Anxious Persons Can Make Their Wedding Day Memorable With These Useful Tips Weddings throughout the world are emotional and high stress-situations for everyone, where anyone can easily get overwhelmed with societal pressure and family drama. If you are feeling nervous, stressful or suffering from anxiety disorder due to the pressure of your marriage, your excitement could get marred with apprehension. With some advanced planning and a little bit of professional help, you can make your wedding day a little more manageable.
Some of the signs of pre-wedding anxiety include
An increase in irritability and fault finding
An individual starts finding fault with everything - right from their wedding dress, marriage venue, invitation card, guest list, food menu, decoration, wedding cake etc. As the wedding date approaches, it is normal for both the bride and the groom to feel exasperated.
Crying spells
It is a common practice for the brides to relieve their frustration, anger and anxiety in the form of tears. Regular crying spells just before their impending marriage could impact their health and well -being.
Eating disorders
Majority of the brides starve to look nice on their wedding day. Prolonged dieting leads to a loss of essential nutrients and energy enhancing foods. One feels tired, anxious and fatigued as the wedding date approaches.
Sleep disturbances
The transition from a bachelor stage to a married one is discomforting for many as it brings along responsibilities that one may not be prepared for. Several people suffer from sleepless nights waiting for their future.
How to take control of yourself before your wedding date?
The wedding may appear to be a roller-coaster ride for many –one feels happy, joyful and positive during the peak time and then suddenly the bubble bursts and the marriage becomes a bed of thorns. However, that should not be a cause for delaying the marriage date or for calling off the marriage.
In case one feels anxious or nervous during the pre-wedding period, he/she can try these simple and useful tips
Conversation with one’s partner can offer an opportunity to release one’s emotions. Regular communication between the bride and the groom improves trust and understanding.
Professional advice is a better way to nip the problem in the bud. Counselors and Psychologists offer valuable advice to help one prepare for the golden moment.
Recognizing the difference between anxiety and fear helps in the early diagnosis of the treatment. Occasional anxiety is a common problem among people just before exams, job interviews or during financial constraints and relationship problems. Whereas, panic attacks are usually experienced through a combination of distressful emotions, upsetting thoughts and physical symptoms. These symptoms trigger fearful thoughts and emotions which can intensify your feelings of anxiety. However, It is okay to have fears that do not turn one into a negative person. But harboring negative thoughts and feelings against anyone and keeping such feelings bottled inside would do more harm.
Connecting with your inner self through meditation, Yoga, tai chi and other therapeutic practices will not only help in quelling anxiety but will also generate positivity.
Take professional help only when you feel the necessity Pre-wedding jitters are normal but if they affect they daily life, it could be a sign of anxiety disorder. One must seek help from a mental health expert in order to keep this problem at bay. One can also overcome symptoms of anxiety and panic disorder with the prescribed dose of Diazepam Pills 100mg Online UK.