Skyland Trail Annual Report 2014

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Community support has allowed Skyland Trail to grow and change significantly in our first 25 years. Thanks to the completion of Changing Minds: The Campaign for Skyland Trail, a new phase of change and expansion is underway. Exciting new facilities and programs will transform our campus and strengthen our capacity to change lives, families, and futures for individuals with mental illness. (See page 18 for more on the campaign)

C P R E S I D E N T ' S M E S S AG E

HANGE is at the heart of all we do.

It’s widely acknowledged that change is hard. It’s often uncomfortable –­­ something we put off until the last possible moment. For our clients, that moment may come in crisis, when living without changing something is no longer an option, a moment when they realize that survival requires change. For our society, too, tragedy often sounds the call for a needed change – a better perspective on how we view those who struggle with brain disease, or a better system to encourage people to ask for and find the help they need. At Skyland Trail, we see ourselves as agents of change. When our clients are ready, we give them the support and treatment they need to change their lives, their families, and their futures.

Beyond our client community, we hope our model of compassionate and respectful care demonstrates, on a national level, how a shift in perspective – from defining people by their limitations and challenges, to celebrating them for their strengths and potential – can transform the lives of individuals struggling with mental illness and lead to healthier communities for all of us. Throughout 2014, our 25th anniversary year, we talked a lot about change. More than talking, you helped us put change in action. We admitted more clients than ever before, who, through our unique treatment program, were able to adopt strategies and skills

that they will use for the rest of their lives to stay healthy and pursue their dreams. Because of your generosity, we also were able to complete the $18 million Changing Minds capital campaign last year, which enabled us to advance plans to expand our integrated Wellness Clinic and develop a specialized Young Adult Campus. And we expanded our treatment team and programs to meet the growing demand for our nationally recognized services. We embrace change for our clients and for our organization,

even when it’s hard or uncomfortable. We continue to evolve our organization and programs to leverage new science and to meet the growing needs of individuals and families with mental illness. You make change happen. Thank you for helping us change lives, families, and futures at Skyland Trail. Elizabeth E. Finnerty, MBA, MHA President & CEO


2014 2014 IN REVIEW

IN 2014, SKYLAND TRAIL CELEBRATED 25 YEARS of changing lives,

families, and futures. We were so pleased to have our friends in the community present as we applauded the individuals and ideas that contributed to the organization’s growth. However, much of the energy and celebration last year was generated by the organization’s advances into the future. Many trends from previous years continued, including a rise in the total number of clients served, an increasing proportion of young adult clients, and a growing reputation for success in treating individuals with complex diagnoses and treatment histories. Our entire team collaborated to meet these challenges; we piloted new programs and therapies and engaged families and alumni in innovative ways. At the same time, we took exciting strides toward the future, completing our $18 million capital campaign, Changing Minds, and beginning the expansion of facilities and programs focused on integrated wellness and young adult recovery.

By the Numbers


of clients admitted were young adults, ages 18 to 25



increase in clients admitted from states outside of the Southeast region


of clients and families surveyed would recommend Skyland Trail to someone else


Expanded our on-call capacity by preparing all primary counselors and our family

psychologist to provide on-call support. We now have two on-call clinicians, plus an on-call prescriber, available at all times.

Improved care for clients dealing with trauma by completing staff training on trauma-informed care. Began construction on our expanded Wellness Clinic which opened its doors to the Atlanta community in March 2015. Connected with Skyland Trail graduates through 20 organized social and support

activities as part of the alumni program launched in 2013. RESEARCH

Piloted the Healthy Challenge initiative to improve the physical health of clients and to evaluate interventions in the development and progression of cardiometabolic syndrome. Presented a poster session at the 2014 APA Annual Meeting titled A Longitudinal

Analysis of Patients’ Perceptions of Life Events After Discharge from Community Mental Health Services.


Added an education coordinator to our outreach team who organizes mental

health education events in Atlanta and across the country.

Hosted our annual Dorothy C. Fuqua Lecture Series with key speakers Melody

Moezzi–an author, advocate, and Skyland Trail graduate–and Kevin Breel, a comedian and mental health advocate.




Diagnoses* at Admission



Age at Admission 54% Ages 18-25

52% Female

39% Bipolar Illness

20% Ages 26-35

16% Psychotic Disorders

11% Ages 36-45

48% Male

>1% Anxiety Disorders

9% Ages 46-55

6% Ages 55+



43% Major Depression

<1% Other

We admitted more clients in 2014 than ever before, growing admissions another 7% over 2013.

Steady rise in admissions over the last decade


Geographic Origin

National recognition: In May, Skyland Trail was recognized at the national meeting of the American Psychiatric Association with a special presidential commendation for 25 years of advancing innovative treatment.

Georgia 59%

Southeast 27% National 14%

Recognizing our history: As part of our 25th anniversary celebrations, we recognized the many individuals who contributed to the success of Skyland Trail. In a special tribute to our founder, the main campus was renamed the Charles B. West Campus in a dedication ceremony on Founder’s Day, July 24. *Confirmed. Labyrinths shown are client horticultural therapy projects.


2 0 1 4 T R E AT M E N T O U T CO M E S


instruments considered to be gold standard in the mental health field to measure the effectiveness of our treatment programs. In 2014, measured outcomes continued to demonstrate that our clients experience significantly reduced symptoms and improved quality of life as a result of engaging in our treatment programs. We are proud of these results and proud of our clients. These outcomes are particularly meaningful given that, in 2014, 82 percent of our clients had three or more co-occurring diagnoses, which can make recovery more challenging. Examples of co-occurring diagnoses include a primary mood or thought disorder along with another diagnosis like anxiety, substance misuse, or a personality disorder. of all clients experience Skyland Trail has developed a a statistically significant improvement national reputation as a place where in their attitude toward activities of daily living & overall functioning1 people with complex diagnoses and treatment histories can change their lives for the better. Our evidence-based, individualized treatment program ensures of clients with a primary psychotic disorder experience a that each client is matched with the right statistically significant improvement combination of therapeutic activities to in symptoms of psychosis1 meet his or her needs. Further, our whole person approach goes beyond a clinical diagnosis and helps our clients make of clients with substance changes in all areas of their lives – from misuse experienced a statistically significant improvement in impulsive relationships and social interactions to or addictive behaviors1 work and community-based activities. An important component of our whole-person approach is our integrated of all clients experience wellness program. In 2014 we piloted a statistically significant improvement the Healthy Challenge initiative to in feelings of hopelessness2 improve the physical health of clients


68% 71%






of all clients experience a statistically significant improvement in attitudes towards medication adherence3

of clients with thought disorders experience statistically significant improvement in symptoms of psychosis4

and evaluate interventions to prevent or reverse development of cardiometabolic syndrome, a serious medical syndrome that results in increased rates of pulmonary disease, cardiovascular illness, and diabetes in patients with mental illnesses who are on certain medications. Participants in the pilot phase of Healthy Challenge reduced their body mass index (BMI) by 9 percent from admission to discharge and their average monthly cholesterol levels by 19 percent. Elevated BMI and cholesterol are key factors in the development of cardiometabolic syndrome. These numbers are especially encouraging given that these measures tend to increase for patients taking certain psychiatric medications.

of clients who are depressed experience statistically significant improvement5

of patients with mania broke their mania while in treatment 6


of clients with anxiety experience statistically significant improvement in control of anxiety7

1 Results are significant at the p=.000 significance level. The 32-item Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale (BASIS-32): © McLean University, Affiliate of Harvard Medical School. 2 Results are statistically significant at the p=.000 significance level. Beck Hopelessness Scale: Beck AT, Weissman A, Lester D, Trexler L. (1074). The measurement of pessimism: The Hopelessness Scale. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42(6), 861-865. 3 Results are statistically significant at the p=.000 significance level. Medication Attitude Inventory: Hogan TP, Awad AG, & Eastwood R. (1983). A self-report scale predictive of drug compliance in schizophrenics: reliability and discriminative validity. Psychological Medicine, 13, 177-183. 4 Overall JE, Gorham DR. The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Psychological Reports. 1962; 10:799-812. 5 Montgomery, S.A. & Åsberg, M. (1979). A new depression scale designed to be sensitive to change. British Journal of Psychiatry, 134, 382-389. 6 Young RC, Biggs JT, Ziegler VE, Meyer DA: A rating scale for mania: reliability, validity and sensitivity. British Journal of Psychiatry, 133:429-435, 1978. 7 Hamilton M: The assessment of anxiety states by rating. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 32:50-55,1959.

