November 2011

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Pages 2-3

Features Pages 4-5

November ‘11 Editorial Pages 6-7

Center Spread Pages 8-9

Our World Page 10-11

Entertainment Page 12-13


Pages 14-15

spot light THE

Volume LV Issue 2



News - Snow Storm Effect on College Application Process -PA Junior License Alterations -Earth’s Population Reaches 7 Billion

Features - SLSD Welcomes the Chinese and Arabic Teachers -Sea of Souls: The First Installment of a Five-Part Series

Editorial - Pennsylvania State University Scandal -Freshman Transition -Letter to the Editor

Entertainment - End of the “Humpdashian” Era -Peter Pan Review -Future Outlook of Cinema

Sports - Return of the Big Blue Wrecking Crew -Football Season Recap -Fall Athletes of the Season

Mikhail Gorbachev Visits Lafayette College by Allison Quilty and Casey Anthony

This year marks a pivotal time in Russian history; twenty years ago, the Soviet Union collapsed. Mikhail Gorbachev, the USSR leader in the years leading to the collapse, has remained an influential figure in world politics since then. Gorbachev first took the world spotlight in the late 1980s when he became president of the USSR and began governmental reforms, or perestroika. His accompanying policy, glasnost, sought to eliminate corruption that plagued the USSR. He was unpopular in his own country because of the policies, and his work ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. He resigned just before the collapse and was able to watch his work come to fruition without being immersed in the revolt. In 1990, he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts towards creating international peace; since then, he has and continues to speak on international cooperation. On October 19th Mikhail Gorbachev made an appearance at Lafayette College to a crowd of 3,660 people. A large part of the audience were Lafayette students, born after the height of Gorbachev’s political power. Gorbachev spoke at Lafayette to mark the opening of The Oechsle Center for Global Education, a new building dedicated to international relations. This speech was part of a North American tour in which he also stopped in Wyoming, Montreal, Juarez, and Vancouver. The majority of Gorbachev’s interactions with the United States during his term in office focused on the “arms race” between Russia and the US. Although the “arms race” is long over, he is still resentful about the way the US acted towards his country, and is disappointed that the Russo-American relationship he and President Reagan fostered has not remained intact. Gorbachev expressed some anti-American sentiments in reference to the Russo-American pact to do away with nuclear arms at the end of the Cold War. In a critical tone, he commented that the Russia had destroyed all nuclear arms after the war while the United States failed to do so and continues to have these arms today. In many instances throughout the speech, Gorbachev vied for decreasing military action and replacing it with trust among nations. Tailoring his speech to the young audience, Gorbachev expressed his feelings about the future of global relations. He recognized that the world we live in today is one of nuclear war threats and depression. But, he emphasized, the upcoming generation has enormous power to transform it; this generation

Photo Courtesy of Casey Anthony

needs to understand the effects of their actions and take responsibility for changing the world. “I would like to welcome this new generation... young people must think about their country and its future,” stated Gorbachev passionately, “They must get ready, they must prepare for their life and they must prepare to become the generation that will transform the country and the world. Therefore I would like to wish these young people the best of health because you will need a lot of strength in order to build your life, your family, and your country.” In response to a question about the Arab uprising and similar uprisings, Gorbachev explained simply, “ Well, I perceive these protests with understanding. I understand the causes, I understand why people are protesting and rising. Actually, you can describe it in a very simple way. People are speaking out, people are asking ‘why do our leaders want to decide everything at the expense of the people.’” But all is not bad in this world, Gorbachev noted. The uprisings that have seemingly plagued our world are far from harming society; they are signs of a new order, an impetus toward global change. Gorbachev seems hopeful for the future, stating, “history is not preordained, We can influence history if we understand the most important things.” Gorbachev has faith that the upcoming generation has the power to turn the world around if they understand past faults and use them to pave a new path towards global cooperation.

Remembering Mr. Liberati by Corinne Renner The sudden death of Southern Lehigh School District superintendent, 57 year-old Joseph Liberati, shocked and dismayed both students and faculty as they returned to school from the Thanksgiving break. Mr. Liberati served the Southern Lehigh community for 22 years. Originally hired as middle school assistant principal in 1989, by 1991, he became the principal at Hopewell and Lower Milford. In 1998, he was promoted to K-12 Curriculum Coordinator for Compliance and Special Services, and by 2003 Mr. Liberati was officially hired as superintendent. He was scheduled to officially retire in March, and looked forward to spending time with family.

Mr. Liberati will be remembered an active and beloved member of the administrative staff in the district. High school principal, Mrs. Christine Siegfried, reflected on the late superintendent’s involvement with our Southern Lehigh family: “Mr. Liberati could always be seen supporting our students at scholastic competitions, athletic events and musical performances. He took pride in their accomplishments and enjoyed celebrating their successes. He visited the buildings often and would spend time talking with staff and students. His Spartan spirit will truly be missed! I enjoyed working with him for the past thirteen years and will miss his presence in the district.”

Mr. Joseph Liberati

Southern Lehigh School District will hosting a celebration of the life and legacy of Mr. Liberati on Sunday, December 4, at 2p.m. in the Southern Lehigh High School gymnasium. In lieu of flowers, his family asks that donations be made to the scholarship fund in his name.




Fun Fact Did you know that in PA any motorist driving along a country road at night must stop every mile and send up a rocket signal, wait 10 minutes for the road to be cleared of livestock, and continue? Courtesy of


Last month’s Spanish Club article was written by Alexa Marcano

Southern Lehigh High School 5800 Main Street Center Valley, PA 18034 (610) 282-1421 x7122 The Spotlight is published six times annually by the student members of its staff. Its purpose is to present news concerning Southern Lehigh High School and the Southern Lehigh School District, as well as to provide a forum for student opinion. Editorial content of The Spotlight expresses the view of the paper and not necessarily that of the Board of Education, Administration, or faculty of the Southern Lehigh School District. Bylined editorial content and letters to the editor represent the opinion of the writer only. All contents are copyrighted by The Spotlight. Advertising and subscription rates are furnished upon request.

White Halloween?

by Natalie Baca Usually around Halloween, people are carving pumpkins, making costumes, and buying candy for eager Trick-Or-Treaters; bad weather, let alone snow, being the last thing on their minds. No one was even thinking about how Halloween might be canceled. That’s why no one was prepared for the record breaking snow storm. The snowstorm struck almost everyone around the northeast, including Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, leaving them without power for days. The experience was unfortunate, especially for those who were unlucky enough to not have generators in their homes. Some people remained without power for almost four days after the snow storm occurred on Saturday, October 29th. “That was quite a blizzard,” says Rachel Style, a victim of the Halloween snowstorm, “but the real problem was the power outage. I sat by the fire the whole time because there was no heat.” Not only was the power out, but trees were destroyed all over surrounding areas. They fell in roads, making travel to school and work nearly impossible for some. Various schools were closed for one or two days after the stormy weekend and in some areas Halloween was officially postponed, leaving children not only stuck in their homes but also disappointed. PPL worked overtime, bringing in workers from as far away as Mississippi to help repair lines and return electricity to homes. Generally people who lived in a city or larger urban area got the power back first, and the residents or suburban and rural areas were left without power for a longer time. Within our school district, the amount of time left without power varied drastically. Some students never lost power, some got it back after two days, and some were left without power until Thursday, November 3. One thing many students learned from this storm is that a generator can be a very wise investment.

Healthy Living Expo by Dana DiGiovanni

On November 17th, 2011, Southern Lehigh High school provided a healthy living expo organized by SADD (Students Against DestrucFaculty Adviser tive Decisions). The expo was held not only for Mrs. Marlo Spritzer students of the school district but also other stuEditor-in-Chief dents from different schools from surrounding Corinne Renner districts. Managing/Our World Editor The gym was filled with stands from Bruce Backa various groups and companies. Every stand had News Editors something to offer. Since there were so many Lauren Gross stands, each one had to try their best to attract Heather Smillie people. Marketing techniques included free food, Features Editors drinks, and even mascots walking around. Casey Anthony Some stands had the Just Dance game Rachel Style for the Wii, Wii fit, Zumba, and a particularly Entertainment Editor interesting stand hosted by Officer McLaughlin. Mariah Janowski His stand had goggles that mimicked the effect Editorial Editors of how you see things when you are intoxicatMaria McDonald ed. When you think you are walking a straight Ally Quilty line, you actually are completely off. Then, they Sports Editors Tim Filler throw a tennis ball at you with the goggles on, Brad Zamoiski and where you think the ball is it actually in a Layout Editor different place. Another stand had a pledge that Rylee Maron you could sign promising you would not text and Photo Editor drive. Isabella Hoeke Overall, the Healthy Living Expo was a Photographer total success. If they decide to this next year, a lot Katelyn Scheetz of students will be looking forward to it because not only was it a blast of fun, it was also educational.

Record-Setting Fall Weather

by Maria McDonald This year, 2011, has been particularly odd in regards to the weather. In recent months, the weather conditions have been taking turns for the better or worse, the warm or the cold, the severe or the calm. Whether these changes are because of our universal orbit, changing atmosphere, or the infamous theory of global warming, they affect us all. Preparation is essential if Mother Nature’s mood swings come your way. In many areas throughout the United States, this summer was one of the hottest on record. In states such as Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, and New Mexico, temperatures were recorded that were higher than that of the 1930’s Dust Bowl! On our East Coast, records were replaced as well. This past August and September saw more rain than ever recorded in Pennsylvania state history. The excessive amounts of rain led to flooding and power shortages. The rain affected teenagers by altering fall sporting event schedules and causing transportation difficulties. The excessive rain continued into October, followed by stifling heat. The temperatures recorded during this October are much higher than those typical to this month in previous years. However, in the middle of the month, a cold front swept the region, bringing temperatures more typical to late November than mid-October. Those who are truly affected by these changes are global warming advocates, who claim the differing weather patterns are a direct result of the infamous over-heating of earth. The issue of global warming originated several decades ago, and has only continued as the years pass on and the threat intensifies. Those who believe that this threat is the cause for strange weather chastise those who do not believe in global warming, and claim that the odd patterns are proof for the phenomenon. No matter which approach/ explanation individuals agree with, preparation for weather changes is always important. In order to adapt to the conditions, people must be aware of upcoming atmospheric fluctuations, and adjust accordingly. If you cannot properly adapt, or fail to recognize the importance of such preparations, the effects can be devastating. Whether the weather has extreme effects, such as the recent Hurricane Irene, or less notable changes, such as the minor flooding in Pennsylvania on account of heavy rains, the consequences can be costly, annoying, and even deadly. Mother Nature’s mood swings should not affect every aspect of an individual’s life, but the weather does deserve a certain amount of respect. Regardless of the personal ramifications, paying attention to the new and strange weather outbreaks can be educational and helpful in preparing for the future.

