1 minute read

Doomscrolling in the Presentation Centre

DOOMSCROLL – 6 blank scrolls where you control the narrative!

Doomscrolling is defined as the act of spending disproportionate amounts of time on social media, absorbing colossal quantities of negative information. Studies have discovered that doomscrolling can be linked to a decline in mental and physical health. It's a trap that's easy to fall into, and difficult to escape from.


A new collaborative exhibition in Enniscorthy’s Presentation Arts Centre addresses the doomscroll phenomenon with a creative tongue-in-cheek approach.

Each large scroll in this exhibition is blank, and accompanied with a selection of art materials. The public is being invited to create their own narrative, and leave their own visual story on these scrolls. Will you collaborate with others who have left their mark, or will you destroy an image and sow some artistic chaos? The choice is yours!

The Presentation Arts Centre, Enniscorthy, Jan 21st - Feb 25th, Free Entry. n

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