Slaney News, Issue 152, January 2023

Page 78

SerViNg Co. Wexford for tHe laSt 12 YearS Sla ney News Issue 152 – January 2023 Tel: 053 9138992. Mobile: 087 2994988 Email: Computer & Laptop Sales & Repairs IT Services & Website Design DUFFRY HILL, ENNISCORTHY. T: (053) 9234660. Haven Kavanagh’s Pharmacy KAVANAGH’S GARAGE Auto Maintenance & Repairs – Diagnostics – Pre-NCT and DOE Tests – Clutches, Brakes, etc – Breakdown Assistance Wishing all our readers a Very Happy New Year Enniscorthy Community Allotments, major award winner at the recent Enniscorthy Tidy Towns awards night, was represented by L-R: Michael Devereux, Cllr Aidan Browne (Cathaoirleach Enniscorthy Municipal District), and Michelle Doyle. Alflorex 30 Pack €28.95
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Retail Park, Wexford, Y35 AET1 A very happy New Year to all our readers from everybody in the SLANEY NEWS –your local FREE online community magazine
SlaNeY adS 6th January 2023 - Page 3 Contents of this issue of Slaney News... News page 4 Leisure & Lifestyle page 46 Arts page 75 Food & Drink page 78 Business & Finance page 80 Pets page 84 Motoring page 86 Sport page 90 History & Heritage page 96 Environment page 104 We would be delighted to receive stories and photos from our readers around the county. If you have anything you’d like us to share, please email and we will do our best to include as many photos and stories as possible. A family-owned Wexford company providing you with a reliable and quality service since 1988  Ask about our Easy Pay Budget Plan  All Major Credit & Laser Cards Accepted Delivering Kerosene, Diesel, Gas Oil, Agri Diesel to homes, farms and businesses all around Co. Wexford. TEL: 053-9255219 - RATHNURE - ENNISCORTHY PAT MURPHY OIL LTD. Wishing all our customers a Very Happy New Year

plan for the regeneration of Enniscorthy town centre setting out a series of regeneration strategies and identifies a number of ambitious redevelopment packages which will serve as the catalyst for regeneration of the town centre and Templeshannon area. The Plan will help enormously in securing multi-million-euro funding from the national Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) as the lack of such a plan up to this was one of the main reasons Enniscorthy was previously unsuccessful in securing URDF monies. We will carry full details of the Plan on our Facebook page and in our February online magazine. We would encourage all our readers and followers to check out the ‘Enjoy Enniscorthy’ Facebook page and its related social media. Enjoy Enniscorthy has got a new lease of life in the last couple of months and its videos and photos of the town and its various businesses are highly recommended. In particular, make sure to check out the following video fronted by Laura Mullett:

If you have any news or photos you’d like us to share in the Slaney News, please email them to and we will do our best to include as much as possible. Also, please let us know what you think about our new format. Telephone: 087-2403310, or message us through our Facebook page, ‘Slaney News’, which now has over 10,000 Followers. And, of course, if you like our new online format please spread the word so we can grow our online readership. Thank you We wish everybody a Very Happy and Peaceful New Year.

– Frank Corcoran


Tel: 087-2403310 Email: Facebook: Slaney News Online:

PUBLISHED in Enniscorthy by Corcoran Print & Design


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Every effort has been made to ensure that all articles published in Slaney News are true and accurate but if any errors do occur please let us know and we will gladly rectify them in our next issue.

Where details of future events are given in this publication, we recommend that you check these details directly with the organisers as event details may be subject to change.

Slaney News strongly recommends seeking independent professional advice before acting on any financial, medical or other information contained in this publication.


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comment To advertise in the Slaney News please contact: 087-2403310
My team and I are ready to help you Of昀ce Open Weekdays: 10am-12pm, 2pm-4pm. Browne TD James Minister of State at the Department of Justice TD for Wexford Contactme Lower Church Street, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford 053 9235046 @JamesBrowneTD Welcome to our first issue of 2023. The ‘Enniscorthy Town Centre First’ plan has been approved by Enniscorthy Municipal District following a number of public consultations and meetings of the steering group over the past year. It is a comprehensive and ambitious
Senator Malcolm Byrne If I can help in any way please let me know. Tel: 085-8245142 Holding clinics on the last Saturday of every month: BUNCLODY Redmond’s Bar 2.00pm to 2.45pm. FERNS Ferns Community Centre 3.00pm to 3.30pm. CAMOLIN Jack’s Tavern 3.45pm to 4.15pm. KILMUCKRIDGE Upton Court Hotel 4.30pm to 5.00pm Tel: 053 9233593 Email: Donanore, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Y21 X6V6 Open Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.45pm Call today 053 9233593 TESTING OF ALL COMMERCIAL VEHICLES TACHOGRAPH & PLATING STATION ...................................................................... ENNISCORTHY WINDSCREEN CENTRE DIRECT BILLING TO MOST INSURANCE COMPANIES Vans & Jeeps Trucks & Trailers Buses & Ambulances Motor caravans Tractors Mixed fleets & other vehicle types SlaNeY adS 6th January 2023 - Page 5 Y O U R FA M I LY P H A R M AC Y Check out our Facebook/Instagram page for special offers! Grants Pharmacy, The Duffry, Enniscorthy T: 053-9234025 OPENING HOURS: Mon-Fri: 9am-6.30pm | Sat: 9am-6pm Grants Pharmacy, Rafter Street, Enniscorthy T: 053-9236456 OPENING HOURS: Mon-Sat: 9am-6.00pm Visit our online shop at Bray | Arklow | Gorey | Enniscorthy | Wexford

Water capacity improvements in the pipeline

Cllr Cathal Byrne believes that a lack of water capacity is impeding the building of much needed housing in Enniscorthy. Last year the acquisition of social housing at the Greenhill development in Clonhaston was reportedly halted due to water supply issues.

The Enniscorthy Municipal District Fine Gael Councillor spoke on the matter at the December meeting of Wexford Co. Council when he sought an update on the water infrastructure in the town.

Director of Services for Wexford Co. Council Eamonn Hore informed Cllr Byrne that Irish Water was committed to carrying out works over the next few months on the Enniscorthy Vinegar Hill plant and would also be looking at leak reductions.

The Enniscorthy investment will be in the order of €12 million and in addition there will be a €10.5 million investment in Wexford town and €300,000 in Castlebridge. All of these are planned for the first quarter of this year. n

Reflecting on ‘The Past’


The 36th edition of ‘The Past’ has just been published but it was decided not to have a public launch of the Journal as part of society’s effort to thwart the spread of the Covid19 virus. The book is available in all Eason’s bookshops in Enniscorthy, Gorey and Wexford; the Book Centre, Main Street, Wexford; and the Selskar Bookshop; also the Bookshop, New Ross, at €20 per copy.

It is essential to purchase your copy early as there is a limited print output.

The new edition contains articles presenting many facets of Wexford’s past and should engage the interest of anyone even with a limited knowledge of local history. It would make an ideal present for a friend or family member, especially for members of the Wexford Diaspora.

Kieran Costello has a piece on the history of Enniscorthy Castle. There is an article by Aaron Ó Maonaigh ‘From Truce to Treaty, and Civil War in Co. Wexford’.

Ken Hemmingway writes regarding the ‘Office of the Mayor of Wexford and the Tithe War in Co. Wexford’.

‘From Adamstown to Ballindaggin – Nurse Kate Dundon 18691946’ by John Dundon, who also has an item on ‘Irregular Catechism (1924)’.

Bernard Browne contributes an article on ‘Some County Wexford Armorial or Heraldic Bookplates’.

The final contribution is from Mrs. Mary Hickey – ‘The Mount Leinster Lament’.

Once again the Editor is Rev. Fr. James Hammel.

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Seán Doyle
Seán Doyle and Pat Brennan at the Uí Cinsealaigh Historical Society Annual Dinner in the Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy, 14th December 2022.
SlaNeY adS 6th January 2023 - Page 7 The Hatch Lab, M11 Business Campus, Gorey, Y25 A8H2. This size ad can be yours for just €50+vat. Telephone Frank at 087-2403310 for more details. Enviropak Treatment Systems By Matt Murphy & James Dobbs ● WasteWater Solutions –24 Hour Service ● Maintenance & Servicing of Septic Tanks and Treatment Systems ● Pump and Parts Sales ● Fully Insured Wishing all our customers a Very Happy New Year Ballygillistown, Davidstown, Enniscorthy. Email: Phone: 087 2338913 / 087 6343976



Enniscorthy’s Flood Defence Scheme is still very much on the agendas of Enniscorthy Municipal District (EMD), Wexford Co. Council (WCC) and the Office of Public Works (OPW), but the wheels of progress on this scheme turn incredibly slowly.

Let’s recap... A developed scheme was exhibited to the public in Enniscorthy Library in 2019. Over four hundred people attended the exhibition, and the scheme was well received. The scheme confirmation documents required for ministerial consent were submitted to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) in March 2020. In April 2021, Wexford Co. Council issued supplementary environmental information to the OPW and DPER to support the approval process. DPER issued their decision to reject the scheme on the 4th March 2022. Details are available on Following the decision, the OPW confirmed their commitment to delivering an effective scheme for Enniscorthy.

The Minister of State Mr Patrick O’Donovan and senior officials from the OPW and WCC attended a special meeting of Enniscorthy Municipal District on 4th May 2022 to update the members in relation to the Enniscorthy Flood Defence Scheme. The minister supported a WCC proposal to progress the new River Slaney Bridge and the Flood Defence Scheme as two separate standalone projects.

Flood Defence Scheme Project:

The next steps for the development of a flood relief scheme for the town are as follows.

n Update all ecological and project baseline data. This work is currently in progress. Assess alternative design options in detail and shortlist these for consultation. Identify the preferred scheme to be brought forward for planning.

n Decide the appropriate planning route.

n Prepare planning documents and submit for planning approval.

Estimated timeline to identify a preferred scheme is quarter 3 of 2023.

New River Slaney Bridge Project:

The ecology baseline data is currently being updated and the traffic surveys have been completed. The next steps for the development of the new bridge are as follows:

n Review DPER reports and update all baseline data. Consult with the National Parks & Wildlife Service and Inland Fisheries Ireland.

n Complete Appropriate Assessment (AA) screening, and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening.

n Prepare Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement.

n Prepare planning documents for An Bod Pleanálá.

Estimated timeline to planning submission is quarter 3 of 2023. n

This month, Acquired Brain Injury Ireland invites you to make a New Year’s Resolution that will make a life-changing difference to thousands of individuals and families across the country. As part of its annual Step Up for Brain Injury campaign, the organisation is seeking participants to walk 150,000 steps between January 1st and 31st, to raise vital funds for those impacted by acquired brain injury. Football legend Paul McGrath is taking on the challenge and encourages others to ‘Step Up’ also. Full details online at

Slaney YDP funding

Youth Diversion Projects (YDPs) are community-based, multi-agency, youth crime prevention initiatives which primarily seek to divert young people who have been, or are at risk of becoming, involved in anti-social and/or criminal behaviour. There are 105 YDPs nationwide providing suitable activities to facilitate personal development, promote civic responsibility and improve long term employability prospects for participants.

One such project is the Slaney Youth Diversion Project on the Island Road, Enniscorthy, which is managed by the Ferns Diocescan Youth Service (FDYS). The project serves Enniscorthy, Gorey town and its surrounding areas including Courtown and Riverchapel. It is the only YDP managed by Ferns Diocesan Youth Service and is one of 30 YDPs under the wider Youth Work Ireland umbrella.

Additional funding has been allocated by the Department of Justice to Slaney YDP to appoint two new Youth Justice Workers to provide dedicated support to the Gorey/Courtown area. This is on top of the existing funding provision for two full -time Youth Justice Workers for Slaney YDP.

Youth Justice Workers engage with vulnerable young people through a range of supports, including education, training and employment support, social enterprise initiatives, as well as personal development and supports such as mentoring, and personal development activities. These four new staff members will contribute significantly to the work that is being carried out by existing staff in the Enniscorthy and Gorey/Courtown services.

Youth Diversion Projects are an important part of the wider national Youth Justice Strategy and the Department of Justice’s general work to reduce reoffending and build safer and stronger communities. n

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SlaNeY adS 6th January 2023 - Page 9 2 Local venues ❶ Galbally Community Centre Mondays at 7pm. Pay As You Go. €10 per class. ❷ Starting mid-January at Sweetfarm Studios Kilcarbry Cottage Enniscorthy Thursdays at 7pm. Pay As You Go. €10 per class. Julie Fox Tel: 086 0263713 Classes suitable for Beginner–Intermediate levels

New sensory garden for Enniscorthy


Wexford TD and Minister of State for Law Reform James Browne TD has confirmed that five County Wexford projects will benefit from the latest round of Town and Village Renewal funding, including two projects in Enniscorthy...

€234,000 will go towards an Enniscorthy Wellbeing and Activity Garden which will be one of the largest sensory gardens in the country. The location is expected to be at the St John’s Hospital complex.

Cllr Aidan Browne, Cathaoirleach of Enniscorthy Municipal District, says, "Enniscorthy Wellbeing and Activity Garden will be a special and safe place for people with sensory challenges to be able to fully participate in our community."

Enniscorthy has also been awarded €100,000 under the Street Enhancement Scheme 2022 which is earmarked for improvements to shopfronts in the town centre area. Work will commence on this project in the Spring of 2023.

€500,000 will support restoration and development works at Duncannon Fort.

€50,000 will support the engagement of an archaeologist, conservation engineer, conservation architect and quantity surveyor to ascertain the works needed to develop Taghmon Castle as a heritage tourism asset.

Following the Government’s funding towards repurposing of the old Bank of Ireland branch in Rosslare for community use, €250,000 has been allocated towards the development of the building

to serve as a community/enterprise resource hub for Rosslare.

Welcoming the funding announcement, Minister Browne commended the five projects for their “excellent approach in seeking funding that will have a lasting impact in four County Wexford communities.

“Town and Village Renewal project funding is specifically designed to breathe new life into our towns and villages. These projects based in Enniscorthy, Duncannon, Rosslare and Taghmon show great creativity, ambition and community spirit. I’m glad that my Government colleagues and I have approved these major funding stimuli.

“I have made it my priority as a Minister of State to pursue funding for County Wexford projects that I know will have a transformative effect in our towns and villages. This announcement gives further evidence of the Government’s willingness to provide significant funding to projects worthy of investment,” Minister Browne concluded. n

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An Enniscorthy Wellbeing and Activity Garden, expected to be located on the campus of St. John’s Hospital, has been awarded €234,000 under the Town and Village Renewal Programme 2022. The image above of a sensory garden elsewhere is for illustration purposes only. Minister James Browne TD

On yer bike!

Work is almost complete at the new Safe Cycle Park in Enniscorthy which will allow children to develop safe cycling skills in a safe and realistic environment.

It is being developed by Wexford County Council in the overflow carpark opposite the Enniscorthy Sports Hub at Cherry Orchard. This carpark is used by people attending the Sports Hub and also the Enniscorthy Community Allotments (ECA). The cycle park, when developed, can still be used for overflow parking on those occasions when the sports hub or ECA need extra parking.

Council Chairman Aidan Browne has been busy working behind the scenes on this project for a number of months along with Town Manager Ger Mackey and the town engineer. Cllr Browne believes, “This will be a great asset for children in our town." n

More ‘Safe Routes to School’

The Slaney News reported in November last on St Aidan’s School, Enniscorthy, being selected for the Safe Routes to School programme. The aim of the programme is to increase the number of pupils walking and cycling to the school.

Wexford Co. Council’s Alan O’Shea is the Active Travel contact for the St Aidan’s project which will involve a number of interventions to improve infrastructure and safety on the various routes pupils take to the school including improvements to footpaths and crossing points for pedestrians and possibly lower speed limits and restricted access for heavy goods vehicles on Convent Road.

In December, Wexford TD and Minister of State for Law Reform James Browne confirmed that an additional three Co. Wexford schools will now be included as part of the Safe Routes to School programme. This second round of the programme will include Ramsgrange Community School, St. Pa-

trick’s N.S. Crossabeg and Gorey Central School. The Safe Routes to School Programme creates safer walking and cycling routes within communities, alleviates congestion at the school gates and increases the number of students who walk or cycle to school by providing improvements to walking and cycling facilities.

Minister Browne welcomed the confirmation, explaining how children attending the Ramsgrange, Crossabeg and Gorey schools “will soon benefit from safer infrastructure which will allow them to walk, cycle and scoot to school every day.

“My Government colleagues and I are keen to promote the roll out of this programme to give every child the option to make their daily commute to the classroom by foot, bicycle or scooter in a way that they are safe and protected; one that I am confident is shared amongst children, their parents, teachers and the wider school community.” n

Pulse Point App saves lives –

PulsePoint is an App available to the general public to assist them access an AED (defibrillator) in Enniscorthy and around Co. Wexford. The App allows the user to instantly see where the closest defibrillator is in an emergency.

Sports clubs, parish halls, schools, businesses etc countywide should get in touch now and register their AED. The ‘Add AED’ feature on the App can be used to to submit AEDs to the App.

The App is on Apple: and Android:

See ‘Enniscorthy Defibrillator Initiative’ on Facebook. n

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download it now!
What a typical Safe Cycle Park looks like.

Delightful Dollies’ delectab



Above left: Anne Collins, Ita Kinnaird, Margaret Brady and Kay Leacy.

Above right: Phyllis Healy, Mary Leacy, Mary Fardy and Phil O’Neill.

Left: Caroline Rossiter, Liz Corcoran, Jackie Larkin.

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Above left: Marion Morrissey and Theresa O’Connor. Above centre: Patricia O’Brien, Margaret Robinson and Mary Kells. right: Maureen Peare and Elaine Murray. Below left: Stephanie Murphy and Bernie O’Neill. centre: Philomena Murphy, Jean Hendricks, Jo McMahon and Liz O’Brien. Below right: Winnie Connolly and Antoinette Davis. Enniscorthy’s Delightful Dollies Women’s Group Christmas Dinner in the Riverside Park Hotel on 10th December 2022.

ble dinner

Above left: Margaret O’Brien, Mary Sinnott, Jenny O’Connor and Mary O’Neill.

Above right: Group Committee, Winnie Connolly, Marion Morrissey, Winnie O’Connor, Theresa O’Connor and Edel Kenny.

Left: Mary Kearns and Patricia Quigley.

Right: Mary O’Brien, Kitty O’Brien and Kathleen Hennessey.

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Above: Maeve Doyle and Anne Buckley. Above right: Liz O’Brien, Kathleen Cahill and Teresa Ring. Below: Mary Dobbs, Noleen Moorehouse and Liz O’Brien. Below right: Gertie Bolger, Kit Kenny and Eileen Coady.

Enniscorthy Caredoc has moved


THE TEL NO. IS THE SAME: (0818) 300 365.

The Caredoc service starts at 6pm and goes through until 8am on weekdays. At weekends it starts at 6pm on Friday evening and finishes at 8am on Monday morning. People should always make an appointment in advance. n

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SlaNeY ad 6th January 2023 - Page 15 THE RIVERSIDE PARK HOTEL, ENNISCORTHY, PRESENTS... An Evening with JOHNNY McEVOY in Concert Thursday, Jan 26th, at 8pm AND MIKE DENVER in Concert with Special Guests Brendan Shine and Declan Nerney, Thursday, Feb 2nd, at 8pm TOM KELLY PRESENTS IN CONCERT 'THE PERFECT NEW YEAR NIGHT OUT’ TICKETS FOR BOTH CONCERTS FROM THE RIVERSIDE PARK HOTEL 053-9237800 OR FROM TICKETMASTER.IE Johnny McEvoy

Wexford TD and Minister of State for Law

James Browne TD welcomed the opening in December of a new Intreo office at Bridgepoint, Abbey Square, Enniscorthy.

The new Intreo centre replaces the social welfare branch office and community welfare offices, which were located at Captain Weafer Hall and Portsmouth House respectively.

In Ireland, Public Employment Services are provided by Intreo, a single point of contact for all employment and income supports. The name ‘Intreo’ is derived from both the abbreviation of the word introduction and treo — the Irish for direction.

The name is designed to capture the support that the service provides in introducing customers to new opportunities on the pathway to work, new job opportunities, training and education opportunities, and career and personal development opportunities.

It also captures progression and movement in the right direction through the inclusion of the Irish word treo in the name.

Designed to provide a streamlined approach, Intreo offers practical, tailored employment services and supports for jobseekers and employers in Intreo Centres throughout Ireland.

Employment services are available to people of working age who want to access supports or service, including people who are:  in receipt of jobseekers or disability payments  in receipt of other Social Welfare payments including adult dependants  employed or looking to change job or career  interested in becoming self-employed

working part-time and want to increase their hours  not in receipt of any payment from the department but interested in work experience, job-seeking assistance and returning to the workplace after an absence  an International Protection applicant with permission from the Department of Justice to access the labour market


Your local Intreo can work with you directly to:  support you to prepare for and find work  offer you supports and services to help you change career, upskill or retrain  identify suitable training opportunities

identify supports if you want to set up your own business

connect you with employers who are actively looking to hire people


Intreo provide a range of services to employers also through a dedicated team, at each Intreo Centre. Contact your local Intreo for advice and information.