Seven Billion...and Counting by Madeleine Cole

The Earth’s population has officially reached the seven billion mark. While this may seem like a cause for celebration, the Earth’s rising number of inhabitants has become a concern to many. The planet’s resources may seem unlimited, but the strains put on the environment by seven billion people could prove to be detrimental. The population has increased rapidly, and when put into comparison with the time the population took to reach other billion marks, this growth seems like an even more astonishing feat. The world didn’t reach one billion inhabitants until 1800, according to the Population Reference Bureau, and it reached two billion in 1930. However, with advances in modern medicine, it took only 30 more years to reach three billion, 14 years to reach four billion, 13 years to reach five billion and 12 years to reach both six billion and seven billion.

What is Seven Billion?

Seven billion is a huge number to comprehend. has provided different ways to help you envision this massive number: -- Seven billion seconds ago, the year was 1789. That was the year George Washington was inaugurated as the first U.S. President, and Congress met for the very first time. -- If you took 7 billion steps along the Earth’s equator -- at 2 feet per step -- you could walk around the world at least 106 times. -- Suppose an average thimble holds two milliliters of water. Seven billion of those thimbles would fill at least five Olympicsized swimming pools. -- Seven billion ants, at an average size of three milligrams each, would weigh at least 23 tons (46,297 pounds)

Photo Courtesy of Lauren Gross




Unexpected Road Block in the College Application Process

by Isabelle Hoeke This October, the northeastern region of our country was hit with a devastating snow storm, leaving thousands without power in the New England area. However, the date that the snow storm hit also happened to be only a couple days before early decision and early action college applications were due across the country. This posed a problem for many young students who had to get creative with their ways of applying to college. When the storm hit, many young students were left without power and without their computers. Students panicked. They were left unable to complete essays that were due on November 1st. Students had to complete their essays on public computers, laptops, and even handheld devices. One student reported that she traveled to Starbucks to access wifi on her computer, but the entire place was so crowded that she was unable to work. Many went to Barnes and Noble, bringing their laptops and chargers. As a student rushing to finish my early action application, I was stuck in a dilemma. Fortunately, my house became so cold that my parents were forced to relocate my family to a hotel. Once in the hotel, I plugged my iPad into the wall and

wrote two full-page essays using my fingers on the touch screen. It was difficult and took a long time, but I was finally able to finish my essays. Not all students were able to stay in a hotel though. Senior Brianna Yates struggled to find a place to finish her applications: “I went to Starbucks to try and use my laptop, but there were so many other people in there and the Internet connection was so slow that I couldn’t do it.” Fortunately for her, though, she was able to stay at a friend’s house to finish her essays. However, some schools were very forgiving toward students unable to finish their applications. The University of Chicago sent out emails to all of their applicants telling them to take their time finishing up the application and that they understood that many were stuck without power. Some schools are not as forgiving and did not allow the students without power to apply after deadline. The snowstorm ended up leaving hundreds of thousands of people in the Northeast region without power. Many schools were also closed for days while power companies struggled to repair electric

...many young students were left without power and without their computers. Students panicked. .

Changes to PA Junior License

You and the Flu

Underage Pennsylvania drivers will soon be facing changes to the system of receiving permits and junior licenses. Recently, in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, members voted overwhelmingly (188-6) to place more restrictions on young drivers. All drivers under the age of eighteen will be subjected to these alterations to the law. In Pennsylvania, to obtain a Junior license one must have a permit for six months. The age at which a teenager can get a permit will remain at 16, but in the six months of holding a driving permit, one will have to drive 65 hours under the new law instead of the former required 50 hours. The law also states that within those 65 hours, permit holders must drive ten of those hours at night, and five of them in inclement weather. 65 hours is a substantial increase considering that many individuals struggle to complete 50 hours of driving. Once a driver obtains a junior license, the new restrictions continue. The first six months that a driver has a license he or she is only permitted one passenger in the car, excluding immediate family members. After the first six months, if the driver has a spotless record, he or she is allowed to have three passengers, once again excluding all immediate family members. This is in an effort to reduce distractions for new, inexperienced drivers. The theory assumes that with fewer distractions, there will be fewer car crashes among teen drivers. The last, and possibly the least, cumbersome alteration to underage driving is the requirement of seat belts. In previous years, failure to wear a seat belt was a secondary offense, which disables an officer from pulling over individuals simply because they are not equipped with a seat belt. However, an officer could fine people for the absence of seat belts if they were also subject to another infraction such as speeding. Under the new law, an officer can pull over an individual for the sole reason of not wearing a seat belt. This new law is in reaction to the statistic that half of all teens killed in car crashes were not wearing seat belts. The change was made in hope to limit the fatality rate.

Did you get your flu shot yet? Do not procrastinate getting this important vaccine for the upcoming flu season. The flu or influenza is caused by the influenza virus which can be spread by coughing or sneezing. Anyone can get the flu, but the most susceptible individuals are children and older adults. Symptoms usually last only a few days for most people. They include: fever/chills, cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, runny or stuffy nose and fatigue. Certain groups of people such as young children, people age 65 or older, pregnant women and those with certain health conditions can become much sicker. The flu can cause high fever and pneumonia and make existing medical conditions worse. It can also cause diarrhea and seizures in children. Each year thousands of people die from influenza, and many require hospitalization. There are two types of influenza vaccine. The first is the Inactivated (killed) vaccine. This flu shot is given by injection with a needle. The second is the Live, attenuated (weakened) vaccine sprayed into the nostrils. Influenza viruses are always changing. As a result, annual vaccination is recommended. Each year scientists try to match the viruses in the vaccine to those most likely to cause the flu that year. It takes up to two weeks for protection to develop after the shot and this protection lasts about a year. Who should get vaccinated and when? All people six months of age or older should get the flu vaccine. It is important to get vaccinated as soon as the vaccine is available. Influenza can occur at any time but most cases occur from October through May. In recent seasons, most infections have occurred in January and February. Adults and older children get one dose while children younger than nine years old need two doses. Allergic reactions to influenza vaccine are rare; however, it is imperative to tell your doctor if you have any severe (life-threatening) allergies. These include a severe allergy to eggs because an allergy to any component in the vaccine may be reason not to get the vaccine. Other reasons to wait or opt out of the vaccine include: a previously severe reaction after a dose of the flu shot, a history of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, or current moderate or severe illness. What are the risks from the inactivated flu vaccine? The risk of serious harm or death is extremely small. The vaccine could cause severe allergic reactions. Serious problems are very rare. The viruses in the inactivated influenza vaccine have been killed, so you cannot get influenza from the vaccine. Mild problems from the flu shot include the following: soreness, redness or swelling at the site of the injection; hoarseness; sore, red or itchy eyes; cough; fever; aches; headache; itching and fatigue. If symptoms occur, they usually appear soon after the shot and last one to two days. For more information, you may contact your doctor, local or state health department or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at 1-800-232-4636 or their website at flu. You can protect yourself from the flu and avoid spreading the flu to others by getting the flu vaccine.

by Christoper McCarthy

by Allison Quilty

Photo Courtesy of Lauren Gross

Although there are changes within the system, some concepts will remain the same. Curfew is still the same on a junior licence: 11pm to 5am. Plus, young drivers are still able to obtain a permit for six months after completing a Pennsylvaniadesigned written test. These new restrictions may seem silly to young drivers, but Pennsylvania is definitely not the strictest when it comes to junior drivers. Our next door neighbor New Jersey has some of the most restrictive laws in respect to junior drivers. In New Jersey, a student may obtain a permit at age sixteen, but must have it for a year, rather than six months, before obtaining a junior license. Therefore, New Jersey drivers cannot get a junior license until age 17. For most individuals, that means one must depend on other means of transportation until the the end of the junior year of high school. Although Pennsylvania has made changes to the driving system, the new laws in place should enhance the safety of all residents

...with fewer distractions, there will be fewer car crashes among teen drivers.



Sea of Souls


by Robyn Somers and Joelle Smith

The sand squished between my toes, and waves splashed about my ankles, beckoning me further into the sea. As I let the salty waves wrap about my legs like a blanket, I proceeded deeper and deeper. The washed-up sea shells seemed to mock me, asking me what I had done. I attempted to tell them it was only an accident, but they remained inanimate. Nothing mattered any more, or at least not after what I had done. The event may have been an accident, but the decisions I made before the event were not. Everyone blames me. Everyone says I should have known better. “I am only human!” I would tell them. My mom would respond, “Even humans know better.” She was right; I should have known better. Not only were my decisions illegal, but they inadvertently took a life. The morning of the incident appeared like any other. Invitations were sent out to Steve’s party. I was talking to Allie when I received the card that would change my life forever, and end hers. It was one of those senior year parties that the entire class was invited to.The party was scheduled to be that night; Allie and I planned on attending. I offered to pick her up because my mom would never let me go alone. The day unraveled like a rug, nothing unusual. Talk about the party filled the school hallways while rumors emerged about plans for that evening. I stopped thinking about that day, because the real story happened that night. To Be Continued...

Student Council

by Casey Anthony If you have experienced a pep rally, attended a spring dance, or donated blood at the school blood drive, you have been involved in some of the many student council organized events. Under the direction of Mr. Ruch, student council works throughout the school year to plan activities for the student body. Mr. Ruch became the advisor for student council four years ago, after leaving his coaching position. “[I] got out of coaching but I still wanted to be involved with activities and events in the school,” he explained. Since he took the position of student council advisor, Mr. Ruch has worked with the club members to generate increased cohesion and cooperation throughout the student body. The tailgate before the homecoming dance has been a longstanding tradition, but has recently expanded to include a much larger number of school clubs. Student council also facilitates a number of other events, including the annual spring dance and end of year picnic/ carnival. Within student council is a prestigious group of three juniors and three seniors known collectively as Student Forum. Once a month the selective group travels to other school districts to interact with other Student Forum members. Each year the Student Forum collaboration adopts a different theme. For the 2011-2012 school year, the members are participating in career-related activities. Student council is successful because its members are enthusiastic about improving the atmosphere of the school community. As representatives of the school community, student council members have leadership skills that allow them to take charge of activities and events.

Blood Drive Recieves Good Turnout by Casey Anthony On Tuesday, November 8th, more than 50 students and teachers from the high school donated blood during the annual blood drive facilitated by Southern Lehigh’s Student Council. The blood bank benefits the most from high school and college blood drives because it is held in school or on campus, so it is easily accessible to all students. However, this year, for the first time, Student Council opened the blood drive to people outside of the SLHS community. Four adults, outside of the school district, donated blood. The annual blood drive is one of the many activities that student council organizes to benefit individuals outside the school community. Student council is eager to host a spring blood drive and expects a bigger turnout.

