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Social prescribing in Co. Wexford
The Wexford Social Prescribing Service is a free support provided by Wexford Local Development (WLD), that aims to reduce social isolation and improve people’s health and wellbeing.
The purpose of Social Prescribing is to work with individuals to help empower them to take control over their own health and wellbeing. The programme is for anyone who feels they need some support e.g. if they are feeling lonely, stressed, anxious or depressed.
Social Prescribing helps people identify local activities and services e.g. exercise, art, reading, gardening etc which they can benefit from and supports them to start engaging. There may also be an opportunity to attend self-help sessions such as stress control.
The service is available in the following catchment areas: Wexford Urban, Taghmon, Enniscorthy Urban, Oylegate.
Social Prescribing can help you:
Learn a new skill/revisit an old hobby
Improve your health and wellbeing
Meet new people
Increase self confidence and self-esteem
Become involved in your community
How it Works
Your GP or other health professional will refer you to the Social Prescribing link worker or you can refer yourself. The link worker will then meet you to discuss your needs and the various Social Prescribing options available. You then begin your chosen activity with support from the link worker who will make contact with you after a number of sessions to discuss how you are getting on.
If you are interested in participating in the Social Prescribing for Health and Wellbeing Programme, talk to your GP or other health professional or contact Deirdre Earle who is the local WLD Social Prescribing Link Worker.
Deirdre Earle: 087 2124244. dearle@wld.ie n
Above: At the Delightful Dollies Women’s Group open morning on Wexford Social Prescribing, 18th January 2023, L-R: Mary Brady, Lis O’Brien, Patricia Wheeler and Anne Collins.
Below: Julie Grant, Deirdre Earle (Wexford Social Prescribing Link Worker), and Winnie Connolly (Chairperson, Delightful Dollies).
Bottom left: Bridget Major.
Bottom right: Eileen Owens, Helen Wildes, Deirdre Earle (Wexford Social Prescribing Link Worker) and Catherine Wall.