“Symptom reduction is an essential first step for recovery, but when graduates describe having a stimulating job, a meaningful relationship, and hope for the future, we can really see the kind of transformation made possible by effective comprehensive treatment.” – Ray Kotwicki, MD, MPH, chief medical officer 4

“The life I lived before Skyland Trail was not worth living, and I had given up. Receiving financial aid allowed me to complete my treatment and safely transition out of Skyland after my insurance stopped covering my treatment. Having that time to prepare for life post-Skyland was critical. Without the CHANGE Skyland Trail helped me make in my life through the care and kindness I was shown there, I could not have even taken the first step towards recovery. Thank you Skyland Trail for caring for me.” – Skyland Trail graduate, Ivey M.



IMPORTANT CHANGES are rarely achieved by one person acting alone.

Meaningful, long-lasting changes are made possible by families and communities working together. Thank you for being part of the amazing community making change possible at Skyland Trail.

Grateful Families by Sue McKinley

In June 2013, our 21-year-old daughter, Leigh Ann, became manic. With no family history or experience with mental illness to draw on, we were blindsided. As her mania grew, so did our fears. What was happening to our daughter? After a month, Leigh Ann was admitted to the hospital, where she was stabilized. As traumatic as the hospital experience was for Leigh Ann and our family, we knew she was not ready to return home. We called Skyland Trail for help. The day Leigh Ann walked onto the campus at Skyland Trail, a new journey of recovery began. Finally, our family began to get answers and understand our daughter’s illness.


Today, we include Skyland Trail in our charitable giving to support the organization that we feel gave us our daughter back. Giving back as a Grateful Family, and being open about our experience, also gives us an opportunity to show our support for families who are just starting their journey to recovery. We want them to know that, with the right diagnosis, medication, and therapy, a person can recover and go on to lead a productive life.

“Sometimes CHANGE comes into your life when you least expect it. We are grateful that Skyland Trail helped our family navigate that CHANGE in a hugely positive way. Giving back and being open about our experience gives us an opportunity to show our support for families who are just starting their journey to recovery.” – Sue McKinley




people attended a fundraising or community event

raised for annual operating support


of clients received a financial aid award


individuals made a first-time contribution to Skyland Trail

“Our support helps Skyland Trail respond to CHANGING needs and opportunities.” – Clay Jackson

Why We Give by Jane and Clay Jackson

Mental health affects all of us, including our family and friends. As a national leader in mental health care, Skyland Trail is a major asset for our city, and we see including Skyland Trail in our charitable giving as an important investment in the health of our community. Skyland Trail literally saves lives. Over several years of support, we have seen how the organization gives hope to

families. We have also watched Skyland Trail take great strides forward to meet changing needs and demands. The team at Skyland Trail, from leadership to clinical staff, is transformational and committed, and second to none in our opinion. They have certainly earned our trust. While the success of the recent capital campaign signals a real change in the community’s investment in

mental health, we recognize that stigma still impacts the relative size of the Skyland Trail donor base. The future of Skyland Trail still depends on the generosity of families and organizations in our community. We are excited about what lies ahead for Skyland Trail, and look forward to being a part of shaping the future for such an important organization that helps so many.


In the same year that we celebrated our 25th anniversary, we lost several friends who were instrumental in our growth and success. We acknowledge each of them here and reflect on what they helped us accomplish in our first 25 years and what their legacies will continue to inspire in the years to come.






In addition to being a prominent member of Atlanta’s ecclesiastical and civic community, Allison Williams had a profound impact on Skyland Trail as a founding board member. He began supporting Skyland Trail from year one, and contributed to our growth for the next 25 years as a founding member of our Board of Directors and, later, as an Emeritus Board member. He was always envisioning new program ideas and potential collaborations. The Allison Williams Financial Aid Endowed Fund was established at Skyland Trail by the John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation on his retirement, and the Reverend Allison F. Williams Board Room is named in his honor.

Margaret and Randolph Thrower were early supporters of Skyland Trail. Margaret, who served on the Board for many years, passed away in February 2009, and Randolph in March 2014, at the age of 100. The Cypress Society name was inspired by Randolph Thrower, and he and Margaret were charter members. Says their son, Randy, “You don’t plant full grown cypress trees when you’re 80 years old. Dad took the long view and planted for the future.” Their bequests established the Margaret & Randolph Thrower Financial Aid Endowed Fund to provide an ongoing source of support for clients seeking recovery, now and for years to come.

Longtime donor, supporter, and Board member William H. Fox, Jr., served on our Advisory Board, Board of Directors, and the Emeritus Board. A well-loved leader at Emory University, he improved campus life and drove institutional advancement in significant and meaningful ways. At Skyland Trail, he helped provide leadership and vision for our treatment programs, operations, and financial aid program. He and his wife, Carol, were recognized as Honorary Chairs of Benefits of Laughter 2012. He will be remembered as a passionate leader and devoted friend.

The generous spirit of Dorothy C. Fuqua can be seen and felt all over Atlanta. Nowhere was her influence greater than at Skyland Trail. For more than two decades, first as a Board member, then as an Emeritus Board member, Mrs. Fuqua shared her wisdom, vision, time, and talents in service of our clients and our organization. Her influence can be seen in our greenhouse and gardens and the nationally recognized horticultural therapy program she helped develop, as well as the design of our Health and Education Center. In 2005, the Dorothy C. Fuqua Center was opened and dedicated in her honor, and, in 2011, the Dorothy C. Fuqua Lecture Series was established to celebrate her 90th birthday.


2014 ANNUAL DONORS Gifts made throughout the year, including program-specific donations.

Gifts of $50,000 - $100,000 The Luther and Susie Harrison Foundation, Inc. Spray Foundation, Inc.

Gifts of $10,000 - $49,999 The Benevity Community Impact Fund Mr. Walter Berman and Mr. Howard Berman Connolly Family Foundation, Inc. The J.B. Fuqua Foundation, Inc. Jack and Anne Glenn Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Jackson Hugh M. Inman Foundation The Betts and Dennis Love Family Foundation The John and Polly Sparks Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Moses The Rich Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tim C. Rollins The Tom and Edwina Johnson Family Foundation Voices of Hope, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West

Gifts of $1,000 - $9,999 The Atlanta Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Barge Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Barker

Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Bergeson Mrs. Betty Birkholz Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bleke Ms. Susan M. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. James N. Brawner, III Mr. and Mrs. T. Richard Bryant, Jr. Ms. Melissa Bunnen and Mr. James Jernigan Camp-Younts Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Caruso Cherokee Garden Club Chicken of the Sea Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley Mr. and Mrs. John Irby The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Edwin L. Quinn Fund Harmon Family Charitable Fund Hilda D. Glenn Fund Lucy and Bill Vance Fund Montag Family Fund Virginia Moore Fund Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Crock Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Dobbs Ms. Madeline W. Fagan Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson Mrs. Margaret V. Finnerty Frances Hollis Brain Foundation The Frances Cross Foundation The John and Mary Franklin Foundation Fraser-Parker Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gellerstedt, III Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Grant