Happily Ever After? by Cassie Clarence

Romance or heartbreak. Smiles or regrets. Senior year is in full swing, and college is a part of our conscience. Love is in the air within the high school halls. But many couples will soon have to decide how college affects their relationships. Consider this before your next kiss: “when it comes to high school sweethearts pursuing long-distance relationships during college, there are more failures than successes,” says Dr. Larina Kase, a psychologist. A Manchester College Relationships Examiner, Haley Dunn, says that most high school relationships reach their expiration date long before students have taken their first mid-term exam. Dunn says that college is the time period in an individual’s life to start fresh. She says that ending the relationship now gives both people the opportunity to go off to school single and meet new people and have new experiences. If a couple doesn’t share the same expectations of the relationship, it can only mean disaster. There are plenty alternatives for the lack of face time: video messaging, text messaging, and phone calls. While this is great, it requires time and effort to keep in touch and feel connected. The lack of face-to-face communication may become increasingly disheartening as time goes on. According to The Center for the Study of Long Distance Relationships, 37% of long distance couples split up in the first three months of a relationship, compared to 21% of traditional relationships. However, if a long-distance relationship can last the first year, only 8% break up after the first year, compared to 25% of traditional relationships. There is hope: high school sweethearts do stay together through college, but they are the exception rather than the rule. It takes a lot of maturity (which not everyone has at the beginning of college) and a lot of work. Being aware that change is the central point of the college experience is ideal. Trust and patience are the keys to having a healthy relationship. The most essential concept of the relationship is maintaining what is best for any one individual at that point in time. For those high school sweethearts concerned about college, ask yourselves what you truly want from your relationships. Will you make the time to call your significant other or be willing to sacrifice time for your partner? Approach the discussion with an open mind. There will be fights, bickering, and annoyances. Sacrifices will have to be made and borders will have to be re-drawn. Realize that your partner is dealing with the same issues. The point: don’t be stubborn or rigid in your ways. Approach college and relationships with the attitude that you will allow yourself to be fluid and flexible. Accept that there will be good times, bad times, and everything in between. The best rule is to have no rules, except for each person to love the other enough to allow that special someone to experience life as he or she chooses.

Fighting for the Cause by Lizzi Levis

For the fourth consecutive year, the Lady Spartans have run the “Dig Pink” volleyball game. “Dig Pink” was created by the Side-Out Foundation and is a charity that raises money for breast cancer research. Each year, the volleyball team makes pink t-shirts to sell at school, puts together baskets that are raffled off at the game, and hangs motivational and informative signs around the school to make the students aware and interested in helping the cause. Students love to come to the game and show support not only to the girls, but also to finding a cure. Each year, thanks to many of our own staff and students, thousands of dollars are raised and put towards fighting cancer. The volleyball team was fortunate enough to get St. Luke’s Hospital involved, hand out information about breast cancer, and help with many donations. This year the gym was filled with many pink posters, signs, and eager fans who wanted to see the girls pummel the Saucon Valley Panthers. After three games, the student section celebrated as Southern Lehigh won easily over Saucon Valley. The team celebrated even more when they learned that they had raised over $8,500 this year! In total the Southern Lehigh volleyball team has raised over $30,000 for the Side-Out Foundation.

Five things you didn’t know about donating blood: 1. Donating whole blood only takes about 20 minutes. 2. The hardest part is not getting stuck by the needle, but making sure you don’t eat too many cookies and chips afterwards. 3. To donate blood at the school blood drive, you must be at least 17 years old. 4. Being stuck by the needle not bad at all; it feels like getting pinched. 5. After donating, you get a colorful bandage to proudly show you donated!

Photo Courtesy of Meghan Sunners



SLSD Opens its Doors to Other Languages and Cultures


by Casey Anthony, Robyn Somers, Ashley Zamichieli

Southern Lehigh is opening its doors to many new opportunities. Chinese and Arabic languages are among the new additions that Southern Lehigh is integrating into its curriculum. Thanks to assistant superintendent, Dr. Leah Christman, Southern Lehigh is lucky to have teachers from both cultures here to teach students. The new teachers integrate both their cultures and their native languages into the curriculum. How did Southern Lehigh become fortunate to have two native speakers as teachers? In 2009, Dr. Christman attended a conference in Berks County where she learned that schools in that area were receiving guest Chinese teachers. Dr. Christman thought this was a great idea for our district and decided to ask permission to participate in the program. As a result, during the 2010-2011 school year, Southern Lehigh welcomed Chinese teacher Yu Qingchu on behalf of the Confucius Institute. Once again, we are fortunate enough to host yet another Chinese teacher, and also an Arabic teacher, for the 2011- 2012 term. Dr. Christman reflected on the benefits of the program stating, “I feel learning about China and the Middle East are critical skills that will benefit our students for their futures. The world is changing quickly, and business connections and communications with these regions of the world are very important for the future and for the US.” This program has been a great addition to the Southern Lehigh curriculum. Currently we have two teachers here, Ms. Leiyen Guo, and Ms. Alishimaa Nofal, who are completely new to the American culture, and the United States in general. Both are ex-

cited to be here and are ready to share their cultures with the students of Southern Lehigh. In addition to pursuing her Masters Degree, Ms. Leyien Guo teaches Chinese at both the high school and middle school. Her favorite part of teaching is showing students the diversity of the culture. Since Leiyen Guo is only at Southern Lehigh for about a year, she wants to learn and acquaint herself with as much of the American culture as she possibly can. While here she has already noticed the importance of students understanding different cultures. “There is a Chinese idiom [about] seeking common ground while accepting the existing differences,” says Ms. Leiyen Guo, quoting Qiu Tong Cun Yi. Her goal is to show students that as the world changes, they must learn to accept different people and their values, such as different languages, accents, and lifestyles. Our newest change in the world language department is the opportunity for students who take Arabic to receive face-to-face instruction from a classroom teacher. Prior to this year, Southern Lehigh had only offered online instruction in the Arabic language. Each day students met with one of two female Arab teachers in an online classroom where they could communicate via video chat. The days students were not meeting online with their virtual teacher, they completed workbooks and worksheets. Everything has changed now. Ms. Alishmaa Nofal is from Alexandria, Egypt, and ready to teach! She comes to us from an Egyptian town by the Mediterranean Sea, and is staying with a sponsor family throughout the duration of her visit this year.

New Club Sparks Interest in Southern Lehigh by Maria McDonald In recent years, Southern Lehigh’s collection of school clubs has substantially grown, creating a base of activities that range to include the interests of nearly every student. With the huge influx of new clubs, it can be confusing to keep track of which ones suit your needs and interests, and which ones are meant for a different personality than your own. However, one may wonder, is there a club that anyone can join, no matter their interests, activities, or personal beliefs? The answer can be found within the Interact Club, a club added to Southern Lehigh’s activity roster this year. Interact Club is not exclusive to Southern Lehigh High School. Similar to the widespread familiarity of Key Club, there are Interact clubs or groups all over the world. However, unlike Key Club, Interact club members are not simply high school students in America. The participants can include high school or college students, as well as professional adults, particularly business leaders, from all over the world. Each Interact club, also known as the high school component of Rotary Club, is part of a larger, international organization called Rotary International. The purpose of these groups is to bring together human beings and promote goodwill and peace in the world. This is specifically done by encouraging the inclusion of respectable ethics in the business world, and allowing humanitarian services within corporations. The Interact Club was founded by its current president, Katelyn Scheetz. After experiencing an Interact Club in Italy, where she was a foreign exchange student for a year, Scheetz brought back the positive memories gained from the club and incorporated them into her efforts to start Southern Lehigh’s branch. She successfully passed through administrative obstacles, and established a club that will hopefully be sustained for years to come. Interact Clubs from all over the world are known for their two famous mottos: “Service above self,” and “They profit most who serve best.” There are no restrictions as to who can or cannot be a part of this organization. All one needs is a desire to do good in the world and make a difference. If this description fits your personality, contact Katelyn Scheetz for more information. Southern Lehigh’s Interact Club will meet the second and fourth Monday of each month. Scheetz urges, “Join if you want to reach out of our sheltered community, and discover everything the world has to offer and what you can offer to the world.”

Ms. Nofal was one of ten teachers chosen from over 500 applicants for the teacher exchange program for the 2011-2012 school year. She has been to the United States before, but only for a short period of time. She likes Pennsylvania because its tranquil atmosphere contrasts the city environment she is accustomed to back home. Despite the large distance, the United States and Egypt are not all that different. Ms. Nofal talks about the similarities she has noticed: “Food, cars, students, and schools. There are more similarities than differences, actually.” In regards to her aspirations, she commented, “I hope to establish the basic foundation for teaching Arabic, and that my students will be motivated to carry on with the language.” Southern Lehigh students are excited about the opportunity to learn more about the Chinese and Arabic languages and cultures. We welcome Ms. Guo and Ms. Nofal and hope that they enjoy their stay!

Ms. Leiyan Guo

Ms. Alishmaa Nofal

Photo Courtesy of Christmas City Studios

Up for Debate

by Ashley Zamichieli Preparation is essential when it comes to speech and debate. Whether it’s memorizing a speech or researching facts to support an argument, students involved in this club are very busy. Those involved in speech and debate have many different events from which to compete in. However, the most popular event for Southern Lehigh participants is duo interpretation. This event features two performers who present drama, prose, or poetry, and everything is memorized. Students tend to gravitate toward this event because they are able to perform with another individual, and therefore feel more comfortable on stage. Competitions can be intimidating, especially if it is a student’s first time. Fortunately, there are 23 tournaments scheduled throughout this year, so members will be able to develop their skills. Earlier this year, three students were granted the opportunity to compete in a nation-wide competition at Yale University. Although no one completed the preliminaries, the students received excellent constructive criticism. So, what exactly draws a student to join the speech and debate team? “A lot of them join because their friends or siblings are, or were, on it. Others join because they like the idea of an academic, competitive team. All [students] eventually realize that it’s a great activity that helps them with some essential skills that last a lifetime,” stated Mr. Long, the speech and debate advisor. The team has already competed in several events, but looks forward to honing their skills and participating in many more competitions during the 2011-2012 academic year. “I love when it finally clicks with a student and they really start mastering their event. It doesn’t matter which type, debate, speech or interpretation, since all have their challenges. When a student is able to succeed and perform to their best level after all of their hard work, that is my favorite part,” reflected Mr. Long. If you’re interested in speech and debate and would like to challenge yourself, talk to Mr. Long in room 207. He is flexible with practices and would love to see more people become involved with this team. Speech and debate is a challenge, but the effort devoted by the team is well-rewarded.




