B. Sarfo - Funeral Program DRAFT

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Dr. Ronald B. Mincy, Professor of Social Work Policy and Social Practice Columbia University School of Social Work

Mr. Joseph Jones, CEO

for Urban Families

Allison Brooks, Former CFO

MEF Associates


Bukola Omishore, Esq.

Aaron Robinson

Bright O. Sarfo, Sr.

Gloria Carney Shealey, Ph.D.

Aisha Daniele Sarfo, Ph.D.


MUSICAL INTERLUDE VISITATION...................................................................................................................................................................................Reflections
Pastor Darin Poullar MUSICAL SELECTION FWBC Choir
Darin Poullard
Washington Baptist Church PROCESSIONAL
(NLT).........................................................................................................................Sade Dada PRAYER OF
..........................................................................................................................................Pastor Shaun Mason Zion Church MUSICAL SELECTION. FWBC Choir ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...................................................................................................................................Sister Brenda Patterson OBITUARY
MUSICAL SELECTION.............................................................................................................................................................FWBC Choir
SCRIPTURE READING Old Testament: Lamentations 3: 18 – 24 (NLT)........................................................................................................................Paul
Hebrews 10: 23 – 24
& BENEDICTION............................................................................................................................Pastor Darin Poullard
REPAST Immediately Following Service in the Fellowship Hall
Mr. Mike Fishman, Senior Advisor MEF Associates (Letter
read by Church Clerk)


Bright Eli Sarfo (also known as Papa Yao, an honored day name) was born in Brooklyn, New York on Thursday, March 5, 1981, to Bright O. Sarfo, Sr. and Denise Ocean. He was the eldest son of three children. At the age of three, his parents divorced and at the age of eight, he went to live with his father at 2829 Sedgwick Ave., Bronx, NY, which was filled with many profound memories including the formation of the Core 4, Bukola Omishore, Erik Thompson, Edgar Duncan and of course Bright. Overtime, he also became the Ocean family President of all things.

Bright would reflect on his upbringing with his father as a time where he learned hardwork, valuing education and family, and the full embrace of his Ghanaian heritage. When Bright was around 13 years old, his sister Gifty came to live with them, and he was her biggest champion and protector. Like most brothers and sisters, they fought and argued but no matter what, Bright was there with an encouraging thought and comforting hug.

Bright started his educational journey at P.S. 86 Elementary School where he was somewhat a character and not too focused on schoolwork. It was discovered during this time that he was in dire need of glasses which then at least allowed him to see the work he was to focus on. Bright then matriculated to JHS 143 where he continued developing his character and growing through what he described as an awkward phase. At Alfred E. Smith High School, he gained many vocational skills, particularly electrical, that he utilized throughout his life. He knew the world awaited him beyond The Bronx and journeyed to Stonybrook University to pursue his undergraduate education.

There he met more lifelong friends and slowly began to blossom out of his awkward phase letting go of his “S curl” and unveiling his award-winning smile post braces.

After completing his undergraduate degree, Bright moved on to his master’s and then doctorate in social work policy and research at Columbia University. He began his research career as a research fellow with the Social Intervention Group. After his fellowship, he stepped out on his own and engaged the Center for Urban Families to begin development of the DADMap curriculum. After making his way on his own for a while, he decided to join MEF Associates where his career and research truly began to flourish. Over his eight years at MEF, Bright authored countless papers & reports, led numerous projects, and presented at many different conferences. He was very proud of his work furthering equity and resources for Black fathers and families. His contributions to the literature and landscape has become part of his unique legacy.

Bright and Aisha met in February of 2009 at Columbia University School of Social Work. Aisha was hosting a panel on Black love and relationships and requested that the administrator recommend some Black men in the school to be on the panel. Bright’s name was offered and after a brief email exchange he agreed to attend. The panel was a success and in Bright fashion he brought his boys to support him and everything he said. A few months later, they would meet again at the Social Work end of year social. While they danced and flirted, their love began to blossom that night, and they sat and talked until the sun came up. The following weekend they went on their first date to a comedy club where again they spent most of the night talking about their lives, values, and interests.


