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Enniscorthy recalls its historic past
Those of us who have the privilege of
The Battle of Vinegar Hill, one of the
dignified and solemn ceremony re-
living here in Enniscorthy know that
most significant battles of the 1798 Re-
membering all those who died on that
we live in one of the most historic
bellion, took place on the hill above
horrific day.
towns in Ireland and therefore it is
our town on the longest day, 21st June,
only right and fitting that we should
and each year Enniscorthy Municipal
Please join us this year, on Tuesday
take time to honour our town, our his-
District Council together with Ennis-
21st June at 7pm, as we gather on Vin-
tory, and those who went before us,
corthy Historical Re-enactment Society,
egar Hill to remember our historic
making us who we are.
commemorate the event on site with a
Johnny Mythen TD (far left) and Enniscorthy Historical Re-enactment Society maintaining social distance at Vinegar Hill commemoration, June 2020.
Page 132 - 3rd June 2022