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WHY NEGATIVITY TOWARDS VAPING – VAPING MYTHS DEBUNKED There are, and have been, so many myths circulating within mainstream media and society regarding electronic cigarettes and their usage. Yes, it goes without saying that it’s simply part of the picture; with any new trend or movement, there is definitely going to be some countering, be it realistic or just for the ability to thwart the success. While this is the case with any industry, the trouble with propagating myths, and reporting spin as truth when it comes to e­cigs really does more harm than good. What often does not get reported is that alternative cigarettes, which can run by a variety of different names, have helped a rather impressively large list of people leave tobacco behind them. While this figure may be directly attributed to e­cigarettes or not, the current stats on the number of people who smoke tobacco cigarettes in America is at the lowest point in recent memory. Each year, numbers continue to drop; e-cigarettes must correlate to this in some way. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20.6% of adult Americans were smokers in 2009, and only 15.2% in 2015, a 5.4% decrease is not a small figure, nor one that should be swept under the rug! Even still, with data to back up the truth, there continues to be stories published and news reports broadcasted, decrying the unknown dangers of e­cigarettes threatening the youth, posing the threat of exploding in people’s’ faces, and containing all varieties of unknown substances, and the always popular “you don’t know what’s coming out of the vapor!” Yes, speculation comes with the territory, but the myths really are causing more harm than good! Our stance on this industry is that alternatives are awesome. Providing options to smokers who want more choices than tobacco brands can offer is what we do. Fear is a really bad thing, and unfortunately using it to sway people away from vapor cigarettes is wrong. This is simply obnoxious, irresponsible manipulation. When used properly, they present an excellent alternative to tobacco. If tobacco rates are dropping and consumers are overall more educated, this industry is headed in the right place. Originally seen here: https://www.vaporfi.com/blog/vaping-myths-debunked-vaping-facts/

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