H. English & Ermine Cater Robinson Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hagen Ms. Dana H. Halberg and Mr. Laurance D. Pless Dr. and Mrs. Carl R. Hartrampf, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hatcher Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. H’Doubler, Jr. The Hills Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James W. Howard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Huff, Jr. Isdell Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Glen O. Jackson Jane Smith Turner Foundation Ms. Barbara Cleveland and Mr. Stanley S. Jones, Jr. Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Nevin Kreisler The Lanier-Goodman Foundation Loeb Family Foundation, Inc. Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler and Mr. Jeffrey C. Sprecher Mr. and Mrs. David M. Love Dr. and Mrs. David C. Lowance Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Lowe The Mark C. Pope III Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Marks The Martha & Wilton Looney Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Mashburn Mr. and Mrs. William Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Moran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James H. Muhl

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Muir Neiman Marcus National Financial Services Mr. Warren Jobe Mr. and Mrs. James R. Nowicki Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Olsen Mr. and Mrs. David Park Parker Charitable Lead Trust Patricia B. Terwilliger Family Foundation Charitable Trust Patty and Doug Reid Family Foundation, Inc. Paul B. and Mildred Seydel Foundation, Inc. Drs. Charlotte Pierce-Baker and Houston Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Pressley, Jr. Mr. David Ratcliffe Schwab Charitable Fund Mrs. Mimi Monett Kimberly Serravezza, M.D. Shepherd Foundation, Inc. Skyland Trail Staff Campaign Storey Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tipton Mr. George H. Van Dyke Mr. and Mrs. Winston E. Weinmann Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Wellons Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Mrs. Charles B. West Weswood Foundation Mr. John B. Zellars, Jr. and Mr. Randy Tibbals Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Zolkowski

Gifts under $1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Archie N. Addo Mr. and Mrs. Bond Almand Mr. and Mrs. Craig Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Anderson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Karekin Arzoomanian Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ashley The Atlanta Christian Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Ballinger Ms. Alexandra Balzer Mr. and Mrs. John Barkey Ms. Nicole Barsamian Beard Payne Family Foundation Ms. Ann Bedeian Mrs. Melanie Turner and Mr. Stan Benecki Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Bernhardt Barry Rhodes and Ruby Bock Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bridgman Mr. and Mrs. Kingman B. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Buck Mr. John Michael Carrin Mrs. Elizabeth Clark Ms. Ann D. Salo and Mr. Phillip G. Clark, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schroder, III Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Cofer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Linder Family Fund Sartain Lanier Family Foundation Shiverick Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. E. Perry Cox Mr. and Mrs. Stockton Croft Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Crosta Mr. and Mrs. William L. Daly The Dancy H. and Charles S. Wynne Fund at the North Georgia Community Foundation Ms. Elisa David Mr. and Mrs. Seth Davies Ms. Nancy Davis Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Davis, Jr.

(L) Lorri and Forrest McClain; (Center) Beth Finnerty with Rex and Duvall Fuqua; (R) Doug & Patty Reid with Valerie & David Love 9

AG E N T S O F C H A N G E (continued)

Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Determann Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickey Ms. Catherine Donovan Dr. Ara Dostourian Druid Hills Garden Club Dr. and Mrs. S. Boyd Eaton Mrs. Joan W. Ehlers Ms. Sona Ekizian Mrs. Elise Eplan Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Fabiani Mr. and Mrs. L. Reade Fahs Mr. Danny Feig-Sandoval Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Felker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Fellows Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Ms. Anne Fladger Mr. and Mrs. Martin Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. David Floyd Foundation For The Carolinas Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robinson Mrs. Carol Fox Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Freniere Mr. Roger Frysh Dr. and Mrs. Pedro F. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. George Gaudiosi Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Gimmestad Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Glover Glyn Weakley Interiors Dr. and Mrs. Terry Golden Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gower Mr. and Mrs. David Gracey Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Bart Griffith Hardman Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Harrell

Ms. Ann N. Helms Hennessy Automobile Companies Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Henry Mrs. Elizabeth W. Henry Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Henschen Ms. Jacqueline L. Herlin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hormann Mr. and Mrs. William E. Huger, III Mrs. Anne H. Hux Ina & Harry Murphy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Inman, Jr. Mrs. Teresa A. Jackson Ms. Randy Jones Dr. Cedrella Jones-Taylor Rev. and Mrs. George C. Kaulbach William J. Klopstock, MD Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Korby Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lally Ms. Anne H. Lane and Mr. Hugh Lane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lavergne Mrs. Donna Legault Mr. and Mrs. Alex Livingston Ms. Martha Logan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Madden Mr. William Magill MARTA Employees Charity Club Mr. and Mrs. Don McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Haig Megerian Mr. and Mrs. Harry Megerian Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mihalko Ms. Judith E. Mihalko Ms. Elizabeth Mihalko Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Mitchell, Jr. Ms. Barbara J. Mitchell Ms. Judith Moen

Mr. and Mrs. David Moore Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Morehouse Mrs. Lindsay T. Mullin Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Nadal Mr. and Mrs. William M. Naleid Noble Properties Mr. and Mrs. Galen Oelkers Mr. Karl Palsgaard Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Ms. Bettie J. Patterson Ms. Kelley B. Peace Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peebles, IV Ms. Virginia Peters Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pettway Ms. Helene Presskreischer Mrs. Mary Anne Quin Mr. and Mrs. Neal J. Quirk Ms. Cheryl Morgan and Mr. Michael Revitsky Dr. Frank Richards, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Richardson Mr. Michael Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Mark Rosenberg Saks Fifth Avenue Sally Faletti Trust Dr. and Mrs. Rein Saral Dr. and Mrs. William Scaljon Mr. David M. Schechter Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Schoborg Schwab Charitable Fund Anonymous Ms. Susan Kupferberg and Mr. Richard Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. Ira K. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shaifer Mr. and Mrs. John B. Shepard Mrs. Kathleen Sheppard

“In the last 20 years, I’ve seen a rise in mental health issues in my community, particularly with young adults. I believe it is so important to erase the stigma of mental illness. Skyland Trail is addressing this issue in such a positive manner. They are treating young adults effectively and with respect, and also are getting the message out to families and the community that, with support, these young adults can go on to be productive citizens.” – Carol Gellerstedt, Advisory Board member and donor


Rev. Paul G. Sherer Mr. John E. Smith, II Ms. Ronnie Jo Sokol Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Spangler Mrs. Alison Sparrow Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Stahel, III Stephanie Kantis Jewelry Collection Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Sullivan SunTrust United Way Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin O’Dell Ms. Paula Tkac Mr. and Mrs. John P. Turman, Jr. United Way of Central Indiana, Inc. Mr. Stanley Finnerty Dr. and Mrs. Raul Velarde Mrs. Carolyn S. Vigtel Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Walker Dr. Florence Watts Ms. Susan Weakley Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Wellborn Mr. and Mrs. Marshall J. Wellborn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wharton Ms. Clare Whitfield Mrs. Sue S. Williams Mrs. Jo Williams Ms. Katherine Woodruff Williams Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Williams, III Mrs. Kristina L. Wilson Mrs. Gail C. Wilson Ms. Rachel Zelkowitz Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ziegelbauer Jr.

BENEFITS OF LAUGHTER 2014 Event Co-Chairs Valerie Love and Patty Reid Honorary Chairs Duvall and Rex Fuqua Patron Committee Co-Chairs Andrea & Ned Montag and Helen Ballard Weeks Corporate Committee Co-Chairs Tommy Holder and John Snodgrass

Diamond The J.B. Fuqua Foundation, Inc. Printpack and The Gay & Erskine Love Foundation

Platinum Masters Capital Management, LLC The St. Regis Atlanta

Gold AT&T Atlantic American Corporation BNY Mellon Wealth Management The Coca-Cola Company Mr. and Mrs. Mark Feidler First Beacon Investments, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Fuqua Georgia Commerce Bank Goldman, Sachs & Co. Gray Television, Inc. Holder Construction Hugh M. Inman Foundation Jet Linx The Tom and Edwina Johnson Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Nevin Kreisler The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler and Mr. Jeffrey C. Sprecher Mr. and Mrs. John E. McKinley Piedmont Healthcare Tavistock Atlanta, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wynne

Silver Mr. David P. Adams, III Alston & Bird, LLP BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Crawford Investment Counsel Credit Suisse Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Davidson, III Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Dennard Emory Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Mr. and Mrs. L. Reade Fahs Mr. and Mrs. Brad Foster Mr. and Mrs. George Gaudiosi Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hagen Hennessy Automobile Companies Hirtle, Callaghan & Co. Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)


