclipse occurring in Simha Rashi, Magha Nakshatra January 31st Lunar Eclipse Eclipse Occuring in Karka Rashi, Pushya Nakshatra Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

India Varsha Pravesha Planetary Positions

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 ď Ź Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 ď Ź Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

India Varsha Pravesha

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 ď Ź Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 ď Ź Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

India Varsha Pravesha

August 7th 2017 Lunar Eclipse occurring in Makara Rashi, Sravana Nakshatra August 21st Solar Eclipse occurring in Simha Rashi, Magha Nakshatra January 31st Lunar Eclipse Eclipse Occuring in Karka Rashi, Pushya Nakshatra Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

India Jagat Lagna Planetary Position

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 ď Ź Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 ď Ź Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

India Jagat Lagna

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 ď Ź Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 ď Ź Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

India Jagat Lagna

August 7th 2017 Lunar Eclipse occurring in Makara Rashi, Sravana Nakshatra August 21st Solar Eclipse occurring in Simha Rashi, Magha Nakshatra January 31st Lunar Eclipse Eclipse Occuring in Karka Rashi, Pushya Nakshatra Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

Panchanga Sravanam for 2016-17 Predictions For USA/ Canada USA / Canada: King is Kuja / Mangal Fights in political class, war with neighboring countries. Wild fires in forests. Increased terror activities. Increased robbery, If required install security system and lock your things.

Predictions For India India: King is Kuja / Mangal Fights in political class, war with neighboring countries. Wild fires in forests. Increased terror activities. Increased robbery, If required install security system and lock your things.

USA/Canada: Minister Is Guru Plenty of corn and vegetation. Overall happiness will increase, good for cattle, and plenty of milk, dairy. USA/Canada: Senadhipati Budha More clouds but with less rain, Crops will grow well, increased birth rate. Increased love marriages. USA/Canada: Sayadhipati: Ravi Increase in production of Wheat, barley, ullavallu (Kulthi), Chana will be abudent.

India: Minister is Guru Plenty of corn and vegetation. Overall happiness will increase, good for cattle, and plenty of milk, dairy. India: Senadhipati Budha More clouds but with less rain, Crops will grow well, increased birth rate. Increased love marriages. India: Sasyadhipati: Ravi Increase in production of Wheat, barley, ullavallu (Kulthi), Chana will be abudent.

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 ď Ź Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 ď Ź Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

Meghadhipati: Budha Thunder storm, lightening, adequate harvest, damage in central part of country by heavy rain and/or storm. USA/Canada: Rasadhipati: Chandra Rise in price of ghee, oil, honey, sugar, milk, curd, candy, general health will be good. USA/Canada: Dhanyadhipati: Sukra Adequate rain, prosperity and good health. USA/Canada: Argyadhipati: Budha Plenty of dairy, and corn. Rulers will try to improve economy. USA/Canada: Nirasadhipati: Sani Caste politics, Racial politics will increase, price of black seeds will increase.

Meghadhipati: Budha Thunder storm, lightening, adequate harvest, damage in central part of country by heavy rain and/or storm. India: Rasadhipati: Kuja Rise in price of black mustard, salt, ghee, sesame, oil and sugar, danger of fire. India: Dhanyadhipati: Sukra Adequate rain, prosperity and good health. India: Argyadhipati: Guru Plenty of dairy, and corn. Rulers will try to improve economy. India: Nirasadhipati: Surya Gold, Zinc, musk and Sapphire price will increase.

