6 minute read
THE FABELMANS Movie Review with Kyle Walsh
I went to see Steven Spielberg’s new film The Fabelmans last week in the cinema. This film is a semi autobiography about Steven’s love and passion for film as a young boy growing up in humble beginnings with a dream of becoming a film director. To see the world through motion picture. To see the world and his dreams through the lenses of different types of film cameras. People would say to him that his love and passion was just a hobby, but he would defend himself by saying back to them it’s NOT just a hobby. God knew, Steven knew, it was more than just a hobby, soon the world would know it was not just a hobby.
In my opinion Steven is the greatest film director of all time. He is something completely different than all the rest. He has made all types of movies, sci fi, war, thrillers, action, monster, all you have to do is look at his film catalogue. It’s truly amazing what he has done for film and for so many more young people who have the same vision, the same dreams that he once had. His imagination will live on forever more with some of the greatest films ever made.
I feel this is Steven’s most personal film to date. This film tells the story of his youth growing up with his mam and dad and his two sisters. A middle class Jewish family. His mother was a concert pianist and now she is a stay-at-home mother who teaches piano. His mother is played here by the outstanding Michelle Williams. She is the standout here. It’s a heartbreaking performance. Paul Dano plays his dad here, who is a scientist and works for tech companies. He expects his son to get his education and go to college and live a normal middle class lifestyle. But Steven had other ideas. One night his parents bring a young, impressionable Steven to the cinema for the first time to see a film called The Greatest Show On Earth. He sat in his chair, eyes wide open, imagination going wild, watching his dreams on the big canvas, it changed his life forever. This part of the film brought me back in time to when I was a young boy of seven, my dad brought me to the cinema to watch The Beastmaster and I sat there like that young Steven, and I have had a huge love and passion myself for movies ever since. Unfortunately, we can’t all be Steven Spielbergs!
So his parents got the young boy a camera and from that second on he started filming. Making little shorts himself, trying to replicate what he saw in The Greatest Show On Earth. That’s how it all began for him. He would film his parents and uncle Benny and the sisters when they would go on camping trips. He wanted to film everything. Through his love of making films he stumbles on a dark secret on his home movies that will send him and his family on a dark road of life. I’m sure lots of viewers are affected by some of this part of his life, I know it moved me while watching it. It also shows no matter who you are or what you have in this life, no one has it all.
Then Steven had to deal with moving town, going to a new school where he felt left out. He had to deal with bullying, his religion, women and, of course, his destiny. Then there is that scene at the end where he gets to meet the great director of the time, John Ford. This is a beautiful scene and hit me hard when I watched it.
This is a beautiful film about a boy with dreams, with an imagination, a boy who did not want to be just like your typical boy, he wanted more and he sure did get more. Dreams can come through. Your vision can become a reality if you put the work in. So many of us don’t do that and we live in regret.
Steven did a fantastic job of directing his own semi autobiography. His use of camera movements makes this film constantly flow. The acting on all fronts is brilliant. It is a bit long, it could have been at least 20 minutes shorter, but that would be my only quibble. I really like the way this film asks us questions about marriage, relationships, religion, parenting and of course dreams and images. It’s a really beautiful film and interesting. I really enjoyed it. I would highly recommend it and I would give it a good 4/5. One vital lesson we as a audience should take from this film is – if you can dream it, you can live it. Live your dreams. Don’t live in regret. n
Julie Fox is a qualified Yoga teacher and Reiki level 2 practitioner. She holds an Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy, works as a Recovery Education facilitator with Mental Health Ireland and has 20 years experience as a Social Care practitioner. The always-busy Julie also runs retreats under the name ‘Fox&Hen Retreats’ at the beautiful Sweetfarm Studios, Kilcarbry Cottage, just five minutes from Enniscorthy (check it out on Facebook and Instagram). Writing is another one of Julie’s interests, ‘Sharing my writing in a way that brings healing, laughter and inspiration to others, is a huge passion of mine.’ This new monthly column allows Julie to share her love of both yoga and writing.

Yoga And The Nervous System
This week we will briefly explore the impact of Yoga on the Nervous system. As I said in last week’s article, Yoga is for Everyone and one doesn’t have to be well versed in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to enjoy and benefit from the practice. While an intellectual understanding of Yoga and Yoga philosophy does give deeper insight into the teachings, they are not a prerequisite before considering joining a class or doing the practice! When I first started doing Yoga 20 years ago, I knew nothing of the Vedic texts –Upanishads and so forth but it did not stop me from reaping the benefits of the class.
The techniques of Yoga including ‘Pranayama’ breath work are methods of purifying the nervous system which can only be welcome considering the fast paced world we live in today. Our bodies and minds crave the time and space to ‘just be’ and Yoga provides this opportunity to refresh, rest and revitalise! There are many different Yoga teachers out there with different styles (fast-paced – slow –beginners – advanced) so find the right teacher who suits you and never be afraid to ask questions. If for example you find that a fast-paced Yoga (Vinyasa) is too much for you and actually aggravates your nervous system then allow yourself permission to try a slower-paced class such as ‘Yin Yoga’ – ‘Hatha’ or ‘restorative Yoga’. A big part of a Yoga practice is ‘Self Care’ and choosing the right class is step 1 in your Self Care journey.
086 0263713
‘Yoga With Julie’
Now back to the Nervous System which is a common buzz word lately. To keep it simple, we ourselves know when we are out of balance or feeling ’overwhelmed’, feeling ‘frantic’, feeling ‘up to 90’, feeling ‘agitated’, feeling ‘fearful’ etc, etc. These feelings are our bodies and minds speaking to us. It is an opportunity to listen and take the time to reflect on what is not working for us in our lives. Yoga allows this time and space, a safe space to gently reconnect. It is not about getting the perfect physique or walking out the door feeling enlightened (although this could possibly be a payoff). When we focus on the breath and introduce gentle movements such as ‘child pose – Balasana’ we are bringing our awareness into the present moment, into our bodies, leaving all judgements and criticisms aside. This surrender brings with it a bounty of benefits including better quality of sleep, alleviates stress, and stimulating the digestive system and so much more.
When we are free and safe to explore our bodies and minds without intimidation, coercion or comparison during a Yoga practice, we truly transform on a deep level. In my class this is my intention for all participants.
Pay-as-you-go Yoga classes, €10, suitable for Beginner-Intermediate levels at: Galbally Community Centre, Mondays at 7pm. Sweetfarm Studios, Kilcarbry Cottage, Enniscorthy, Thursdays at 7pm. The Presentation Centre, Enniscorthy, Mondays at 10am.

Dancing with Declan
Keep up to date with the local dancing scene on: https://www.facebook.com/DancingwithDec https://www.facebook.com/socialdancingdateswexford n
Wexford Arts Centre
For details and updates on all happening in Wexford Arts Centre: https://wexfordartscentre.ticketsolve.com/shows n