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Fundraising for Bunclody’s Faye
After months of pain and distress and attending doctors and two different hospitals, it was Faye's mammy's gut feeling that brought her to A&E where she refused to go home until she got answers. Tests and MRIs that day, and more the following days, confirmed their worst nightmare for a second time.
Just a short four months after the passing of her twin sister Aimee in July 2022, who after a lifetime battle of illness and pain due to her disabilities and other complications, Faye at the young age of only 14 has now received the davasting news that she has a tumour in her pelvis and has her own long battle with cancer to fight.
Faye has already started her first session of chemotherapy in Crumlin's Children's Hospital. She will undergo several rounds of chemotherapy before travelling to Birmingham in the U.K. for removal of the tumour. She will return to undergo more sessions of chemotherapy at Crumlin Children's Hospital. After this it is unknown what the next step will be for Faye. Depending on how the treatment goes, she may need more treatment or removal of her hip bones may be required.
A fundraiser has been set up for Faye. Please donate what you can on: https://www.gofundme.com/f/helpfaye-fight-this-get-well n