(L) Beth and Tommy Holder; (Center left) Ben and Allison Hill; (Center right) Ernie & Libby Prickett with Wally & Tommy Hills; (R) Beth and Don Inman Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Jackson King & Spalding Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Means Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. and Mrs. Edward Montag Northwestern Mutual Goodwin, Wright Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rosenbaum Russell Reynolds Associates Mr. and Mrs. John Snodgrass TriBridge Residential, LLC Mrs. Helen Ballard Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Winston E. Weinmann Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Bronze Mr. and Mrs. Scott Akers, Jr. Collins, Cooper, and Carusi Architects Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gordon Douglas J. Hertz Family Foundation, Inc. Ms. Meg R. Heyer Mr. and Mrs. David Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Muir New South Construction Mr. and Mrs. David Park Dr. and Mrs. Randy F. Rizor Jane Smith Turner Foundation The Woodruff Health Sciences Center of Emory University

Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Jason Alloy Mr. and Mrs. Neal Aronson Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ashley Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Barge Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Been Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bleke Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brewer The Very Reverend and Mrs. Samuel G. Candler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Chubb, III Mr. and Mrs. John Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Cecil D. Conlee Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Correll Mr. and Mrs. Mike Corsini Mr. and Mrs. Richard Courts, IV Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Courts, II Coxe, Curry & Associates Mr. and Mrs. Jon Crisler Dr. and Mrs. O. Anderson Currie Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doty Mr. and Mrs. Samuel DuBose Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Dye, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex C. Ebert Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fisher Dr. Ellen Frauenthal and Mr. L. A. Silverstein Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Gebbia Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gellerstedt, III

Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Gieryn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Taylor Glover Mrs. Carol L. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. David Gracey Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Grant Mr. and Mrs. James S. Grien Mr. and Mrs. Bill Guerry Mr. and Mrs. F. Sheffield Hale Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Harris, III Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. H’Doubler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hills Mr. and Mrs. James W. Howard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Huger, III Mrs. Anne H. Hux Mr. and Mrs. John Irby Mr. and Mrs. Walt Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson Mr. and Mrs. West Johnson Mrs. Dorothy Jordan and Mr. Tom Grathwohl Mr. and Mrs. Duane J. Kerper Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klump Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lally Ms. Mary Beth Lester Mr. and Mrs. William L. Levine Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. Levy Mr. and Mrs. William Liss The Betts and Dennis Love Family Foundation, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Marks Mr. and Mrs. John S. Markwalter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gene W. Milner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Neville, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Noonan The Honorable and Mrs. Sam Nunn Mr. and Mrs. Galen Oelkers Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ogburn Mr. and Mrs. C. Mark Pirrung Mr. and Mrs. James E. Prickett Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pruitt Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Riley Ms. Pam R. Rollins Ms. Louise S. Sams and Mr. Jerome Grilhot Mr. and Mrs. William Clyde Shepherd, III Mr. and Mrs. William T. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stephens Dr. Mary Burns and Mr. Eric J. Tanenblatt Mr. and Mrs. Gene Warren Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Warren Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welanetz Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Wellborn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Weller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Willett Ms. Dina E. Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. James Worrell Mr. and Mrs. Reid Zeising

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Scott Arnold Mr. and Mrs. John Bender Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berkelhamer Mr. and Mrs. Andy Beskin Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell V. Brannen Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brock Mr. and Mrs. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. William Carter Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Chase Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clyde Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Ginden Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Glover Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gordon Ms. Meghan Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jackson Mr. and Mrs. M. Hill Jeffries Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Lansing Kimmey Mr. and Mrs. David J. Krantz Mr. Daniel Lakier Mr. and Mrs. Vance Whitson Lanier, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lape Dr. and Mrs. Cody McClatchey Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMullan Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oswald Oxford Industries Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Palefsky Mr. and Mrs. William A. Parker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Pechter Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peebles, IV Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rafkin Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rhineheart Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. David I. Roos, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Samuels Dr. and Mrs. Alan F. Schatzberg Ms. Frances Schultz Mr. Thomas C. Shelton, Jr. 11

AG E N T S O F C H A N G E (continued)

(L) Sumner and Wes Bradshaw; (Center) Beth Finnerty and Rand Glenn Hagen; (R) Kit and David Bowlin, Robby Wynne Mr. and Mrs. John B. Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick Smith Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tokash Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wick Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Williams

SOUTHERN SHINDIG 2014 Event Co-Chairs: Kit Bowlin and Wes Bradshaw

Event Sponsors Atlantic Engineering Group Mr. and Mrs. David Bowlin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Caudell First Beacon Investments, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Olsen Onward Reserve The Sands Family Charitable Fund Simplified Life Sons Automotive Group Mr. and Mrs. Brennan Spry Sunbelt Technology Mrs. and Mrs. Wes Bradshaw Yates Insurance Agency





Mr. Kinman Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baker Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Barge Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Callaway IV Mr. Nelson Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny Mr. Steven Andrew Dopp Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Mrs. and Mrs. Kevin Harris Ms. Shirley Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mylod Mr. and Mrs. Philip Park Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Parrish Mr. Rob Pierson Mr. and Mrs. James H. Salter Mr. Klay Weaver

Anna Paré, M.D. Dermatology Consultants, P.C. Sons Automotive Group VEININNOVATIONS

Mrs. Dana Aldridge Mrs. Sharon B. Ansley Mrs. Lara E. Balser Beverly Bremer Silver Shop Mrs. Margo Boden Ms. Annie Boland Ms. Julie Bradbury Ms. Beverly Briggs Ms. Katie R. Bronstein Ms. Nancy Brown Mrs. Jan Burleson Dr. Mary Burns Ms. Sandra Carey Mrs. Le Carr Mrs. Nancy Caswell Mrs. Diana Conway Ms. Jillian Cooke Mrs. Betsy Crosby Ms. Kim Davis Mrs. Jenifer M. Dobbs Mrs. Elizabeth Ebert Ms. Carole Ellender Ms. Robin Fink Ms. Erika Flores Mrs. Shannon M. Floyd Mrs. Georgina B. Goldsmith Ms. Maggie S. Goodsell Ms. Barb Grondzki Mrs. Linda Harris Ms. Melanie Hong

ASSOCIATES LUNCHEON 2014 Associates President: Kim Nalley Associates Vice President: Nan Easterlin

Event Sponsors Gold Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby’s International Realty Georgia Commerce Bank

Patron Mrs. Duvall Fuqua Mrs. Amy R. Kreisler Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler Mrs. Rene Nalley Mrs. Betsy West

Table Hosts Mrs. Donna Davidson Mrs. Katherine M. Denny Mrs. Mary M. Dillon Mrs. Nan Easterlin Mrs. Mary Frances Garrett Mrs. Danica Griffith Mrs. Beth Inman Mrs. Tish Inman Mrs. Ann Lally Mrs. Valerie M. Love Mrs. Melissa Lowe Mrs. Kim C. Marks Mrs. Sue McKinley Mrs. Patricia M. Nalle Mrs. Kim Nalley Mrs. Beth Park Mrs. Leigh A. Pollard Mrs. Jenny S. Pruitt Mrs. Michelle H. Sullivan

Mrs. Robin R. Howell Ms. Clayton Howell Ms. Renee Hutchinson Mrs. Edwina Johnson Mrs. Mary Z. Johnson Mrs. Andrea L. Jones Mrs. Julie Kern Mrs. Elizabeth Klump Mrs. Kim Lape Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler Mrs. Amy Mabon Ms. Penny Martin Mrs. Jamie Massey Mrs. Lorri McClain Ms. Lorraine Miller Mrs. Greer H. Monin Mrs. Cynthia J. Moreland Mrs. Page A. Morocco Mrs. Elizabeth E. Nadal Mrs. Katie Nalley Mrs. Stephanie Nalley Mrs. Marian Nesmith Mrs. Kristin Newberry Ms. Maripat Newington Ms. Betsy Orr Mrs. Karen S. Parker Ms. Wendy Petersen Ms. Melanie Pope Mrs. Sharon K. Quigley Mrs. Elizabeth W. Quirk Mrs. Janet Quirk Mrs. Catherine S. Rhodes