Minister Browne welcomed the opening of the new office, noting how the new Intreo centre “will provide a one stop shop for jobseekers. As well as jobseekers’ claims, the centre will also provide assistance through the community welfare service, employment supports, social welfare inspectors and the provision of public service cards.

“I wish social welfare staff all the best in their transfer to the consolidated centre. I hope that the larger office facilities will assist with the office’s ability to help social welfare clients in Enniscorthy town and district,” Minister Browne concluded.

Enniscorthy Intreo Centre, Bridgepoint, Abbey Square, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Y21 XK79.

Tel: 0818 405060 Email:

Enniscorthy’s Garry McCauley took centre stage on 5th January 2023 as he appeared in the new series of RTE’s ‘First Dates’ programme hoping to find romance.

New Intreo office for Enniscorthy Garry takes centre stage on

Described as an ‘old school romantic’, the multi-instrumentalist Garry (73) is a member of the very well known McCauley family and ran a successful sports shop on Rafter Street for many years.

With intimate tables and masks off, Garry (73) was paired with marathon runner Mary (71) from Galway, but alas no romance blossomed with each agreeing that the distance between Enniscorthy and Galway would be a major impediment to any relationship.

If you missed seeing Garry on the programme, you can catch it now on the RTE Player.

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RTE’s ‘First Dates’

Saving energy has never been more important, especially in the face of significant increases in energy costs and there have been lots of articles in the media over the past few months setting out the many ways to save energy from small tips and tricks to large retrofitting projects.

But all this info can be overwhelming and it can be hard to know where to start and what actions will make the most difference in your home, so here is some advice from the Sustainable Enniscorthy team based on our experience of doing our own projects and some of our expertise!


It sounds simple, but it is really important to understand what fuels you are using and how much they cost over a year, particularly for oil and solid fuels. Keep a track of your fuel usage for a year, both the amount of fuel used by type and the cost as this makes it easier to understand if changes to your heating system will reduce your costs.

For electricity, it is really helpful to use an energy monitor, even just for a month or two. These can show you what appliances in your home use the most energy and help you figure out if there are any electrical goods using much more energy than you thought!

There are lots of these available online such as the Owl Monitor ( or the Efergy Monitor (search for Efergy Monitor on These are easy to set up yourself and are wireless and portable so you can easily walk around your home switching on and off appliances to see how much energy they are using. They can also give daily/weekly/monthly consumption as well.

You can also borrow a Home Energy Saving Kit from Wexford Library, Gorey Library and Enniscorthy Library. The Kit contains six simple tools to help you assess how energy efficient your home is and identify possible problem areas for improvement.

Knowing your electricity use in more detail can also help you figure out if solar panels might be a good investment to help you reduce your bills, especially now that electricity companies are paying for excess energy produced.


There are a few relatively simple and low cost actions that most households can

Sustainable Enniscorthy

The Slaney News is delighted to have the local Sustainable Enniscorthy group on board with their monthly column, which in this issue looks at ENERGY SAVING.

make over the coming year. These may not knock hundreds off your bill but can help make your current heating systems work more efficiently and burn less fuel.

 Get your boiler serviced - ideally during the summer when there is less demand on boiler technicians.

 Bleed or flush your radiators.

 Get your chimney cleaned - again a good one to do during the summer when chimney sweeps tend to be quieter. This can really improve fuel efficiency and also reduces the risk of chimney fires.

 Change lightbulbs to more efficient bulbs over time.

 Upgrade your heating controls - this is grant supported and is not a big cost but can make a big difference.

 Get your windows serviced to make sure they are sealed properly.

 Draft proof rooms.


Once you better understand what your heating and electricity costs are and have taken some of the smaller steps you can figure out if you want to look at

bigger measures, like insulation or changing your heating system.

Some of these are supported by grants through the SEAI (

However there are also other actions that have a big impact but are not currently grant supported, for example changing from open fire or older stoves to new efficient stoves or upgrading your older oil boiler to a new boiler.


Following on from the success of our last Energy Saving Expo, Sustainable Enniscorthy are hosting another event to help people tackle their energy bills on Wednesday 25th January from 7pm to 9pm in the Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy.

The Energy Saving Expo will be another opportunity for people to learn more about the actions set on how to save energy and save money through both simple steps and planning for longer term projects.

There will be lots of experts available that evening to give advice and information on energy-saving measures, energy efficiency products and other energy services as well as information on grants and other supports available.

We are proud to support local and will be joined on the day by local companies that can support and deliver energy projects in the home.

The event will be focused on practical advice, simple steps and sharing information and the experiences of people who have already taken small and bigger steps to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, all to help people lower their energy bills this winter and plan for the coming year.

All are welcome and there is no charge for entry.

Check out for more details. n

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A monthly column


To give a true picture on how nuclear power plants obtained a negative response from the public one must start at the beginning. The first nuclear power plant was opened in Obninsk in Russia in 1954. Britain’s Sellafield plant went on the grid in 1957 while France and America followed suit shortly after. Along with the risks of storing toxic waste lasting for thousands of years, a number of spectacular fails resulted in a catastrophic blow to the image of nuclear energy.

In 1979 at ‘Three Mile Island’ in Pennsylvania, USA, a failure to the cooling system resulted in a partial meltdown of the core releasing radioactive material into the atmosphere. 1986 was the year that a major accident at Chernobyl in Ukraine caused radioactivity to spread across Ukraine, Russia and Western Europe. The effects of this disaster are still felt today. In 2011, Japan suffered a massive earthquake that triggered a meltdown at the Fukushima power plant. As a re-




sult Japan shut down their last working power plant a year later.

Fourteen days before the ‘Three Mile Island’ incident in the USA, the blockbuster Hollywood movie ‘The China Syndrome’ featuring Jack Lemmon,

Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas was released. The academy award nominated film portrayed a near meltdown at a nuclear plant due to a failure of equipment. The movie contributed to the sense of fear and mistrust of nuclear plants. The potential for accidents at a nuclear power plant created a public relations problem that lasts to this day.

Governments all across the world are coming under increasing political pressure to meet its obligations from the Kyoto Protocol. The protocol is to reduce the major cause of global warming – C02. As nuclear power has reappeared as an option, I propose to examine some advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy and the alternatives to fossil fuels.

For the most part, the major advantages for nuclear power are centred on rewards obtained by using this source of energy. Once the plant is operational, the technology con-

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tributes to the reduction of greenhouse emissions which helps with the battle against climate change. As reported by The London School of Economics and Social Sciences (2022), comparing carbon emissions in grams of CO2 per kw of energy, nuclear power is at just 15-50 grams whereas gas is 450 and coal is a staggering 1050.

Nuclear is a reliable resource that provides enormous capacity which can operate at any time of the day whereas wind and solar is intermittent depending on weather conditions. The first plants had an expected life span of 50 years but with due care and maximising production levels they can last longer.

The amount of fuel needed in nuclear energy is very small compared to all other forms of energy plants, pound for pound. The Centre of Sustainable Systems at the University of Michigan (2022) reports that a half inch in diameter of a uranium fuel pellet contains the energy equivalent of 1 ton of coal or 149 gallons of oil. Unlike fossil fuels, some of the components in the nuclear power process can be reused.

Uranium-235 fuel and thorium waste product can have applications after it

is used in a nuclear plant. Nuclear energy has 70 years of experience and is the primary source of energy in Belgium, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and France.

The most noticeable disadvantages of nuclear energy revolve around the risks of potential disasters for mankind or the world at large. There is always the possibility of an accident at a nuclear plant. We have mentioned the three major accidents in Ukraine, Japan and the USA but there have been over 50 accidents in the USA that have caused fatalities or damages totalling over $50,000. The fear of a terrorist attack or being hijacked during times of war is always a threat. The nuclear energy component uranium can be used in making nuclear weapons. America used nuclear weapons in WW2 on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost leaving a legacy of health issues to this day. The nuclear weapons of today are 3,000 times more powerful than the ones used in Japan.

Even though nuclear plants are a clean-burning source of energy, they create toxic radioactive waste that lasts thousands of years. Journalist

John Vidal for The Guardian online (2019) reported that there are 90,000 tonnes of high level waste out of 59 American nuclear power plants awaiting permanent disposal. The cost of safely storing this waste is estimated to be tens of billions of dollars.

Nuclear energy would be classified closer to fossil fuels than renewables. This is because uranium mining is not a clean process with 20% of the mines being open pits which causes other environmental issues. Harvesting costs are much higher than coal and gas. Finally, from planning stage to becoming live on the grid can take 10 to 15 years.

In conclusion, nuclear energy has been loosely aligned with wind and solar as a climate-change-friendly resource. Renewable energy sources like wind, solar, hydro-electric and bio-fuels also have limitations ranging from being weather reliant, expensive to build or to store energy. Going forward, all the energy sources mentioned need to improve in order to supply an efficient safe and stable energy option fit for the world of today. I suspect a mix of energy sources will be used for the medium term. The anti-nuclear energy community would expect significant improvements in safety and the waste product to be non-toxic or renewable. This would be required to gain their confidence. What is generally accepted is that alternatives to fossil fuels need to be promoted and that may well include upgraded existing nuclear plants or improved new builds. That is until the scientists come up with the next big thing. n

SlaNeY NeWS 6th January 2023 - Page 19

Enniscorthy Community College

Great range of courses available at Enniscorthy Community College. Check them out at: n

Information sharing

Wexford County Council has developed a free online information sharing portal for not-for-profit community owned facilities to inform the public and promote usage. You can submit facility details at: n

Oulart storytelling house back open

Bygone Days Storytelling House in Oulart reopened, after a long closure, on the 11th July. A great welcome awaits all, with good music, songs, stories and plenty of craic, tea and refreshments served. Eircode: Y25 YP70.

For details of upcoming events keep an eye on: onedayshouseofstories n

Enniscorthy Library events

For upcoming Enniscorthy Library events see: n

Kiltealy Calendars

The Kiltealy Community Development 2023 Calendars are now on sale in local shops. By buying the calendar it is a huge help to the committee in continuing with all its projects and in maintaining the village. The committee thanks Shane O’Neill for his work in putting the calendar together. Follow Kiltealy Community Development on Facebook. n

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ENNISCORTHY FÁILTE –WELCOMING UKRAINIAN REFUGEES CONTACT DETAILS: Email: Tel: 087 3369907 (this number is not manned all the time so please leave a message if nobody answers straight away). n
Enniscorthy Toastmasters
coming meetings
every month
Keep an eye on:
news of up-
at The Bailey, Enniscorthy, the second Tuesday of
starting 10th January. n


For generations at this time of year we wished each other happiness and good cheer and in the main we all looked forward hoping that the next year would be better than the last one. It was a time of optimism preparing for a new start to our lives.

Unfortunately, that has all changed for the worst. We have over the last couple of years sank to a level of pessimism, where for some people, even to get out of the bed in the mornings is a real and genuine task. We can’t turn on the radio, the tv, open a paper, look at social media or public billboards without seeing doom and gloom messages about covid, respiratory ailments, flu, global warming, climate change, even straight forward weather forecasting is gone with a blustery rainy day replaced by a Yellow Warning or an Orange Warning or Heaven help us – a Red Warning, scarcity of energy to heat our homes, the danger that we are all to the planet, the fact that we must reduce car journeys, stop cutting, burning or selling turf, although to import it doesn’t seem to be a problem, stop exporting peat, which supports hundreds of jobs, again importing it doesn’t appear to be a problem, stop producing the best beef in the world, importing second class beef from Argentina doesn’t seem to be a problem, stop building or improving our roads and use non-existent public transport, slow down house building because of the impact that cement emissions are having on the atmosphere, not to buy too many clothes because of the damage caused to the environment in producing or disposing of them, no concern for the future of the thousands and thousands of jobs in the manufacturing, delivery, distribution and retail trades.

This is consistent, day after day some politician, who knows no more than what someone wrote down for him or her, or so-called expert is wheeled out by the media to inculcate this misery and gloom into the minds of the population at large. And it’s working. Some more vulnerable people are living in terror almost that they’ll pick up some terrible affliction or do something wrong which will adversely affect future generations.

A large proportion of the community is being impacted by this continuous stream of depressing publicity and it is having dire results for many.

View from the Centre

A local contributor, based in the centre of the county, looks at life today in Co. Wexford and beyond

All this comes from government or intergovernment agencies and when all put together is the perfect mechanism for controlling populations. Those august bodies couldn’t believe their luck when covid came along. It was used as a pilot scheme to test public resistance to draconian punitive measures which took away our personal freedom. Remember, two weeks to flatten the curve and now almost three years later some of the architects of this failed policy are again urging restrictions. It’s important to note that

there are still 5,000 people in Ireland facing charges in our courts for allegedly breaking covid edicts from government and three people have been jailed. This should not happen in any democracy. It is extremely important to remember that the laws under which these unfortunate people are being charged were not passed by the Oireachtas but were simply signed into being by a compliant health minister who questioned nothing that was put before him by faceless officials acting on behalf of an out-of-state body like the World Health Organisation whose record in “investigating” the source of covid leaves a lot to be desired. Imagine a young girl being taken off a bus in Waterford, arrested, brought to court and fined because she dared to travel outside a 5km zone to see her boyfriend. Imagine a compliant media plastering that young girl’s name all over the papers. Well, you needn’t imagine because it happened.

Those restrictions, which are a forerunner of things to come in the name of preventing climate change or some future perceived danger, will appear from time to time over the next few decades “protecting” us against ourselves and the majority will be groomed to roll over once again.

Also, watch out for the new hate speech legislation which the government is determined to push through in 2023. This can also be manipulated to control criticism of future government policy.

So Big Brother is watching and watching very closely indeed.

Our health authorities then express concern at the rising numbers of people suffering from depression and other forms of mental illness. It shouldn’t take one of their brain surgeons to figure that one out.

What many people would like for the New Year is less of this stuff, a little more optimism, and for the State to get off our backs and let us live normal lives.


What happened to the fellow who stole a calendar on New Year’s Eve?

He got 12 months!

In what year did Christmas Day and New Year’s Day fall in the same year?

A large proportion of the community is being impacted by this continuous stream of depressing publicity and it is having dire results for many.

Every year of course.

I’ll quit when I’m half ahead. Happy New Year everybody. n

SlaNeY NeWS 6th January 2023 - Page 21

Enniscorthy architect ‘down under’

Rosslare Strand-born Niall Byrne qualified as an architect at Oxford Brookes University in Oxford, England, and at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, the oldest and most prestigious independent school of architecture in the UK. He commenced work in 1995 and gained huge international experience working on major architectural projects in Los Angeles, Florida, New York, Shanghai, Singapore etc as well as in many countries in Europe including Holland, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Lithuania etc.

In 2018, Mr Byrne set up practice in Drinagh, Wexford, before moving to Enniscorthy twelve months ago and setting up an office in Templeshannon.

All types of architectural work is undertaken by his firm, ‘Niall M Byrne Architects Ltd’ (NMBA). The firm is involved in residential, retail, commercial and industrial projects in Enniscorthy and across the county.

A major feather in their cap is a new $352m plasma fractionation facility near Brisbane for which NMBA architectural practice has been commissioned as design architects. NMBA’s client is plasma therapeutics company Aegros and the location is Greater Springfield’s BioPark Australia. The advanced facility will produce therapeutic blood products derived from plasma.

This project is in the Life Science’s sector, which is a particular expertise of Mr

Linda’s new boutique

A new plus-size boutique, Curvy Closet, has been set up in Monart West, Enniscorthy, as an online business by Linda Butler.

Linda says, "A plus size woman’s clothing outlet is a definite need for the town of Enniscorthy, most of the clothes shops

in Enniscorthy only go to a size 20 and we always have to travel to Wexford or Gorey, so it’s definitely going to be a boost for women in Enniscorthy."

Curvy Closet Boutique – here’s the link: =100087350637623 n

Funding secured for Prom walk extension


Consultants have been appointed to design, procure, and supervise the extension to the current trail. A grant allocation is in place in the amount of €200,000 for this project.

Work on the 600m walkway around the Urrin bridge is expected to start this Spring. This will make the walk accessibel to all including the Council’s own equipment which is used to maintain the walk. n

Byrne. This usually involves designing pharmaceutical campuses which, since the advent of Covid, has been a particularly busy area for Mr Byrne and his team involving projects in various parts of the world.

Modern communications technology has, according to Mr Byrne, enabled the firm to “provide our service seamlessly to the furthest point across the globe.”

NMBA are noted as ‘Subject Matter Experts’ in the master planning and concept design phases for Life Science projects, supported by Mr Byrne’s strong knowledge of Process Engineering, which enables NMBA to develop forward thinking strategies for various multinational organisations worldwide. n

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The planned Aegros facility in Brisbane, designed by Niall M Byrne Architects Ltd, Enniscorthy. Niall Byrne

Local club ‘lights up’ for health and wellbeing

The GAA’s popular ‘Ireland Lights Up’ walking initiative is returning in partnership with RTE’s Operation Transformation and Get Ireland Walking.

Rapparees-Starlights GAA Club will be turning on its floodlights and opening the walking track around the front pitch so that the Enniscorthy community can come together to walk and talk in a safe environment.

Walks will take place on Tuesdays and Fridays at 7pm and you don’t have to be a club member to participate. The first walk is on this coming Tuesday, 10th January. n

Malcolm wins Senator of the Year award

In the Irish Times Annual Political Awards 2022, Gorey Senator Malcolm Byrne emerged as Senator of the Year.

According to Miriam Lord in the Irish Times: “Senators from the bigger parties are often overlooked in favour of their more showy Independent colleagues. One of the hardest workers in the Upper House is Fianna Fáil’s Malcolm Byrne, who does Trojan work on a number of committees. His big pushes were the Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill and increased funding for higher education, while he was also very strong in his support for Ireland to finally join CERN.

“He also found the time to cycle around Ireland for charity, run numerous marathons and perform in Gorey Music Society’s production of The Sound of Music.” n

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Senator Malcolm Byrne, “One of the hardest workers in the Upper House,” enjoying his Christmas break.
SlaNeY ad SlaNeY adS Page 24 - 6th January 2023 A SPOT HERE CAN BE YOURS FROM €20 GUTTERS, FASCIA & SOFFIT Cleaned and Repaired Contact John 086-3298522 HILLTOP DRY CLEANERS Duffry Hill, Enniscorthy, 053-9233893 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR MARLOWE DRY CLEANERS WE HAVE A FULL LAUNDRY SERVICE Easy to use Rent the RugDoctor Clean your own…   Carpets   Upholstery,   Rugs   Car Interiors Great Value! Clonhaston, Enniscorthy Contact Billy at (087) 2749493 Fresh Chicken  Whole Chickens  Fillets  Kievs Maryland  Mexican Wraps  Turkey Breast PARTY FOOD: Goujons, Wedges, Chips, Cocktail Sausages, Prawns in Filo Pastry, Chicken Drumsticks, Mini Spring Rolls BARBECUE: SteakBurgers, Chicken Kebabs, Sausages And many more items at wholesale prices ✔ Focus on Quality… ✔ Focus on Service… ✔ Focus on Value… FOOD FOCUS Traffic-stopping content...for your business! ★ SEO-optimised website content ★ Unique product descriptions ★ Expert article writing ★ Top quality blog content for your business Discover how Copywriting by Changing Lanes can help bring more traffic to your website and connect you with more customers for your products and services. Professional copywriting and editorial services based in Co. Wexford. Phone: 087-7946277. Email: This size ad can be yours for just €20+vat. Telephone Frank at 087-2403310 for more details. 087 0951019 ECCE SCHEME Naíonra; IrishLanguagePreschool GCó “CúplaFocail”! ECCE & NCS Scheme Within: Gaelscoil InisDrumgoold,Córthaidh, Enniscorthy. Audiology - Hearing Aids Micro suction wax removal Audiologist of the year winner 3 Slaney Place, Enniscorthy, Y21 W4C9 Tel: 053 92 52111 Facebook: Doyle Hearing Solutions DOYLE HEARING SOLUTIONS
SlaNeY adS 6th January 2023 - Page 25 +VAT PER ISSUE. CALL 087-2403310. M emorial C ards available at C&R PRINT Templeshannon Quay, Enniscorthy Call us on 053 9235295 ● Gates - Railings ● Welding & Repairs ● ● Mild Steel ● Stainless Fabrication ● ● General Engineering ● ENNISCORTHY ENGINEERING & FABRICATION Enniscorthy Engineering & Fabrication Rockview, Ballyorrill, Enniscorthy Phone Mick McGrath: 087 9392624 Email: ● New website: ● ENQUIRIES WELCOME Call us for all your alteration needs No job is too big or small for our expert dressmakers Fabrics, Zips, Interface and Elastic available in store 54 Wafer Street Enniscorthy Y21 K0F2 Tel: 085 8581526 Click here to find us on Facebook  SIDE GATES Replacement side gates made to measure. New frames, treated timbers and top quality galvanised fittings.  SHED DOORS Shed doors replaced, old ones taken away. Phone Mike 086 3564242 Email:


Post-Primary Education graduate, Caoimhe Leacy from Gorey, had double cause for celebration after achieving ‘top of her class’ status at the annual Hibernia College conferring ceremony which was held at Dublin’s Convention Centre recently.