Penn State Scandal Rocks Happy Valley

by Bruce Backa Thursday, November 10, 2011 long time Penn State head football coach, Paterno wanted to take the safe approach: report the situation to his superior, Joe Paterno, was fired after 46 incredible years of coaching. During his career, and let him handle it discreetly and professionally, keeping the image of the he acquired numerous achievements, awards, and championships, making him school in mind. I believe that a man of Paterno’s caliber and integrity wouldn’t the winningest coach in the history of Division I football. Known for his gen- just let this go, and he wouldn’t have remained inactive if he truly knew the erosity and integrity, Paterno has accomplished a lot for Penn State, not only full extent of the situation and was fully aware that sexual abuse was going on. in football, but also in financial and academic aspects. His actions reflect the However, this is speculation, and only my opinion. Both the public and official famous Penn State catchphrase: “Success with Honor.” Joe Paterno reflects all viewpoint is that Paterno was negligent in efforts to help the victims. This scandal has rocked everything we know about Penn State. As that is Penn State. It is hard to believe that this has been overshadowed by the it is, Joe Paterno and his superiors were all aware of the scandal, and failed recent ugly scandal. to report it, possibly for the sake of As many already know, after a maintaining Penn State’s image. If so, two-year investigation, former defenPenn State is right to get rid of these sive coordinator Jerry Sandusky has men. No matter who they are, legend been charged with sexually assaulting or not, they made a terrible mistake eight boys over a 15-year period. Curand frankly shouldn’t be involved rent Penn State assistant coach Mike with an institution such as Penn State. McQueary witnessed one disturbing You can’t put the image of the school incident in 2002 and reported this to ahead of the victims. I fully agree Paterno, who in turn notified the athwith the argument that there is a morletic director Tim Curley and the vice al code that Joe Paterno should have president Gary Schultz, who then nofollowed. I disagree with the final tified the president Graham Spanier. decision to fire Paterno, as I do not Paterno followed procedure, but nothbelieve that a man who has stood for ing was truly accomplished, and the such high standards would have let investigation was delayed. such a horrendous incident slide had Shockingly, what had initially he known about it. However, action dominated the media coverage was needed to be taken, and unfortunatenot the actual crime, but the lack of acly, the facts point straight to JoePa. tion taken by these high-ranking Penn Penn Staters: Yes, we lost a great State officials who were all informed football coach, one of the greatest of the incident and did not respond ever, but keep in mind this isn’t about properly. The two really dominating football. Penn State will find another the media coverage, however, have Photo Courtesy of Lauren Gross coach, another man of honor who will help bring back Penn State from this been assistant coach Mike McQueary and of course, “JoePa.” The board of trustees recently decided to fire coach Joe Paterno due low, and keep the Nittany Lions fighting hard to uphold the tradition of “Sucto his lack of action in addressing the situation. Though he cannot be pursued cess with Honor.” Penn State football will recover and maintain a commitment legally, the outraged public questioned why Paterno did not do more. Even to excellence. Those who may never recover are the victims of Sandusky’s horthough he has always been a symbol of morality and integrity, the board of rible acts. Throughout the first days of the media coverage, Sandusky was the trustees needed to throw him to the dogs in order to make a statement that the person people talked about the least, which is a shame, because if anything, the university is taking this matter very seriously. Penn Staters everywhere are fu- nation, beyond Penn State, should be outraged at him. The individuals he alrious over this turn of events, but really, we need to take a step back, consider legedly harmed will never be the same again, and they need a nation’s support if they ever hope to recover. Penn State will return to a plateau of honor and both sides of the story, and realize this is about more than football. If the allegations are true, then Paterno absolutely deserved to be fired. integrity. One coach doesn’t make a university. It’s the students, alumni, and dieHowever, I don’t think that was necessarily the case. Paterno may not have been told the full extent of the situation, as some report only the events as hard fans across the nation. The board of trustees did the right thing, pending “horsing around.” Furthermore, Sandusky and Paterno had a close relationship. the allegations are true. Action needed to be taken, these men, including JoePa, If someone were to approach me with an allegation against one of my good needed to leave if Penn State ever hopes to cleanse itself and return to a univerfriends, whom I very much respect and have always seen as a man of integrity, sity we can be proud of. I wouldn’t immediately believe the allegation without any solid proof. I believe

True Meaning of Christmas

By Lizzi Levis For Christians, going to church, donating to the poor, and celebrating the birth of Jesus is what the true meaning of Christmas is theoretically supposed to entail. Now Christmas is all about having extravagant celebrations, buying a gazillion presents, and buying the largest Christmas tree on the lot. Tell me, when did it become acceptable for everyone to be self-obsessed and so intrigued by lavish gifts? Turn on the TV, click on a radio station, and tell me what you hear. Christmas commercials! The commercials are not about keeping up with traditions and recognizing one’s religion, but about the newest toy at Toys R Us or buying one cashmere sweater and getting another one for 50% off. Unfortunately, that sounds a lot like modern-day Christmas. As time moves forward, we think of Christmas as a holiday in which we get off of work and a time to receive elaborate gifts. Most of us are guilty of celebrating or looking at Christmas in such a way. Our generation doesn’t know much better because ever since we were little, we were taught that we gave and got presents during Christmas. Sure, somewhere along the line the story of Christmas was told to us and we thought about it, but as soon as those gingerbread cookies came out of the oven, the concept of Christmas was somewhat lost on us. If you are one of the many that celebrate Christmas, do yourself a favor this year; take a moment to think about how Christmas all started and what it was meant to celebrate. Think of how lucky and fortunate you are and maybe bring the true meaning of Christmas to the attention of someone else.

What’s In and Out? by Maria McDonald

As we welsome a new season, complete with new activities, sports, and fashion trends, it is important to pay attention to the current in’s and out’s that develop with the change of atmosphere. Here are a few tips and opinions to help you out!


- Thanksgiving Break! - Facial hair (No Shave November) - Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother, Friends reruns - Penn State scandal - American Sandwich - Yahoo News - Basketball Big Blue Wrecking Crew


- School (for a few days) - Socks with sandals - Two and a Half Men with Ashton Kutcher, American Idol, The Office with Will Ferrell - The Trial of Michal Jackson’s doctor, Dr. Murray - Subway - Paying for - Football student section


Airport Security: Keeping us Safe, or a Breach of Rights? by Dana DiGiovanni

In airports today there is a new type of security that travelers must go through in order to fly. High-tech electronic scanner machines use highfrequency radio beams to bounce off a person to create a 3-D black and white image of the passenger’s nude body. Scanners and pat downs have become a hugely controversial topic throughout America. Some say that both the scanners and pat-downs are a violation of human rights. A major concern is the scanning or pat downs of children. Since the scan has the power to see though clothing, it could be considered child pornography. Similarly, some consider the pat-downs to be sexual harassment. In the United Kingdom, scans are not performed on anyone under the age of 18 to avoid violating child pornography laws. However, I disagree that the new airport security measures are violating our rights and the rights of children. These security checks are necessary. The time-consuming scans and pat-downs are not just for fun. I would rather have advanced checks like these, instead of having someone end up sneaking a weapon onto an airplane. The only person seeing the images is a trained professional. The only reason someone should have a problem with these checks is if he or she has something to hide. The scans are a great idea. The airport security can now know with a greater degree of certainty that no one boarding a plane has a dangerous weapon, a bomb, or drugs. If the person protests the full body scan, he or she is subjected to a full body pat-down by the TSA. Personally, I would have more of a problem with pat-downs than scanning. These pat-downs are kind of like “groping.” Why would you rather be touched all over than allowing a professional checking for weapons to view your body on a black and white 3-D screen? All of this controversy is absolutely absurd. I will never understand why Americans make such a big deal out of safety precautions. I believe the scans should be continued, because they are very effective on checking for items that are not supposed to be on an airplane.

Letter to the Editor Dear Students of Southern Lehigh High School, A serious problem is plaguing the halls of our school. No, I’m not talking about trash. And no, I’m not talking about hipsters. I’m talking about people strolling around like the Jersey Shore cast on the boardwalk. With only four minutes to get to and from classes, some kids need to book it just to make it to class on time. The congestion in the hallways really builds up when Betty Talksalot and Bobby McAnnoyingpants prop themselves up on a wall and snuggle and cuddle and play tonsil hockey. I will not apologize if I “accidentally” ram my elbow into your side. Sorry? I’m not sorry! I’ve got places to go, and things to do, and I refuse to waste my time on your high school romance. If you want to take forever to walk to class, go ahead. What can anyone do to stop you? But don’t whine when I push you out of my way. Also, there are some things that I’ve heard while walking in the hallways that I cannot unhear. Did I ask you what you were up to this weekend? No. So don’t yap about it like everyone around you cares. Oh, you’re going to a Taylor Swift concert with your mom this Thursday? I must have missed the part where I asked. There is a reasonable volume at which it is appropriate to discuss your life, and you, my friends, surpass it. And while I’m at it, I’d like to call out the kid who yelled at me on the stairs the other day. I sincerely apologize that I got in your way while you attempted to spit your gum down the stairwell. I now realize what an important task you had to accomplish, and I feel awful about imposing on your plan. I deeply hope you all see my sarcasm there. I don’t mean to sound bitter, or mean. All I’m asking is that people NOT give me a reason to feel so violent. I get that you’ve got your swag on, but doesn’t your swag come at a faster pace? Love, A fellow classmate P.S. While the severity of this letter is a joke, the message is real. Please stop being so annoying.



The Wish Theory by Chris McCarthy The wish theory has been, and remains, a serious problem in our society. The wish theory refers to the mindset of an individual who has gargantuan goals, but does not want to work towards achieving that goal. The wish theory also refers to the mindset of individuals who set goals they simply cannot reach. A student who wants an A on a test, but fails to study, has a wish theory mindset. While this may seem innocent and harmless, the wish theory reduces self-esteem and personal motivation. Humans by nature are ambitious individuals. They always strive to better themselves. While this ambition is indeed necessary and should be valued, a problem arises when people aspire to reach heights they simply cannot. When individuals set sky-high expectations, they often find themselves failing to achieve these ambitions. As a result, they become upset, dissatisfied, and agitated. When people desire wealth, power, and fame, but fail to achieve any of these lofty goals, they finds themselves dissatisfied with life. They fail to appreciate what they have. Countless Americans, misguided by the media, believe that they need material possessions to

achieve complete happiness. In actuality, their desires to acquire these materialistic possessions prevent them from ever being happy. Not only does the wish theory mindset ruin self esteem, it also erodes our motivation. When an individual sets lofty goals that they cannot achieve, all of their efforts are futile and are met with little success. As a result, the individual sees no value in even trying. However, when people set realistic goals that they are willing to work toward, they are able to motivate themselves and celebrate their small successes. These small victories will inspire the individual in a way that lofty goals simply cannot. These goals are within reach and can be accomplished. The wish theory is a serious problem facing America. We all desire wealth, power, and fame, but many individuals will never achieve these goals. What should people do? First and foremost, individuals should never measure themselves against other people. Everyone is his or her own unique individual. People should set realistic goals, goals that are within their grasp and achievable.

Moving Across the Street: Are Freshmen as Prepared as They Should Be? by Ashley Zamichieli Teachers at the middle school always preach about how they’re preparing students for the high school. But, is that really the case? High school is a major transition, and it feels as though middle school teachers overlook the fact that students are going to pursue education beyond the middle school walls. For instance, middle school teachers seem to have forgotten arriving to class late will not be accepted at the high school. An argument might be that there is little passing time between classes at the middle school, but those excuses don’t fly at the high school. Sometimes students have art right after gym; trekking all the way across the school in four minutes is usually impossible. At the beginning of the year, a teacher may give late students a one-day grace period, and then it’s a write-up. At the middle school teachers let it fly, and just gave tardy students a meek warning. Another way that teachers at the middle school let things slide is that they allow students to roam the hallways during the activity period, which is not tolerated here at the high school, where the infraction falls under the category of leaving the classroom without a pass. The teachers at the high school are not quite as lenient as those down at the middle school. High school isn’t supposed to be a scary or intimidating experience, but the lack of enforcement across the street is not helping to make the students’ transition any easier. Bashing teachers is not the name of this game, but I think that in order for students to be prepared for the high school transition, middle school teachers should follow similar guidelines used at the high school. Babying students by allowing them to roam in the halls during activity period, leave the classroom without a pass, and arriving late to class is giving students a false sense of what high school is really all about. High school determines where students go for college, and so much more, so being prepared for the four-year journey will be an advantage to students in the long run.



