Slaney News, Issue 140, January 2022

Page 102

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Red Carpet for Green Co

Best Community Project to Improve Accessibility in Gardens / Parks Winner: Kiltealy Tidy Towns.

Wexford County Council’s Keep Wexford Beautiful Competition is not just about maintaining a clean and well presented locality. It is about fostering pride in local communities and recognising and rewarding individuals and groups for their efforts. Entries come from all types of voluntary community groups, such as residents’ associations, youth groups, environmental groups, heritage preservation groups and special interest groups. The prizes are in the form of cash to fund environmental projects in local communities. Judging took place in June and July 2021 with the following criteria taken into account in the judging process:

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Community effort. Litter management initiatives. Absence of graffiti, illegal dumping, abandoned cars. Planting initiatives e.g. flowers, shrubs, hanging baskets. Treatment of communal areas such as open spaces and grass margins. Best environment initiatives – recycling / re-use / composting / nature studies / energy conservation / water conservation / waste prevention. Best preservation and protection of a heritage site in sympathy with its character. Best access initiatives and provision and promotion of inclusive space.

On Thursday 9th December the awards were held. This annual event, normally held in person and bringing together school children, community groups, volunteers, residents’ groups and individuals, could not be held in its traditional way in December 2021. So a special environmental programme broadcast live on South East radio was the platform for this year’s awards and proved to be a tremendous celebration of the environment and voluntary effort. The special environmental programme, which was presented by Alan McGuire, announced the winners of the Keep Wexford Beautiful programme. Councillor Barbara-Anne Murphy, Cathaoirleach of Wexford County Council, congratulated all the participants and went on to acknowledge the magnificent voluntary work that is carried out throughout the county. Councillor Murphy welcomed the opportunity to pay a public tribute to the many excellent people who work so hard, year in, year out, to enhance their commu-

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Best Community Project to Improve Accessibility to Infrastructure. Winner: Our Lady's Island Community Development.

nities and stated, ‘It is heartening to see groups of local volunteers showing such spirit and endeavour and in the process inspiring others in their community to follow their example. The voluntary work undertaken makes a great contribution to improving our towns and villages, making them better places to live, work and visit. I have witnessed first-hand the trojan work that these volunteers do within the county. The unselfish effort and the generosity displayed by these volunteers really does make a difference to communities. The Environment Awards are about recognising and celebrating the inspirational, tireless work being done by communities all over our county. Wexford Co. Council is very lucky to have Keep Wexford Beautiful Overall Winner: Blackwater Tidy Towns group.

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