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Owner Angela Muir with the staff of Boom Town Creamery.
Owner Angela Muir inside Boom Town Creamery.
Boom Town Creamery now open
Boom Town Creamery opened this summer, naming itself after the Sam Anderson book about Oklahoma, “Boomtown.”
Owner Angela Muir graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design and worked during the 2000s creating custom wedding gowns and an eco-friendly accessories line. In 2017, she opened Lilo’s Shaved Ice in Kansas City, Mo., selling it in 2020 when she moved to Oklahoma City.
The Republican National Committee recently opened a Hispanic Community Center at 305 S.W. 25th St. to serve as a community gathering space and event space. The RNC has opened more than 30 across the country, and this center is the frst one in Oklahoma.
Estela Hernandez, field director for Sen. James Lankford, addresses the audience at the Hispanic Community Center grand opening. Hernandez is also a commissioner on the Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women.
Stephen Nelson and Dr. Quintin Hughes at the event. The magazine featured Hughes on the cover for his work with the Northeast OKC Renaissance Board and featured Nelson’s catering and event business as well.
OKC Black Chamber and Kindred Spirits host 405 Business Issue Release party
The OKC Black Chamber of Commerce and Kindred Spirits co-hosted an issue release party to celebrate the June/July issue of 405 Business magazine, featuring Black-owned business leaders and discussing the trials and triumphs of Black-owned businesses in Oklahoma City.
Staci Nelson with Chante’ Gilmore and Maggie Ann Green.
Kindred Spirits bartender Kaci Craft pours a drink during the event. Sharina Perry, Utopia Plastix founder, with her signed copy of the magazine. Maya Burleson, Rohoni Candle Club owner, with J.D. Baker, Cortado Ventures Platform Manager and 405 Business contributor.