In addition to receiving her Masters qualification, Caoimhe was honoured with the Business Award – which is presented by the Business Studies Teachers Association of Ireland (BTSAI) to the student in each cohort with the highest grade in business studies on the programme.

This year, Caoimhe was one of 920 graduates from all 26 counties to graduate with Primary or Post-Primary teaching qualifications from Hibernia College in what was their largest graduation cohort to date.

Congratulating her and other graduates, who she described as ‘being in a unique position to shape the future of every one

of their students,’ Dr Mary Kelly, Academic Dean at Hibernia College, said all in attendance “will make a vital and valu-

Wexford County Council’s new payment portal

Wexford County Council launched a new online payment portal on 27th September, 2022.

The portal allows customers for Commercial Rates, Housing Rents, Mortgages, Fire Charges, Marina Fees & Planning Development Levies to view and pay their account online.

Visit: n

able contribution to their chosen profession at a time when our country is so short of teachers.” n

Bunclody Playground

Bunclody Playground and Community Park Committee has just been granted €47,700 in Town & Village Renewal funding with works due to commence in 2023 on the site in Carrigduff. n

Tel: 087 114 2100.

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The annual Hibernia College conferring ceremony, pictured is Caoimhe Leacy with her daughter Belle. Caoimhe won the BSTAI prize. Pic: Chris Bellew / Fennells. Johnny Mythen TD’s constituency office has reopened after the Christmas break at Slaney Place, Enniscorthy.

Guarding Santa in Enniscorthy

Santa paid a welcome and surprise visit to Enniscorthy Garda Station on 10th December 2022 and he put out the call for everyone to come and visit him there, which lots of boys and girls did, and being the kind man that Santa is, he invited everyone to make a donation to the Tour De Lourdes fundraising campaign in aid of the Hope Cancer Support Centre and Wexford Hospice Homecare. This is the first time Santa has visited the local Garda station but given the great response he got, we suspect it won’t be his last! n

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Members of Wexford Sinn Féin have expressed their delight at the addition of a new councillor to their Local Government team, in the form of one of Wexford's most experienced councillors, Cllr. David Hynes.

Cllr Tom Forde said: "Having worked with Davy closely on a number of projects and issues over the years, I couldn't be happier at his decision to join our team in Sinn Féin, as I know his principles and beliefs for the future of our country align very closely with our party's policies. Davy's passion for the trade union movement shines through in all his work and, after being elected twice as an independent, he continues his efforts to give a voice to workers and young families.

"To anyone who was watching our party president Mary Lou McDonald on The Late Late Show recently, our message is clear, we will run enough candidates in future elections and we can offer resolutions to the crises we are facing in housing, healthcare and inflation, if we

are given the chance by the electorate."

Cllr Hynes said: "It has become increasingly clear to me over the last number of years that there is a passion and enthusiasm towards a fairer Ireland at the core of Sinn Féin's policies, both locally here in Wexford and nationally, and I believe I can match that passion and enthusiasm with my own hard work and commitment.

"I have been very fortunate over the years to be successively elected by the people of Wexford, who have put their trust in me to speak up for them, and I'm proud to say that I am now a member of a socialist party who will do the same. Yes, there is a lot of work to be done, but working together we are up to that task."

Johnny Mythen TD added his welcome to Cllr Hynes: "I am more than confident that he will be a very welcome inclusion in our team, and I am excited at his decision to join Sinn Féin. Cllr Hynes shares similar views to ourselves, that it's time to get back to basics, to get our workers

and families a decent roof over their heads, a bed in an emergency department or access to a GP should they ever need one, and an acceptable cost of living so they can afford to feed, clothe and heat their families without having to choose just one or two out of those three necessities. Davy also is a great driving force for the young people of Wexford, a community activist who pushed hard for our recently launched skate park, and his work in addiction support and counselling is well known throughout the county."

Cllr. Ó Súilleabháin said: "Like many others joining Ireland's largest 32-county party, Cllr Hynes is most welcome among our team here in Wexford... We are reminded that there is still a lot of work to do to achieve the Republic dreamt of by people like Connolly, Markievicz and Mellows, but we are closer now than ever before and the message from Sinn Féin is one of hope and optimism for the fairer United Ireland that we know we can achieve.” n

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Above left: Cllr David Hynes at a recent Cost of Living Crisis event. Above right; Sinn Féin public representatives Cllr Tom Forde, Cllr David Hynes, Johnny Mythen TD and Cllr Cllr Fionntán Ó Súilleabháin.

FREE Period Product Locations

across County Wexford

Did you know that free period products, for those that need them, are available in a range of locations across County Wexford.

Free Products are available in public toilets at the following locations:

Location Address Eircode Wexford County Council County Hall, Carricklawn, Wexford, Y35 WY93 Wexford Library Mallin St, Ferrybank South, Wexford, Y35 AY20

Southend Family Resource Centre Hantoon Rd, Maudlintown, Wexford Y35 T28A

Enniscorthy Library Lymington Rd, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford Y21 AD92

Bunclody Library Milwood, Carrickduff, Bunclody, Co Wexford Y21 E970

ARC Family Resource Centre (Formerly known as Raheen FRC)

Raheen, Clonroche, Co. Wexford Y21 T183

New Ross Library Barrack Ln, New Ross, Co. Wexford, Y34 NW56

South West Wexford Family Resource Centre Ramsgrange, New Ross, Co. Wexford Y34DP26

Gorey Library The Avenue, Gorey, Co. Wexford Y25 WK37

Gorey Family Resource Centre 4 Charlotte Row, Upper Main St, Gorey, Co Wexford Y25 CV91

Taghmon Family Resource Centre Joseph St, Poulmarl, Taghmon, Co. Wexford Y35 WTP3

Products are also available for those from the Traveller or Roma Communities by contacting:

• Roma: Mona Fusteac, Roma Health Advocate Support Worker FDYS.086 0570612

• Traveller: Laura Myles, Wexford Traveller Community Health Programme 053 9155864

SlaNeY NeWS 6th January 2023 - Page 29

Josh and Ken join forces for the Hope Cancer Support Centre

Top local photographer Ken Hayes was asked by Josh Rothwell if he would supply photographs for Josh’s Transition Year Mini Company calendar project with all proceeds going to the Hope Cancer Support Centre. Ken was only too happy to help Josh and support the Hope Centre.

Ken says the calendar features some of his favourite recent pictures. It costs €7 for one calendar or €12 for two. They are available in Tommy Williamson Farm & Landscaping Supplies, Enniscorthy Cleaners, The Kiosk Enniscorthy, Hope Centre, General Office & School Supplies Enniscorthy, Dermot Kavanagh Pharmacy Enniscorthy, Evolv Healthstore Enniscorthy, Billy Doyle Shoes Enniscorthy, Beechdale Garden Centre/The Wildflower Café, Steemers Bunclody, Cois na hAbhann Garden Centre Camolin. n

Singing for charity

LIDL Trolley Dash in Gorey

In joyous mood is Regional Manager for Lidl John Lynch pictured at Lidl Gorey with Agnieszka Laskowska and her family after winning Lidl’s annual festive fundraising trolley dash. The national trolley dash raised more than €307,000 for charity partner Jigsaw, the national centre for youth mental health. In Co. Wexford, Lidl customers raised more than €5,000 for the charity. Agnieszka, from Poland, who lives and works in Gorey, managed to grab more than €450 worth of goodies making for a very Merry Lidl


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Regional Manager for LIDL, John Lynch, getting the winner of the Gorey Trolley Dash, Agnieszka Laskowska, ready for the off! PICS ABOVE AND BELOW: IBAR CARTY. Christmas. Wexford Light Opera Society singing to collect for charity at the Christmas Party Night in the Talbot Hotel on 9th December 2022.

The Waterfront makes a splash at National Quality Standards Awards

The Ireland Active National Quality Standards Awards for 2023 were announced on 25th November and the Waterfront Pool & Leisure Centre in Enniscorthy picked up the ‘Outstanding’ award again for the 16th year in a row.

Now the only NQS Award Winner in Co. Wexford, the Centre is a standalone, community-focused swimming pool for Enniscorthy and the surrounding area. Everything it takes in, goes into running the centre and now, more than ever, it needs your support to keep offering its excellent facilities to the community. n

St Senan’s Choir CD

Congratulations to St. Senan’s Parish Choir on the launch of their new CD “Together Again” – a fabulous achievement. The newly launched CD is a mix of songs and hymns with something for everyone. It’s local, homegrown, and at only €10 it would make a great present for someone you know.

It is available from the Parish Office or choir members and all monies raised go straight into parish funds. n

New book on Liam Mellows launched

Gorey Sinn Féin Councillor Fionntán Ó Súilleabháin has just launched a new book titled: “LIAM MELLOWS and the Unfinished Revolution”.

Irish revolutionary Liam Mellows has been described as one of the ‘most radical and intellectually questioning of the 1916-22 Republican leaders.’

The author looks at Mellow’s connection to Co. Wexford, with his formative years spent in Castletown, his life and times, his politics and his untimely death by firing squad at the hands of the new Free State government. Also, the relevance of his politics to the Ireland of today. The author draws on a wide range of sources with extensive use of quotations from speeches in the US and his writings at home – Mellows in his own voice.

Historian Dr. Ruan O’Donnell of the University of Limerick says: ‘This new commemorative publication is a refreshing and often challenging overview of one of Ireland’s most respected militant Republicans. The legacy of Liam Mellows continues to reverberate 100 years after his illegal execution at the hands of former comrades in Dublin.'

The book was launched on 11th December 2022 at Breen’s in Gorey follow-

ing the 100th anniversary commemorations at Castletown of the death of Liam Mellows, which was attended by Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald.

The book costs €12 and can be bought at Eason’s shops in Enniscorthy, Gorey and Wexford; Red Books, Wexford; Market House Visitor Centre shop in Gorey; and at various village outlets in the Gorey District. It can also be purchased online at: n

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Barry Dempsey, centre, the manager at the Waterfront Pool & Leisure Centre, accepts the Ireland Active National Quality Standards Award for 2023 – the 16th year in a row that the Centre has won this award. Author Cllr Fionntán Ó Súilleabháin and Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald pictured with Fionntán’s new book at Castletown on 11th December 2022.
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Enniscorthy Gardaí celebrate 100



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Enniscorthy Gardaí celebrated 1 2022 from the Garda Station to L-R: Inspector Sean Clince and Minister James Browne TD. Above left: Michael Freeman, Tony Fagan, John O’Leary and Enniscorthy Superintendent Denis Whelan outside Enniscorthy Garda Station. Presentation of Medals – Pheme Glass with Superintendent Denis Whelan. right: Presentation to a Little Blue Hero –in front are Chief Superintendent Anthony Pettitt, TJ Sheil, and Superintendent Denis Whelan, and in the back are Darragh and Julie Sheil. Above left: Chief Superintendent Anthony Pettitt, Garda Áine O’Carroll and Superintendent Denis Whelan. Above right: Chief Superintendent Anthony Pettitt, Garda Mick Kelly and Superintendent Denis Whelan. Above left: Back row, Garda Áine O’Connell, Detective Garda Martin Broaders, front row, Jim, Betty O’Donnell and Kathleen Broaders. Above right: Caroline, Mark and Rhian Foley. L-R: Sergeant Caroline O’Donnell and John Kennedy. L-R: Inspector Syl Hipwell, Gerry McGrath and Minister James Browne TD. L-R: Chief S Laura Dr Above: Johnny Mythen TD and Sergeant Caroline O’Donnell. Above right: Inspector Sean Clince, Ministe James Browne TD and Inspector Syl Hipwe looking forward to a piece of the cake!

0 years of service




Left: Superintendent Denis Whelan, Deirdre Nolan and Chief Superintendent Anthony Pettitt. Sergeant Margo Kennedy, Paul Kehoe TD, Inspector Syl Hipwell, Derek Nally and Cllr. Barbara-Anne Murphy. Above right: Derek Nally, Michael Egan and Sergeant Margo Kennedy. Above: Back row Mary Kennedy, Sandra Nolan, Sinead and Ella Byrne, and Aoife O’Gorman. Front Row: Lorraine O’Dwyer, Sean Lenihan, Michael Meaney and Oisin O’Flynn. left: Derek Nally, Michael Freeman, Cllr. Barbara-Anne Murphy.
SlaNeY NeWS 6th January 2023 - Page 35
Below right: Detective Garda Mick Kelly and his wife Claire. 100 years of service to the people of Enniscorthy with a Parade on 2nd December the Cathedral and Presentation of Medals in the Riverside Park Hotel afterwards. Above L-R: Tom Murphy and Bishop Ger Nash outside Enniscorthy Cathedral. Superintendent Anthony Pettitt, Inspector Sean Clince, Inspector ragoi, Inspector Syl Hipwell and Superintendent Denis Whelan. L-R: Pat Burke, John Barron, Paddy O Reilly and Paul Kehoe TD. Above left: Bishop of Ferns Ger Nash, Deirdre and Denis O’Sullivan. Pat McDonald, Superintendent Denis Whelan and Adrienne McDonald. er ell

Enniscorthy Gardaí celebrate 100 years

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Parading past Enniscorthy Garda Station. Above left: Gardaí and clergy at St. Aidan’s Cathedral, Enniscorthy. Above right: Superintendent Denis Whelan with some local Gardaí at the Cathedral. Enniscorthy Gardaí celebrated 100 years of service to the people of Enniscorthy with a Parade on 2nd December 2022 from the Garda Station to the Cathedral and Presentation of Medals in the Riverside Park Hotel afterwards. Above left: Bishop Denis Brennan and Superintendent Denis Whelan. Above centre: Old friends Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy and Derek Nally. Above right: Former Chief Superintendent John Roche, Jimmy Gahan, Tony Fagan. Above left: Former Chief Superintendent John Roche and Garda Vivienne Laffan. Above centre: Rev. Nicola Halford, Bishop Ger Nash and Paul Kehoe TD. Above right: Garda Vivienne Laffan, Minister James Browne TD and Garda Ursula Quarry.

Wexford Mayors get together

SlaNeY NeWS 6th January 2023 - Page 37
The current and former Mayors of Wexford gathered for their annual Christmas get together in the Talbot Hotel, 9th December 2022. Above left: Avril Doyle, current Mayor Maura Bell and Helen Corish Wilde. Above centre: Mayor Maura Bell and her husband Anthony Browne. Above right: George Lawlor, Mayor Maura Bell and John Roche. Above: Attendees at the get together in the Talbot Hotel. Below left: Joe Ryan, Brendan Howlin TD, Mayor Maura Bell, Ted Howlin aand George Lawlor. Below right: Davy Hynes, John Roche and Tom Forde.

The fun of the fair at St Pat’s


With all 66 tables booked out weeks in advance, the CHRISTMAS FAIR at St Patrick’s School, Drumgoold, proved to be a beehive of activity.

On the day there was a carol choir, a donut van, South African style 'cook out' serving delicious food, tea/coffee and tuck shop, bottle stall, various games for the children, a giant tractor and truck, and of course the man himself – Santa who arrived by fire engine at 12 noon suitably escorted by local firefighters and Gardaí, and visited the school's pupils in their dedicated sensory room.

The Fair was a major fundraiser for the school. While the cost of the school building and salaries are taken care of by the Dept of Education, there are lots of other costs that the school needs to raise money for. For instance, the ongoing costs of its two minibuses, which

take the children on various outings, need to be resourced by the school itself. These outings are crucial to help develop the children's social and life skills, and fundraising is needed to help pay for these. A Monster Raffle was organised by the Parents’ Association Chairperson Catherine Cloke and her team who worked tirelessly over the previous three months to make the event such an enormous success and raise over €9,000 towards the cost of running the school’s two minibuses. n

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Santa is greeted by a school pupil. Santa and Mrs Claus are greeted by Parents Association Chairperson Catherine Cloke. Santa arrives by fire engine.

Black and Irish

At the ‘Black and Irish’ awards held in the Radisson Blu Hotel in Dublin at the beginning of December, Enniscorthy’s 22-year-old Michael Abidoye won the Community Star of the Year award, while Love Island star Dami Hope from New Ross was named Personality of the Year and Creator of the Year.

This was Michael’s second consecutive success at these awards having won the Platform of the Year category last year for his ‘createdineire’ online platform which promotes Irish talent around the world. The awards are seen as an annual celebration of excellence in the black and Irish community. Michael expressed a combination of surprise and joy at his success, saying, “I’m honoured and blessed to receive the Community Star of The Year award. God bless to everyone who voted for myself and Createdineire. We really appreciate all the support and love,“ and is happy to be seen as a role model for young black men while keeping his feet firmly on the ground as he focuses on his studies in Sligo IT where he is studying for a degree in digital marketing. n

Enniscorthy Castle & 1798 Centre

Both Enniscorthy Castle and the 1798 Centre are closed for the next few weeks and are due to reopen before the end of January with their normal operating hours, seven days a week.

A lot of work is going on behind closed doors at the Castsle revamping the exhibition space with more interactive features and a focus on Norman and medieval history on the ground floor.

Check out the recent, excellent Enjoy Enniscorthy video of Enniscorthy Castle and the interview there with Derek Meyler, tour guide: n

Enniscorthy Gardaí celebrate 100 years

SlaNeY NeWS 6th January 2023 - Page 39
Enniscorthy Gardaí celebrated 100 years of service to the people of Enniscorthy with a Parade on 2nd December 2022 from the Garda Station to the Cathedral. Michael Abidoye

Showcasing Youthreach acr

Liz Duffy, Adult Education Officer, and Kevin Lewis, Chief Executive with Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board (WWETB), were delighted to host the launch of two Youthreach mini-documentaries in St. Michael’s Theatre, New Ross, recently. The mini-documentaries showcase the positive learning experience delivered in the eight Youthreach centres across Wexford and Waterford to young people aged 16 to 20 for whom school may not be the best fit. Youthreach centres are located in New Ross, Wexford town, Enniscorthy, Bunclody, two in Waterford city, Dungarvan and Tramore.

To view the mini documentaries please visit the WWETB You Tube Channel or use following links:

For more information, visit the Youth Services section of the website n

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Tiffany Ward from Waterford, Phoebe Quilligan and Rachel Irish from Subla Youthreach Waterford, pictured at Showcasing Youthreach at St Michael's Theatre, New Ross. Pic: David Clynch. The audience enjoying the performances at Showcasing Youthreach at St Michael's Theatre, New Ross, on 28th November 2022. Pic: David Clynch. Above left: Saoirse and Katye Keogh, both from Wexford Youthreach. Above right: Weronika Hanzelko. Pics: David Clynch. Ellen Burke an performing at Sho at St Michael's T on 28th No Pic: Dav

ross Wexford and Waterford

nd Breege Phelan owcasing Youthreach Theatre, New Ross, ovember 2022. vid Clynch.

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Kevin Lewis, Chief Executive Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board and Liz Duffy, Adult Education Officer New Ross, pictured at the Showcasing Youthreach event at St Michael's Theatre, New Ross, on 28th November 2022. Pic: David Clynch. Evan Dunne and Amelia May performing with assistance from Sean Owens. Pic: David Clynch. Ava Darley, Josh Hayden and Abbie Kenny, all from Youthreach Gorey, at Showcasing Youthreach at St Michael's Theatre, New Ross, on 28th November 2022. Pic: David Clynch. Amber Philpott and Natalia Kulesza, both from Youthreach New Ross, pictured with Ana Sadkowska from Dungarvan Youthreach at the event in New Ross. Pic: David Clynch.

€1m community centre funding

Under the new Community Centre Investment Fund, Co. Wexford will benefit from over €1m in funding for 12 centres as follows: 

Castlebridge Community Hall €19,337.50 

Terrerath Muintir na Tire Community Council €25,000.00

Ferns Diocesan Youth Service (Enniscorthy) €82,190.48 

St Joseph’s Community Centre €80,500.95 

Bree Community Development Group €61,375.68 

Wexford Arts Centre €100,000.00 

Barntown Community €100,000.00 

Kilmuckridge Memorial Hall Community Enterprise €28,975.00 

Our Lady’s Island Community Development €100,000.00 

1st Wexford (New Ross) Sea Scouts €178,755.35 

Taghmon Integrated Local Development Team €107,391.40 

Rosslare Community Development Association €130,625.00

The funding will be used to upgrade, renovate and refurbish Community Centres, Parish Halls, Scouts' Clubs, Youth Hubs, Family Resources Centres and Sports Complexes across the county.

Welcoming the funding, Deputy Paul Kehoe said: "Fine Gael in government has showed time and again that we’re committed to community development. This ground-breaking investment in community centres will bring real improvements to the heart of communities across Wexford and will further accentuate the millions of euro of investment already put into facilities in rural Ireland.

"We plan to continue this investment and, in time, I think schemes such as these will become as significant as the Sport Capital Programme which has brought local sporting facilities up a level that would have been unimaginable 20 years ago.

Welcoming the funding, Minister James Browne TD said: “I’m particularly pleased that Enniscorthy FDYS will benefit from a grant worth €82,190.48. This investment will truly prove to be trans-

formative as the funds will go towards a major upgrade of the community centre facilities on the Island Road. I regularly visit FDYS Enniscorthy and I am acutely aware of the good work they do in supporting young people and including new Irish communities in the town.

“I’m delighted that the fund will also benefit communities that are always doing their best to stir community spirit by creating a space for their community to gather to celebrate social events, sports, and the arts.” n

Funding for community groups

Wexford County Council in conjunction with Wexford Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) invites applications for funding submissions under the Community Support Fund (CSF) 2022.

