7 minute read

Grants under the Community Support Fund 2022

Wexford County Council in conjunction with Wexford Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) invites applications for funding submissions under the Community Support Fund 2022.


The Community Support Fund 2022 (CSF) is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development under the Community Enhancement Programme 2022. A total fund of €340,233 has been made available by Wexford LCDC to support small-scale projects for not-for-profit community or voluntary groups.

The maximum grant aid per project is €5,000, with a percentage of grants ringfenced for Women’s sheds projects (dedicated application form) and grants of €1,000 or less. Match funding is not required. All projects must be delivered by 31st August 2023.

The Community Support Fund will support groups, particularly in disadvantaged areas

• With their non-pay running costs such as energy costs (electricity costs, refuse charges, heating charges) or other non-pay operating costs for e.g. rental/lease costs, insurance bills. (Please note the time frame for costs incurred has been revised - now 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023).

• Groups will also be able to use the funding to carry out necessary repairs and improvements to their facilities, purchase equipment for e.g. such as tables and chairs, tools and signage, laptops and printers, lawnmowers, canopies and training equipment etc.

Online application forms and programme guidelines are available at www.wexfordcoco.ie/csf

For queries please call 053-919 6000 or email community@wexfordcoco.ie

Closing date for receipt of completed applications is 28th February 2023.


Wexford County Council are looking for members of our community to join as Retained (part-time) Firefighters in BUNCLODY,


Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and not more than 55 years of age on the latest date for receipt of completed application forms. Candidates must reside and work within a reasonable distance of the fire station to enable him/her to respond promptly to all calls. Positions are open to both male and female applicants. Panels may be formed from which future vacancies may be filled.

The employment is part-time. However, a firefighter is paid an Annual Retainer to be available for calls at all times. In addition a firefighter is paid an hourly rate for attendance at calls and weekly training.

Further information and application forms are available from, Customer Services, Block F, Wexford County Council, Carricklawn, Wexford. Phone: (053) 9196000 or at www.wexfordcoco.ie

Closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 5:00pm on Thursday 16th February, 2023.

Information Nights

Please come along to our information nights as follows:

Gorey Fire Station:

18:30 – 20:30 Tuesday 7th February, 2023

14:00 – 16:00 Saturday 11th February, 2023

Bunclody Fire Station:

19:00 – 21:00 Tuesday 7th February, 2023

14:00 – 16:00 Saturday 11th February, 2023

New Ross Fire Station:

18:30 – 20:30 Tuesday 7th February, 2023

14:00 – 16:00 Saturday 11th February, 2023

Fire Service staff will be available to answer any queries and explain the position of a retained fire-fighter in more detail. A member of staff will be available to answer any queries in relation to the recruitment process and the application form.

Wexford County Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

Community Employment Scheme

Wexford County Council has vacancies in the following areas of our Community Employment Scheme:

Job Description Location

Environmental Worker – 6 positions New Ross

Environmental Worker – 2 positions Rosslare

Environmental Worker – 4 positions Duncannon

Environmental Worker - 3 positions Wexford

Environmental Worker - 1 position Castlebridge

Duties to include:

• Environmental Worker - General maintenance, cleaning, planting and weeding etc.

To apply for any of the above positions and for further information please contact – Sean O’Neill, CE Supervisor, Wexford County Council on 086 9478001 during office hours 9am – 5pm or email sean.oneill@wexfordcoco.ie

The closing date for All Applications is 4.00pm Friday February 17th 2023.

Please note that persons applying for these positions must satisfy the Department of Social Protection criteria to participate in the Community Employment Scheme.

Wexford County Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

Wexford County Council has vacancies in the following areas of our Community Employment Scheme:

Duties to include:

• Environmental Worker - General maintenance, cleaning, planting and weeding etc.

• Library Support Worker - Support Work for Library/Archive Staff – Computer Skills Required.

To apply for any of these positions and for further information please contact – Bernie Lennon, CE Scheme Supervisor, Wexford County Council on 087 6575743 during office hours 9am – 5pm or email: bernie.lennon@wexfordcoco.ie

The closing date for All applications is Friday March 3rd at 4pm.

Please note that persons applying for these positions must satisfy the Department of Social Protection criteria to participate in the Community Employment Scheme. Wexford County Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer.