Christmas Judging by all the new features the iPhone has in store, it’s clear that it’s an admirable wish-list item. This new revolutionary phone’s speedy technology is all due to the new A5 Chip that allows the phone to work twice as fast, to improve graphics, and to operate two (not just one) processors for handling work mode (cause we all know just how much we use our iPhones for; everything). A feature most high-schoolers will definitely be interested in is the new camera. Not only is this a phone, but it’s a professional photo session too. The 8 mega pixel camera, with an additional fifth lens allows more light into each pixel of your picture. It also includes, Siri, which allows you to work your phone using just your voice. Cool huh?

A rainy day’s perfect partner: the ultra cute, ultra useful, Hunter Boots. Its strong yet flexible “waterproof shell” allows for complete water restriction, while in turn, allowing all the puddle jumping one could desire. Not only are these boots stylish, but they are super comfy -due to it’s lush, cushioned footbed. Hunter Boots come in all different colors (seriously, more than you can imagine) along with either a shiny or matte finish. The boots are perfect for fall or winter weather. Although for winter, Hunter offers warm sock slips that are often recommended! This wonderful footwear ranks in around $120, but they are sure to last a lifetime of style and comfort.

The new oddest, yet the most fun, way to get clean. You can attached the 4.5x7 inch nose to your shower wall with the convenient 3 suction cups on the back of the item. Simply press the right nostril and green (booger-like) gel will ooze out into your hands! It will bring out the kid in all of us! Ranking in around $15! Background photo courtesy of Photos courtesy of,,,,,,




Wish you could “Like” and “Dislike” anything in real life instead on just your best friend’s Facebook wall? Well, now you can! now offers specialized stamps allowing you to like and dislike away. This fun item ranks in at $14.00!

Some of us (ladies) may be wondering exactly what Beats by Dr. Dre are, and it is quite simple actually. They are huge headphones created by Dr. Dre, a famous and successful rapper (Eminem’s mentor), to enhance and isolate the perfect sound for your choice of beats. But let me tell you, they aren’t just any ordinary pair of headphones. They come with insane blowyour mind features that of course would convince you to jot them down on your future x-mas list. It’s Power Isolation technology reduces external noises for a crystal clear Taylor Swift song...right? Jokes aside, it creates the perfect “ear-atmosphere” for all music lovers. . But no high quality comes cheap. Beats by Dr. Dre rank in around $300.00 and that’s if you’re lucky; limited edition models can cost around $500.00 out of old Santa’s pocket. What about a girl gift? Looking for something classic that could outlast the cash you drop? Look no further than Dogeared Jewelry; a site jam-packed with classy necklaces, bracelets, and even earrings. Best known for their Karma necklace,(thin wire circle, that comes in silver or gold), Dogeared is taking the world by storm. Many celebrities and media characters can be seen wearing several of Dogeared’s items. But what makes them so special? Each necklace (or bracelet) comes with a special meaning!

Can’t think of anything to buy for that special male in your life? Well the wait could be over. That is, if he’s the gaming type, which, let’s be honest, most guys are. The all-time classic video game, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, released its third installment on November 8th this year, just in time for the holiday season. The game is similar to the previous Modern Warfares, but now contains new missions and objectives to complete throughout each level. This fast pace, 60 frames per second, shooter video game is sure to entertain any fella throughout the holidays. The game ranks in around $59.99 but is there really a price to getting your boy out of your hair?



Our World

Siri: The iFriend

by Bruce Backa Apple has recently come out with their newest product: the iPhone 4S. Now, for those of those who already have the 4S, you all know that, fundamentally, the phone really isn’t that much different from the last one. However, in typical Apple fashion, they find something to put in their product that’s so irresistible that everyone, current iPhone user or not, has to go and get this phone. That feature is the interactive voice control software which has been given a friendly name: Siri. Now, I got this phone mainly because I was due for an upgrade, and my old phone and iPod were outdated. I had no idea what this Siri program was. Let me just say, that was the greatest surprise I’ve gotten in a while; Siri is just that good a feature in an already great product. You activate it by holding the home button for a couple seconds and then a little microphone will come up. At that point, you ask your question or make a command, and then Siri will carry it out for you. For me, and for what I ask it to do, this works really well. I mostly use it for selecting songs while I’m driving, and I have my phone synced up to my car speakers. However, I can also ask the phone to “Text mom I’’ll be home at 7” and it will translate my voice into the text for me; I then hit send and, lo and behold, it’ll arrive in my mom’s inbox. As a teenager, especially one who does a lot of driving on the weekends, and for one who texts a lot, these are the primary things that I use this phone for, and they work very well. I love the convenience it brings to my everyday life and how useful it can be to me when I’m on the go. I can also ask the phone things like “Remind me later to check my email,” or “Set up a meeting at 9”. Using Siri for the general applications that come on the phone works especially well, and that’s where the strength in this feature comes from. However, it’s not as perfect as it seems. For one, it’s difficult to program, and I have noticed a lot of translation errors in things that I have been saying. There have been times when I have slurred and Siri has misinterpreted my words, but there have also been times where I’ve requested a song and gotten something completely different – making me wonder if I’m speaking English properly. For instance, I asked for “Snow” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and got “Rats in the Cellar” byAerosmith. Hmmm... Finding information is definitely the hardest thing about the phone, which is ironic because all the commercials make Siri seem like the easiest function of them all. There are times where Siri Photo Courtesy of Bruce Backa gets it right and will instantly bring up a screen to answer my question and even give me options (anything from a note card with a formula and equation to show the square root of 16 to a list of possible locations to hide a dead body). This is where the phone shines and makes me say, “Wow, this is incredible!” However, there are also a lot of times where I’ll ask a seemingly simple question like “How do you tie a bow tie?” and it’ll just say “Do you wanna search the web for that?” This is Siri’s nice way of saying, “Yeah sorry…got nothing.” It’s nice that it’ll automatically type a question into Safari’s search engine to find this out for me…but again, I could’ve just gone into Safari and googled it myself, without having to wait for Siri to decipher my words and then just tell me “oops.” This, for some reason, seems to happen often with the simplest of questions. Basically, an iPhone user can’t be as casual with questions as one would think. You really need to start a question off with “Google” or “Search” to help out Siri. You have to make fairly robotic commands to utilize Siri, a minor complaint in an overall great feature. Apple has really taken a step forward in the development of their smart phone product. Siri is an extremely helpful and convenient tool for anyone with a busy lifestyle or a lot of people to communicate with, and especially for a teenager. For those of you who have been teetering on the edge of buying this phone because Siri is the make it or break it point, trust me on this: Siri is a great feature and well worth it.

Why Fix What’s Not Broken? by Stanislaw Tabor Students who have been logging on to check their grades this time of year or even towards the beginning of summer have been probably noticing something quite odd; everyone’s favorite grade-checking service has been discontinued by our school. That’s right, Powerschool is no longer in use with our school. While many of the students in the school are disappointed by the loss of Powerschool, they have been finding that a new website has replaced Powerschool as the place to check grades. This site is called Sapphire. A lot of students might be baffled by the need for change. In the eyes of a high-school student, Powerschool worked pretty well; grades could be checked whenever you wanted, no one ever seemed to have any complaints about it, and a few of us (myself included) were just starting to memorize our passwords! So what’s the reason for the switch? The reason for the switch is so that teachers of students in the lower grades can input elementary students grades more easily. Powerschool was designed for students and parents to

Photo Courtesy of Southern Lehigh School District

gain the access to monitor grades online. One advantage to Sapphire is so that the parents can log onto one account and have access to all their children, no matter which school building they attend. I was personally not a Powerschool user, but I prefer the change to Sapphire. Even if it interferes with the already-learned passwords and the teachers’ comfort to this grading system, I’m glad Sapphire is able to encompass the whole school system and bring our entire school system deeper together into the technological age. While this change initially shocked the school population, it will not have that deep of an effect for long. We will eventually be used to this change. Although Powerschool seems like more of a prototype towards Sapphire, since the testing went over well, I believe that Sapphire will go over well. Southern Lehigh is taking strides into using new and different technology, and it will surely benefit our school for years to come

Computer Club

by Chris McCarthy

Technology is an integral part of our society and our school. At Southern Lehigh, countless computer courses are offered that teach you how to use various programming languages, artificial languages designed to communicate instructions to a computer. While these courses are extremely informative, many people want to take their knowledge of computers and apply it. If you are an individual who wants to not only learn about computer programming, but actually create marketable products, the Southern Lehigh Computer Club is for you. The Computer Club focuses on the development of computer programs for commercial use. We create websites, learn how to program in specific languages, and produce marketable products. The club is comprised of Southern Lehigh High School students who are computer programmers. Anyone can join the club, but a basic knowledge of computers is recommended. Not only do the members of the club gain vital programming experience, but they also enjoy special privileges. Guest speakers from Microsoft recently came to the Southern Lehigh Computer Club and introduced the club to DreamSpark. DreamSpark provides professional programming software to students at absolutely no cost. Not only has the Southern Lehigh Computer Club received information directly from Microsoft, but many private individuals have approached the club with programming requests. Again, we encourage you to find out more about the Computer Club. We have a lot of fun together while learning and creating a worthwhile product. If you’re interested in joining, please see Mr. Siesko in Room 149. The Computer Club meets every Wednesday afternoon at 2:30pm in Mr. Siesko’s room. If you are also interested in learning about DreamSpark, please see Mr. Siesko or Mike Swan, the club president.

Our World

The Downfall of Netflix

by Dana DiGiovanni Netflix, once a two-in-one service of unlimited DVDrental and streaming programs for only $9.99, has now raised their rates by 60%. Netflix thought subscribers would simply brush it off, not caring about the intense price hike. Customers thought otherwise and did the complete opposite. Since June, Netflix has lost 800,000 customers. The status of this program is only predicted to get worse unless Netflix decides to change the cost back to the original. DVD plans, Internet video, and Internet-Only streaming are now sold separately, rather than coming in one big package. This was probably the most upsetting news for customers. Adding different fees for different services that are now sold separately complicates the whole movie rental process. With the recent Netflix news still stirring, it seems like a bad time for Redbox to announce their 20% price hike. Redbox is a movie dispensing kiosk for charging only a dollar per day. These kiosks can be found at grocery stores, Walmarts, Targets, and drug stores. While this is not as harsh as Netflix’s price increase, it will still make customers unhappy. This increase is not expected to make as much as an impact as Netflix did. To compete with these movie rental services, Blockbuster released their new kiosk similar to Redbox called “Blockbuster Express.” The original Blockbuster franchise was overpowered and forced to shut down after other movie rental services, including Netflix and Redbox, became more popular. The price for this service is a dollar a day, but new releases are $2.99 a night. The Blockbuster Express is also a kiosk that will appear more frequently everywhere in the near future.