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 ď Ź Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 ď Ź Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

Prediction for USA and India for 2017-18 USA Varsha Lagna and Jagat Lagna Prediction Mars (Kuja) Aspecting Lagna, along with Mercury (Budha) indicates there will be many shuffles in cabinet. More budget will be allocated for Armed forces. Government will try to bring out a new health measures with lots of opposition due to mars effect. Rahu in Jagat lagna indicates distress, discomfort among people. Some government measures will become unpopular. There is a great chance of going to war with another country. August 7th Eclipse in Makara rashi will make labor class unhappy, chances of fire/unrest in places where records are kept, Libraries, etc. More labor strikes. Earth quakes/mining disasters are possibility along with violence in education institutes. August 21st Solar eclipse occurring in Jagat Lagna, causing government trouble with legal system/judiciary. Death in judiciary/judge. Religious fanatics may increase. Long distance communications like cable/radio/tv/air/shipping accidents could happen. Agreements with foreign governments may be in jeopardy, along with alliances.

India Varsha Lagna and Jagat Lagna Prediction Mars in Varsha Pravesh lagna in own sign with 3rd and 6th lord Budha, also India’s natural sign is Makara and Jagat lagna happens to be Makara, receiving niccha aspect of Jupiter and the lord Saturn in the 12th house. The August 7th Eclipse falling in 10th house of Varsha Lagna, 1st house in Jagat Lagna and in India’s natural sign Makara. This means enemies can do secret plots against military installations, opposition can plot any secret thing against government. Advised not to schedule elections till from July to October of 2017. Tough time for government, opposition can create problems in parliament. Health of rulers – head of states and central government, including attacks. Government and security agencies need special extra care. August 21st Eclipse is happening in Simha Rashi requiring special attention by our security agencies against any plots of terror attack against leaders Death of some leader is indicated. Deaths and serious accidents. India will be able to successfully retain or gain land if war is imposed.

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

USA Varsha Lagna and Jagat Lagna Prediction Finances will be good till August 21st but after that 2nd lord in the Jagat lagna is positioned with lord of lagna where eclipse is occurring causing financial troubles for 3 months, specially foreign exchange and dollar may become weak in internation market. Varsha Pravesh Chart, the 2nd lord is weak in navamansha and placed in 7th, with 12th lord will increase deficit in budget. Be careful about investing in stocks related to communication, transport, Watch their performance. However Jupiter placed in the 2nd house will try to reduce financial losses, and Banks will show profit. Banks will come out will new lending scheme. Jupiter will try to control expenditure but to some extent. Death of some leading Media/News/Writer/TV personality, as the third house is afflicted due to Saturn and Eclipse. Leader’s unwise use of social media may create a stir. Train/Air accident possibility. There might be a discovery in security flaw in Social Media or Electronic media. Airlines/Railways will try to upgrade their infrastructure. However these upgrades will be slow. Local government will put new tax for better roads/train etc.

India Varsha Lagna and Jagat Lagna Prediction January 31st Eclipse is falling in 4th house, bad time for opposition, Opposition will have series of failures. Earthquakes, landslides indicated. Someone prominent from entertainment industry will die. Stock market will see some troubles here. Avoid speculation upto new year. Trouble can come through sea. Coast Guards needs modernization. Government will have a deficit budget. More expenses in buying more weapons to modernize Army, Police establishments, to attract foreign investments. Government may take secret steps to stop cross border terrorism. However enemy powers will increase their secret plots against India. Jupiter will however help curb this. Communication/IT industry will face some troubles, but as the time pass on it will improve during later part of the year. Train/Rail/Communication accidents possible this year. Public opinion will favor government in later part of the year. Government will successfully bring strict laws to curb corruption in property/land matters, making it difficult to buy ‘benami’ properties. Thus reducing more corruption. Biggest scam in ‘benami’ properties can be unveiled.

