1 minute read
Enniscorthy’s hidden gem
Enniscorthy’s Orchard Peace Park is very much a hidden gem running from Irish Street, near the entrance to Dunnes Stores, up to The Presentation Arts Centre.
Since it first opened a number of years ago, additional improvement works have been done to make the park even more user-friendly e.g. footpath repairs and the provision of soak pits, macadaming the surface of the lower section of the pedestrian footpath at the Irish Street entrance, installation of removable bollards at the main entrance to the Park, fencing works on the St. Aidan’s school boundary, removal of dead trees and shrubbery, etc. Enniscorthy Municipal District would like to see more use being made of the park. So why not pay it a visit some time soon and you’ll find yourself heading back there time and again. n