Battle of the Smarts

by Cassie Clarence “It’s the most amazing phone yet.” This is just one of the claims by Apple in advertising the new iPhone 4S. However, in some cases, this is not necessarily true. Google’s Android smart phones have claimed twice the profit of Apple’s share in a matter of one year. This change in such a short period of time is incredible. The Android system accounted for 43.4 percent of worldwide smart phone sales, with Apple at 18.2 percent of sales. A total of 101 million smart phones were shipped out in the first quarter of 2011. Android phones made up 37.3 million of them. A year ago the two smart phones were roughly even. The Android phones have improved dramatically and have become more broadly available. Last April, what did I want I want for my birthday? A new phone, specifically an iPhone. I was set on my decision. I walked into the Verizon store, where I was greeted by the usual sales person

Followers vs Friends

by Lauren Gross The majority of high school students have had Facebook accounts since they were in eighth grade. Similar to the distraction of telephones two decades ago, the modern distraction of this generation is Facebook. Since Facebook was founded in 2004, it has become a social staple that has drastically altered the social relationships between individuals. However, in 2006, while Facebook was bursting with wall posts and status updates, a new social network, Twitter, emerged. The sites have been battling for popularity ever since the creation of this opponent. Recently, the popularity of Twitter has exploded within the high school. Students have begun to tweet like little birds! As of this year, Twitter has more than 200 million users, yet many people still swear never to become a “tweeter.” Such individuals constantly make jabs towards people that do use the social network. However, once someone is convinced to join the social networking site, they rarely turn back. SLHS students have become obsessed with convincing their friends to “follow” them on Twitter. Everyone knows that it’s just not “A-List” for an individual to be “following” more people than they have “followers.” Twitter users have to be wary that their “followers vs. following” ratio does not get too close. It seems that most students have

asking, “How may I help you?” When I told her I wanted an iPhone, she replied, “No you don’t.” She went on to explain the disadvantages of getting an iPhone, and she redirected me toward the Android phones. The Android phones may not have as many apps available -- over 200,000 to 425,000 -- but they have a lot more free applications than the iPhone. For example, Android has an application for Free Music Downloads. Apple phones, on the other hand, force the user to go through the iTunes to buy music. Android phones have a folder for music, in which downloaded music from the free app is automatically placed. Apple phones force one to go through Apple for everything, showing they are very good with protecting their profit interests. They don’t allow room for free music downloads. In order for the Android to be successful, Google had to examine the iPhone and try to do bet-

Iz Txtin Gud or Bad? by Kylie Schmitt

Photo Courtesy of Bruce Backa

Texting has become such a big part of everyday life. It can be a good thing when you need to ask a quick question or check up on somebody. It even helps in a situation where you can’t pull out your phone to call someone. However, a recent New York Times article on states that, “psychologists say [texting] is leading to anxiety, distraction in school, falling grades, repetitive stress injury and sleep deprivation.” This is proves that texting has been taken too far. Saying what is really our minds seems so much easier through a text rather than in person. Maybe that’s why we text so much? Teens are losing the social skills that people use to have. Not that long ago when our parents were our age, they didn’t have texting and actually had to talk to people face to face. Texting is a big distraction among teens. They are often more focused on the next text they are going to send rather than their next homework assignment. Teens feel that answering their friends’ texts to be more important than studying for a test the next day. This is when the grades slowly start to fall. One would



more fun admiring their popularity by watching their amount of “followers” grow than they do actually tweeting about events in their lives. A January 2009 study by stated that Facebook is the most used social networking service worldwide. In July 2011 study, Facebook had more than 800 million active users. Facebook is based on the idea of picture posting and status updates. Overall, Facebook contains more features than Twitter does, but does not necessarily make it the better social network. “I like Facebook better because if I had a Twitter I would probably become addicted,” says junior, Sophia Hoeke. Facebook may be in the lead with popularity now, but as of May 2011, Facebook had lost 7 million active users, meaning Twitter may be ready to take over as our online obsession. Everyone has their own take on both social networks and it’s hard to tell which one will have the longest lasting popularity. Both Twitter and Facebook offer fun ways to let your friends and family know what’s going on in your life, and vice versa. Whether it’s a tweet or a status, a friend or a follower, Facebook and Twitter keep us in touch (and distracted from our homework).

ter. With the new iPhone 4S especially, this is difficult to do. Apple is doing an excellent job of advertising the details of the new phone: Dual-core A5 chip, the 8MP camera, iPS 5, and iCloud. In the first three days of the release, Apple sold more than 4 million units of the new iPhone 4S model. According to Andy Rubin, head of the Android platform, more than half a million Android phones are activated every day. Analysts believe Android has already secured the top smart phone position. According to, there are more than 300 different Android phones from several manufacturers and hundreds of wireless carriers globally, boosting Android’s ability to grow. By comparison, there are still only five basic iPhone generation devices built during the last four years.

think a high school student who is in school working and seeing friends would not have time to text. Teens find the time. Everyday kids can be seen texting in the halls, the cafeteria, or even in class. Late at night a teen may stay up late to finish a conversation with a friend that has been going on all day. Consequently, kids aren’t getting enough sleep at night to keep awake and pay attention during the school day. Drivers may now see the “Stop Texting” signs on cars. This is because people are so addicted to texting they can’t even put the phone down to drive, resulting in more car accidents that could be prevented. Teens also now have the constant pressure of having to answer every text they receive. What if a person is studying and the incoming texts prevent concentration on schoolwork? It’s not right that when a person doesn’t answer a text right away, his or her friends send four more texts saying, “Are you there?” “Why won’t you answer me?” “Hello??” Sometimes we all need space; that’s when it’s time to turn off the cell phone.




The New Kids in School by Bruce Backa

Recently, the Gods of Gleek have added a a bit more cultural diversity to the show in the form of a happy little Irish boy. We fans of Glee know him as Roy Flannigan, but his real name is Damian McGinty, Jr. No, he isn’t some celebrity who has worked his way onto the show; he’s a regular guy who tried out and earned his spot. When did this happen, and why didn’t we hear about it? Well we can’t answer the second part, but the first part was actually a pretty big deal. Over the summer, Glee held a television contest on the Oxygen network, titled The Glee Project. It was a reality TV show in which contestants could try out in a ten-episode competition singing songs and competing with each other to earn the episode arc. The top two winners are given a 7-episode arc while the runners up are given 2-episode arcs. Lindsay Pearce, one of the runners-up, has already debuted in the first of her two episodes on the season premiere. Damian McGinty has just started his episode arc on the return of Glee this November, after it went on a hiatus during October during FOX’s broadcast of the MLB baseball playoffs. McGinty plays an Irish foreign exchange student who currently lives with Brittany S. Pierce. He is now a member of Glee club, and based on scheduling, will likely be on the show until their mid-season sectionals competition episode, where he will make his departure. The Glee Project was a huge success, attracting millions of viewers and really highlighting some of the talent that has been stored away in the country (and out of the country). Damian has gone from a local struggling musician to a star on one of America’s most popular shows. The Glee Project has not only paved a way for people to have an opportunity to star on their favorite show, but it has also set a precedent for other talent scouts. The project was a terrific experiment. (Keep in mind the show plans to completely revamp the cast, as most of the current cast is graduating). Based on what we’ve seen, McGinty is just as talented as anyone else in the cast, and hopefully he will be the first of many new characters introduced into the show.

New Release: Blue Slide Park by McKenzie Browne

November 8, 2011, was a day that millions of people were looking forward to. Some anticipated the release of the video game Modern Warfare 3, and others Drake’s new album “Take Care.” But for a lot of people, enthusiasm was heightening over the release of Mac Miller’s debut album, “Blue Slide Park.” Mac had been building-up this album since he released the name in a YouTube video in August. Since then, he’s been slowly releasing a few different songs from the album to get people pumped. In my opinion, the album turned out pretty great. There were a few songs that were duds, but overall there was a decent number of good tracks. My top six picks from the album are, in no specific order, “Frick Park Market,” “Smile Back,” “Blue Slide Park,” “Up All Night,” “Party on Fifth Ave,” and “Loitering.” All of these songs have the upbeat tone that Mac Miller fans have grown to love. The slower songs, unfortunately, detract from the otherwise flawless album. Mac Miller’s decision to release some of the songs before the album’s

release also upset some people who felt too familiar with the new album. Listeners expect a surprise in a first listen, not a play list of songs that they can recite by heart. Regardless, Mac Miller is enthusiastic about “Blue Slide Park” and hopes his fans are as well. Fans can find Mac Miller’s new album in stores like Target and Best Buy, or they can download it from iTunes.

Photo Courtesy of Alexa Marcano

Allentown Art Museum Re-Opens by Cody Heffelfinger

The Allentown art museum has opened a new exhibit to the public beginning October 16, 2011 and closing January 15, 2012. The exhibition honors the great Samuel H. Kress. The display showcases forty pieces of art from the museum’s own collection, as well as thirty other pieces that belong to other museums. The museum was closed for almost a year before its grand reopening in October. With the new renovations, the museum has hosted and participated in a variety of events. On November 5, 2011, the museum held its annual fall fundraising event where it purchased over twenty pieces of art from new artists. On November 8, the CEO and president of the museum were present for a lunch and lecture on Fran Snyder’s “Game Stall at Market.” An additional 7,900 square feet have been added to the existing museum. There is now an entrance aligned with the portico and a new welcoming center. In addition, there is a new café overlooking Arts Park and a souvenir shop. For those individuals who visited the Allentown Art Museum in the past and struggled to find parking, that problem has been eliminated. Contractors expanded the parking lot onto Linden street to provide more space for the general public. The Allentown Art Museum is enthusiastic about the renovations and hopes to attract people to its new exhibits.

Disney Dominates in 3D by Madeleine Cole Disney fans everywhere are in ecstasy over the future release of four more classic films in 3D. Beauty and the Beast will premiere January 13, 2012, followed by Finding Nemo on September 14, 2012, Monsters, Inc. on January 18, 2013, and finally The Little Mermaid on September 13, 2013. These technologically-enhanced films are sure to draw eager audiences to movie theaters just as the release of the Lion King 3D did: the film grossed $29.3 million in its first weekend at the box office alone! High school students may scoff at the idea of venturing out to see these childhood classics, but data from CNN suggests otherwise: people under the age of twenty-five made up fifty-nine percent of the Lion King 3D audience, while fifty-six percent of the

audience was comprised of females. Many couples and young people without children also saw the film for nostalgic reasons. It seems that people of all ages were eager to catch up with Simba and his friends. The 1994 Disney classic dropped only twenty-seven percent in its second weekend in theaters. This is extremely impressive considering that the Lion King 3D is seventeen years old and came out on both Blu-ray and DVD a week later. With success like this, it’s no wonder Disney has decided to release more movies in 3D. Hopefully, Beauty and the Beast 3D, the next movie to be released, will be just as successful at the box office as Simba and his company. After all, who wouldn’t want to watch dancing brooms and teacups in 3D?

