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PLANE Movie Review with Kyle Walsh 

January is known to be a notoriously bad month in the film world. We get a lot of bad movies just thrown into the January slot because the film studios know they have duds on their hands. So for the movie-going audience, January is mostly a waste of time if catching up on the latest flicks in the cinema.

This January has been different than most with some good little films being released. M3GAN was made for 12 million dollars and it’s after taking in well over 100 million dollars. We had TILL – a really good film based on a true story. So it has been an interesting month which makes me excited for the year ahead. I’m expecting a really good year at the movies.


I recently headed to the cinema to see the new Gerard Butler movie, PLANE. I saw the trailer for this a few months ago and I thought it was a terrible trailer. The film looked to be made on a cheap budget. It actually looked like an episode out of the ATeam. So I wasn’t expecting much from this at all. I have to tell ye, I was surprisingly happy with this action flick. This was a throwback to the 80s and 90s action movies that I grew up with. Yes back then we had Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Van Damme, and Co, now we have the likes of Butler and some of his action movies have been disappointing, so it’s good to see him finally getting a really good action movie on his CV for a change.

There’s no doubt he always gives it his all in his roles and all he can do is his best with whatever the script allows of him as an actor. I thought he was really good as Captain Brodie Torrance who is to bring a few passengers and a convict in handcuffs on a plane journey that doesn’t end up being your typical plane journey. You just know things are about to get messed up.

Brodie asks questions – why are they going to fly when it’s obvious there is a storm coming. He is told that he will make the flight before the worst of the weather. We learn that he has a daughter that he wants to get home to see. So before you can say Plane, they’re hit by the storm and have to do their best to land the plane. This is a sequence that’s well done and very tense, I didn’t take my eyes off the screen.

Landing the plane is one job, surviving where they landed is a completely different job. Worse. The action kicks off and never lets up to the very end. There’s a brilliant fight sequence that was done in one shot and Butler throws himself at it like a seasoned stuntman. Like I said, he really gives it his all here. Will they survive the horrible place they land in? Will the convict be a danger to the other passengers? Will Butler get to see his daughter? Yes, it’s all a bit predictable like all these action films but trust me you will have great fun watching this. A great way to pass an hour and 45 minutes. A good oldfashioned action movie like the way they used to make them. I would jump back on that plane and go on the adventure again no problem.

Check it out folks, it gets a good 7/10 from me for an action movie released in January. n

Julie Fox is a qualified Yoga teacher and Reiki level 2 practitioner. She holds an Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy, works as a Recovery Education facilitator with Mental Health Ireland and has 20 years experience as a Social Care practitioner. The always-busy Julie also runs retreats under the name ‘Fox&Hen Retreats’ at the beautiful Sweetfarm Studios, Kilcarbry Cottage, just five minutes from Enniscorthy (check it out on Facebook and Instagram). Writing is another one of Julie’s interests, ‘Sharing my writing in a way that brings healing, laughter and inspiration to others, is a huge passion of mine.’ This new monthly column allows Julie to share her love of both yoga and writing.

The word ‘Yoga’ seems to stir up a lot of ideas and expectations of both the person practising and teaching this art form. I myself had all of these notions and high ideals (I still do) of what Yoga is and should be!

The shoulds such as:

 I should be fit and skinny to practise Yoga.

 I should be a vegan to teach Yoga.

 I should be peace, love & happiness 24/7!

 I should not feel angry or be seen eating a sticky toffee pudding down the town.

What a load of nonsense and just another excuse to avoid engaging in this beautiful practice.

Yoga is a way of Life. It is an invitation to deeply reconnect with yourself – your body, your mind, and your spirit. It is an opportunity to be gentle with yourself and really dig under those layers of shame and shoulds so that compassion can re-emerge. When we have compassion for ourselves – our hard edges will soften and life becomes kinder.

I started on the Yoga journey over 25 years ago, plucking up the courage to attend a Yoga class back when I was a student in college. I was suffering with debilitating panic and anxiety attacks, feeling inferior, constantly pushing myself toward some non achievable idea of perfection. I am sure a lot of you can relate. This seems to be the human con- dition but yet I felt alone and lost. I can’t preach that Yoga saved my life or everything was just resolved once I engaged in this practice. However, the philosophy and wisdom of Yoga gave me the tools and understanding of what Life is about and how to care for and nurture myself on a daily basis.

The tools of breathwork – Pranayama are in my opinion life changing when utilised on a daily basis. Prana meaning Life energy and Yama means control. By focusing on and calming our breath we have the power to calm our minds – we can learn to ground all those thoughts that are not serving us and connect to the present – the NOW.

I could talk forever about Yoga and I am still learning every day about this ancient wisdom. I have so much gratitude to those who attend my yoga class each week. I learn so much from all of my students – I truly believe that we all carry a well of wisdom and gifts inside of us and it is important that we recognise and share them.

I am so looking forward to next month where I will again share all things Yoga. As they say – Namaste


086 0263713

Facebook: ‘Yoga With Julie’

Pay-as-you-go Yoga classes, €10, suitable for Beginner-Intermediate levels at: Galbally Community Centre, Mondays at 7pm, and at Sweetfarm Studios, Kilcarbry Cottage, Enniscorthy, Thursdays at 7pm.

Dancing with Declan

Keep up to date with the local dancing scene on: https://www.facebook.com/DancingwithDec https://www.facebook.com/socialdancingdateswexford n

Wexford Arts Centre

For details and updates on all happening in Wexford Arts Centre: https://wexfordartscentre.ticketsolve.com/shows n

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