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

USA Varsha Lagna and Jagat Lagna Prediction Opposition parties will sometimes behave opposing every government measure and some of them will be sensible and some insensible. Property market in some area will not improve and go down, bad time for housing market after august 7th. Chances of earthquakes and active volcanos. Land prices near water will increase. Later part of the year will see increase in property prices. Ketu in the 5th house indicates danger to government head through secret intrigues and treachery, increase in epidemics, and accidents. Young generation may lean towards drugs. Molestation of children will come out in public. Not many Hollywood movies will be successful. Death of prominent Actor or artist. Crime against women, children will increase. Local government needs to put schools/college for extra watch to avoid violence. Secret political plots against rules will be unveiled. Navy will become more active, and will be modernize. Newer equipment. However chance of accidents in navy around august 7th due to external or internal circumstances. Navy will be alert around Middle East (Syria), Norway, Turkey, Korea. There might be increased tension around these areas. d

India Varsha Lagna and Jagat Lagna Prediction Agriculture industry will improve and show gain. Patriotism will increase and government will take steps that will increase its popularity. Important decision related to mines, New ways of communication will be used to solve people’s problems. However August 21st Eclipse in Simha Rashi does indicate caution for government between August to October. Government needs to be careful about terrorism in higher education institutes during the above-mentioned period. Rape against women increase, also fire in military establishments, schools and entertainment industry possible. There is a chance of increased controversy in movie/film industry. Actors/Artists may have to face trouble due to extremism. Jupiter in the 6th will give success to curb terrorism, research in medicine, Navy will get bigger upgrades. Working class will be happier with tax breaks, increased employment. Pakistan and China can be again problem – opening up Kashmir and other issue on international forum, foreign secret agents will be more active and they will be caught or encountered. Increased weddings. Long distance relationship.

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

USA Varsha Lagna and Jagat Lagna Prediction Eclipse in 12th house on January 31st will put country on war like alert, affecting neighborhood countries, increased tension with Mexico also in later part of the year. Mars in 7th house with Mercury indicate chances of war, mainly from east. Failure in diplomacy with respect to international relations. With ketu being in 7th house of jagat lagna and eclipse in simha rashi adds more fuel. East and South east directions will cause war like situation. Government will face more law suits. Government policies in later part of the year will make small business suffer, increased in trade deficit. At times judiciary will seem to be weak or death in Judiciary. Film Industry will suffer losses. 10th lord is weak in Varsha Pravesha, but good Jupiter aspect and its relation with 12th house will prompt for more investigations related to rulers and foreign spies. Strong mars in Jagat Lagna chart indicates that government will be successful in war like situation, although with risk of people going against the war like situation causing trouble to government. Government will enjoy majority in both houses.

India Varsha Lagna and Jagat Lagna Prediction Eclipse and Rahu present in 8th house of jagat lagna, will cause sudden death, explosion, some leaders may suicide, and/or mysterious deaths. Some of the minority state government may see a fall. Religious disputes, or communal harmony could be jeopardized by secret enemies or opposition parties (EclipseSun-4th house-Mercury combination). Shipping accidents, Communal tension could increase, or provoked but this will be taken care quickly. Kashmir will be another watch point for government for such activities. Some of the government officer’s corruption will be unveiled, Delhi is also ruled by Makara rashi, Current Delhi state government will be under scanner for corruption and some will be unveiled. August 7th to October time frame very difficult for government running Delhi government. Central government will have to struggle to pass important legislations. Saturn in 12th house of Jagat lagna, very bad – war, disgrace to important personality/leader. Bureaucracy will have trouble. Increased crime against women. People will spend more money on entertainment etc.

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

2017-18 Yearly predictions for all signs Income Expenditure Table for USA/Canada Respect Disrespect Income Expenditure Result

Mesha 4 3 8 14 Average

Vishabha 7 3 2 8 Best

Mithuna 3 6 5 5 Best

Karka 6 6 14 2 Best

Simha 2 2 2 14 Best

Kanya 5 2 5 5 Best

Tula 1 5 2 8 Best

Virschika 4 5 8 14 Average

Dhanus 7 5 11 5 Best

Makara 3 1 14 14 Average

Kumbha 6 1 14 14 Average

Mina 2 4 11 5 Best

Kanya 5 2 5 5 Best

Tula 1 5 2 8 Best

Virschika 4 5 8 14 Average

Dhanus 7 5 11 5 Best

Makara 3 1 14 14 Average

Kumbha 6 1 14 14 Average

Mina 2 4 11 5 Best

Income Expenditure Table for UK & India Timezone Respect Disrespect Income Expenditure Result