Mrs. Jane Ridall Mrs. Andrea Rollins Mrs. Ruth Schaefer Ms. Nancy G. See Mrs. Miyuki Sheppard Mrs. Carolyn Shiverick Mrs. Margot Shuford Mrs. Susan Skaliy Ms. Lee Sobel Mrs. Sarah Tripodi Ms. Wendy Waller Ms. Tiffany Wigbels Mrs. Jo Williams Mrs. Kendrick H. Williams Ms. Natalie Wilson Ms. Michelle R. Wing Mrs. Lee Ann Young

2014 ASSOCIATES MEMBERS Mrs. Sharon B. Ansley Mrs. Olivia Barge Ms. Camry Blaising Mrs. Emily Bleke Mrs. Margo Boden Mrs. Nancy E. Bowden Mrs. Camille Brannon Mrs. Nancy O. Bryant Ms. Tiffany Bryant Mrs. Jennifer Cannon Mrs. Nancy Caswell Mrs. Cindy L. Chase Ms. Nina A. Cheney Mrs. Mary Virginia Coffman

Mrs. Diana Conway Ms. Louise Cook Mrs. Rebecca D. Cooledge Mrs. Deedy Cousar Mrs. Elkin A. Cushman Mrs. Donna Davidson Mrs. Caroline J. Davis Mrs. Claudia P. de Mayo Mrs. Katherine M. Denny Mrs. Dena Deutsch Mrs. Mary M. Dillon Ms. Sally Dorsey Mrs. Vivian N. DuBose Ms. Stephanie Dylewski Mrs. Nan Easterlin Mrs. Elizabeth Ebert Mrs. Sandra Flint Mrs. Jennifer Foster Mrs. Duvall Fuqua Mrs. Dorothy C. Fuqua* Mrs. Elizabeth R. Glenn Mrs. Carol L. Goodman Mrs. Sarah Goodman Mrs. Danica Griffith Mrs. Cathy Davis Hall Mrs. Linda Harris Mrs. Phyllis G. Hatcher Mrs. Karen H’Doubler Ms. Meg R. Heyer Mrs. Christine R. Hite Mrs. Mary Ann Hite Mrs. Robin R. Howell Mrs. Susan Hudson

Mrs. Trudy Huger Mrs. Felicia Huger Mrs. Karen Hughes Mrs. Martha Hunt Mrs. Anne H. Hux Mrs. Betty Ann Inman Mrs. Beth Inman Ms. Vicki A. Inman Mrs. Abby Irby Mrs. Mary Z. Johnson Mrs. Joan C. Johnson Mrs. Andrea L. Jones Mrs. Beth C. Jones Mrs. Carter W. Kay Mrs. Kathy Kelly Mrs. Amy R. Kreisler Mrs. Dana M. Lindsay Mrs. Mitzi Linginfelter Mrs. Betts C. Love Mrs. Valerie M. Love Mrs. Kim C. Marks Ms. Rhonda Martin Mrs. Ann Martin Mrs. Lorri McClain Mrs. Jody McGrew Mrs. Sue McKinley Mrs. Caroline McLaughlin Ms. Lorraine Miller Mrs. Rhonda Milner Mrs. Michele M. Mitchell Mrs. Elizabeth E. Nadal Mrs. Patricia M. Nalle Mrs. Kim Nalley

Ms. Kathleen O’Donnell Mrs. Penny Ogilvie Mrs. Beth Park Mrs. Karen S. Parker Mrs. Leigh A. Pollard Mrs. Jeanmarie Quarterman Mrs. Mary Anne Quin Mrs. Elizabeth W. Quirk Mrs. Cynthia Reid Mrs. Patricia H. Reid Mrs. Marcia Robinson Mrs. Andrea Rollins Ms. Pam R. Rollins Mrs. Terri W. Schmidt-Fellner Mrs. Jodi Schoborg Mrs. Mary Kelly Speed Ms. Elizabeth M. Spiegel Mrs. Melissa Stang Mrs. Jane Sterne Mrs. Nola L. Stull Mrs. Michelle H. Sullivan Mrs. Stephanie Teichner Mrs. Diana Tipton Mrs. June Tompkins Ms. Marilea Towery Mrs. Sarah Tripodi Ms. Susan E. Tucker Mrs. Doris Warren Mrs. Mary M. Watson Mrs. Brooke Weinmann Mrs. Betsy West Mrs. Lisa West Mrs. Marjorie West

Mrs. Kristin Whatley Mrs. Kendrick H. Williams Mrs. Virginia Williams Mrs. Jo Williams Ms. Patricia C. Williams Mrs. Mary Louise Winship Ms. Carla Wright Mrs. Marjorie C. Wynne Mrs. Carol P. Young

2014 ASSOCIATES FUND DONATIONS Mrs. Sharon B. Ansley Mrs. Margo Boden Mrs. Nancy O. Bryant Mrs. Kathi Byrne Mrs. Le Carr Mrs. Mary Virginia Coffman CW Chase, LLC Mrs. Cynthia C. Ferguson Mrs. Elizabeth Hale Mrs. Mary Ann Hite Mrs. Abby Irby Ms. Lisa Jackson Ms. Randy Jones Boland T. Jones Family Foundation Mrs. Carter W. Kay Mrs. Mitzi Linginfelter The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Linder Family Fund Ms. Rhonda Martin Mrs. Jody McGrew

(L) Associates Leadership: Page Morocco, Nan Easterlin, Kim Nalley, Leigh Pollard, Kim Marks; (Center left) Anne Williams, Jackie Montag, and Jo Williams; (Center right) Helen and John Gordon; (R) front: Karen H’Doubler, Trudy Huger, Beth Jones, Vivian Dubose; center: Karen Parker, Brooke Weinmann, Felicia Huger, Beth Inman; back: Nancy Caswell, Robin Howell, Betsy West


AG E N T S O F C H A N G E (continued)

“We trust in the professionalism, dedication, and talent of the Skyland Trail staff and their documented success helping courageous clients save their lives. Continuing evidence suggesting genetic association with mental illness further inspires us to support this too often neglected and stigmatized disease.”

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Moncure-Watson Family Mrs. Patricia M. Nalle Ms. Kathleen O’Donnell Mrs. Leigh A. Pollard Mrs. Janet Quirk Mrs. Cynthia Reid Mrs. Patricia H. Reid Mrs. Mary Jo Riddle Mrs. Jodi Schoborg Mrs. Miyuki Sheppard Mrs. Mary Kelly Speed Mrs. Nola L. Stull Mrs. Diana Tipton Mrs. Marguerite S. York Mrs. Carol P. Young

HONOR AND MEMORIAL GIFTS Gifts in Memory Ms. Nancy C. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Anderson Mr. John Michael Carrin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickey Hennessy Automobile Companies Mrs. Donna Legault Ms. Elizabeth Mihalko Ms. Judith E. Mihalko Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mihalko Rev. Paul G. Sherer Mr. Edward Benecki Ms. Melanie Turner and Mr. Stan Benecki Mr. Alvin Barge Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schroder, III Mr. Marvin Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Bowen


Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E Bowes Mr. and Mrs. Seth Davies Mr. Richard Clark Byrd Ms. Ginger DuBose Mrs. Vivian DuBose Ms. Josette Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bridgman Mr. Shane Dobes Dr. and Mrs. S. Boyd Eaton Ms. Sally Faletti Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Crock Ms. Cheryl Crounse Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Pressley, Jr. Dr. William R. Finnerty Mrs. Margaret V. Finnerty Dr. William (Bill) Fox Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Mr. and Mrs. David Gracey Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Mr. Pedro J. Garcia Dr. and Mrs. Pedro F. Garcia William J. Klopstock, MD Mrs. Mimi Monett Dr. Bernard C. Holland Ms. Ann N. Helms Ms. Marzena Holly Mr. Everett R. Anthony Ms. Natalie Carter Ms. Paulette Clark Ms. Cheryl Crounse Mr. Gerard David Ms. Anne Dunna Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty

– Advisory Board member Brooks Barge and wife, Libby Barge, donors

Ms. Janice Fletcher Ms. Toshia Gates Ms. Danielle Green Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hormann Mr. Ernest C. Johnson Ms. Mary Jones-Battle Ms. Evatsabeenia Kmieske Ray Kotwicki, M.D., M.P.H. Ms. Natoya McMurray Mr. Hans McNeal Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murphy Ms. Maureen E. Newton Ms. Brenda Roberson Ms. Marie Sanon Ms. Sonya Scott Ms. Eunice Smith Ms. Sharon Thomas Ms. Brittany Waltz Ms. Shialla Warren Mr. Ryan Zagajewski

Mrs. Dorothy O. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Greene Mr. Duncan E. Kaulbach Rev. and Mrs. George C. Kaulbach Mrs. Kathy Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Ballinger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman Mr. and Mrs. William L. Daly Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Freniere Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Gimmestad Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gower Ms. Jacqueline L. Herlin Ms. Barbara J. Mitchell Ms. Cheryl Morgan and Mr. Michael Revitsky Mrs. Kathleen Sheppard Ms. Susan Weakley

Mr. Christopher Labelle Mr. William Magill Mr. Allen Spetnagel Mr. and Mrs. Ted Spetnagel Mr. Jimmy England Mr. and Mrs. Vance Whitson Lanier, Jr. Mrs. Vaughn Nixon Player Mrs. Vaugh Linder Dr. Michael Luke Mrs. Anne H. Hux Mr. and Mrs. John R. Richardson Ms. Seran A. Megerian Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Karekin Arzoomanian Ms. Nicole Barsamian Ms. Ann Bedeian Dr. Ara Dostourian Ms. Sona Ekizian Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Fabiani Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Ms. Anne Fladger Mr. Christopher Megerian Ms. Elizabeth Megerian Mr. and Mrs. Haig Megerian Mr. and Mrs. Harry Megerian Ms. Virginia Peters Ms. Helene Presskreischer Mrs. Alison Sparrow Ms. Rachel Zelkowitz Mr. Michael O’Donnell Ms. Kathleen O’Donnell

Ms. Erin Pecot Mr. and Mrs. Stockton Croft Dr. Mark Pentecost Ms. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn

Mr. Langdon Quin Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Mitchell, Jr. Mrs. Mary Anne Quin Sol Samuel Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Bergeson Mr. Jim Sineath Mr. and Mrs. John P. Turman, Jr. Mr. Randolph W. Thrower Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Mr. and Mrs. John P. Turman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Mr. Charles B. West Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Ms. Bettie J. Patterson Mrs. Carolyn S. Vigtel Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Rev. Allison Williams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Ms. Lisa A. Aldridge Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Arp Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Bowden Ms. Berney M. Bridges Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Ms. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn Conlee Family Supporting Foundation Ms. Jean F. Duke Mr. and Mrs. James D. Farrar, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Mrs. and Mrs. Bernard Grey Ms. Sally Hansell Ms. Jennifer Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Jones Dr. and Mrs. David C. Lowance Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Mr. and Mrs. William A. Parker, Jr. Ms. Bee Swanson Jack Tarver Foundation Charles B. West Grantor Trust Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Mr. John C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West

Mrs. Lauree Sanders Woods Rhonda Woods

Mrs. Lindsey Brown Boon Mr. and Mrs. Kingman B. Brown

Mr. Wink Wynne Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Moses Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Olsen Mr. and Mrs. David Shepherd

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Bryant Mrs. Vaughn Linder

Mr. Mark M. Wynne Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny Dr. and Mrs. Carl R. Hartrampf, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKnight Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Moses Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Mr. Michael Roberts Mr. and Mrs. David Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. John P. Turman, Jr.

Gifts in Honor Mr. and Mrs. Scott Akers Dr. and Mrs. William Scaljon Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bleke and Family Mrs. Elizabeth Clark

Mr. T. Richard Bryant Mr. Mark C. West

Mrs. Nan Easterlin Mrs. Margo Boden Mrs. Nancy Caswell Mrs. Marian Nesmith Mrs. Janet Quirk Mrs. Margot Shuford Mrs. Jo Williams

Mrs. Catherine Callaway Ms. Suzanne Baker

Mrs. Lisa F. Ewing Mrs. Joan W. Ehlers

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caruso Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Caruso

Mr. Thomas Fellows Ms. Emily Cook

Mrs. Shelley Danser Mrs. Rebecca Buck Mr. and Mrs. Don McCarty

Ms. Beth Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelly

Mrs. Donna Davidson Mrs. Jenifer M. Dobbs Ms. Melanie Hong Mrs. Jane Ridall Mrs. Susan Skaliy Mrs. Lee Ann Young

Ms. Beth Finnerty Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Arp Mrs. Margaret V. Finnerty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson Mrs. Edwina Johnson Ms. Kelley B. Peace Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pettway Dr. and Mrs. Mark Rosenberg Mr. Mark C. West

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Deere The Sands Family Charitable Fund Mrs. Kate Denny Mrs. Elizabeth Klump Mrs. Vivian N. DuBose Mr. Mark C. West

Mrs. Dina Foster Mrs. Jody McGrew

Mrs. Marie Foster Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harrison

Mrs. Paula B. Hennessy Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. H’Doubler, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. William H. Fox Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peebles, IV

Mr. Thomas D. Hills Mr. Mark C. West

Mrs. Duvall Fuqua Mrs. Le Carr Mrs. Mimi Woodruff

Mr. William E. Huger, III Mr. Mark C. West

The Fuqua Family Mrs. Elise Eplan Mrs. Cynthia Reid Mr. J. Rex Fuqua Mr. Mark C. West Mrs. Mary Frances Garrett Mrs. Kim Lape Ms. Toshia Gates Mr. Chris Cline Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gordon Isdell Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Mrs. Gail C. Wilson Mr. Mark C. West Ms. Dana H. Halberg Mr. Mark C. West Dr. and Mrs. Peter H’Doubler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Inman, Jr.

Mr. Hugh M. Inman, Jr. Mr. Mark C. West Mrs. Betty Ann Inman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Walsh Mrs. Beth Inman Ms. Jillian Cooke Ms. Erika Flores Mrs. Tish Inman Ms. Nancy Brown Mrs. Georgina B. Goldsmith Mrs. Julie Kern Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peebles, IV Mr. Clayton F. Jackson Mr. Mark C. West Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. H’Doubler, Jr. Mr. Lawrence Kenny Ms. Meghan Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Robbins Dr. Ray Kotwicki Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Mark Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Ira K. Schwartz Mrs. Amy R. Kreisler Ms. Penny Martin Mr. Mark C. West Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler Dr. Mary Burns Mrs. Robin R. Howell Mrs. Mary Z. Johnson Mrs. Lorri McClain Mr. Mark C. West

(L) Michael and June Tompkins with Beth Finnerty; (Center) Karen Parker, Betsy and Bill Verner, Amy Kreisler; (R) Beth and David Park with Andrea Montag 15

AG E N T S O F C H A N G E (continued)

Mrs. Betts C. Love Mr. Mark C. West

Mrs. Catherine Moon Ms. Randy Jones

Mrs. Valerie M. Love Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny Mr. and Mrs. Lansing Kimmey Dr. and Mrs. Cody McClatchey

Mrs. Page A. Morocco Mrs. Kristin Newberry

Mrs. Melissa H. Lowe Mrs. Dana Aldridge Mrs. Betsy Crosby Mrs. Linda Harris Mrs. Elizabeth E. Nadal Mr. Mark C. West Mrs. Tara McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Don McCarty Mrs. Sue McKinley Ms. Lorraine Miller Mrs. Ruth Schaefer Mrs. Miyuki Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Doug McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMullan Mr. Jay D. Mitchell Mr. Mark C. West Mrs. April Mojica Mrs. Rebecca Buck Mrs. Jackie E. Montag Hardman Family Foundation Mr. Mark C. West Mr. and Mrs. Edward Montag Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clyde Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berkelhamer Ms. Ann D. Salo and Mr. Phillip G. Clark, Sr.