The following tender competitions are currently active. If you wish to obtain further information, and make a submission for any of the tenders, please visit


Comhairle Chontae Loch Garman ag lorg baill dár bpobal le bheith páirteach mar Chomhraiceoirí Dóiteáin (páirtaimseartha) i Stáisiúin Dóiteáin Bun Clóidí, Ghuaire & Ros Mhic Thriúin

Ní mór d’iarratasóirí a bheith 18 mbliana d’aois ar a laghad agus gan a bheith níos sine ná 55 bliain d’aois ar an dáta is déanaí chun foirmeacha iarratais comhlánaithe a fháil. Ní mór d’iarrthóirí a bheith ina gcónaí agus ag obair laistigh d’achar réasúnta ón stáisiún dóiteáin le go mbeidh sé/sí in ann freagairt go pras do gach glao. Tá poist oscailte d’iarrthóirí fireanna agus baineanna. Is féidir painéil a bhunú ónar féidir folúntais a líonadh amach anseo.

Is fostaíocht pháirtaimseartha í. Mar sin féin, íoctar Coimeádán Bliantúil le comhraiceoir dóiteáin a bheith ar fáil le haghaidh glaonna i gcónaí. Ina theannta sin íoctar ráta in aghaidh na huaire le comhraiceoir dóiteáin as freastal ar ghlaonna agus oiliúint sheachtainiúil.

Tá tuilleadh eolais agus foirmeacha iarratais ar fáil ó, Seirbhísí do Chustaiméirí, Bloc F, Comhairle Contae Loch Garman, Carraig Leathan, Loch Garman. Fón: (053) 9196000 nó www.wexfordcoco.ie

Is é an dáta deiridh chun foirmeacha iarratais comhlánaithe a fháil 5:00pm Déardaoin 16 Feabhra, 2023

Oícheanta Eolais

Bígí linn chuig ár n-oícheanta eolais mar seo a leanas:

Stáisiún Dóiteáin Ghuaire:

18:30 – 20:30 Dé Máirt 7ú Feabhra, 2023

14:00 – 16:00 Dé Sathairn 11ú Feabhra, 2023

Stáisiún Dóiteáin Bhun Clóidí:

19:00 – 21:00 Dé Máirt 7 Feabhra, 2023

14:00 – 16:00 Dé Sathairn 11ú Feabhra, 2023

Stáisiún Dóiteáin Ros Mhic Thriúin:

18:30 – 20:30 Dé Máirt 7ú Feabhra, 2023

14:00 – 16:00 Dé Sathairn 11ú Feabhra, 2023

Beidh foireann na Seirbhíse Dóiteáin ar fáil chun aon cheisteanna a fhreagairt agus chun seasamh an chomhraiceora dóiteáin ar coimeád a mhíniú go mion. Beidh ball foirne ar fáil chun aon cheisteanna a fhreagairt maidir leis an bpróiseas earcaíochta agus leis an bhfoirm iarratais.

Is Fostóir Comhionannas Deiseanna í Comhairle Chontae Loch Garman.

Córas CCTV Bhaile Loch Garman

Tá sé beartaithe ag Comhairle Contae Loch Garman uasghrádú a dhéanamh ar an gcóras teilifíse ciorcaid dúnta 33 ceamara atá ann i lár Bhaile Loch Garman agus 16 ceamara breise a chur leis ag 12 láthair nua ar an mbaile.

Is é cuspóir an chórais seo cosc a chur ar choireacht agus iompar frithshóisialta, sábháilteacht an phobail a fheabhsú, cabhrú leis na seirbhísí éigeandála agus cabhrú leis an Údarás Áitiúil i mbainistíocht limistéar poiblí ar mhaithe le leas an bhaile agus an phobail i gcoitinne.

Tá gach ceamara agus láthair ceamaraí i mBaile Loch Garman aontaithe i gcomhairle leis an nGarda Síochána.

Beidh pleananna agus sonraí na scéime molta ar fáil lena scrúdú le linn gnáthuaireanta oifige (9.30rn - 4.30in Luan go hAoine) ag Oifig Cheantair Bhuirg Loch Garman, 61 Réileán na dTarbh, Loch Garman.

