1 minute read
Wexford County Council in conjunction with ‘APCOA Connect’ has E-parking available in all Wexford towns. Rather than using pay and display machines, the APCOA Connect App allows you to pay for your parking securely by credit or debit card via your mobile phone.
The App also allows you to search by street name, town name, location code or use the map to select the most suitable parking.
For 24/7 general customer support / technical support / account set-up queries email info@apcoa.ie or phone APCOA Connect on 0818 462899. https://www.apcoaconnect.ie/ n
Enniscorthy roadworks and traffic disruption
The ongoing road resurfacing works on the R744 at Millpark Road, Enniscorthy (Abbey Square to St Mary’s CBS), are due to continue nightly from 7pm to 6am until Wednesday 8th February 2023, with a temporary road closure in effect between those hours. Diversion routes are signposted and local access is being facilitated. n