Mr. Jeffrey Muir Mr. Mark C. West Mrs. Kim Nalley Ms. Julie Bradbury Ms. Beverly Briggs Ms. Katie R. Bronstein Ms. Maggie S. Goodsell Ms. Barb Grondzki Ms. Clayton Howell Mrs. Jamie Massey Mrs. Page Morocco Mrs. Katie Nalley Mrs. Stephanie Nalley Ms. Melanie Pope Ms. Tiffany Wigbels Mrs. Kendrick H. Williams Mrs. Jo Williams Ms. Natalie Wilson

Mrs. Beth Park Mrs. Lara E. Balser Mrs. Shannon M. Floyd Mrs. Catherine S. Rhodes

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Neal J. Quirk Mr. Richard C. Parker Mr. Chris Trotter Mr. Mark C. West Dr. Charlotte Pierce-Baker Mr. Mark C. West Mrs. Leigh A. Pollard Mrs. Andrea L. Jones Mrs. Greer H. Monin Mrs. Page Morocco Mrs. Kristin Newberry

Mrs. Rene Nalley Mrs. Elizabeth Ebert Mrs. Katie Nalley Mrs. Stephanie Nalley Mrs. Kendrick H. Williams

Mrs. Jenny S. Pruitt Ms. Annie Boland Ms. Sandra Carey Ms. Robin Fink Ms. Renee Hutchinson Mrs. Cynthia J. Moreland Mrs. Sharon K. Quigley Ms. Nancy G. See Ms. Wendy Waller Ms. Michelle R. Wing

Dr. Charles B. Nemeroff Mr. Mark C. West

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Reid Mr. David I. Roos, Jr.

Mrs. Colleen Nunn Ms. Randy Jones

Mrs. Patricia H. Reid Mr. and Mrs. John Bender Mr. and Mrs. Dallas H. Denny Mr. and Mrs. Lansing Kimmey Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oswald Mr. and Mrs. Howard Palefsky Mrs. Marcia Rafkin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Samuels

Dr. Anna Paré Mrs. Diana Conway Ms. Maripat Newington

Dr. and Mrs. Rizor Ms. Judith Moen

THANK YOU to Skyland Trail staff and board members for their generosity. 99% of staff and 100% of board members contributed to programs and financial aid at Skyland Trail.


Dr. William M. Scaljon Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Libba Shortridge Mr. and Mrs. Bond Almand Barry Rhodes and Ruby Bock

Mrs. Michelle H. Sullivan Ms. Carole Ellender Mrs. Kim Lape Ms. Betsy Orr Mr. Mark C. West Mr. Mark Tipton Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rhineheart Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Mrs. Diana Tipton Mrs. Jan Burleson Ms. Kim Davis Mrs. Amy Mabon Mrs. Karen S. Parker Ms. Wendy Petersen Mr. Michael E. Tompkins Mr. Mark C. West Mr. John P. Turman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Glenn The Hal and John Smith Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. John E. Smith, II Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Mr. and Mrs. John P. Turman Mr. and Mrs. David Moore Weswood Foundation Ms. Ashley Vance Ms. Elisa David Ms. Ashley Vance and Mr. Jules David Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lavergne VEININNOVATIONS Ms. Lee Sobel Mr. Robert J. Walker Mr. Mark C. West Mrs. Brooke Weinmann Ms. Anne Weinmann Mr. Whit Weinmann Mr. Mark C. West Mr. and Mrs. Winston Weinmann Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coffman Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker The Wiggle Bug Foundation

Mark West and John Gordon Ms. Roberta Welton Mr. and Mrs. Bob Orkand Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. H’Doubler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Ms. Bettie J. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peebles, IV Mr. Mark C. West Mr. and Mrs. George Gaudiosi Ms. Anne H. Lane and Mr. Hugh Lane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Moses Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ziegelbauer Jr. Mrs. Betsy West Mrs. Elizabeth W. Quirk Mr. Allison Williams Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Cofer, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth W. Henry Woodcrest Neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Nadal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wynne Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Mrs. Marjorie C. Wynne Mr. Mark C. West Zen Hospice Project Ms. Ayo Yetunde

GIFTS IN KIND Mr. and Mrs. David Bowlin Chattahoochee Nature Center Mr. Mark Coplan Dermatology Consultants, P.C. Empire State Finery & Goods Graceful Tables Henri’s Bakery Mr. and Mrs. Philip Holladay King of Pops Laura Pearce, Ltd. LAZ Parking/Georgia, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. McDaniel Mr. Thomas McLean Onward Reserve Mr. and Mrs. David Park Parrot Productions Pie Shop Piece of Cake, Inc. Publix RachelMade Products Rhodes Bakery SAGE Dining Services, Inc. Saks Fifth Avenue Mr. John Shackleton Mr. Thomas C. Shelton, Jr. Sherlock’s Wine Merchant Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sherrill Soiree Catering & Events Sophie’s Uptown Bakery Ms. Heidi Squires St. Regis Atlanta Stellar Bodies Ms. Sarah Tabor Mrs. Susan P. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tipton Mr. and Mrs. John P. Turman, Jr. Uber Atlanta Ms. Sheila Van Maanen VEININNOVATIONS Verde Taqueria Glyn Weakley Interiors Whole Foods

ENDOWMENT GIFTS Allison Williams Financial Aid Endowed Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Ms. Lisa A. Aldridge Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Arp Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Bowden Ms. Berney M. Bridges Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Charles B. West Grantor Trust Ms. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Bernard and Anne Gray Advised Fund Conlee Family Supporting Foundation Ms. Jean F. Duke Mr. and Mrs. James D. Farrar, Jr. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Spetnagel Family Charitable Fund Ms. Elizabeth E. Finnerty and Mr. David Martin Ms. Sally Hansell Jack Tarver Foundation Ms. Jennifer Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Jones Dr. and Mrs. David C. Lowance Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Parker Mr. and Mrs. William A. Parker, Jr. Ms. Bee Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Jack and Anne Glenn Charitable Foundation

Planned Giving: The Cypress Society Planned Giving: The Cypress Society




Trail through a planned giving commitment become charter members of The Cypress Society. We extend our sincere thanks to those who have made legacy gifts that will ensure that Skyland Trail continues to meet the needs of future generations through state-of-the-art facilities and innovative, leading-edge treatment programs.

Sarah Aline Carpenter* Cynthia and John L. Ferguson Elizabeth E. Finnerty and David Martin William H.* and Carol Fox Helen and John C. Gordon Douglas E. Jackson Jane and Clay Jackson Dorothy O. Jackson* Dixie and Duey Kerper Raymond James Kotwicki, MD, MPH Kelly Loeffler and Jeff Sprecher Betty H. Palmer

Margaret and Randolph Thrower Financial Aid Endowed Fund Estate of Margaret and Randolph Thrower

Karen and Richard Parker


Pennie and Dan Walden

Julia Zellars Financial Aid Fund Hugh M. Inman Foundation

Donor listings include those received through December 31, 2014, and every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. To report an error, please contact the Development Office at 678-686-5913.

Mary Anne Quin Margaret and Randolph W. Thrower* Janet and John Turman Mark C. West Marjorie and Charles* West John B. Zellars, Jr. Anonymous (3)

*Deceased 17


Think What It Means to CHANGE a Mind Changing a mind can save a life, reunite a family, or open the door to a life worth living. We launched Changing Minds: The Campaign for Skyland Trail in fall 2013 to fund a critical expansion of facilities and programs. Thanks to incredible volunteer leadership and community support, we exceeded our campaign goal of $18 million in late 2014. Early and generous gifts from the foundations and individuals listed here enabled us to begin construction on the expanded Wellness Clinic in 2014 ahead of schedule. Construction of the Young Adult Campus and renovations to existing treatment facilities will begin in spring 2015. The completion of the Changing Minds campaign is an important milestone and a meaningful way to end our 25th anniversary year. The transformations made possible by the supporters of this campaign will begin the story of our next 25 years, and strengthen our capacity to meet the changing needs of adults and families reaching for recovery. Campaign Co-Chairs

Richard C. Parker Brooke T. Weinmann Campaign Committee Members


campaign co-chairs Richard Parker and Brooke Weinmann for their leadership, passion and dedication to the Changing Minds campaign.