Mesha 4 3 8 14 Average

Vishabha 7 3 2 8 Best

Mithuna 3 6 5 5 Best

Karka 6 6 14 2 Best

Simha 2 2 2 14 Best

Simhastha Rahu Phala Result

Mesha Money Loss

Vishabha Insult

Mithuna Good Luck

Karka Worries

Simha Fears

Kanya Troubles

Tula Gain

Virschika Worries

Dhanus Sorrow

Makara Money Loss

Kumbha Government Troubles

Mina Best

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18 ď Ź Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939 ď Ź Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

Kanya Guru Phala Result

Mesha Health Issues

Vishabha Happiness

Mithuna Financial Loss

Karka Health Issue

Vishabha Health Issues

Mithuna Happines s

Karka Financial Gain & Loss

Simha Gain

Kanya Fears

Tula Troubles

Virschika Progress

Dhanus Gain and then Loss

Makara Gain

Kumbha Financial Loss

Mina Honors

TulaGuru Phala Result

Mesha Honors

Simha Change of Residence

Kanya Gain

Tula Fears

Virschika Health Issues, Troubles

Dhanus Progress

Makara Gain and then Loss

Kumbha Gain

Mina Financial Loss

Dhanu Shani Phala (From 26th January 2017 onwards) 2 ½ years Sade Sati Base Result

Mesha Carelessness

Vishabha Yes Iron Health Issues, Marriage Issues, Financial Loss, Government Troubles

Mithuna Travel

Karka Gain

Simha Financial Loss

Kanya Yes Iron Loss, Health Issues, Marriage Issues, Financial Loss, Government Troubles

Tula Financial Gain

Virschika Dhanus Makara Yes Yes Yes Silver Gold Iron Expenses Diseases, Carelessness Loss, Trouble from Health Business Family, Issues, Prospers Enemies, Marriage Marriage in Quarrels, Issues, Family, Expenses Financial Gain from Loss, Government Government Troubles

Kumbha Financial Gain

Mina Weakness

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

Mesha/ Aries: Beginning of the year Mars in Kumha gives you monetary gain till middle of the January but at the same time Saturn leaving vischika will increase your health worries, the end of January will increase health related worries and you might pay hospital visits, If you are travelling take care of your luggage, avoid consuming outside or roadside food, take necessary precaution for health. Transiting Saturn into Dhanush will increase problems with your manager, father and giving mental worries. Your hidden enemies will be stronger, you need to play safe. April and most of May will be increased expenditure. July/August will be good for extra money or business gain, it will be dependent on amount of efforts you put in. Rahu transiting into your 4th house in August/September and combined with Mars, Saturn effect you’ll have property related problems issues, expenses and health related problems from September/October. Saturn retrograding into vrischika will add to this effect. However, from November end some relief due to mars but same issue like having problems with manager, boss, or father will prevail till end of this year. August to October is the time to watch for vehicle, house related accidents, problems. Worship of Muruga/Skanda will be helpful.

TAURUS/Vrishabha: Shani transiting into dhanush from vrischika can bring some trip after middle of January, but Mars in your 10th house can increase mental worries related to work, extra pressure. You need to handle very diligently. Things will pay off after January 25th and you’ll gain till march 3rd. But if you don’t pay attention to work things might go down south after March 3rd with mars transiting into mesh rashi which will also health issue or old health related issue might require attention. The retrograding Saturn will fuel to worries after Jun 25th including travel, but some relief in late july and most of august indicating some gain. Late October and November needs to be careful about mother’s health and vehicle related issues. Drive carefully. You may undergo some surgery during this period. If you are a student, then midterm exams can be worrisome. For parents their children will require special attention. Shani’s direct motion into dhanush in end of November will require health related attention. Worship of Lord shiva will be helpful. Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