The CSF is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development under the Community Enhancement Programme 2022. A total fund of €340,233 has been made available by Wexford LCDC to support small-scale projects for not-for-profit community or voluntary groups.

The maximum grant aid per project is €5,000, with a percentage of grants ringfenced for Women’s sheds projects (dedicated application form) and grants of €1,000 or less. Match funding is not required. All projects must be delivered by 31st August 2023.

The Community Support Fund will support groups, particularly in disadvantaged areas:

 With their non-pay running costs such as energy costs (electricity costs, refuse charges, heating charges) or other nonpay operating costs for e.g. rental/lease costs, insurance bills.

 Groups will also be able to use the funding to carry out necessary repairs and improvements to their facilities, purchase equipment such as tables and chairs, tools and signage, laptops and printers, lawnmowers, canopies and training equipment etc. n

Online application forms and programme guidelines are available at

For queries please call 053-919 6000 or email Closing date for receipt of completed applications is 28th February 2023.

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Paul Kehoe TD.

Wexford man’s Croke Park success


Phil, who is the driving force behind making our roads safer for cyclists, was overwhelmed to receive the following:

- The National Road Safety Award

- The overall Supreme Award.

Our photo shows Phil in Croke Park remembering a successful visit to Croke Park by some other Wexford men in 1996! n

SETU conferrings in Wexford


The first South East Technological University (SETU) Wexford campus conferring took place on Friday, 11 November

2022, at the National Opera House with graduates being conferred with awards in a range of disciplines, from business, art, tourism, social care, early childhood education, visual communications to agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture.

Speaking at the Wexford ceremonies, Prof Veronica Campbell, President of SETU, wished graduates the best for their future, urging them to continue as pioneers in their chosen careers, to be bold and ambitious, make their mark on society and stand proud with what they achieved. n

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L-R: Dr Karen Hennessy (Head of Wexford Campus, SETU), Stephen Murphy, Gillian Murphy, Majella Murphy and Evan O’Rourke. Aisling Sheridan-Pope awarded a Masters in Social Studies. Aisling lives in Enniscorthy with husband Martin and children Eoin, Aaron and Ysabelle. She is pictured with her father Eamonn Sheridan.

Achomharc Úcráin

An bhfuil maoin fholamh agat nach bhfuil in úsáid agat faoi láthair? Smaoinigh le do thoil é a thairiscint mar chóiríocht shealadach dóibh siúd atá ag teitheadh ón gcogadh san Úcráin.

Tá íocaíocht aitheantais saor ó cháin de €800 in aghaidh na míosa ar fáil dóibh siúd a thairgeann maoin fholamh. Tabhair cuairt chun tairiscint a dhéanamh nó tuilleadh eolais a fháil nó seol ríomhphost chugainn ag nó fón 053-919 6000. #TeachAThairiscint

Ukraine Response

Do you have an unoccupied property that you’re not using at the moment? Please consider offering it as temporary accommodation for those fleeing war in Ukraine.

A tax-free recognition payment of €800 per month is available to those who offer unoccupied properties. Visit to make an offer or find out more or email us at or phone 053-919 6000. #OfferAHome

Concession Contract for the Operating of the Café at Gorey District Park

Wexford County Council is seeking a suitably qualified contractor to operate the new Café at Gorey District Park under a concession contract. The Tender Notice and all details are to be found on the eTenders website (, System ID: 230145 refers.

All communications and application in regard to this contract should be made via the eTenders website. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


The following tender competitions are currently active. If you wish to obtain further information, and make a submission for any of the tenders, please visit

ID Reference Tender Description Closing Date 229206 79/HS/2022 30 Residential Units at Wexford Street, Gorey, Co. Wexford

30/01/2023 229788 82/ENV/2022 Slade Harbour –Repointing Quay Walls 30/01/2023 230145 83/GMD/2022 Commercial Concession Contract to Operate a Café in Gorey District Park

28/01/2023 230198 84/HS/2022 Esmonde Drive, Commodore Barry, Windmill Hill Energy Upgrade Works for Wexford County Council


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Carricklawn, Wexford Y35 WY93 Street Lights Broken? Report on Outside office hours call: 053 919 6000 Register on for free text and email alerts about service disruptions in your locality Planning app. lists available at
Comhairle Contae
Garman 053 919 6000

Comhairle Contae Loch Garman

053 919 6000 Carricklawn, Wexford Y35 WY93


Tugann Comhairle Contae Loch Garman cuireadh d’iarratasóirí do na poist seo a leanas:

Oifigeach Sinsearach Forbartha Fiontair Eolaí Talmhaíochta Comhordaitheoir Gníomhaíochta Aeráide (conradh 5 bliana)

Oifigeach Gníomhaíochta Aeráide (conradh 5 bliana) Oifigeach Pobail um Ghníomhú ar son na hAeráide (conradh 3 bliana)

Is trí agallamh a dhéanfar gach post a roghnú agus féadfar iarrthóirí a chur ar ghearrliosta bunaithe ar iarratais a chuirtear isteach. Is féidir le painéil a bhunú ónar féidir folúntais amach anseo a líonadh.

Tá cáilíochtaí, foirmeacha iarratais agus sonraí breise maidir leis na poist thuas ar fáil ónár suíomh gréasáin ag

Tabhair faoi deara nach mór gach iarratas ar na poist thuas a scríobh agus a chur isteach trí ríomhphost amháin chuig

Ní ghlacfar le cóipeanna crua clóite do na postálacha thuas. Is é an dáta deiridh chun foirmeacha iarratais comhlánaithe a fháil do na poist thuas: 5.00 in Déardaoin 19ú Eanáir, 2023

Is Fostóir Comhdheiseanna í Comhairle Contae Loch Garman.


Wexford County Council invites applicants for the following posts:

Senior Enterprise Development Officer

Agricultural Scientist

Climate Action Coordinator (5 year contract)

Climate Action Officer (5 year contract)

Community Climate Action Officer (3 year contract)

Selection for all posts will be by means of interview and candidates may be shortlisted based on applications

Street Lights Broken? Report on

submitted. Panels may be formed from which future vacancies may be filled.

Qualifications, application forms and further particulars for the above posts are available from our website at

Please note all applications for the above posts must be Typed and submitted by Email only to

Printed hard copies will NOT be accepted for the above posts.

Closing date for receipt of completed application forms for the above posts is: 5.00pm on Thursday 19th January, 2023

Wexford County Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

Notice of Deposit of Rate Book for Inspection and of Intention to Make Rate

Notice is hereby given that Wexford County Council is about to make the County Rate on the property rateable thereto in the County of Wexford.

The Annual Rate on Valuation for the ordinary expenditure of Wexford County Council for the service of the financial year ending on the 31st December, 2023 is zero point two five three (0.253).

The Rate Book is deposited for the inspection of any ratepayer at the offices of Wexford County Council at Carricklawn, Wexford for the period 11th to 24th January, 2023 between the hours of 10.00am and 4.00pm.

Dated this 11th day of January, 2023.

Annette O’Neill

Head of Finance & ICT

Wexford County Council

Outside office hours call: 053 919 6000 Register on for free text and email alerts about service disruptions in your locality

Planning app. lists available at

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Santa visits Carra

Left: Spruce Room visits Santa with Ciara and Orlagh.

Right: Orlagh and Santa.

Below left: The Loft room visits Santa with Orlagh and Lauren.

Below centre: Santa with Zach.

Below right: Louise, Orlagh and Santa.

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Above far left: Spruce Room with proprietor Orlagh Doyle visit Santa in Carra Above centre: The Forest Room visits Santa. Above ri

aig Briste Early Years

Left: Stephanie, Amy and the Beech and Oak Rooms visit Santa.

Above right: Santa with Renee and one of the babies.

Right: Kia with Orlagh Doyle, proprietor. Below left: Fíadh, Orlagh and Santa.

Below right: Beech and Oak Rooms visit Santa.

Far left: Santa visits the toddlers at Carraig Briste Early Years, Davidstown, Enniscorthy.

Left: Nancy, Orlagh, Santa, Jade and Lucy.

Right: Ciara with Fíadh, Rogan and Santa.

Far right: Pat, Orlagh, Louise and Santa.

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aig Briste Early Years, Davidstown. Above left: Babies from The Loft room visit Santa in Carraig Briste. ight: Richie has a word with Santa. Above far right: Emma, baby Leo and Santa.

A night to remember for Louise

Tickets are on sale for a special night of celebration, set to take place in the Talbot Hotel, Wexford Town, on January 7th, in memory of the late Louise Young.

Louise, from Murrintown, passed away suddenly on January 8th, 2021, from Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. She was just 24 years old.

Louise was a young woman with epilepsy, and in the months before her untimely passing, had become an active fundraising and media volunteer for Epilepsy Ireland – running the VHI Women’s Mini-Marathon to raise funds for the organisation; and sharing her own journey with epilepsy to help raise awareness of the condition.

Despite their continued grief at the loss of Louise, her family and friends have pledged to continue her awareness and fundraising work, efforts which have led to tens of thousands of euros being raised for Epilepsy Ireland in Louise’s memory.

The celebration on January 7th at the Talbot Hotel will be a special event to continue this work, while also thanking the local community who have generously supported all the efforts in Louise’s memory. It will also be an opportunity to highlight how the funds raised will be used to improve the lives of people with epilepsy in Ireland.

Louise’s sister Katie commented, “With Louise’s sudden passing during the height of COVID restrictions, her family and friends never truly got to celebrate Louise and the life she led. This event will be the first opportunity for us to do this - and we know Louise would love it as she was such a social butterfly during her life!

“We’re looking forward to thanking the local community for the support they have shown for Epilepsy Ireland in Louise’s name. While we intend on continuing our fundraising efforts on the night, it is also an occasion to have some great food, listen to great music and have great craic in Louise’s memory. We’ll also have guests from Epilepsy Ireland on the night to share what is being done and being planned with the funds raised.

“We know Louise would be incredibly proud of everything that has been done to date. We believe a truly fantastic legacywhich could be of huge benefit to thousands of people with epilepsy and their families - is being established in Louise’s name.

“We know it’s usually a quiet time of year for many people, but we would appeal to the entire Wexford community to please join us, support the growing legacy and kick off your New Year with a night to remember for Louise!”

Funds raised from the event will be donated to Epilepsy Ireland for the continuation of the Louise Young Research & Seizure Alarm Fund.

WHEN: January 7th 2023 at 7:00pm.


A night to remember for Louise... Special event to celebrate the life of Louise Young.

WHERE: The Talbot Hotel, Wexford.

TICKETS: This is a ticket-only event, with attendees limited to 250 and tickets must be purchased in advance of the night. Tickets cost €50 and includes wine reception, three course meal and live entertainment on the night. Funds raised from the tickets will help support the continuation of the Louise Young Research and Seizure Alarm Fund.

PURCHASING TICKETS: To order your ticket, please email Katie on Katie will provide details on transferring funds/where to collect tickets etc. Tickets are also available to purchase from the Rosslare Harbour Community Resource Centre (Y35 EVK4).

If you are unable to join on the night and would like to make a donation to help support the continuation of this fund, you can make a donation by visiting the 'Donate' section of the Epilepsy Ireland website. Please ensure that you select the Louise Young Research & Seizure Alarm Fund from the dropdown menu when making your donation.

The organisers would like to acknowledge the following sponsors for their support for this event in memory of Louise:

Murphy's SuperValu Rosslare Harbour, Kare Plus Wexford and Practical Printers.

To learn more about epilepsy & Epilepsy Ireland, visit n

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AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER Movie Review with Kyle Walsh 

It’s hard to believe that James Cameron was a truck driver once upon a time. One night he pulled in to have a little break, he fell asleep for a few minutes and he had a dream about machine-like human form destroying the world. When he woke he drew a sketch of what he saw in his sleep. He has a great gift of art. Years later the image he had drawn became the film we all know and love – The Terminator. The rest is history.

Cameron is a master filmmaker who’s always pushing the boundaries. He’s always trying to develop new technology to make his films with. When you look at his film CV it’s unbelievable. We have the two Terminator films, Aliens, The Abyss, True Lies, Titanic and Avatar 1 – still the biggest grossing movie of all time.

So Avatar 2 has been 13 years in the making and the question is was it worth waiting for? Simple answer is, Hell Yea it was worth waiting for. It’s a film marvel to go back to the beautiful planet of Pandora to catch up with our blue friends. This time around Jake and Neytiri are parents, still living in the forest. But soon the sky people come looking for Jake, led by Colonel Quaritch, that’s right he’s back in his own Avatar, ready to chase down Jake and his family and to do whatever it takes to have Jake’s head on a plate. For me this character is my favourite in this world and is superbly played by the brilliant Stephen Lang. Jake and his family leave the forests to go join forces with the water Avatars. They are welcome but they must learn the way of the water. Soon enough we have the sky people hunting Jake and co in the waters of Pandora. Jake must do all that he can to survive and protect his family. But can he?

The story is ok, it’s not going to break any records for originality but it is well done. There’s more going on in the film than a simple story of bad v good. Cameron himself is an environmental activist and in the first Avatar there was a hidden message throughout that looks at what we are doing to our forests. The same here, the underlying story is our oceans, look what we are doing to them. Hopefully the messages will hit home to us all.

Technically, I have never seen a film like this, it’s just jaw-dropping stuff. The 3D is spectacular. When they go into the water and you see the fish and whales popping out of the screen in front of you with the beautiful music score surrounding you it’s truly a great cinema experience. I was like that wide-eyed kid all over again when I first saw images on the big screen for the first time as a sevenyear-old. I couldn’t believe what I was watching and shook my head throughout asking myself the question – how the hell did they make this film?

Movie-going fans questioned is it too late for Avatar 2? Will Came ron deliver? I always say never back against Cameron, the man is a genius and not only did he deliver he smashed it. He knocked it right out of the water, excuse the pun!

This film is a spectacle of the highest order and has to be seen on the biggest screen possible with that surround sound pumping. It’s a glorious epic and one that I can’t wait to buy on blu ray and revisit anytime I want.

Let’s face facts, we don’t go to these films for the best of acting or the greatest stories, we go to these films to be blown away by their technical achievements, the action, the escapism from reality, and for those three hours I forgot I even existed. It was great. I loved the first one but this one is even better. Can’t wait to see what Avatar 3 will bring us, the good thing is we won’t have to wait for 13 years for part 3. We just have to wait two years. Hopefully I’ll be the first one back to Pandora then.

Lads, check it out if you haven’t already. It gets a 9/10 from me. Happy New Year to ye all. n

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Boolavogue senior citizens

Boolavogue Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party in Boolavogue Hall, 4th December 2022.

Above left: Sally Redmond Bernie Flood and Miriam Morrison.

Above: Catherine and Pat Doran.

Above right: Willie and Phyllis Chapman.

Above far right: Marie Barn and Elisabeth Johnston.

Left: William Johnston, Jack and Lissie Hall. Right: Philomena and Joan Daly.

Far right: Anne Farrington and Kathleen Dwyer.

Below left: Lela Sougter, Mary Kavanagh and Stasia Ivory.

Below right: Des and Mary Gahan.

Below far right: Andy Dwyer and Kit Carthy.

Bottom left: Some of the little helpers –Anna Gahan, Aine O’Loughlin, Jack Johnston, Kiera Gahan and Abby Johnston.

Bottom centre: Mary Dwyer and Mary Kelly.

Bottom right: Fr William Cosgrave and Fr Morgan White.

Bottom far right: Greetings from hosts Niamh and Robyn O’Loughlin.

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Wexford Arts Centre: 053-9123764.

The Presentation Arts Centre, Enniscorthy: 053-9233000

The Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely: (0402) 38529

Slaney leiSure & lifeStyle 6th January 2023 - Page 51
s’ party

Murrintown Christmas Fair

Above left: Just look at the delights Thomas and Jane Ladly cooked up for the Fair in Murrintown.

Above right: ‘Get your tickets now’ for the Lochlann Doyle Fund Raffle – Grace Lambert, Darragh Moran, Cllr Lisa McDonald and Nadine Goodison.

Left: Young Caoimhe Pettitt trying to bag a bargain.

Right: A young, festive Ríadh Murphy.

Below left: Theresa Nolan and Carmel Berry.

Below centre: Nicola, Jade and baby Emily Famey.

Below right: FABFOODIE cookies by Sienin Maran.

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The Magic of Christmas Craft Fair in Murrintown in aid of the Lochlann Doyle Fund, 10th December 2022. Above left: Cllr Lisa McDonald at the Paddy Cogley stand. Above centre: Michelle Mullins. Above right: Caragh McDonald and Maisie Elmes.

Barntown Craft Fair

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Christmas Craft Fair in Barntown Community Centre, 27th November 2022. Above left: Helen and Tom Brennan. Above centre: Louise Murphy with her Slate Craft all the way from Raheen. Above right: Jack Corish at the Fair. Above left: Claire Corrigan with her Chez Daizi Crafts and Kyric Dillon and her Sew Loved craft both from Blackwater. Above centre: Aileen Winters and her Little Kneaders, and Emma Dunne, Beechtree Farm stalls. Above right: Handmade Crafts by Chloe Keeling. Below left: Megan Dempsey from Barntown with her handmade wreaths. Below right: Evie, Mark and Thea Stafford.

Christmas Party at the Coast

Coast Hotel Rosslare Strand


Party night, 3rd December 2022.

Above left: Boggan's Londis Rosslare staff party, Nicola Walsh and Shannon Kelly. Above centre: Corish family Christmas party, Valorie and Marie Corish.

Above right: Paul and Rita O’Hare.

Left: Boggan's Londis staff Christmas party, Ciara Doyle and Rose Colfer.

Right: Corish family Christmas party, Robin Jackman, Martin Corish and Emma O’Connor.

Below left: Boggan's Londis staff Christmas party, Sarah Cleary, Emma Lynch and Aaron Nolan.

Below right: Boggan's Londis staff Christmas party, Eavan McNamara, Maria Watts and Daisy Gatus.

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Above left: Boggan's Londis staff Christmas party, Jamie Allan, Val and Paul Boggan. Above right: Corish family Christmas party, Tamara and Noah Corish and Emma O’Connor.

Dancing with Declan

Keep up to date with the local dancing scene on: n

Wexford Arts Centre

For details and updates on all happening in Wexford Arts Centre: n

What’s On Wexford

Opinion You Didn't Ask For Podcast

Check out for the best listing of what’s happening all over Co. Wexford. n

Enniscorthy Library

Wexford Public Libraries' YouTube Channel...

Make sure to check out Wexford Public Libraries' YouTube channel. Catch up with all the events you may have missed or would like to watch again, as well as handy guides and tutorials for accessing Wexford Public Libraries' e-services. n

Baby & Toddler Time at Enniscorthy Library...

Every Tuesday at 10:30am Enniscorthy Library is delighted to welcome parents and guardians with their little ones for fun rhymes, stories and songs. Suitable for ages 0-4. The relaxed and friendly environment of the library is the perfect setting to make friends and introduce books and reading from an early age. Children must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian at all times.

Contact Enniscorthy Library to book a place: Phone: 053 9236055

Events and activities... n

Stay in touch

Wexford Public Libraries Social Media: Wexford Public Libraries on Facebook. Wexford Public Libraries on Instagram @wexfordlibraries.

Wexford Public Libraries on Twitter @wexlibraries.

YouTube: "Wexford Public Libraries" n


Email: Phone: 053 9236055


Monday 10.30am - 5.30pm (closed 1pm to 2pm).

Tuesday 10.30am - 5.30pm.

Wednesday 10.30am - 5.30pm. Thursday 10.30am - 8.30pm.

Friday 10.30am - 5.30pm. Saturday 10.30am - 5.30pm (closed 1pm to 2pm).

Closed Saturday & Mondays of bank holiday weekends. n


Lymington Road - Enniscorthy Phone: 053 9236055

Slaney leiSure & lifeStyle 6th January 2023 - Page 55
in to Jamie and Blayne’s podcasts and check out:

Christmas at Kia-Ora Mini F

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Mai, Anna and Andi Hughes. One of Santa Helpers – Emma Kinch. Michelle Kearns, Eamon Delaney, Max and Iris Bodenham. Brooke McConnell, Colin, Keiva and Evin O’Brien. Making their way to see Santa were Isabel and Anne Fitzgerald. Kio-Ora staff – Abbie O’Donohoe and Aisling So Christopher C Ki Terence, G
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Michelle and Darie Masterson. Alex, Amy and Thomas O’Farrell. omers. Clavin was amazed by the ia-Ora Grotto. FarmHappy with their visit to Santa were Jack, Ellen and Tara Nolan. Showiing off their presents from Santa at Kia-Ora were Aoife, Christopher and dad Mark Clavin. Geneve, Jemma and Emma Cahill. Edie, Marlo, Sadhbh and Conor Nolan. One of Santa’s helpers.

