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The key to attaining heights in life is consistency, hard work, diligence, and love for what you do. As a passionate soul and keen on impact, I have worked hard in my capabilities to bring the very best to those I am serving and those looking up to me. I sincerely doff my hat to you SLEMSians for giving me the opportunity to serve and also participate in one way or the other to grow. Being the first-ever female Public Relations Officer was not easy, but I knew my job was clear. It was not to disappoint those who trust in female leadership, those who personally trust my judgments, and also those who never trusted the process. I mostly find myself in positions that very few women venture into and this is always my drive to at least establish the fact that women can assume such and try my best to leave behind serious benchmarks which will eventually earn the trust of the public.
I have had a great deal for service and working on meeting the needs of the ones I serve. Throughout my career from secondary school to my current level, I have been able to build my career on the grounds of integrity, trust, and commitment. As a trying Christian that was groomed on the principles and respect, tolerance, and love, leading arguably one of the most intelligent people in Sierra Leone as the SecretaryGeneral may not pose so much of an issue by God’s grace. I have served in various capacities of leadership and have been able to lead well and deliver as expected with extraordinary inclusion serving with equity and justice through the help of God and some seasoned individuals. I have served in various leadership positions in and out of the academic arena and these experiences have left me with the upper hand and a hand full of ideas and backbone on which I stand, giving me the confidence to serve and deliver with ease. Throughout these times of service, I have been able to build my confidence, intelligence, and technical know-how. These have helped me prove that women can attain heights in power based on merit and not sentiments.
Entering medical school I started from the least as an ordinary member and have been able to climb the ranks to this present point. I have served as the deputy secretary general in Student Representative Council and have had a hand full of achievements during my era. Coming to SLEMSA I was part of SCORE as an ordinary member and was later appointed as the fundraising assistant. Through these times I was able to work on myself building my capacity by working on my inter and intrapersonal skills, and leadership qualities and also doing crash courses that have helped equip me mentally and physically to carry responsibilities given based on the office I am expected to work in. I have had several posted works both nationally and internationally, with posted articles, poems, and even a research paper. I have been part of the SCORE research team and have done a research paper still pending to be published. My contributions to SLEMSA as an Organizing Committee member were as well immense, at the first-ever WCC symposium I drafted a theme on medico-legal practice and it was a success. In 2021 I was part of the MedFest team and I drafted another theme “The Reason” which is to date arguably one of the most trending stories reacted to in a day as we see hundreds of SLEMSians giving their reasons why they choose medicine. In all this, I am trying to tell us that I always observe and apply my strength in areas I am experienced in thus the reason for the office of the Secretary-General this year. I believe in what one has to deliver and not attaining power or positions due to the benefits of the office. I have been building my career path and being the Secretary-General will allow me to bring a new page to the world of SLEMSA.
Outside SLEMSA I have been able to build an outstanding name for myself I have served in FAMSA as the MSA officer here in Freetown, as a professional freelance graphic designer, spoken word poet, voiceover artist, writer, and the list goes on. Attached is my Resume for convenience's sake. Having international appointments and published work is a feather added to my cap and that has given me the confidence and more experience on how to lead and be led, how to implement and proffer solutions to arising issues The world is full of uncertainties and having this bowl of experiences has helped me go through these times with trusted judgments based on integrity and fairness, not sentiments and feeble judgments.
My passion for Impacting lives had driven me to pass the hard times. I am the founder of a movement called Creating an Impact. This movement has been operating behind the scenes helping school children, orphans, and the vulnerable The aim of the movement is to help those in need in silence with the slogan “helping them but leaving the camera at home” The aim is to help without having it all over the media We have been able to help pay full academic year fees for children in the slum, providing clothing and basic gifs for them. Most of these were done without any sponsors just my pocket and a few good samaritans.
I am the Co-founder of The Word Empire a literal and edutainment portfolio office. The Word is a portfolio office operating in silence had had major collaborations with international writers and has proofread and edited literal work The office is on its plans to go fully public as the year ends with written work and audio and visual content.
Working in these capacities has helped me gain ideas, knowledge, and more experiences which I am ready to leverage and work on to meet the people.
With all these experiences I am ready to bring a new phase in my era of service The general body can attest that during my term as the Public Relations Officer, I have been able to work and outdo what I met and have been able to bring more opportunities to Slemsians with the help of my able PR team of officials. We were able to bring consistency and a new face to the public relations part of the association.
I am ready to serve the general populace of SLEMSA bringing opportunities and changing things that the general body has been having issues with. The general populace has concerns and things they want to see changing or see improved and in that light, I am ready to give that listening ear and give a platform for inclusion where every SLEMSians has the right to voice their concern with ease
Before you want an opportunity to make a change you should be able to present your capabilities. Some of us have attained positions and leave as we leave but some of us have managed to leave a platform whilst our legacies stay.
“With great power comes great responsibilities” is a popular line from the movie Spiderman This line says it all, with power allocated to one a lot is expected and I am ready to serve with my very best, giving all I have and all I can offer
In the line of leadership, the way is shown and everyone walks the way at everyone's pace. My major aim is to set a standard and system for SLEMSians who would come years after we leave to see medical school as their friendly environment and have a way to channel doubts and also build their capacities before going out into the corporate world
I can’t thank you enough The opportunity to be a servant was an honor and with shoulders lifted high I can say a job well done to us SLEMSians We have done well and have been able to gain a lot throughout my tenure as a Public s great. A bittersweet one but it was worth it. I am now looking forwa sibility to serve you SLEMSians and bring my best to the table
Yours sincerely,
Mary Sathela Kanu