GEMINI / Mithuna: Your health-related woes will ease after January 21st but also add some differences with spouse and travel (Which requires attention and care) failing to do so can bring health related issues. March and April will be happy. Money, friends, property gain etc will be good. After April 21st Mars transit mixed with Saturn in Dhanush will increase health, travel, stomach related issues. Expenses will be higher, Business will require special attention. Avoid eating hot spicy, oily food. Rahu’s transit into Karka from August/September mixed with Mar’s negative effect will add worries about health, and expenses. But Saturn retrograde will help you in some way, but Rahu’s will continue to remain in karka for 18 months will be worrisome, mental pressure, workload will increase. Aviod heated debates. Rahu’s malefic effects will be more visible after Mid October when mars also join transiting over kanya rashi. Then Saturn becoming direct from end of November in dhanush will ease health woes but mental worries will continue This may change if your natal graha are powerful. Chanting Vishnu sahara nama will be helpful.

CANCER / Karka): Mars transiting in kumbh till January 21st and Saturn in Scorpio will make your year beginning expensive and requiring health related cautions. Saturn will be in Sagittarius from January 25th/26th will bring some relief, but not that much as Mars continue to transit over Meena, Mesha till april 21st and then Saturn and mars will bring relief gains, benefits. This will continue till may end and then Saturn retrograding in june end combined with mar’s transit can bring additional troubles like, vehicle, house and property matters. If you are working pay more attention to work than spending time on social networks. Guru’s transit in tula after September combined with Mars can bring some good news after end of October. However don’t be overexcited Rahu’s transit over your janma rashi will continue to add worries at work, and health matters. Saturn transiting into Dhanush in end of November combined with positive jupiter’s effect and negative rahu’s effect will give you good results with mental worries till end of year. Worship of Sadashiva will be helpful.

LEO / Simha: Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

Doctor’s visit from last year till January 21st. Satun’s transit into Dhanush will increase difference with your children. Any longterm investment may not look wise to you, but don’t lose patience. Don’t try to sell short. Travel, difference with spouse will increase. If you are going through some medical care recovery may seem long. June/Mid July month will be good with Mars transiting over mithuna rashi. Saturns retrograde into vrischika will add work problems, mental pressure after july 12 combined with transiting mars’s negative effect. You’ll look for help but still some trust issue will be there. Rahu’s transiting over your 12th house from simha will bring mental worries, negative thinking, trust deficit related issues. Worship of Mahadeva will be good. This can be done in karthika masa in 2017. Guru’s transit over Tula after mid-September will bring good news for those who are trying to have a child or get married. Saturn’s transit into dhanush does indicate higher expenditure but Guru will save you at last moment with unexpected gain.

VIRGO/Kanya: Saturn in scorpio and Mars in kumbha you are all set for happy new year. Your new year celebrations will continue with gains and other things till January 21st and then Saturn will transit into Dhanush over your 4th house. Take care of your mother’s health, and property matters will be like long term pain in neck issue. Mother’s old illness will resurface. Additionally jupiter’s transit over your first house will add some more pain including Mar’s transits over Meena, Mesha, Vrishabha and Mithuna till middle of the year. After July 12th Mars transiting over Karka rashi and saturn’s retrograde into scorpio will bring some relief for you. Just before August end till September you may visit hospital. Guru’s transiting into tula from middle of September and Rahu’s transit into karka will be daily double for you in terms of gain with some minor hickups till end of year, but end of year Saturn transiting back into Dhanush (in end of November) will add more work load, worries for mother’s health etc, but you know what? Guru and Rahu are very good for you. They will sail you safely till year end. You may worship sadashiva or Krishna for helping you ease troubles.