Kiltealy Craft Fair

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Above left: Gabriel Brennan and her Stitch and Smile stand. Above: Deirdre Murphy and Cathy Dawn at their stand. Above right: Tom and Callinn O’Connor. Below left: Lily O’Leary and Kate Murphy happy with their purchases. Below centre: Staffing the canteen were William and Kathleen Curtis, Carmel Smyth and Mary Ellen Boyce. Below right: At the Christmas Craft Fair in Kiltealy Hall was Courtney Kavanagh Murphy. Above left: Méabh Murphy with a crochet toy. Above centre: Teddy and Tina Rooney were in charge of the Blackberry Barn Design Stand. Above right: All set to spend! Rose Farrell, Chloe and Sophie Leech and Michael Farrell. Below left: Paddy Wallace and Breda Buckley. Below centre: Mary Hanrahan of Finns Flowers. Below right: Méabh, Shay, Darragh Cullen. Kiltealy Hall, Sunday 27th November 2022.

Kiltealy Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party

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Kiltealy Senior Citzens’ Christmas Party in Kiltealy Community Centre on 4th December 2022. Top left: Eilish Atkinson, Jane Buckley and Ned Earle. Above left: Patricia Coughlin, Patricia O’Brien and Stasia Sweeney. Above centre: Kate Cowman and Mary Nolan. Above right: Breda and Sheila Hanrahan and Molly Bates. Below left: Owen and Margaret Doyle. Below centre: Eileen Cooney and Elizabeth Armstrong. Below right: Anna and Theresa Farrell. Above left: Betty and Richard Ward. Above centre: Anne Brooks and Fr. Jim Fegan. Above right: Lexi Byrne and Marta Atwell. Below left: Jim and Betty Cullen. Below centre: Breda Armstrong, Eileen Brennan and Kathleen Murphy. Below right: Andy and Dora Byrne and Halley Doyle.

EDG presents ‘The Factory Girls’

The ever-busy Enniscorthy Drama Group will be staging The Factory Girls in The Presentation Arts Centre, from 18th to 21st January, 2023.

The Factory Girls was first performed at the Abbey Theatre in 1982 and was the play that brought its writer Frank McGuinness to prominence. It tells the story of five women facing the threat of redundancy, who stage a lock-in in a shirt factory in Co. Donegal. As their protest continues the women learn more about each other and themselves as they explore their anger, courage and compassion.

The following month, Enniscorthy Drama Group presents Farsiders by Fintan Kelly in The Presentation Arts Centre running from 16th to 18th February. This play is returning to the venue which hosted its initial successful sold-out run in 2022.

This coming-of-age tale is set in Enniscorthy in 1981. Friends Chopper, Hawk and Red work in the local unemployment office and plan to go to the rugby club disco at the weekend. Chopper fancies Mary but has never had the courage to ask her out. But so does Pat Corrigan

who has been bullying Chopper since they were kids. Will Chopper finally get the girl of his dreams?

Finally, in local drama news, a new Creative Acting for Theatre Showcase takes place on 10th and 11th February in The Presentation Arts Centre, Enniscorthy. This new play written by Paul O'Reilly and directed by Fintan Kelly will be performed by the participants in recent workshops held by Fintan.

Tickets for all three shows: n

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The acting and production team for ‘The Factory Girls’

Enniscorthy Drama Group takes to the road

Enniscorthy Drama Group will be presenting Farsiders by Fintan Kelly in Enniscorthy from 16-18th February 2023 before taking the play on the All Ireland drama circuit to the following venues countrywide:

February 27th Kilmuckridge.

March 2nd Gorey.

March 6th Doonbeg.

March 8th Kildare.

March 9th Mountmellick.

March 20th Carnew.

March 22nd New Ross.

March 24th Wexford.

The cast will be:

Chopper - Tim Connaughton Red - Podge Dwyer

Hawk - Anthony Finn Pat - Brendan Robinson

Jane - Niamh Crowhurst Mary - Maeve Ennis Jenny - Roisin Barry DJ - Liam Doyle n

Derbhile’s sell-out, one-woman show comes to Wexford

Following a sell-out summer tour, writer and performer Derbhile Graham is bringing her one-woman show, People Wipe Me, to Wexford Arts Centre. The show will take place on Thursday 19 January at 8pm.

People Wipe Me is a 60-minute show that tells the tale of a wonky-eyed contrarian, whose arms are fierce sore from swimming against the tide. It's a show about seafood chowder, woolly jumpers… and the price we pay for being ourselves.

Derbhile is a writer living in Tramore, Co. Waterford. A few years ago, she turned her attention to spoken word performance, and People Wipe Me is the result. It's a show that blends comedy, theatre and spoken word.

Derbhile delivered a five-date, sell-out tour of People Wipe Me in summer 2022, with shows in Tramore, Clonakilty and Kildare and two shows in Clonmel.

'I'm hoping my show will inspire people to unleash their inner

Derbhile Graham, author and performer of ‘People Wipe Me’.

contrarian, to speak freely and to ask questions,' says Derbhile. 'But most of all, I hope it'll give people a good laugh on these dark wintry nights.'

Tickets for Derbhile's show are available at Wexford Arts Centre. You can book them online through or contact the box office on 053 9123764. n

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Writer and director Fintan Kelly.

Breakfast with Santa in K

Breakfast with Santa in Kilcannon Garden Centre & Restaurant, Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy. 3rd December 2022.

Above left: John Flynn and Santa.

Above: Members of the Kenny, O’Leary, Shiggins, Morrissey and O’Shea families with Santa.

Above right: Lucy May, Marie Stafford, Santa, Molly and Lorcan Whitty.

Above far right: Elisabeth O’Brien with Santa.

Left: Back row L-R: Keeva Kenny, Lynn O’Leary, Santa, Kerry Morrissey, and Aoibhe Kenny. Front row L-R: Finn Kenny, Darren Shiggins, Megan O’Shea and Ellen Shiggins.

Right: Skye, Santa, Zoey, Anthony and David Flynn.

Far right: Zak Murphy, Santa, Marie Hayes and Fae Murphy.

Below left: Aisling O’Brien with Santa.

Below: Members of Mahon, Nolan, Kearns, Martin and Breen families with Santa.

Below right: Santa with Sophie Mahon.

Below far right: Dick and Ava Nolan with Santa.

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ilcannon 3rd December 2022

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Santa at Kilcannon

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Santa in Kilcannon Garden Centre & Restaurant, Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy, 3rd December 2022. Above left: TJ Neville, Santa, Ciara Neville, Elaine Neville and Holly Doyle. Above right: Olivia Delaney, Santa, Soirse, Paddy and Sinead Delaney. Below: Getting to try out Santa’s sleigh.

Danone Christmas Party Night

Danone Nutricia Wexford Staff Christmas Party Night in the Talbot Hotel, Wexford, 9th December 2022.

Top left: Sharon O’Hare, Wendy Noble, Andrea Balubason and Tamara Valkenberg.

Top right: Lynne Bousie, Deirdre Hannon, Beata Scwilka and Sharon Donoghue.

Above left: Laneta Gargula, Johanna Ligmann and Lucy Walsh.

Above right: Amber Byrne, Anne Quinlavan, and Trish Melo Vasconcelos.

Left: Nicola Byrne, Suzannah Murphy and Lynn Bousie.

Right: Michelle Richards, Sheena Boxwell and Liz McGuinness.

Below left: Nira Cash and Ciara Murphy.

Below centre: Chloe Buisson and Mark Wallace.

Below right: Caroline Gieay, Paula Fenlon and Amber Byrne.

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Thursday Jan 19th, 8.30pm, The Bailey, Enniscorthy. Tickets €12.50 each at

Plus support acts – see below, including Enniscorthy’s own Jamie T Murphy making his comedy debut. A show not to be missed! After bursting onto the scene with his stand-out performance as Buzz from the Hardy Bucks, Owen has since gone on to carve out a fantastic comedy career not just within Ireland but internationally. Having his own featured mini-series on the RTE Player "Owen Colgan: Around The Fire", he has since gone on several comedy tours, and is known for doing a lot of work with Paddy Power, and several other high profile brands.

The event will be hosted downstairs in the cabaret area of The Bailey. One of Enniscorthy's finest restaurants and bars, overlooking a part of the river slaney, with ample parking facilities to the rear of the building.

The venue is wheelchair accessible via both entrances to the building, and the kind staff will be more than happy to cater for any additional requirements you may have.

This event is strictly 18+, and a ticket will be required to gain entry. So make sure to book early, as if you arrive not meeting the age limit, or you have no ticket, well that's your own fault.....

To get in touch:

For updates:

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Crossabeg-Ballymurn Fair






Below right: Loughlan and Sorcha

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Crossabeg-Ballymurn Community Centre Development Project Home Baking Christmas Sale, 10th December 2022. Above left: Kate Banville and organiser Annis Kehoe. Above centre: Little Frankie Kehoe had her grandmother to make sure she didn’t eat too many cakes by Siobhan Kehoe. Above right: Enjoying the tea and cakes were May and Helen O’Connor. Above left: Dorothy O’Connor, Siobhan Kehoe, Anne Marie Forde and husband John. right: Cathrione Eviston, Kathryn Bermingham and Michelle Staff. Big buyers Barry and Casey O’Connor. Lily Reck had a choice of cakes. left: Aaron and Coman Doyle. centre: Michelle Staff and Annis Kehoe. Doyle.

Rosslare Swimmers in Chri Day dip for St Mary’s Care



The rapidly throbbing drums and trumpets of the music of Hawaii Five-O, the television series evocative of huge rolling ocean waves, blared out over the loudspeaker from the Lifeguards’ Hut as more than 200 swimmers went for a Christmas swim in the sea at Rosslare beach on Christmas Day. The skies were blue, the sun shone, and the sea-tide was far out from the beach. This was in contrast to a gloomy, grey, overcast morning four hours earlier when a high tide battered the beach and the dunes, throwing up stones from the sea bed as big as your fist before reverting to normal.

Six hundred or more people, many in red Santa hats, joined in the big festive atmosphere on the beach to raise funds for St Mary’s Day Care Centre in Tagoat. St Mary’s provides day-care facilities and meals on wheels for elderly and infirm people, partially sighted, including those living alone, isolated or of limited mobility. Doctors, chiropodists and hairdressers attend there.

“St Mary’s people come all the way from the Island up to Rosslare and beyond,” said volunteer Lorna Morris who, together with Bridget Browne, doled out mulled wine and soup while the Christmas Day swimmers shed their clothes,

stripping naked behind dry robes, donned togs and put money into the St Mary’s Day collection boxes before racing down the beach for the swim.

Watching them all were teams of life-savers from the Order of Malta Ambulance Corps and from the Irish Coast Guard of Carne and Rosslare.

Lorna Morris said the numbers were up much bigger than the last Christmas Swim held in Rosslare in 2019, but it’ll be some time before it is known how much money was raised.

The mellifluous voice of Ray Flynn for the volunteers of St Mary’s made announcements over the loudspeaker from upstairs beside a

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Festive Family: Ronan and Marie Dunne with children Ella and Charlie. Irish Coast Guard: Jonathan Parle, Alan Duggan, Trevor McClosky, Jack Duggan, Andy O’Connor and Jana Hudecova of Slovakia.

istmas Centre

larger-than-life Santa Claus in the Life Guards’ hut. Another mellifluous voice called swimmers to order, counting down the seconds to start.

Among the crowd were Valerie Boggan, chairperson of Rosslare Community Development Association, Maria Gore, manager of the Rosslare Community and Sports Centre and Cllr. Lisa McDonald, chairperson of Rosslare Municipal District, who had earlier brought news of a huge Christmas present of €130,000 for building and repairing community buildings in Rosslare.

Patrick Skillen, known as “the High King of Ireland”, because of his royal ancestry, was there. Patrick, a Dublin native, who spent most of his life producing the big daily and Sunday newspapers in London, was one of the first to propose the Christmas Swim when he came to retire in Rosslare about 15 years ago. n

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Above: Large crowd at the Lifeguards’ Hut. Below left: Rosslare revellers: Brigid Freeman, Angela Mulcahy, Clara Boggan, Paul Boggan, Maria Gore, manager of Rosslare Community and Sport Centre and Valerie Boggan, chairperson of Rosslare Community Development Association. Below right: Swimming Councillor Lisa McDonald, Cathaoirleach of Rosslare Municipal District, in dry-robe with Nicola Byrne, Dublin and Tom Byrne, Rosslare. Order of Malta Ambulance team: Volunteer Julius McMahon, Volunteer Laurynas Matuzas, Rosemary Hartigan, a former leader of the Order of Malta Ambulance team with dog Dolly, Adj. Dylon O’Connor,and Volunteer Adam Kavanagh. Above: Patrick Skillen, one of the founders of the Christmas swim, with partner Marie. Below: Mary Lambert, a native of Enniscorthy, living in Ballysampson, beside birthplace of Commodore John Barry, Father of the American Navy, holding up her dog Poppy, a teacup Yorkshire Terrier, to see the swimmers.

St Michael’s Theatre, New Ross

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Wexford CBS Christmas Fair

Coláiste Éamonn Rís –Wexford CBS Secondary School Christmas Fair held in the school on 9th December 2022.

Top left: Emily McBride and Racene Carty.

Top centre: Getting into the Christmas spirit were Derek Hatchill and Ann Barry.

Top right: Pauraic Whitty and Shannon Roche.

Above left: Twins Ciaran and Darragh Byrne with a load of Brownies at their stall.

Above right: A hot cup of soup – Kieran Roche with customer Ann O’Reilly.

Left: Alexander Miller with his Wasteknot Chopping Board stall.

Right: Rafal and Ekielina Dynot at the Fair.

Below left: Buying sweets was Erin Whelan from stall owner Dylan Brady.

Below right: Cakes and tea at your service – Declan McBrise, Jack Creane, Philip Wiercinshi, Kyle Lawlor and Alex Lichey.

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Our Lady’s Island

Christmas Fair in the Community Centre and Switching On of the Christmas Lights, 4th December 2022

Left: Ann Marie Carthy, Cllr Ger Carthy, Sean Carthy.

Right: Santa and Mrs Claus visited the Fair where they met Peg Ellard and stall holder Rose Nolan.

Below left: Santa, Mrs Claus and Peg Ellard switch on the festive lights.

Below centre: Some young people waiting for the switch-on of the lights.

Below right: Some of the crowd at the switch-on of the lights.

Above left: At the Island coffee shop – Jean Carroll, Peg Ellard, Josephine Flood and Mrs Claus.

Above right: Picking their Christmas presents were Cora O Donovan,Lily Gaul and Sarah Coughlan.

Left: Pat and Kathleen Glambelle and Des White.

Right: Somer and her mam Clare Corish.

Far left: Clodagh Maloney was happy with her visit to the Fair.

Left: Time for a rest – Nicola Reid, Audrey Pettitt and Austin Reid.

Right: Bernie Furlong making a purchase from the Orla and Pauline Davey stand at the Fair.

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Jemma Brennan with Joz and Jamie Dempsey.

Top: Pictured at the switch-on of the festive lights were local children with Cllr Ger Carthy, Santa, Mrs Claus and Peg Ellard.

Above left: Santa and Mrs Claus met some wonderful locals – Ciara Meyler, Caoimhe Corish and Aoibhe Begley.

Above right: Mrs Claus and Peg Ellard listen as Cllr Ger Carthy thanks everyone for taking part in the Christmas festivities.

Left: At the Remembrance Tree Stand were Teresa Rea and Marie Mullins with Verona Murphy TD.

Below left: Family shopping at the Fair – Rose Nolan, stallholder, serving Yvonne, Elaine, Bethany and Betty Meyler.

Below centre: Cllr Ger Carthy with a treasured friend of the family in Peg Ellard.

Below right: Stallholder Catherine Caffrey had two helpers at the Fair with Rosie and Joseph O’Leary.

Left: Jacinta Byrne, organiser, and Helen and Peg Ellard.

Right: Mrs Claus, Verona Murphy TD, Cllr Ger Carthy and Santa.

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Aoife Pettitt enjoying the Fair.
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6th to May 1st.

In what has been described as a staple of the arts and culture calendar in the south east, this show is open to any artist to take part. It doesn't matter what your technique is, or how professional or beginner you are, you are invited to showcase your work in the Enniscorthy gallery space. According to the Centre: “Animations, burnished prints, ceramics? Yes please. Drawings,

encaustic wax, fashion? Absolutely. Glasswork, hatchwork, installations? We love it. Whatever your style is, we'll celebrate it.”

Artwork Drop Off Days: February 20th & February 21st, 10am - 7pm.

Official Opening & Awards Ceremony: Saturday March 11th 6pm - 8pm.

Artwork Collection Days May 8th to May 12th, 10am - 7pm: Submission forms are now available to download on or to collect in-person at the box office. n

Living Arts in Wexford’s schools

The Arts Department of Wexford County Council and Wexford Arts Centre are continuing their Living Arts Project in 2023 working with Wexford artists and primary schools throughout the county.

The aim of the Living Arts Project is to provide children with an understanding and appreciation of contemporary visual art. Selected primary schools have the opportunity to host an artist in residence during the school year.

Early in 2022, an open call took place for interested artists and schools to submit expressions of interest to participate in the project. The artists and schools selected are: Deirdre MeehanButtimer and Fernanda Ferrari with Castledockrell NS (Enniscorthy), Kate Murphy and Brid Colloton with St. Edan’s NS (Ferns, Enniscorthy), Jeni Roddy and Lynn Haughton with Scoil Mhuire (Rosslare), and Sonya Weston and Deirdre Travers with St. Patrick’s NS (Crossabeg).

A mentorship programme runs alongside each residency and each artist nominates an independent artist or curator they feel is relevant to their professional practice. This mentorship helps to ensure the effectiveness of the project on an ongoing basis, while also providing a positive critique for the resident artist. In addition, the programme helps to refine methods of

engaging with the students throughout each residency.

All residencies began last Autumn and will culminate in an exhibition at Wexford Arts Centre in late Spring 2023.

Pupils participating in the project have the benefit of detailed guidance from the artist over the period of the residency and the opportunity to see their work in an end-of-residency exhibition. n

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a hugely successful 6th Annual Open Call in 2022 where The Presentation Arts Centre gallery hosted 139 artists from all backgrounds and levels of expertise, the 7th Annual Open Call Exhibition is returning in 2023 running from March


Enniscorthy Library news...

On the third Thursday of every month the Adult Book Club meets in Enniscorthy Library at 7pm.

New Members are always welcome, if you are interested in going along please contact Enniscorthy library on 053 9236055. n

On the second Thursday of every month the Slaney Writers Group meets in Enniscorthy Library at 6:30pm.

New members are always welcome, if you are interested in going along please contact Enniscorthy library on 053 9236055. n

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Arts Centre: 053-9123764. The Presentation Arts Centre,
Courthouse Arts
Centre, Tinahely: (0402)

Enniscorthy Book Club

Wexford Co. Council’s art collection


Arts Centre, Enniscorthy

Stories and Music by Female Composers with

Since his retirement as Chief Executive of Johnstown Castle in 2012, Noel Culleton has successfully published three books on classical music. The first, They Made Great Music, was published in 2018. The second book, Classical Connections, was published in 2019. The third book, Classical Women, was published in July last year.

Dr Culleton’s upcoming recital in Wexford library will concentrate on the third book, Classical Women. For centuries, women’s role in society was extremely curtailed. Career pathways for women were rare.

Society stifled female ambition, and being a woman composer was seen as a questionable or even immoral profession. Thankfully, some exceptionally brave women defied society norms and wrote great music. This recital will tell the stories of some of these women and attendees will listen to short snippets of their music.

Thursday 26th January at 7pm at Wexford Library. Booking is essential, click: 3987129 or call 053 9196760 or email at n

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Dr Noel Culleton
Check out the club’s Facebook page for full information and details on when the club meets up.
Check out Wexford County Council’s impressive art collection on:
Check out for all upcoming events n

Tried-Tested-Tasted by Caitriona

Caitriona Barron from Drinagh, Wexford, grew up on her dad’s farm with plentiful homegrown veg and their own meat so “we really knew the value of good food. My mother started a seafood business after meeting my stepfather fisherman, my brother now runs the seafood business so I’m well used to fresh food.”

“I worked with the family business before leaving to be a stay-at-home mother but soon got bored (lol!) and started taking pics of my food, sharing my recipes on social media. When people started showing interest, I realised this could be a job so I bought myself a camera and threw myself in the deep of it. I love it and I get to work with amazing companies. Seeing my pictures in magazines, in shops, and occasionally on TV is pretty amazing.

“I’m a mother of two boys and, yes, juggling it all can be very tough. But I keep it going as it’s my passion now and it’s very rewarding.” and Caitriona_barron on insta n



3 large eggs

¼ cup milk

1 tablespoon olive oil

Half white onion finely chopped 1/2 cup diced/cubed ham

1 tablespoon butter

¼ cup grated Wexford cheese


Crack three eggs directly into small bowl. Pour in milk, then whisk egg mixture until fully combined. Mixture should be pale in color and no longer streaky.

1. Heat medium, non-stick pan over medium heat. When skillet is warm, add oil and swirl pan to coat.

2. Continue heating skillet until oil is hot and shimmering, then add diced ham, chopped onion. Stir to incorporate ingredients, then cook 5 minutes or until veggies are tender. Transfer mixture to medium bowl and set aside.

3. Add 1 tablespoon butter to same pan and heat over medium heat until butter is melted. When butter is melted, slowly pour egg mixture into the pan and carefully tilt pan to spread egg mixture out to edges of pan. Cook until eggs are almost fully-set, approximately 2 to 3 minutes.

