Slave to the Ocean #3

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Issue - III



16 30 38 44 If you wish to contribute in future issues or have any enquiries please contact: Editor - Jay Schmitzer



Slave to the ocean is a magazine designed to share and showcase

the talents and experiences of all the shredders in both the local and distant surfing and bodyboarding worlds. We put the historical rivalries behind us in hope to bridge the gap between the two forms of wave riding and show the respect both of them deserve. Because after all, we are all slaves to the ocean‌



Pipe Diaries A collection of two photographers photos and the stories with them from the crowded perfection that is Aussie Pipe


Entry No.1 Words and photos by Jay Schmitzer

This was my first trip down to pipe and it was an experience

to remember. We rolled the dice by leaving mid afternoon to miss the morning crowds, the gamble paid off. We first saw 5 or so parked down the road which usually means the car park is full but upon closer inspection we saw the car park was closed due to the fierce fires that ripped through the south coast a few days before. As I popped my head around the corner at the end of the track I saw my first ever pipe wave, it was a jaw dropping sight, especially because it was the first proper wave I had seen in months. Most of the crowd had vacated the scene, a standard pipe crowd of 20 remained. The sun was out, the water was warm and the barrels were rolling through, it couldn’t of gotten any better! Some pretty reputable surfers showed their faces to embrace the summer pits and bowls. Dion Agius was tearing the waves apart as well as the local pro Owen Wright seen in the photos on the right. I had managed to make two more trips to pipe that week, it was like an addiction, enjoying it more and more every time. The barrels, the riders, the light and every other aspect of pipe made it a photographers dream. The sunsets were so peaceful and soaked in a vivid orange, which made the end of a great day of waves even better.



Dion Agius



Entry No.2 Words and photos by Mitch Coslovich

The forecast was looking inviting and so was the weath-

er. It was the first surf-able forecast that had shown its face on the charts in months. We decided to head down to Summer Cloud Bay, which would be collecting most of the swell. The crowded line-up was proving frustrating to all in the water. The start of the session wasn’t very good as the swell was hitting at an unfavourable direction, which meant it was missing the reef. But luckily the afternoon came and saw a swing in swell direction with consistent bowls rolling through like someone had flicked a switch. At the same time the big rigs of the bodyboarding world entered the line up and proceeded to put on a show for everyone. I hadn’t really got many shots prior to the pro bodyboarders arrival that were worthwhile, it wasn’t long before all that changed! It turned out to be an amazing day behind the lens, being at Summer Cloud Bay for 9 hours made me as sunburnt as a tomato burning through 2 batteries and memory cards! This was definitely one of the best early summer swells we have had in a long time.




Dougy Smith



Jordan Putland


Home A gallery featuring shots from local photographers of the waves that make you feel at home.



Jay Schmitzer 18, Shellharbour




Jayke Gill



Tyson Wickham 18, Kiama Rider - Dougy Smith


Mitch Coslovich 18, Kiama



Chris Phillips 18, Wollongong



Liam Tomkins



Overdue The first solid swell of the year finally does something worthwhile... Words and photos by Jay Schmitzer




My mates and I had been waiting for the year’s first solid

swell to clean up for a certain south coast ledge to turn on. After continuous days of waking up to a disappointing horizon, the elements we needed all came together to reveal the charts we hoped for this wave to work. I organized my mate to give me a lift to the wave on his new ski and to let me shoot off it. He picked me up from the harbour and as we drove closer and closer to the break we could see the waves we had been patiently waiting for had arrived. There were right and left hand pits rolling through with only 6 or 7 guys out! Everyone was able to pick and choose their own waves, it was a very relaxed session of getting barrelled. After shooting from water for a while another local photographer Joel Holland and I hopped on the back of the ski for some tandem photography. We moved around to the notorious left and on more than once occasion found ourselves drifting a bit to close for comfort to the heavy end bowl. Sure enough when we saw peaks rolling in we had to move fast to get out of the impact zone to save us dealing with a savage beating. This was one of the most fun and consistent swells we have had early this year and we hope it would be the start to a great year of waves.

Graham Miller


Tully Robinson





Burnt Ocean A vibrant early autumn morning was the backdrop for a fun session of bowls and pits. Featured in this gallery is Todd Mcrorie on bodyboard and Jordy Fowler on the surfboard.

Photos by Jay Schmitzer







Southern Comfort Words and photos by Brendan Clark



Lloyd Taylor


Lloyd Taylor, Ryan Gott and myself decided to organize a very last minute trip heading down

to South Australia. We all took turns in driving down there, Lloyd ended up hitting a wild cat in victoria and we broke down in the middle of no where with a flat battery so we had to wait a fair while for NRMA. After the NRMA bloke worked his magic we were off on our way and eventually made it down to SA. We checked everywhere and all of it was onshore and small. We had thought we had gone down for nothing. We all stayed at the local Road House, which was in the middle of nowhere and ridiculously hot. The next morning we turned up to pumping Monies with amazing light and 4 ft offshore barrels, we were frothing to get out there! I just shot land because I didn’t really want to be swimming with 4m sharks Lloyd thought he had spotted! Lloyd and Ryan ended up surfing for close to 7 hours. The next day we got to Monies again, it was a bit smaller but not as intimidating compared to the previous day. Monies is one of the most perfect places to be swimming around and shooting, especially when the local seal presents itself in the lineup to greet you. I ended up shooting water and watched them surf for about 4 hours. We got out and got some lunch, then we decided to go surf a left that was a pretty big walk to get to. It was a very long and tiring walk. When we arrived it was onshore and small and I was so sunburnt and exhausted so I didn’t have the energy to shoot so I just watched. Then all of a sudden the winds went offshore and picked up so much. It was pretty solid now but I had no water or food and was pretty close to passing out so I did the trek back to the car myself. When Lloyd and Ryan got back from the left we returned to the Road House and came to the decision to head home to NSW. SA is such an amazing place and so different to the waves back home, I will definitely be trying to get back down there again soon!

Ryan Gott 47


Shaun Pyne



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