Peter Pan Takes Flight on SLHS Stage by Sara Zook and Corinne Renner From its first appearance on December 27, 1904, the appeal of JM Barrie’s story about “the boy who wouldn’t grow up” was intergenerational. Children relished its adventures; adults either enjoyed the story as a parable of lost youth or dismissed it as drama while enjoying every minute of it. Recently, Southern Lehigh’s fall play, Peter Pan, was performed at the high school. The play ran from Wednesday, November 9th to Saturday, November 12th. The cast featured Casey McGinty as Peter Pan, Olivia Muth as Wendy, Ben Stohl as John, Austin Peal as Michael and Riley Geis as Caption Hook. The whole production took long hours of planning, rehearsing, and building sets. “It took so long to put everything together, it felt like we always had something more to do,” said Ralphie Shields, who played one of the lost boys. The cast had to learn how to fly (only a few had the opportunity), remember all of their lines, and practice the performance daily. Even as the planning and rehearsing came to an end, “the new comers began to get nervous, felt like they weren’t ready to perform,” commented Austin Peal. The cast of 35 students was comprised of a diverse amount of age groups and personalities. However, there were students off stage that played a major role in the success of the production. Those who did not act played other pivotal roles behind the scenes. A group of about ten students met every Thursday after school to paint sets, while a similarily small group operated as the stage crew. The fall and spring theatrical productions are a fantastic opportunity for students to demonstrate their creativity. While leading roles and chorus positions are limited, there are still many ways in which students can get involved. Those interested in participating in this year’s spring musical, Cats, should contact Mr. Wehr.

Entertainment Kim and Kris: Humpdashian No More by Lauren Gross

It was the marriage viewed around the world: a less classy, blingified, and gaudier version of the royal wedding. Since the August wedding, Americans have had everything “Humpdashian” (Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian) shoved down their throats until they were brainwashed into idolizing the perfect couple. However, the term “perfect” should be used very lightly considering that Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from her hubby on October 31, 2011, only 72 days after the lavish wedding. As most know, Kim and her family star in E!’s reality TV show “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” in which viewers get an inside look at the sometimes all-too-personal

occurrences of their daily lives. Of course Kim and Kris’ personal lives became the focal point of the series. The wedding was aired in a two-part “Keeping Up” special titled “Kim’s Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event” which aired on October 9th and 10th. The reality series showcased the blossoming “Humpdashian” relationship in various episodes; however, when it grew closer to the big day, the couple acted more like bickering crows than blushing love birds. “I felt like I was on a fast roller coaster and couldn’t get off when now I know I probably should have. I got [so] caught up with the hoopla and the filming of the TV show that when I probably should have ended my relationship, I didn’t know how to and didn’t want to disappoint a lot of people,” wrote Kardashian to her website kimkardashian. com. Kim and her family claim that the wedding was not a publicity stunt, but no one can be too sure. This romantic tragedy seems to be something that could only come straight from Hollywood. “There are also reports that I made millions of dollars off the wedding. These reports are simply not true, and it makes me so sad to have to even clarify this. I’m so grateful to everyone who took the time to come to my wedding, and I’ll be donating the money for all the gifts to the Dream Foundation,” clarified Kardashian. One of the most outrageous parts of the entire scandal was the fact that Kardashian evidently didn’t warn her husband about her decision to make the split. Humphries found out that Kim had filed for divorce, just like the rest of the world, by a TMZ News Report.“I love my wife and am devastated to learn that she filed for divorce,” Humphries told US Weekly. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.”




Sagittarius-This month love is in the air. A new mate is moving into your neighborhood. Capricorn-This is not going to be your month. Aquarius-Go with your gut this month. Pisces-You’ll stumple upon $56.34 on the ground. Aries-You will get a big promotion. Taurus-You will get into a big fight with your best friend. Gemini-Dance the night away. Cancer-You will overcome a huge obstacle. Leo-This is going to be the best month of your life. Virgo-Invest in hats; your hair will not cooperate this month. Libra-Things are going to take a oneeighty Scorpio-You will be a huge, huge star this month.

The Future of Cinema: Where is it Going?

by Jacob Boyer

QUICK!!! EVERYONE!!! GATHER YOUR STUFF!!!! THE END IS NIGH!!! No, it’s not 2012. I’m am referring to the end of decent cinema as we know it. For the past two or three years, the quality of modern cinema has steadily declined. Hollywood doesn’t seem to care if it remakes or adds to a previously successful film or series. They don’t seem to care if they take what could be a good idea and ruin it with their own perceptions of what they think we enjoy. Among the most anticipated movies of 2012 are expected titles such as The Avengers, The Amazing Spiderman, and The Hobbit. I can honestly say, I am fully prepared to go to my own personal fallout shelter and watch good, old-fashioned, nostalgic, lesser-known films than face the apocalypse Hollywood is ready to unleash upon us. In 2012 and beyond, we have a long list of potentially horrible movie sequels to look forward to. (Before I continue, however, I would like to point out that I am infamous for being a ‘reject of the masses’ for not agreeing with other people’s choices in movies. I am a person who believes that you can have a huge movie, in terms of action, horror, comedy, or what-have-you, and still have it be smart.) Let’s start with the the most potentially horrible

films: Iron Man 3, Thor 2, I, Robot 2, and Scary Movie 5. Okay, the first two movies could be successful, but not if they are released after The Avengers. By then, the hype for those superheroes will have died. I think people will still want to go see them, but they won’t be nearly as popular as The Avengers. Now then, I, Robot 2? Why? The final movie closed up the storyline perfectly. A sequel isn’t even necessary. And...Scary Movie 5? Why? Just....WHY? Continuing with sequels, we’ve got Indiana Jones 5, Star Trek 2, Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Fast and Furious 6, Taken 2, Avatar 2 and 3, and Madagascar 3. Where in the world do I begin? First of all, I can kind of see why there would be a Avatar 2, but why in the world is a third film necessary? The original already ended on a pretty good note, and there may be some lee-way for a sequel, but where in the world is the third film going? In terms of Star Trek 2, Taken 2, and Madagascar 3, I see no reason for them to exist other than to offer paychecks. Were their predecessors good? Definitely yes. Is a sequel to any of those movies going to do well? Maybe, but they should have ended after the first film. As for Indiana Jones 5 and Pirates of the Caribbean 5, I’ll ask again: Why? There was a reason that the

NOW PLAYING The Twilight Saga: Part 1 Happy Feet Two The Descendents Tyrannosaur The Lie Another Happy Day Tomboy

Breaking Dawn

third Indiana Jones movie ended with Indy and his gang riding off into the sunset. Spielberg wanted to end the series. Then, Lucas and his team went in and created the fourth and ruined the possibility of a good film. I can tell you now, nobody is going to be hyped enough for a fifth movie. They should take that script and mail it to the Marx Brothers. The same can be said for Pirates of the Caribbean 5. There was a reason the third ended with Captain Jack floating away in the little dingy, unsure of what his next adventure would be. They wanted to leave the viewer with a satisfying ending and leave our imaginations open as to what happens next. The fourth was stupid, and I anticipate the fifth one will be too. About Fast and Furious 6, all I can ask you is this: are you still not tired of Vin Diesel running around in race cars and spewing one liners? And so, I leave you now, dear readers, telling you to be the bigger person. Don’t put up with low-grade sub-films that Hollywood constantly gives you. Take a stand. If you don’t believe a word I’m saying, than have fun watching the modern “classics” including a remake of Annie (starring Willow Smith), a remake of Robocop, and Walter the Farting Dog. I’m going to go watch Face/Off.


Immortals Hugo (Nov. 25) Puss in Boots The Muppets (Nov. 25) Tower Heist A Dangerous Method (Nov. 25) J. Edgar My Week with Marilyn (Nov. 25) A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christ- Arthur Christmas (Nov. 25) mas The Artist (Nov. 25) In Time Shame (Dec. 2) Paranormal Activity 3 Autoreiji (Dec. 2)

Kinyarwanda (Dec. 2) Sleeping Beauty (Dec. 2) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Dec. 9) New Year’s Eve (Dec. 9) Young Adult (Dec. 9) The Sitter (Dec. 9) I Melt with You (Dec. 9) W.E. (Dec. 9)




Fall Athletes of the Season

Michael John Wagner has proven to be a star athlete, playing two fall sports, soccer and football, at the same time. His position on the soccer field is sweeper, and Photo courtesy of he is the kicker of the Timothy Filler football team. Breaking the school records for most extra points in one season is one of his greatest accomplishments, as is being tri-captain for the soccer team and having an undefeated regular season. One of Michael’s favorite memories in beating Moravian on soccer senior night. Michael’s favorite food is pizza.

Molly Elizabeth Grammer is a senior captain and outside hitter for the Southern Lehigh volleyball team. She made first team all-area, first team all district, and first team all state. She also made Photo courtesy of the all-star team and state Molly Grammer tournament team. On top of all her other accomplishments Molly was named the 2A 2011 Player of the Year. Her favorite memory of the fall season was winning districts and making it to the state finals with the volleyball team. Molly has committed to play volleyball with Division 1 Seton Hall University on a full ride scholarship. Her favorite food is penne vodka.

Basketball Looking to Start Strong by Cody Heffelfinger

As winter rolls around and the cleats from the fall sports are being hung up, basketball shoes are being laced up for the “open gyms” and try-outs. This year will be a fun and exciting year. Many seniors are returning, hoping to win districts like they did when they were freshmen. Although they lost one of their best players on the team, Justin Festa, who moved to another school where he plays soccer, the team still has two of their five starters from last year returning. The girls’ team, coming off their 14-2 conference record and 21-5 overall, are looking to repeat as the Colonial League champions. They also have two of the five starters from last year returning. Southern Lehigh has only won four league titles in girls’ basketball

and we all want them to fill up their banner. The girls have never won a district championship. The boys, on the other hand, have only won two league titles and have yet to win one under head coach Bob Shaffer. They have won districts once with Coach Shaffer leading them in the 2008-2009 season. Last year they were 9-13 overall and 7-9 in the division. They would like to forget about last year look forward to build up a new team and new era of Southern Lehigh boys’ basketball. With try-outs underway, excitement for the season is building. Let’s get out there and support both the girls’ and the guys’ teams this season!

Another Successful Season in the Books by Brad Zamojski

Once again the Southern Lehigh field hockey team has proved to be one of the strongest opponents in the area by qualifying for the state competition and winning the league and district titles. The Spartans secured their district championship by beating Moravian for the fourth time this year. However, the States tournament brought tougher competition. In their first game at states, the field hockey team won on a late overtime goal by Kendall Weedling against Upper Perkiomen. In the second round, the girls lost to Wyoming Seminary. Despite their loss, the girls remained very positive about how well their

Photo courtesy of Kellie Hoeke

season went. After all, the team was able to make it further than they did last year. The Spartans’ goal every year is to make states and try to place. Senior captain Alison Newman reflected, “I think we had a really good season this year and I couldn’t have asked for better girls to play with.” All of the team’s hard work -- and running -- paid off in the end. Late in the season, the girls felt that they were very well-conditioned and proved physically fit in their last few games. Although their season ended earlier then they would have liked, the girls are still pleased with their successful season.