LIBRA / Tula: Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

Mars and Saturn combination will be fueling your unforeseen expenses and child worries till January. February will bring some relief with Mars transiting over Meena and Saturn transiting over Dhanush. This is good time, you’ll overcome your hidden fears and you’ll plan slowly for long term. Stomach trouble or lower back issue will haunt you in march / april. You need to watchful from your enemies in month of may. June & July avoid heated arguments discussion with your manager. Just prepare yourself ahead and write down everything for discussion but no heated discussion, proofs and details will help you. Watchful for any legal issues during June/July including if you are doing higher studies you might have trouble for getting scholarships. Right in the end of June Saturn is retrograding into Scorpio means more worries about health. I’ll advise you to quit drinking and smoking. Health is important for you during this shani’s last phase of sadesati. Rahu’s transit in karka will give you more chances to improve yourself at work, chance to improve your management abilities. Take care and work diligently with subordinates or your reports. Jupiter transiting over Tula in your sign from middle of September will increase unknown fear in you. But like people say if year ends on a good note things are good. Your this year memories will be sweetened by Saturn transiting into Dhanush during November end, bringing good news but slowly. Worship mahalakshmi to ease problems.

SCORPIO/Vrischika: Year starts with amid property woes, and old chronic disease. Things will lighten a bit after January when Saturn transit into Dhanush in your last part of sade sati but this is not so good as it’s the last part and will increase higher expenditure, but Jupiter in kanya will save you at last moment. Mars transiting in mina in February will increase your expenses with respect to long term investments, children. You can control your ‘entertainment’ expenses to keep leash on your expenditure. March and April will bring some good flow of money thanks to mars transiting in mesha and Jupiter transiting over kanya. However, rahu will fuel your mental worries about your work and other things. If you have done overdose of partying in March and April then health woes ahead in May, June. Urinary infections, Acid refluxes, and stomach related problems. Saturn is transiting into scorpio, this means more health woes, higher expenditure, your Jupiter will try to save you as much as possible trying to make a small issue, but all depends on your natal chart (Janmakundli). Rahu transiting into karka in august and Jupiter into Tula will increase family feud, worries, health related problems. The protective Jupiter is lifting his protection, but something good is he will still help at last Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

moment, it won’t be like life threatening matter. Yearend Saturn transiting into dhanush will be the last leg of your sade sati. More expenses but mainly with respect to family, travel etc. If you are working pay attention to your work. Worship Muruga or Skanda to help ease troubles. If your natal chart supports wearing a pearl and silver it will help you gain better peace and self confidence.

SAGITTARIUS / Dhanus: You are in the 1st leg of your sadesati which means whatever you do can result into some trouble if you do it without thinking. The best way to handle sadesati is to help needy poor people, go to old age homes, help old people, if you have old parents or inlaws start there first. Help them, take their blessings. If you hire someone for some handyman work at home or office don’t negotiate too much, cutting money of person who is working hard won’t please shani. No matter how many hanuman chalisa or puja you do to please shani. Shani is karma pradhana means do better karma. The beginning of the year is going to mixed with Saturn ending the first leg of sade sati and mars transiting over your benefic kumbha sign. February mars will be in meena, it’s lord and your rashi lord Jupiter is in kanya in 10th house blocking ill effects of your mars transiting over 4th house. This means it will help you not to aggravate issues related to mother’s health and property or matters back home. Peace in the home will be maintained due to Jupiter. But in the month of March and April mars will be transiting in mesha means expenses will increase, matters related to child will be there, if you are suffering from something the diagnosis will be brought through surgery. Finally, May, June and middle of july will bring relief, bring money flow, victory over enemies, you may win some contracts, tender. Saturn retrograding into Scorpio in end of june till November end will force you to act reactively then proactively. Rahu transit into karka along with Saturn in dhanusha will continue to increase your expenditure, you can control some but jupiter’s transit in September will bring money to spend so your budget will be balanced. Saturn’s return to Dhanush during year end won’t bring much relief but Jupiter will be your protector during the last quarter of this year. You may want to worship Guru Graha. If your natal chart Jupiter is strong not placed in malefic houses wearing of Yellow Sapphire (Pukharaj) will help, make sure it’s spot less and either 5 or 7 rati. You may also worship Lord Krishna or Sadashiva.