Vivian N. DuBose J. Rex Fuqua Carol G. Gellerstedt John C. Gordon Danica L. Griffith Dana Halberg Thomas D. Hills William E. Huger III Hugh M. “Don� Inman, Jr. Clay Jackson Melissa Lowe Jay Mitchell Jackie Montag Michelle Sullivan Mark Tipton Michael Tompkins Beth Finnerty, ex officio

Top: (L) Brooke Weinmann with Eric and Emily Bleke; (Center) Mark & Diana Tipton and John Gordon; (R) Patty Reid, Richard Parker, Gwynie Dennard; Below: (L) Clay Jackson; (R) Stan Jones, Bobbi Cleveland, Richard Parker


“The Tull Foundation’s investment in the Changing Minds campaign represents our continued support of Skyland Trail as it expands the services that it provides to our community. Of special importance to us was the campaign’s focus on growing the program for young adults. We know of no other program that provides the scope and quality of treatment options for young adults struggling with mental health issues.” – Bobbi Cleveland, Executive Director, Tull Charitable Foundation

CAMPAIGN DONORS $3,500,000 and Above The O. Wayne Rollins Foundation Robert W. Woodruff Foundation $1,000,000 - $3,499,999 Anonymous Anonymous The James M. Cox Foundation J.B. Fuqua Foundation, Inc. The Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation $100,000 - $999,999 Anonymous Anonymous R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation The Hugh M. Inman Foundation Jane and Clay Jackson Edwina and Tom Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Nevin S. Kreisler The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation and Printpack Ms. Kelly L. Loeffler and Mr. Jeffrey C. Sprecher The Gay & Erskine Love Foundation The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Karen and Richard Parker Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc. The West Foundation, Inc. Betsy and Mark West Jesse Parker Williams Foundation Margie and Robert Wynne

$50,000 - $99,999 The Arnold Foundation The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Amy and Cecil Conlee The Fraser-Parker Foundation Helen and John Gordon Melissa and Chris Lowe Patty and Doug Reid Family Foundation, Inc. SunTrust Trusteed Foundations: Walter H. and Marjory M. Rich Memorial Fund Green-Sawtell Foundation The Vasser Woolley Foundation, Inc. Waterfall Foundation, Inc. David, Helen and Marian Woodward Atlanta Fund

$10,000 - $49,999 Shelby and Dick Bryant Anne Cox Chambers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cunningham John and Marcia Donnell Fund Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ferguson Beth Finnerty and David Martin

Carol and Larry Gellerstedt III Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. Bernard and Anne Howell Gray Advised Fund The H. Foundation, Inc. Dana Halberg, Larry Pless and Family Meg Heyer Wally and Tommy Hills Louise G. Howard Family Mr. and Mrs. William Huger, III Lanier-Goodman Foundation The Betts & Dennis Love Family Foundation Denise and Jay D. Mitchell Jackie and Tony Montag The Colleen and Sam Nunn Family Foundation Charlotte Pierce-Baker and Houston Baker Diana and Mark Tipton June and Michael Tompkins Waffle House Foundation, Inc. Brooke and Winston Weinmann Weswood Foundation

$1,000 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Bleke Vivian and Sam DuBose Ceree T. Eberly Danica and Bart Griffith Richard C. Parker, Jr. Skyland Trail Staff in Memory of Marzena Holly Jill and Mark Rosenberg Emily Winship Scott Foundation The Hal and John Smith Family Foundation Michelle and Stephen Sullivan Sara and Bob Walker Klay Weaver Wiggle Bug Foundation John B. Zellars, Jr. Under $1,000 Mr. Mark M. Wynne Mr. Whit Weinmann Ms. Anne Weinmann

Donor listing includes gifts received through December 31, 2014.

• Donor Advised Funds of The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta 19




75% Program Revenue

40% Residential Treatment 33% Day Services

10% Financial Aid Contributions


10% Restricted 4% Unrestricted

Direct Program Expenses

1% Other

10% Physician Services & Family Therapy 6% Vocational 4% LEAP 4% Independence Coaching 3% Primary Care

49% Day Services 33% Residential Treatment

Breakdown of Program Revenue

3% Physician Services & Family Therapy 7% Vocational 5% Independence Coaching 2% LEAP 1% Primary Care

Sources of Charitable Donations

42% Individuals 39% Foundations 19% Corporate & Business


74% Residential Treatment

Distribution of Financial Aid by Program

13% Day Services 11% Independence Coaching & Transitional Housing 1% LEAP 1% Vocational


Board of Directors

Advisory Board

National Advisory Board

John C. Gordon, Chair Thomas D. Hills

Robby Wynne, Chair Betsy Akers Kit Bowlin Susan Boyd Nancy Bryant Gwynie Dennard Mike Dobbs Charles Doty Samuel Dunlap, III Cindy Ferguson Carol Gellerstedt Christopher Glover Sarah Goodman Danica Griffith Richard Harris Jocelyn Hunter Stan Jones Ann Lally Valerie Love Missy Madden Kim Marks Cynthia J. Moreland Jeff Muir Colleen Nunn Beth Park Patricia Reid Marcia Robinson Mark Tipton Charles Wellborn Jeremy Wing John B. Zellars, Jr.

Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD

Chair, Executive Committee Michael Tompkins, Treasurer Marjorie Wynne, Secretary Dick Bryant David Flint J. Rex Fuqua Dana Halberg Jim Howard Billy Huger Don Inman Clay Jackson Amy Rollins Kreisler Kelly Loeffler Betts Love Melissa Lowe Jay Mitchell Jackie Montag Richard C. Parker Charlotte Pierce-Baker, PhD Mark Rosenberg, MD Michelle Sullivan Bob Walker Brooke Weinmann Emeritus Directors Vivian DuBose, Chair Cecil Conlee William H. Fox, Jr.* Dorothy C. Fuqua* Betty Ann Inman Beth Jones David C. Lowance, MD Edward E. Noble Mark C. West Allison F. Williams* Blanton C. Winship

W. Edward Craighead, PhD

Emory University School of Medicine Mark A. Frye, MD

Mayo Clinic Philip D. Harvey, PhD

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Ned H. Kalin, MD

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Clinton D. Kilts, PhD

Psychiatric Research Institute University of Arkansas – Medical Sciences Jeffrey A. Lieberman, MD

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Mark Rosenberg, MD, MPP

The Task Force for Global Health David R. Rubinow, MD

Kim Nally

Ex-officio / Associates President Page Morocco

Ex-officio / Past Associates President

University of North Carolina School of Medicine Alan F. Schatzberg, MD

Stanford University School of Medicine Douglas M. Ziedonis, MD, MPH

University of Massachusetts Medical School


Chairman University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

“In 2014, I was pleased to write a guest column for the Atlanta Journal Constitution about our opportunity to end the stigma surrounding mental illness and support those in our community who are struggling. I believe the Skyland Trail community contributes significantly to this goal. From the frontline caregivers to our friends in the community — each of you makes a difference. Every kind word, every gift of time, talent and treasure, contributes to a powerful response of compassion and encouragement. Together, we can erase the stigma and work toward a healthier community for us all.” – John C. Gordon, Chair, Board of Directors


Skyland Trail 1961 North Druid Hills Road NE Atlanta, GA 30329

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

tele: 404-315-8333

Atlanta, GA Permit No. 3536



Our Mission Skyland Trail inspires people with mental illness to thrive through a holistic program of evidence-based psychiatric treatment, integrated medical care, research, and education.

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