Is féidir aighneachtaí nó tuairimí maidir leis an scéim bheartaithe a dhéanamh i scríbhinn chuig Angela Laffan Uasal, Bainisteoir Ceantair, Oifigí Ceantair Buirge Loch Garman, 61 Réileán na dTarbh, Loch Garman, Y35 EA00 nó tríd an Tairseach Comhairliúcháin ar shuíomh Gréasáin Chomhairle Contae Loch Garman ag www.consult.wexfordcoco.ie roimhe 4.00 in ar Dé Céadaoin, 15 Feabhra, 2023.

Angela Laffan, Bainisteoir Ceantair, Ceantar Buirge Loch Garman.

Wexford Town CCTV System

Wexford County Council proposes to install and upgrade the existing 33 camera closed circuit television system in Wexford Town centre and to also add 16 additional cameras at 12 new locations in the town.

The purpose of this system is to provide a deterrent to crime and anti-social behaviour, improve public safety, assist emergency services and assist the Local Authority in the management of public areas for the wellbeing of the town and the general public.

All cameras and camera locations in Wexford Town have been agreed in consultation with An Garda Siochana.

Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme will be available for inspection during normal office hours (9.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday) at Wexford Borough District Office, 61 The Bullring, Wexford.

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed scheme may be made in writing to Ms. Angela Laffan, District Manager, Wexford Borough District Offices, 61 The Bullring, Wexford, Y35 EA00 or via the Consultation Portal on the Wexford County Council website at www.consult.wexfordcoco.ie not later than 4.00pm on Wednesday, 15th February, 2023. Angela Laffan, District Manager, Wexford Borough District.

Scéim Fostaíochta Pobail

Tá folúntais ag Comhairle Contae Loch Garman sna réimsí seo a leanas dár Scéim Fostaíochta Pobail:

Post Áit

Roadside Trees, Ditches and Hedges

Wexford County Council wishes to give notice that under the terms of the Roads Act, 1993, landowners and occupiers of land are obliged to take all reasonable care to ensure that the trees, ditches, hedges and all other vegetation growing on their land are not or could not become a danger to people using or working on a public road.

Examples of hazards might be dead or dying trees, ditches or hedges interfering with traffic, blocking or impeding access to footpaths, obscuring road signs or obscuring a view of the road ahead.

You are required to fell, cut, log, trim or remove such trees, ditches and hedges. Adequate signposting should be provided and the Council and Gardaí notified before works commence. Hedge cutting operations should, as far as possible, only be undertaken outside the critical nesting period of 1st March to 31st August.

Tiomána Aicme B – 1 phost Fearna

Oibrí Comhshaoil – Ceadúnas

Oibrí Comhshaoil – 1 phost Inis Córthaidh

Oibrí Comhshaoil – 1 phost Guaire

Oibrí Tacaíochta Leabharlainne –2 phost Ceanncheathrú/ Cartlann na Leabharlainne, Carraig Leathan

Áirítear ar na dualgais:

• Oibrí Comhshaoil - Cothabháil ghinearálta, glanadh, plandáil agus fiailí etc.

• Oibrí Tacaíochta Leabharlainne - Obair Tacaíochta d'Fhoireann na Leabharlainne/Cartlainne – Scileanna Ríomhaireachta de dhíth.

Chun iarratas a dhéanamh ar aon cheann de na poist seo agus le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais déan teagmháil le do thoil le

Bernie Lennon, Maoirseoir Scéime CE, Comhairle Contae Loch Garman ar 087 6575743 le linn uaireanta oifige 9rn – 5in. nó ríomhphost: bernie.lennon@wexfordcoco.ie

Is é an dáta deiridh le haghaidh na n-iarratas ar fad ná Dé hAoine 3 Márta ag 4in.

Tabhair faoi deara le do thoil nach mór do dhaoine a dhéanann iarratas ar na poist seo critéir na Roinne Coimirce Sóisialaí a shásamh chun páirt a ghlacadh sa Scéim Fostaíochta Pobail.

Is Fostóir Comhdheiseanna í Comhairle Contae Loch Garman.

Liability for damage or injury resulting from such hazards will rest with the landowner/occupier.

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