3 minute read
Happiness Quiz
Did you know that how you feel about yourself is one of the biggest influences on your happiness and how you tackle living life? A lot of people look for happiness from external things: new clothes, how many likes they get on their Instagram post, how many followers they have. But none of this lasts. Your happiness depends on how you see yourself, what you want from life and how well you relate with others.
Take this quiz to see where you rate yourself, and remember there’s no right or wrong answer. The most important opinion about you, is your own.
Answer A, B, or C. Add up the points at the end to see what you can do to improve your happiness levels!
Relationship with self
A. I am my own BFF - I’m always hyping myself and I speak to myself with love.
B. I speak to myself with love sometimes, but other times I can be critical.
C. My inner voice is critical, I often focus on my flaws and mistakes I think I’ve made.
A. I make great decisions and trust the decisions I make, no looking back!
B. I usually make good decisions, if I think about them properly.
C. I don’t trust myself to make good decisions, I often make bad ones and regret it.
A. I take time out every day to do things that put me in a happy mood (this could be a favourite hobby, playing music, reading, journalling, etc.).
B. I take time out to do things that put me in a happy mood at least once a week, but not every day.
C. I hardly ever make time for myself and the things that make me happy.
A. I enjoy exercising and keeping fit at least three times per week.
B. I’m not that into exercise but I still do it at least one or two times per week.
C. I hardly ever exercise.
A. I eat a healthy balanced diet with very little junk food.
B. I know a healthy balanced diet is important, but only manage to eat well some of the time.
C. I eat whatever I feel like, even when I know it’s not good for me.
A. I look forward to going to school because I enjoy it.
B. I enjoy being at school some of the time but not always!
C. I hardly ever enjoy being at school.
A. I have a family that I love being around whenever I can.
B. I have a family that I generally like being around.
C. I hardly ever enjoy being around my family.
A. I have friends who I trust and can confide in. I can be myself around my friends.
B. I have good friends but sometimes I feel I can’t be myself around them.
C. I don’t have friends who I trust and can confide in. I’m afraid of being myself around my peers.
Worry and anxiety
A. I’m hardly ever worried or anxious about things in my life.
B. I sometimes worry and feel anxious about certain things in my life.
C. I worry and feel anxious frequently in my life.
A. I feel good about myself most of the time.
B. I feel good about myself some of the time.
C. I hardly ever feel good about myself.
A. I am extremely confident in my life and always willing to try new things.
B. I am quite confident and sometimes I’m willing to try new things.
C. I don’t feel confident, and I don’t like trying new things.
Standing up for myself
A. I can say “No” to others and “Yes” to myself without feeling guilty.
B. I can say “No” to others and “Yes” to myself, but I feel guilty when I do.
C. I can’t easily say “No” to others.
Add up your points
A = 5 points Each
B = 3 points Each
C = 1 point Each
45+ Points
You are a happy person; you know your values and what you stand for. Keep doing what you’re doing! Also, as a happy person full of confidence and self-love, please help those around you who struggle to achieve what you have achieved. Look out for friends who seem unhappy and guide them in the right direction; give them tips about what has helped you, and use YOUR strength to lift them up too.
33 - 44 Points
You are happy most of the time, so you’re on the right track, keep it up! But you might need to look at the areas in your life where you’re unhappy (where you answered C) and think of some changes you would like to make, to lift you into the happiest category! Read through some old SKY articles to help you with this, or reach out to your friends and family who give great advice too!
33 Points & Less
You deserve to have more happiness in your life. You’re an amazing unique person and soon you’ll be able to see that for yourself. Read through some old SKY articles to get confidence tips. Don’t just read them but put their suggestions into practice – when we say it’s helpful to write down 10 things you love about yourself, we mean it. So do it! Stay true to yourself and we love you sis!