And it was a few years later at this same place that he orchestrated his surprise proposal for marriage to her.

Prior to the engagement, Aisha moved to Chicago to continue graduate school while Bright stayed in New York to complete his Ph.D. at Columbia.

They continued their long conversations over the phone into the wee hours of the morning and in the summer of 2009 decided to take a trip together to Atlantic Beach, NC. After that trip, they both knew they had something special. Bright explaining to friends that Aisha’s willingness to get her hair wet, was the signaling factor for him. They maintained a long-distance relationship for four years as they both completed their education. On August 8, 2015, they married in the mountains of Pennsylvania at the beautiful Mansion at Noble Lane surrounded by the endearing love of family and friends.

A few years before they were married, Bright was able to locate his long-lost brother Zackman through Facebook. There were other notable events of 2015. Earlier that year, they moved to Alexandria, VA for Bright to begin his work journey with MEF Associates. However, in that same year, Bright’s mother passed away shortly before the wedding.

In was in the midst of the pandemic, on August 14, 2020, Bright and Aisha welcomed Malachi Kweku Sarfo earthside at home. He was so filled with joy to become a father that he couldn’t even wait for the measurements before he shared with the world. He loved every aspect of being a Dad, from the hard work of late nights and changing diapers, to getting Malachi to laugh, and playing at the park. He took his role seriously and made sure to have special time with Malachi.

Getting up with him in the morning, fixing his breakfast, and taking him to school was a part of fatherhood he fully embraced. He loved family outings whether it was picking pumpkins, going camping, or one of his favorites, attending the water lantern festival. Anytime time Bright was fixing anything, taking out the trash, or working on a project, Malachi was right by his side. He loved his family deeply and cherished every moment with them. He would always say his favorite part of the day was coming home.

Bright had a contagious smile and an infectious laugh. He was always the life of the party and brought so many people together. Whether it was behind his camera or a chance encounter, he always wanted to find greatness in people. He was a wonderful stranger to meet, kind, caring, and always with a helping hand. He was a seeker of knowledge and adventure. He had an energy that cannot be matched. He loved film and TV to an annoyingly analytical extent, videogames, and anime. He found a sport he could enjoy and excel at in boxing, and he loved to relax with a good cigar. He was genuine to a fault, always giving his true opinions and thoughts. While he may not have always spoken about it, he loved God and his spirituality was important to him. He made sure his family was in church most Sundays and nourished his spirituality with contemplation, prayer, and study.

Bright leaves to keep his spirit alive his beloved wife Aisha Daniele Sarfo, son Malachi Kweku Sarfo, Father Bright O. Sarfo Sr., Sister Gifty Sarfo Cudjoe (Jacob), Brother Zackman Lattimer, Mother-in-law Gloria Carney Shealey, and Fatherin-law Richard W. Shealey. He is preceded in death by his mother Denise Ocean and leaves a village of loving family and friends.


Bukola Omishore, Esq. • Edgar Duncan

Erik Thompson • Gerry Philogene

Sharone Ocean • Jeff Brently


Perhaps you telephoned, texted, or emailed to say you’re praying for us today. Perhaps you sent a dish of food, bought groceries, prepped food or organized the frig and freezer to nourish us on our way. Perhaps you said a silent prayer that God may see us through. Perhaps you gave a word of comfort, as only friends can do. Perhaps you made a donation to the Center for Urban Families or sent a consoling card. Perhaps you rendered a service, connected us to resources unseen, near, at hand or from afar. Perhaps you sent a message or travelled from miles away. Whatever you did to console our hearts, we will always be grateful for whatever part you played.


If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane I would walk right up to Heaven and bring you back again.

No farewell words were spoken, no time to say “Goodbye.”

You were gone before I knew it, and only our God knows why.

My heart still aches with sadness, and secret tears still flow.

Oh, what it meant to love you – no one can ever know.

But now I know you want me to mourn for you no more; To remember all the happy times and that life still has much in store.

Since you’ll never be forgotten, I pledge to you this today ~ A hollowed place within my heart is where you’ll always stay.

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FAMILY OF Bright Eli Sarfo

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