4. Sprinkle grated cheese down centre of omelette. Continue cooking until cheese has melted, approximately 1 minute.

5. Remove pan from heat. Spread diced ham mixture out in one even layer down centre of omelette.

6. Carefully fold top edge of omelette down and over ham filling to centre of omelette. Fold bottom edge of omelette up and over filling to meet top edge of omelette. Once folded, carefully slide omelette out of pan onto plate and serve warm with desired sides or toppings. n

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Caitriona Barron Pic: Caitriona Barron.
Slaney food & drink 6th January 2023 - Page 79 Providing you with a huge choice of sessions throughout the week: Tuesdays @ 6.30pm The Salt n Pepper Pot, Community Workshop Call Tony on 087 1785384 Wednesdays @ 8.00am, 9.30am, 11.00am, 5.30pm and 7.00pm Enniscorthy Rugby Club Call Trish on 087 3607615 Saturdays @ 9.00am and 10.30am The Salt n Pepper Pot, Community Workshop Call Tony on 087 1785384 Your local Slimming World Consultants in Enniscorthy

Michael Dempsey is new Enniscorthy Chamber President

Michael Dempsey, The Haven, Rosslare, and formerly of John Street, Enniscorthy, is the new President of Enniscorthy & District Chamber of Commerce. He was elected at the annual general meeting held in December and replaces Colm Neville of the Riverside Park Hotel as leader of the town and district’s business community.

The election of Mr. Dempsey to the Presidency is a major coup for the Chamber in that he is one of Ireland’s leading businessmen having served as Managing Director of Bristol Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals as well as Senior European Markets Director for the company also. In 2010, Mr. Dempsey was appointed by the Government to Chair the Board of FAS, the then State Training Agency which was mired in controversy at the time. With more than 1,000 employees on its books, the appointment was viewed by many as a ‘Poison Chalice’ but with Dempsey’s nononsense approach, the agency was turned round in record time and is today known as Solas, the State’s Further Education and Training Board.

The new Chamber President also served two terms as President of the Irish Pharmaceutical Society and was nominated by the Government to serve on a Health Service Reform Review Group in addition to serving as a member of the State’s Fisheries Board.

Mr. Dempsey was nominated by Eric Barron, Chamber Director, and seconded by Michael Bennett, also a Chamber Director, and was unanimously elected. The new Vice-President is Niall Byrne, Castlebridge, Wexford, the managing partner of well-known architectural firm NMB Architects. The company has offices in Temple House, Temple-

shannon, Enniscorthy, and is engaged in major architectural projects in Ireland, Europe and as far afield as Australia. He, too, was nominated by Eric Barron and seconded by Michael Bennett before being elected unanimously by the large attendance.

The new Treasurer is Mr. MJ Furlong from Adamstown. Mr. Furlong, the newly appointed Manager of AIB Bank, Enniscorthy, continues the long tradition of AIB Bank’s involvement with the Chamber with two previous Enniscorthy based managers, Maree Lyng and Emma Fox having served on the Board, Maree as President and Emma as Treasurer.

Maria Nolan, Bellefield, Enniscorthy, was returned unopposed as Chamber Secretary having served in that position for the past two years. Maria is a wellknown community activist and is the driving force behind the Wexford Literary Festival which has gained international recognition in recent years. Also returned unopposed were the two outgoing Directors, Michael Bennett and Eric Barron, while Eugene Doyle, Ac-

Energy supports and resources

There are a number of government supports and resources available to help businesses mitigate the impact of energy price rises and become more energy efficient, whether you are beginning your journey to sustainability or at an advanced stage.

countant, was returned as Company Secretary and Sheil Kinnear, Accountants, as Company Auditors.

Outgoing President Colm Neville reviewed a very successful year for the Chamber while admitting the aftermath of the Covid pandemic presented some challenges, not just for the Chamber, but for the business community in general. Rising inflation, increased fuel costs, the war in Ukraine and uncertainty in the market place resulted in a plethora of problems for the business sector, he said, and members of the Chamber have not been immune from events and happenings on the larger stage, Mr. Neville told the meeting.

Nevertheless, added the outgoing President, Enniscorthy and District Chamber can be proud of the role it played in promoting commercial activity in the town and district over the past year.

“The Chamber has been to the forefront in supporting some very exciting developments, not least the new Technology Park at Salville where the Enniscorthy Forum is soon to be located. The Forum, a wholly owned company within the Chamber, is the new administrative body for potentially over 200 United Nations ‘Centres of Excellence’ around the world, thus placing Enniscorthy and the new Tech Park at the centre of the UN’s Economic Commission for Europe”, Mr. Neville told the meeting.

Continuing, Mr. Neville added: “The Enniscorthy Forum opens up any number of opportunities for the town and district including job creation and company re-locations going forward and with ongoing talks with UN representatives continuing, there is a strong possibility other areas of energy conservation may also be re-located to Enniscorthy under the UN’s Charter.” n

Student Enterprise

The Student Enterprise Programme for its 21st year has added three new awards. See link below for details:

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Michael Dempsey, new President of Enniscorthy & District Chamber

Start your own business!

Thinking of starting your own business in 2023? Sign up now for the online Local Enterprise Office Start Your Own Business Programme, commencing 17th January 2023.

Delivered over eight evenings, this programme will provide the practical skills and know-how to help bring your business idea to life and set you up for success.

This course will be held two evenings per week over a four-week period, 6.30pm to 9.30pm, on the following dates:

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Thursday, 19 January 2023 Tuesday, 24 January 2023 Thursday, 26 January 2023 Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Thursday, 2 February 2023

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Thursday, 9 February 2023

The course tutor is Cosmo Mellon of TalentPool.

For full details on the Start Your Own Business Programme and booking: n

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A sparkling success story

Áine Breen’s introduction to meaningful symbols and language began in 2011 when she moved from Ireland to China with her husband and discovered her creative side. Eager to learn more about Chinese culture, Áine took a course in Chinese calligraphy.

One of the first characters she discovered was for love, which she learnt meant ‘life to the heart and grace to the body’. “I was immediately struck by how subtle yet significant this moving heart and body character was. I wanted a necklace with these characters.” In a moment, Liwu Jewellery was born. Liwu is the mandarin word for gift.

In 2014, Áine moved back home to Ballymoney, near Gorey, and started exporting direct to consumers almost immediately after launching her website in 2014. This was initially to the US and has now expanded into Australia, European countries and the UK. She acknowledges support from Wexford LEO including funding to attend trade shows to conduct market research. Within a short period of time, based on the success of online sales, international wholesale stockists now offer Liwu Jewellery.

Products are designed with overseas customers in mind. Liwu Jewellery consists of a Celtic jewellery range which appeals to the Irish American community. It also offers a symbolism range, which appeals to the Chinese community and other cultures and a wellbeing range, which appeals to those who want to celebrate and mark a special moment or life milestone.

Liwu’s culture is young, innovative and fast moving. A quick response to change is essential in the jewellery marketplace. It is a fashion business. Áine is constantly creating and launching compelling new products that serve a clear customer need, utilising technology to get closer to her customers.

In this regard social media has dramatically levelled the playing field, allowing Liwu Jewellery to disrupt the marketplace with their fluency in speaking direct to its customers on social channels.

Direct marketing and using a PR agency in the US is equally important, “To maintain our profile and customer relationships, we deliver strong email campaigns and automated flows are in place for robust communications. We pride ourselves on a friendly customer service. For wholesale customers, we connect and engage through traditional trade shows.”

“Today, consumers look to brands to fulfil a desire for connection, purpose and deeper meaning. Being direct-to-consumer gives us opportunities in cross-selling and up-selling. We know our customers and what appeals to them to drive loyalty and repeat business.

We focus on marketing to our ideal customers to whom our jewellery appeals to, mainly independent-minded women who want to express who they are in the world and articulate their hopes and appreciation for dear ones in a thoughtful manner. These women are in North America, Germany and Australia. We do have customers in the Middle East and Asia but they tend to be expats with links to Ireland. In North America, they are mainly but not always Irish diasporas.”

Áine’s export vision is “to expand our presence in North America through retail stores and direct sales through our website. The Irish market is very small, without success in exporting we cannot

continue to evolve the business and employ more staff.”

Exporting success has brought about change with the necessity to outsource production within Ireland to meet demand and scale.

As with success, there are also challenges and the biggest obstacle that impacts margins is international shipping costs. The impact of Brexit is another challenge: “UK customs charges are having a huge impact. Customers must pay customs now if they order online. We would have to register for VAT in the UK if we paid these charges. As a small business, exporting to the UK is very difficult. It is easier to send parcels to Australia and the US! As is finding the right calibre of staff within our budget.”

The future is very positive for Liwu Jewellery. Áine is not content to stand still. She has ambitious plans “to continue to grow and expand in particular into the US market. I plan to segment the business into two separate divisions – a direct selling collection and a competitively priced wholesale range.”

When asked what advice Áine would give to a company planning or starting their export journey, she advises: “Start exporting early on, it allows you to understand the potential of your business quicker and to believe in yourself.”

Liwu Jewellery has a consistent growth record. It is the perfect illustration of the success of a culture of innovation, customer service and rapid response to change. n

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Feasibility Study Grants

Feasibility Study Grants are designed to assist the promoter with researching market demand for a product or service and examining its sustainability. It includes assistance with innovation including specific consultancy requirements, hiring of expertise from third level colleges, private specialists, design and prototype development.

The maximum Feasibility Study Grant payable shall be 50% of the investment or €15,000 whichever is the lesser.

Expenditure may be considered under the following headings: Market Research - Consultancy Costs - Technical Development/Prototype/ Innovation - Salary/Own Labour Research - Miscellaneous Costs

Please contact Wexford LEO for an application form for the Feasibility Study Grant. Phone: 053 919 6020. Email: n

Business supports

The Business Expansion Grant is designed to assist a business in its growth phase after the initial 18 month start-up period. Sole traders, partnerships or limited companies that fulfill the following criteria can apply:

- Located and operating within the LEO geographic area.

- A business, which, on growth, will have the capacity to progress to the Enterprise Ireland portfolio

- A business employing up to 10 employees

- A manufacturing or internationally traded service business

- A domestically traded service business with the potential to trade internationally.

For more information and how to apply click here:

The Agile Innovation Fund is now available for small businesses: Introduced by Enterprise Ireland, the Agile fund will help clients of LEO Wexford respond more quickly to market opportunities and challenges like Brexit. Offering fast-track approval and a streamlined online application process, the new Agile Innovation Fund will allow companies to access up to 45% or 50% in support for product, process or service development projects with a total cost of up to €300,000.

For more information click: n

Green for Micro

Sign up for The Local Enterprise Office Green For Micro programme – helping your business prepare for the low carbon, more resource efficient economy of the future.

Book Now:

This FREE initiative is available to companies with up to ten employees, and provides the mentorship and technical support your business needs to go green, covering such as resource efficiency, understanding your carbon footprint, reducing costs and implementing an environmental management system. n

Slaney buSineSS & finance 6th January 2023 - Page 83

C&R Print sponsorship for dog charity is potentially worth over €100,000

The Dogs for the Disabled charity is set to benefit by over €100,000 thanks to the generous sponsorship of their calendar by Enniscorthy’s C&R Print. C&R annually sponsor the production of calendars for Dogs for the Disabled. This year they have produced 12,000 of the cutest doggie calendars, graciously sponsoring the entire cost of the project. “What an amazing company they are!”, said a spokesperson for the charity. “Thanks to their continued support, 100% of the funds raised from the sale of each 2023 calendar goes towards funding our services and our precious, life-changing dogs/puppies.”

This calendar will bring joy to any dog lover. The cost is €10 (plus €2 p&p).

Order online at: Tel: 021 431 6627. n

Funding for Wexford animal welfare charities

Wexford TD and Minister of State for Law Reform James Browne has confirmed that five County Wexford animal welfare charities will receive over €200,000 in funding in a record round of national funding for the sector.

Wexford SPCA will benefit from a grant worth €92,375 while North Wexford SPCA will receive €46,500. Seal Rescue Ireland based in Courtown Harbour will receive €33,906 in funding. New Ross SPCA will receive €24,400 while Chipper’s Sanctuary in Gorey will receive €6,175.

Nationally, the Department of Agriculture has allocated €5.8 million to 99 animal welfare charities nationwide –an increase of more than €2 million on last year.

The funding announcement was made on the second Annual Animal Welfare Awareness Day.

Commenting on the record funding, Minister Browne said: “Animal welfare is important to all of us and is a priority for me and my government colleagues... This money will go to support organisations across the country working to protect and take care of animals. The additional funding provided this year will make a real difference by im-

proving the welfare of animals in Ireland. “Those who work for Co. Wexford’s animal welfare charities are frontline workers and treat it as a vocation. We know the importance of their work and we are extremely grateful for the tremendous work they do in keeping pets and animals safe,” Minister Browne concluded. n

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Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy.

T: (053) 9233187, 9236674.

F: (053) 9236674. E:


It’s the dawn of a new day, a new year and a new beginning. Each day we take roughly about 25,000 breaths. The Chinese have a saying that we only have a certain number of breaths given to us for our lifetime and if we breathe shallowly we will use up those allotted breaths much quicker. In many of the ancient traditions they put huge focus on breath work, from Buddhism, to Ayurveda to Chinese medicine. These traditions extend back up to 5,000 years and so have the experience and wisdom ingrained in them.

It turns out from a scientific perspective that the different types of breathing work on the physiology of the body in a very positive way. The autonomic nervous system is what governs all the unconscious work of the body i.e. the digestion, peristalsis, secretion of enzymes, respiratory.... remembering to take a breath etc. It is made up of two parts – the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems. The 1st is 'flight or fight’, the 2nd 'rest and digest'.

The reason I mention these is that it is critical to our health but also to the animals... Many dogs and cats suffer from anxiety, get stressed by being left alone or can often pick up on the stress in the household from other animals or sometimes fractious situations going on in the home... This can play out in poor behaviour,

Moyne Veterinary Hospital

aggression or in more subtle ways such as poor digestion, weight gain or loss, even skin conditions. This is partly due to the suppression of the parasympathetic nervous system – 'the rest and digest' bit, because of the overload of 'flight or fight’ hormone – Adrenaline.

Whereas humans can address this in various ways from lifestyle changes to breathing techniques, it’s a little more different for animals but there are ways to address and combat this and many of the most effective remedies to help combat these, to my mind, are natural remedies. They are safe, usually gentle on their system and generally very well accepted by the animals.

Working with the underlying reasons of any malady helps get a longer-lasting result and this is what we aim to achieve in Integrative medicine.... Using the best of both worlds to gain the best results long term.

Like people, this might entail lifestyle changes such as more exercise, better diet and addressing the stressors in the animal’s life. The body always wants to return to homeostasis... balance, and through looking at the bigger picture hopefully we can allow this to happen. This is part of what we do at the Moyne Veterinary Hospital.

I hope 2023 is a great year ahead for all our readers and clients. May it be magical. n

Slaney petS 6th January 2023 - Page 85 OPENING HOURS (6 DAYS A WEEK): 9.00am–1.00pm and 2.00pm–6.00pm Small animal clinic (please tel. for appointment): Daily 9.30–10.30am, 2.30–3.30pm, 5.00–6.00pm. 24-hour, on-call, Emergency Service: (053) 9233187. OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Full blood analysis (haematology, biochemistry) Gas anaesthetic – Digital X-rays – Ultrasound – Bioenergy Dermatological testing – Kinesiology – Prescription diets Herbal remedies – Homeopathy – Allergy testing If you have a topic you’d like Joe Kavanagh to address please email Slaney News at:
with Joe Kavanagh of the


Citroen is back in the large family car segment with the new C5 X. It's a new flagship for the Citroen brand and blends the practicality of an estate car with the rugged style of a crossover.

It goes on sale in Ireland priced from €42,370 and is available with the choice of petrol or plug-in hybrid engines. Already an award winner, the C5 X won Irish Large Crossover/SUV of the Year for 2023 at the Irish Car of the Year awards.

The C5 X is now Citroen’s largest car at 4.8 metres in length. That makes the C5 X resemble more of an estate car than an SUV. But Citroen has raised the C5 X a little more off the ground and added

some cladding around the wheel arches and sills to give a more crossover-inspired look. The result is very good indeed.

There are a lovely set of 19-inch diamond cut alloy wheels as standard, as well as LED headlights with high beam assist. The colour palette is quite muted with just six paint colours available and the option of a contrasting black roof.

There are three trim levels including Feel Pack, Flair and Flair Pack, with the mid range Flair model offering a good compromise between price and equipment (from €44,330).

But it's the finish of the interior and the space inside that makes the C5 X so

special and a good alternative to the many family SUVs on the market right now including top sellers like the Kia Sportage, Nissan Qashqai and Hyundai Tucson.

The C5 X impresses with a very plush and sophisticated cabin. Citroen has clearly upped the quality for their new flagship model and the C5 X is all the better for it. There's lots of soft dashboard and door panelling for a more luxurious feel, while Citroen's 'Advanced Comfort' seats with leather-effect upholstery come as standard.

There’s lots of modern technology onboard like a reversing camera, forward

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Bunclody native Caroline Kidd brings us reviews of the latest new cars to arrive in Ireland. Caroline is the founder and editor of the online automotive magazine Changing Lanes and a jury member for Irish Car of the Year. Find out more about her editorial and commercial copywriting services at

collision warning and lane keep assist. Lumbar support for the driver also comes as standard making the C5 X ideal for long journeys. There’s a full digital instrument panel for the driver and a 10-inch touchscreen as standard with wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

The C5 X feels big and roomy inside. There’s lots of legroom in the rear and the back seat is wide enough to sit three from time to time. When it comes to boot space, the petrol models offer the most boot space at 545 litres, which is only about 50 litres less than a Skoda Superb Combi. Boot volume goes down to about 485 litres in the C5 X plug-in hybrid. Handy features include a low flat loading sill and switches in the boot to let down the rear seats, which split fold 60:40. Flair Pack models add a powered tailgate.

The new Citroen C5 X goes on sale in Ireland with the choice of petrol engines or a plug-in hybrid, and all come with an 8speed automatic gearbox. The most affordable entry into the range is the

1.2-litre turbo petrol engine with 130hp, but for more power there is the option of a 1.6-litre turbo petrol with 180hp. The most powerful of the range is the plug-in hybrid with 225hp and it can be driven electric for a range of up to about 55 kilometres.

On the road the Citroen C5 X really delivers as one of the most comfortable family cars you can buy. It offers a big car feel from behind the wheel with all versions coming with acoustic glazing in the windscreen, which makes it more serene in the cabin at high speeds on the motorway. Citroen's ‘Advanced Comfort’ suspension with progressive hydraulic cushions also comes as standard, which

does a great job of offering a smooth drive regardless of road quality. The Citroen C5 X 1.2 petrol tested offers adequate performance and reasonable fuel efficiency, averaging about 6.4 litres per 100 kilometres during my time with the car.

The new Citroen C5 X is already an award winner. It ticks many boxes while offering good value for a large family car in today's market.

The stylish design, quality of the cabin and relaxed driving character make the new C5 X feel like a return to form for the Citroen brand.

Model tested:

Citroen C5 X 1.2 Flair Price: €44,330 Engine: 1.2-litre turbo petrol Power: 130hp Torque: 230 Nm Top speed: 209 km/h Acceleration (0-100 km/h): 10.4 seconds Motor Tax: €210 per year n

Slaney motoring 6th January 2023 - Page 87 AUTO REPAIR NCT Preparation – Repairs – Timing Belts Clutches – General Servicing – Etc No job too big or too small NCRS, Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy (opposite Cooney Furlong / Gala) Tel: 086-8299431 – 053 9233033 – Email: ENNISCORTHY

Motorists’ biggest frustrations

Mobility solutions and payment specialist, Easytrip, Ireland’s leading electronic parking and tolling tag provider, is urging motorists to be considerate of other road users in 2023.

Easytrip has unearthed what annoys motorists about other drivers, including their partner, in a recent survey of 6,000 respondents.


Many motorists can have strong opinions about other road users’ behaviour from time to time and what frustrates them the most while out driving. These frustrations were revealed in the recent Easytrip survey, with Ireland’s top five being:

Using mobile phone while driving (21%)

Not using indicators (17%)

Driving too close to other cars (12%)

Not using a roundabout correctly (10%)

Not adhering to the speed limit (6%)

Other annoyances for drivers include motorists who sit in the yellow box, change lanes too frequently, break red lights or fail to obey requirements at a junction.

‘Pet peeves’ about partners driving...

While other motorists driving behaviour can cause frustration, those that are close family members can annoy them even further and respondents to the survey didn’t hold back. The top five peeves were uncovered as:

Not cleaning the car (20%)

Thinking they are the better driver (19%)

Drives too slowly (12%)

Shouts at other drivers (6%)

Does not follow directions (4%)

Also uncovered on the list were partners who play music too loud, use mobile phone while driving and those that don’t follow the rules of the road.

Concern for other road users...

Sharing the road means being consider-

ate of all road users and not just motorists. When respondents were asked who concerns them the most on the road in terms of their behaviour cyclists topped the list, followed by e-scooters and other motorists.