Spartans Keep Stacking by Michael Deutsch and Bruce Backa

The Spartans, ending the regular season at 6-4, had an unforeseen chance to host a Eastern Conference playoff game at home. With a nail-biting season, they found their way to end big. Progressively moving forward, the football team seems to accomplish something new and better each year. This time around they recorded another accomplishment into the history books by hosting an Eastern Conference playoff game. Southern Lehigh’s distinguished to be one of the top rated 3A teams this season with the immense help of rival and recent state champions, Central Catholic, who shockingly went 5-5 this year, having knocked the Spartans out of district playoffs two years in a row. Usually, we see how all the possibilities are moving against the Spartans especially when the playoffs role around the corner, but the team stayed strong for the end of the season as usual. Arguably, the Spartans may have had the toughest opening schedule in the Colonial League, but they kept their heads held high as they fought through the season, ending with a 6-4 record for the regular season and earning the oportunity to host a playoff. In an exciting game against Blue Mountain (5-5) that had spectators on their toes with each and every play, the boys end strong with a 2724 victory to advance to the 3A Eastern Conference championship. On Friday, November 18, the boys traveled to Berwick to play the Bulldogs for the Eastern Conference Championship. It was an explosive, high-scoring game that had everyone on their feet from the start. The star was Tyler Edmond, who threw a school record four touchdown passes that game, caught by Jake Meluskey, Jared Gerhard, and Jacob Del Priore (who scored two). The Spartans put up a good fight, but unfortunately things didn’t go their way. A final score of 57-46 ended the Spartans’ thrilling and well played season. The Southern Lehigh community loves its football. The team’s continuous progress each year has the fans ecstatic; the “Big Blue Wrecking Crew” (Southern Lehigh student section) was most certainly behind their backs at every game until the end, bringing busloads of students, parents, and others. The guys couldn’t have asked for a better football atmosphere! Hosting and winning a playoff game and proceeding to yet another championship has really helped to put the final touches on the season, establishing the Spartan football program as a strong and reputable community sport.

Second Ain’t too Shabby

by Elizabeth Levis and Lauren Ortwein

In their best season yet, the volleyball team worked very hard to make it all the way to states. After many long afterschool practices, they won the tough The after a district win. Photo courtesy of Molly Grammer. district match against Bethlehem Catholic (3-2) that determined their trip to states in York, Pennsylvania. The girls started off their first state playoff match with a shut out against Brandywine Heights (3-0). Unfortunately, they lost the next game to Hopewell (1-2), but they managed to keep their heads high and remember who they are. With even more enthusiasm, they shut out their last game of the day against Holy Redeemer (3-0). After a long day, the volleyball team had won two matches and the girls were ready to take on semi-finals. Their first game on Saturday was against Susquehannock; the Spartans won semifinals (3-0). In the state finals against Brandywine Heights, the girls played a rough four sets, and unfortunately came out with a loss (1-3). The girls were very upset that they did not win the state title, but the seniors were happy to take their team to states and to be recognized as the second best AA volleyball team in the state! Senior captain Molly Grammer reflected upon this year: “The season was very exciting. We played with a lot of heart which got us all the way to state finals, and even though we were runners up, I’m so proud of how my team did.” During the entire season up to states, the only match the girls had lost was against Parkland who is a AAA school; Southern Lehigh is AA.


Return of the Big Blue Wrecking Crew



by Timothy Filler

Photo courtesy of Kellie Hoeke

Southern Lehigh has one of the largest student sections in the Lehigh Valley, commonly known as the Big Blue Wrecking Crew. A large portion of the student body dresses up in crazy, themed outfits to support the various sports teams. The “Crew” originated three years ago by seniors Brett Ryan and Rocco del Priore to support the basketball team when they won the district title. The rowdy chants from the student section motivate the athletes and stimulate school spirit. This year the notorious fan section is back and ready to cause ruckus during all of the Spartan basketball games. It is rumored that several new themes are already in place for this year, while many of the more popular themes will be returning from previous years. Regardless of the outfit, supporting Spartan athletics with friends is always fun. Come support our fan section during this basketball season! The Spartan athletes are always looking for new, enthusiastic fans.

Rebound After Upset How Do the Spartans Do It? A Look Cheerleaders by Madeleine Cole “One thing is certain: we will come The Colonial League champiBehind the Scenes in Sports by Elizabeth Levis

Going to a sporting event and watching the Spartans dominate is pretty common, but how many individuals actually know what goes on behind the scenes to produce all of that success? When watching our fellow Spartan athletes play, we congratulate them for pummeling opponents and setting new records. While that seems like the proper thing to do; maybe we should start commending them for making it through the many hours of practice they endure each week! Sports teams practice after school or later in the evening on every day that they aren’t participating in a game or tournament. This can be grueling, especially when students have homework or jobs on top of playing sports. Although the brutal hours of practice may be enough to push a player over the edge, team members love to express unity and forget the dreadful hours spent sweating. However, our students at school go beyond the typical team sleepover; they’re more creative than that. A new tradition that the volleyball players love is using the rock climbing wall at the middle school. “It was a little scary at first, but once you know that your teammates are the ones holding the rope, you gain more trust in them and you know they won’t let you get hurt,” senior Emily

Kopinski stated. The volleyball players always look forward to receiving the rock climbing permission forms, because they know a lot of laughs and fun is ahead of them. Some days you walk through the hallways and you see cowgirls, hippies, or even the cast of Jersey Shore. The field hockey team has participated in “dress up” spirit days for many years. During the summer, the senior players make up a spirit day schedule for the season. Senior hockey player Chelsea Horvath exclaimed, “Dressing up for spirit days has always been a fun tradition for field hockey, and we want to keep it going!” On the other hand, the boys soccer team keeps it simple just by going out to eat -- a lot! The soccer boys go out anywhere that has good food and where they can be with their close friends. The boys just joke around and always have a good time when they are hanging out. At Southern Lehigh, being part of team is like being part of a second family. Players get to know everyone and bond with their teammates. While some traditions may be old, new ones are created every year. No matter what our sports’ teams records may be, we all know that we are number one when it comes to team unity and spirit.

onship cheerleading competition was held on November 9th at Catasaqua High School. Traditionally, the competition has been hosted by Southern Lehigh, but the location was changed this year. The Spartan cheerleaders were undeterred by this slight disadvantage, however, and came into the competition with high hopes for continuing their four-year winning streak. These hopes were dashed within fifteen seconds of starting their routine. The Spartans had a total of five falls in their routine, with two occurring in the first stunt sequence. The only question that the girls had was this: why? What caused such random and poorly timed mistakes? Some girls blamed the pressure instigated by the winning legacy. Others attributed the failures to an “off day.” However, the Spartan cheerleaders are not blaming the mistakes on each other. Head coach Colleen Ianetta addressed the squad moments after the devastating loss.

Photo courtesy of Carly Ringenary

back from this loss stronger than ever before,” remarked Ianetta. Judges at the competition reportedly spoke with Coach Ianetta after the competition with words of encouragement and confidence in the squad’s abilities. “Our squad has a bigger prize than [the Colonial League] competition to look forward to,” said co-captain Meghan Sunners. This statement is certainly true. In fact, the competition cheerleading squad qualified for the UCA national competition in Disney World this past weekend. On Saturday, November 19, they placed fourth at the northeast regional qualifier; the team’s placement was high enough to earn them an automatic bid to nationals. Their routine was performed flawlessly without any falls, and they managed to beat teams ranked 5th and 7th in the nation for their division. The Spartans have proved once again that they can hit their routine under pressure and are excited to be back on track for success in the 2012 season. The girls are scheduled to compete against more of the top squads in the nation, and they are very excited to attend the UCA national competition in Orlando, Florida, in February.

Odds and Ends Q&A with Riley Geis: Q: Who is your favorite director? A: David Fincher. He’s the man! Q: How long have you been making movies? A: Ever since I can remember. Six maybe. Q: What is your favorite movie of yours so far? A: Perfect Circles, for sure. Q: Do you want to make this a career or a side job? A: I hope to work in the industry for a living. Q: Do you have a “stage name” for when you become famous? A: Esmeralda Guadalupe Hidalgo, Jr. ... I don’t think so. Q: What are your favorite types of movies to shoot? A: Horror films and comedies are the most fun. Star of Perfect Circles, Kyle Brown, stands with director Riley Geis. Photo Courtesy of Bruce Backa.

Perfect Circles: A Film by Riley Geis by Marisa Peters

“After the mysterious suicide of his middle school friend, Michael Lynch decides to investigate. Through tapes of old sessions with the school therapist, he uncovers dark, unknown secrets about his old friend’s psyche. Meanwhile, people are starting to be murdered throughout the town, and Michael must discover how the two incidents are linked... before it’s too late!” This is the teaser Riley Geis provides when asked about the plot of his new movie entitled Perfect Circles, a murder mystery/slasher/psychological thriller. Both Riley and another Southern Lehigh student, Nick Masciantonio, who both share the love for slick, gritty David Fincher movies, developed the film. Riley and Nick began the process of writing the Perfect Circles script last year -- their junior year -- and they, along with the cast members, dedicated their summer to filming and editing. Students including Kyle Brown (who plays the lead character Michael Lynch), Kristen Moisey, Thomas Corso, Riley Geis, Maggie Cerciello, Matt Durkin, Kelsey King, Brad Zamojski, Molly Grammer, and a few teachers such as Mr. Hershey and Mr. Castagna, all appear in the hour and a half feature-length film. Perfect Circles premiered to the public on November 28th at Rave Motion Pictures at the Promenade. It was well-received by the audience, and viewers have very positive reviews. Audience members paid $10.00 to be among the first to view this fledgling film-maker’s work, but this was more than just a movie premier; it was a fund-raiser too. All of the proceeds will go to CHOP, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Now that the movie is finished, Riley is working on some fake trailers to show before Perfect Circles shows in theaters.

Drive the Rainbow by Joelle Smith

When shopping for a car, customers are bombarded by various models and makes, most likely the last factor on their mind is the car’s color. Nonetheless, color plays tremendous role in the overall look of your car. Certain colors come with reputations, the most notorious being red. Many argue that red cars receive more tickets than more neutral shades. While a police officer watches for speeding cars, they are more inclined to notice a vivid red car driving above the speed limit. Not to say that this is always the case, speeders are ticketed regardless of the car color. Southern Lehigh sports a wide assortment of car colors throughout its three parking lots. A poll was taken of Southern Lehigh students’ car colors and the results were as follows: 23% drive blue cars, 17% red, 17% silver, 14% black, 11% gold, 8% white, 5% green, and 5% other. The diversity is clear and a great deal of students feel their car color is a form of expression, “[my car] is red, which is one of the Giants’ team colors and I love sports, so I feel it’s an extension of me”, states Nicole Fishella. Some students had little choice as to their car color: “I couldn’t choose my car color because I didn’t buy it new, but I still like it,” explains Leigh Anne Lehman. Interestingly enough, Southern Lehigh’s most popular colors do not correspond to those in the United States. A study done by showed that white is the most popular color with black and silver trailing close behind. Regardless of popularity, Southern Lehigh’s parking lot shows a wide variety of car colors.

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