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

CAPRICORN / Makara: Year is starting with a very very happy note. Saturn transiting over your 11th house, Jupiter into your 9th house only Mars transit in January in kumbha adding your expenses, but overall you start with a happy note. Saturn will be transiting into Dhanush during end of January, making your entry into the 1st leg of sadesati. The first leg means take decision wisely, take advise of some experienced person like parents, guru etc. But this won’t hurt you much as Jupiter in kanya transiting into your 9th house till middle of September. Jupiter will be still your protector. February, Mars’s transit into meena along with Jupiter will be again good time. Things to worry after March 3rd till end of april with respect to property matters, mother’s health and peace at home. Family fued etc will increase. Take wise decisions. May, June will be months of things related to children’s school/ college admissions and their study related matters will bring some worries and expenses in that respect. Jupiter again is the protector here. May be a little weak but if your natal planets support you’ll sail through. Saturn is retrograding to Scorpio in june end bring some benefits for you – when others fail you’ll succeed this continues till end of November. Jupiter in Middle of September transiting into Dhanush, means health woes. Jupiter loves external sports, you can join gym for better health and to avoid health related problems which Jupiter will keep haunting your one year during his stay into Tula. Rahu’s transit into karka from middle of august means differences with spouse, unnecessary travels, IRS (Income Tax) audits, court troubles. Overall mixed year for you. Worship Mahadeva and chant shani mantra everyday before starting your work.

AQUARIUS / Kumbha: Your rashi lord Saturn transiting into Scorpio will end your work-related worries after January 21st when Saturn enters into 11th house – which is Dhanush rashi. Jupiter into kanya invites more expenses also transiting mars over meena rashi adding this adversary. Most will be health and family related expenses. March, April brings relief – money gain, proper planning, gain of new business contracts, and if you are looking for new work this is the time. May, June, and middle of july will be time to know who your real enemies are some may be within your close friends. I’m not advising you doubt everyone but don’t take blind decision based on just ‘faith’ but do take calculative risks. Call your mother often. Saturn retrograding back into Scorpio in end of june will Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

bring back old work-related worries till end of November, if your review period falls into this period then Jupiter comes to your rescue after middle of September but from middle of july till end of august mars is there to help you. So, you’ll sail through. To help you Rahu is transiting into karka during 3rd week of August which will also help you. So this won’t be like the things you had in past. Saturn back into Dhanush during year end will make your year beautiful. Over all your 2nd half of the year will be good. Worship of panchamukhi hanumana is good.

PISCES / Mina: Saturn’s transit into Scorpio that brought mental worries will end in end of January but that mental worries you had with Saturn will introduce your inability to take strong decision, as Saturn transits into dhanush from January end till end of june. But here, your Jupiter transiting in kanya will helpful. Someone with grey hair or more experience will help you. This means you need to worry about your own health and increase of hidden enemies jealous your right decisions with help of ‘hidden’ someone or some higher authority helping you. Things will be better in may. Saturn retrogrades into vrischika in end of june but your Jupiter in kanya will still help you. You may plan some trip to native land. Your wife will give you support. June, July and August are months for worrying about your child in their education or marriage. September Jupiter is transiting into tula means higher expenses, but mars will put some breaks till end of October in this regard, and Rahu’s transit into karka will increase your expenses after October to year end. Saturn transiting back into dhanush during November end will bring inability to take concrete decisions now your Jupiter isn’t helping you, hence you are on your own. Regular meditation and laying out proper plans that you learned earlier will help you sail through this year. I’ll suggest to worship Jupiter or Lord Vishnu. Meditation is the key for you.

Panchanga Sravanam for USA/India 2017-18  Hevilambi Samvatsara 1939  Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

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