Colin Delaney CEO of Easytrip said: “We conducted our research to unearth what frustrates drivers the most so that all motorists can consider their behaviour and how it could be improved for everyone’s benefit. Not only is it important from a safety perspective but from a wellbeing one too as it helps reduce stress levels for all road users.”

Easytrip services include breakdown assistance, puncture repair, parking and car washing. The Easytrip tag also facilitates ease of toll payments for drivers with users saving €1 on the M50 toll fees.

For more details visit, download the Easytrip App or call 1890 67 67 68. n

Vehicle data expert CARTELL.IE and car sales platform CARSIRELAND.IE reported in December on the state of values in the Used Car Market in 2022.

The company has released data which shows that the average vehicle owned for the last 12 months is now valued at 8 per cent more than its market value for the equivalent period in 2021. Instead of

depreciating, most owners’ vehicles have increased (appreciated) in price!

Taking a sample size of 5,000 vehicles, Cartell looked at the retail price of each vehicle, assuming average mileage, in November 2020, and used this as a control to test the value of each of the same vehicles in 2021 and in 2022 by running all three years through the Cartell Price

Guide (CPG) a vehicle valuation service available to users of its service.

The results show that, on average, the year-over-year increase stands at 7.78 per cent. Cartell used actual vehicles which, although they were one year older, or, two years older, actually appreciated over their equivalent 2020 value. n

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Average car
worth 8% more than last year!

2022 new car registrations marginally ahead, 81% uplift in electric vehicles

✔ 105,253 new cars registered in 2022 compared to 104,932 for the same period in 2021 (+0.3%) and 117,109 in 2019 (-10.1%).

✔ 15,678 new electric cars registered in 2022 comparison to 8,646 in the same period 2021 (+81.3%) and 3,444 in 2019 (+355.2%).

The Society of the Irish Motor Industry (SIMI) has released their official new vehicle registrations statistics for 2022. Total new car registrations for 2022 finished at 105,253 – up 0.3% on 2021 and down 10.1% on 2019 (117,109).

New Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) registrations in 2022 saw a decrease of 17.7% (23,653) compared to 2021 (28,742) and -6.6% on 2019 (25,336).

While New Heavy Commercial Vehicle registrations (HGV) saw a decrease of 8.1% (2,494) in comparison to 2021 (2,715) and -6.2% on 2019 (2,659).

Imported Used Cars saw 46,490 registrations in 2022, a decrease of 26.9% on 2021 (63,617) and a decrease of 59.2% on 2019 (113,926).

A total of 15,678 new electric cars were registered in 2022, an increase on the 8,646 registrations seen in 2021 and 3,444 in 2019.

The stats reflect a changing marketplace

in 2022. Petrol accounted for 30.16%, Diesel 26.77%, Hybrid 19.29%, Electric 14.90%, and Plug-In Hybrid 6.76%. Petrol remains the most popular engine type for 2022, despite a decline in its market share last year (32.16%) while hybrid, electric and plug-in hybrid continued to gain market share in 2022 and now account for 41% of the market.

Automatic transmissions have taken over in popularity, now accounting for (56.99%) of market share, while manual transmissions have declined (42.95%).

The hatchback continues to remain Ireland’s top selling car body type of 2022. While grey is the top selling colour and has continued to keep that title now for the past seven years.

Brian Cooke, SIMI Director General commented: “Total new car registrations for 2022 were marginally ahead of 2021 but remain 10% behind that of 2019 (preCovid levels). Despite the re-opening of the economy and strong economic

A total of 15,678 new electric cars were registered in 2022.

growth, 2022 was another challenging year for the Irish Motor Industry, with new car sales as well as commercial vehicles being impacted by supply constraints. On a more positive note, the electric car segment continues to grow strongly with 15,678 new electric cars registered in 2022, an increase of 81% on 2021. Looking forward to the new 231 registration period, retailers are reporting strong new car orders, which will also attract vital trade-ins for the used car market. Like the last two years, we again are expecting further growth in electric vehicles sales this year, however the extent of this growth will be determined not only by supply but also Government support in the EV project, both in terms of extending the current EV grant support and supporting investment in the national charging infrastructure. The combination of Government support and Industry investment is essential if we want to create an active used EV market in as short a timeframe as possible. We have a huge challenge in reaching emission reduction targets over the next decade and this can only be achieved with the right economic and taxation environment that support the sale of new low and zero emissions vehicles.” n

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Brian Cooke, SIMI Director General.

The changing of the guard

Pictures show outgoing Presidents Joe and Kay O’Regan and incoming Vice-President Donie Colfer and President Andy Kehoe. ministering and promoting the club.

At this year’s AGM of Slaney Olympic AC, the President and Vice-President, Joe and Kay O’Regan, stood down. These two long-devoted members of the club, since their return home from overseas in 1997, have shown the way to all athletes with their running feats, and their willingness to work for the development of the club and the people within it.

Slaney Olympic Athletic Club Enniscorthy 10K

The Slaney Olympic Athletic Club Enniscorthy 10K, kindly sponsored by Campion Insurance, takes place on Sunday 12th February 2023, at 12 noon, starting on the Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy. This is the 17th running of the Enniscorthy 10K.

Online registration is now open at

The course for the Campion Insurance Enniscorthy 10k consists of two laps, with just a 94 metre rise over the 10k, beginning at the Old Dublin Rd, heading out to Scarawalsh and back in the New Dublin Road.

Race number and t-shirt pick up is at Lifestyle Fitness, Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy (Eircode Y21 FY68). There are no

In their 86th year, they are still active club members, but now their long runs have become long walks through the streets of Enniscorthy. But you won’t find two fitter 86-year-olds anywhere in the world, and another marathon comeback couldn’t be ruled out!

The committee extends its appreciation for their service as Presidents of the club and their work over many years in ad-

The incoming President is Andy Kehoe, a true stalwart of the club, who worked as a coach and organiser from the 1980s, before the club was called Slaney Olympic. And the new Vice-President is Donie Colfer, another stalwart of the club from the 1980s. The club is fortunate to have two such devoted members of the club to take over now from the O’Regans and guide the club into the future. n

registrations on the day.

The race will be signposted from all approaches to the town. The race starts at 12 noon. Prizes will be posted out after the event. There is ample parking facilities in the surrounding area.


• €200 1st Man & 1st Woman.

• €125 2nd Man & Woman.

• €75 3rd Man & Woman.

• 1st Under 20, Over 40, 50, 60, 70.

• €160 1st Men’s & Women’s Teams of four.

• Event Record €200

Male 29.35 Mark Christie (2011)

Female 32.52 Linda Byrne (2012).

Slaney Olympic Athletic Club looks forward to welcoming all participants on the day. n

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Astro Pitch Enniscorthy Greyhound Track

Racing will resume after the winter break on Thursday 2nd March 2023. n

The eagerly awaited new Astro Pitch project at Ross Road, Enniscorthy, is making progress.

The Part VIII planning process for the new pitch has been completed. Before Christmas, a call went out for tenders for the construction of the pitch with work likely to commence in Spring 2023 and the project to completed over the following months. n


Planning Permission has been granted to erect a new astro turf training pitch with surrounding fencing, netting and floodlights for Enniscorthy United AFC at Neil O’Sullivan Park, Sean Browne Court, Enniscorthy. Best of luck to the club with this exciting development. n

Enniscorthy Sports Hub

O’Leary Sludds Architects were appointed in Feb 2021 for the detailed design, procurement of works contractor and construction management of the proposed new Sports Hub building.

A competition to award a works contract was advertised in May 2022. The lowest price tender opened for the project exceeded the available budget and, therefore, it has been decided not to progress with awarding a works contract. A redesign process for the project is now underway, and it is expected to retender in early 2023.

The question of a playing pitch at the centre of the running track at the Sports Hub came up at the November meeting of Enniscorthy Municipal District. The District Manager informed the meeting that it is under review with a view to it being used for Spring/Summer soccer. n

Building Bellefield – the roadmap

The vision is to create a ‘Flagship Sports and Community Facility’ to world class standards at the heart of Enniscorthy that will promote the health and wellbeing of all the community in a safe and inclusive environment. Read more about this project on the next page. 

Slaney Sport 6th January 2023 - Page 91

December may be considered part of the closed GAA season, but it was all action at Bellefield, home of the Rapparees/Starlights.

Traditionally the month for AGMs, this important event on the club calendar was held on Thursday 29th December at the clubhouse.

Chairman Ger McVeigh thanked everyone for their hard work throughout 2022, players, mentors, committee members and supporters, and in particular the Building Bellefield Project team and their marvellous team of fundraisers who contributed to making the Christmas Bonanza Draw a huge success.

‘The goodwill emanating from the town of Enniscorthy for this innovative project is phenomenal, demonstrated by the magnificent response to our Christmas draw, and is indicative of the high esteem in which Bellefield is held among the people of Enniscorthy and beyond,’ Ger told the AGM gathering.

Bellefield Beat

‘The Patron Wall for Bellefield is also going extremely well with spaces filling up fast,’ Ger continued, ‘so if you want a loved one, or your business on the wall for posterity get in contact with a member of the committee as soon as possible, before it’s too late.’

‘Dáithí Ó Sé will be our guest presenter at the Blind Date fundraiser which promises to be a cracker on 10th March at Riverside Park Hotel, so it is all hands on deck once again moving forward into 2023,’ the popular Chairman warned his newly elected committee. ‘We will need everyone putting their shoulders to the wheel to bring our adventurous project to fruition.’

Ger thanked all the Club sponsors and others for the very generous donations we have received to date.

Before concluding, he warned that patience would be needed in the coming year to manage games and training with only the use of one field at the premises and outlined planned alternatives for the smooth running of our games. ‘No pain, no gain, there will be times when some of our teams may be discommoded and may be forced to give away home advantage but this is all part and parcel of our new development and in the end it will all be worth it.’

Ger thanked all the Bellefield neighbours for their patience and understanding and called for a minute’s silence for all the deceased members of the club.

Coiste Chair Stephen Murphy gave a detailed account of all our underage activity in 2023, and there were reports from the Ladies Camogie and Ladies Football along with chronicles of the outcome of all our adult teams for 2022.

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Paddy Gahan, Joe Carley, Gareth Kavanagh. 2002 county football champions.

with Maria Nolan


Our annual Pudding Run in memory of the late Michael Foley was held on a bright, crisp, St. Stephen’s morning, with the large crowd leaving the club premises at 11am.

Now in its 14th year, this most lucrative and enjoyable fundraiser allows families and friends to come together over the festive period to raise money for bursaries allocated each year to students from CBS Enniscorthy to help them defray some of the costs of third level education.

It is a testament to the friends, family, and teammates of the late Michael that the annual Pudding Run continues to grow and expand.

And what a great way to dust off the Christmas Day cobwebs whilst connecting with and re-establishing old and cherished acquaintances.


On Tuesday 27th December the Starlights footballers of the 2002 winning championship team came together at the Bellefield clubhouse to reminisce and indulge in their triumph over the great Duffry Rovers team of twenty years ago.

Many a tall tale was related as Starlights were treated to video showings of their historic 2002 win, both the drawn game and winning one.

There was some stinging, good-natured banter with all bar two of the 2002 panel in attendance, especially when the jerseys they wore in the final were produced and PRO Maria Nolan announcing that jerseys would have to be donned for the commemorative photograph.

Several expressed qualms about whether they would fit twenty years on but to the surprise of all – they did, even if some were a little snugger than others, and we now have the photograph to prove it!

Speaking of photographs, a very special presentation was made in the clubhouse on St. Stephen’s Day to Ger Collins and Kevin Foley as Captains of winning Rapparees Senior Hurling teams, forty-three years apart.

The presentation included a photograph of the two captains captured by PRO Maria Nolan on the day of the 2021 County Final win along with a poem by Tom Boland commemorating the event.

The photograph will take pride of place in the Members’ Bar.

– Words & Pics by Maria Nolan PRO

Slaney Sport 6th January 2023 - Page 93
Members of the newly elected Rapparees/Starlights Executive Committee. Shay Deegan and Tom Wall.

Enniscorthy rugby recap: December

As the AIL is on its Christmas break, Enniscorthy remain winless, however there were signs of improvement in the games in December, but the materialisation of these improvements into wins and points in the table is still a work in progress.

Up first, they hosted Rainey Old Boys from Magherafelt, Co. Derry, at Alcast Park on the 3rd of December, suffering a heart-wrenching one point defeat by a scoreline of 19-18.

Enniscorthy lost two players in this game within the first fifteen minutes with Niall Parker and Jamie Barron picking up injuries and were subbed off. A recurring problem with the team this year has been injuries and it carried into this game.

A Peadar O’Mahony try, and a Jack Kelly penalty was all the home side could put together in the first half. While they conceded two tries themselves, the position of the scores made the conversion attempts difficult, with one of the two conversions going wide for Rainey Old Boys but the visitors led by two points at the half.

The second half was low scoring but had a high tempo, with both teams getting inside the opposing 22 metre line on a number of occasions but losing the ball in turnovers. Enniscorthy capitalised on poor ball skills from the visitors and went on the attack through their pack with pick and goes before Tom Ryan touched down to restore their lead only for the away side to replicate

the same type of moves on their way to scoring their third try.

Nick Doyle kicked a penalty for Enniscorthy’s only other points of the game – a tough loss to swallow. Next they travelled to Galway again, this time to face Galwegians, which was a different story altogether.

A cold miserable day in Ballybane at Crowley Park, Enniscorthy were outmatched by the hosts, who scored seven tries on their way to a 41-18 win.

Enniscorthy’s attacking charge was led by Nick Doyle for the most part from a scoring perspective. The versatile player lined up at outside centre in this game and was responsible for two of Enniscorthy’s tries and a penalty kick, his second try showed the Still man’s individual brilliance.

Pinned down inside their own five metre line, Enniscorthy secure a vital turnover at the breakdown, and it gets out to Nick, who was able to link up with David O’Dwyer before

receiving the ball back on a give and go from O’Dwyer and off he went, using incredible footwork and ball skills to sell three dummy passes before taking the ball the length of the pitch and scoring, the highlight on an ultimately dim day for the visitors.

Luck hasn’t gone Enniscorthy’s way with player availability and injuries in the first half of the season, but it has been a challenge to say the least come match day. As mentioned before, there have been improvements that can be seen during the games with their discipline and their commitment to play till the final whistle, but results have been extremely hard to come by, still looking for their first win of the season.

That being said, it is a club that has always had a positive mindset and will look to prove a lot of critics wrong and avoid relegation from 2B by their play in the second half of the season.

2023 kicks off for Enniscorthy on the 14th of January when they host Galwegians for the return fixture at Alcast Park, kick off at 2.30pm. n

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Shane swimming with the Sharks

Slaney Sharks Swim Club was delighted to host a brilliant evening with Irish Olympic swimmer Shane Ryan during December in the Waterfront Pool and Leisure Centre, Enniscorthy.

Shane got into the water with the swimmers and gave them advice and tips on their dives, strokes, turns etc, affirming the hard work being done by the club’s own coaches and swimmers day in, day

out, at the Waterfront Pool and Leisure Centre. An invaluable experience, and one the swimmers will always remember.

Check out: ‘Slaney Sharks Swim Club’ on Facebook.n

Donncha O’Callaghan’s message to Wexford’s sports clubs

Former Irish rugby international Donncha O’Callaghan has issued a call to sports clubs in Wexford reminding members not to overlook 31 January next, the closing date by which application for a €5,000 award under the Texaco Support for Sport initiative must be made.

Noting the benefit to be gained by the award, the popular broadcaster and adjudicator confirmed that “entry is open to all clubs irrespective of sporting discipline, size, membership, age, cultural appeal, or gender, including those whose application may have been unsuccessful previously.”

Held annually, the scheme has seen funding of €260,000 distributed to clubs across the 26 counties, of which €10,000 has already come to Co. Wexford with successful applicants Kilmore United FC (2021) and Menapians Athletic Club (2022) receiving €5,000 in each case.

Further information can be viewed online at n

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EHRS remembers Liam Mellows



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Right: Enniscorthy Historical Re-enactment Society (EHRS) let off a volley of shots at the graveside of Liam Mellows at Castletown Cemetery on Sunday 11th December 2022. left: EHRS members with former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, Minister James Browne TD, Chairman of organising committee Lorcan Allen, Cllrs Barbara-Anne Murphy and Andrew Bolger, at the graveside of Liam Mellows. right: Enniscorthy Historical Re-enactment Society on the march at Castletown. The National 1798 Rebellion Centre in Enniscorthy was closed to the public over the Christmas period due to hosting the fantastic Santa's Enchanted Christmas. It is expected to reopen seven days a week before the end of this January. For updates, visit

Fianna Fáil remembers Liam Mellows

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100th anniversary of the death of Liam Mellows. At Castletown Cemetery on 11th December were former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, Minister James Browne TD, local Councillors and members of the Fianna Fáil party. L-R: Former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern with Senator Malcolm Byrne. Seamus Rafter and Lorcan Allen. Mark Redmond playing the uilleann pipes at the graveside. Minister James Browne TD. Below L-R: Bertie Ahern with Pat and Elaine Sweeney, with former TD Seamus Cullimore, and addressing the audience. Below L-R: Margaret O’Connor, Bill Underwood, Hugh O’Connor and Minister James Browne TD. Lorcan Allen addresses the audience. Bertie Ahern lays a wreath at the grave of Liam Mellows.

Remembering Liam Mellows 100 Years On

On Sunday 11th December 2022, Enniscorthy Historical Re-enactment Society was delighted to be part of the 100th Anniversary Commemoration of the death of Liam Mellows at Castletown Cemetery where he is interred.

The execution of Liam Mellows, Rory O’Connor, Joe McKelvey and Dick Barrett, by firing squad on 8th December 1922, by Free State Forces, in reprisal for the shooting of Pro Treaty TD Sean Hayes, was one of the terrible tragedies of Ireland’s Civil War.

In his address, guest speaker, former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, quoted Countess Markiewicz, who in 1923, a year after the executions, said, ‘He was one of Ireland’s most loyal and honoured commandants, a great soldier, as brave as could be found, and a man worthy of the people’s gratitude.’

In a very balanced and inspirational speech, Mr. Ahern alluded to the Good Friday Agreement and his friendship with, and fondness for, the late Ian Pais-

ley, finishing with, ‘As we look to the future and the second century of our independent statehood, we honour all those who fought and died for their vision of a free Ireland that they wished to shape. But we should also hold firm to the conviction that in our mature, democratic society, we have now arrived at a point in our history, where no-one needs on this Island to fight and die to protect their national identity, their liberties or freedoms.’

‘Peace’, Mr. Ahern continued, ‘is precious, it has been my life’s work, and my fervent hope for the next generation of politicians on this island is that we consign for ever to the dustbin of history polarised politics, so that debate will focus on social, economic and climate issues and securing better, more prosperous, and sustainable future for all our children and grandchildren.’

The large crowd at Castletown Cemetery applauded Mr. Ahern as he laid a wreath on the grave followed by a volley of shots from the Enniscorthy reenactors.

Former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern lays a wreath at the grave of Liam Mellows.

Full credit to the Liam Mellows Committee who organise this annual event every year and to chief organiser Lorcan Allen who told the large gathering that he had been attending for the past 70 years having been brought as a child of 10 by his late father.

The all-inclusive and tolerant Liam Mellows would have been well pleased, me thinks.

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– Words & Pics by Maria Nolan Above left: Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy, former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, Senator Malcolm Byrne. Left: Former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern with Maria Nolan. Above: Enniscorthy Historical Re-enactment Society members with former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, Minister James Browne TD, Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy, and Lorcan Allen, chief organiser of the commemoration.

Sinn Féin remembers Liam Mellows

President of Sinn Féin Mary Lou McDonald TD was in Co. Wexford on 11th December 2022 to deliver the keynote address in Castletown Cemetery for Sinn Féin’s 100th anniversary commemorations of the death of Liam Mellows. Attendees marched from the Golden Anchor to Castletown Cemetery to hear her address and many then gathered in Breens of Gorey for refreshments and to be present for the launch of Cllr Fionntán Ó Súilleabháin’s new

In the days leading up to the commemoration, oak trees were planted at schools in Coolgreaney and Castletown to mark the centenary of the execution of Liam Mellows.

Left: Parade to Liam Mellow’s grave led by St Joseph’s Pipe Band, Co. Down.

Right: The Colour Party.

Below left: Finglas Cumann parading. Below centre: Cllr Fionntán Ó Súilleabháin with Lisa McCabe.

Below right: Some of the Wexford contingent.

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book Liam Mellows and the Unfinished Revolution Above left: Cllr Fionntán Ó Súilleabháin (centre) launched his book ‘Liam Mellows and the Unfinished Revolution’ with Johnny Mythen TD and Dee McCafferty. Above right: Marching to Liam Mellow’s grave at Castletown Cemetery. Below left: Sinn Féin Leader Mary Lou McDonald among the marchers. Below right: Cllr Tom Forde and some of his Wexford supporters in the parade.

Uí Cinsealaigh Historical Society Annual Dinner

Top left: John Furlong and Anne Butler. Above left: Joan O’Brien and Marie Ann Kenny. Above centre: Seán Doyle and Pat Brennan.

Above right: Mary Joyce and Maureen Devlin.

Left: Catherine Harris and Phil O’Neill.

Right: Mary Kavanagh and Sally Deacon.

Below left: Bridget and Michael Hayden. Below right: Mary and Pat Kinsella. Bottom left: Pat Kinsella. Bottom centre: Maureen Devlin and Mary Joyce. Bottom right: Pat Brennan and Ken Hemingway.

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Uí Cinsealaigh Historical Society Annual Dinner Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy, 14th December 2022.

Above left:

Fr Hammell, Kathleen Doyle and Kitty O’Reilly.


Brian Ó Cléirigh and Mary.

Above: Theresa Moran and Kathleen Mahon.

Above right: Aidan O’Leary and Seamus Rafter.

Right: Anne Butler, Sally Deacon and Mary Kinsella.

Far right: Theresa Moran.

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Left: Breda Kinsella and May Doyle. Above left: Mary and Willie French. Above right: Kathleen Doyle and Kitty O’Reilly. left: Brian Ó Cléirigh and Pat Hackett. right: Mary Booth, Ann Browne and Chrissy Ivers.

Unputdownable ‘Taghmon Throug book inspires Bishop Na

The ultimate test of a book is that having opened it, can you put it down. Browsers who bought an advance copy of Taghmon Through the Years couldn’t put it down, even while Bishop of Ferns Ger Nash was speaking, launching it at a crowded Taghmon-Camross GAA Centre in the week before Christmas.

They may have kept ears open for what he was saying but they kept both eyes fixed on its enthralling pages as they sat in their seats, flicking energetically through its 366 photographs and entering into millions of memories of the past 100 years. Browsing through it as he spoke, inspired by a photograph of a group from Dungeer in the 1950s at a cock of hay having tea, Bishop Nash himself was reminded of his own growing up on a small farm in East Clare. “This book is a gift to generations to come,” he said. He urged people to put names and dates on the backs of old photographs.

The book is a 200-page compilation of 366 black and white photographs from 22 years of the popular annual Taghmon Calendars. The photographs are representative of 73 townlands. The distinctive front cover featuring the village of Taghmon 100 years ago, was created by David Mahon of the Ryan family of Mulmintra.

It was the idea of Tom Wickham of Barntown. He suggested that the photographs from past Taghmon annual calendars be put together in one book. Michael Doyle, the broadcaster with South East Radio and chairman of the Taghmon History Society and fellow members got to work.

There are four sections under the headlines of Taghmon, Camross/Caroreigh, Trinity and Barntown. Each has people, places and events that encompass the social, cultural, religious and economic life of this mid-Wexford rural and farming community with the village of Taghmon at its centre.

People from organisations including ICA, GAA, Macra na Feirme, Munitir na Tíre, and NFA are featured.

There are the Ardinagh Mummers of 1934, the Taghmon Pike

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Group of 1998, Taghmon Scouts of 1978, Community Games in the 1980s, Tidy Towns of 1983, Dramatic Society of 1940s, The Gardaí in the 1930s, Taghmon under 12 Football team of 1983, Trinity Youth Group. Bishop Ger Nash, Tom Wickham, Barntown, and Michael Doyle, Camross, Chairman Taghmon History Society, at launch of the book ‘Taghmon Through the Years’ in Taghmon-Camross GAA Centre. Tom Wickham is holding a new Taghmon Calendar for 2023. Kay Doyle, Secretary, seated and at back Liam Byrne, Robert Nolan, Teresa Wickham and Paul Codd. Above L-R: Cllr Leonard Kelly and Cllr Jim Codd. Michael Stafford, Trinity, Vicky Barron, Poulpeasty. Jim Morrissey, Slevoy, Foulksmills, John Wickham, Barntown and Michael Brazzill, Forth Mountain.

h The Years’ ash

Sports photographs include Taghmon’s world famous handballers, Tennis in Coolaw in 1950s, Taghmon United F.C. in the 1970s, Taghmon Athletic Club, and Taghmon Camross Camogie winners. There are the Trinity Stars of 1915 from the Taghmon-Camross GAA collection. Three of that team – Skipper Codd, Jim Kehoe and Matty Parle played Junior Football for Wexford in Croke Park in Easter 1916. They walked through a flaming Sackville Street (now O’Connell Street) on their way to the match.

Iconic photographs of characters include: Tommy King and William Winters with Toby the horse returning from the fair of Taghmon, an elephant from Duffy’s circus, Dungeer Mummers, Nick Sinnott and Martin Kelly having a pint, a family in Taghmon in the early 1900s, Jane Cooper in Tottenham Green, Bridie Cullen and her bull, saving the harvest at Ballinclea, the man from Cloonerane Mike Foley born in 1882, and teachers and guards and shop owners and farmers.

Big events were Mardi Gras, Passion Plays, Tops of the Parish, Confirmation day in Barntown in the 1950s, Confirmation day in Taghmon in the 1980s, iconic names include Bishop Denis Brennan, one-time PP there, Tom Williams, Billie O’Donnell, Paddy Fenelon and Ted Morrissey.

This book is a sumptuous feast of memories from a vibrant and very much together rural community. Every home should have a copy and like the volumes on County Wexford by the late Nicky Furlong, it will increase exponentially in value with age. A copy in every Wexford home would be good investment as the children of those in its pages are in all corners of the world.

The Taghmon History committee members who compiled, produced and published Taghmon Through the Years comprises Michael Doyle, chairman, Kay Doyle, secretary, Tom Wickham, joint treasurer, Teresa Wickham, Catherine Seery, joint treasurer, Paul Codd, May Buttimer, Marie O’Rourke, Paddy O’Reilly, president of the Taghmon History Society and Nuala Carroll. n

From Crown Forces to Free State

On Sunday 18th December I was delighted to be part of a large group of re-enactors who were at Collins Barracks, Dublin, to re-enact the handing over of the Royal Barracks from the Crown Forces to the newly formed Irish Free State in 1922.

A momentous occasion in the history of our nation.

The Royal Barracks was the very last barracks in the country to be handed over and heralded the exodus of the British military from Irish soil after almost eight hundred years of occupation.

On December 17th 1922, General Sir Nevil Macready of the British Army handed over the Royal Barracks to Commander in Chief of the National Army of the Irish Free State General Richard Mulcahy.

As British troops marched out the gate for the last time, the barracks was immediately renamed Collins Barracks in honour of Mulcahy`s predecessor the late Michael Collins who had been shot at Beal na mBlath in August of that year.

When the handover was complete, the Tricolour was hoisted, and a piper struck up the National Anthem. A simple but poignant ceremony.

The Tricolour was then lowered to half mast in honour of Sean Rooney killed in the Lebanon as the piper played a lament and the re-enactors gave the salute. Another simple and emotive gesture.

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– Maria Nolan
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Maria Nolan with Dominic Price.

Enniscorthy Tidy Towns Awards

The annual awards night was held on 29th November in the IFA Centre,


PUBLIC BUILDINGSSt. Patrick's Special School, Drumgoold SHOP FRONTSPut a Bow On It, Aoife Foran

BUSINESS PREMISESDusty Boy Café/Arts/Prints Kate Rose Crane & Justin Campbell

MOST IMPROVED PREMISESKehoe's Hardware, Hempfield

NEW DEVELOPMENTThe Railway Square HOUSING ESTATESSlaney View Park Residents' Association

COMMUNITY AREAEnniscorthy Community Allotments, Michael Devereux

LANDSCAPE AWARDThe Grotto, Templeshannon

ROSE GARDENTheresa Larkin, 17 Daphne View

LARGE GARDENS: 1ST.John Somers, 4 Kilagoley Terrace

HIGHLY COMMENDEDLily Lacey, 97 Slaney View Park

MEDIUM GARDENS: 1ST. Margaret Stamp, 15 Moran Park HIGHLY COMMENDEDBernie Hutchinson, 27 Cluain Charman

SMALL GARDENS: 1ST.Jack Doyle, 92 Bellefield Road

HIGHLY COMMENDEDJim & Maria Roche, 23 Moran Park

OVERALL GARDEN WINNERBernie Colgan, 29 Cherryorchard Heights

CONTAINER GARDEN. 1ST. Marie Carroll, 24 Slaney View Park

HIGHLY COMMENDEDJohn & Mary Carroll, 11 Droim Catha

H. BASKETS/W. BOXES 1ST.Nicola Farrell, St. Moling's Terrace

HIGHLY COMMENDEDEdward Murphy, 16 Vinegar Hill Villas


H. BASKETS/W. BOXESThe Abbey Café, Abbey Sq. Shopping Centre

AJUDICATOR'S AWARDPaul Nolan, Kenny for Bikes (Joint Winner) Matt Mernagh, 1 Slaney Street (Joint Winner)

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Above: Enniscorthy Tidy Town’s Billy Murphy with Paul and Ger of Kenny For Bikes, winners of the Adjudicator’s Award. Below: Award winners, local Councillors, and Enniscorthy Tidy Town’s Billy Murphy at the annual Enniscorthy Tidy Towns Awards night held on 29th November 2022.

Phil Miller and Aidan O’Brien at the awards night.

Wexford Environmental Network

Local Environmental Networks (LENs) are being set up all around the country as a place for people to meet, share knowledge, advertise their green events and volunteer opportunities, ask each other questions and share information on everything environmental.

Wexford Environmental Network is a platform to connect all the environmental groups and individuals interested in protecting the environment in County Wexford.

Individuals can: 

Post local environmental events and volunteer opportunities

Share knowledge and experience

Receive input and help for their own environmental projects

Environmental organisations can:  Share upcoming environmental events and volunteer opportunities

Through the Wexford Environmental Network you can connect with more people in our community and, together, work to make Co. Wexford a more sustainable county.

To join, see “WEXFORD ENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK” on Facebook. And if you don't live in Wexford you can find your Local Environmental Network here: n

Radon monitoring

Radon Monitors are available to borrow in all Co. Wexford’s public libraries. All you need to borrow one is a library card! Please contact your local branch for details.

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Above: Enniscorthy Community Allotments, winner of the Community Area award at the recent Enniscorthy Tidy Towns awards, was represented by L-R: Michael Devereux, Cllr Aidan Browne (Cathaoirleach Enniscorthy Municipal District), and Michelle Doyle.

Wexford’s Climate Action Plan

The Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021 requires each Local Authority to prepare their own Climate Action Plan (CAP). The plan must cover both mitigation and adaptation measures and must be updated once every five years. The plan will also include the development of a decarbonisation zone (DZ). The DZ will be the focus for a range of climate mitigation, adaptation, and biodiversity measures. Enniscorthy is the proposed Decarbonisation Zone for Co. Wexford.

Preparatory work has commenced on the CAP and work will continue during 2023 to prepare and fully adopt the plan. Information webinars on the preparation and implementation of the CAP are scheduled for senior management in Wexford Co. Council and separately the Climate Action teams.

The Government of Ireland Climate Action Plan 2021 sets an ambitious target of 50% energy efficiency by 2030 and an absolute reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 51%. In terms of energy efficiency, there has been an improvement in Wexford Co. Council’s

performance in 2021 with a 42% improvement in energy against 39% in 2020. WCC is ahead of the target glidepath to 2030. The increase of performance is mainly due to a reduction in the public lighting consumption. Carbon emissions in 2021 are 28% below baseline level.

Wexford County Council has registered for the Reduce Your Use campaign. This mandatory initiative through the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and the Office of Public Works (OPW) aims to reduce the public sector’s energy consumption over the winter period by 15% to help combat rising energy costs and reduce emissions. Actions proposed to achieve energy savings include setting the temperatures at a guideline 19oC, turning off heating 1-2 hours before buildings close and no non security/safety lighting in use after 8pm. Awareness and behavioural change are a key element to the campaign and can lead to 10% reduction. This will be promoted through posters and promotional materials for activities, mentoring and advice and live webinars

The campaign plans to deliver 5-10%

savings in the public sector, and 15% in buildings.

Wexford is involved in two Creative Climate projects to raise awareness and promote behavioural change. The first project through the Wexford County Council Arts Office is on the theme of the pilot Decarbonisation Zone in Enniscorthy and has a biodiversity and rewilding focus. The second project is called Linte na Farraige and is through the Creative Climate Fund and is in collaboration with the Dublin Climate Action Regional Office (CARO) and third level institutions. Linte na Farraige is a series of light installations across Irish coastal sites. The lines of light represent future sea level rise, based on predictions from the 2021 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, and historic storm surge data. The installations, designed by artists Timo Aho and Pekka Niittyvirta, demonstrate the need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and adapt together to protect our coastlines, communities, and infrastructure from the effects of climate change. It aims to connect the public visually to the risks from future sea levels and was launched at the end of October 2022. n

Climate action podcast

180 Degrees – an SEAI Podcast About Climate Action features guests from various strands of society, who each have a story to tell about their own personal relationship to climate action.

Guests include:

Liz Bonnin, Science, Wildlife and Natural History Broadcaster. Davie Philip, Community Catalyst.

Eamon Ryan, Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications, and Transport.

Rachel Dempsey, Founder of Full Circle Change.

Professor John Sweeney, Emeritus Professor of Geography at the NUI Maynooth.

Lorna Gold, Author and Movement Builder.

Sharon Finnegan, Director of the EPA with responsibility for the Office of Environmental Sustainability.

All episodes are now available to download from the SEAI podcast page – if you like the podcast, please rate and review and share with friends and family. n

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New Year Resolution – Think Before You Pour!

Clean Coasts, in partnership with Irish Water, is appealing to all budding chefs, home cooks and most importantly the washer-uppers all around Co. Wexford to Think Before You Pour any Fats, Oils or Greases (FOGs) down the kitchen sink. Collaborating with well-known chefs Lilly Higgins and Kwanghi Chan, the campaign advises the public to allow FOGs to cool and then put in the bin to help prevent pipe blockages and protect the natural and built environment.

A recent survey revealed that over the past four years there has been a positive reduction in the number of people regularly pouring damaging items down the sink (50% in 2018 to 34% in 2022). However, this still means that approximately 3 out of 10 people are still pouring FOGs down the kitchen sink. Wexford is part of the Eastern & Midlands region of counties which when surveyed revealed that 41% of people in the region are uncertain as to how they should responsibly dispose of FOGs.

Tom Cuddy, Head of Operations, Irish Water, said: “This Christmas let’s reduce the number of wastewater blockages backing up into our houses and gardens or spilling into the local environment. We want to remind the public not to use their kitchen sink as a bin. ‘Think before You Pour’: don’t pour those Fats, Oils and Greases (FOGs) down the sink, but use a heat proof container to collect them, and put them in the bin once they have cooled. This will help prevent pipe blockages and protect the natural and built environment.

“Every month Irish Water clears approximately 2,000 blockages from the wastewater network. Survey results this year show that approximately 3 out of 10 people admit to pouring FOGs down the kitchen sink which contributes to these blockages. Let’s work together and keep our pipes free flowing.”

The ‘Think Before You Pour’ campaign encourages the public to refrain from pouring any Fats, Oils or Greases (FOGs) down the kitchen sink in order to prevent serious pipe blockages and to protect the natural and built environment.

Fats, oils and greases may seem like liquid when poured, but they cool and harden as they travel along the pipes and can cause blockages in our homes, businesses, the public sewer network and wastewater treatment plants. They can even lead to overflows of sewage in our communities and pollution in rivers, on beaches and in the ocean. When FOGs combine with wipes and other sewage related litter such as hair and dental floss that shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet, fatbergs can form. Irish

Water clears hundreds of blockages including fatbergs from the wastewater network every week.

Sinead McCoy, Coastal Communities Manager, Clean Coasts said: “Clean Coasts is asking everyone to help protect our environment by remembering to Think Before You Pour. This allows us all to undertake a small action in the kitchen which will have a huge, positive impact on our wastewater network and environment. I encourage and remind everyone to Think Before You Pour.” n

The result in pipes of Fats, Oils or Greases (FOGs) being poured down the kitchen sink.

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Bridgetown flooding research

Wexford TD and Minister of State for Law Reform James Browne has confirmed that Government funding of €70,200 will be allocated towards the completion of research relating to the prevention of flooding in Bridgetown, Co. Wexford.

Welcoming the funding announcement, Minister Browne outlined the Government’s response which followed ‘unprecedented’ levels of rainfall in Bridgetown which was subject to flooding in Christmas 2021. In July 2022, Government funding amounting to €157,770 was directed towards the provision of demountable flood gates and barriers on affected properties in Bridgetown. ‘Today, I’m delighted to confirm that my Government colleagues and I have approved the allocation of €70,200 towards a feasibility study on the impact of last year’s flood while also examining mitigation and prevention options, including modelling of the options. The funding approval shows how my Government colleagues and I are keen to do whatever it takes to avoid a repeat of last year’s flash flooding in Bridgetown,’ Minister Browne said. n

Environment Awards night

On Monday 14th November 2022, the Wexford County Council Annual Environment Awards night was held at the Ferrycarrig Hotel celebrating environmental and voluntary effort all over the county.

Over 250 children, community groups, volunteers, resident groups and individuals turned up on the night to see their wonderful efforts acknowledged by Wexford County Council. There were presentations and awards to 15 schools, 57 community groups and 4 individuals.

The overall winner of the Keep Wexford Beautiful Competition was Enniscorthy Community Allotments, with Master of Ceremonies for the night, Alan McGuire, stating as he announced this award that, “In February 2021 a group of keen gardening enthusiasts got together with the idea of setting up a community allotment. The aim of the group was to promote the practice of horticulture between members, especially children. In April 2022 the allotment opened to members and the transformation of the site has been truly remarkable. Amateur gardeners benefit from the advice of their more knowledgeable allotment neighbours. The project stimulates social interaction, encourages self-reliance, and promotes sustainable growing and healthy eating. Organic and chemical-free growing is promoted. The allotments are made up of 64 plots, 20 raised beds, and 60 polytunnels. But it’s not just individual gardeners who are availing of the chance to be involved in a sustainable growing project that also encourages biodiversity. Local organisations such as Hope Cancer Support Centre, Wexford Community Workshop, and Wexford Residential and Disability Support Services are also involved.” n

Green loans from Enniscorthy Credit Union

Need to retrofit your cold, 1970s house? Enniscorthy Credit Union’s Green Loan is designed to help you do just that – with one of its lowest rates for a loan 5.25% (5.4% APR) you can save money, save energy and save the environment with Enniscorthy Credit Union!

Talk to them today at 053 9233835 or email: n

These six ‘R’s can save our planet!

Refuse single use plastics (bags, cups, etc)

Rethink your choices

Reuse as much as possible

Repair before you replace

Recycle all packaging and plastic bottles

Rot all your organic stuff and put it back into the soil n

Did you know?

Did you know that people use a plastic bottle for an average of 11 minutes? Meanwhile it takes up to 450 years to decompose!

Reusable bottles are becoming more and more popular and thankfully there are now a number of locations on the streets of Enniscorthy where you can fill them with water for free.

So if you want to do one thing today for nature, avoid using disposable plastic bottles. n

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The end of the year is always the best time to start thinking about what we want to achieve in the next year and to write down our New Year’s resolutions. Despite our best intentions, these resolutions can sometimes be hard to stick to.

With climate change and climate action being hot topics at the moment, some people might choose for their New Year’s Resolution in 2023 to be greener and help our planet and marine environment. However, making a huge commitment or pledging to do too many things to be greener in the New Year can feel overwhelming and could end up discouraging people from achieving their goals.

For this reason, with the “New Year, New You” video campaign, Clean Coasts are asking people in Wexford to choose a realistic and achievable New Year’s resolution, that people can stick to through the year: a #2minutebeachclean.

The video – produced by Clean Coasts and Cube Media –shows Dave (played by Bryan Quinn) trying to go into 2023 being better and greener by being more conscious of the environment. However, after several failed attempts, he begins to lose hope until he comes across a #2minutebeachclean board on the beach and realises that being green can be just as simple.

We have all seen marine litter along Ireland’s coastline and for all the beach lovers out there, the new year is an opportunity to do something about it in just 2 minutes!

Taking part in the campaign entails taking two minutes when you are outdoors to remove litter that you see along the way. We ask for all participants to share images of what they collect on social media, adding the #2minutebeachclean hashtag to the photos to spread the word and inspire more people to take action.

The campaign’s aim is to let people know that they don’t need to commit to a huge New Year’s resolution that they may not be able to sustain to the end of the year, but a #2minutebeachclean is an easy pledge to make that is flexible, doable and can be built on as your green year moves forward.

To help people stick to their pledge, Clean Coasts is giving away #2minutebeachclean kits to the first 200 people to pledge to this New Year’s Resolution.

Sinead McCoy, Coastal Community Manager, said: “The #2minutebeachclean is such a great initiative to get involved in. People may think 2 minutes is a very short time to make a difference, but small actions add up to make a big difference. Every piece of plastic removed from the marine environment is no longer a danger to our marine life and environment. Each #2minutebeachclean is estimated to weigh in at 1-2kg. If everybody in Ireland does a #2minutebeachclean per month in 2023, that’s over 100,000 tonnes of litter removed from our ocean.”

To sign up to receive your own #2minutebeachclean kit, visit the website at and pledge to do a #2minutebeachclean.

New Year's Resolution #2minutebeachclean video: https:/ n

Slaney environment 6th January 2023 - Page 109
SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: @CleanCoasts Twitter: @CleanCoasts Instagram: @cleancoasts YouTube: Clean Coasts Ireland Linkedin: Clean Coasts

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